Universite de Rennes 1, CAESS Geosciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Estimation of the Wavelet Correlation Dimension of Surfaces in Acoustic Back-Scattering Experiments
- Key Factors Controlling Space- and Time-Linked Rare Earth Element Distribution in Shallow Groundwaters
- Role of Seasonal and Interannual Variability on the Cycling and Transport of DOC and Trace Metals Across the Wetland-Stream Transition
- Sediment transport in a glacier fed mountain stream during the peak flow season : the Urumqi river (Chinese Tien Shan).
- A laboratory experiment simulating the dynamics of topographic relief: methodology and results
- Diffusion Within the Matrix in Heterogeneous Fracture Media
- Duration and Structure of the Matuyama-Brunhes Geomagnetic Polarity Reversal from <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Dated Lava Flows
- Dynamics of Climatically Perturbed Geomorphic Systems: a Numerical Study Using a Surface Process Model Driven by Stochastic Runoff Events
- Earthworm Activity and the Potential for Enhanced Leaching of Inorganic Elements in Soils
- Element Mass Balance in Soils : the Mount Cameroon Case
- Modeling Transport of Non-linearly and Kinetically Sorbing Solutes In Heterogeneous Porous Media.
- Permeability of 2D Multiscale Fracture Networks
- Statistical Theory of Shear Localization in Brittle Rock
- A numerical landscape-evolution model that simulates river width dynamics and consequent geomorphological features (braided river dynamics, terrace formation, .)
- Constraining fault interactions and vertical displacement rates in a compressive proto-back-arc environment, South Wanganui Basin, New Zealand
- Influence of correlation on the permeability and on well-test interpretation of two-dimensional fractal porous and fractured media
- Length Scale and Scaling in Both Topography Shape and Topography Dynamics
- Runoff Variability and Erosional Landscape Evolution: Insights from Numerical Modeling
- Stochastic models of fracture networks based on the broad-range fracture length distribution and the long-range fracture correlations.
- 3-D Numerical Simulations of Mantle Flow Beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Electric Potential Variations on a Poplar: Beyond Electrokinetic Effects Associated With Sap Flow
- Experimental Channel Response to Tectonic Uplift
- Magnetic Characterisation and Mapping of Urban Dust in Madrid, Spain.
- On the Relative Importance of Foliation Development and Syntectonic Metamorphism on Shear Zone Formation
- Structural and Temporal Requirements for Geomagnetic Field Reversal Deduced From 40Ar/39Ar Dated Lava Flows
- Archaeomagnetic Study of an Italian Roman Amphorae Workshop
- Effects of Topography on the Curvature of Fold-and-Thrust Belts During Shortening of a 2-layer Model of Continental Lithosphere
- Seafloor Dating Within The Brunhes Period With Deep-Sea Vector Magnetic Anomalies
- The cover effect in bedrock abrasion: Implications for fluvial dynamics and river morphology
- A Silica Long Base Tiltmeter with high Stability and Resolution
- A new three-dimensional thermo-mechanical model to study the interactions between tectonics, mantle flow and surface processes
- Causes of Extensional Deformation in Front of the Corner of the South Alpine Indentor: an Experimental Study
- Characterization of Preferential Flow Paths from Single and Cross-borehole Flowmeter tests in a Fractured Aquifer
- Characterization of the velocity field organization in heterogeneous media by conditional correlation
- Competition Between Organic Matter and Solid Surface for Cation Sorption: Ce and Rare Earth Element as Proxy
- Detection of Manure-Derived Organic Compounds in Rivers Draining Agricultural Areas of Intensive Manure Spreading
- Extracting denudation and relief history from thermochronological age-elevation profiles: an example from the French Western Alps
- Field investigation ofstream nitrate export controls in agricultural headwater catchments (Western France)
- Flexible hydraulic DFN for direct and inverse flow problems
- Integrating Geological Observations in a 3D Numerical Model of Lithospheric Deformation
- Investigating the Kinematics of the African Topography: Constraints on the Spatio-temporal Evolution of Surface Uplift.
- Long-Term Trends in Dissolved Organic Matter in French Rivers
- Modelling of Rare Earth Elements Complexation With Humic Acid
- Reconstructing the 3D fracture distribution model from core (10 cm) to outcrop (10 m) and lineament (10 km) scales
- Scaling Laws of Discrete-Fracture-Network Models
- The nature and efficiency of the coupling between surface processes and crustal deformation
- Unraveling the Organo-colloidal Control on Trace Element Distribution in Shallow Groundwaters : an Experimental Contribution
- Can we Detect Recent Activation of the Main Central Thrust Zone from Apatite Fission Track Data and Numerical Modelling?
- Continental subduction, surface processes, P-T-t-z conditions and unstable vs. stable plate dynamics: Insights from thermo-mechanical modelling
- Crustal Geometry of a First Order Segment in the Northeastern Gulf of Aden Margin From Seismic Reflection (Offshore Oman)
- Global Mantle Flow Models Constrained by Observations of Long Term Sea Level Change
- On the Relative Importance of Foliation Development and Syntectonic Metamorphism on Shear Zone Formation
- Palaeo-Recharge Impact on Aquifer Hydrodynamics: Paris Basin Case
- Quantifying the impact of the velocity field organization on the solute transport properties
- Reconciling interseismic strain and geologic deformation across convergent plate boundaries
- Sequential Development of Interfering Metamorphic Core Complexes: Numerical Experiments and Comparison to the Cyclades, Greece
- Solute transport in a synthetic fracture with one porous wall: fracture-matrix interaction
- Using optical index matching to visualize solute transport and perform particle tracking in a synthetic porous medium
- A Groundwater Database for site and process studies in heterogeneous aquifers
- A modified Lagrangian-volumes method to simulate chemical transport in heterogeneous porous media
- A particle-based model of wide rivers, and a discussion about the basic processes required to braiding
- Extracting Exhumation and Relief History From Thermochronological Data: Can we Really Quantify Relief Changes Using age-Elevation Profiles?
