Hebrew University, Institute of Earth Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Bubble growth during decompression of magma: Experimental and theoretical investigation
- Bulk Viscosity of Bubbly Magmas and the Amplification of Pressure Waves
- Damping and Amplification of Seismic Waves in Gas-Charged Magma
- Earthquake Rupture at the Focal Depth of M=5.1 and M=3.7 Earthquakes in Gold Mines, South Africa
- Evolution and Zonation of Host Rock Deformation During Faulting
- Holocene Palaeoseismic and Climatic Record in Laminated Sediments From the Dead Sea, Israel
- Late Pleistocene Palaeoclimate Record from Palaeolake Lisan, Israel
- Shallow, high-resolution velocity structure across the Dead Sea transform fault, Dead Sea rift valley, from Vibroseis data - project DESERT 2000
- The Triple Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric O2 as a Tracer of the Rate of Global Photorespiration
- Aerosols, Clouds, and Climate over the Amazon Basin
- Application of Geophysical Methods and Numerical Models to Quantify Solute Transport Into a Fresh-Water Lake: Sea of Galilee, Israel
- Comparison of CO2 and O2 concentrations in soil air: A lesson learned about CO2 diffusivity in soils
- Drilling Active Faults in South Africa Mines: An in-situ laboratory to study earthquake and fault mechanics
- Fluid Assisted Strengthening of Synthetic Fault Zones Followed by Unstable Rupture
- Have we Been Looking for the Aerosols Indirect Effects on Climate in the Wrong Clouds and at the Wrong Place?
- How Large is the Mass Independent O-17 Anomaly in the Atmosphere?
- Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Analysis of Current Deformation Along the Arava Valley, Dead Sea Transform, Israel
- Salt-dust storms and their effect on cloud microphysics
- Shallow structure of the Arava fault (Dead Sea Transform) from seismic investigations
- Simulation of Mixed-Phase Convective Clouds: A Comparison of Spectral and Parameterized Microphysics
- Sulfur in Foraminifera Shells, a New Paleoceanographic Proxy for Carbonate Ion in Seawater
- Effects of Smoke Aerosols on Atmospheric Composition and Cloud Properties Over Amazonia: Results From the LBA-SMOCC-2002 Campaign
- Modeling of Fire-Induced Supercell Convection and Transport of Biomass Burning Aerosol Into the Stratosphere: The Chisholm Fire of 28 May, 2001
- New Observations on Seawater Vacuoles, pH Distribution, and Their Role in the Biomineralization Process in Foraminifera
- Pyro-Cumulonimbus: Strongly suppressed precipitation by smoke-induced extremely small cloud drops up to the homogeneous freezing level
- Two Time-Scales of Pulsation of the Iceland Plume Inferred From Magnetic Anomalies of the North-Atlantic
- Vital Effects on Stable Isotopes and Trace Elements in Foraminifera and Corals in View of Their Biomineralization Mechanisms
- Brine Rich Diamond-Forming Fluids
- Clouds Aerosols Internal Affaires: Increasing Cloud Fraction and Enhancing the Convection
- Direct Microelectrodes Measurements at the Calcification Site of Foraminifera
- Geochemical Identification of Fresh Water Sources in Brackish Groundwater Mixtures; the Example of Lake Kinneret, Israel
- Oxygen Isotopic Composition and U-Pb Discordance in Zircon
- Preliminary Observations on sea Water Utilization During Calcification in Scleractinian Corals.
