Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Paleo-Erosion Rates From in Situ <SUP>10</SUP>Be in Middle European River Terrace Sediments
- H<SUB>2</SUB>O diffusion in dacitic glasses and melts
- Requirements on catchment modelling for an optimized reservoir operation in water deficient regions
- Using Cosmogenic Nuclides to Examine Erosional Steady-State in the Western Alps
- Combined Climatology of Lightning and Radar Data for Central Europe
- Experimental Temperature-X(H<SUB>2</SUB>O)-Viscosity Relationship for Peraluminous Leucogranites, and Comparison With Synthetic Silicic Liquids
- Hydrous Partial Melting Within the Deep Oceanic Crust
- Iron Isotope Fractionation in Metamorphic Rocks
- Low Rates of Weathering and Erosion in Wet, Steep, Tropical Highlands
- Solubility of H<SUB>2</SUB>O in Rhyolitic Melts at Low Pressures
- Cl/OH Partitioning Between Hornblende and Melt and its Implications for the Origin of Oscillatory Zoning of Hornblende Phenocrysts in Unzen Dacite
- High-Resolution Holocene SST Changes in the Northeastern Arabian Sea Reveal a Complex Monsoon History
- Hydrous partial melting in the lower crust of the Oman ophiolite
- Large Eddy Simulation of Particle Settling in the Ocean Mixed Layer
- Lena Trough (Arctic Ocean): An oblique 'amagmatic' rift
- Lena Trough Basalts: Low degree garnet melting signatures
- No Indications from Cr Isotopes for the Late Heavy Bombardment on Earth in Early Archean Metasediments from Isua, Greenland.
- Stable Isotopic Constraints on the Cenozoic Topographic Evolution of the Sierra Nevada
- Absolute Gravimetry in Fennoscandia - A Contribution to Understanding Postglacial Uplift
- Arctic Lena Trough -- NOT a Mid-Ocean Ridge
- CRONUS-EU Cosmic Ray Produced Nuclide Systematics - The European Contribution
- Constraining Soil Erosion Mitigation using Cosmogenic Nuclides in Sediment
- Possible Biases in Characteristic Earthquake and Seismic Hazard Studies: Illustrations for the Wasatch, New Madrid, North Africa, and Eastern Canadian Seismic Zones
- Statistics of Lightning Distribution Over Central Europe on the Various Temporal and Spatial Scales.
- XANES study on Fe, U and Th in hydrous melts at high temperature and pressure
- Central Alpine Denudation equals Rock Uplift: Steady State or Coincidence?
- Characterising the Terrestrial Stable Cr Isotope Cycle
- Constraining Models of Development of the Sri Lankan Escarpment Using Cosmogenic Nuclide Data on River Sediment
- Cosmogenic Nuclide-Based Investigation of Spatial Erosion and Hillslope Coupling in the Geomorphically Transient Foreland of the Swiss Alps
- Fe and Si isotopic composition of banded iron formation determined by femtosecond laser ablation
- In situ analysis of silicon isotopes using UV-femtosecond laser ablation MC-ICP- MS
- Iron Isotope Fractionation in Higher Plants
- Iron Isotopes in Marine Particles From the Baltic Sea a Profile From the Anoxic Bottom to the Sea Surface
- New structural and low-temperature AHe thermochronological data from the southeastern Stateline Fault Zone, California and Nevada
- Quantification of Iron Isotope Fractionation between Sulphide and Oxide Minerals and Silicate Melts
- The Fate of Wet Mantle Melts: Fractionation Crystallization Processes Preserved in Magmatic Inclusions, Mt. Shasta CA
- A Small Geodesy Surface Package for Future Lunar Robotic Missions
- Glacial isostatic adjustment on the Northern Hemisphere - new results from GRACE
- Improving lakebed sediment quality in an urban estuary, Presque Isle Bay, Lake Erie, USA
- Improving the accuracy of basin-averaged skyline shielding factors by concidering surface morphometrics
- Southern Costa Rica: an Island-arc Segment That Behaves Like a Doubly Vergent Orogen
- Spatial Analysis of Drumlin Orientations
- Stable Isotopic Constraints on the Cenozoic Topographic Evolution of the Sierra Nevada