- Heterogeneity, Transmissive Properties and Diagenesis of Reefal Carbonates at the Campos Site (Mallorca, Spain).
- How Cylindrical is the Main Himalayan Thrust? Insights from Low - Temperature Thermochronology and Numerical Modelling
- Inverse problem for highly channeled flow structures in fractured media
- Magnetic Field Anomalies Above Large Martian Impact Structures
- Normal Fault System of the Western Corinth Rift (Greece): 3D Geometry, Kinematics and Evolution
- Numerical models of tectonics-erosion-climate couplings in a three-dimensional orogenic wedge
- Petrogenesis and Alteration of Young Pacific Ocean Crust Formed at a Fast-Spreading Ridge: Results From ODP Leg 203, Hole 1243B
- Quantitative Thermochronology in Orogenic Settings
- Sensitivity and type curves of cross-borehole flowmeter tests: application to heterogeneous fractured media.
- Solute Transport through a Smooth Fracture in the Pre-asymptotic Taylor Regime
- Solute exchange at the fracture-matrix wall involving significant buoyancy effects - an analog experiment
- Spatial Markov processes for modeling Lagrangian particle dynamics in natural flow fields
- Steady-state relief in the Southern Alps of New Zealand during the last glacial cycle.
- Temperature Logging to Characterize Flow Patterns in a Highly Permeable Fractured Karstic Aquifer, Poitiers (France)
- The French network of hydrogeological sites H+
- The Indian monsoon speeds up plate kinematics.
- The Ploemeur research site : goals and motivations for long-term monitoring and groundwater experiments
- The Temporal Evolution Of A Subducting Plate In The Lower Mantle
- Thermo-chemical interpretation of one-dimensional seismic reference models for the lower mantle
- Tilt Observation and Modelling of Deformation Induced by a Confined Aquifer
- Transport Upscaling in Heterogeneous Media: Effective Random Walk Models
- A directional Secular Variation Curve for Greece for the last 4500 years: Comparison with regional and global geomagnetic field models
- Cenozoic evolution of the Socotra Island: opening of the Gulf of Aden
- Continental break-up history of conjugate poor magmatic margins from seismic reflection and analogue modelling (oriental Gulf of Aden)
- Detachment tectonics and hangingwall sedimentation: the Late Pliocene-Holocene Los Barriles Basin, Baja California Sur (Mexico)
- Does tectonics drive topography ? Insights from low - temperature thermochronology and numerical modeling along the Himalayan range
- Experimental study of rock erodibility - diagenetic grade relationship, application to the Annot sandstone, French-Italian Alps
- Geomorphological implications of systematic age overestimations in the OSL dating of post-LGM fluvial terraces (Rangitikei river, New Zealand)
- How and when did a strong thinning occur in the Gulf of Aden? A discussion from field, geophysical data and analogue models
- Impact of the Hapagea surpercontinental aggregation on American Cordilleras and the seafloor age distribution
- Influence of the Fracture-Network Structure on Contaminant Transport in Fractured Porous Media
- Links Between Eustatic History, Sequence Architecture, and Lithofacies Associations Put to the Test: IODP Exp313 Drilling on the NJ Margin
- Magmatism During Rifting Controls the Polarity of Tilted Blocks
- Modeling the complex dynamic interactions between surface processes, crustal deformation and climate change (Invited)
- Present-day long-term deformation from GPS survey in an intraplate area (Ploemeur aquifer, French Brittany): influence of hydrological and hydrogeological processes
- Processes of subduction and exhumation of continental blocks in collisional orogeny
- Quantifying Mixing in Confined Stratified Aquifer Flows
- Reduction of Long-Term Bedrock Incision Efficiency by Short-Term Alluvial Cover Intermittency
- Scaling of mixing and spreading in heterogeneous porous media (Invited)
- Strain localization through the continental lithosphere: toward a new mantle rheology..
