Ghent University, Belgium
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Multidisciplinary Approach for the Investigation of Tsunamigenic and Seismogenic Structures: the Source for the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake
- Aerosol Characterization at Skukuza, South Africa, During the SAFARI 2000 Final dry Season Campaign
- Detailed Mass Size Distributions of Aerosol Species and Trace Elements at Skukuza, South Africa, During SAFARI 2000
- Aerosols, Clouds, and Climate over the Amazon Basin
- Assimilation of Latent Heat Fluxes and Soil Moisture Values Into a Land-Surface Model Through a Kalman Filtering-Based Method
- Biogenic aerosol over the Amazon Basin
- The SMOCC experiment: Smoke Aerosols, Clouds, Rainfall and Climate: Aerosols from Biomass Burning Perturb Global and Regional Climate
- Assimilation of Observed Discharge Records Into a Lumped Hydrological Model Using an Extended Kalman Filter
- Effects of Smoke Aerosols on Atmospheric Composition and Cloud Properties Over Amazonia: Results From the LBA-SMOCC-2002 Campaign
- Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca in Aragonitic Bivalves: Do They Record Temperature?
- A Continuous High-Resolution Climate-Proxy Record of the past 2600 Years from the Central Sahara Desert
- Sensitivity Analysis to Identify `Soft Data' for the Evaluation of a River Water Quality Model
- Two Glacial-Interglacial Cycles of Lake-Level Change in Equatorial East Africa Documented by High-Resolution Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy from Lake Challa (Kenya)
- Challenges in Incorporating Uncertainty in Models of Surface Water Quality
- Comparing the Morphology of Mud Versus Magmatic Volcanoes
- Integrated geophysical and petrological characterization of mud volcanoes at the Morrocan Atlantic margin - linking morphology to fluid flow.
- Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 307, Porcupine Basin Carbonate Mounds
- Size-resolved Measurements of Aerosol Mass and Carbon Collected During the Dry Season in the Brazilian Amazon
- The Origin of Fibrous Calcite Veins: Aragonite?
- Ensemble Kalman Filtering of Soil Moisture Observations With Model Bias Correction
- Environmental History of Southern Patagonia Unraveled by Seismic Stratigraphy and Sediment Cores of Laguna Potrok Aike
- Improvement of the PEST parameter estimation algorithm through Extended Kalman Filtering
- Paleoenvironmental History During Multiple Glacial Cycles in Southern Patagonia (Argentina) the proposed ICDP Project PASADO
- A Reassessment of Gas Hydrate Occurrences in Lake Baikal
- ASTER Observations of Recent Thermal Activity and Explosive Eruption at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania
- Active Venting Sites On The Gas-Hydrate-Bearing Hikurangi Margin, Off New Zealand: ROV Measurements And Observations
- Dealing with systematic errors in land surface modeling, soil moisture observations and assimilation
- Ground truthing Ordovician climate models using spatial analyses of chitinozoans and graptolites
- New Constraints on Maar Geometry and Sedimentary Fill of Laguna Potrok Aike, Southern Patagonia
- Permeability, anisotropy and tortuosity measurements of pumices using X-ray computed microtomography
- Response of Rwenzori (Uganda - DR Congo) Glaciers and Mountain Lake Ecosystems to Climate Change: Past, Present, Future
- Abrupt climate changes in south-central Chile during the last deglaciation (18-10 kyr) revealed by the bulk organic geochemical record of Puyehue Lake sediments (40° S)
- Climate and vegetation water use efficiency at the catchment scale
- Different Causes of Local and Regional Wedge Instability Along Accretive and Erosive Convergent Margins: Case Studies From the Offshore Hikurangi and Peru Fore- Arcs
- Do The Concentrations Of Platinum Group Elements In The Younger Dryas Black Layer Really Support An Extraterrestrial Origin?
