Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement, New Caledonia
flowchart I[Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement, New Caledonia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (70)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (15)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Assimilation of Sea Surface Salinity in a Tropical OGCM : a Twin Experiment Approach
- Interannual Sea Level Changes and Associated Mass Transports in the Tropical Pacific From Topex-Poseidon Data and Model Results (1964-1999)
- Observations of Meso-Scale Structures at the Eastern Edge of the Western Equatorial Pacific Warm Pool
- Space and Time Scales for sea Surface Salinity in the Tropical Oceans
- Assessing the Reproducibility of Coral-based Climate Records: A Multi-proxy Replication Test using Three Porites lutea Coral Heads from a Reef Offshore Amedee Island, New Caledonia
- On the South Pacific subtropical overturning cell in October/November 1999 and comparison with a climatology.
- SPCZ- and ENSO-related Salinity Variations Recorded in the Skeletal Geochemistry of a Porites Coral from Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu
- Very Deep Earthquakes Occur Above the Depressed Top of the Lower Mantle
- Infiltrative Instability Near a Topographic Jump. Implication for the Underground Drainage of Soluble Rocks
- Sea Surface Salinity reconstruction in Fiji during the last century from Multi-Proxies of Coral Skeleton using Neural Network: preliminary results.
- Connecting Active Subduction to Aseismic Remnant Slabs: Evolution of Petrologic Anomalies in the Mantle Transition Zone
- Regime switch in karstic caves atmosphere; possible consequence on annual speleothem growth.
- Abrupt pH Changes of sea Surface Waters in the sub-Equatorial Pacific Ocean at the end of the Younger Dryas (YD): MC-ICPMS Analysis of Boron Isotopes in Reef Corals
- Jets in the Coral Sea: observation between New Caledonia, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands during the SECALIS cruises.
- Origin of the Deep Chlorophyll Maxima (DCM's) in the tropical Pacific
- Simulating Carbon to Chlorophyll Ratio and Deep Chlorophyll Maximum in the Equatorial Pacific: Diurnal, Seasonal and Interannual Variations
- Barotropic zonal jets induced by islands in the southwest Pacific
- SPICE: South PacIfic Circulation and Climate Experiment
- Transport in the Solomon Sea Measured by an Ocean Glider in Aug-Nov 2007
- Variability In The Solomon Sea From Altimetric Sea Level Data
- Water clarity in the Florida Keys, USA, as observed from space (1984-2002)
- What are the Physical Processes Driving Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity Changes at Interannual Timescales in the Southwestern Tropical Pacific Ocean?
- Coral-based climate reconstructions from a massive Porites coral from a mid-Pacific shallowly submerged atoll: Sabine Bank (Vanuatu)
- High Resolution Coral Records of Climate Variability in the Southwest Pacific Ocean During the Last Glacial Maximum and the Younger Dryas.
- Modeling the erosion of tropical volcanic ocean islands : The Tahiti island case (French Polynesia)
- A record of ENSO variability in the Western Pacific Warm Pool during the 19th century
- How useful are satellite-based ocean color observations to detect the eastern edge of the equatorial Pacific warm pool?