- Tectonics, climate and surface processes of the southern central Andes: insights from stable C isotopes and sedimentary environments
- A closer look at the Neogene erosion and accumulation rate increase
- Constraining Paleotopography of the Sierra Nevada, California, Through U-Pb Detrital Zircon Analysis of Eocene River Deposits
- Cosmogenic Nuclide Budgeting of Floodplain Sediment Transfer
- Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating of Glacial Advances in the Himalaya of Western Garhwal and Southern Himachal Pradesh, India (78°E, 31°N)
- Distribution of iron isotopes in dissolved and particulate iron from the anoxic Gotland Basin in the the Baltic Sea
- Erosion Rates and Debris Flow History Reconstruction: a Comparison of Carbon and Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating Techniques
- Experimental and Natural Evidence for Rapid Water Exchange Between Melt Inclusions in Olivine and Host Magma
- From the Pore to the Laboratory Scale: Predicting Flow Behavior for Drainage and Imbibition in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Front roughness and averaged saturation for two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media
- Interaction of hot Oceanic Lithosphere With Water at Fast-spreading Ocean Crust - Experimental Constraints
- Record of drainage rearrangement and erosion in a transpressive orogen: relative role of horizontal and vertical rock advection in drainage evolution
- Root Zone of Sheeted Dike Complex in Oman Ophiolite-Comparison with Results from IODP Site 1256
- Stable isotope records of late Miocene precipitation and elevation patterns in the central Andean foreland of Bolivia
- Sulphur Solubility in Mount Hood Andesites and CO2 Fluids: Implications for Volcanic Degassing
- The fossilisation of a dynamic melt lens at fast spreading centers: insights from the Oman ophiolite
- The significance of secular trends of mass variations derived from GRACE monthly solutions
- The stable isotope record in extensional detachments as a proxy for relief development during the demise of orogenic plateaux
- Theory for the Movement of a Decaying Tracer Through an Alluvial Floodplain
- USGS GSD-1G: A Geological Reference Glass for in situ Elemental and Isotopic Analysis
- (Accelerated) mass changes in the Siberian permafrost regions from GRACE
- A continental record of climatic change and carbon cycle dynamics during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
- Cr stable isotope fractionation and reaction kinetics in aqueous milieu
- Erosion-driven environmental degradation in Tigray, Ethiopia
- Fluid flow along North American Cordillera detachments determined from stable isotope and high resolution chemical analyses
- Hydrous Glass Standards for Microanalysis of Hydrogen
- Interaction of sulfur-bearing silicate melts with H2O and H2 bearing fluids (Invited)
- Isotopic proxy records of orographic precipitation (Invited)
- Magma degassing: new experiments on CO2, H2O, S and Cl between basaltic melt and fluid and development of a new thermodynamical model
- Melting the Hydrothermally Altered Sheeted Dike Complex: Experiments and Chemical Compositions
- Meteoric water in normal fault systems: Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic measurements on authigenic phases in brittle fault rocks
- Redox control on S and Cl partitioning between basaltic melts and coexisting fluids: Experimental constraints at 1050°C and 200 MPa
- Solubility and speciation of S in hydrous magmas: Effects of composition and redox conditions at 1050°C and 200 MPa
- Tracing meteoric fluid flow in extensional detachment systems (Invited)
- Tsunami Model of Cilacap-Indonesia: Inundation and Its Mitigation
- Why we need large spatial and temporal coverage of stable isotopic proxy records for reconstructing past precipitation patterns in orogens
