Technical University of Berlin, Germany
flowchart I[Technical University of Berlin, Germany] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (126)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (31)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Technical University of Berlin, Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Technical University of Berlin, Institute for Theoretical Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Diffuse Degassing of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB> in and Around the NE Volcanic Rift-Zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands
- Emission Corridors Preserving the Atlantic Ocean Thermohaline Circulation
- Scale Dependence of Hydraulic and Structural Parameters in Fractured Rock
- Biogeochemical Cycling of Sulfur in Soil
- Boron isotope fractionation during slab dehydration and across-arc δ <SUP>11</SUP>B variations
- Field Comparison of Direct-Push Approaches for Determination of K-Profiles
- Pharmaceuticals as Groundwater Tracers - Applications and Limitations
- The HRSC Experiment on Mars Express: First Imaging Results from the Commissioning Phase
- Innovative Approaches for Rapid Subsurface Characterization Compared at a Rural Megasite
- The Hartousov Mofette Field in the Cheb Basin, Western Eger Rift (Czech Republic/Europe): a Comperative Geoelectric, Sedimentologic and Soil Gas Study of a Magmatic Diffuse Degassing Structure
- Experimental and computational study of trace element distribution between orthopyroxene and anhydrous silicate melt: substitution mechanisms and the effect of iron
- Experimental constraints on mineral-melt reactions in the Middle Zone of the Skaergaard intrusion
- Ground and Satellite Conjunction Study of Small-scale Neutral Upwelling in the Cusp
- Interfacial tension between immiscible melts in the system K2O - FeO - Fe2O3 - Al2O3 - SiO2
- A Single-well ("push-pull") test for investigation of mass transfer properties of deep groundwater in a coastal basin
- Comparison of Pore Water Chemical Extracted by Different Forces with In-situ Properties
- Effects of land use and mineral characteristics on the organic carbon content, and the amount and composition of Na-pyrophosphate soluble organic matter in subsurface soils
- Trace element partitioning between minerals and aqueous fluid as a tool to unravel element release from the subducting slab
- Visco-elastic rebound of the lithosphere around the lake Siling Co in Tibet observed by InSAR
- A New Sea Ice Concentration Climate Data Record for Tracking Arctic and Antarctic Variability and Change
- Calibration of a distributed ablation model for Zhadang Glacier, Tibetan Plateau,using a time lapse camera system
- Climatic forcing of recent lake-level rise of Nam Co, Tibet
- Ecosystem adaptation to scarce nutrient resources: Do forest ecosystems shift from acquisition to recycling of phosphorus?
- Fate of Methane Released from Arctic Shelf and Slope Sediments and Implications for Climate Change
- Hydrogen incorporation and the oxidation state of iron in ringwoodite - a spectroscopic study
- Land Cover Change Impacts on Tropical Mountain Climate and Glaciers
- Mass movement deposits in the 3.6 Ma sediment record of Lake El'gygytgyn, Chukotka, NE Russia: Classification, distribution and preliminary interpretation
- On the influence of variable thermal conductivity on Mercury's thermal evolution
- Past and future glacier changes the western Nyainqentanglha Range on the Tibetan Plateau
- Short rotation coppice improve the phosphorus (P) supply of arable land through translocation of P from subsoil to topsoil
- Soil architecture controls the plant availability of P in forest soils
- Can we quantify mid tropospheric climate change from small tropical mountain glaciers?
- Interactive modelling of the mountain glacier-atmosphere interface
- Mesoscale atmospheric models and mountain glaciers: Searching for an explicit solution
- New insights into the multi-scale climatic drivers of the "Karakoram anomaly"
- The climatic drivers of the mountain cryosphere: A multi-scale problem
- A new high-resolution atmospheric data set for High Asia and its glaciological applications
- Analyzing Atmosphere, Cryosphere and Hydrosphere Interactions to Understand Water Balance Changes of Data-scarce Lake Basins, Tibet
- Efficient Mean Field Variational Algorithm for Data Assimilation (Invited)
- Estimation of parameters to monitor state of the ionosphere in a single station mode
- Gerisa - Using Foss in Environmental Risk Management for the Coastal Areas of w- Morocco
- Ice volume assessment of the Northern Ice Field of Kilimanjaro: the photogrammetry strikes back
- Influence of Variable Thermal Expansivity and Conductivity on Deep Subduction
- Integrity monitoring in real-time precise point positioning in the presence of ionospheric disturbances
- Magma Ocean Cumulate Overturn and its Implications for the Thermo-chemical Evolution of Mars
- Phase Transitions in the system CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> at high P and T determined by in-situ Vibrational Spectroscopy in Diamond-Anvil-Cells
- Thermo-chemical evolution of Mercury's interior
- Anisotropy of the cascade in MHD turbulence
- Development of a New Model for Short Period Ocean Tidal Variations of Earth Rotation
- The 2014 Broadband Acquisition and Imaging Operation (BAcIO) at Stromboli Volcano (Italy)
- Three-Dimensional Iroshnikov-Kraichnan Turbulence in a Mean Magnetic Field
- Atmospheric Controls of Snow Accumulation on Glaciers and Ice Caps in High Asia
- Atmospheric dynamics at the southern pole of Venus: Three-dimensional winds, temperature and vorticity
- Coupled High Speed Imaging and Seismo-Acoustic Recordings of Strombolian Explosions at Etna, July 2014: Implications for Source Processes and Signal Inversions.