- Tectonically-Controlled Exhumation versus Climatically Driven Relief Development in the Valais Area (Western European Alps) Revealed by Apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He and 4He/3He Thermochronometry
- The North Namibian Margin during the Meso-Cenozoic: deformation and topography
- Very low term (250 Myr) quanification of the eustasy during Mesozoic - Cenozoic time based on coastal onlap measurement at the tethys and world-scale
- A Hierarchical Bayes Formulation of Inverse Problems. Application to Joint Inversion of Receiver Function and Surface wave Dispersion
- Aegean tectonics, a record of slab-overriding plate interactions (Invited)
- Anomalous Mixing and Reaction induced by Superdiffusive Transport
- Capture zone delineation in hard-rock aquifers: Theoretical insights
- Control of sediment concentration in major rivers of the Nepal Himalayas
- Crosshole GPR reflection imaging of saline tracer movement in fractured granite (Invited)
- Definition of a mixing scale for transport in heterogeneous media
- Deformation and Exhumation of the sub-Continental Mantle: Insigth from the Ronda Peridotite (Spain)
- Differential spreading along the northern North Atlantic ridge and resulting intraplate deformation of the adjacent continental margins
- Dynamic constraints on crustal-scale rheology from the Zagros Mountains
- Dynamics of subduction, accretion, exhumation and slab roll-back: Mediterranean scenarios
- Influence of density contrasts on the solute transport through a horizontal fracture
- Lawsonite Pseudomorphs: a strain-free gauge in exhuming blueschists
- Mixing and spreading are complementary non-Fickian. (Invited)
- Monsoon speeds up Indian plate motion
- Precipitation distribution along the Himalayan front, comparison of remotely sensed products
- Present-Day Net-Rotation Constrained by Crustal Stress and Mantle Anisotropy Orientations (Invited)
- Regional Seismic Architecture Tied to Cores: Results from IODP Exp313
- Shrinking and splitting of drainage basins along the Aconquija Range (Argentina) from the migration of its main drainage divide
- Space and time resolved X-ray diffraction as a tool to image mesoporous transport of water in a weakly-hydrated swelling clay
- Subducting Slabs: Jellyfishes in the Earth's Mantle
- The Ratio Between Magma Supply and Lithospheric Stretching Rates Controls the Architecture of Continental and Oceanic Rifts
- The Weakening of Lithospheric Fault Zones
- The record of bedrock incision dynamics by optical luminescence data
- Trans-dimensional approaches to seismic imaging and inversion (Invited)
- Vertical ground motion from tide gauges and satellite altimetry
- A frequency domain analysis to characterize heterogeneity and recharge mechanisms in a fractured crystalline-rock aquifer
- A likely-universal model of fracture density and scaling justified by both data and theory. Consequences for crustal hydro-mechanics
- A view of annual water quality cycle and inter-annual variations in agricultural headwater catchment (Kervidy-Naizin, France)
- Cenozoic tectono-stratigraphic evolution east of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone: geodynamic implications
- Connecting hydrology and suspended sediment transport with precipitation in the Nepal Himalayas
- Controls and characteristics of groundwater flow to streams in the catchment
- Cooling rate correction and Detection of mineralogical evolution during Thellier-Thellier's experiments on baked clays. Applications to French protohistoric structures
- Coupling Climate, Surface Processes and Mantle Convection
- Difficulties in Assessing Reliability of Groundwater Storage Changes from GRACE Satellite Data
- Effect of Fluid Circulation on Intermediate Depth Subduction Dynamics: From Field Observations to Numerical Modelling
- Ensemble approaches to structural seismology: seek many rather than one
- Exploiting the natural dispersion of single crystal fragment (U-Th)/He age determinations using a new inverse approach to deriving thermal history information
- Formation of sheath folds around a crack: An analytical and experimental study
- GRACE data for hydrology: where can we push interpretation?
- Generic evolution of mixing in heterogeneous media
- Impact of immobile porosity architecture on reactive transport in mobile/immobile models
- Improving our knowledge of the rapid geomagnetic field intensity variation observed in Europe around 800 AD
- In Situ Local Fracture Flow Measurement by the Double Packer Dilution Test
- Inferring Complex Aquifer Structure from the Combined Use of Hydraulic and Groundwater Age Data in Groundater Flow Models
- Influence of fracture scale heterogeneity on the flow properties of 3D Discrete Fracture Networks (DFN)
- Interactions between deep bedrock aquifers and surface water in function of recharge and topography: a numerical study
- Monitoring groundwater storage changes in the highly dynamic Bengal Basin: validation of GRACE measurements
- Muon tomography of the Soufrière of Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles): Comparison with other geophysical imaging methods and assessment of volcanic risks
- Paleomagnetic study of juvenile clasts of basaltic andesite pyroclastic flows
- Partial self-reversal of TRM in baked soils and ceramics from Ecuador
- Quantification and modeling of nitrate consumption, and nitrous oxide and nitrite production during push-pull tracer tests
- Resolving the age of the first-order topography of southern Africa: new insight from joint (U-Th)/He and fission track dating of samples from deep boreholes
- Restoration of Cenozoic deformation in Asia, and the size of Greater India
- Secular variation in Western Europe during the first millennium BC New full vector data and comparison with geomagnetic models
- Stable Isotope Composition of Ophicalcites from Pyrenean Peridotite Bodies
- The Fate of Eclogitized Oceanic Crust During Subduction: Implications for Subduction Zone Dynamics
- The Role of Slab Return Flow Associated with Flat Slab Subduction in Driving the Laramide Orogeny
- The real cause of the suspended sediment transport - river discharge hysteresis loop, in the Nepal Himalayas
- Thermal Evolution of the Earth from a Plate Tectonics Point of View
- Timing and Distribution of Tectonic Rotations in the Lhasa and Qiangtang Terranes
- Tracking the Sources of Fecal Contaminations: an Interdisciplinary Toolbox
- Traditional and innovative methods applied to a crystalline aquifer for characterizing fault zone hydrology at different scales
- Upscaling anomalous reactive kinetics (A+B-->C) from pore scale Lagrangian velocity analysis
- Using GRACE Satellites to Monitor Water Depletion in the Tigris Euphrates River Basins
- Water and chemical recharge in subsurface catchment: observations and consequences for modeling
- 2D experiments for characterizing solute dispersion in unsaturated heterogeneous porous media
- Anomalous transport in fracture networks: field scale experiments and modelling
