Technical University Bergakademie of Freiburg, Germany
flowchart I[Technical University Bergakademie of Freiburg, Germany] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (104)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (16)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Fluid-Dacite Interaction in the PACMANUS Subseafloor Hydrothermal System - Preliminary Results From Secondary Mineral Chemistry and Geochemical Modeling
- Internal Facies Organization of a Deep-Marine Dacite Volcano Hosting an Active Hydrothermal System (ODP Leg 193, Manus Back-Arc Basin, Papua New Guinea)
- New Occurrence of the Y-2 Tephra (Cape Riva Eruption, Santorini) in Sediments of the Sea of Marmara
- Geochemical Evidence for Seawater and Sediment Input in the Conical Seamount Hydrothermal System
- Geology of the Northeastern Nyainqentanglha Range, Central Tibet
- Atypical Normal Faults Morphology in the Main Ethiopian Rift
- Deformation Distribution and Type in the Main Ethiopian Rift
- Electrical Resistivity Imaging and Depression Focused Recharge
- Cenozoic tectonics of the easternmost Tibetan plateau: Constraints from fission\-track geochronology
- Direct Observation of Depth Variation in Fault Zone Structure Through and Below the Seismogenic Crust: Preliminary Results From the SEMP Fault System in Austria
- Dramatic frictional-viscous slip fluctuations within an exhumed multi-strand fault; evidence of fluid- with velocity-sensitivity?
- Biogenic VOC Emissions Measured by Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) Fibers, Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS), and In-situ Gas Chromatography (GC)
- Evidence of Nicoya Ophiolite Material Drilled at ODP Site 1042
- Fault-Zone Deformation and Strain Partitioning at the Brittle-Ductile Transition, SEMP Fault, Austrian Alps.
- U/Pb Geochronology of the Maya Block, Guatemala
- Helium diffusion in apatite assessed by ERDA and implications for (U-Th)/He dating
- Structural Analysis of the Exhumed SEMP Fault Zone, Austria: Towards an Understanding of Fault Zone Architecture Throughout the Seismogenic Crust
- Comparison of Acoustic Full Waveform Tomography in the Time and Frequency Domain
- Drilling of Submarine Shallow-water Hydrothermal Systems in Volcanic Arcs of the Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy
- Mercury Release from Soils and Sediments in the Sacramento River Watershed
- Modeling acoustic wave propagation in the Southern Ocean to estimate the acoustic impact of seismic surveys on marine mammals
- Seismic prediction ahead of tunnel constructions
- Structural Analysis of the Exhumed SEMP Fault Zone, Austria: Towards an Understanding of the Mechanics of Shear Zone Localization
- The geometry of random mixing: quantifying spatial distributions
- A three-dimensional study of fault zone architecture: Results from the SEMP fault system, Austria.
- Emission Flux of CO2 Through an Active Fault Zone in SW Taiwan
- Structural Identification of Thioarsenates and Their Differentiation From Thioarsenites by EXAFS
- Direct observation of strain localization along the differentially exhumed SEMP fault system, Austria
- Exhumation Depths of the Lower Crustal Domes of the Pamir
- A Development Strategy for Creating a Suite of Reference Materials for the in-situ Microanalysis of Non-conventional Raw Materials
- Control of sediment concentration in major rivers of the Nepal Himalayas
- Exhumation of the High-Grade Crustal Domes of the Pamir
- Precipitation distribution along the Himalayan front, comparison of remotely sensed products
- Connecting hydrology and suspended sediment transport with precipitation in the Nepal Himalayas
- Imaging the Alpine Fault to depths of more than 2 km - Initial results from the 2011 WhataDUSIE seismic reflection profile, Whataroa Valley, New Zealand
- Seismic Imaging of the Alpine Fault at Whataroa (NZ)
- Shock wave synthesis of γ-Si3[O,N]4 in the new Freiberg blasting facility under different conditions
- The real cause of the suspended sediment transport - river discharge hysteresis loop, in the Nepal Himalayas
- Widespread, Miocene, Large-Magnitude Exhumation of the Pamir Deep Crust Driven by the India-Asia Collision
- Accelerating burial of the Pamir deep crust recorded by garnet Lu-Hf and major-element compositions
- Consolidation state of marine sediments west of Martinique, Lesser Antilles volcanic arc: preliminary geotechnical analyses from IODP Expedition 340
- Crustal evolution at mantle depths constrained from Pamir xenoliths
- Decadal to Millennial scale erosion rates in the Nepal Himalayas
- Early Miocene extension within the Pamir plateau: constructing Temperature- time -Deformation paths with U-Pb titanite geochronology
- In-situ physical properties of submarine slides along the Lesser Antilles Arc derived from rock physics models
- New investigations on shock-wave synthesized high-pressure phases in the system Si-Al-O-N
- Towards modeling hydrology and erosion exclusively with remote sensing data in the central Pamirs, Tajikistan
- 3D seismics for geothermal reservoir characterization - a case study from Schneeberg (Germany)
- Imaging the SE1 reflector near the Continental Deep Drilling Site (KTB, Germany) with coherence-based prestack-depth migration
- Imaging the West Bohemia Seismic Zone
- Imaging the crust and mantle structure below the northern margin of the Tibet-Pamir plateau (Invited)
- Microhomogeneity in reference materials for microanalytical methods - a possible recourse from a blind alley?
