Chungnam National University, Korea
flowchart I[Chungnam National University, Korea] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (188)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (25)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Equatorial Spread F Found in AN Old Airglow Scan Atlas of Dudley Observatory
- Temporal and Spatial Variations in Soil CO2 Effluxes of Different Ecosystems
- Marine reservoir correction (delta R) for the southern and western coastal waters, Korea
- Radium Isotope Ratios as Tracers for Estimating the Influence of Changjiang Outflow Water to the Adjacent Seas
- An Automated Chamber Network for Evaluation the Long-term Response and Feedback of Soil Carbon Dynamics to Global Change
- Dayside Magnetic Reconnection under the Conditions of Dipole Tilt and Northward IMF
- Accumulation of vehicle derived pollutants and its relation with road types in traffic controlled urban area
- Changes in In Situ Stress Across the Nankai and Cascadia Convergent Margins From Borehole Breakout Measurements During Ocean Drilling
- Characterization of anthropogenic pollutants in Asian dust
- Distribution of seawater Cd in the Ulleung basin, East/Japan Sea
- Estimation of strain accumulation around the Kumano Mega-Splay during IODP NanTroSEIZE Stage 1 expeditions in the Nankai Trough
- Interaction between Meso-scale Eddies and Sub-polar Front in the East (Japan) Sea based on ARGO, AVHRR, and Numerical Model
- Investigation of the Water Quality of Six Major Rivers in South Korea: Statistical and Isotopic Approaches
- Natural Remanent Magnetization in LL6 St. Severin Chondrites
- Pb Concentration and Stable PB Isotopes in Dated-Core Sediments in the Ulleung Basin, East/japan Sea
- Simultaneous Observation of FUV Aurora with Precipitating Electrons on STSAT- 1
- Tidal Characteristics Change in the Asan Bay, Korea from 1993 to 2006
- Was Korean Peninsula shown a same tectonic motion with Eurasian Plate since Mesozoic?
- Ancient Planetary Magnetic Field Intensity from the LL6 St. Severin
- Archeomagnetism in East Asia for the Past 3,000 Years
- Lu-Hf systematics of the ultra-high temperature Napier Complex, East Antarctica: evidence for the early Archean formation of continental crust
- Magnetic evaluation of sediment provenance in the southern shelf of Korea (East China Sea) using Fuzzy c-means cluster analysis
- Modern incarnations of Thellier Paleointensity Determination (Invited)
- Negative Ionospheric Storm observed by GPS and Ionosonde in Korea
- Preliminary Study on the Variation of Geomagnetic Field during 33n-32r-32n Transition
- The solar cycle dependence variability of the occurrence pattern of the equatorial plasma bubbles retrieved from TIMED/GUVI nightglow images
- Variability of the mixed layer depth in the Western Pacific marginal seas
- Anomalous paleointensity variation in the Late Cretaceous
- Lu-Hf and Re-Os systematics of peridotite xenoliths from Spitsbergen, western Svalbard: Implications for mantle-crust coupling
- Magnetic Properties of LL6 Ordinary Chondrite St. Severin
- Magnetic characterization of airborne particulates
- Magnetic mineralogy of ash flow tuffs: Teasing out effects of emplacement and post-emplacement conditions
- Magnetism of Cr-rich Spinel
- Seasonal and height variation of gravity wave activities observed by a meteor radar at King Sejong Station (62°S, 57°W), Antarctica
- Stress-Controlled Fracture Permeability and a Possible Cause of Hydrothermal Overflow in Seokmo Geothermal Site, South Korea
- A national scale estimation of soil carbon stocks of Pinus densiflora forests in Korea: a modelling approach
- Characterization of hydraulic properties of Pocheon and Yangsan granites and Boryung and Berea sandstones by measuring porosity, permeability, and electric conductivity
- Electrical Resistivity Monitoring for Leachate Distribution at Two Foot-and-Mouth- Disease (FMD) Burial Sites
- Melt inclusions hosted in olivine and plagioclase phenocrysts from the Antarctic-Phoenix Ridge basalts: Implications for origins of N- and E-type MORB parent magmas
