Technion Israel Institute of Technology
flowchart I[Technion Israel Institute of Technology] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (86)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (5)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Experimental study on magma fragmentation by rapid decompression
- Modeling the Shrinkage Curve of a Soil Clay Matrix
- Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements of Horizontal Dispersion Inside an Open Channel With Vegetation
- Radar Interferometric Mapping and Numerical Simulation of Land Subsidence along the Dead Sea Shores, Israel and Jordan
- Analytical Model and Analysis of Solute Transport by Unsteady Unsaturated Gravitational Infiltration
- Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Formations of Bimodal Conductivity Distribution
- The "End-User GIS" Module in the pan-European Satellite-based Information System on Coastal Areas and Lakes (SISCAL)
- A Polygonal Cells Approach for Optimal Selection of Monitoring Wells
- Free Flows at the Interface of Grooved Geometries
- Salinization Sources Along the Lower Jordan River Under Draught Conditions
- A new Approach for Interconnections Between Shrinkage Cracks and Soil Matrix
- Enigmatic Permeability Switching in Fractures Under Net Dissolution
- On the interaction between the Lower Jordan River and the shallow aquifer system of the Jordan Valley
- Three Model-Independent Algorithms for Optimal Selection of Monitoring Wells
- Constrained Observations of Stress- and Chemistry-Mediated Changes in the Transport Properties of Fractured Rocks via Physical and Chemical Signals Supplemented by X-ray CT
- Salinization Patterns in Sloping Aquifers - The Israeli Coastal Aquifer Case
- Unusual Aggregates from the Ozone Oxidation of Self-Assembled Monolayers
- Deformation and fracture of a silicate melt around Tg
- Quantifying the clean-up of LNAPL lens and LNAPL entrapped in an aquifer composed of fractured permeable formation
- The Reference Shrinkage Curve of an Aggregated Soil
- Atmospheric Aging of Semi-volatile Pesticides: Real Time Monitoring of Cypermethrin Photo- oxidation Using FTIR
- A new Approach to Soil Water Retention (Drying Branch)
- Amino Acid Coding Bias of the Hypersaline Dead Sea on an Environmental Scale
- Extraction of Optical Constants from Mid-IR Spectra of Small Aerosol Particles
- Injection the compressed air in saturated soil through a defensive well in order to separate the salt or polluted water from the fresh one. Analytical evaluation.
- Monitoring root zone water content using ERT
- Root Growth and Uptake Dynamics Under Different Drip-irrigation Strategies: New Insights Using ERT
- The use of Oxygen Isotopic Signatures to Track Phosphate Transformations in Reclaimed Waste Water Irrigated Soil
- Using Vadose Zone Flow Model Data in ERT Inversion for Improved Estimation of Water Content Distribution
- Variation in Stormwater Characteristics Depending on Urban Land Uses Using Remote- Sensing and GIS in Conjunction to Hydro-Chemical Monitoring
- A two-factor model of soil suction from capillarity, shrinkage, adsorbed film, and intra-aggregate structure
- Enrichment of Mineral Dust Storm Particles with Sea Salt Elements - Using bulk and Single Particle Analyses
- Management of the Israeli National Water System under Uncertainty
- Geophysical Inversion Through Hierarchical Scheme
- Real-Time Wastewater System Operational Strategy Adaptation for Rainfall Variability
- Spectral induced polarization (SIP) measurement of NAPL contaminated soils
- The Coefficients of Dispersion and Dispersivity in Anisotropic Porous Media
- Application of Graph-Cut Theory to the MISR Aerosol Retrieval Process
- Comparison of coupled hydrogeophysical inversion techniques for salt tracer experiments
- Developing a tool for assessing scientists' views about, knowledge of, and skills in science communication
- Hydraulic Modeling and Evolutionary Optimization for Enhanced Real-Time Decision Support of Combined Sewer Overflows
- Hydrological considerations in providing data for water agreements
- The role of hydrology in water resources management
- Impact of Temperatures on Evaporation from Soils under Different Hydraulic Conditions
- Level rise episodes triggered by volcanic eruptions during the desiccation of Lake Lisan
