Atomic Energy Commission, Saclay
flowchart I[Atomic Energy Commission, Saclay] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (137)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (21)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comprehensive Validation of Global Chemistry Transport Models Against Observations for a Complete 4-year Simulation Period (1995 to 1998)
- A common isotope climatology from two new Bolivian ice-cores over the last three centuries
- Clocking the Speed of Climate Change: The End of the Younger Dryas as Recorded by Four Greenland Ice Cores
- Reassessment of Greenhouse Gas and Temperature Covariation From Vostok Ice Core Data
- Role of CO2, Insolation and Antarctic ice Sheet on the Interglacial Marine Isotope Stage 11
- A Better Representation of European Croplands into a Global Biosphere Model
- Daily European CO2 fluxes inferred by inversion of atmospheric transport
- Experimental Study of the Response of a Granular Pile to a Small External Perturbation
- Global Modelling of Mixed Aerosol Fields With the General Circulation Model ECHAM5
- Illumination of Cation Sorption Mechanisms on Muscovite Using X-ray Reflectivity
- Multi-tracer constraints on ocean storage of anthropogenic CO2
- Operational Regional Dust Forecast and Satellite Monitoring With the NCEP/ETA Model in the North African and Mediterranean Area
- Rectification changes with model resolution and from year to year
- Sensitivity of the IPSL Climate Model to the Inclusion of Wetlands
- Surface water versus coretop temperature calibrations of alkenone unsaturation (UK'37): Why the discrepancy?
- Interannual Methane Sources Inferred by Inversion of Atmospheric Transport
- Inverse Modeling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sources and Sinks Using Satellite Data: A Synthetic Inter-comparison of Measurement Techniques and Their Performance as a Function of Space and Time
- The Eem Interglacial Strata in the Deep Greenland ice Cores. New Compelling Evidence From the NorthGRIP ice Core for the 5e/5d Transition.
- 900 kyr of Paleo-Volcanism From the EPICA Ice Core (Dome C - Antarctica).
- A Modeling Study of the Interaction Between Meteorological Background Conditions and the Dynamical Development of a Boreal Pyrocumulonimbus Cloud
- Application of helium isotopes to studies of ocean circulation
- Aragonite Undersaturation in the High-Latitude Surface Ocean Within the 21st Century
- Argon Isotopes in Seawater: Fractionation During Air-Water Exchange and The δ <SUP>40</SUP>Ar of Seawater
- Cassini Imaging Science: Orbits of Moons and Rings
- EPICA-Dome C Ice Core FIC Analysis: the Longest Chloride, Nitrate and Sulfate High Resolution Record From an Ice Core (900 kyr).
- Experimental Investigation of Unconfined Granular Flows Along an Incline : When do Levees Form?
- Importance Of Recent Shifts In Soil Thermal Dynamics On Growing Season Length, Productivity, And Carbon Sequestration In Terrestrial High-Latitude Ecosystems
- In situ determination of Pb, Sr, Rb, Zr partitioning between hydrous melts and aqueous fluids at high pressure and temperature
- Isolating the tropical Pacific and Atlantic influences upon simulated Amazonian hydrology and water isotopes
- Latitudinal Distribution of the Deuterium to Hydrogen Ratio in the Atmospheric Water Vapor Retrieved From Space FTS Data
- MSG Improved Capabilities for Marine Aerosol Characterization
- Saturn's A Ring as Seen by the Voyager IRIS and Cassini CIRS Experiments
- Splendor in the Seen by the Cassini Imaging Science Experiment
- Understanding the long-term variability of African dust transport across the Atlantic as recorded in both Barbados surface concentrations and large-scale TOMS optical thickness
- Variability and evolution of δ <SUP>18</SUP>O<SUB>precip</SUB> in a Coupled Atmosphere Ocean GCM
- An experimental tool to look in a magma chamber
- Constraining the EPICA Dome C Chronology Between MIS 9-17 Using the Elemental and Isotopic Composition of Trapped Air
- Intelligent Anvils - advantages and limits
- Intelligent diamond anvil cell (iDAC): First in situ x-ray measurements
- Large changes in climate and Carbone cycle from Neoproterozoic to paleozoic: A modelling approach
- New Results of Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Trace Elements at High Pressure and Temperature
- Regional and Temporal Differences in Abrupt Climate Change Recorded in Greenland Ice
- Searching for Seasonal Changes in Saturn's A Ring
- The new CARIBIC Airbus A340-600 based observational system
- Comparison between AERONET measurements and the PARASOL and MODIS/Aqua aerosol retrievals over ocean
- Controls on the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation in Greenland and the Arctic during climate change, a modelling perspective
- Deuterium excess records from GRIP and NorthGRIP ice cores
- EPICA Dome C deuterium record of orbital and millennial Antarctic climate variability over the last 800 000 years
