Universite de La Rochelle, France
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A strategy for interpretation of magnetic susceptibility in lava flows: Application to the Tiretaine lava flow (Chaîne des Puys, France)
- Detecting abrupt changes in tide-gauge records
- ULR Re-analysed Global GPS Solution for Vertical Land Motion Correction at Tide Gauges
- Influence of the Reference Frame Alignment on Station Positions and Velocities: Global or Regional?
- Interannual To Decadal Variations Of Sea Level At Brest Induced By The Atmospheric Circulation Over The Eastern North Atlantic
- On The Amplification Of The Storm Surges At The North-Eastern Coast Of The Bay Of Biscay
- Global sea-level rise and its relation to the terrestrial reference frame definition
- On the origin of decadal and interdecadal variations in the sea level record at Brest (France)
- Quantitative analyses of hydroxyls ions environment in pyroxenes from Kilbourne Hole peridotites (New Mexico): An FTIR and NMR study
- Reconstruction of sea level variability in the Gulf of Mexico during the period 1950-2007
- Study of hydrometeorological processes over West Africa using permanent GPS stations
- Detection of loading signals over West Africa : comparison of displacements obtained by GPS, GRACE and loading models
- Rates of Vertical Land Mouvement Inferred from Coastal Altimetry, Tide Gauges and GPS in the Gulf of Mexico
- Sea Level Trend and Low-Frequency Variability in the Gulf of Mexico Derived from Satellite Altimetry and Tide-Gauges Records
- Water contents and OH speciation in pyroxenes
- State-of-the-art Vertical Land Movement Corrections from GPS for Sea-level Studies
- Coastal sea level rise and the non-climate contribution of vertical land motion
- Regional sea level variability, total relative sea level rise and its impacts on islands and coastal zones of Indian Ocean over sixty years
- Rescue of the historical sea level record of Marseille, France, from 1885 to 1988, and its extension back to 1849-1851
- The Decadal and Inter-Decadal Sea Level Variations in the North Atlantic Recorded by Tide Gauges from the West European Shelf
- Is Land Subsidence Increasing the Exposure to Sea Level Rise in Alexandria, Egypt? (Invited)
- Observational evidence for a differential sea-level rise between hemispheres over the past hundred years
- Precision of Vertical Seafloor Deformation Measurements at the Deep MOMAR Observatory, 37°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge. (Invited)
- Six years of deep ocean infragravity wave measurements on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 37°N
- Building Interactive Visualizations for Geochronological Data
- Distinguishing Between Natural and Anthropogenic Part of Sea Level Trends
- Estuary Tides Using Satellite Altimetry And SAR/InSAR Data
- Influences of a ridge subduction on seismicity and geodynamics in the central Vanuatu arc.
- Interannual Mass Variation: Links to Modes of Climate Variability
- Quantifying and Projecting Relative Sea-Level Rise At The Regional Scale: The Bangladesh Sea-Level Project (BanD-AID)
- Relevance of Infragravity Waves in a Wave Dominated Shallow Inlet
- Viscoelastic Deformation Due to Sediment Loading in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta and in the Bay of Bengal.
- A new approach to understand methylmercury (CH<SUB>3</SUB>Hg) sources and transformation pathways: Compound-specific carbon stable isotope analysis by GC-C-IRMS
- Horizontal and vertical deformation field in New Caledonia, South West Pacific, derived from more than 20 years of GNSS measurements
- Imaging mantle structures in the Mediterranean zone using geoid data
- Loading effects in GPS vertical displacement time series
- Off Shore Geodetic Measurements Simulations in the Context of Seismic and Tsunami Hazard Evaluation in the Lesser Antilles
- Relative sea-level rise hazards: The case of Bangladesh Delta
- Sea Level Rise and Decadal Variations in the Ligurian Sea Inferred from the Medimaremetre Measurements.
- Sea Level Rise: Analysis Results, and Variability within the Water Column
- Undersea acoustic telemetry across the North Anatolian Fault, Marmara Sea: results from the first 6 months of monitoring of the fault displacement
- Validating crustal velocities derived from the IDS contribution to ITRF201
- Vertical Land Motions at Coastlines from Space Geodesy to Understand Sea Level Change
- Contrasting washover deposits laid down during the winter 2013-2014 cluster of storms : examples from SW France
- ENSO Signature detected in the Earth's Geocenter
- How marine submersions can be recorded in coastal marshes not bounded by a coarse sediment barrier?