- Determining the geographical origin of Chinese cabbages using multielement composition and strontium isotope ratio analyses
- Geochemistry of lavas from the Australian-Antarctic Ridge, easternmost Southeast Indian Ridge
- Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd isotope systematics of Korean spinel peridotites: A case for metasomatically induced Nd-Hf decoupling
- Simulation studies for mode conversion of nonlinear Alfven waves in the magnetosphere
- Effects of the core-shell structure on the magnetic properties of partially oxidized magnetite grain. Experimental and micromagnetic investigations
- Estimation of mesospheric vertical winds from a VHF meteor radar at King Sejong Station, Antarctica (62.2S, 58.8W)
- In Situ Stress Measurements Using Hydraulic Fracturing Method in a Potential Geothermal Site, Seokmo Island, South Korea
- Interpretation of bathymetric and magnetic data from the easternmost segment of Australian-Antarctic Ridge, 156°-161°E
- Periodicity in the occurrence of equatorial plasma bubbles
- Reconciling the Shadow of a Subduction Signature with Rift Geochemistry and Tectonic Environment in Eastern Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica
- Ridge Tectonics, Magma Supply, and Ridge-Hotpot Interaction at the Eastern End of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Some technical issues on utilizing borehole breakouts for in-situ stress estimation in deepwater sediments
- Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotope geochemistry of basaltic rocks from the Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin, South Korea: Implications for basin formation
- Travel time simulation for radionuclide transport at the Korean underground research facility, KURT
- Characteristics of solar wind density depletions during solar cycles 23 and 24
- Coupled Variation of C and Mg Isotopes in the Middle to Late Cambrian Carbonate Ramp Deposits of the Machari Formation in the Yeongweol Area, Korea
- Cyclic Variations of Near-Earth Conditions and Solar Magnetic Multipole Fields
- Effect of land-use changes on sediment transportation in a small catchment during last 60 years
- Furongian Stable Carbon Isotope Excursions (SPICE and HERB) in the Mixed Carbonate-Siliclastics on an Epeiric Platform of the Taebaeksan Basin, Korea
- Generation of Tectonic Over-pressure inside Subducting Slab Involving Phase-Loop of Olivine-Spinel Transition
- Geochemistry of Jeongok basalts, northernmost South Korea: Implications for the enriched mantle end-member component in Northeast Asia
- Geophysical Characteristics of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Indirect Estimations of Frictional Coefficients of Fractures in Sandstones for Analysis of Injection Induced Microseismicity
- Investigation of Microseismicity Triggered by Raised Pore Pressure through Laboratory CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection Tests in Berea Sandstone
- Investigation on seasonal variations of Be-7 and H-3 in the rainwater of Korea
- Mantle domain and segmentation at the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Microwave Spectra and Coronal Magnetic Structure of Flaring Active Regions
- On the high correlation between storm sudden commencements and interplanetary shocks
- Periodicity in the occurrence of equatorial plasma bubbles
- Potential impacts of the wintertime Arctic Oscillation and North Atlantic Oscillation on spring dust activity over northern China: comparing and contrasting
- Tectonic Stress at IODP Site C0002, Nankai, Indicated by Borehole Resistivity Images of Two Boreholes Drilled under Different Annulus Pressures
- The melting sea ice of Arctic polar cap in the summer solstice month and the role of ocean
- Time-Dependent Flexural Deformation Beneath the Emperor Seamounts
- Title: Estimating the Changes in Forest Carbon Dynamics of South Korean Forests Under Climate Change Scenarios
- Does a Superswell Exist Between Antarctica and Australia?
