University of Bayreuth, Institute of Geophysics
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Experimental Test of the Reliability of Extrapolation of Diffusion Data to low Temperatures
- Constraints on Core Formation Mechanisms From Metal-Silicate Equilibration Kinetics
- Deformation of (Mg,Ni)<SUB>2</SUB>GeO<SUB>4</SUB> to High Strain in Torsion
- Densified SiO<SUB>2</SUB> glass: A Raman and XANES Oxygen K-edge spectroscopic study
- Effect of Fe on the Elastic Constants of Magnesiowustite [(Mg,Fe)O] at Ambient Conditions and High Pressure
- Electrical Conductivity of Hydrous Wadsleyite: Implications for the Water Content of the Transition Zone
- Fe-Mg interdiffusion in (Mg,Fe)SiO<SUB>3</SUB> perovskite
- Future directions in Mössbauer spectroscopy
- Gigahertz Ultrasonic Interferometry and its Potential Application in Geosciences
- High-Temperature Creep of (Ca,Sr)TiO<SUB>3</SUB> Perovskite
- Inclusion in diamonds from the transition zone and lower mantle
- Investigating the Transport Properties of Silicate Liquids at Mantle Pressures
- Mineralogy of the Lower Mantle by the Combined Method of Laser-heated DAC and ATEM
- Modeling Subducting Slabs: Structural Variations due to Thermal Models, Latent Heat Feedback, and Thermal Parameter
- New Experimental Constraints on Crystallization Differentiation in a Deep Magma Ocean
- New thermo-kinetic models of olivine metastability in subducting lithosphere: implications for deep-focus earthquakes
- Phase Relations of Peridotite at 21-24 GPa and Variable Oxygen Fugacity: Implications for the 660 km Discontinuity
- Pressure Induced Transformations in Low Density Silica Polymorphs
- Redox conditions below 660 km: A source for diamonds?
- The Effect of Water on the 410-km Discontinuity
- Thermal Diffusivity Measurements of Olivine, Wadsleyite, and Ringwoodite to 20 GPa
- Thermodynamics of H incorporation in magnesiowüstite at high pressures
- Why is wet olivine weak?
- Applications of Neutron Diffraction Measurements in the Characterization of the Mechanical Properties of Polycrystalline Geological Materials
- Effect of Water on the Structure of Melts and Glasses Along the Join NaAlSi<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUB>8</SUB>- NaBSi<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUB>8</SUB>
- Effects of Iron and Pressure on the c11 Elastic Constant of (Mg,Fe)O Using a New GHz-Ultrasonic Diamond Cell With In-Situ X-ray Diffraction to 10 GPa
- Estimation of the timescale for textural equilibrium between liquid iron-sulfide and solid silicate under high pressure
- High Pressure Crystal Chemistry of Hydrous Ringwoodite
- Hydrogen Diffusion in Forsterite
- Illumination of Cation Sorption Mechanisms on Muscovite Using X-ray Reflectivity
- Mechanical Behaviour and Fabric Development in Experimentally Deformed Magnesiowüstite (Mg,Fe)O as a Function of Fe-content
- Neutron Diffraction Measurements of Changes in Strain Partitioning Between the Phases During Plastic Yielding in Two Phase Composites
- Rheological Constraints on the Plastic Lithosphere
- Rheology and Microstructure of (Ca,Sr)TiO<SUB>3</SUB> Perovskite Deformed in Compression and Torsion
- Structure and Elasticity of Natural Magnetite
- Temperature Induced Crystallization of Amorphous Silica at High Pressures
- Transformation Behaviour of Cummingtonite: a Neutron Diffraction Study
- Variable Thermal Conductivity and Thermal and Mineralogical Structures of Subducting Slabs
- Viscosity Measurement of the Fe-FeS melt under High Pressure using a High-Speed X-ray CCD camera
- Back to Basics: Allard Lake to Mars
- Compositional Effects of Trace Element Partitioning Between Mg-Silicate Perovskite and Silicate Melt
- Compositional effect on the dihedral angle between olivine and Fe-S liquid up to 20 GPa: Possibility of percolative core formation
- Electron Channelling Spectroscopy of Iron in Majorite and Silicate Perovskite
- Experimental Evidence for the Existence of Metallic Fe-Rich Alloy in the Earth's Lower Mantle.