- Cenozoic climate, topography and ecologic change in the Sierra Nevada and Basin and Range: Coupled organic molecular and inorganic isotopic records of environmental change
- Contrasting effects of S and Cl on the gold enrichment of natural magmas
- EXAFS Reveals the Mechanism of U Isotope Fractionation During Adsorption to Mn Oxyhydroxide
- Evidence for a strong felsic lower crust during melt-assisted deformation (Invited)
- Experimental investigation on H2O, CO2, S and Cl degassing at Stromboli: from the magma chamber towards the surface. (Invited)
- Hydrous Silicate Melts in the Earth's Asthenosphere: Evidence from Electrical Conductivity Measurements
- Magma degassing: novel experiments with multiple volatile species on H2O, CO2, S and Cl and development of a new thermodynamic model
- Neogene Topography And Precipitation Patterns Of The Central Anatolian Plateau
- Neogene stable isotope paleoaltimetry and paleoclimate records from the European Alps
- Precise Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling for GRACE with Atmospheric Refraction
- Relating titanium distribution and stable isotope thermometry to quartz microstructure in an extensional detachment system, Shuswap metamorphic core complex, British Columbia
- Silicon isotope signatures of soils in paragneiss and sandstone catchments (Black Forest, Germany) determined by UV femtosecond laser ablation
- Validation of geophysical excitation functions by a rigorous combination with Earth orientation parameters and gravity field coefficients
- A Modelling Study of Saltwater Intrusion and Storm Surge Processes in Coastal Areas under Climate Change
- AIDA - from Airborne Data Inversion to In-Depth Analysis
- Centimeter accuracy physical heights in Germany combining GNSS, leveling, gravimetric geoid, and deflections of the vertical
- Evaluation of a closed tunnel for field scale measurements of N2O fluxes at the soil-atmosphere interface
- Gravity Fingering During Infiltration: Impact of Medium Heterogeneity
- Influence of mineral characteristics on soil organic matter stocks, composition and stability of topsoils under long-term arable and forest land use
- Interaction between seawater and magma or very hot rock in the deep fast-spreading oceanic crust: Constraints from experimental petrology
- More results on GRACE inter-satellite pointing systematic features
- Rheological and Thermodynamic Properties of Volatile-bearing Magmas from Pantelleria, Etna and Phlegrean Fields Magmas
- The impact of igneous bedrock weathering on the Mo isotopic composition of stream waters: Natural samples and laboratory experiments
- Unexpected signals and errors in GRACE observations
- Upward fluxes of groundwater-derived N2O to the atmosphere: evidence for conservative transport and negligibly small emissions as revealed by a 15N field study
- Water storage changes in the Lena watershed, Siberia observed by GRACE and satellite altimetry
- A New Purge and Trap Headspace Technique to Analyse Volatile Organohalogens from Fluid Inclusions of Rocks and Minerals
- Correlation of multi-channel seismic data from the Laptev and East Siberian Seas to onshore geology of the New Siberian Islands, Russian Arctic
- Dynamics of organic nitrogen in cryoturbated Arctic soils
- Effect of H<SUB>2</SUB>O, and combined effects of H<SUB>2</SUB>O + F, H<SUB>2</SUB>O + CO<SUB>2</SUB>, and H<SUB>2</SUB>O + F + CO<SUB>2</SUB> on the viscosity of a natural basalt from Fuego volcano, Guatemala
- Hydrothermal circulation in the slow spreading Red Sea traced by chlorine
- Multiple Approaches to Characterizing Pore Structure in Natural Rock
- New observations by visualizing age stratification and internal dynamics of freshwater lenses in heterogeneous media - laboratory experiments and numerical simulations
- Paleostress field pattern and tectonic evolution of the New Siberian Islands and De Long Islands, NE Russia
- Potential enzyme activities in cryoturbated organic matter of arctic soils