- Resumed Activity of the Dead Sea Ca-Cl Brine and the Northward Migration of the Levant Rain System Upon the MIS5/4 Transition
- Sensitivity of a Cloud-Resolving Model to the Bulk and Explicit Bin Microphysical Schemes
- The Impact of Aerosols on Cloud and Precipitation Processes: Cloud-Resolving Model Simulations
- Amplified Erosion above Waterfalls and Oversteepened Bedrock Reaches
- Fault-related Oceanic Serpentinization in a Fossil Ridge-Transform Intersection: the Troodos Ophiolite
- Nitrogen Oxide Measurements in Urban Environments Using a Novel LED-Driven Long-Path DOAS Instrument
- The Intensity of the Geomagnetic Field During the Last 6 Millennia as Recorded by Slag Deposits From Archaeological Sites in the Southern Levant
- Vertical Profiles of the Nitrate Radical in Israel Using MiniDOAS Sunrise Spectroscopy
- Waterfall Retreat Rates along the Dead Sea Western Tectonic Escarpment
- A View Into the Cretaceous Geomagnetic Field From Analysis of Gabbros and Submarine Glasses of the Troodos Ophiolite
- Intra-shell d18O in Cultured Benthic Foraminiferan Amphistegina lobifera and the Influence of Seawater Carbonate Chemistry and Temperature on this Isotopic Composition
- Pristine Hydrous Fluids in Diamonds: Direct Analysis of Major and Trace Elements in Mantle Fluids
- Quaternary climate change on the northern margins of Saharo-Arabian Desert with possible impact on human evolution, evidence from Negev Desert speleothems, Israel
- Resolving Power and Secular Variations: The Dead Sea Paleoseismological Record
- Separating Real Aerosol Effects from Artifacts in Using Satellite Retrievals for Studying Aerosol Indirect Effect
- The Role Of Large Floods In Maintaining Hyperarid Floodplains And Riparian Vegetation
- Trace Elements in Foraminiferal and Coral Calcium Carbonate in View of Their Biomineralization Mechanisms
- A Tale of Two Cataclysmic Earthquakes: 39 and 52 kyr BP, Dead Sea Transform, Israel; a Multi-archive Study
- Combined U-decay Series and Oxygen Isotope Dating of a Mid-Pleistocene Lacustrine Sequence: The Amora Formation, Dead Sea Basin, Israel
- Damaged Cave Deposits in Haifa: Evidence for Destructive Earthquakes from the Carmel Fault
- Fluid speciation controls of low-temperature copper isotope fractionation
- Lithologic Control on the Form of Amphitheater-headed Channels and the Influence of Seepage Erosion vs. Downstream Incision on Rates of Waterfall Retreat
- Quaternary Transform Kinematics Constrained by Sequence Stratigraphy and Submerged Coastline Features: The Gulf of Aqaba
- Spatial delineation of groundwater salinity using deep TDEM geophysical measurements: a feasibility study
- Statistics of Volumes, Swept by Small Spheroidal Particles in a Turbulent Flow.
- The Cycladic Blueschist Belt in the Central Aegean Sea: Resolving the Interplay between Alpine Orogeny and Back-arc Extension
- Controls on Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Cultured Foraminifera
- Cosmogenic 21Ne, 10Be and 26Al in Boulders from the Central Atacama Desert, Northern Chile
- Ecosystem-scale effects of aragonite saturation, temperature, and nutrients on coral-reef calcification
- Experimental Constraints on Trace Element Partitioning During Dehydration and Melting of K-free MORB at 4-6 GPa and 700-1200 0C
- Global circulation in an axially symmetric Shallow Water Model forced by differential heating
- Kinematics of a Strike-Slip Fault Segment at Various Time Scales, Determined From GPS and Geomorphic Measurements: the Example of the Wadi Araba Fault, Dead Sea Transform.
- Multi-scale fault imaging in the Hula basin, Northern Israel
- Possible Pollution-Related "Weekend Effect" in Lightning Behavior over the U.S.
- Remote Sensing of Desert Loess and Dune Fields Aids Revealing Proximal Loess Sources
- Towards Thermomechanical Model of the Entire Dead Sea Transform
- Control of aerosols on convective precipitation forming processes revealed by CAIPEEX over India and the adjacent seas (Invited)
- Earthquake prediction on boundaries of the Arabian Plate: premonitory chains of small earthquakes
- Experimental Study of Copper Isotope Fractionation During the Formation of Cu and Cu-Fe Sulfides in Aqueous Solutions at 40-200 °C
- Extensive halogen-induced mercury oxidations in the Dead Sea Basin
- Fine scale fault structure and kinematics in the Zofar basin, Wadi Arava: Reevaluation of high-resolution reflection seismology
- Friction versus dilation revisited: insights from theoretical and numerical models
- Geomagnetic intensity spike recorded in high resolution slag deposit in southern Jordan
- High-resolution inter-basin chronology of Holocene paleoseismic events at the Dead Sea Basin
- Insights to the topographic and aerosol roles in the heavy rainfall at the Western Ghats and the scarce rainfall farther east at the rain shadow as observed in CAIPEEX
- Intra-Shell boron isotope ratios in benthic foraminifera: Implications for paleo-pH reconstructions
- Is Anti-Twomey effect real or an artifact?