- Ensemble-based assimilation of discharge rates into rainfall-runoff models: an evaluation of the Kalman filter and approximative methods
- Fossil Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) as Paleothermometers in the African Tropics
- Half-precessional climate forcing of Indian Ocean monsoon dynamics on the East African equator
- Human perturbation to atmospheric phosphorus
- Internal validation of conceptual rainfall-runoff models using baseflow records
- Lake Challa (Kenya/Tanzania) sediments, a varved climate archive of environmental variability in equatorial East Africa of the last 25.000 years
- Lake Challa (Mt. Kilimanjaro) sediments as recorder of present and past seasonality in equatorial East Africa
- Lake Hazar: a potential high-resolution 150 ka record of climate and tectonic interactions in Anatolia
- Optimization of soil hydraulic model parameters using Synthetic Aperture Radar data: an integrated multidisciplinary approach
- Paleolimnological records of recent changes in glacier status, precipitation, and temperature in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda-D. R. Congo
- Particle Swarm Optimization versus Recursive Parameter Estimation for Multiobservation- Based Model Calibration
- Submeter Mapping Of Methane Seeps By ROV Observations And Measurements At The Hikurangi Margin, New Zeeland
- Tectonic Variations Along the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand, and Relationships to Fluid Flow and Cold Seep Sites
- The depositional records of two coastal lakes in south-central Chile (Lago Lanalhue and Lago Lleu Lleu, 38°S): Active forearc tectonics and climate variability
- A comparison of branched tetraethers in soils and lake sediments from the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda: Potential for MBT/CBT paleothermometry
- Carbonaceous and Inorganic Composition of Aerosols in the Brazilian Amazon
- Changing conditions of mantle wedge melting across arc as illustrated by changing iron isotopes compositions
- Cold-water coral ecosystems in the Penmarc’h and Guilvinec canyons (Bay of Biscay): deep-water versus shallow water settings
- Comparison of Spectral and Time Domain Calibration Methods for Precipitation-Discharge Processes (Invited)
- Constraints on Methane Distribution from Acoustic Profiles of Shallow Sediments Across the Alaska Shelf
- Estimation of Deep Aquifer Hydraulic Conductivity Values Through Baseflow Hydrograph Rising Limb Analysis
- Estimation of the spatially distributed surface energy budget for AgriSAR 2006: Integration of remote sensing and hydrologic modeling
- Field Study of Filter Sampling Artifacts for Inorganic and Organic Aerosol Species
- Newly Collected Multibeam Swath Bathymetry Data Herald a New Phase in Gas-hydrate Research on Lake Baikal
- Origin and evolution of the Laguna Potrok Aike maar (Southern Patagonia, Argentina) as revealed by seismic data
- Preliminary Results from the Methane In The Arctic Shelf (MITAS) Project on the Alaskan Beaufort Sea Shelf - Shallow Sediment Porewater Geochemical Profiles
- Recent explosive eruptions in the Rungwe Volcanic Province, Tanzania
- Recurrent giant earthquakes in South-Central Chile revealed by lacustrine sedimentary records
- Seasonal behaviour of carbon fluxes in tropical forest ecosystems: fusion of fluxdata and the orchidee model
- Sequential assimilation of radar data into a coupled hydrologic-hydraulic model for operational water management
- Terpenylic and Related Lactone-Containing Acids: Novel Monoterpene Secondary Organic Aerosol Tracers with Dimer-Forming Properties
- The 2.6 Ma depositional sequence from the Challenger cold-water coral carbonate mound (IODP Exp. 307): a unique palaeo-record of Plio-Pleistocene NE Atlantic climate variability
- Unravelling the complex deformation structures at Mt Cameroon: Field evidence and analogue experiments
- Analyzing the role of topography and sediment disturbances on the initial formation of sorted bedforms
- BVOC emission pattern from Quercus robur under field conditions
- Centennial-scale hydrological variations in East Java, Indonesia during the past 1400 years from paleolimnological records
- Combined in-situ Trace Element, Pb, Sr Isotope Analysis and U-Th Dating of Speleothems and Ostracods
- Early Pleistocene short-term intermediate water mass variability influences Carbonate Mound development in the NE Atlantic (IODP Site 1317)
- Electromagnetic induction as a proximal soil sensing method for the characterization of paleohydrogeomorphologic phenomena (Invited)