- Multi-dimensional forward modeling of frequency-domain helicopter-borne electromagnetic data
- Reflection seismic investigation of the geodynamically active West -Bohemia/Vogtland region
- Seismic Imaging at Whataroa Valley (New Zealand) for the Deep-Fault-Drilling-Project Alpine Fault
- Seismic Investigations of the Murci Geothermal Field (Southern Tuscany, Italy): Preliminary Results
- Seismic and gravity investigations of the shallow (upper 1 km) hanging wall of the Alpine Fault in the vicinity of the Whataroa River, New Zealand
- Two modes of orogenic collapse of the Pamir plateau recorded by titanite
- Was clockwise rotation of Tibetan crust around the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis slow or fast?
- Development of a numerical reactive transport modelling framework - Concept & Case Studies
- New efforts using helicopter-borne and ground based electromagnetics for mineral exploration
- Advanced Seismic Imaging Techniques Characterize the Alpine Fault at Whataroa (New Zealand)
- High-pressure phase transitions of strontianite
- Seismic Imaging for Geothermal Exploration in Southern Tuscany, Italy
- The derivation of an anisotropic velocity model from a combined surface and borehole seismic survey at the COSC-1 borehole, central Sweden
- Velocity Structure in the West Bohemia Seismic Zone: Velocity Models Retrieved from different Earthquake Swarms
- Imaging the Hanging-Wall of the Alpine Fault Using Ambient Noise Techniques Applied to Active-Source Data: Whataroa Valley, Westland, New Zealand
- In detail monazite characterization in a carbonatite weathering profile - a new tool for landscape geochronology
- The Terminal Stage of Subduction: the Hindu Kush Slab Break-off
- High-resolution seismic survey for the characterization of planned PIER-ICDP fluid-monitoring sites in the Eger Rift zone
- Improving our understanding of the evolution of mountain belts via the Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) project: Results from seismic investigations and plans for the 2.5 km deep COSC-2 borehole
- Pre-stack depth migration in an anisotropic crystalline environment at the COSC-1 borehole, central Sweden
- Quantitative modeling of reservoir-triggered seismicity
- SEM-MLA-based Investigation of the Composition of Mafic Volcaniclastic Deposits from the Paraná Large Igneous Province, Brazil
- Seismic Imaging and Characterization of Bright Spots in the West Bohemia Seismic Zone (Germany and Czech Republic)
- Seismic images of the North Chilean subduction zone prior to the 2014 Iquique earthquake
- New Insights into the Formation and Evolution of the Aleutian Arc
- Remelting of the fossil Ontong Java Plateau plume head, with clues to Archean continent formation
- Simulating Submarine Fresh Groundwater Preservation Offshore New Jersey
- A constitutive model for the brittle-ductile transition of basalt
- Innovative Exploration Drilling and Data Acquisition Test Center: First Geophysical Site Survey
- Investigating the emplacement of freshwater in continental shelf aquifers, a New Jersey shelf case study
- Phase-field simulation of fluid inclusion migration due to underground excavation in rock salt
- Recent kinematics of the Pamir, the northwestern tip of the India-Asia collision zone: Westward flow into the Tajik Depression and triggered slip along the northwestern margin
- SIT4ME: multidisciplinary seismic imaging for mining exploration in the Sotiel-Elvira mine (SW-Spain)
- Structural Model of the Cheb basin, West Bohemia/Vogtland (Czech Republic and Germany) using Advanced Seismic Imaging Techniques
- A novel analytical solution to assess induced seismicity in pressurized and depleted reservoirs
- Along-strike Variations in Cosmogenic Derived Denudation Rates in the Western Tian Shan, Tajikistan
- Crustal structure of the Nile Delta: Interpretation of seismic-constrained gravity inversion
- Increasing the resolution of geological temperature-time (T,t-) paths from apatite fission-track modelling
- Mapping the thermal structure of Southern Africa from wavelet transform and Bayesian inversion of magnetic data
- Mechanics of Induced Microseismicity in Fractured Reservoirs
- Thermo-poroelastic effects during re-injection in discrete fractures
- Atmospheric synoptic circulations linked to short-term droughts over Europe: A CMIP6 evaluation
- Control of the location and shape of the salient Pamir plateau by a promontory of Indian mantle lithosphere
- Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Effects on Injection-Induced Seismicity in Fractured Reservoirs
- Integrated Geophysical and Petrological Modelling of Lithosphere beneath the Japanese Islands
- Subduction of continental crust A case study in the Pamir
- Towards more uniform confined-track data for modelling apatite fission-track thermal histories
- Uncertainty analysis on the potential triggering mechanisms of the Pohang Mw5.5 earthquake
- Combined Active Source/Nodal Passive Imaging over the Kentland Crater: A Complex Impact Structure in NW Indiana
- Diffusion Behavior of CO2 in Bulk Fluids- and in Porous Media under Reservoir Conditions: A Micro-CT Study
- Geotechnical and geophysical investigations of river-infrastructure interaction in response to the 2021 Ahr Valley flood
- Influence of Surface Properties on the Fluid Displacement Process and Capillary Trapping Efficiency in 3D Porous Medium