Technical University of Braunschweig, Institute for Geophysics and Space Physics
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Cluster Magnetic Field Observations at the Quasi-Parallel bow Shock
- Cluster Magnetic Field Observations of Temporal and Spatial Variations of the Quasi-Perpendicular Bowshock
- Cluster Observations of Ionosphere-Directed Poynting Flux at the High Latitude Plasma Sheet Boundary
- Diffusion Times of the Geomagnetic Secular Variation Through the Electrically Conducting Mantle
- MHD simulations of the paleomagnetosphere
- Parametric models of the magnetosphere during geomagnetic polarity transitions
- Scale Dependence of Hydraulic and Structural Parameters in Fractured Rock
- Transient Reconnection as Observed in the Cusp by Cluster and FAST
- A Multi-Instrument Survey of the Ionization States of Heavy Ions in Large Solar Particle Events: 1992-2002
- A study of Pc 3-4 pulsations observed by the Cluster satellites and multiple ground-based observatories
- Energy Transport in the Terrestrial Polar Cap Regions by Alfvén Waves as Observed by the Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) Aboard the CLUSTER Spacecrafts
- Modeling the Structure of Magnetic Mirrors Using Cluster Data
- Polarization and Dispersion Analysis of ULF Waves in the Magnetosheath Using Cluster Data
- Ionospheric Effects on the Paleomagnetosphere
- Modeling System Earth During Geomagnetic Polarity Transitions
- a Cluster Investigation of the Occurrence and Causes of Reconnection in the Very Near-Earth Tail (x > -19Re)
- Cluster Observations of Earthward Flowing Plasmoid in the Tail
- Cluster/DSP observation of current sheet oscillations
- Magnetic Reconnection for Southward and Northward IMF- Coordinate Observations by TC1 and Cluster on Feb.13, 2004
- Multiple-spacecraft Detection of the Diffusion Region of Magnetic Reconnection by Cluster Mission
- Pc 1 Pulsations and Associated Ion Signatures Observed by the Cluster Spacecraft.
- Pi2 Observations by Cluster and Ground Stations
- ULF Wave Activity in the Terrestrial Polar Cap and Polar Cap Boundary Regions as Observed by Cluster
- Cluster Measurements of Fast Magnetic Reconnection in Earth's Magnetotail
- Cluster Observation of Interaction between Interplanetary Shock and the Magnetosphere on November 6, 2001
- Cluster Observations of Pc 1-2 Waves and Associated Ion Distributions During the October and November 2003 Magnetic Storms
- Coordinated Cluster and Double Star Observations of a Plasma Flow Channel with ULF Waves
- Magnetic Flux Pileup and Magnetic Field Dipolarization During Substorm
- Magnetic turbulence spectra in the shock upstream solar wind
- Multi-Spacecraft Observation of a High-Speed Flow Event at the Dayside Magnetopause for Strong IMF By: A Preliminary Study
- TC-1 and Cluster Observation of Substorm Dipolarization on Sep 14, 2004
- The FIELDS Instrumentation Package on MMS
- Trans-polar Transmission of Pc 3-4 ULF Waves: Results from Cluster and Antarctic Observations
- ULF Waves in the Kronian Magnetosphere
- Energetic particle flux enhancement at the high latitude boundaries
- In situ evidence for the structure of the magnetic null in a 3D reconnection event in the Earth's magnetotail
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves in the Earth's Magnetotail
- Measurements of Wavenumber Spectra in the Solar Wind Using Four-Point Data from Cluster
- Post-Midnight ULF waves observed by Cluster
- The Nature of Magnetohydrodynamic Fluctuations in the Solar Wind as Determined from Four-Point Measurements of Magnetic Field and (Electron) Plasma Velocity on Cluster
- Venus Bow Shock Location at Solar Minimum Observed by Venus Express
- Contribution of Sudden Solar Wind Compression to Substorm Triggering
- Highly periodic activations observed by THEMIS prior to substorm onset
- Local Dynamic Response of the Magnetosphere to Solar Wind Variations: First THEMIS Case Studies
- Multi-spacecraft THEMIS - Geotail observations of magnetosheath plasma penetration deep into the low-latitude dayside and nightside magnetosphere for equal northward and dawnward IMF
- New observations of electromagnetic waves in the boundary-layer from THEMIS
- OpenGGCM Simulation of the March 23, 2007 Substorm Observed by THEMIS
- Plasma Wave Activity Near Venus as Seen by the Venus Express Spacecraft
- Plasma jets and FTE Dayside Generation for Northward IMF on 8 June 2007: THEMIS Observations
- Propagation Characteristics of Plasma Sheet Oscillations During a Small Storm
- Relation between electromagnetic waves and FTE's
- Structure and Dynamics of the Inner Boundary of the Plasma Sheet: THEMIS Observations
- THEMIS observations of a Hot Flow Anomaly at the Earth's bow shock and its impact on the magnetosphere
