University of Blaise Pascal
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Segmentation of SoHO/EIT Images using fuzzy clustering algorithms
- Fluorine and Chlorine behavior in mantle wedge, new implications for slab component
- Progressive removal of an upper-mantle KREEP component by TTG magmatism through the Archean
- Why is columnar jointing not perfectly hexagonal?
- The initial Hf isotopic composition of the Earth
- Shear wave velocities in deformed Al-stishovite and seismic heterogeneities in the mid-mantle
- Early mantle composition and evolution inferred from 142Nd and 182W variation in Isua samples
- The nature of Earth's building materials as revealed by calcium isotopes
- Use of In-Situ Cloud Probe Data to Derive Bulk Cloud Parameters and Their Uncertainties: Impacts for Models and Remote Sensing Retrievals
- An Ultra-Depleted Mantle Component in the Ontong Java Plateau Revealed by Major, Trace and Volatile Element Abundances in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
- Communicating Geoscience through Geoheritage: The Chaine Des Puys and Limagne Fault Unesco World Heritage Project.
- Controls of P-T-X-fO2 on Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Igneous Rocks
- Emplacement of Zebín Hill, Jičín Volcanic Field, Bohemian Paradise, Czech Republic: Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility, Ground Magnetometry, Electric Resistivity Tomography, and Paleomagnetic Data
- Fictitious Domain Methods for Fracture Models in Elasticity.
- Fluorine and Chlorine in mantle: are they useful volatile tracers?
- From the Brasserie to the Classroom: The Chaîne Des Puys - Limagne Fault Unesco World Heritage Project, Scientists and Non-Scientists Communicating Geoheritage
- Landform Variability in the Chaine Des Puys Tracing Multiple Processes
- Managing a Monogenetic Volcanic Field As a World Heritage Nomination: Implications for Science, Outreach, and Hazards
- Sheared sheet intrusions as a mechanism for lateral flank displacement on basaltic volcanoes: Applications to Réunion Island volcanoes
- A Melt Inclusion Study in Primitive Olivines from the Adventive Cones of the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, La Réunion Island : Implications for the Nature of the Réunion Mantle Plume
- Geochemical Characteristics of the Lavas from the "Adventive Cones" of Piton de La Fournaise Volcano (La Reunion Island)
- Melting of Bridgmanite to 135 Gpa: Toward a Coherent Model for the Melting Behavior in the Lower Mantle
- Morphological Analysis of Apo Volcanic Complex in Southern Mindanao, Philippines: implications on volcano-tectonic evolution of different volcanic units
- Mount Meager Volcano, Canada: a Case Study for Landslides on Glaciated Volcanoes
- Osmium and lead isotope investigation of magmas within the long-lived Pichincha Volcanic complex from the Northern Andean Volcanic zone (Ecuador)
- P-V-T-X Evolution of Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions and Implications for Interpretation of Homogenization Experiments
- Tracing the spatio-temporal evolution of the Merapi 2010 erupted deposits based on object-oriented classification and object-based image analysis of multi-temporal VHR optical and ALOS radar imagery
- a Steady Thermal State for the Earth's Interior
- Crustal evolution of the Eoarchean Saglek-Hebron Complex, Northern Labrador
- Experimental evidence supports mantle partial melting in the asthenosphere
- Identification of the ground deformation associated with the earthquake of April 16 Pedernales - Ecuador
- Inversion of Coeval Shear and Normal Stress of Piton de la Fournaise Flank Displacement
- Kinetics Of Bridgmanite To Post-Perovskite Transition in (Mg<SUB>0.85</SUB>,Fe<SUB>0.15</SUB>)SiO<SUB>3</SUB>
- Evidence for Depth-Dependent Metasomatism in Cratonic Lithosphere
- High-Temperature Elasticity of Topaz: A Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopic study
- Deep and persistent melt layer in the Archaean mantle
- Development of Olivine and Enstatite CPO During Melt-Rock Reaction: Evidences from HP-HT Deformation Experiments.
- Elasticity of talc at high-pressures
- Evolution of mass discharge and decompression rates during the Plinian phase of the Bronze-Age eruption of Santorini
- Experimental evidence supporting a global melt layer at the base of the Earth's upper mantle
- Low hydrogen contents in the cores of terrestrial planets
- Recent Developments in HP-HT Materials Research Using Synchrotron Radiation at the PSICHE Beamline, Synchrotron SOLEIL
- Silicate Melt Viscosities at High Pressure: Experimental Results and Its Implication
- Silicon Abundance in the Earth's Core Constrained by a Multi-Technique Approach
- The Effect Of Topography On The Rheological And Morphological Evolution Of Basaltic Lava Flows
- Thermal Expansion of Liquid Fe-S Alloys at High Pressure
- First characterization of the volcanism in the southern Mozambique Channel.
- Rapid Response for on-land Volcanic Hazard Assessment during the 2018-2019 submarine Mayotte Volcano-tectonic Crisis: Implications for Volcanic Risk Quantification.
- Thermal expansion of liquid Fe-S alloys at high pressure
- Birth of a large volcanic edifice through lithosphere-scale dyking offshore Mayotte (Indian Ocean)
- COYOTES Project (comoros & Mayotte: Volcanism, Tectonics and Seismicity)
- A positive correlation between magma ascent rate and explosivity?
- Microstructures and Shear Wave Anisotropy in Stishovite: Implications for Mid-Mantle Seismic Heterogeneities