Ewha Womans University, Korea
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Particle Characterization Trend of Ambient Aerosol of Gosan (Kosan), Jeju (Cheju) for ACE-ASIA Study
- Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization and Elevated [CO<SUB>2</SUB>] on Wetland Biogeochemistry
- Feasibility of Sensing Tropospheric Ozone with MODIS 9.6 μ Observations
- CREAM Observation of January 20th Solar Flare
- Approximated particle extinction coefficient for aerosol dynamics by the moment method
- Assessment to CCN impacts on stratocumulus cloud development by LES model simulations
- An LES model study of the indirect aerosol effects of marine stratocumulus clouds
- The morphological changes after hillslope erosion and the stability of hillslope in the Dokdo
- Multiple Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Sulfate in the Fresh Water, Deception Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
- Variations in Primary and Secondary Aerosols near a Major Road
- Effect of the Presence of Crustal Elements (Ca2+, K+, and Mg2+) in Estimating Water Content in PM2.5
- Evaluation of a newly developed below-cloud scavenging scheme of regional aerosol simulations: its implication for aerosol budget over East Asia
- Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer(GEMS) onboard MP-GEOSAT (Multi Purpose Geostationary Satellite) over Asia-Pacific region
- Monitoring Air Quality from Geostationary Orbit in Asia-Pacific region by MP-GEOSAT (Invited)
- An Integrated Modeling and Observing System for Hazards and Regional Climate Simulations
- Analysis of the possible measurement errors for the PM10 concentration measurement at Gosan, Korea
- Change of the Angstrom exponent in Log-normal aerosol size distribution
- Characteristics of Carbonaceous and Ionic Species and Direct Aerosol Forcing of the Aerosols over Gosan, Jeju, Korea
- Acupunctural Afforestation for Desertification Mitigation over Semi-Arid Regions in East Asia
- Combined observational and modeling based study of the relationship between aerosols and super-cooled cloud fraction
- Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer(GEMS) onboard the GEOKOMPSAT to monitor air quality in high temporal and spatial resolution over Asia-Pacific region
- The impact of biomass burning in North Korea to the air quality in Seoul, South Korea
- The relationship between estimated water content and water soluble organic carbon of PM10 at Seoul, Korea
- Variability in Atmospheric and Surface Temperatures derived from Satellite and Ground-Based Measurements
- Aerosol optical properties during coagulation and condensation in multimodal aerosol size distribution
- Analysis of global changes of anomalous temperature events for the period of 1951-2010 by using a Markov Chain
- GEMS(Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer) onboard the GeoKOMPSAT : Requirements for instrument and sciences
- Inter- and Intra-annual Variability of Vegetation in the Northern Hemisphere and its Association with Precursory Meteorological Factors
- Simulation of radiance from the Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer as an application for cloud property retrieval
- The Effects of Weir Construction on the Hydrodynamics and Water Quality of South Han River in Korea
- The response of soil organic matter decomposition and carbon cycling to temperature increase and nitrogen addition
- Urban Flood Vulnerability Mapping for Seoul, Korea under a Changing Climate
- A comparison of the ice nucleating efficiencies of dust, polluted dust and smoke in mixed-phase clouds based on spaceborne lidar observations
- Analysis of scheme interrelationships for model calibration and improvement using the Noah land surface model with multi-physics options
- Changes in the characteristics of extreme cold anomaly for the period of 1951-2010 as revealed by a Markov analysis
- Comparison of in-situ optical sensors in monitoring stream DOC concentrations
- Influence of non-feedback variations of radiation on the determination of climate feedback, and its implication to climate model improvement (Invited)
- On the effects of the organic aerosol optical properties due to relative humidity and water contents
- Sensitivity study on the spectral calibration of a hyper-spectral imaging spectrometer for the GEO-KOMPSAT2
- A New Species of the Genus Kiwa (Decapoda: Anomura) from the Hydrothermal Vent of the Australia-Antarctic Ridge
- Calculation of Polydispersed Aerosol Optical Properties with Multicomponent Size Distribution and Different Mixture Type during Smog and Asian Dust Events in Korea
- Contribution of HUmic-LIke Substances Carbon (HULIS-C) in WSOC and their characteristics in aerosol
- Development of Stochastic Seasonal Prediction Model of Arctic Sea Ice Concentration
- Estimates the Effects of Benthic Fluxes on the Water Quality of the Reservoir
- How does the difference between low- and high-latitude climate sensitivity affect climate feedback diagnosis?