- Time Evolution of the Substorm Current Wedge from Ground and Space-based Magnetic Fields
- Wave Number Spectra in the Solar Wind as Seen by CLUSTER Spacecraft
- A Concept for the in-situ Measurement of Electrical Properties of Planetary Bodies, Comets and Moons in the Solar System
- A magnetoseismic investigation of substorm onsets and its validation by satellite observations
- Attempts at Estimating the Hydraulic Conductivity With Induced Polarisation at the Field Scale
- Characterization of ULF Pulsations by THEMIS
- Dynamic Motion of the Bow Shock and the Magnetopause and the Magnetospheric Response - THEMIS Observations
- Evaluation of Whistler-Mode Chorus Intensification on the Nightside During an Injection Event Observed on the THEMIS Spacecraft
- Global properties of magnetotail current sheet flapping: A THEMIS case study
- Hybrid Simulations of the Enceladus Plasma Interaction and Comparison with MAG Data
- Hybrid simulation of moon-magnetosphere interactions at Saturn: Titan and Dione
- Magnetic Island Formation Between Large-Scale Flow Vortices at an Undulating Post- noon Magnetopause for Northward IMF
- Magnetosheath Plasma Heating near the Earth's Magnetopause
- Preliminary evidence for enhanced solar wind-magnetosphere energy transfer during periods of Alfvénic IMF
- Quasi-Stable Storm Reconnection Region
- Radial profile of the storm-time convection electric field in the equatorial magnetosphere: THEMIS observations
- Relativistic electron loss; ULF waves and enhanced outward radial diffusion
- Solar wind energy transfer into the magnetosphere during a substorm event as seen near the polar cusp boundary: a case study
- Spatial Distribution of Dense Plasma in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet and its Transport Into the Inner Magnetosphere
- Statistical study on the characterization of ULF Pulsations in the Inner Magnetosphere by THEMIS
- THEMIS Observations of Current Sheet Flapping
- THEMIS Observations of Electrostatic Waves in Context with Ion Foreshock Plasma Structures
- THEMIS Observations of the Wavy Variations in the Plasma Velocity at the inner edge of the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer
- THEMIS burst mode observations of reconnection and flux ropes in the magnetotail current sheet: Sites of energetic electron production
- Taiwan Ascii and Idl_save Data Archives (AIDA) for THEMIS
- The coupling of tail fast flows to ionospheric flow signatures and their relationship to substorm onset
- Thin current sheet in the substorm late growth phase: THEMIS observations
- Three-Component Magnetic Logging in the Outokumpu Borehole
- Unequal compression of the geomagnetic field by the solar wind
- What did Cluster discover in the solar wind?
- Whistler Turbulence: Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- A.I.K.E.F. - An adaptive hybrid model for planetary plasma environment studies
- Access of the near-Earth electron plasma sheet to the inner magnetosphere seen by THEMIS
- Anomalous Magnetosheath Flows and Distorted Subsolar Magnetopause for Radial Interplanetary Magnetic Fields
- Cluster- and Ground-Based Observations of Pc 1-2 waves Poleward of the Cusp
- Conjugate Studies of Magnetopause Surface Waves
- Dipolarization Fronts, Bursty-Bulk Flows and Their Association With North-South Aurora and Substorm Onsets
- Evaluation of Force Balance around Sharp Dipolarization Fronts within Bursty Flows
- Evolution of flows and fields from the reconnection region to the inner edge of the plasma sheet
- Flow vortices inside the magnetopause associated with FTEs moving along the magnetopause
- Impact of ion-neutral chemistry in the Enceladus plume on the global plasma interaction: a hybrid simulation approach
- Magnetic Energy Distribution in the Four-Dimensional Frequency and Wave Vector Domain
- Magnetic topology of the magnetopause and low-latitude boundary layer deduced from THEMIS high-resolution electron and ion measurements
- Magnetospheric Feedback on the Dynamo of Mercury
- Model of electromagnetic signals of Electron phase-space Holes observed by THEMIS
- Plasma Sheet Thickness During A Bursty Bulk Flow Reversal
- Role of Diffusion in Transport of Cold Dense Plasma Near the Magnetopause Deep Into the Magnetosphere: THEMIS Observations
- Solar wind influence on Pc4 and Pc5 ULF wave activity in the inner magnetosphere
- Substorm Triggering by New Plasma Intrusion 2: Incoherent-Scatter Radar Observations
- THEMIS Analysis of Observed Equatorial Electron Distributions Responsible for Chorus Excitation
- THEMIS Observations of A Series of Hot Flow Anomaly Events