- Evidence for more extensive ice shelves along the Western Antarctic Peninsula during the Little Ice Age: observations from the LARISSA project in Barilari Bay, Graham Land
- Fluxes and distributions of core and intact tetraether membrane lipids in the water column of Lake Challa, East Africa
- Groundwater-surface water interaction along the Upper Biebrza River, Poland: a spatial-temporal approach with temperature, head and seepage measurements
- Isotopes for improved management of nitrate pollution in aqueous resources: review of surface water field studies
- Marapi an active West-Central Sumatra Volcano: a geological and petrological study
- Multivariate calibration of a water and energy balance model in the spectral domain: recommendations for efficient parameter estimation
- Organo-mineral imprints in fossil cyanobacterial mats of an Antarctic lake
- The Holocene Sedimentary Record of Climate Change from Gualas Glacier, Golfo Elefantes, Northern Patagonia (46.5°S)
- The LARsen Ice Shelf System, Antarctica, LARISSA a Model for Antarctic Integrated System Science (AISS) Investigations using Marine Platforms
- Using geostatistical constraints in electrical imaging for improved reservoir characterization
- A Combined Stable Isotope And Machine Learning Approach To Quantify And Classify Of Nitrate Pollution Sources
- Applying μ-XRF to identify in two neighbouring lakes event deposits related to the historical activity of the Villarrica volcano, South-Central Chile
- Assimilation of SMOS surface soil moisture retrievals into the Catchment land surface model
- Continuous series of catchment-averaged sensible heat flux from a Large Aperture Scintillometer: efficient estimation of stability conditions and importance of fluxes under stable conditions
- Effect of leaf phenology on canopy exchange processes in temperate tree species
- Glacial/interglacial climate controls on east African interannual rainfall variability
- Hydroacoustic, geochemical and visual studies of methane release from the shelf and slope offshore West Spitzbergen
- Modeling carbon cycle process of soil profile in Loess Plateau of China
- Modeling seasonal canopy dynamics for tropical evergreen forests
- Multi-Scale Assimilation of AMSR-E Snow Water Equivalent and MODIS Snow Cover Fraction in Northern Colorado
- Nitrogen retention in contrasting temperate forests exposed to high nitrogen deposition
- Optimizing Direct Sampling algorithm's parameters to performing multiple-points geostatistical simulations
- Preliminary results from the RV Poseidon 419 expedition to the methane seepage area off West Spitzbergen, Arctic Ocean
- Reconstruction of Holocene Temperature History in the Rwenzori Mountains (uganda - DR Congo) Based on Midge Analysis of Lake Sediments
- Shallow heat injection and storage experiment monitored with electrical resistivity tomography and simulated with heat transport model
- The importance of parameter resampling for soil moisture data assimilation into hydrologic models using the particle filter
- The late-Holocene progradation of the Mahakam Delta, Indonesia - A case study of tidal, tropical deltas
- The sedimentary imprint of the Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake (27th February 2010) in 10 different lakes between Santiago and Valdivia, South-Central Chile
- A Multiscale Analysis of Soil Moisture-Temperature Coupling
- A reconnaissance survey of southern Alaskan lakes by high-resolution reflection seismics and short sediment coring - a first step towards a calibrated lacustrine paleoseismometer at the Alaskan-Aleutian subduction zone
- Consistency between hydrological model, large aperture scintillometer and remote sensing based evapotranspiration estimates for a heterogeneous catchment
- Global Calibration of the GEOS-5 L-band Microwave Radiative Transfer Model and Assimilation of SMOS Observations for Improved Soil Moisture Estimation
- Groundwater Age Distribution in Coastal Aquifers
- High-resolution, multi-proxy characterization of the event deposit generated by the catastrophic events associated with the Mw 6.2 earthquake of 21 April 2007 in Aysén fjord (Chile)
- How important is root-derived CO2 transport via the transpiration stream when assessing belowground carbon allocation?
- Improving particle filters in rainfall-runoff models: application of the resample-move step and development of the ensemble Gaussian particle filter
- Intraplate seismicity and active faults in Western Europe
- Leaving aside fully continuous modelling paradigms as a next step in the maturation of hydrology?