- Impact of ENSO on Wave Climate in the South Pacific in Pre-Industrial and Future Climates
- Observed Circulation in the Solomon Sea from SADCP data
- Seasonal dynamics of the East Pacific Fresh Pool and Sea Surface Salinity front off Panama
- Seismic Analysis of the Tonga Subduction Zone and Implications on the Thermo-Petrologic Evolution of Deep Subduction
- Spice: Southwest Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment
- Summertime heat budget and tidal mixing around New-Caledonia
- Tropical cyclogenesis indices: a focus in the South Pacific Convergence Zone
- A Coral-based Reconstruction of Sea Surface Salinity at Sabine Bank, Vanuatu from 2007 to 1843 CE
- New Caledonia as a New Site on Ultramafic Rocks for the French Critical Zone Exploration Network
- Rhodolith-forming coralline red algae from New Caledonia (SW Pacific) record half a century of sea-surface temperature variations and mining history
- South West Pacific climate at c. 6600-6000 BP inferred from giant clam Tridacna maxima and massive coral Porites sp. records
- Intermediate Zonal Jets in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean Observed by Argo floats
- Links between the variability of the WBCs and the meso-scale eddy activity inside the Solomon Sea
- More extreme swings of the South Pacific Convergence Zone due to greenhouse warming
- Preliminary results of the cruise dedicated to the bifurcation of the North Caledonian Jet onto the Queensland Plateau in the Coral Sea
- Seasonal Variability of Current Anomaly, Temperature and Chlorophyll North of New Guinea Island Inferred from Space
- Tropical cyclones in a regional coupled ocean-atmosphere model of the South Pacific Convergence Zone
- Using GPS, tide gauge and altimetry data to constrain subduction parameters at the Vanuatu plate boundary.
- Seismicity and geodynamics in the central part of the Vanuatu Arc
- Influences of a ridge subduction on seismicity and geodynamics in the central Vanuatu arc.
- Listening to Ambrym Volcano (Vanuatu) By an Acoustic Array: Cyclictity in Gas Volume at an Open Vent Volcano
- A Precursory Phase to a Sudden Enhanced Activity at Yasur volcano (Vanuatu) : Insights from Simultaneous Infrasonic and Seismic Records
- Horizontal and vertical deformation field in New Caledonia, South West Pacific, derived from more than 20 years of GNSS measurements
- Propagation of back-arc extension in the arc of the southern New Hebrides Subduction Zone (South West Pacific) and possible relation to subduction initiation.
- Impact of Trichodesmium Sp. on Pacific Primary production
- Long-times Series of Infrasonic Records at Open-vents Volcanoes (Yasur volcano, Vanuatu, 2003-2014): a Key to Forecast Volcanic Eruptions ?
- SPCZ and cyclone future evolutions
- The contrasting role of Westerly Wind Events in the evolution of El Niño during 2014 and 2015
- Long-times series of infrasonic records at open-vents volcanoes (Yasur volcano, Vanuatu, 2003-2014): the remarkable temporal stability of magma viscosity
- Major collapse of the South Pacific Convergence Zone in the future and its consequences on tropical cyclones.
- Three-dimensional structure and seismicity beneath the Central Vanuatu subduction zone
- Wind-wave interactions in tropical cyclones: insights from coupled modeling and satellite measurements
- 3D velocity model and receiver functions highlight forearc deformation induced by subducting bathymetric features (Central Vanuatu)
- A quantitative definition of Strombolian activity based on simultaneous infrasonic and thermal records : Erta Ale (Ethiopia), Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion) and Yasur (Vanuatu) volcanoes
- Scientific Monitoring And Reliable Telecommunications (SMART) Cable Systems: Integration of Sensors into Telecommunications Repeaters for Climate and Disaster Mitigation
- From major caldera subsidence to quiescence at the world's top volcanic degassing source (Ambrym, Vanuatu): the influence of regional tectonics
- Insights into the temporal evolution of Strombolian activity at Yasur volcano (Vanuatu) from the source of infrasound
- Large-Scale Margin Collapse of a Drowned, Isolated Carbonate Platform (Lansdowne Bank, South-West Pacific)
- Pre-Arc, Near-Trench, Magmatism During Subduction Initiation at the Young (< 2 Ma) Matthew and Hunter Subduction Zone
- SMART Subsea Cables for Observing the Ocean and Earth: Update
- Tonga Pumice raft Detection using MODIS images during their drift: biological and SST signatures within and around rafts in August 2019
- An Update on the SMART Cables Initiative for Observing the Ocean and Earth
- Simultaneous Winds and Surface Currents from Space: ODYSEA (Ocean Dynamics and Surface Exchange with the Atmosphere)