- THEMIS Observations of Field Line Resonance Excitation in Responce to a Solar Wind Pressure Pulse
- THEMIS Observations of the Occurrence of Magnetic Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause during Solar Minimum 23: Implications for low rate of Solar Wind Entry into the Magnetosphere
- THEMIS ground-space observations during the development of auroral spirals
- THEMIS observations of current-carriers in the vicinity of sharp dipolarization fronts in the magnetotail
- 3D structures of solar wind turbulence from large to small scales
- A Perfect Substorm: ICME-driven Magnetic Activity Catches Galaxy 15 in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
- Azimuthal Pressure Gradient and Associated Auroral Development in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet Soon Before Substorm Onset
- Cluster Observations of Band-Limited Pc 1 Waves Associated with Streaming H+ and O+ ions in the High-Latitude Flank Plasma Mantle
- Differences between N-S arc sequences that do and do not lead to substorm expansion onset
- Dynamic Hybrid Simulation of the Lunar Wake During ARTEMIS Crossing
- Energy release and transport in the near-Earth magnetotail associated with substorms: THEMIS observations
- Evidence for a flux transfer event generated by multiple X-line reconnection at the magnetopause
- Experimental investigations on the collisional properties of ice particles in Saturn's rings
- First results from ARTEMIS lunar wake crossing: observations and hybrid simulation
- Flow vortices inside the magnetopause associated with FTEs moving along the magnetopause: observations and an MHD simulation
- Fossil magnetic fields due to Titan's plasma interaction revisited:The role of the electric conductivities in the ionosphere and in Titan's interior
- Hot Flow Anomalies: Explosions at the Earth's Bow Shock
- Identifying the Driver of Pulsating Aurora using THEMIS
- Interpretation of three-Component Borehole Magnetic Data, measured with the ''Göttinger Bohrloch Magnetometer'' in the Outokumpu Deep Drill Hole
- Loss time scales of plasma sheet electrons in the morning side: Analysis based on THEMIS observations
- Magnetic field structures on ion gyro-radius scale across the magnetopause
- Magnetospheric Feedback Effects on Mercury's Dynamo
- Magnetotail Radial Characteristics during Steady Convection Events
- Midnight Sector Observations of Auroral Omega Bands
- Multi-point observations of the Poynting vector associated with field line resonance
- Multipoint Observation of Fast Mode Waves Trapped in the Dayside Plasmasphere
- Observations of extended magnetic reconnection X-lines at small field shear angles (or large guide field) in the solar wind
- Oscillatory braking of BBFs and associated ionospheric response (Invited)
- Results from the first lunar-wake flyby of ARTEMIS on wake potential, electron beams, and electrostatic waves
- THEMIS FTE Encounter Between Oppositely Directed Reconnection Jets at the Dayside Subsolar Region on 27 June 2007
- THEMIS Pi2 observations near the dawn and dusk sectors in the inner magnetosphere
- THEMIS measurements of the spatial structure and temporal evolution of a dayside poloidal ULF wave event
- The Heidelberg Dust Accelerator: Investigating Hypervelocity Particle Impacts
- 4 Vesta in Color: Lithologic heterogeneity from Dawn Framing Camera Images
- A Statistical Study of the Lunar Plasma Wake using ARTEMIS Measurements
- A prototype device to measure complex resistivity based on capacitive coupling
- ARTEMIS spacecraft observations of lunar magnetic anomalies at low altitude
- ARTEMIS-THEMIS observations of magnetotail dynamics driven by magnetic reconnection
- An experimental view on the collisional properties of cm-sized Saturnian ring particles
- Cluster Observations of Energetic Particles at the Reconnecting Magnetopause
- Data Acquisition and Processing with a Three-Component Borehole Magnetometer in the Outokumpu Deep Drill Hole
- Dawn Arrives at Vesta: The Smallest Terrestrial Planet
- Evidence for plasma transport via kinetic Alfven waves at the magnetopause: An event study of THEMIS observations
- First Reconnected Flux Tubes
- First Results of a Statistical Study of Hot Flow Anomalies from THEMIS Measurements
- Gas Dynamic-Type Magnetopause Transition: Theoretical Investigations
- Geophysics of Vesta from Dawn
- Global Magnetospheric Response to an Interplanetary Shock: THEMIS Observations
- High-Speed Plasma Flows Observed in the Magnetotail during Geomagnetically Quiet Times: Relationship between Magnetic Reconnection, Substorm and High-Speed Plasma Flows
- High-resolution Measurement Of Magnetic Anomalies With An Unmanned Airship
- Hot Flow Anomalies & Foreshock Cavities - Are They the Same Thing?
