Universite Paris Sud, Interactions et Dynamique des Environnements de Surface
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Formation and Stabilization of Mixed Valence Ferrihydrite on Bacterial Surfaces From Hydrothermal Vents
- Calcareous Nannofossil Paleofertility Indicators During the Valanginian Carbon Perturbation in an Epicontinental Basin System (Vocontian, SE France)
- An Air Noble Gas Component in the Mantle
- Evidence for Phyllosilicates in the Early Mars Crust at Nili Fossae and Mawrth Valles Using OMEGA and HRSC Data
- Iron Partitioning And Oxidation State In Mg-Perovskite And Ferropericlase At Lower Mantle Conditions
- Late Episodes of Fluvial Valleys Formation on Mars From HRSC/MEX Data
- Quantifying valley network parameters on Mars using DEM from HRSC/MEX data
- Recent gullies on Mars: MOC and HRSC survey of the southern hemisphere
- Volatile solubility in magmas at high pressure
- Carbon 13-14 Contents of Groundwater Located in Sandy Aquifer Outcrops: Unsaturated Zone Driving Influences
- Causal link between Quaternary paleoclimatic changes and volcanic islands evolution
- Geomorphological study of long-term erosion on a tropical volcanic ocean island: Tahiti-Nui (French Polynesia)
- K-Ar Dating and Paleomagnetic Contributions : still more Evidence for the Short Duration of the Deccan Large Igneous Province
- Mars Mineralogy from OMEGA Visible-Near Infrared Measurements
- Neodymium Isotopic Composition of Deep-sea Corals from Rockall Bank, Implications for Variations of Eastern North Atlantic Intermediate Water Hydrology During the Past 10,000 years
- Past changes of the North African monsoon intensity between 5 and 6.2 My, impact of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC)
- Phyllosilicates in the Mawrth Vallis Region, Mars, as Seen by OMEGA and HRSC/Mars Express
- Upper Intermediate Water Reservoir Ages in the Northeastern Atlantic During the Past 11000 Years: New Evidence for Mid Holocene Freshening of the North Atlantic
- Volcanic cones in Hydraotes chaos : implications for the chaotic terrains formation
- Boron Isotopic Composition Correlates with Ultra-Structure in a - Sea Coral Lophelia Pertusa: Implications for Biomineralization and - PH
- Carbonate mound evolution and coral diagenesis viewed by U-series dating of deep water corals
- Dry avalanches at seasonal defrosting as a process for current gullies activity
- Earthquake Geology of the Bogd Fault, Gobi Altay, Mongolia
- Estimation of the Unsaturated Hydraulic Soil Properties From Joint Inversion of Tension Infiltrometer and ERT Measurements: Numerical Experiments
- Layering of the Phyllosilicates in the Mawrth Vallis Region of Mars, as Seen by OMEGA and HRSC Colors and DTMs
- Mars early geological and climatic evolution, derived from its surface mineralogy
- Martian valley networks 3D geometry from the HRSC data in the Echus Chasma, Huygens and Aeolis regions
- Speciation of Mg in Biologically Produced Calcium Carbonates
- Structural Relationship Between Piton des Neiges and Piton de la Fournaise Volcanoes: New K-Ar Data and Geomorphological Study of the Takamaka Region (East Reunion Island, Indian Ocean)
- The morphology of Cerberus volcanic landforms and the conditions for the formation of fluid lavas
- Which processes form the volcanic sands on Mars?
- 3D Calculation of Seismic Wave Interaction with Topography and Near-surface Structures at the LSBB Underground Laboratory, Rustrel, France
- Age and Slip Distribution of Past Earthquakes Along the Bogd Fault (Mongolia)
- Clay minerals in surface sediments of the South China Sea and surrounding fluvial drainage basins: Source and transportation
- Constraints on the Evolution of the Upper Crust and Volcanic Deposits of Mars
- Geological Relationships Between Hydrated Minerals And Fluvial Landforms In Tyrrhena Terra, Mars.