- Geomechanical Risk Assessment on Shear Activation of Faults in the CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage Test Site, Offshore Pohang, South Korea
- Geophysical Investigation of Australian-Antarctic Ridge Using High-Resolution Gravity and Bathymetry
- Long-term Variation of the Tidal Characteristics at Jeju Island in the South Sea of Korea
- New Application of Finite Element Method to Seamount Magnetism
- On the Relationships between the Slab Dips and the Age of Oceanic lithosphere
- Optimization of Paleogeography of East Asia for the Past 150 Ma
- Reliability of Ancient Planetary Magnetic Field Intensity Determination Using the Ratio of Thermoremanence to Saturation Isothermal Remanence
- Revised Macquarie-Antarctic plate motion during the last 6 Ma using magnetic anomalies of Australian-Antarctic Ridge near 156°-161°E
- Tectonic Implications of Paleoproterozoic Deo Khe Granitoids in Northwestern Vietnam
- Temporal variation of optimal UV exposure time over Korea: risks and benefits of surface UV radiation
- The onset condition of equatorial plasma bubbles - the role of seeding mechanism and growth condition
- Variation of Paleo-temperature and Geomagnetic Field Intensity: Do They Responsible for the Rise and Fall of Ancient Civilization in East Asia?
- What Do Borehole Strainmeter Signals Tell Us about Earthquake-Related Stress Change?
- Assessing Sustainable Developments in a Coastal Region: the Garolim Bay in the West Coast of Korea
- Difference in the Minimum Horizontal Stress Magnitudes Between Direct Measurements and Poroelastic Equation-Based Calculation
- Effects of land use history, soil type and the number of plant species on EVI after drought event
- Measuring Mudstone Permeability at Two Different (Borehole and Core) Scales
- Mechanisms of Two Earthquakes in Southern California Deduced from Borehole Strainmeter Data
- Moving Installation of Neutron Monitor from McMurdo to Jang Bogo Station
- New Bathymetry Reveals Detailed History of Transform Fault Segmentation at the Clarion Fracture Zone
- Petrogenetic Evolution of Basaltic Volcanism within the Tertiary Basins of Southeastern Korea and the Opening of the East Sea (Sea of Japan)
- Polar thermospheric winds and temperature observed by Fabry-Perot Interferometer at Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica
- Summertime Unusual Pattern of Aerosol Optical Properties in South Korea based on the AERONET Measurements
- The ambient stress field in the continental margin around the Korean Peninsula and Japanese islands
- The optimal UV exposure time for vitamin D3 synthesis and erythema estimated by UV observations in Korea
- Changes in spectral signatures of red lettuce regards to Zinc uptake
- Characteristics of ionospheric electron density profiles in the auroral and polar cap regions from long-term incoherent scatter radar observations
- Combining Earthquake Focal Mechanism Inversion and Coulomb Friction Law to Yield Tectonic Stress Magnitudes in Strike-slip Faulting Regime
- Development of High Energy Particle Detector for the Study of Space Storms onboard Next Generation Small Satellite-1
- Discrimination of fine-grained sediment provenance using geochemical elements on the inner shelf of the Korean Strait (South Sea), Korea
- Evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath Mt. Baekdu (Changbaishan)
- Geophysical Investigation of Upper Mantle Anomalies of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Isotopic evidence for a large-scale plume-derived mantle domain between the Indian and Pacific mantles beneath the Southern Ocean.
- Lithology-dependent In Situ Stress in Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoirs
- Morpho-tectonic characteristics of Australian-Antarctic Ridge.