- On the Importance of Spatial Information in Modeling Scalar Dispersion in Canopy Flows
- Root Induced Heterogeneity In Agricultural Soils
- The Role and Modeling of Dispersive Stresses
- The effect of biofilms on the hydraulic properties of unsaturated soils
- The effect of organic contaminants on the spectral induced polarization response of porous media - mechanistic approach
- Theoretical analysis of injecting the compressed air through a defensive well into aquifer aimed to separate between polluted and fresh water
- Use and calibration of a wall-assimilated TDR probe for various soils
- Impact of CO2 Impure stream on a CO2 Storage Reservoir
- Impact of treated wastewater irrigation on heterogeneity and on the fate of salts and nutrients in the subsurface
- The effect of irrigation frequency on water depletion by bell pepper: the added value of electrical resistivity tomography
- Hydrogeophysical Monitoring of Water Infiltration in the Context of Soil Aquifer Treatment at the Shafdan Site (Israel)
- Improving Computational Efficiency of Model Predictive Control Genetic Algorithms for Real-Time Decision Support
- Possible connection between large volcanic eruptions and level rise episodes in the Dead Sea Basin
- On the impact of entrapped air in infiltration under ponding conditions: Part a: Preferential air flow path effects on infiltration
- Sand migration modeling in hydrate-bearing sediments
- Filling the gap: using non-invasive geophysical methods to monitor the processes leading to enhanced carbon turnover induced by periodic water table fluctuations
- How does natural groundwater flow affect CO<SUB>2</SUB> dissolution in saline aquifers?
- Micromechanical investigation of sand migration in gas hydrate-bearing sediments
- Monitoring transport and equilibrium of heavy metals in soil using induced polarization
- Quantifying the Effects of Biofilm on the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Soils
- Analyzing the Dependency of AOD-PM Association on the Aerosol Vertical Distribution
- Characteristic relaxation time and chargeability of polarizing subsurface microbes: in situ estimation of microbial abundance and inferences on metabolic state
- Performance of High-Resolution Collection 6 MODIS MAIAC Algorithm over South Asia
- Can induced polarization be used to monitor hydrocarbon plume flow in soils?
- Covariance Inflation Based on Measurements Confidence Intervals for Data Assimilation in Soil Hydrology Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Detecting life in porous media: spectral induced polarization (SIP) monitoring of microbially mediated reactions
- Development of Methods for Adaptive and Optimal Deployment of Heterogeneous Sensor Array for Accurate Representation of Air Pollution and its Sources
- Experimental Modeling and Simulation of Fluid Injection Near a Dormant Fault: Effect of Fault Structure on Fluid Pressurization in the Subsurface
- Inherent Properties of Clouds in the PBL Derived from Multi-angle Spectro-Polarimetric Imaging at the "Edge of Space:" New Capabilities of JPL's AirMSPI Sensor on NASA's Airborne ER-2 Platform
- Non-invasive geo-electrical monitoring of nitrogen transformation processes across a dynamic capillary fringe
- Physical and biochemical processes in soil aquifer treatment
- The impact of nitrogen transformation and transport on spectral induced polarization in variably saturated soil
- Droplet Size Tomography Using Multi-View Polarimetric Measurements
- Role of cyberinfrastructure for engaging multi-sectoral stakeholders in use-inspired and decision-relevant research on adaptation to climate change
- 3D Cloud Envelop and Cloud Development Velocity from Simulated CLOUD/C3IEL Stereo Images
- Polymer-Clay Biocomposites for Formaldehyde Adsorption and Biodegradation
- Science in Societies: An International Survey of Over 200 Jurisdictions Using Sea Level Rise Projections in Adaptation Planning
- Can soil aquifer treatment be used in parallel for solar energy generation?
- Improving soil aquifer treatment efficiency using air injection into the subsurface
- Modeling Unsaturated Flow and Bioclogging to Optimize SAT Operation Strategies.
- Non Invasive Investigation of Nanoparticle Transport and Fate in Soils - A Spectral Induced Polarization Study