- Geophysical Signatures of Chemical Depletion in Slave Cratonic Peridotite.
- High-Pressure Brillouin Measurements on Single-Crystal Ferropericlase, (Mg0.94Fe0.06)O: Implications for Earth's Lower Mantle
- Hydration and Velocity Heterogeneity in the Mantle
- Large Iron Isotope Variations in Mantle Minerals: The Influence of Oxidation State and the Implications for the Iron Isotope Heterogeneity of the Upper Mantle
- Latent heat release and temperature changes as a result of metastable (Mg,Fe)<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> phase transitions
- Layer shift phase transition in kaolins by computer
- Partitioning of Oxygen During Core Formation on Earth and Mars
- Pressure Dependency of Viscosities of MORB Melts
- Quantum theory and high-pressure experiments on iron-potassium alloying: Radioactivity in the Earth's Core?
- Rapid Eolian Events Within The Last Glacial Loess Series of Europe (EOLE project)
- The Effect of Water on the Compressibility of Wadsleyite
- The Viscosity of Peridotite Liquid up to 6.9 GPa Measured by in-situ Falling Sphere Viscometry
- Ultrasonic Shear Waves in the Diamond-Anvil Cell and Shear-Mode Softening in (Mg,Fe)O
- Understanding Fe-K Alloying at High Pressure Using Density Functional Theory
- Aluminum coordination and density in high-pressure aluminosilicate glasses: Significance for the structural changes and densification in basaltic magmas
- Aluminum incorporation in post-perovskite from first principles
- High-pressure alloying of xenon and iron: 'Missing' Xe in the Earth's core?
- Interconnectivity of liquid Fe-alloy in planetary mantles
- Iron isotope fractionation in mantle minerals and the effects of partial melting and oxygen fugacity
- Lamellar Magnetism: A New Magnetic Substructure?
- Magnetic Anisotropy of Hemo-ilmenite Single Crystals: Testing the Lamellar Magnetism Hypothesis
- Mantle Oxidation State and Oxygen Fugacity: Constraints on Mantle Chemistry, Structure and Dynamics
- Variable Thermal Conductivity, Slab Mineralogy, and Subduction Rates
- A High-Resolution Lateglacial Climate Record From Lake Sediments in the Ethiopian Bale Mountains
- A new Model for Oxygen Solubility in Liquid Iron and the Oxygen Content of the Cores of Earth and Mars
- Absence of Charge Localization in Magnetite Under Pressure
- Aluminum coordination and density of 4 and 5 component high-pressure aluminosilicate glasses
- An Ab Initio Study of Iron at Intermediate Pressures
- Applications of Mössbauer Spectroscopy to Lamellar Magnetism
- Crystal Morphology and Dislocation Textures of the CaIrO3 Phase -TEM Study of an Analogue of the Post-Perovskite Phase-
- Deformation DIA Experiments on the Relative Strength of Pyrope - Majorite Garnets
- Elastic properties of dense oxide minerals and other applications of GHz-ultrasonic interferometry
- Electrical Conductivity of Hydrous Single Crystal San Carlos Olivine
- High Pressure Study of K-Na Hollandite Solid Solution
- Hydration effects on molar volume and compressibility of olivine
- In Situ Optical Observation of High-Temperature Geological Processes With the Moissanite Cell
- Iron-magnesium alloy in the Earth's Core
- Is Core-Formation Enhanced by Deformation? Olivine-FeS Melt Experiments With the Deformation-DIA
- Late-Stage Core Segregation by Disproportionation of Iron in the Lower Mantle: Evolution from Mars-Like Mantle to Terrestrial Compositions.