- Precise Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling for GRACE with Atmospheric Effects
- Saltwater Intrusion and Storm Surge Processes in Coastal Areas under Climate Change: A Modelling Study in Northern Germany
- The Complete Gravity Gradient Tensor in GOCE Orbit Crossovers
- The influence of fluorine, boron, phosphorus and lithium on the viscosity of pegmatite forming melts
- The ternary Qz-Ab-Or system as a geobarometer for natural rhyolite: new experiments and implications for the Snake River Plain silicic magmas
- Wave run up statistics on a meso-tidal, steeply-sloping beach: effect of wave forcing and tidal variations
- What we have learned about Shatsky Rise Oceanic Plateau from IODP Expedition 324
- Comparison of different numerical models using a two-dimensional density-driven benchmark of a freshwater lens
- Cyclic fractionation processes beneath the Shatsky Rise oceanic plateau
- Deciphering ocean acidification from eutrophication events as the main cause of neritic carbonate factory collapse: Insight from a recurrently-perturbed Earth (Lower Jurassic, Morocco)
- Delinating Thermohaline Double-Diffusive Rayleigh Regimes
- Epoch-Wise Modeling of GNSS Multipath Effects
- Experimental calibration of cotectic melt compositions coexisting with quartz and feldspar in rhyolitic systems - Application to Snake River Plain rhyolites,Yellowstone hotspot
- Experimental investigation of gabbro partial melting in the presence of NaCl-rich fluid - implications for the genesis of oceanic plagiogranites
- Experimental petrology of the ultramafic lavas remotely sensed on the surface of Mercury: Constraints on melting and differentiation of Mercury's mantle (Invited)
- Felsic Melt Generation at the MOR Magma Chamber Roof: Trace Element Evidence of Experimental Hydrous Partial Melts for Anatectic Processes at the East-Pacific Rise
- Ferrobasalt-rhyolite immiscibility in tholeiitic volcanic and plutonic series (Invited)
- Generation of felsic melts within fast-spreading oceanic crust: Experimental partial melting of hydrothermally altered sheeted dike
- Highly Physical Penumbra Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling for GRACE and GOCE and Comparisons to Accelerometer Data
- How the Young Hydrologic Society can rejuvenate hydrology
- Identifying weathering processes by Si isotopes in two small catchments in the Black Forest (Germany)
- Impact of individual Receiver Antenna Code Phase Variation on the Ambiguity Resolution
- Iodp Exp 345: Orthopyroxene Omnipresent in Layered Gabbros from the Hess Deep, EPR
- Melt flow and hypersolidus deformation in the lower ocean crust: Preliminary observations from IODP Leg 345
- Multiple Approaches to Characterizing Nano-Pore Structure of Barnett Shale
- Neotectonics of northern Central Europe: the legacy of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment
- Next Generation Satellite Gravimetry Mission Study (NGGM-D)
- On Adequate Comparisons of Antenna Phase Center Variations
- Rainfall Estimation Using Moving Cars as Rain Gauges - State of Research
- Rhyolites in the Kimberly Drill Core, Project Hotspot: First Intracaldera Ignimbrite from the Central Snake River Plain, Idaho?
- S-Isotope Fractionation between Fluid and Silicate Melts
- Sulfur and Chlorine Exsolution from COHSCl-Bearing Melts and the Generation of Mineralizing S- and Cl-bearing Magmatic-Hydrothermal Fluids (Invited)
- The Entrainment of Aerosols and their Activation in an Idealized Shallow Cumulus Cloud Studied with a Combined LES/LPM Approach
- The effect of water on the physical and thermodynamic properties of calc-alkaline basalt and basaltic andesite
- The role of alkalis in the solubility of H<SUB>2</SUB>O and CO<SUB>2</SUB>in silicate melts
- Wich Parameter of the Carbonate System Influences the Boron Isotopic Composition and the Boron Calcium Ratio in Foraminiferal Tests?