- Asian Paleogene climate and tectonics, a case study of multi-proxy correlation of global and regional paleoenvironments
- Characterization of interactions between sub-surface compartments and a deep sub-vertical aquifer in crystalline basement (St-Brice en Coglès, French Brittany)
- Climate deterioration on the Asian continent after the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO)
- Contrasted Long-Term Evolutions of Nitrate Concentrations in Soils, Groundwater and Streams in a Network of Small Experimental Watersheds in Western Europe
- Crystal bearing magmas rheology: Theoretical, experimental and numerical comparison
- Decadal to Millennial scale erosion rates in the Nepal Himalayas
- Density tomography with cosmic muons: Applications in volcanology
- Dynamic uplift and subsidence in the Central Andes associated with flat-slab subduction
- Floods, landslides and short-term meandering bedrock river dynamics
- Flow of an aqueous foam through a two-dimensional porous medium: a pore scale investigation
- Flow velocity impact on biofilm development in subsurface environments - A laboratory experiment
- Fresh and Salt Water Distribution in Passive Margin Sediments: Insights from Iodp Expedition 313 ON the New Jersey Margin
- Impact of Reservoirs on GRACE Water Storage Estimates, Implications for Tigris-Euphrates and other regions
- In search of governing equations for scalar dissipations
- Inertial effects in a channel with periodically varying aperture and impact on solute dispersion
- Interests of hydrogeological observatories for characterizing heterogeneous groundwater systems: the example of the Ploemeur hard-rock aquifer (French Brittany)
- Joint inversion of P wave velocity and density, application to La Soufrière of Guadeloupe hydrothermal system
- Magmatic Activity and Crustal Melting During Orogenesis: Laser-ablation U-Pb Geochronology of Dike and Leucosome Generations in Granulites of the Gruf Complex, Central Alps
- Measuring the heterogeneity of the velocity field in a 2D porous medium
- Micro-seismicity recorded during a gallery excavation in the Opalinus Clay of the Mont Terri URL: preliminary description of in situ damage mechanism
- Modeling Anomalous Scaling of Groundwater Levels and Discharge with Double and Multicontinuum Models
- Modeling rates of bank erosion in sinuous tidal channel derived from event-based terrestrial lidar surveys in the Mont Saint Michel Bay
- Monitoring Water Storage Changes using Satellite and Ground-based Data in Texas in Response to the 2011 Drought
- Source to Sink Study of Non-Cylindrical Rifted Passive Margins: Insights from a Numerical Model Incorporating Variable Elastic Thickness, Surface Processes and 3d Thermal Subsidence
- Structures and subsurface stratigraphy of the Turkana and Kachoda basins, Northern Kenya, revealed by MT and gravity joint inversion
- The intricate relationship between sediment dispersion and channel dynamics in straight and braider rivers: insights from numerical simulations
- Thermal tracing of flow and transport in fractured media
- Unlocking the scientific potential of complex 3D point cloud dataset : new classification and 3D comparison methods
- A (fast) 'precipiton' method to calculate river hydrodynamics with applications to landscape evolution models as well as flood prediction
- A fast and effective inversion approach to obtaining thermal history information from highly dispersed single grain (U-Th)/He ages
- Cenozoic Siliciclastic Sediment Budget of Africa, a Record of the Post-Break Uplift and Aridification
- Characterization of the role of heterogeneous advection and diffusion on transport in weathered and fractured granite
- Characterizing fractured rock aquifers using heated Distributed Fiber-Optic Temperature Sensing to determine borehole vertical flow
- Colloid Transport in Porous Media: A Contemporaneous Survey of Conceptual Models (Invited)
- Constraining bedrock erosion during extreme flood events: case study of Jökulsá á Fjöllum, Iceland
- Flow Kinematics and Lagrangian Mixing Dynamics in a Darcy Scale Heterogeneous Porous Medium
- Flow in fractured geological media: the influence of fracture scale heterogeneity
- Flow partitioning in regional groundwater flow systems as a function of recharge and topography
- High mountain water fluxes, a trans-Himalayan base-flow perspective
- Hydrological Response to the 2011 Drought in Texas Using Land Surface Modeling, Remote Sensing, and GRACE
- Impact of archeointensity data quality on geomagnetic field modeling
- Impact of immobile porosity architecture on reactive transport in mobile/immobile models
- Inverse modeling of the hydraulic properties of fractured media : development of a flow tomography approach
- Is the Dupuit assumption suitable for seepage area prediction?
- Lateral strength variation in the lithosphere: a key parameter for the localization of intra-plate deformation
- Mixing and dispersion upscaling from a 2D pore scale characterization of Lagrangian velocities
- New estimates of variations in atmospheric-terrestrial flux of water over Europe, based on regional reanalysis and multi-sensor observations
- Numerical assessment of 3D macrodispersion in heterogeneous porous media
- Origin of Permeability and Structure of Flows in Fractured Media
- Pore scale imaging of transport in unsaturated flows
- Quantifying landscape evolution response to changes in dynamic topography (Invited)
- Seismic surface-wave dispersion profiling versus shear-wave refraction tomography on a granite-micaschists contact at Plœmeur hydrological observatory (France)
- Spatiotemporal Variability in Groundwater Depletion using GRACE Satellite and Modeling Approaches (Invited)
- Stretching, Coalescence and Mixing in Porous Media
- Switch from longitudinal to transverse drainage during mountain building: as case study from the Himalaya
- Temporal evolution of age data under transient pumping conditions
- Testing river surveying techniques in tidal environments: example from an actively meandering channel surveyed with TLS (Mont Saint-Michel bay, France)
- The elastic properties of fractured rocks
- The flow of an aqueous foam through a two-dimensional porous medium
- The influence of climate input uncertainties on the assimilation of GRACE data into the WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model
- Three centuries of geomagnetic field intensity changes in Spain (from the 9th to the 12th centuries)
- Thresholds, floods and the non-uniqueness of the Stream Power River Incision Model parameters
- Towards a global GRACE basin-scale database
- Viscous roots of active seismogenic faults revealed by geologic slip rate variations
- What can the Cretaceous-to-present latitude history of the Lhasa terrane tell us about plate-scale deformation in the Tibetan-Himalayan orogen? (Invited)
- Why do paleomagnetic studies in Tibet lead to such disparate paleolatitude estimates? (Invited)
- A Practical Upscaling of Mixing-Limited Reactive Transport Using the Concept of Lamellae.