- New Experimental Setup for High-Pressure High-Temperature Gigahertz Ultrasonic Interferometry
- Oxygen Fugacity Constraints During Core Formation - Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Nominally Lithophile Elements
- Oxygen Partitioning Between Magnesiowustite And Liquid Fe Rich Metal At High Pressure And High Temperature
- Phase Transitions in Transition Metal Monooxides: Interplay Between Structural, Magnetic, and Electronic Properties
- Pressure Sensitivity of Olivine Deformation Mechanisms and Implications for Seismic Anisotropy of Deep Upper Mantle
- Pressure- and chemistry-dependent electron capture radioactive decay
- Simulation of 3D Global Wave Propagation Through Geodynamic Models
- Spin Transition in Ferropericlase at High Pressures and Temperatures: Mössbauer Spectroscopic Study.
- Structure and Hydroxyl Bonding Environment in Hydrous Wadsleyite
- The Effect of Ferric Iron on the Olivine to Wadsleyite Transformation: Implications for the Sharpness of the "410" km Discontinuity.
- The Effect of Water on the Structure and Sharpness of the Olivine to Wadsleyite Transformation.
- The Formation of Calcium Perovskite From Majorite Garnet: Implications for Splitting of the 520 km Seismic Discontinuity.
- Titanium - L3,2 and O-K electron energy loss near-edge structures of TixOy phases: fingerprints to the valence state and site geometry
- Towards driving mantle convection by mineral physics
- Viscosity of Peridotite Liquid up to 24 GPa: Predictions From Self-Diffusion Coefficients
- Ab-initio predictions of potassium partitioning between MgSiO3 perovskite and post- perovskite
- Aluminium Diffusion in MgSiO3 Perovskite and Majoritic Garnet
- C-O-H Fluid Processes at the 410 km Seismic Discontinuity.
- Can Deformation Help us to Explore the Chemical Nature of the CMB Region?
- Cation Ordering in Hydrous Wadsleyite
- Constraints on mantle dynamics from studies of iron electronic state
- Deformation and Texture Development in CaIrO3: Implications for the Seismic Properties of the D" Layer
- Deformation of Olivine-Spinel Aggregates in the System (Mg,Ni)2GeO4 Deformed to High- Strain in Torsion: Implications for Upper Mantle Anisotropy
- Fault Reactivation During the Olivine to Wadsleyite Transition: A Mechanism for Deep Focus Earthquakes
- Fully Resolved Global Mantle Convection mMdels
- Iron-carbon interactions at high pressures and temperatures
- Is potassium really in the core? Ab-initio predictions of potassium partitioning between (Mg, Fe)SiO3 perovskite and iron
- Linking mineral physics and geodynamic mantle models
- Monoclinic FeO under High Pressure
- Nature's engineering: Giant magnetic exchange bias > 1T in a natural mineral
- Nonequivalence of the octahedral site of cubic Fe3O4 magnetite
- On the Concordance of Static High Pressure Phase Transformation Data on Minerals With Shock Wave Data
- Oxygen Content of the Earth's Core and Chemical Interaction at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Polycrystalline and Intracrystalline Growth of Akimotoite in Clinoenstatite of the L-6 Tenham Chondrite
- Pressure- and chemistry-dependent electron-capture radioactive decay of 7Be, 22Na and 40K in crystalline materials
- Pressure-Induced Spin Crossover in Olivine Mg1.8Fe0.2SiO4
- Record of the Dansgaard-Oechger events in European eolian deposits.
- Single-crystal elastic properties of Ca0.07Mg1.93Si2O6 orthopyroxene
- Single-crystal elasticity of hydrous wadsleyite by Brillouin scattering
- Sound velocities of hydrous olivine and the effects of water on the equation of state of nominally anhydrous minerals
- Sound wave velocities of Fe-Ni alloy at high pressure and temperature
- The Role of Forward Modeling of Seismic Waveforms for Interpretation of Mantle Structure, Physics and Composition
- The perovskite to post-perovskite transition in CaIrO3
- Volumes of hydration in forsterite, wadsleyite, and ringwoodite
- Aeolian dust dynamics in Central Asia during the Pleistocene: driven by alternating atmospheric circulation patterns and/or the seasonal shift of the Asiatic polar front
- Ca(Ti,Si)O3 Diamond Inclusions Crystallized From Carbonate Melts in the Transition Zone: Experimental Constraints
- Calcium perovskite exsolution from majorite garnet and splitting of the 520 km seismic discontinuity: insights into mantle heterogeneity.