- Magnitudes and spatial and temporal patterns of self-organized processes between geomorphology and biota that drive salt marsh evolution
- Monitoring of phenological control on ecosystem fluxes using digital cameras and eddy covariance data
- Multi-decadal carbon and water relations of African tropical humid forests: a tree-ring stable isotope analysis
- Salinization and freshening of coastal aquifers with land reclamation, in the SE Po plain (Italy), the Netherlands and Belgium
- Sensitivity towards Soil Texture in Hydrologic Modelling: A Local Sensitivity Analysis Method Accounting for Compositional Data Constraints
- Simultaneous Estimation of Model State Variables and Observation and Forecast Biases using a Two-Stage Hybrid Kalman Filter
- The State of Land Surface Model Uncertainty for the Alaskan Arctic
- Tools for Generating Useful Time-series Data from PhenoCam Images
- Towards an enhanced use of soil databases for assessing water availability in (sub)tropical regions using fractal-based methods
- Towards the development of full-fledged forest fire information systems
- Using multi-scale stable isotopes analyses to study the microbial processes of soil organic matter stabilization
- Analysis of Scale Effects in the Assimilation of Smos Data Into Land Surface Models
- Assessment of the indirect calibration of a rainfall-runoff model for ungauged catchments in Flanders
- Climate aberrations during the middle Miocene: evidence from the eastern North Atlantic Ocean
- Coupling of hydrogeological models with hydrogeophysical data to characterize seawater intrusion and shallow geothermal systems
- High-elevation amplification of warming since the Last Glacial Maximum in East Africa: New perspectives from biomarker paleotemperature reconstructions
- Hydroacoustic quantification of free-gas venting offshore Svalbard, Arctic: Changes in space and time
- Last glacial ice sheet dynamics and deglaciation on Svalbard inferred from fjord records (Invited)
- Metagenomics, single cell genomics, and steady-state free energy flux provide insight into the biogeochemical cycling of deep, meteoric water
- The effects of the mineral phase on C stabilization mechanisms and the microbial community along an eroding slope transect
- The potential use of Gaussian sum filters in hydrologic data assimilation
- A Global Analysis of the Link between Soil Moisture Dynamics and Warm Extremes.
- A New, Continuous 5400 Yr-long Paleotsunami Record from Lake Huelde, Chiloe Island, South Central Chile.
- An Inventory of Underwater Landslides in Lake Baikal Suggests a Strong Link with Gas Hydrates
- Buried Cold-Water Coral Mound Provinces and Contourite Drifts Along the Eastern Atlantic Margin: Controls, Interactions and Connectivity
- Can Treeline Shift in Tropical Africa be Used As Proxy to Study Climate Change?
- Deposition of the 2011 Cordón Caulle Tephra (Chile, 40ºS) in Lake Sediments: Implications for Tephrochronology and Volcanology
- ENSO and Multi-Decadal 'trends' in Terrestrial Evaporation
- Earthquakes, Subaerial and Submarine Landslides, Tsunamis and Volcanoes in Aysén Fjord, Chile
- Examples of Subaqueous Paleoseismological Techniques from Turkey and Iceland: With Special Emphasis on the Importance of Constructing Precise Sediment Chronologies
- Exploring different scenarios of land use policy and their impacts on provision of ecosystem services in Amazonia
- Factors Affecting the Kinetics of Salt Crystallization and Related Damage in Sandstone
- Flood, Seismic or Volcanic Deposits? New Insights from X-Ray Computed Tomography
- Global impacts of hydrological and climatic extremes on vegetation (SAT-EX)
- Impact of Different Data Assimilation Strategies for SMOS Observations on Flood Forecasting Accuracy
- Lacustrine Turbidites as a Tool for Quantitative Paleoseismology: Evidence from 17 Chilean Lakes
- Large-scale fine-grained sediment waves over the Gulf of Valencia continental slope (northwestern Mediterranean Sea)
- Late Holocene High Discharge and Erosion Events Inferred from Sediment Proxies and Catchment Geomorphology, Lake Vuoksjávrátje, NW Sweden
- Late Quaternary Tephrostratigraphy of South-Central Chile (~ 38 - 40 °S)
- Lava Textures, Magma Crystallization History, and the Dynamics of Merapi and Aleutian Mush Columns
- Nature of the Lowstand Surface on the Gulf of Cádiz Shelf and the Guadiana Incised-Valley System: Preliminary Results from the LASEA 2013 Cruise
- Obstacle-related contourites in the El Arraiche area, southern Gulf of Cádiz.