- Adding the Long-Term Perspective: Tien Shan's Glacier Mass Change during 1961-2012
- An Efficient Bedrock Landsliding and Runout Algorithm to Explore Hillslope-Channel Coupling in 2D Stochastic Landscape Evolution Models
- Cenozoic evolution of the Pamir plateau recorded in surrounding basins, implications on Asian climate, land-sea distribution and biotic crises
- Challenges in modeling unstable two-phase flow experiments in porous micromodels
- Characterization of Anomalous Transport in Fractured Rock through the Imaging of Push-Pull Experiments Using Single-Hole Ground Penetrating Radar Reflection Data
- Climatic and Hydrological Controls on Stream DOC Concentrations in Headwater Catchments as Revealed by Long-term, High Frequency Data
- Colloid Transport in Porous Media: A Continuing Survey of Conceptual Model Developmen
- Comparison between "Poissonian" and "mechanically-oriented" DFN models for predicting flow structure and permeability.
- Disorder Versus Correlation Control: Non-Fickian Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media and Correlated Continuous Time Random Walks
- Dissolution-precipitation processes governing the carbonation and silicification of the serpentinite sole of the New Caledonia ophiolite
- Experimental investigation of the link between pore scale velocities, transport and reactivity in porous media
- Fluid trapping characteristics of immiscible displacement in fractures
- Foam flows in 2D porous media: intermittency and bubble fragmentation
- From Multi-Porosity to Multiple-Scale Permeability Models of Natural Fractured Media
- Hydroclimatic Controls on the Seasonal and Inter-Annual Variability of Dissolved Phosphorus Concentration in a Lowland Agricultural Catchment
- Impact of flow correlation and heterogeneity on transport in fractured media: field evidence and theoretical model
- Inferring Transit Time Distributions from Atmospheric Tracer Data: Assessment of Predictive Capacities of Lumped Parameter Models on a 3D Crystalline Aquifer Model
- Influence of diffusive porosity architecture on kinetically-controlled reactions in mobile-immobile models
- Innovative Field Methods for Characterizing the Hydraulic Properties of a Complex Fractured Rock Aquifer (Ploemeur, Brittany)
- Mixing Limited Reaction Rates in Radial Groundwater Flow Upscaled by the Lamella Approach at Continuum-Scales.
- Monitoring fluid velocity using Active - Distributed Temperature Sensing (A-DTS)
- Salinization of aquifers at the regional scale by marine transgression: Time scales and processes
- Stress-Induced Microseismic Events during a Gallery Excavation in a Clay Formation : Spatial Distribution and Damage Mechanism.
- Synergies Between Grace and Regional Atmospheric Modeling Efforts
- The Neogene Forearc Basins of the Ecuadorian Shelf (1°N-2°20'S): Preliminary Interpretation of a Dense Grid of Mcs Data
- The lamellar structure of reactive mixtures in porous media: Pore scale experimental imaging and upscaling
- Tiltmeters as Tools for Characterizing Geometrical and Hydrodynamical Properties of Fractured Crystalline Aquifers and Fault Zones
- Towards a transport approach that acknowledges mixing and dispersion.
- Upscaling mixing in porous media from an experimental quantification of pore scale Lagrangian deformation statistics
- 3-D Resistivity Structure of La Soufrière Volcano (Guadeloupe): New Insights into the Hydrothermal System and Associated Hazards
- Biofilm development in a hotspot of mixing between shallow and deep groundwater in a fractured aquifer: field evidence from joint flow, chemical and microbiological measurements
- Characterization and predictive abilities of GroundWater age data
- Characterizing intra and inter annual variability of storm events based on very high frequency monitoring of hydrological and chemical variables: what can we learn about hot spots and hot moments from continuous hydro-chemical sensors ?
- Coexisting of ductile and brittle behaviors at depth during continental crust eclogitization (Mt. Emilius klippe, Western Alps)
- Continuous Time Random Walks and the Causes of Non-Fickian Transport in Heterogeneous Media
- D Fluid Deformation and Mixing via a Continuous Time Random Walk
- Does Increasing Complexity Improve the Performance of Groundwater-Surface Water Models?
- Field signatures of non-Fickian transport processes: transit time distributions, spatial correlations, reversibility and hydrogeophysical imaging
- Foam Flows in Analog Porous Media
- Global analysis of approaches for deriving total water storage changes from GRACE satellites and implications for groundwater storage change estimation
- Groundwater Quality and Quantity in a Coastal Aquifer Under High Human Pressure: Understand the Aquifer Functioning and the Social Perception of Water Use for a Better Water Management. Example of Recife (PE, Brazil)
- High-quality intensity data from Argentina: archeomagnetic study of pottery fragments from the Guayatayoc-Miraflores basin (Puna de Jujuy, Northwest Argentina)
- Impact of Saline Tracer Mixing on Upscaled Electrical Resistivity Under Partially Saturated Conditions: Insights From a Pore-scale Fluorimetry Study
- Inference of Fractured Rock Transport Properties by Joint Inversion of Push-Pull and Single-Hole Ground Penetrating Radar Data
- Investigating GRACE Range-Rate Observations over West Africa with respect to Small-Scale Hydrological Signals
- Miocene tectonics of the Western Alboran domain: from mantle extensional exhumation to westward thrusting
- Modeling the Impact of Heterogeneous Spatial Distribution of Soil Microbes on Pesticide Biodegradation at the Centimeter Scale
- Numerical experiments with the Lamellae Upscaling Concept with Approximate Handling of Coalescence of the Reaction Front
- Periodic Hydraulic Testing for Discerning Fracture Network Connections
- Plate Interface Rheology, Mechanical Coupling and Accretion during Subduction Infancy
- Power-averaging method to characterize and upscale permeability in DFNs
- Reactive mixing in heterogeneous porous media flows: concentration gradient distribution, spatial intermittency and temporal scaling of effective reaction kinetics
- Saffman-Taylor fingering: why it is not a proper upscaled model of viscous fingering in a (even two-dimensional) random porous medium
- Synchronous DOM and dissolved phosphorus release in riparian soil waters: linking water table fluctuations and biogeochemical processes
- The Use of Shear-Thinning Fluids as "Smart" Tracers to Infer Fracture Network Properties
- The interaction between Aegean back-arc extension and Anatolia escape since Late Miocene
- Tracing the Origins and Processes of Groundwater Salinization in Coastal Aquifers with a Multi-isotopes Approach. Example of Recife, Northeast of Brazil
- Upscaling Mixed-Limited Reactions for Equilibrium and Fast Complete Kinetic Reactions in Radial and 1-D Flow.
