Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
flowchart I[Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (33)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (25)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- H Lyman-Alpha Disc Emission from the Upper atmosphere of Jupiter: New Radiation Transfer Diagnosis
- HST/ACS UV Imaging of Saturn's Southern Aurora in a Quiet State
- Water and Hydrocarbon Distributions in Saturn's Upper Atmosphere
- Enceladus: Cassini Observations and Implications for the Search for Life
- Jupiter 2μm Auroral Imaging with CFHT/FTS/BEAR: Thermospheric Ion and Neutral Winds
- Spectro-Polarimetric Observations of Interplanetary Hydrogen as a Diagnostic of the Heliopause Plasma Boundary
- Exploration of variability in the line shape and Doppler shift of scattered solar Lyman α radiation from interplanetary Hydrogen
- Helium Abundance in the Atmosphere of Jupiter and Saturn
- The Local Interstellar Medium Magnetic Field: Back to the Old Times!
- Updated analysis of the upwind interplanetary hydrogen velocity as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope during solar cycle 23
- New measurement of the upwind interplanetary hydrogen velocity as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope
- The unusual event of Jan 21st 2005 observed by Cluster spacecracts is considered for comparison by PIC EM Relativistic code simulation
- Earth's Magnetosphere 3D Simulation by Coupling Particle-In-Cell and Magnetohydrodynamics Models: Parametric Study
- Helium and Hydrogen Abundances in the Heliosphere and the Local Interstellar Medium
- Magnetospheric Dynamical and Morphological Response to Multi-species Plasma Supply From the Ionosphere:New Comprehensive 3D PIC Simulation.
- IMF cone angle impact on the Earth's magnetosheath: Plasma diagnostics using IAPPIC EM Relativistic Simulation
- Energy balance in Saturn's upper atmosphere: Joint Lyman-α airglow observations with HST and Cassini
- Global comparison of MMS, Cluster and Themis data on January, 4th 2017, with PIC EM code in the vicinity of the Earth's magnetosphere.
- 3D study of the impact of the Radial IMF on the Earth's Magnetopause size and shape and the dawn-dusk asymmetry. IAPPIC 3D Simulations
- Citizen Science Astronomy with the Unistellar Network: From Planetary Defense to Exoplanet Transits
- A joint study of Solar Orbiter first data and PSP E5 through 3D MHD modeling
- Calibrating optical distortions in the Solar Orbiter SPICE spectrograph
- Dynamics and thermal structure in the quiet Sun seen by SPICE
- First Results From SPICE EUV Spectrometer on Solar Orbiter
- Full Vector Velocity Reconstruction Using Solar Orbiter Doppler Map Observations.
- Stereoscopy of extreme UV quiet Sun brightenings observed by Solar Orbiter/EUI
- The Earths magnetopause response to radial and non-radial IMF as simulated by global 3D kinetic simulations.
- Coronal Up- & and Downflows in Hinode/EIS seen by Solar Orbiter EUI
- Prominence Eruption Observed in He II 304 Å up to >6 Solar Radii by EUI/FSI Aboard Solar Orbiter
- Saturn Lyman-alpha airglow: re-assessment of the calibration of ultraviolet instruments since 1980
- Slow solar wind sources - high-resolution observations with a stereoscopic view.
- The First Kinetic Simulation of Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Moon Coupling. Study of Lunar Wake and Migration of Oxygen and Hydrogen from Ionosphere to the Lunar Surface
- Upflows in solar active regions - producing a mix of abundances that can feed into the solar wind
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. N. Zhukov
- Alphonse C. Sterling
- Daniel B. Seaton
- David M. Long
- E. Bertin
- Erika Palmerio
- Guillaume Gronoff
- Hardi Peter
- J. I. Moses
- J. T. Clarke
- Krzysztof Barczynski
- L. K. Harra
- L. P. Chitta
- L. Teriaca
- Lotfi Ben‐Jaffel
- M. Haberreiter
- M. Mierla
- R. Rankin
- R. Ratkiewicz
- Rui Pinto
- S. Parenti
- Suleiman Baraka
- W. T. Thompson
- William B. Moore
- É. Buchlin