- Recent Sedimentary Processes Along the Western Continental Margin of the South Korea Plateau, East Sea of Korea
- Remote Sensing based multi-temporal observation of North Korea mining activities : A case study of Rakyeon mine
- Seasonal movement change of sediments using RFID tracer monitoring in composite gravel beach, west coast of Korea
- Sedimentary and structural evolution of the Eastern South Korea Plateau (ESKP), East Sea (Japan Sea)
- Statistical study on the variations of OH and O2 rotational temperatures observed by SATI at King Sejong Station (62.22S, 58.78W), Antarctica
- Teleconnections between Low and High-Latitude MLT regions during the Southern Hemisphere (SH) Sudden Stratospheric Warmings (SSWs)
- The response of Antarctica MLT region for the recent Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) over Southern Hemisphere (SH): An overview
- Three-dimensional Gravity Modeling of Ocean Core Complexes at the Central Indian Ridge
- U-Series Disequilibria across the New Southern Ocean Mantle Province, Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Understanding of the sources of the F-region field-aligned irregularities in the middle latitude using ground-based and satellite observations
- Using High-Resolution Swath Mapping Data and Other Underway Geophysical Measurements Collected during Transit Cruises of RV Isabu to Map Deep Sea Floor of the Pacific and Indian Oceans
- Variations in West Antarctic Ice Front and Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature for 8 Years Duration in 2000s
- 2D numerical modeling of compressional buckling with vertical loading by thick sediment: Implications for the onset of subduction initiation along the western margin of East Sea (Japan Sea)
- A method to estimate soil water content based on multi-offset ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data
- Assessments of Factors Influencing Large Wildfires Using Remote Sensing Data in South Korea
- Characterization of geographical origin of garlic cultivated in Korea using isotopic and multi-elemental composition analyses
- Comparative analysis of specteal characteristics between heavey metal contaminated tailings and soils in mine area
- Dense core flexure modeling at the Louisville Seamount Chain
- Development of two dimensional debris flow model based on quadtree grid structure and its application
- Distribution and origin of broad plasma depletions in the equatorial F region observed by the C/NOFS satellite
- Exploratory data analysis for geophysical integration of deep-sea side-scan sonar and sub-bottom profiler data
- Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb-Mg isotopic compositions of volcanic rocks from Jeju Island, South Korea: Implications for the mantle source
- Geophysical characteristics of the Southern Ocean mantle domain
- Morphological characteristics of off-axis volcanism in the vicinity of the easternmost segment of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Operation of Instruments for the Study of Space Storms (ISSS) on Next Generation Small Satellite-1
- Seasonal variations in coastal morphology of a composite gravel beach using UAV remote sensing
- The northeastern continental shelf of Korean peninsula in the East Sea records giant submarine landslides during the Late Quaternary
- Assessment of Global Distribution and Temporal Changes of Background Aerosol Optical Depth
- Cosmic Ray Enhancements Observed by the CRaTER onboard the LRO
- Crustal Velocity Structure across the Southern Korean Peninsula from Earthquake Traveltime Inversion
- Crustal and upper-mantle structure of the northern Canadian Cordillera using Bayesian joint inversion of receiver-functions and surface-wave dispersion curves
- Crustal thickness variations in East Asia from Moho underside reflections of deep earthquakes
- EISCAT observation of gravity wave modulations at the commencement of local geomagnetic disturbance in the polar mesosphere
- Experimental Studies of Geological Mapping using Thermal UAV remote sensing
- Factors affecting shallow in situ stress orientation in Pohang, South Korea
- Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb-Mg isotopic constraints on the petrogenesis and mantle source of volcanic rocks from Jeju Island, South Korea
- Geochemistry and geochronology of the Permian-early Triassic arc-related magmatism in the southeastern of the Korean Peninsula: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications
- Imaging carbonate minerals and ore exploration using hyperspectral scanner
- Imaging the anisotropic upper mantle structure beneath northeast Asia from Bayesian inversions of ambient noise data
- Korea Ionospheric Data Assimilative Regional Model (KIDARiM)
- Late Paleoproterozoic ( 1.7 Ga) granites and granitic gneisses at Garorim Bay, South Korea: Implications for tectonic setting
- Moho depth variations beneath the southern Korean Peninsula from teleseismic P-wave coda autocorrelation.