- 3D-Finite-Element Modelling of Coseismic and Postseismic Coulomb Stress Changes on Intra-Continental Dip-Slip Faults
- A New Method for High-Resolution Apparent Thermal Inertia Mapping of Mars: Application to Valles Marineris
- Carbon and Nutrient Limitation of Microbial Decomposition of Organic Matter in Permafrost Soils
- Deformation of Forearcs during Aseismic Ridge Subduction
- Fluid trapping characteristics of immiscible displacement in fractures
- Geochemistry of Fast-Spreading Lower Oceanic Crust: Results from Drilling at the Hess Deep Rift (ODP Leg 147 and IODP Expedition 345; East Pacific Rise)
- Glass Forming Ability of Sub-Alkaline Silicate Melts
- Highly Physical Penumbra Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling for GRACE and GOCE
- Invasion of Seawater-Derived Fluids at Very High Temperatures in the Oman Ophiolite - a Key for Cooling the Deep Crust at Fast-Spreading Ridges
- Investigation of Climate Change Impacts to the Coastal Aquifer of North Germany: A 3D Modelling Study
- Mantle-crust differentiation of chalcophile elements in the oceanic lithosphere
- Modelling Changes of the Paleogene Ca Budget Using Benthic Foraminifera
- Multi-Proxy Palaeothermometry (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, Mg/Ca, clumped isotopes) of Mid-Cretaceous Rudist Bivalves: Deciphering Stratigraphic and Seasonal Changes in Shallow-Marine Sea-Surface Temperature
- Oman Ophiolite: Petrological and Geochemical Investigation of Fast-Spreading Crust Formation Processes
- Preliminary Results of Low-temperature Thermochronology in the Three Rivers Region, SE Tibetan Plateau
- Rapid hydrothermal cooling above the axial melt lens at fast-spreading mid-ocean ridge: Quantification through intra-plagioclase diffusion revealed by IODP Hole 1256D
- Scientific Software - Publish, Cite, and get Credit for your Code
- Slab Roll-Back and Trench Retreat As Controlling Factor for Island-Arc Related Basin Evolution: A Case Study from Southern Central America
- Trace element systematics in the plutonic section of fast-spread oceanic crust - evidence from the Wadi Gideah reference profile (Wadi Tayin Massif, Oman ophiolite)
- 3D-Finite-Element Modelling of Coseismic and Postseismic Coulomb Stress Changes on Intra-Continental Dip-Slip Faults
- A Twophase Multirate-Mass Transfer Model for Flow and Transport in Porous Media
- Analysis of GRACE Range-rate Residuals with Emphasis on Reprocessed Star-Camera Datasets
- Areal Rainfall Estimation Using Moving Cars - Computer Experiments Including Hydrological Modeling
- Assessing the Impact of Topography on Groundwater Salinization Due to Storm Surge Inundation
- Basin Modelling of the Laptev Sea Rift, NE Russia
- Changes in Microbial Nitrogen Dynamics with Soil Depth, and along a Latitudinal Transect in Western Siberia
- Characterization of an Atom Interferometer Gravimeter with Classical Sensors for the Use in Geodesy and Geophysics
- Coherent Structure Patterns Affect Energy Balance Closure: Evidence from Virtual Measurements for a Field Campaign
- Estimation of Design Rainfall from Weather Radar Data - a Case Study for the Hannover Area
- European Gravity Service for Improved Emergency Management - Project Overview and First Results
- Global Secular Variation and Excursions Within the Brunhes - is it Real?
- Heat Capacity of Hydrous Silicate Melts
- High- & Low-δ<SUP>18</SUP>O magma: Comparative study of crustal and mantle plagiogranites from the Oman ophiolite
- Magma storage depths in the Eastern Volcanic Zone of Iceland: disentangling disequilibrium and tuning thermobarometers
- Processing of Swarm Accelerometer Data into Thermospheric Neutral Densities
- Quantifying Glacial Erosion in the European Alps with Thermochronological Age Distributions
- Significance of the Coastal Shelf Shape on the Saline Intrusion
- Tracking Down the Causes of Recent Induced and Natural Intraplate Earthquakes with 3D Seismological Analyses in Northwest Germany
- Water weakening in experimentally deformed milky quartz single crystals
- Anomalous differentiation pattern of chalcophile metals in the Kane Megamullion MORBs
- Combined Fe-Mg Isotope and Elemental Zoning in Olivines for Better Time Constraints of Magma Assembly and the Timing Prior to Eruption
- Constraining the timescale of magmatic ascent prior to the Skuggafjöll eruption, Iceland
- Detecting Signatures of GRACE Sensor Errors in Range-Rate Residuals
- Development of Rainfall Area-Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves from Weather Radar Data
- Disequilibrium Vapor Bubble Formation in Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions: How Much CO<SUB>2</SUB> is Really in There?
- Effect of Spatial Consistence in Disaggregated Rainfall Time Series for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
- Estimating the Gravity Field Impact on a 10 m Atom Interferometer
- Evolution of shear deformation bands in unconsolidated sediments: from outcrop studies to sandbox experiments
- Experimental Determination of Major Element Diffusivity in Natural High-K Calc-alkaline Melts
- Formation of Fast-Spread Ocean Crust : Crystallographic Preferred Orientations From a Reference Lower Crust Section in the Oman Ophiolite
- Gravity sensing with Very Long Baseline Atom Interferometry
- How long does it take to assemble the magmas that feed large basaltic fissure eruptions?