- Influence of trans-boundary air pollution from China on multi-day high PM<SUB>10</SUB> episodes in Seoul, Korea
- Observed relationship between Arctic sea ice, cloud, and solar radiation and its implication for ice-albedo feedback
- Response of Dissolved Organic Matter to Warming and Nitrogen Addition
- Seasonal Variations of Quantified Organic Compounds in PM10 over Seoul
- The response of soil organic matter decomposition and greenhouse gases emission to global warming and nitrogen addition
- A Sensitivity Study for the Wavelength Calibration of GeoTASO for KORUS-AQ Campaign
- Anthropogenic Carbon Pump in an Urbanized Estuary
- Carbon dioxide emissions and the overshoot ratio change resulting from the implementation of 2<SUP>nd</SUP> Energy Master Plan in South Korea
- Climate Change Conundrum: Warmer World, Slower Circulation, but More Extremes
- Decadal Variation's Offset of Global Warming in Recent Tropical Pacific Climate
- Development of Space Science Instruments for Next Generation Small Satellite -1
- Long-term trend of the mass and chemical species' concentrations in PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> at Seoul
- Nature of Year-to-Year MJO Variability: SST-Forced vs. Internally Driven?
- Pyrosequencing Based Microbial Community Analysis of Stabilized Mine Soils
- Quasi-Biennial Oscillation regulation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Removal of micro pollutants using activated biochars and powdered activated carbon in water
- Tropical Atlantic Impacts on the Decadal Climate Variability of the Tropical Ocean and Atmosphere.
- Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor and Cloud Variations with Sea Surface Temperature in Observations and Models
- A preliminary study on isotopic evolution of ice by a melting experiment
- A study on natural and anthropogenic changes of chemical compositions in the Nakdong river in Korea
- Analysis of Spatial Autocorrelation for Optimal Observation Network in Korea
- Biogeochemical Mg cycle in the Barton Peninsula, King George Island, West Antarctica
- Changes of the Hadley Circulation Under Global Warming and Their Linkage with Climate Sensitivity and Hydrologial Sensitivity
- Classification of organic aerosol in the atmosphere over Seoul based on chemical group separation using two dimensional gas chromatography-time of flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC TOFMS) data
- Comparison of two derivatization methods for the analysis of short chain fatty acids in the ambient aerosol using GC-MS
- Estimation of source contribution of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> at a background area in Korea
- Evaluating the subseasonal impacts of the MJO and BSISO in the East Asian extended summer
- Mitigation of Methane and Odor using a Pilot-Scale Engineered Biocover at a Landfill, South Korea
- OCO-2 Solar-induced Fluorescence Data Portal and Applications to Crop Yield Estimation
- Observation system simulation experiment to estimate the potential impact of GEMS geostationary satellite radiances on WRF-Chem
- Observational Estimation of Radiative Feedback to Surface Air Temperature over Northern High Latitudes
- Principal Factors for High Performance of Odor and Methane degrading Biocover using Network Analysis
- Recent changes in winter Arctic clouds and their relationships with sea ice and atmospheric conditions
- Seasonal variation of organic aerosol in PM2.5 at Anmyeondo, a background site in Korea
- Atmospheric gravity waves with small vertical-to-horizotal wavelength ratios
- Compositional Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter released from the sediment of Han river in Korea.
- Impacts of Aerosols on Seasonal Precipitation and Snowpack in California Based on Convection-Permitting WRF-Chem Simulations
- PCA-based SO2, NO2, and HCHO retrievals from GeoTASO airborne measurements during KORUS-AQ 2016 campaign
- Spatial Variations of DOM Compositions in the River with Multi-functional Weir
- Trends of the electricity output, power conversion efficiency, and the grid emission factor in North Korea
- Behaviors of Dicarboxylic Acids and Other Organic Compounds in PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> at Anmyeon Island, a Background Site in South Korea
- Characteristics of the Ecological Deficits in South Korea and North Korea
- Estimation and evaluation of Surface reflectance and aerosol optical thickness for the geostationary satellites
- Evaluation of the predictors and skill for subseasonal statistical temperature forecasts over East Asia
- History matching of a channelized gas reservoir using ES-MDA integrated with an unsupervised serial denoising autoencoder
- Identification and Quantification of the Particulate Nitrosamines and Nitramines and Their Main Contributors in the Ambient Atmosphere at Seoul, South Korea
- La Nina-like mean state drives winter extremes in North America
- Selection of a vertical infill well placement using a multi-modal convolutional neural network trained using reservoir simulation
- Simulation performance comparison of Rttov-gb with Monortm using numerical weather prediction model data.