- Impact of internal climate memory on future sea level rise
- Is Dam Removal a Benefit for Environment? Input of Sedimentary Archives
- Multi-geodetic characterization of the seasonal signal at the CERGA geodetic reference, France
- Relative Sea Level Trends Along the Coast of the Bay of Bengal
- Subsidence due to Holocene Sediment Load in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta: Effect of Plate Boundaries
- Carbonate Formation And Diagenesis In Pastos Grandes Laguna (Bolivia): Modern Analog For The South Atlantic Cretaceous Presalt Travertinoid Deposits
- Coastal Sea Level along the North Eastern Atlantic Shelf from Delay Doppler Altimetry
- Coastal Sea Level and Estuary Tide Modeling in Bangladesh Using SAR, Radar and GNSS-R Altimetry
- Estimation of the Data Precision Using Variance Component Estimation, with Application to Polar Motion Time Series
- GEOdetic Data assimilation and EStimation of references for climate change InvEstigation. An overall presentation of the French GEODESIE project
- GRACE, a tool to investigate ocean gyre
- Long-term Records of Trace Metal Elements in Core Sediments: Anthropogenic Impacts in The Eure River Watershed
- Quantifying and Projecting Relative Sea-Level Rise in The Deltaic Regions
- Uncertainties in Future Regional Sea Level Trends: How to Deal with the Internal Climate Variability?
- Fluxes of Particulate Trace Metal Elements and Organic Compounds (PAHs, PCBs) in the Eure River Watershed (France)
- Irreducible Uncertainties and Persistence in Sea Level Variations
- Subsidence and relative sea level history in the Ganges Brahmaputra Meghna Delta during the Holocene
- The GEODESIE Project: Overall Presentation and First Results.
- A Proposed Data Exchange File Format for Vertical Ties to GNSS at Tide Gauges
- A participatory process to build a shared interdisciplinary framework of the functioning of coastal area evolution under global change
- Assessment of Sea Level Measurement Technologies by the Combination of Co-located Time Series
- Causal relations in the climate system
- Combining paleo records, tide gauges, and process estimates to constrain 20th-century sea level rise in the South Atlantic Ocean
- Drivers, priorities, and best practices for maintenance and expansion of the global network of GNSS stations co-located with tide gauges
- From major caldera subsidence to quiescence at the world's top volcanic degassing source (Ambrym, Vanuatu): the influence of regional tectonics
- Impact of Land Subsidence on Extreme Sea Levels and Floodings in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta
- Quantifying and Projecting Relative Sea-Level Rise in The Deltaic Regions
- Spatial Behavior of Time-Correlated Noise in the Position Time Series of 10,000 GPS Stations.
- Status of SONEL : the GNSS at Tide Gauge Data Assembly Center for the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS)
- Tidal variations in the volcanic earthquake swarm offshore Mayotte in 2019
- Birth of a large volcanic edifice through lithosphere-scale dyking offshore Mayotte (Indian Ocean)
- Recent measurements of subsidence in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh
- Sedimentary records of tsunamis and hurricanes in the Lesser Antilles
- The Indo-Burma Detachment Geometry Constrained by an Updated Vertical and Horizontal GPS Velocity Field in Bangladesh
- The enigmatic Indo-Burma convergent margin at the Ganges-Meghna-Brahmaputra delta
- Strain Partitioning Within the Indo-Burman Fold-Thrust Belt SW of the Intersection between the Churachandpur-Mao and Dauki Faults.
- The Oldest Neanderthal Fire Deep in Cave Revealed by Geomagnetic Survey in Bruniquel Cave on the Speleofacts Structures Covered by Calcite Concretions
- Viewing the Hearths through 3D Geomagnetic Survey and Palaeomagnetic Studies of a Neolithic Heated Pebble Combustion Structure
- Creating Through the Art of Another: Exploring Extreme Ocean Events through the "Exquisite Corpse" Process
- Predictable and unpredictable sea level changes in observations and models