- Vapor Transport in a Porous Smectite Clay: From Normal to Anomalous Diffusion
- Bubble fragmentation in a 2D foam flowing through a porous medium
- Calibration of the Landsliding Numerical Model SLIPOS and Prediction of the Seismically Induced Erosion for Several Large Earthquakes Scenarios in New-Zealand
- Continuous time random walks for the evolution of Lagrangian particle velocities in heterogeneous porous and fractured media flows
- Coupled transport, mixing and biogeochemical reactions in fractured media: experimental observations and modelling at the Ploemeur fractured rock observatory
- Coupling machine learning with mechanistic models to study runoff production and river flow at the hillslope scale
- Export Time of Earthquake-Derived Landslides in Active Mountain Ranges
- Exposure Time Distributions reveal Denitrification Rates along Groundwater Flow Path of an Agricultural Unconfined Aquifer
- Fractured-rock hydrogeophysics with electrically conductive and neutrally buoyant tracers
- Geochemistry of the New Caledonia Serpentinites: Evidences for Multiple Serpentinization Events at Various Depths
- Holocene Geomagnetic Field Variations Registered by Historical and Radiocarbon Dated Hawaiian Lavas: A Contribution to the Question of the Pacific Non-dipole Low
- Inferring silicate weathering rates over recent timescales (less than 100 years) in crystalline aquifers by calibrating lumped parameters models with atmospheric tracers
- Knickpoint Retreat: the Role of Channel Self-Organisation
- Mixing and reactions in multiphase flow through porous media
- Mode Reduction and Upscaling of Reactive Transport Under Incomplete Mixing
- Modelling Waterfall Retreat in Heterogenous Bedrock
- Reaction Kinetics and Mixing Fronts for Arbitrary Damkohler Numbers
- Recharge and Topographical Controls on Groundwater Circulation in Shallow Crystalline Rock Aquifers revealed by CFC-based Age Data
- Scale Effects in the Flow of a Shear-Thinning Fluid in Rough Fractures
- Scale-dependence of hydraulic properties observed in fractured sedimentary rocks through large scale pumping test
- Seasonal crustal seismic velocity changes in Japan from noise-based monitoring
- Typhoon-driven landsliding induces earthquakes: example of the 2009 Morakot typhoo
- Unravelling Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (IONPs) interactions in the environment
- Using complementarity framework to couple subsurface flow and seepage processes: a physically based basis to integrate hotspots reactivity at the hillslope scale
- Vapor transport in a smectite clay: from normal to anomalous diffusion
- A Discrete Fracture Network Model with Stress-Driven Nucleation and Growth
- Architecture of ductile-type passive margins: Geological constraints from the inverted Cretaceous basin of the North-Pyrenean Zone (`Chaînons Béarnais', Western Pyrenees)
- Chaotic Fluid Mixing in Crystalline Sphere Arrays
- Characteristic Length Scales in Fracture Networks: Hydraulic Connectivity through Periodic Hydraulic Tests
- Characterization of groundwater dynamics in a karstic aquifer through active and passive Fiber Optic DTS methods
- Characterizing the dynamics of hydrothermal systems with muon tomography: the case of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe
- Concentration-discharge relationships to understand the interplay between hydrological and biogeochemical processes: insights from data analysis and numerical experiments in headwater catchments.
- Coulomb Mechanics And Landscape Geometry Explain Landslide Size Distribution
- Dynamics of Reactive Microbial Hotspots in Concentration Gradient.