- Observation of migrating aftershocks in the 2016 Gyeongju earthquake sequence
- PM10 Estimation using Applying Time Variation and recurrent neural network
- Regional Ionospheric Prediction Applying Ionosonde Data Assimilation with Neural Network algorithm
- Simultaneous Observations of a SAR arc by Multiple Instruments at Sub-auroral Conjugate Points and Its Ionospheric Response during the St. Patrick's Day Storm in 2015
- Spectroscopic analysis of Ginkgo trees associated with adsorption of air pollutants
- Stability Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Injection Using the Design of Experiment: A Case Study for the Janggi Basin, Korea
- Statistical Analysis of the GNSS Scintillation Measured at Single Station in High Latitude Ionosphere
- Stress State and Fault Slip Susceptibility in the Pohang Enhanced Geothermal System, South Korea: Geomechanical Processes Affecting Injection-Induced Microseismicity and the M<SUB>W</SUB> 5.5 Pohang Earthquake
- Stress-controlled Permeability Anisotropy in Tight Carbonate Reservoirs
- Upper mantle velocity structure beneath the Korean Peninsula by teleseismic traveltime tomography: evidence for heterogeneous modification and reactivation of a cratonic lithosphere margin
- Variability of tidal vertical structures in the Antarctic MLT region: 11-Year observations over King Sejong Station (62.22°S, 58.78°W)
- Visualization of Blind Fault Network at the Pohang Enhanced Geothermal System Site using Focal Mechanisms of Induced Seismicity and Hydro-geomechanical Constraints
- West-Antarctic Total Ozone Variation Related to the Regional Meteorology
- Fault-valve behavior in the 2017 M<SUB>w</SUB> 5.4 Pohang, South Korea, Earthquake Sequence
- Mirror instability driven by pickup ions in the outer heliosheath
- Seasonal Reynolds stress components, winds and tides in the Southern hemisphere mesosphere/lower thermosphere in 2019
- Understanding the generation of magnetosonic waves using PIC simulations in a dipole magnetic field
- Correction of ULF Wave observations in Low Earth Orbit
- Global Distribution and Morphology of Seamounts
- Unusual high frequency EMIC waves: Testing EMIC wave excitation and energy coupling from magnetosonic waves
- Analysis of factors influencing the construction of a check dam to reduce damage caused by debris flow
- Analysis of volcanic SO2 degassing cases using GEMS and TROPOMI
- Global Distribution of Small Seamounts from Satellite Gravity and Ship Soundings
- Morphologic Models for the Growth and Decay of Volcanic Seamounts
- Multistage Melting of Buoyant Mantle beneath the Fiji Triple Junction
- Oceanic Preconditioning of Marine Heat Waves in the Yellow Sea
- Postglacial evolution of the subaqueous delta off the southeastern coast of Korea.
- Prediction of land use changes according to SSP/SPA scenarios for Anseong City in response to a decrease in population
- Reconstruction of the regional total electron content maps over the Korean Peninsula using deep convolutional generative adversarial network and Poisson blending
- Response of ionosphere/thermosphere over European sector during the First G3 extreme geomagnetic storm in 25 solar cycle
- Response of meteor plasma trails observed by meteor radar to geomagnetic activity
- Satellite-based assessment of relationship between air pollutants and greenhouse gas concentration and the regional difference over East Asia
- Seismic structure of the crust-uppermost mantle beneath the Ethiopia volcanic province: evidence from auto-correlation and 3D-ambient noise Rayleigh wave tomography
- Tempo-spatial variation of sponge-coral reefs in the Upper Ordovician (Katian) Xiazhen Formation of South China: An insight for the early establishment of middle Paleozoic-type reef ecosystem
- The study for CO2 measurement from satellite observations based on a machine learning architecture
- Westward propagating quasi-10-day wave activity during 2012 – 2016 in the southern high-latitude MLT region using meteor radar observations and SD-WACCM simulations
- Zonally symmetric variability of the Northern midlatitude Oceanic Heat Content in CESM2
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. B. Watts
- C. J. Ebinger
- David T. Sandwell
- H. Harper
- H. Kil
- In Sun Song
- J. Hong
- Jaewook Lee
- JeongHeon Kim
- Kwang Nyun Kim
- Kyung-Hwan Min
- Munjae Park
- Paul Wessel
- Q. Ma
- Seongryong Kim
- Seungjun Lee
- Seung‐Sep Kim
- Se‐Heon Jeong
- Walter H. F. Smith
- Wonkyong Song
- Wonseok Lee
- Woo Kyoung Lee
- Yong Ha Kim
- Young-Pil Choi
- Young‐Sil Kwak