INRAE, Centre de Recherche de Rennes
flowchart I[INRAE, Centre de Recherche de Rennes] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (30)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Role of Seasonal and Interannual Variability on the Cycling and Transport of DOC and Trace Metals Across the Wetland-Stream Transition
- Variability of Sediment Discharge Relationships of Storm Events to Assess Erosion Control
- Integrating the impact of bioturbation to landscape-scale modeling of soil carbon dynamics: a case study of chernozems in Central Saskatchewan
- The role of climate and human changes on inter-annual variation in stream nitrate fluxes and concentrations
- A frequency domain analysis to characterize heterogeneity and recharge mechanisms in a fractured crystalline-rock aquifer
- A view of annual water quality cycle and inter-annual variations in agricultural headwater catchment (Kervidy-Naizin, France)
- How do morphological characteristics of hillslope control water movement in the saturated and unsaturated zone?
- Water and chemical recharge in subsurface catchment: observations and consequences for modeling
- Contrasted Long-Term Evolutions of Nitrate Concentrations in Soils, Groundwater and Streams in a Network of Small Experimental Watersheds in Western Europe
- Imbalances of Water and Solutes in Experimental Watersheds: Spatial or Temporal Origin?
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Estimation of Potential Recharge in Tropical and Temperate Catchments using a Crop Model and Microwave Remote Sensing
- Extract useful knowledge from agro-hydrological simulations data for decision making
- How much additional model complexity do the use of catchment hydrological signatures, additional data and expert knowledge warrant?
- Using combined hydrological variables for extracting functional signatures of catchments to better assess the acceptability of model structures in conceptual catchment modelling
- Assessing the Impact of Agricultural Pressures on N and P Loads and Potential Eutrophication Risk at Regional Scales
- Climatic and Hydrological Controls on Stream DOC Concentrations in Headwater Catchments as Revealed by Long-term, High Frequency Data
- Hydroclimatic Controls on the Seasonal and Inter-Annual Variability of Dissolved Phosphorus Concentration in a Lowland Agricultural Catchment
- Why Bother and Calibrate? Model Consistency and the Value of Prior Information.
- Changes in the Coupling of C, N and P Cycles During River Transport from Source to Sea.
- Characterizing intra and inter annual variability of storm events based on very high frequency monitoring of hydrological and chemical variables: what can we learn about hot spots and hot moments from continuous hydro-chemical sensors ?
- Crop identification for the delineation of irrigated regions under scarce data conditions: a new approach based on chaos theory
- Synchronous DOM and dissolved phosphorus release in riparian soil waters: linking water table fluctuations and biogeochemical processes
- Transit Time Distributions, Legacy Contamination and Variability in Biogeochemical 1/f^α Scaling: How are Hydrological Response Dynamics Linked to Water Quality at the Catchment Scale?
- Synergetic use of Sentinel-1 and 2 to improve agro-hydrological modeling. Results of groundwater pumping estimates in south-India and nitrogen excess in south-west of France
- Transposing Concentration-Discharge Curves onto Unmonitored Catchments to Estimate Seasonal Nutrient Loads
- Hydrologic Control of Catchment-Scale Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Dynamics
- Nitrogen Budgets at Farm Level: Nitrogen Use Efficicency and Other Indicators for Characterizing Farm Performance
- OZCAR: French network of Critical Zone Observatories exploring the human's habitat
- Using Biogeochemical Tracers to Quantify Catchment Resilience to Nutrient Loading
- Water Use Efficiency in Groundwater Irrigated Agricultural Plots in Semi-Arid Region: New Methodology Combining Models and In-situ Measurements.