- Introducing data analysis challenges for GRACE and GRACE Follow-on
- Novel Earth Observation Based on Quantum Optics and Relativity
- Physical properties of fore-arc basalt and boninite in Izu-Bonin-Mariana forearc recovered by IODP Expedition 352
- Semi-analytical Satellite Orbit Calculation as Possible Alternative for Numerical Integration
- Small scale variability of transport and composition of dissolved organic matter in the subsoil
- The Nitrogen Inventory of the Yedoma Permafrost Domain
- The age of IODP Site 1473, Atlantis Bank: Constraints from initial zircon U-Pb dating and geochemistry by SIMS
- A Crystallization-Temperature Profile Through Paleo-Oceanic Crust (Wadi Gideah Transect, Oman Ophiolite): Application of the REE-in-Plagioclase-Clinopyroxene Partitioning Thermometer
- A Reference Section through the Lower Fast-spreading Oceanic Crust in the Wadi Gideah (Sumail ophiolite, Sultanate Oman): Drill Sites GT1A and GT2A within the ICDP Oman Drilling Project
- A deep hydrothermal fault zone in the lower oceanic crust, Samail ophiolite Oman
- Brine/Rock Interaction in Deep Oceanic Layered Gabbros: Petrological Evidence from Cl-Rich Amphibole, High-Temperature Hydrothermal Veins, and Experiments
- Circumpolar assessment of rhizosphere priming shows limited increase in carbon loss estimates for permafrost soils but large regional variability
- Cloud Microphysics Parameterization in a Shallow Cumulus Cloud Simulated by a Largrangian Cloud Model
- Diffusive exchange of trace elements between basaltic-andesite and dacitic melt: Insights into potential metal fractionation during magma mixing
- Exploiting the Modified Colombo-Nyquist Rule for Co-estimating Sub-monthly Gravity Field Solutions from a GRACE-like Mission
- Exponential Variance Decay of Concentration Patterns in Magma Mixing: Robustness of a Volcanic Chronometer and Implications for the Homogenization of Chemical Heterogeneities in Magmatic Systems
- Flotation of Magnetite Crystals upon Decompression - A Formation Model for Kiruna-type Iron Oxide-Apatite Deposits
- Gabbroic lithologies of the dike-gabbro transition, Hole GT3A, Oman Drilling Project
- Gravity sensing using Very Long Baseline Atom Interferometry
- How well are the climate indices related to the GRACE-observed total water storage changes in China?
- Hydrothermal Alteration of the Lower Oceanic Crust: Insight from OmanDP Holes GT1A and GT2A.
- Implementation of an Online Chemistry Model to a Large Eddy Simulation Model (PALM-4U0
- Oman Drilling Project GT3 site survey: dynamics at the roof of an oceanic magma chamber
- Primary drainage in geological fractures: Effects of aperture variability and wettability
- Statistical Approaches for Spatiotemporal Prediction of Low Flows
- Stochastic rainfall synthesis for urban applications using different regionalization methods
- Sulfur-in-apatite: An indicator of the volatile evolution during lunar magmatism
- The Spatial Variations and Hotspots of Ecosystem Service Values in India During 1985 - 2005
- The Young Hydrologic Society: five years of creating community for early-career hydrologists
- Trading Space for Time in Design Storm Estimation Using Radar Data
- Using volcanic spatter to contain eruptions in Idaho and at the Marius Hills on the Moon
- Water Solubility In Pantelleritic Glasses: New Experiments With Karl-Fischer, FTIR And Raman Spectroscopic Measurements
- X-ray Fluorescence Core Scanning of Oman Drilling Project Holes BT1B and GT3A Cores on D/V CHIKYU
- A plant-microbe interaction framework explaining nutrient effects on primary production
- Atom interferometry for terrestrial & space-borne geodetic applications
- Beyond the First Date: Soil Incubations and the Radiocarbon Constraint
- Clinopyroxene geothermobarometry in tholeiitic systems: the 2014-2015 Holuhraun eruption, Iceland
- Disaggregation of Daily to Hourly Rainfall Using K-nn Resampling for Derived Flood Frequency Analysis
- Drilling the Crust-Mantle Transition at Oman Drilling Project Sites CM1 and CM2