- Validation of Potential Source Density Functions (PSDFs) for Locating Air Pollution Sources
- Approximated expression for mass extinction efficiency of polydispersed aerosols for entire size regime
- Assessment of the Performance of the Solar Cells Affected by the Optical Properties of the Chemical Components of the fine Particles (PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>) in the Atmosphere in Korea
- Changing Nutrient Controls on the Composition and Functionality of Harmful Algal Species in an Urbanized River System
- Characteristics of the North Pacific Oscillation in CMIP5 models in relation to atmospheric mean states
- Determination of Infill Well Placement at a Petroleum Reservoir Using a Data-driven Multi-modal Convolutional Neural Network with Sequential Training
- Impacts of aerosols on the spatial inhomogeneity of mixed-phase deep convective clouds and torrential rain in urban areas
- New Model to Identify Air Pollution Sources with Machine-learning Technique
- On the delayed coupling between ocean and atmosphere in recent weak El Niño episodes
- Optimal Structure of a Data-driven Multi-modal Convolutional Neural Network for Determination of Infill Well Placement at a Petroleum Reservoir
- PM2.5 levels and visibility in North Korea
- Statistical Forecast of Subseasonal Winter Precipitation based on the Arctic Oscillation
- A Numerical Study on Isotopic Variation of Meltwater from Isotopically Heterogeneous Snowpack or Ice
- Assessment of Hydrocarbon Productivity Using Convolutional Neural Network with Phase-field Approach in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
- Atmospheric Transmission and Surface Reflection Determination for the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)
- Determination of Oil-Well Placement at a Petroleum Reservoir using Sequential Convolutional Neural Network Coupled with Robust Optimization under Geological Uncertainty
- Diel variations of isotopic and chemical compositions of a stream in King George Island, Antarctica
- Effects of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-CH<SUB>4</SUB> Co-injection on the Performance of a Coupled Carbon Storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery Process
- First results of formaldehyde vertical columns from the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) onboard a geostationary satellite over Asia
- New Era of Air Quality Monitoring from Space - First Observations from Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)
- Assessment of Hydrocarbon Productivity Using a Hydraulic-Mechanical Model with Phase-Field Approach in a Fractured Reservoir
- Comparison of Simulated Climatology in a Nonhydrostatic Global Model on a Cubed-Sphere Grid to the Results from a Hydrostatic Spectral Dynamic Core Model
- Enhancing Subseasonal Temperature Prediction by Bridging a Statistical Model with Dynamical Arctic Oscillation Forecasting
- Estimating Hydraulic and Thermal Properties of an Antarctic Active Layer through Column Experiments
- Estimationof Shear Travel Time from Well Logging Data usingan Ensemble Deep Learning
- First Year Observations of Air Quality from Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)
- Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) status, preliminary results and validation campaign
- Hadley circulation in the present and future climate simulations of the K-ACE model
- High-resolution estimation of porosity with deep-learning-based interpretation of well logging and core data for gas-hydrate-bearing sediments in the Republic of Korea
- Improvement of the Temperature and Humidity Profiles in the Lower Atmospheric Layer Retrieved from a Ground-based Microwave Radiometer Based on the 1D-VAR Technique.
- In-flight performance and calibration of Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)
- Madden-Julian Oscillation in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Version 1
- Modeling of CO2-CH4 Water Alternating Gas with Asphaltene Deposition for Estimating Coupled Performance of Enhanced Oil Recovery and Geological Carbon Storage
- Multi-lateral horizontal well with dual-tubing system for reducing the CCS cost and improving CO2 storage security
- Optimal Placement of Infill Wells at a Petroleum Reservoir based on Time-series Forecasting using Multi-modal Convolutional Neural Network
- Understanding formation of ice wedges and origin of trapped greenhouse gas at Zyryanka, Northeastern Siberia
- A Preliminary Study on the Difference Between Storm Movement and Wind Fields in Indo-China
- Chemical composition and revolution of PM1.0 by aircraft-based measurement on the large point sources in Korea
- Connectivity and Divergence of Symbiotic Bacteria of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Mussels in Relation to Geological Features of Mid-Ocean Ridge Systems
- Determination of Soil Hydraulic and Thermal Properties for an Antarctic Area: Column Experiments and Inverse Modeling
- Diagnostic analysis on Arctic-midlatitude teleconnection associated with the sources of predictability in sub-seasonal timescales
- Efficient Design of Warm-VAPEX using a Neural Network Coupled with a Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm for an Oilsands Reservoir in Alberta, Canada
- Estimation of NH3 and PM1 emissions in large point sources in Chungnam province using aircraft-based measurement
- Interdecadel change in the ENSO influence on the variability of the western North Pacific Subtropical High
- Modeling of Carbonated Water Injection at a Saline Aquifer as an Efficient Carbon Capture and Storage Solution
- Numerical Investigation of CO2 Carbonated Water-Alternating-Gas on Oil Recovery and Geological Carbon Storage
- Relationship between IOD/ENSO and Planetary Wave Patterns in the Southern Hemisphere
- Sub-seasonal prediction of Arctic sea ice concentration using time series forecasting technique
- The Effect of Feature Extraction on Machine Learning-based Gas Hydrate Saturation Prediction Model from CT image
- The Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS): analysis and applications