Synchrotron SOLEIL
flowchart I[Synchrotron SOLEIL] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (51)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (14)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Atomic Scale Mechanisms Governing the Alteration of Inactive Nuclear Wastes: a Multi-Element XAFS Study
- Bacterial control on the structure of As-Fe oxy-hydroxides in acid mine drainage.
- Intelligent Anvils - advantages and limits
- Metal-Ligand Interplay in Strongly Correlated Oxides at Very High Pressure Investigated by X-ray Emission Spectroscopy
- A New Thermal Equation of State for Iron at Megabar Pressure
- Fine Measurements of Geomaterials Thermoelastic Properties at Megabar Pressures
- Effect of aluminium on the silica compressibility and transition to the CaCl2-form at high- pressure and high-temperature up to 100 GPa
- In situ experimental study of subduction zone fluids using diamond anvil cells
- The Perovskite to Post-Perovskite phase transition in Al-bearing (Mg,Fe)SiO3: A XANES in-situ analysis at the Fe K-edge
- The Core Density and Elastic Anisotropy: insights from the hcp-Fe and Fe0.8Ni0.2 Alloy P-V-T Equations of State and c/a Ratio to 220 GPa and 3000 K
- Melting properties of iron alloys at high pressure determined by in situ X-ray diffraction
- Earth's Volatiles History and Cycles: the Case of Iodine
- Melting of geomaterials under high-pressure using in-situ time-resolved XRD
- i-anvils : in situ measurements of pressure, temperature and conductivity in diamond anvil cells
- Melting properties and equations of state of Fe-Ni-S and Fe-Ni-Si liquid alloys up to megabar pressure
- Metal-silicate Sulfur partitioning and its implication for core formation
- The Halogen's History of the Early Earth
- Volcanic pulses determined by local re-melting throughout plumbing systems
- Density measurements and structural properties of liquid and amorphous metals under high pressure studied by in situ X-ray scattering (Invited)
- Melting properties of iron alloys under Earth's core conditions (Invited)
- PSICHE: a new beamline dedicated to X-ray diffraction and tomography at high pressure at synchrotron SOLEIL
- Experimental Investigations of the Deep Earth's Mantle Melting Properties
- Understanding Structural Properties of Carbonate-Silicate Melts: An EXAFS Study on Y and Sr in the System Na<SUB>2</SUB>O-CaO-Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>-SiO<SUB>2</SUB>-CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Oxygen isotope fractionation during spin-forbidden photolysis of CO2: Relevance to the atmosphere of Mars
- A volatile-rich Earth's core inferred from melting temperature of core materials
- Amorphous and liquid samples structure and density measurements at high pressure - high temperature using diffraction and imaging techniques
- Controlled cobalt doping in the spinel structure of magnetosome magnetite: New evidences from element- and site-specific XMCD analyses
- Physical Properties of Liquid Fe-S Alloys at High Pressure
- 4D strain localisation and fracture propagation in granite: the relative contribution of seismic and aseismic mechanisms to damage evolution during an in-situ triaxial deformation experiment at SOLEIL synchrotron
- Density of alkali carbonate melts in the upper mantle and implications for the mobility of carbon at depth
- Optimised Combined Angular and Energy Dispersive Diffraction at the PSICHE Beam Line of the SOLEIL Synchrotron for Fast, High Q-range Structure Determination at High Pressure and Temperature.
- Deep and persistent melt layer in the Archaean mantle
- Recent Developments in HP-HT Materials Research Using Synchrotron Radiation at the PSICHE Beamline, Synchrotron SOLEIL
- Silicate Melt Viscosities at High Pressure: Experimental Results and Its Implication
- Thermal Expansion of Liquid Fe-S Alloys at High Pressure
- Characterizing irradiated surfaces using IR spectroscopy
- From Source to Sink : Ni Crystal-chemistry from Ultramafic Rocks to Lagoon Sediments in the Mining Context of New Caledonia
- In-situ and Real Time 2D Temperature Mapping Using 4 Color Pyrometry at the Beamline PSICHE, Synchrotron SOLEIL
- Porosity-Dependent Microcrack Aspect Ratio in Deforming Rocks: Experimental Evidence from In-situ Synchrotron X-ray Microtomography
- Thermal expansion of liquid Fe-S alloys at high pressure
- Constraining flight history of micrometeorites through porosity.
- Densification mechanisms of amorphous silicates: Implications for terrestrial planets
- FTIR Hyperspectral Imaging: a Top-Down Sequence to Investigate the Heterogeneity of Meteorites from Millimetric to Micrometric Scale
- In-situ characterization of silicon deformation mechanism at high-pressure: comparison between static and dynamic compression
- Microstructural evolution in deforming olivine-serpentine aggregates at subduction zones conditions using in-situ X-ray tomography
- Reflectance spectra measurement plan of captured samples from Ryugu: current status
- Liquid Structure and Density Measurement of Fe-C-S Alloys under Moon's Core Condition
- Mantle Origin of the Large Igneous Provinces
- Microstructure Evolution in Deforming Polymineralic Rock to Explain Shear Zones at Subduction Zones in the Earth
- Shear Deformation and Microstructure Evolution in Deforming Olivine-Serpentine Aggregates at Subduction Zones Conditions: in-situ X-ray Tomography and post-mortem Electron Microscopy Study
- Multi-spectroscopic Investigation of Calcium in Silicate: Modification of Structure and Dynamics of Calcium in Silicate Melts and Glasses