- Experimental constraints on the hydrous nature of the magmatic processes at the Sumail ophiolite paleoridge (Sultanate Oman)
- Fault Location, Slip Distribution and Earthquake-induced Geological Effects Associated with 12 December 2017 Mw 6.2 Hojedk and 12 November 2017 Mw 7.3 Sarpol-e Zahab Iran Earthquakes
- Femtosecond-Laser Ablation-MC-ICP-MS In Situ Analyses of Li Isotopes in Volcanic Olivines
- Isotope Fractionation of <SUP>238</SUP>U/<SUP>235</SUP>U during Mobilization of Non-Crystalline U(IV) by Complexation with Organic Ligands
- Lithium isotopic and concentration gradients in plagioclase - implications for pre- and syn-eruptive magmatic processes
- MORB modified by melt-peridotite interaction at crust-mantle boundary: An experimental perspective
- Model performance evaluation and computational efficiency of chemical mechanisms implemented in the microscale urban climate model PALM-4U
- Modern Weathering Versus Ancient Paleoredox Proxies From a Mesoarchaean Marine Oxygen Oasis in the Pongola Supergroup, South Africa
- Optomechanical and atom-interferometric inertial sensing technologies
- Recent Progress and Plans for the ILRS
- Timescales of Magma Rise and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Transfer in Basaltic Systems: Integrating FENS Diffusion Chronometry, Melt Inclusions and Petrological Barometry for Icelandic Eruptions
- Understanding the Impact of Climate Variability on Agricultural Water Requirement
- Using Atomic Clocks and Quantum Gradiometers Onboard Satellites for Determining the Earth's Gravity Field
- What is the Possible Error in Using Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory for Parameterizing the Atmospheric Surface Layer?
- A constant slip rate for the western Qilian Shan frontal thrust during the last 200 ka consistent with GPS-derived and geological shortening rates
- A gravimetric support network for Very Long Baseline Atom Interferometry
- Basaltic Volcanism and Amagmatic Spreading on the Marion Rise, SWIR
- Benefit of New High-Precision LLR Data for the Determination of Relativistic Parameters
- Decadal cycling of mineral-associated soil carbon
- Deep Crustal, Intraplate Earthquakes in Northern Germany: Moho Detachment Tectonics and the Reactivation of a Fossil Megathrust
- Dependency of the surface heat flux on lead width - a study using LES
- Estimation of soil states and parameters of integrated subsurface-land surface models by data assimilation
- GRACE-FO monthly gravity field solutions using the GRACE-SIGMA software
- Generation of A-type rhyolite from melting of S-/I-type sources during hybridization processes with tholeiitic magmas
- Identifying Lava-Water Interactions with VNIR: A Preliminary Study at Jordan Craters, Oregon
- Magmatic versus seawater-dominated hydrothermal alteration: evidence from deep-sea drilling at Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc, New Zealand
- Mapping the Mantle on the Marion Rise
- Matter wave interferometry for inertial sensing: very long baselines and guided systems
- Measuring Local Gravity with Atom Interferometry Using Bose-Einstein Condensates
- Microbial nitrate reduction to nitrite drives large HONO emissions at high soil moisture
- Parametrization of Turbulent Fluxes over Leads in Sea Ice in a Non-Eddy-Resolving Small-Scale Atmosphere Model
- Physics based modeling of the Holocene earthquake sequence on the Wasatch fault (Utah)
- Response of the solid Earth to ice mass changes: numerical modeling techniques, implementation of faults, and implications for future seismic potential in regions undergoing ice loss
- Total Ocean Mass Estimates from GFZ RL06 of GRACE and GRACE-FO: Mitigating Effects of Coastal Leakage
- Tracing the evolution of a submarine arc-hosted hydrothermal system through phosphate mineralization: Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc
- Variations in REE and Sr isotope compositions of altered rocks from magmatic- and seawater-influenced hydrothermal systems at Brothers volcano, Kermadec Arc, New Zealand (IODP Expedition 376)