- Magnetostratigraphy of the Naude's Nek Section (Karoo Traps): News Constraints on the Eruptive Sequence
- Sedimentary response of Dansgaard/Oeschger events in the tropical South China Sea
- Strontium-86 Labeling Experiments Show Spatially Heterogeneous Skeletal Formation in the Scleractinian Coral Porites porites
- Study of Seismic Attenuation Behaviour Using Time Reversal Mirror, Elastic Signal Amplitude and Coda-Q Analysis from an Experiment in a Mesoscopic Natural Medium at the LSBB Underground Laboratory Rustrel, France
- Tectonic-Volcanic Interplay in the Dabbahu Segment of the Afar Rift from Cosmogenic 3He Constraints
- 2D ERT imaging of tracer dispersion in laboratory experiments
- Characterization Of Fluvial Activity In Parana Valles Using Different Age-Dating Techniques
- Earthquake Geology of the Bulnay Fault, Mongolia
- Fluvial valleys on Alba Patera, Mars, viewed by HRSC/MEx camera
- Helium production and transport in low permeability formations: The case of the Toarcian argillites at Tournemire (France)
- High-Resolution Clay Mineral Records in the Northern South China Sea during the Last Climatic Cycle: Implications for Upper Ocean Circulation and Kuroshio Intrusion
- Large and asymmetric polar scarps in Planum Australe, Mars: Characterization and evolution
- Magnetostratigraphy and dating of the Karoo traps (South Africa) in relation with the end-Pliensbachian extinction event: progress report
- Nd isotopes in deep-sea corals in the Northeastern Atantic
- Neodymium isotopic composition of deep-sea corals from Rockall Trough : implications for past changes of hydrology during the Holocene
- Neolithic to Bronze Age Somma-Vesuvius activity improved by distal tephrostratigraphy
- Pollen Distribution in Marine Surface Sediments From South-east Pacific and Paleoclimate Changes During the Last 20kyr From Core MD 07 3088 (46°S) off Patagonia
- Source and transport of detrital fine-grained sediments in the northeastern South China Sea
- The 2.6 Ma depositional sequence from the Challenger cold-water coral carbonate mound (IODP Exp. 307): a unique palaeo-record of Plio-Pleistocene NE Atlantic climate variability
- Tyrrhena Terra: tens of phyllosilicate-bearing crater ejecta on Mars
- Coastal sediment dynamics in Spitsbergen
- Distribution and isotopic signature of Thorium and REE-bearing phases in marine particles and sediments
- Eruptive history of western and central Aeolian Islands volcanoes (South Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy): temporal evolution of magmatism and of morphological structures
- Interactive Analysis of Hyperspectral Data under Linearity Constraints
- Investigating Martian and Venusian hyperspectral datasets through Positive Source Separation
- Is there a causal relationship between the timing of emplacement of large igneous provinces and their destructive consequences? Constraints from the Lesotho eruptive sequence (Karoo traps)
- Mars' atmospheric evolution: 40Ar as a tracer
- Methane release and the carbon cycle on Mars
- Sea-level and provenance controlled clay mineral assemblage since the last 19 ka in the southern South China Sea: records of Core MD05-2894 off the Sunda Shelf
- Vegetation and Climate Changes in Patagonia (46°S) during the Last 20 kyr cal. BP from South East Pacific MD 07 3088 Core
- Active large sector collapse and architectural evolution of the Pico Island (Azores)
- Constraining the Geological Time Scale for the Upper Cretaceous in the Edmonton Group: Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin
- Cooling of an early Earth magma ocean in interaction with the atmosphere
- Dating and tracing groundwater resources in central Québec with noble gases, <SUP>14</SUP>C and water chemistry
- Deepwater transport and sedimentation in the northern South China Sea: Clay mineralogical records
- Designing a multiscale experimental sampling system for quantification of stream-aquifer water exchanges - the Orgeval basin case study (France)