- Sap flow is Underestimated by Thermal Dissipation Sensors due to Alterations of Wood Anatomy
- Sedimentary Records of Harmful Bloom-Producing Dinoflagellates from Alvarado Lagoon (Southwestern Gulf of Mexico)
- Seismo-turbidite Sedimentology: Implications for Active Tectonic Margin Stratigraphy and Sediment Facies Patterns
- Water and Slabs in the Transition Zone - Hydrous Ringwoodite in Diamond
- A hypothetical model of organic matter sea-to-air exchange processes based on stable carbon fractionation in the Southern Ocean
- Analysis of Global Terrestrial Energy Budget Closure Using Satellite-Derived Estimates
- Bimodal Recurrence Pattern of Tsunami in South Central Chile
- Breaking Britain: submerged and buried landforms suggest catastrophic flood breaching of the Dover Strait
- Examining the Suitability of a Sparse In Situ Soil Moisture Monitoring Network for Assimilation into a Spatially Distributed Hydrologic Model
- GLEAM version 3: Global Land Evaporation Datasets and Model
- Glacier Surface Lowering and Stagnation in the Manaslu Region of Nepal
- Global energy consumption for direct water use
- New Geological Evidence of Past Earthquakes and Tsunami Along the Nankai Trough, Japan
- Spatial Variability of Soil Moisture after Rainfall Events and Its Role in Triggering Convection in Semi-arid Regions
- Sublacustrine Landslides in Several Alaskan Lakes Reveal a Long History of Strong Earthquake Shaking
- The impact of European forests on cloud cover: an observation-based study
- Using Cold-water Coral Mini-mounds as Analogue for Giant Mound Growth: Assessment of Environmental Drivers and Anthropogenic Impact
- Analysis, Sensitivity, and Uncertainty of Sensible Heat Flux, and Variability of Global Energy Budget Closure Involving Consistent Remotely-Sensed Satellite Products
- Atmospheric Oxidation processes and Aging of SOA in the Western Mediterranean Sea
- Black Carbon Aerosols in the Marine Boundary Layer on the West Coast of Southern Africa
- Development of a Regional Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraether (GDGT) - Temperature Calibration for Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Lakes
- Geochemical and isotopic study of impact melts and spherules from the Lonar impact crater, India, indicate melting of the Precambrian basement beneath the 'target' Deccan basalts
- Hydrogeology and water chemistry of Infranz catchment springs, Bahir Dar Area, Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia
- Lake deposits record evidence of large post-1505 AD earthquakes in western Nepal
- Late Pleistocene temperature, hydrology, and glaciation in equatorial East Africa
- Lessons Learned From Recent Research on Internal CO2 Transport in Trees. Part II, Recycling of Respired CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Lessons Learned From Recent Research on Internal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Transport in Trees. Part I, CO<SUB>2</SUB> Efflux and Respiration
- Soil and climate modelling to explain soil differences in MIS5e and MIS13 on the Chinese Loess Plateau
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Diatoms from la Chaine des Lacs Urban Watershed, Nord-Pas France, in Relation to Water Quality
- The Anatomy of the Observed Shoreline Response to Extreme Wave Events: Ipan, Guam
- Transpiration accounts for two thirds of global terrestrial evaporation
- A Data-Driven Assessment of the Sensitivity of Global Ecosystems to Climate Anomalies
- A New Ab Initio Equation of State of hcp-Fe and Its Implication on the Interior Structure and Mass-Radius Relations of Rocky Super-Earths
- A first look at the SAPFLUXNET database: global patterns in whole-plant transpiration and implications for ecohydrological research
- Assessing change in sensitivity of tropical vegetation to climate based on wavelet analysis
- COARSEMAP: synthesis of observations and models for coarse-mode aerosols
- Centennial-Scale Relationship Between the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds and Temperature
- Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Partitioning in Remote Sensing Models
- ICDP Project DeepCHALLA: Reconstructing 250,000 Years of Climate Change and Environmental History on the East African Equator
- Integration of satellite-induced fluorescence and vegetation optical depth to improve the retrieval of land evaporation
- Investigating the Control of Ocean-Atmospheric Oscillations on Global Terrestrial Evaporation
- Joint Sentinel-1 and SMAP data assimilation to improve soil moisture estimates
- Mt. Fuji Holocene eruption history reconstructed from proximal lake sediments and high-density radiocarbon dating
- Observing snow depth and snow water equivalent with Sentinel-1
- Quasi-periodic recurrence of great and giant earthquakes in South-Central Chile inferred from lacustrine turbidite records
- Rhythmic patterns in ancient shells: Can we reconstruct sub-annual cyclicity in trace element and stable isotope profiles from rudist bivalves?