- Impact of Porous Media and NAPL Spatial Variability at the Pore Scale on Interphase Mass Transfer
- New data on the unresolved paradox of the Tibesti crater paleolakes (Central Sahara, North Chad)
- PRo3D®: A Tool for High Resolution Rendering and Geological Analysis of Martian Rover-Derived Digital Outcrop Models.
- Preliminary results of the newly developed model for short period ocean tidal variation of Earth rotation (SPOT)
- Receiver Function Imaging of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath the South China Block
- Transport of Silver Nanoparticles in Unsaturated Sand
- A Spatial Decision Support System to incorporate hydro-economic modeling results in the management of water resources under decentralized institutional arrangements in a semiarid reservoir region in Brazil
- Air Quality Modeling in the Urban Area of Berlin-Brandenburg with WRF-Chem: Sensitivity to Resolution of Model Grid and Emissions
- Current Status of the GRACE Follow-On Mission
- Evaluation of VLBI terrestrial reference frame solutions in the style of ITRF2014, JTRF2014, and DTRF2014
- Fate of polar organic trace compounds infiltrating into an alluvial aquifer from an urban lowland river
- Lake Yoa (Northern Chad): A Seasonal Footprint of 10,500 Years of Climate Change in the Sahara
- Simulation of DORIS, GNSS, SLR, and VLBI Observations for GGOS
- Structure and temporal variations of a magmatic CO2 degassing site in the Bohemian Massif (Europe): an integrated geophysical-geochemical-sedimentological study
- The GRACE Mission in the Final Stage
- In-field imaging of the 'cloudy zone' of the Tazewell IIICD iron-nickel meteorite using X-ray holography
- Remotely-Sensed Mapping of Irrigation Area in the Chu-Talas River Basin in Central Asia and Application to Compliance Monitoring of Transboundary Water Sharing
- Reproducible Hydrogeophysical Inversions through the Open-Source Library pyGIMLi
- The Habitability of a Stagnant-Lid Earth
- Tourmaline's record of Alpine metamorphism and segregation formation in the Pfitsch Formation, Western Tauern Window
- Turbulent dispersion of many particles
- A long-lived lunar magma ocean
- An analytical model for caldera collapse driven by a time-dependent magma outflow
- Fully coupled biogeochemical reactive transport model to simulate microbial oxidation of organic carbon and pyrite under nitrate-reducing conditions
- High resolution bulk density map of the lunar crust from correlation analysis of gravity and topography data
- Land Cover Validation across the Northern Treeline Ecotone, Siberia
- Long-Term Water and Carbon Cycles as a Coupled System on Planets With and Without Plate Tectonics
- Monitoring preferential flow and macropore structures at the landscape scale - causes, characteristics and consequences
- On the statistical significance of climatic trends estimated from GPS tropospheric data
- Unraveling the formation of economic tungsten deposits in the Earth's crust in hydrous fluids: Solubility of scheelite (CaWO<SUB>4</SUB>) in supercritical fluids in the system H-O-Cl-F
- What Lies Behind Household Water Consumption? A Framework and Review of Heterogeneous Determinants of Household Water Consumption
- Discrete Fracture Network reconstruction using a tomographic approach
- Linking continental growth models to the thermal evolution of Earth
- The effect of interior evolution on the long-term carbon cycle and the habitability of terrestrial planets
- Vortex rings and acoustic signatures illuminate vent diameter and jet velocity of Strombolian explosions
- GGOS-SIM2: A simulation study on the benefits of co-locating the space geodetic techniques on one satellite
- Is the Green-Ampt model a suitable approach for hydrodynamic rainfall-runoff simulations in ungauged catchments?