- Kinetic effects in ‘clumped isotopes’: application to Soreq cave speleothems
- Modeling coupled fluid-grain deformation within fault zones
- Non-Fourier heat transport in fractured porous media
- Petrology and rock magnetism of the gabbro of Troodos ophiolite
- Pore size and the lab-field reaction rate riddle
- The Cloud Aerosol Interactions and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment (CAIPEEX): overview and prominent results
- The interplay between small and large CCN: Impacts on convective cloud microstructure as observed in CAIPEEX
- The long runout of the Heart Mountain landslide: A chemo-thermo-poro-elastic mechanism
- Controls on Sr/Ca in Scleractinian Corals: The Effects of Ca-ATPase and Ca channels on Skeletal Chemistry
- Discrepancy between GPS (5 yrs) and archaeoseismic (3 kyr) slip rate across the Ateret site (Dead Sea fault): Secular variations versus distributed slip
- Geomagnetic field intensity: How high can it get? How fast can it change? Constraints from Iron Age copper-slag
- Heat transfer in fractured geothermal reservoirs and continuous time random walks (Invited)
- Hula basin pull apart inversion - geophysical evidences supported by analog clay model
- Impact of nano-size weathering products on dissolution rates of primary minerals
- Intensive winds during glacial periods increased sand-dune activity and loess deposition
- Latest Pleistocene gusty intensified winds forced Sinai/Negev sand abrasion into finer grains: An example of active ergs as mega grinders
- Magnetic properties of lake sediments and the fidelity of Chemical and Detrital Remnant Magnetization
- Paleointensity Using Copper Slag Material: Extending Accuracy and Time Resolution of Geomagnetic Field Intensity Records (Invited)
- Predicting heat and mass transfer in fractured porous media (Invited)
- Resolution limits and completeness in earthquake archives: Lessons from the Dead Sea fault (Invited)
- Sr/Ca Sensitivity to Aragonite Saturation in Cultured Coral Measured by NanoSIMS (Invited)
- Tri-Millennial History of Earthquake Offsets of Tell Ateret on the Dead Sea Fault: a perfect time-predictable behavior?
- CALWATER Overview of the G1 aircraft measurements of cloud-aerosol interactions within winter storms
- Can pollution affect the microphysics of monsoon clouds? Inferences from CAIPEEX observations
- Dependence of Ice Formation in Sierra Winter Orographic Clouds on the Mixing State of Aerosols Serving as Ice Nuclei
- Determination of the sources and impacts of aerosols on clouds and orographic precipitation during CalWater
- Groundwater-Lake Interaction in the Dead Sea Area
- Modeling aerosol effects on winter storms: Case studies from the SUPRECIP2 and CalWater field experiments in central California
- Numerical simulations of sedimentation from dense slurries and implications for size segregation
- Paleointensity estimates derived from non-SD recording materials: Testing the IZZI technique on MD slag and a new bootstrap procedure
- Paleointensity results for 0 and 3 ka from Hawaiian lava flows: a new approach to sampling
- Probing the impact of different aerosol sources on cloud microphysics and precipitation through in-situ measurements of chemical mixing state
- Quantifying Kinetic Isotope Effect in Speleothems Through Clumped and Oxygen Isotopes in Laboratory Precipitation Experiments
- Radiocarbon in Tree STEM CO<SUB>2</SUB> Efflux
- Stress Patterns around Localized Volume Reduction Defects: Implication to Localization and Evolution
- Stylolite Populations in Limestone: Field Observations and Formation Models
- The Seasonal Climate Record from Soreq Cave (Israel) Speleothems
- The arrest of Agulhas retroflection during glaciations
- Wrinkles as a model for flower structures along strike-slip faults: example from Dead Sea Transform
- antithetic block rotation of the gabbro layer versus the sheeted-dikes complex during oceanic crust accretion: paleomagnetic and petrologic evidence from troodos ophiolite
- A numerical model of electrostatic fields above sprite-generating thunderstorms