- Evolution of the electrical resistivity anisotropy during saline tracer tests: insights from geoelectrical milli-fluidic experiments
- Experimental evidence of chaotic mixing at pore scale in 3D porous media
- Foam Flow Through a 2D Porous Medium: Evolution of the Bubble Size Distribution
- Geoelectrical signatures of reactive mixing
- Global Water Cycle Diagrams Minimize Human Influence and Over-represent Water Security
- Groundwater mixing at fracture intersections triggers massive iron-rich microbial mats
- Groundwater storage variations in the North China Plain using multiple space geodetic observations
- Impact of mixing chemically heterogeneous groundwaters on the sustainability of an open-loop groundwater heat pump
- Linking Surface Topography Variations To Subsurface Mixing And Reaction Patterns
- Linking erosion history and mantle processes in southern Africa
- Multi-Scale Thermal Heat Tracer Tests for Characterizing Transport Processes and Flow Channelling in Fractured Media: Theory and Field Experiments
- Onset of Rapid Exhumation in the Namche Barwa Syntaxis Constrained by Detrital Thermochronology
- Primary drainage in geological fractures: Effects of aperture variability and wettability
- Progress on Discrete Fracture Network models with implications on the predictions of permeability and flow channeling structure
- Scale Effects in the Flow of a Shear-Thinning Fluid in Geological Fractures
- Source-to-Sink constraints on tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the Central Range, Cenderawasih Bay (Indonesia) and Gulf of Papua (Papua New Guinea)
- Source-to-Sink: An implicit and O(n) landscape evolution model and its application to the Ogooue Delta, Gabon
- Statistics of chemical gradients in heterogeneous porous media
- Synoptic channel morphodynamics with topo-bathymetric airborne lidar: promises, pitfalls and research needs
- The Effect of Velocity Correlation on the Spatial Evolution of Breakthrough Curves in Heterogeneous Media
- The Nicobar Fan and sediment provenance: preliminary results from IODP Expedition 362, NE Indian Ocean
- Transposing Concentration-Discharge Curves onto Unmonitored Catchments to Estimate Seasonal Nutrient Loads
- Using dissolved silica to quantify transit times in aquifers and streams
- Using rates of oxygen and nitrate reduction to map the subsurface distribution of groundwater denitrification
- Water and energy fluxes at the surface-subsurface interface of the Orgeval , France
- A Numerical and Statistical Analysis of the Fractured Rock Aquifer System in Ploemeur, France: Using Time Series Data to Model Local and Regional Recharge
- Abrupt Changes of Hydrothermal Activity in a lava Dome Detected by Combined Seismic and Muon Monitoring
- Applied muography : from volcanology to archaelogy with a mobile muon detector (DIAPHANE / ARCHé)
- Assessing modern river sediment discharge to the ocean using satellite gravimetry
- Coupled Electro-hydrodynamic Transport in Geological Fractures
- Deep Water Circulations and Deep Weathering Processes in the Strengbach Critical Zone Observatory.
- Dynamics of reactive mixing hot spots from hyporheic zones to fractured media
- Evaluating our Ability to Predict Future Nitrate Concentrations in Groundwater Based on a Few Key-Measurements
- Finding appropriate rocks physics models to interpret seismic data in hydrogeophysics applications
- How does surface deformation inform on subsurface groundwater flow ?
- Impact of Mixing on Fluid-solid Reactions
- Implication of the CFCs and <SUP>4</SUP>He Dating Approaches for Characterizing Water Circulation Flow in the Strengbach Mountain Catchment (Vosges Mountain, France)
- Interest of flow and transport models to shape residence and transit time distributions from observed groundwater ages
- Late Cenozoic evolution of the Nicobar Fan - Insights from U-Pb-Hf in Zircon
- Long-term, coupled muon measurements to track density changes at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe volcano
- Monitoring muon flux variations besides and on a tunnel-boring machine.
- Muon imaging and monitoring at the Mont Terri underground rock laboratory, Switzerland.
- OZCAR: French network of Critical Zone Observatories exploring the human's habitat
- On the value of collecting long-term, periodic, synoptic water chemistry data in stream networks: Revealing structure and stability of headwater conditions
- Post-seismic sediment evacuation: from single landslide removal towards mountain range and global fluxes
- Quantifying active deformation within the Southwestern Foothills of Taiwan, from incised fluvial terraces and sedimentary data.
- Recharge heterogeneity at the catchment scale in fractured crystalline rock aquifers
- Reef Carbonate Productivity During Quaternary Sea Level Oscillations
- Sediment Provenance and Depositional History of the Nicobar Fan (Bengal Depositional System) from IODP Expedition 362: Detrital Zircon Geochronology, Apatite Thermochronometry, Sand Petrography and Heavy-Mineral Results
- Semi-analytical solution for residence time distribution in trapezoidal aquifers receiving a linearly-variable recharge
- Spatial Localization of Stream Reaeration Inferred by Gaseous Tracer Injections and In-Situ Measurements
- Spectral induced polarization of calcite precipitation in a porous media
- Subsiding Sundaland
- Thermal Softening Induced Strain Localization, a Possible Mechanism of Lithospheric Scale Shear Zone Formation and Subduction Initiation
- Using Biogeochemical Tracers to Quantify Catchment Resilience to Nutrient Loading
- Using data of IODP Expedition 362 in a classroom activity to illustrate and quantify the erosion of the Himalaya mountains
- 3D Slab-breakoff in laboratory experiments
- A distributed heat transport experiment to estimate thermal conductivity of streambed sediments and quantify variability of groundwater/surface water interactions
- A field assessment of the ability of Ground Penetrating Radar to detect fractures in very low permeable crystalline rock.
- An assessment of the relative information content of ground water flux and pressure data in the context of geostatistical inversion
- Applications, Advantages and Pitfalls of Coupling Physical and Numerical Models
- Aridification of a Flat World: The Tectonic and Climate Evolution of Central Asia During the Jurassic.
- Assessing Discrete Fracture Network flow properties with graphs: method and applications.
- Biodegradation effects on the source discrimination capability of selected chemical biomarkers: implications from controlled end-member mixing experiments
- Constraining plateau development in southern Africa by combining thermochronology, sediment flux, topography, and landscape evolution modeling
- Control of Plate Age at Trench on Subduction Dynamics and Surface Topography
- DFN.lab: software platform for Discrete Fracture Network models.
- Does Asymptotic Transverse Macrodispersion Exist In Steady Darcy Flow?
- Effect of subsurface fluid mixing on microbial growth and bioclogging in fractured media: field observations and modelling
- Effective Kinetics of Chemical Gradient Reactors
- Fluvial Incisions in the North-Western Pyrenees (Aspe Valley, France): Dissection of a Former Planation Surface and Some Tectonic Implications
- Geomorphological Controls on Stream Baseflow Recession
- Going beyond in Understanding Volcanic Unrest and the Legacy of Hydrothermal Explosive Activity at La Soufrière of Guadeloupe (French West Indies)
- Gravitational Instability and Convection in a Granular Porous Medium: Pore Scale Experimental Study and Implications for Solubility Trapping Of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- How 2D Hydraulic Modelling Can Improve Landscape Analysis in Tectonic Geomorphology?