- Robust changes in the socio-climate risk over CONUS by mid 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- The effects of spatial heterogeneity and subsurface lateral transfer on evapotranspiration estimates in large scale Earth system models
- The impact of lianas on the carbon cycle of tropical forests: a modeling study using the Ecosystem Demography model
- A Water Storage Reanalysis over the European Continent: Assimilating GRACE Data into a High-Resolution Hydrological Model
- Assessing impacts of agricultural interventions and land use planning activities on deforestation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
- Assessing the impact of lianas on tree growth in tropical forests
- CLASS4GL: A new tool to investigate land-atmosphere interactions based on global balloon soundings
- Direct prediction of temperature from time-lapse ERT using Bayesian Evidential Learning : extension to a 4D experiment
- Distinguishing Intraplate from Megathrust Earthquakes Using Lacustrine Turbidites
- Hydroclimate variability of northern Patagonia during the last 20 kyr inferred from the bulk organic geochemistry of Lago Castor sediments (Chile, 45°S)
- Impacts of weather dataset selection on estimates of crop yields
- Improving global estimates of terrestrial evaporation by integrating remotely-sensed observations of changes in terrestrial water storage (GRACE) into a global evaporation model (GLEAM)
- Late-Holocene sedimentation and sodium-carbonate deposition in the hypersaline alkaline lake Nasikie Engida, southern Kenya Rift Valley
- Link between tremor and the processes leading to volcanic eruptions: the dynamics of gas pockets trapped beneath permeable media
- Local Climate Zones and their Potential as a Heat Assessment Tool
- Mapping snow mass in the Northern Hemisphere mountains with Sentinel-1
- Meta-analysis of liana leaf and wood hydraulic traits reveals a competitive advantage for water acquisition in moderate drought conditions
- Monitoring changes in seismic velocity from the auto-correlations of ambient seismic noise at Mt. Etna
- Monitoring crop phenology using a smartphone based near-surface remote sensing approach
- On the potential of satellite-based solar-induced fluorescence to diagnose anomalies in transpiration over global scales
- On the role of upwind land-atmosphere feedbacks during the 2010 Russian heatwave
- Revisiting European heat waves of the last 30 years with a physically consistent groundwater-to-atmosphere regional terrestrial system model
- Sensitivity of Global Ecosystems to Climate in Observations and Models
- The changing Patagonian landscape: reconstructing erosion and sediment transfer modes in northern Patagonia during the last glacial cycle.
- The fate of carbon in a mature eucalypt woodland under CO<SUB>2</SUB> enrichment and phosphorus limitation
- The impact of lianas on the carbon cycle and demography of tropical forests
- Towards monitoring Icelandic volcanoes using relative seismic velocity: the Bárðarbunga-Holuhraun rifting episode and the importance of seasonal variations.
- Updating structural uncertainty through dimension reduction of geophysical data
- Using PhenoCams and Landsat to improve understanding of photoperiod control on spring phenology of deciduous forests in the Eastern US
- Using high spatial and temporal resolution satellites to quantify crop water use over dry-land agriculture in Saudi Arabia
- Variation in clastic-fraction sediment properties of Lake Chala, East Africa: Understanding the source-to-sink processes and temporal changes
- Water Management and Climate Change in the Focus of International Master Programs in Latin America and the Carribian
- A watershed precipitation recycling network to assess the vulnerability of freshwater and water cycle changes
- Contrasting Response of Sahelian Woody and Herbaceous Covers to Altered Precipitation Characteristics
- Crustal Seismic Velocity Responds to a Magmatic Intrusion and Seasonal Loading in Iceland's Northern Volcanic Zone
- Determination of Focusing Parameter for Inversion with Piecewise Continuous Model Parameters
- Earthquake-Triggered Surficial Remobilization in Ocean and Lakes: Advancing Turbidite Paleoseismology
- Efficient Deterministic Inversion of Geophysical Data Constrained by Deep Generative Models to Estimate Subsurface Parameters with Defined Spatial Patterns
- Efficient probabilistic joint inversion using a Kalman ensemble generator
- Evaluating the role of eruptive processes in the source of the 2018 Anak Krakatau tsunami