- Diagenetic nanometric ferrihydrite clusters in 2.4 Ga carbonate banded iron formations from the Minas Supergroup
- Estimation of transport parameters of a tracer plume dispersion on field experiments from GPR and 3D ERT imaging
- Newly combined <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar and U-Pb ages of the Upper Cretaceous timescale from Hokkaido, Japan
- On the Age, Duration and Eruptive History of the Karoo Flood Basalt: new results from the Oxbow-Moteng Pass Sections (South Africa)
- A combined method for determining of the groundwater circulation in a karst aquifer based on hydrodynamic and geochemical analysis
- Accounting for long alpha-particle stopping distances in (U-Th-Sm)/He geochronology: 3D modeling of diffusion, zoning, implantation, and abrasion
- Clay minerals as proxies of the late Quaternary East Asian monsoon evolution in the South China Sea revisited
- Detecting and characterizing ice units with the WISDOM Radar
- Differentiation, degassing and storage of Pico basaltic magmas in Azores. Inferences on magma sources
- Geodynamic control on melt production in the central Azores : new insights from major and trace elements, Sr, Nd, Pb, Hf isotopic data and K/Ar ages on the islands of Terceira, Sao Jorge and Faial
- High resolution variability of clay mineral assemblages in the northern South China Sea during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition and its paleoceanographic significance
- Multi-angle RT Approach for Retrieval of Surface Reflectance from CRISM Observations
- Tephrostratigraphic record from the Northern Ionian Sea and geochemical analytic methods
- The Quaternary History of Nile Paleofloods Recorded in the Eastern Mediterranean Deep-Sea Sediments
- Thermal evolution of an early magma ocean in interaction with the atmosphere
- Unsupervised Source Separation for Large Planetary Data Sets
- a New K-Ar Development for in Situ Geochronology on the Surface of Mars : Calibration and First Results
- (U-Th)/He dating and He diffusion in calcite from veins and breccia
- Age-Dating Drainage Basins in Sabae and Arabia Terrae, Mars
- Birth of the International Lunar Impact Astronomical Detection (ILIAD) network : first detections in Morocco
- CO2-SO2 clathrate hydrate formation on early Mars
- Characterization of impact craters in 3D meshes using a feature lines approach
- Experimental and numerical simulations of heat transfers between flowing water and a horizontal frozen porous medium
- INTERFROST: a benchmark of Thermo-Hydraulic codes for cold regions hydrology
- K-Ar Development for in Situ Geochronology on the Surface of Mars: Metrology, Results and Upcoming Challenges
- Large-scale flank collapse(s) in a steep volcanic ridge: the Faial-Pico Ridge (Azores Triple Junction)
- Meso-Cenozoic uplifts on the Atlantic margin of South Morocco
- New insights on He diffusion in apatite and implication for (U-Th)/He thermochronology (Invited)
- Physical properties of craters on the Achaia region of asteroid (21) Lutetia
- Radar and Geomorphic Evidence Regarding the Occurrence of Massive Ground Ice in the Martian Northern Plains
- Space and time evolution of volcanism within Basse-Terre Island (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles) based on new geochronology, geochemistry and geomorphology data
- Vigie-Ciel : a french citizen network to study meteors and meteorites
- Erosional History of the Himalayan Range Since the Last 180 kyr: Clay Mineralogical and Geochemical Investigations From the Bay of Bengal
- Sr-Nd isotopes and mineralogy as tracers of continental erosion and sediment transport to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden during the last 20,000 years
- The Nd-isotopic fingerprinting of North Atlantic water masses and its influences from local sources such as Iceland
- News insights of the hydrology of the Northwestern subtropical Pacific Ocean from ɛNd investigations of the South China Sea sediments
- Impact of the Variability in Hydraulic Parameters of the Vadose Zone on Pollutant Plume Development