- Assessment of the NASA MERRA-2 Climate Reanalysis and ESA CCI Satellite Remote Sensing Soil Moisture Products Over the Contiguous United States
- Crystallographic preferred orientations in Wadi Gideah (Oman) - refining a reference profile along lower oceanic crust
- IODP Hole U1473A at Atlantis Bank (Southwest Indian Ridge; Expedition 360): Formation & metamorphism of felsic veins in gabbros and their role for fluid and mass transfer: first results
- Measurement and statistical Analysis of Oyster Reef Surfaces in the German Wadden Sea
- Monthly gravity field solutions from GRACE-FO inter-satellite ranging data
- Space-Time Statistical Quality Control of Extreme Precipitation Observations
- Space-time Variability of Area-Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves from Radar Data
- The polar gap problem from the perspective of the Bender configuration
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Wind effects on soil-atmosphere gas exchange for gases of different density: A study with laboratory experiments and coupled subsurface - free flow modelling
- Cumulate Melting in Volcanic Roots: Insights from the Blumone Complex (Adamello Batholith, Northern Italy)
- Direct dating of fault gouge using feldspar luminescence: a note of caution
- Highly siderophile element-depleted mantle beneath the Southwest Indian Ridge at the Marion Rise
- Parent Material and Climate Interact to Control Soil Carbon Dynamics on Timescales from Years to Centuries
- Solar Noise in 40-year long Total Solar Irradiance Composite Time Series
- Suction-induced subduction initiation in passive margins: insights from 3d numerical models
- The Evolution of Icelandic Basalts and their Crystal Cargoes: Mantle controls
- Variations in Crystal Textures Observed in Basaltic Quench Margins: Interpreting Lava Cooling Rates on Earth and Mars
- Widespread Alkaline Explosive Volcanism and Mantle Outcrops on the SW Indian Ridge
- Benefit of Quantum Technology for Geodesy
- Chronometric leveling using a transportable strontium atomic clock
- Disentangling Short-Ranged, Nonlinear Signals by Newtonian Attraction from Signatures of Large-Scale Mass Redistribution in a Near-Coastal Gravimeter
- Estimating Landslide Deformation in the Upper Ganges Catchment Using Sentinel-1 Persistent Scatterer InSAR
- Experimental constraints on the fO2 dependence of the olivine-clinopyroxene cotectic crystallisation in hydrous arc magmas
- GNSS Antenna Calibration Values as Bottleneck for Reliable Atmospheric Parameters
- Global constraints on intermediate-depth intraslab stresses from slab geometries and mechanisms of double seismic zone earthquakes
- Interactions Between Climate and Mineralogy Determine Soil Carbon Model Complexity and Temperature Sensitivity
- Relation between Earthquake Static Stress Drops and Ambient Stresses in Subduction Forearcs.
- Relative Importance of Poroelastic Effects and Viscoelastic Relaxation for Postseismic Velocity Fields and Coulomb Stress Changes on Normal and Thrust faults: Insights from Finite-Element Modeling
- Science returns from a spaceborne quantum gravity gradiometer in either hybrid or standalone configuration - Results from a joint NASA/DLR study.
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Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Sehlke
- Alison M. Hoyt
- Alok Bhardwaj
- B. D. Loomis
- Chloë Bonamici
- Christian Sippl
- Christian Voigt
- D. N. Wiese
- David A. Neave
- David C. Tanner
- E. C. Pavlis
- E. Heggy
- Erika Rader
- Frank Flechtner
- Gaël Kermarrec
- Gian Maria Bocchini
- H. J. Dick
- Henryk Dobslaw
- Jean-Philippe Montillet
- Jeffrey Beem-Miller
- Jürgen Müller
- K. Shimizu
- Kilian B. Kemna
- Lothar Maisenbacher
- M. Gavrilenko
- M. Haberreiter
- Mahdi Motagh
- Manuel Pimenta Silva
- Marzieh Baes
- Onno Oncken
- R. M. Harrington
- S. V. Sobolev
- Shane Stoner
- Srinivas Bettadpur
- Susan E. Trumbore
- T. Dudok de Wit
- Tobias Keller
- W. Schmutz
- А. С. Соболев