- Quantifying the effects of urban vegetation on water partitioning in complex cityscapes: the potential of isotope-based ecohydrological models
- Rheology and Heat Transport in Europa's Ice Shell
- Simultaneous Attenuation of Trace Organic Compounds and Dissolved Organic Matter in a River and its Hyporheic Zone?
- Simultaneous retrieval of the lunar solid body tide and topography from laser altimetry
- Social Memory vs Abrupt Behavior Changes. Modelling water consumer behavior change in non-stationary climate and social scenarios
- Stable isotope transformations in the critical zone of contrasting urban green spaces
- What drives natural variability of African rainfall? Continent-wide analysis of decadal to multidecadal correlation patterns
- A machine learning framework for constraining mantle convection parameters
- Advanced processing strategies for a future GFZ GRACE/GRACE-FO Level-2 data release
- Analysis of Observational Sampling and Geometry Effects on Dayside Measured Winds during Venus Express
- Connections of water sources and water partitioning in a heavily urbanised system
- Consistently Simulating a Wide Range of Atmospheric Scenarios for K2-18b with a Flexible Radiative Transfer Module
- Data-driven Modelling of Urban Water Demand in Major European Cities: the Case Study of Milan, Italy
- Evaluating a deep-learning approach for mapping retrogressive thaw slumps across the Arctic
- GRACE-I mission for gapless observation of mass transport and biodiversity
- Investigation of Indian Ocean Dipole Effect on Length of Day.
- Mining Flood Insurance Big Data to Incorporate Behavioural and Social Aspects in Flood Risk Modelling
- Monitoring and modelling of the critical balance between biomass and biodiversity in the development of the northern treeline using drone monitoring and earth observation in Siberia (BioS).
- Radar Interferometry and Tomography for the Exploration of Enceladus Surface and Subsurface: Feasibility and Potential
- The temporal fingerprints of common European forest types from SAR and optical remote sensing data
- Urban Water Storage Capacity Inferred from Observed Evapotranspiration Recession
- Water oceans on high-density, stagnant-lid exoplanets from coupled interior-atmosphere modeling
- ide3a: A Digital Campus for Transdisciplinary Research on Interconnected Urban Critical Infrastructure Systems
- Integrated UAV-based Magnetics and Image Spectroscopy for Mineral Exploration: Lessons Learned from Multi-Sensor Drones, the MULSEDRO project and its concluding Campaign.
- Modelling Carbon Dioxide Fluxes across Cities at High Spatio-temporal Resolution
- Playing = Learning? Learn about Modelling and Simulation of Interconnected Urban Infrastructure while Playing with ConnectiCity
- Shear Stress in Open Channels with the Principle of Minimum Cross-Entropy and Implementation on Gully Erosion Modelling
- Study of Fire Impacts on Siberian Larch Succession using UAV-based LiDAR and Multispectral Imaging: Yakutia, Russia
- Study of SO2 transport using UV images taken by Akatsuki and radiative transfer calculation
- Tracking Changes in CO2 Urban Emissions at Neighbourhoods Scale During the COVID-19 Waves Series and Beyond
- Tropospheric Parameters from Multi-GNSS and Numerical Weather Models: Case Study of Severe Precipitation in Germany in July 2021
- Vertical Crustal Structure Beneath Lunar Impact Basins using Gravity and Topography Data from the GRAIL and LRO Missions
- When Do Dry Spells Matter? A Seasonal Analysis of the Impact of Dry Spells on Crops
- Which Droughts Are Becoming More Frequent? A Copula Entropy Analysis on the Recurrence Time of Droughts
- ide3a - A Multidisciplinary and International Education Platform on Interconnected Urban Critical Infrastructure Systems Under Review
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. García Muñoz
- Alexander Stark
- Andrea Castelletti
- Andrea Cominola
- Atsushi Yamazaki
- Birgit Heim
- Christiane Marx
- D. Breuer
- Doerthe Tetzlaff
- Eiko Nemitz
- Fabian Wunderlich
- Frank Flechtner
- Guido Grosse
- H. Rauer
- Harro Jongen
- Heidi Kreibich
- Javier Peralta
- K. Herbst
- Karina Wilgan
- Kevin McGouldrick
- Kunio M. Sayanagi
- Michael Murböck
- Nadja Veigel
- Nicola Tosi
- Robert Jackisch
- Shigeto Watanabe
- Shrishail Raut
- Siddhant Agarwal
- Siling Chen
- T. Karl
- Yeon Joo Lee