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Increased storminess during MIS3 altered the late Quaternary basin-scale weathering, erosion, and deposition in Nahal Yael, hyperarid Negev, Israel
- Internal Carbon Recycling in Trees - New Approach, Findings, and Implications
- Localised vs distributed deformation: 3D modelling of the Dead Sea region
- Modeling the growth and interaction of stylolite networks, using the discrete element method for pressure solution
- Potentially Large Aerosol Indirect Effect of Opposite Signs From Shallow and Deep Clouds
- Stick-slip behavior in saturated fault gouge; insights from grain-scale models
- Symbiont-host relationships in foraminifera and their importance for palaeo-CO<SUB>2</SUB> reconstruction: insights from boron isotopes
- The Effects of Transpacific Transported Aerosol on Clouds in California
- Aerosol Impacts on Deep Convective Clouds: Mechanism, Significance, and Parameterization (Invited)
- Decadal to millennial scale archaeointensity variations in the Levant
- Effects of fluid-flow on the strength of gouge-filled fault zones: liquefaction and dilatant hardening
- Northern versus southern gateways control on ocean overturning circulation at the Eocene-Oligocene transition and possible implications to global cooling
- Numerical models of fluid-filled fault zones: the effect of fluid flow on shear localization
- Submarine landslides along the eastern Mediterranean Israeli continental slope - a possible source for tsunami
- The Signature of ENSO Diversity in the Boreal Winter Extratropics and in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Tropospheric precursors of Arctic winter stratospheric polar vortex variability (Invited)
- U-Th dating of calcitic corals from the Red Sea
- U-Th-Pa dating systematics of ';dirty carbonates' from the Dead Sea basin
- Seismic Ground Motion and Boulder Formation Along the Margins of the Dead Sea Fault System, Southern Israel
- Isostasy, Flexure, and Dynamic Topography
- Rainstorm-pattern analysis and its utilization in a high resolution "weather generator" to investigate flash flood conditions and climatic change hydrological impacts
- Sulfur Isotope Variability of DMS(P) Production by Antarctic Sea Ice Microbial Communities
- The Hydrometeorology and Hydrology of Extreme Floods in Urban Watersheds of the Southwestern US
- The Southern Utah Flash Floods of 14 September 2015 and the Hydroclimatology of Extreme Floods in the Southwestern US
- Changes in stratiform precipitation properties in response to usage of different cloud microphysics parameterizations for an MC3E Squall Line Case
- Earthquake bursts and fault branching: lessons from the Carmel fault branch (CFB) of the Dead Sea Transform (DST)
- Fast directional changes in the geomagnetic field recovered from archaeomagnetism of ancient Israel
- Influence of water load on fault stability and earthquake recurrence interval, and their dependence on hydromechanical fault properties
- Last interglacial sea levels and regional tectonics from fossil coral reefs at the Gulf of Aqaba
- Setting Age Limits for TT-OSL Dating - the Local Effect
- Simulating a Mesoscale Convective System Using New Fast Spectral Bin Microphysics: Size Distributions in the Convective and Stratiform areas
- Simulating a Mesoscale Convective System Using New Fast Spectral Bin Microphysics: The Major Ice Hydrometeor and Aerosol Effects
- Three-moment representation of rain in a cloud microphysics model
- Accurate Reproduction of a Mesoscale Convective System Structure Using WRF with a New Spectral Bin Microphysics
- Coeval sea-level rise over the mid-Holocene southern oceans
- Constraining the relationship between the triple oxygen isotope composition of carbonate mollusk shells and parent water
- Cross-Shelf Redistribution of Coarse Gravel and Fluvial Incision Following Shelf Exposure: Observations from the Dead Sea
- Factors contributing to bias and variability of stratiform precipitation properties with various cloud microphysics schemes for an MC3E Squall Line Case