- From publishable to operational: new metrics to more honestly measure the ability of remote sensing algorithms to consistently monitor flooded assets and populations in near real time
- Imaging of Steady-State Intermittent Flow Pathways in a Carbonate Rock with 1 Second Time Resolution
- Improving Bayesian Evidential Learning 1D imaging (BEL1D) accuracy through iterative prior resampling
- Joint inversion of land and marine electrical resistivity tomography for imaging submarine freshwater discharge
- Leveraging Earth Observations for Decision Support During Flood Disaster Prevention, Response, and Recovery
- Microbial biomarkers in Nasikie Engida, a hypersaline alkaline lake in southern Kenya
- Monitoring tree response in the Congo Basin: daily stem fluctuations, carbon gain and leaf phenology
- Multiple magnetic proxies as a source for atmospheric pollution monitoring
- Nano- and micro-level investigations of foraminifers
- Occurrence levels of and effects of air pollution control measures on carbonaceous aerosols in fine particulate matter in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of China: Insights gained from long-term measurement
- Probabilistic Joint Interpretation of Geoelectrical and Passive Source Seismic Data for Landfill Characterization
- Quantifying the temperature sensitivity of plant phenology
- Reconstruction of the December 2018 Anak Krakatau Eruptive Activity Based on Eyewitness Reports, and Remote Seismo-acoustic and Satellite Observations
- Representative sampling of landfills: a robust procedure for selecting trench locations based on electromagnetic induction survey data
- SMOS-IC L-VOD observed tropical aboveground carbon dynamics
- Sentinel-1 detects perennial firn aquifers in the Greenland ice sheet
- Southernmost and Oldest Record of Megathrust Earthquakes Along the Valdivia Segment of the Chilean Subduction Zone
- Spatial variability of temporal decay of vegetation cover in Africa
- The Future of Evapotranspiration: Global requirements for ecosystem functioning, carbon and climate feedbacks, agricultural management, and water resources
- The X-ray CT avenue: measuring millennial to weekly tree growth
- The advantages of repeating survey lines during FDEM data collection for high resolution subsurface mapping
- Time-lapse seismic and electrical monitoring of the vadose zone during a controlled infiltration experiment at the Ploemeur Hydrological Observatory (Brittany, France)
- Towards a Temperature Reconstruction for Southern Africa: Exploring the Climate Signal in Tree-Ring Density of Clanwilliam Cedar from South Africa
- A lacustrine biomarker record of continental temperature in equatorial Africa over the last 170,000 years
- An Integrated Magnetic Approach to Assess Spatiotemporal Airborne Pollution Impacts Related to Different Stages in the Steel Production Process
- Assessment of the possible human health hazard associated with exposure to naturally occurring potentially toxic elements in groundwater on the flanks of Meru volcano, Arusha, Tanzania
- Comparing stochastic FDEM inversion methods for near-surface modelling
- Determining the hydraulic conductivity from innovative SPIN<SUP>®</SUP> injection measurements
- Drought and heatwave concurrent events in Southeast Brazil
- Drought self-propagation and its imprint on ecosystem productivity
- Effects of land use and water quality on greenhouse gas emissions from an urban river system
- Geophysical surveys for unlocking landfill resources: from past applications to future developments
- ICYMARE - Online networking and its potential for early career scientists
- Impacts of liana infestation on tropical forest demography and functioning: lessons learned from the implementation of a lianescent growth form in a vegetation model
- Maximum latewood density records of Great Basin Bristlecone pine (Pinus Longaeva) in the White Mountains, California
- Phenology-Based Mapping to Monitor Land Cover/Land Use Dynamics in Ecuador
- Projected Actual Evapotranspiration under Climate Change in Aral Sea Basin, Central Asia
- Radiative Transfer Modelling using Highly Detailed 3D Models from Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- The Development of Intermittent Fluid Flow Pathways and their Impact on Relative Permeability Imaged with 1s Temporal Resolution
- Uncertainties in the role of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration on evaporation: complex interactions with plant physiology, plant coverage and global warming
- Understanding global trends in 3D tree architecture