- First Ion Microprobe Determination Of Water And Sulfur Isotopic Ratios In Melt Inclusions Of Olivines At Mount Etna
- Hot and cool summers: multiple equilibria of the continental water cycle
- Implications for Particle Rotation and Vertical Mixing from Cassini CIRS Thermal Measurements of Saturn's Main Rings
- Interglacials in the EPICA Dome C Ice Core Record
- Lower Troposphere Stratification and Pollutant Transport over Siberia in April 2006
- Regional CO2 Inversion Study for Europe and West Siberia
- Spatially Resolved Thermal Infrared Observations of Uranus and Neptune from the ESO Very Large Telescope in September, 2006: Unexpected Meridional Distribution and Possible Zonal Variability of Upper Tropospheric and Stratospheric
- Towards a Better Quantification of Cropland Contribution to Carbon and Water Cycling Using the ORCHIDEE-STICS Ecosystem Model Across Europe
- Calibration of the infrared molar absorption coefficients by elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) for H measurements in olivine and clinopyroxene crystals and rhyolitic glasses
- Cassini CIRS Measurements of Thermal Phase Curves in Saturn's Main Rings
- Formation of levees in laboratory dry granular flows
- Greenhouse Gas Concentration Records Extended Back to 800,000 Years From the EPICA Dome C Ice Core
- Greenland and Antarctic ice core records of millennial scale variability
- Influence of Convection and Water Budget on Isotopic Composition of Precipitation (Oxygen 18 and Deuterium) During the West African Monsoon: Analysis of Rainwater Samples Collected in Niger During the 2006 AMMA Campaign
- Influence of Convective Processes on Isotopic Composition of Precipitation (Oxygen 18 and Deuterium) in the Tropics: a Single Column Model Analysis
- New Low-Temperature Magnetic Data Acquired on Synthetic Lepidocrocite
- Retrieving high resolution CO2 fluxes in the South West of France by direct and inverse methods
- Stable Hydrogen Isotopes of Terrestrial n-alkanes record the Mid Younger Dryas Event in European Lakes
- Study of the Regional Carbon Fluxes Through Inverse Modeling of the Siberian Atmospheric CO2 Observations
- The new 39Ar/40Ar dating facility of the LSCE, background and performances.
- What can be learnt from the comparison between ice core temperature records and climate model simulations?
- Boron Isotopic Composition Variation During Early-Bajocian δ13Cmin Positive Excursion
- Characteristics of basal ice and subglacial water at Dome Fuji, Antarctica ice sheet
- Firn processes and N-15 of N2: potential for a gas-phase climate proxy
- In situ experimental study of subduction zone fluids using diamond anvil cells
- Modeling Saturn Ring Temperature Variations as Solar Elevation Decreases
- Modelling the climate of the last millennium: The relative influences of Volcanism vs. Solar radiative forcings on natural, internal variability
- Regional Modeling of Stable Isotopes in Precipitation for the Present Greenland Climate.
- Helium production and transport in low permeability formations: The case of the Toarcian argillites at Tournemire (France)
- Model of Transport Across Sharp Interfaces Between Porous Materials
- Reduction of Iron Oxides: A Comparison Between Biotic and Abiotic Pathways
- A new mineralogical database for atmospheric dust
- Magma and volatile supply to post-collapse renewed volcanism and block resurgence in Siwi caldera (Tanna,Vanuatu arc)
- Metamorphic veining and mass transfer in a chemically-closed system: a case study in Alpine metabauxites (Western Vanoise)
- Dehydration reactions, mass transfer and rock deformation relationships during subduction of Alpine metabauxites: insights from LIBS compositional profiles between metamorphic veins
- Earth's Volatiles History and Cycles: the Case of Iodine
- Low-Temperature Magnetic Properties of Environmentally Relevant Iron Oxyhydroxides and Their Alteration Products
- Quantifying the dynamics of land cover and land use, hydrology and biogeochemistry in northern Eurasia
- Statistical Mechanics of Quasi-geostrophic flows on a rotating sphere
- The Response of the Walker Circulation to LGM Forcing: Implications for Detection in Proxies
- Experimental Alteration of Fe-Oxyhydroxides to Understand Magnetic Enhancement Processes in Soils
- The Halogen's History of the Early Earth
- Assessing Southern Hemisphere Westerly Wind Changes during the Last Glacial Maximum using Paleo-data Synthesis (Invited)
- Can we simulate the Amazonian forest response to persistent drought conditions with the ISBA-Ags land surface model?
- Magnetic Properties of Antiferromagnetic Iron Oxyhydroxides
- Past and future wind changes over the Southern Ocean
- The Supra-Thermal Electron and Proton (STEP) Sensor on-board Solar Orbiter
- Analysis of H in Natural and Experimental Nominally Anhydrous Minerals: A Comparison of Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis, Infrared and SIMS Measurements.
