University of Porto, Portugal
flowchart I[University of Porto, Portugal] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (57)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (6)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- GPS and Gravity Surveying at Fogo Volcano, Cape Verde Islands, 1998-2001
- Positive charge carriers flowing out of partially stressed synthetic quartz: a fundamental experiment for modeling seismo-electromagnetic phenomena
- Regional characteristics of long-term sea level variations from satellite altimetry and tide gauges
- Changes in Extremes of Relative Sea-level: the Baltic Sea case study
- Ground Subsidence in the Granada City and Surrounding Area (Spain) using DInSAR Monitoring
- Present-day Kinematics of the East African Rift
- Sea-level Variability in Chesapeake Bay from Autoregressive Decomposition of Tide Gauge Records
- Making Coastal Altimetry Happen: a Prototype Envisat Processor From the COASTALT Project
- An integrated system for wind energy forecast using meteorological models and statistical post-processing
- Fast analysis of GPS time-series with gaps
- Informing climate-related decisions in complex river basins: A comparative assessment
- Advances in Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft Communications and Remote Sensing in Maritime Environments including the Arctic
- Anomalous ocean tide loading displacements in western Europe suggest mantle anelasticity
- Evaluation of low- and medium-cost IMUs for airborne gravimetry with UAVs
- Local Sea Level Derived from Reflected GNSS Signals
- a New Local Geoid for Madeira Using Airborne Gravimetry
- CryoSat Plus For Oceans: an ESA Project for CryoSat-2 Data Exploitation Over Ocean
- Integrating Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vessels, Surface Vessels and Aircraft into Oceanographic Research Vessel Operations
- Climate change and drought risk management in Mediterranean watersheds (Invited)
- Development and Validation of New Advanced Ocean Altimetry Products From Cryosat-2 in Conventional and in SAR Mode
- Networking Multiple Autonomous Air and Ocean Vehicles for Oceanographic Research and Monitoring
- Role of WEGENER (World Earthquake GEodesy Network for Environmental Hazard Research) in monitoring natural hazards (Invited)
- Building oceanographic and atmospheric observation networks by composition: unmanned vehicles, communication networks, and planning and execution control frameworks
- Coccolithophores Productivity in the Iberian Margin During Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11 and 12: Results from IODP Sites U1385 and U1391
- Diatom Abundance in Surface Sediments: A Quantitative Proxy for Primary Productivity at the Global Level?
- Improved Oceanographic Measurements from SAR Altimetry: Results and Scientific Roadmap from the ESA Cryosat Plus for Oceans Project
- Transforming Research in Oceanography through Education, Ethnography and Rapidly Evolving Technologies: An NSF-INSPIRE project.
- Two Decades of Global and Regional Sea Level Observations from the ESA Climate Change Initiative Sea Level Project
- Backward Modeling of Reflectance Spectra of Single Mineral Assemblages
- Simulation of Electrical Transport in Rocks under Mechanical Action
- A New CCI ECV Release (v2.0) to Accurately Measure the Sea Level Change (1993-2015)
- Assimilation of satellite altimetry data in hydrological models for improved inland surface water information: Case studies from the "Sentinel-3 Hydrologic Altimetry Processor prototypE" project (SHAPE)
- Evaluating the performance of Sentinel-3 SRAL SAR Altimetry in the Coastal and Open Ocean, and developing improved retrieval methods - The ESA SCOOP Project.
- Defining Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) as a contribution to Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs): A Core Task of the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) to Accelerate Integration of Biological Observations in the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)
- Design of a Data Catalogue for Perdigão-2017 Field Experiment: Establishing the Relevant Parameters, Post-Processing Techniques and Users Access
- Evaluation of the Sentinel-3 Hydrologic Altimetry Processor prototypE (SHAPE) methods.
- Fluid Sources at the Panasqueira Tungsten-Vein Deposit
- Nocturnal Reversed Flows Above Parallel Ridges in Perdigão, Portugal
- Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry over Coastal and Open Ocean: performance assessment and improved retrieval methods in the ESA SCOOP Project.
- The Spatial Resolution in the Computer Modelling of Atmospheric Flow over a Double-Hill Forested Region
- Advances made in Prototyping a Sentinel-3 Hydrologic Altimetry Processor
- Can Organic Coatings Limit Water Uptake by Aerosol Particles?
- Improved Retrieval Methods for Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry over Coastal and Open Ocean and recommendations for implementation: ESA SCOOP Project Results
- On the need for high-rate tropospheric corrections for satellite altimetry studies over continental water surfaces and coastal regions
- Proposals for Addressing Capacity Gaps in African Ocean Science and Policy Capabilities
- A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) Pole-to-Pole of the Americas in support of conservation and sustainable use of living resources in the sea
- Flood forecasting methodology for optimal reservoir operation. Application to a Portuguese river basin.
- Improved Retrieval Methods for Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry over Coastal and Open Ocean and recommendations for implementation: ESA SCOOP Project Results
- Revisiting Carrington event with archival materials: Spatiotemporal Evolutions of a Large Sunspot Group and Great Auroral Storms
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over the coastal zone and inland water - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Sentinel-3 Hydrologic Altimetry Processor prototypE (SHAPE): Project achievements
- Small rivers and streams as pathways for urban litter to the marine environment
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over Inland Water - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over the coastal zone - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Next-generation wildlife tracking devices and integrated sensors for measuring species-environment interactions and advancing conservation
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over Inland Water - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over the coastal zone - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project