- Understanding the Relationship Between Crown Shape and Size and Structural Complexity of Individual Trees
- A new framework for experimental design using Bayesian Evidential Learning: the case of wellhead protection area
- Deriving Global 3D Forest Structural Biodiversity Traits
- Earthquake doublet revealed by multiple pulses in lacustrine seismo-turbidites
- Ecosystem-Scale Transpiration Stress Using Deep Learning
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment near the center of the former Patagonian Ice Sheet (48S) during the last 16.5 kyr
- Groundwater Recharge Estimation in Data-sparse Regions, Upper Beles Basin, Ethiopia
- Hypersurface Observation Network (Hyperon) What it is and why we need it
- Impact of Drought on Isoprene Fluxes Assessed Using Field Data, Satellite-based GLEAM Soil Moisture and HCHO Observations From OMI
- Increased Inputs Lead to Faster Transit Times but No Greater C Storage: Radiocarbon Insights from a 60-year Pasture Soil Archive in New Zealand
- Lake Chala 2k: the Last Two Millennia of Environmental Change in Equatorial East Africa
- Long-Lasting Impacts of a 20th Century Glacial Lake Outburst Flood on the Hydrology of a Patagonian Fjord-River System (Pascua River)
- Multidecadal Delay Between Deglaciation and Formation of a Proglacial Lake Sediment Record
- Postglacial Fluctuations of Western Southern Patagonian Icefield Glaciers Reconstructed from Fjord Sediments (Chile, 50S)
- Refining the Alaskan paleoseismic catalog using lacustrine records
- Rock Surface Luminescence Dating of Prehistoric Rock Art from Central Iberia
- Sedimentary Catalysis of Radiolytic Hydrogen Production Implications for planetary habitability
- Signature of Modern Meteorological and Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in Fjord Sediments (Baker River, Chilean Patagonia)
- Spatial and temporal simulation of groundwater recharge and validation with point measurements in volcanic aquifers with variable topography, northwest Ethiopia
- The Devonian magnetic field: weak and poorly understood
- The global vulnerability of plant xylem
- Unravelling the contribution of transpiration to precipitation patterns over African watersheds
- Using Satellite Retrieval of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) for the Detection of Drought and Waterlogging Stress in Northern Peatlands
- Assimilating Sentinel-1 Backscatter Data within AquaCrop v7 over Agricultural Areas using NASA's Land Information System
- Developing a Global 3D Forest Structural Biodiversity Trait Database
- Electromagnetic Induction in Archaeological Prospection: Potential, Pitfals, and Perspectives for Applications in Dry- and Wetland Environments.
- Estimation of Spatially Distributed Groundwater Recharge in Data-Scarce Regions
- How Does Gross Primary Production in Peatlands Depend on Water Table Depth? Insights Based on Satellite Retrievals of Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
- Implications of underestimated eddy covariance evapotranspiration at high relative humidity for partitioning into transpiration and evaporation
- Investigating the Effect of Soil Chemistry and Climate on GDGT Climate Proxies (MBT'5ME, TEX86), Using 6 Globally distributed Altitudinal Gradients.
- Remote sensing to the rescue - Assessing the impact of armed conflict on cultivated land in Tigray, Ethiopia
- Towards Integrating IMERG-based Global Rainfall Erosivity Estimates with Gauge Data
- Uncertainty quantification using Bayesian Evidential Learning (BEL) in applied geophysics : pyBEL1D for fast and accurate posterior model spaces
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adam Erickson
- Akash Koppa
- Alex Guenther
- Alison M. Hoyt
- Annique van der Boon
- Ashebir Sewale Belay
- Atticus Stovall
- Brianna R. Pagán
- Britta J.L. Jensen
- Carlos A. Sierra
- Catherine Kissel
- Daniele Thallner
- Diego G. Miralles
- Dominik Rains
- Eetu Puttonen
- Eric Laloy
- Francien Peterse
- German Vargas G.
- Jacob A. Nelson
- Jean-François Müller
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jeroen Verhegge
- Jessica Keune
- Katleen Wils
- Kaustubh Hakim
- Kim Calders
- Lola Fatoyinbo
- Louise Busschaert
- Loïc Piret
- Maarten Van Daele
- Markus Reichstein
- Matthias Troch
- Michel Bechtold
- N. A. Walton
- Nigussie Haregeweyn
- Peter J. Haeussler
- Petra Hulsman
- Philipp Köhler
- Reza Sohbati
- Richard K. Bono
- Robin Thibaut
- Samuli Junttila
- Shane Stoner
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Sébastien Bertrand
- Tadesual Asamin Setargie
- Thomas Hermans
- William P. Hammond