- How reliable is the cooling rate correction of archaeointensity data? An experimental study on modern bricks
- Hyper-resolution hydrological modeling of a managed watershed: The application of CWatM at 30 arc-seconds resolution in the Upper Bhima basin.
- Impact of convection in the mantle transition zone on long-term lithospheric extension and subsequent convergence and subduction initiation
- Middle-atmosphere Dynamics Studied with a Portable Muon Detector at the Mont Terri Underground Rock Laboratory, Switzerland.
- Modeling of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical coupled processes in fractured media by Discrete Fracture Network
- Morpho-Tectonic Segmentation vs. Seismic Segmentation along the Andean Margin
- Muographic long-term monitoring of the Soufrière of Guadeloupe with a system of coupled muon detection systems.
- Northern Lesser Antilles Forearc Strain Pattern: New Insights from Antigua Island, Lesser Antilles Forearc.
- On the use of Distributed Temperature Sensing for characterizing groundwater dynamics and intermittent fluxes in heterogeneous aquifers
- Optimal resolution tomography with error tracking: Lithospheric thinning beneath the British Tertiary Igneous Province and other new observations
- Petrogenesis of the Paleozoic Appinite-Diorite-Granodiorite Complex in East Kunlun, Northern Tibet: Implications for the Timing of Rapid Crustal Thickening
- Probabilistic inference of fracture aperture fields using single-hole ground-penetrating radar data within a coupled hydrogeophysical inversion framework
- Quantification of Temporal and Spatial Recharge to the Fractured-Rock Aquifer System of Ploemeur, France
- Sediment Supply and Channel Morphology Feedbacks in Bedrock and Gravel-Bed Rivers
- Spectral induced polarization of calcite precipitation in a 2D porous medium
- The Global Archeomagnetic Database: Updates to GEOMAGIA50
- Time-lapse seismic and electrical monitoring of the vadose zone during a controlled infiltration experiment at the Ploemeur Hydrological Observatory (Brittany, France)
- Using mobile muography on board a Tunnel boring machine to detect man-made structures
- A novel analytical solution to assess induced seismicity in pressurized and depleted reservoirs
- CS-D: an In-Situ Experiment to Monitor Fault Sealing in Caprock for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Geological Storage
- Effect of solute dilution on non-linear reaction kinetics
- Evaluating stream CO2 outgassing via Drifting and Anchored flux chambers in a controlled flume experiment
- Fluvial cut-and-fill terraces record climate oscillations
- Groundwater changes affect crustal deformation, elastic properties and seismicity rates in the Southern Alps (Italy)
- Impact of surface heterogeneity on colloid transport over a natural fractured rock
- Inferring Geostatistical Properties of Hydraulic Conductivity Fields from Saline Tracer Tests and Equivalent Electrical Conductivity Time-series
- Interpreting Parameter Interactions using Global Sensitivity Analysis on a Hillslope-scale Reactive Transport Model
- Mercury as a proxy for enhanced volcanism across the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
- Modelling the vertical structure of turbulent free-surface flows over rough permeable beds
- Palaeohydraulic reconstructions of the Escanilla fluvial system, south-central Pyrenees, Spain
- Source to Sink Upstream or Downstream Propagation of Climate Cycles and Events: Insights from the South Pyrenean Foreland Basin.
- The Influence of Landscape Spatial Distribution on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentrations in Headwater Streams
- The Natal rift (South Mozambique, Africa): tectonic inheritance and magmatism
- Transmissivity and connectivity changes sustained by stimulated fault damage zones - New observations
- Eurasian paleogeographic reconstructions for Cenozoic climatic and biotic evolution
- Investigating Stochastic-threshold Incision Models accros a Climatic Gradient : example from the South-eastern Margin of the Massif Central, France
- Modeling Complex Fluid Flow in Rough-Fractures: a Lubrication-Based Approach
- Reconsidering the Causes of the Post-Injection Induced Seismicity at the Enhanced Geothermal System of Basel (Switzerland)
- The Seismicity at the Castor Underground Gas Storage, Spain, was Induced by Pressure Buildup, Buoyancy, Aseismic Slip, Shear Slip Stress Transfer and Slip-Driven Pressure Changes
- Towards a Universal Theory of Multi-Grain Size Sediment Transport Using the Transport Length and Erosion-Deposition Model Framework
- Deciphering Passive Margin Stratigraphy to Reveal Seascape Evolution Processes
- Fluids Circulation in Subduction Zones: How Fluids Impact Seismic/Aseismic Slip in Ecuador ?
- Inverse analysis of landscape evolution model reveals the southeastern Tibetan Plateau growth
- Mixing in a turbulent thermal and implications for metal-silicate equilibrium during Earth's formation
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Galvé
- Alessandro Lenci
- Alexandre Gauvain
- Benjamin Campforts
- Boris Gailleton
- Dimitri Lague
- Douwe J.J. van Hinsbergen
- Jean Braun
- Joris Heyman
- Jérôme Lebrun
- Laura Wallace
- Lucilla Benedetti
- Ludovic Huguet
- M. Paulatto
- Mathieu Sébilo
- Philippe Davy
- Silvia De Simone
- Tanguy Le Borgne
- Victor Lherm
- Vincent Godard
- Vittorio Di Federico
- Víctor Vilarrasa
- Xiaoping Yuan