- Identifying the magnetotail source region leading to poleward boundary intensifications
- Influence of the packing methodology on induced polarisation spectra of unconsolidated sediments
- Investigation of triggering mechanism of substorm through the analysis of Geotail and Themis data
- Magnetopause Reconnection Across Wide Local Time
- Models of Geothermal Reservoirs as a Basis for Interdisciplinary Cooperation
- Multisatellite Observations of a Giant Pulsation Event
- Observations of a cavity mode outside the plasmasphere by THEMIS
- On the contribution of membrane polarisation to induced polarisation (IP)
- Pre-onset Azimuthal Pressure Gradient and Associated Auroral Intensifications Related to Dipolarization Fronts
- Relationship between Hydrological Parameters and Induced Polarization Spectra of Soil Samples
- Standing Kruskal-Schwarzschild-Modes: Theory and THEMIS Observations
- THEMIS Observation of Plasma Sheet Evolution Leading To a Substorm Onset
- The Interplanetary Lyman Alpha Background Observed by HDAC onboard Cassini
- The Volcanic Architecture of Rigil (Hole U1374A) and Burton Guyots (U1376A), IODP Expedition 330
- The formation of organic molecules in solar system environments: The Miller-Urey Experiment in Space preflight overview
- Three-component magnetic downhole measurements on the Rigil and Burton Guyots, Louisville Seamount Trail, IODP Expedition 330
- Vesta: a Comparison with Asteroid 21 Lutetia
- Wave Acceleration of Energetic Ions in the Earth's Magnetosheath
- A Case and Statistical Study of Hot Flow Anomalies: A THEMIS Perspective
- An Analysis of the Effect of Solar Wind Drivers on the Birkeland Current Ovals Observed by AMPERE
- Auroral signatures associated with flow bursts measured by ARTEMIS
- Cluster and THEMIS Observations of Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Current wedge dynamics and associated transient electron precipitation during oscillatory flow braking
- Extended observations of two-dimensional SAPS velocities
- IMF By associated interhemispheric asymmetries in ionospheric convection and field-aligned currents
- Magnetopause Surface Waves: THEMIS Observations Compared to MHD Theory
- Multi-instrument Observations from Svalbard of a Traveling Convection Vortex, Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Wave Burst, and Proton Precipitation Associated with a Bow Shock Instability
- Numerical Simulations of EMIC waves in 2D heavy ion density structures at Earth, Mercury, and Jupiter
- Occurrence and Characteristics of Large-Scale SAPS Over North America
- Precursor of the Earthward Penetrating Flow Channels and the Pre-onset Auroral Arc Intensification
- Second harmonic Pi2 pulsation observed near the plasmapause by the Asian-Oceanian SuperDARN radars and THEMIS satellites
- Spontaneous Hot Flow Anomalies at Quasi-Parallel Shocks
- Statistical Study of the Lunar Plasma Wake Outer Boundary
- Statistical study of global modes outside the plasmasphere
- The Feedback Dynamo of Mercury
- Using energetic electron microsignatures as tracers of electric fields in Saturn's magnetosphere
- Cold Ion Behavior during Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause
- Compositional Analysis of Interstellar Dust as seen by the Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyzer III
- Field and Particle Fluxes Variations Ahead of Stopped Dipolarization Fronts
- MESSENGER Observations of Induced Magnetic Fields at Mercury
- Statistical Study of Hot Flow Anomalies at Earth's Bow Shock
- THEMIS observations of transient toroidal waves in the dayside magnetosphere (Invited)
- Temporal evolution and electric potential structure of the auroral acceleration region from multispacecraft measurements
- Variation of the dipole strength in super and sub-Alfvénic regime: Dione-type to Ganymed-type interactions (Invited)
- The Geomorphology of Comet Churymov-Gerasimenko As Revealed By Rosetta/Osiris: Implicationsfor Past Collisional Evolution
- Dust Particle Alignment in the Solar Magnetic Field: a Possible Cause of the Cometary Circular Polarization
- Ion Bernstein waves in a magnetic reconnection region
- The Evolution of Comet 67P as Seen by a Mass-Resolving Ion Spectrometer
- Large Scale Morphological Changes in the Hapi Region on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Lower Hybrid Waves at Comet 67P
- Polarization Statistics on 0.01 Hz Waves in the Lunar Plasma Environment
- Review of comet 67P/CG ionosphere and its interaction with the solar wind after Rosetta
- The search for active Europa plumes in Galileo plasma particle detector data: the E12 flyby
- Delineation of microbiological hot-spots at the field scale through the combined application of spectral induced polarization and magnetic surveys
- Modelling spectral induced polarization of clays and quartz sand
- Electrostatic Waves and Electron Heating Observed over Lunar Magnetic Anomalies
- The influence of the upstream conditions on the plasma convection in the distant tail lobes
- The magnetic flux transport along the -E<SUB>SW</SUB> direction in the magnetotails on Mars and Venus