- Geomorphology of Titan's Polar Regions
- H<SUB>2</SUB>o Quantitative Analysis of Transition Zone Minerals Wadsleyite and Ringwoodite By Raman Spectroscopy
- Incorporation of Xenon in magmas at depth
- The Use of <SUP>13</SUP>c Diamond As Pressure Sensor for Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell Experiments
- Combining multiple fallout radionuclides (<SUP>137</SUP>Cs, <SUP>7</SUP>Be, <SUP>210</SUP>Pb<SUB>xs</SUB>) improves our understanding of sediment source dynamics in tropical rivers
- Examining Sediment-bound Radiocesium Dynamics in Two Fukushima Coastal Catchments with Sediment Fingerprinting Techniques
- Identifying sediment sources in a drained lowland agricultural catchment: the application of a novel thorium-based particle size correction in sediment fingerprinting
- Morphodynamics of pure elongating dunes: Implications for sediment flux in the Ténéré desert
- Simultaneous Cartography of Aerosol Opacity and Surface Albedo of Titan by the Massive Inversion of the Cassini/VIMS Dataset
- Surface Roughness Retrieval By Inversion Of Hapke Model: A Multi-scale Approach
- Using radiosilver and plutonium isotopes to trace the dispersion of contaminated sediment in Fukushima coastal catchments
- Quenchable water-rich, aluminous post-stishovite: implications for seismic anomalies in the mid-mantle
- Aftershock Sequences and Seismic-Like Organization of Acoustic Events Produced by a Single Propagating Crack
- Influence of Microstructural Disorder and Wavefield in Dynamic Fracture
- Insights on landscape evolution and climatic forcing on Titan
- Seasonal Evolution of the North and South Polar Vortex on Titan From 2004 to 2017 as Seen by Cassini/VIMS
- Evolution of the Polar Clouds and Global Mapping of the Surface Derived From the VIMS Archive of Titan
- Influence Of Wavefield And Disorder On The Behavior Of A Dynamic Crack Front : The Elastodynamic Line Model Paradigm
- Low hydrogen contents in the cores of terrestrial planets
- On Anisotropic Plasticity of MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> Post-Perovskite and its Geophysical Implications Inferred from Atomistic Modeling
- Quantifying the contribution of subsurface sediment sources using spectrocolorimetry: A case study in coastal catchments exposed to Fukushima radioactive fallout, Japan
- Radiocarbon Dating of the 1934AD Bihar-Nepal Earthquake Surface Rupture Reveals Systematic Biases that Cause Artificially Aging of Historical events
- Regional mapping of aerosol population and surface albedo of Titan by the massive inversion of the Cassini/VIMS dataset
- Statistical Organization Of Microscale Damage In The Vicinity Of A Dynamically Growing Crack Front: A New Equation Of Motion Of A Crack Tip.
- X-ray and Radio Diagnostics of Energetic Electrons in the Corona
- A Cassini VIMS data portal for Titan and Saturn's icy satellites
- A joint study of Solar Orbiter first data and PSP E5 through 3D MHD modeling
- Dehydration Melting Below the Undersaturated Transition Zone and Implications for Mantle Water Content
- First results from combined EUI and SPICE observations of Lyman lines of Hydrogen and He II
- Observation of Smallest Ever Detected Brightening Events with the Solar Orbiter EUI HRI-EUV Imager
- One Martian Year of Dust Devil Tracks Around the InSight Landing Site, Mars: analysis of HiRISE images and Comparison with in-situ Atmospheric Data.
- Relative coronal abundance diagnostics with Solar Orbiter/SPICE
- The Dynamo-Wind Feedback Loop: Characterizing How the Solar Wind Varies Along a Dynamo Cycle
- XCO2 and Surface Pressure retrievals from the OCO-2 spectra using a Neural Network approach
- 3D modelling of Titov-Demoulin modified Flux Ropes propagation in the Solar Wind
- Learning a weather dictionary of atmospheric patterns using Latent Dirichlet Allocation
- Regional mapping of aerosol population and surface albedo of Titan by the massive inversion of the Cassini/VIMS dataset
- A Statistical Study of Flux Transfer Events at the Dayside Magnetopause using MHD Simulations
- Effects of grid resolution on the angular momentum transport in global simulations of deep solar convection
- First Observations of Titan with the James Webb Space Telescope
- Multifactality, universality and singularity of turbulent flows
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Andrey M. Stejko
- Batiste Rousseau
- Benoît Seignovert
- Bhargav Vaidya
- Bérengère Dubrulle
- C. A. Nixon
- C. Sotin
- David M. Long
- Davide Faranda
- E. P. Turtle
- Florian Regnault
- Maël Es-Sayeh
- Miho Janvier
- Naomi Rowe-Gurney
- R. K. Achterberg
- Rui Pinto
- S. Rodríguez
- Samuel Birch
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- T. Cornet
- É. Buchlin