- Flooding potential in desert watersheds
- Just a pile of rubble? Mesophotic coral rubble fields are an important, yet overlooked carbonate sink in the Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba, northern Red Sea
- Sinuosity Evolution Along Incising Channel: New Insights from the Jordan River Response to the Dead Sea Level Fall
- Were There More Rains, Longer Events or Less Evaporation In Wetter Climates? - Taking The First Step In Quantifying The Influence Of Climate Characteristics On Soil Forming Processes
- A Multimodel Assessment of Aerosol Impacts on Deep Convective Cloud Systems
- A drop in Sahara dust fluxes records the northern limits of the African Humid Period
- Carbonate <SUP>17</SUP>O<SUB>excess</SUB> as a Paleo-Hydrology Proxy
- Constraining Remineralization of Sinking Organic Carbon in the Oligotrophic Ocean: A Case Study from the Gulf of Aqaba
- Ductile thrust splays off a pull apart - new earthquake data from Lake Kinneret
- Magnetic Evidence for Tectonic Movements Related to Paleo-OCC Massif at Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
- Mixed-phase stratocumulus clouds: the reason of long-lasting existence of liquid phase
- New constraint on the global CO<SUB>2</SUB> oxygen isotope recycling time and implications for gross primary productivity
- Subsurface faults, fractures in 3D seismics: Constraining in-situ stresses in the eastern Mediterranean
- The Role of Ice Splintering on Microphysics of Deep Convective Clouds Forming under Different Aerosol Conditions: Simulations Using the Model with Spectral Bin Microphysics
- The Shallow Subsurface as an Amplification Factor During Historic Earthquakes
- Uncertainty analysis on sub-daily precipitation extremes from global datasets
- Archaeointensity of Historically Dated Burnt Structures in the Southern Levant: Anchors for the Evolution of the Levantine Iron Age Anomaly and the Timing of Geomagnetic Spikes
- Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences as one of the main wheels that drive human history
- Changes and uncertainty in future drought risk over Australia.
- Determining Bathymetry of Shallow Ephemeral Desert Lakes Using Satellite Imagery and Altimetry
- Eastern Mediterranean Drying: Projected Changes in Dynamics and Thermodynamics and Their Relation to Large-Scale Processes
- Flood Frequency Analyses with Metastatistical Extreme Value Distribution applied to Simulated River Flows
- From Straight to Deeply Incised Meandering Channels: Slope Impact on Sinuosity of Confined Streams
- Getting the most out of satellite-based precipitation data for forecasting river floods with deep neural networks
- Global CO<SUB>2</SUB> recycling time and gross primary productivity of the terrestrial and oceanic biospheres
- Global warming impact on rainfall during heavy precipitation events in the eastern Mediterranean
- Google's flood forecasting framework: connecting data, models, risks and people
- Intra-Storm Instantaneous Detachment, Longshore Transport, and Sorting of Smart Boulders Under High-Resolution Wave Forcing
- Investigation of sea breeze and foehn in the Dead Sea valley with remote sensing observations and WRF model simulations
- Is oxidation of atmospheric mercury controlled by different mechanisms in the polluted continental boundary layer vs. remote marine boundary layer?
- Let it flow: forensic analysis of crystals and field observations to retrieve dynamic of empanelment
- Origin of the Kyrenia Terrane, Northern Cyprus: Results of Detrital Zircon U-Pb Provenance Investigations in Triassic to Eocene Rock Units
- Planetary (Rossby), Inertia-Gravity (Poincaré) and Kelvin waves on the f-plane in the presence of a uniform zonal flow
- The Impact of Split and Displacement Sudden Stratospheric Warmings on the Troposphere
- The Role of Rainstorm Properties on Crop-Land Soil Erosion: Coupling Event-Scale Modeling with a Stochastic Rainfall Generator for Estimating Erosion Risks
- Turbulent Excitation of the Tropical Background and Wave Spectrum