Observatoire de Paris, Systemes de Reference Relativistes
flowchart I[Observatoire de Paris, Systemes de Reference Relativistes] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (37)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (2)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Analysis of Geocenter Time Series Derived From SLR, GPS and DORIS
- Geophysical Use Of The New Parametrization Of The Earth Orientation
- Combination of VLBI, GPS, SLR, DORIS and LLR Data at the Measurement Level: EOP and TRF computations
- Noise Characterization of the Four Techniques Entering in the Realization of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame
- Combination of Space Geodetic Techniques at the Measurement Level: Methodological Issues
- Earth rotation parameters determined over CONT08 VLBI campaign by the GRGS from the combination of space geodetic techniques
- Influence of the station and quasar referencing on the quality of EOP time series
- Development of a portable matter-wave gravimeter
- Performances and capabilities of the mobile LNE-SYRTE Cold Atom Gravimeter
- Development of a Portable Matter Wave Gravimeter
- An array of correlated atom interferometers to study to study the local fluctuations of the gravitational field and its impact on low fequency gravitational waves observations
- Bayesian Inversion of Earth's Core and Inner Core Resonances From Superconducting Gravimeter and VLBI Nutation Data
- Benefits of optical clocks for high spatial resolution geopotential determination
- Chronometric Geodesy and Fundamental Physics
- Earth Orientation Parameters from VLBI and GNSS Combined at the Observation Level
- LOD-climate Links: how the 2015-2016 El Niño Lengthened the Day by 0.8 ms, and Possible Rotational Forcing of Multidecadal Temperature Changes
- Earth Core and Inner Core: What Can We Learn From a Bayesian Inversion of Combined Nutation and Surface Gravimetry Data?
- GEOdetic Data assimilation and EStimation of references for climate change InvEstigation. An overall presentation of the French GEODESIE project
- On the Long-Term "Hesitation Waltz" Between the Earth's Figure and Rotation Axes
- Rigorous Combination of GNSS and VLBI: How it Improves Earth Orientation and Reference Frames
- Sub µGal Absolute Gravity Measurements with a Transportable Quantum Gravimeter
- Contribution of New VLBI Measurements to the Determination of High-Quality Geodetic References - Overall Presentation and First Results
- Evaluating and comparing the performances of the first units of the Absolute Quantum Gravimeter
- Is there utility in a direct adjustment of nutation amplitudes and Earth interior parameters on VLBI delays?
- The GEODESIE Project: Overall Presentation and First Results.
- Development of a Quantum Gravity Gradiometer for Observatory Measurements
- First operation of a field version of the Absolute Quantum Gravimeter
- Optimization of optical clock network for the geopotential determination
- Paris Observatory Lunar Analysis Center: from LLR predictions to tests of fundamental Physics
- Recent Progress in Lunar Laser Ranging at Grasse Laser Ranging Station
- Response of the Earth to surface mass redistribution and constraints on the rheology of the Earth's interior over seasonal to decadal time scales
- Surface Deformation during the 2018-19 Mayotte Seismo-Volcanic Crisis from Gnss, Synthetic Aperture Radar and Seafloor Geodesy
- Optimization of a Differential Quantum Gravimeter
- Pushing the limits of a Differential Quantum Gravimeter
- Spatially Resolved Measurements with a Differential Quantum Gravimeter