- Constraints on Thermodynamics of the Lower Mantle from New Shock-wave Experiments in the MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4 systems
- Elasticity of Hydrous Olivine Polymorphs: Implications for Seismic Structure of the Transition Zone
- First measurements on how pressure affects the half-life of 22Na: Comparison to theory and analog to 40K
- Formation of the Oceanic Lithosphere from the Upper Asthenosphere
- Global mantle circulation models with thermodynamically self consistent mineralogy: bridging the geodynamic/seismic gap
- Heterogeneous Earth Accretion and Incomplete Metal-Silicate Reequilibration at High Pressure During Core Formation
- High-temperature compression of ferropericlase and effect of temperature on iron spin transition
- Intermediate-spin ferrous iron in lower mantle perovskite
- Melting of Hydrous, Carbonate-bearing Mantle Peridotite
- Mineral physics of the perovskite to post-perovskite transition in CaIrO3 - seismological implications for the lower mantle
- Partitioning of FeO between liquid Fe-Ni metal and magnesiowüstite at high pressures and temperatures
- Self-consistent Synthetic Mantle Discontinuities From Joint Modeling of Geodynamics and Mineral Physics and Their Effects on the 3D Global Wave Field
- Spin crossover and short-range order in lower mantle (Mg,Fe)O
- The effect of iron concentration on the compressibility of (Fe,Mg)(Al,Si)O3 perovskite.
- Transformational Weakening During the Perovskite-Post Perovskite Phase Transition in CaIrO3
- Wadsleyite and ringwoodite formation from melt induced by a shock event in Peace River L6 chondrite
- Ab-initio Predictions of Potassium Partitioning Between Lower Mantle Phases
- An Experiment-Based Model Describing the Partitioning of Oxygen Between Earths Mantle and Core
- Chemistry of Low Degree Hydrous Partial Melt at High Pressures
- Compressibility and Structural Stability of Hydrous Olivine Fo97Fa3 up to 34 GPa by XRD and Raman Spectroscopy
- Crystal Chemistry of Hydrous Forsterite and its Vibrational Properties up to 41 GPa
- Detailed structure of the carbonated peridotite solidus ledge in the system CaO-MgO- Al2O3-SiO2-CO2
- Displacement of Lower Mantle Material Into the Upper Mantle and its Potential Effect on Mantle and Surface Redox Relations
- Elastic Wave Velocities of Lower Mantle Perovskite With Intermediate-spin Iron and Consequences for Mantle Properties and Dynamics
- Elasticity of Hollandite
- Estimates of the Light Element Content of the Earth's Core From Models of Core Formation
- Fe-Ni-C system at high pressure
- Glacial-interglacial Climate Variability in the Black Sea Region Since MIS 15: Record of Highly Resolved Particle-size Dynamics From the Loess Sequence Mircea Voda, Romania
- High pressure behavior of phase-X
- High-temperature compression of ferropericlase and the effect of temperature on iron spin transition
- Inter-hemispheric linkages and teleconnections of past atmospheric circulation and aeolian dust dynamics recorded in loess sequences across Eurasia
- Iron oxidation state in (Mg,Fe)O: Calibration of the flank method on synthetic samples and application to natural inclusions in Lower Mantle diamonds
- Iron partitioning in pyrolite and its relevance to the spin transition in magnesiowustite under the lower mantle P-T conditions
- Melting in the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-FeO-Cr2O3 spanning the plagioclase-spinel lherzolite transition at 7 to 10 kbar: experiments versus thermodynamics
- Scaling Laws for Heat Partitioning in Terrestrial Planets During Core Formation
- Si-29 NMR Results on Forsterite, Wadsleyite and Ringwoodite: Structural Disorder and Effects of Magnetic Cations
- Structural Identification of Thioarsenates and Their Differentiation From Thioarsenites by EXAFS
- Structure and Compressibility of Iron- and Aluminum-bearing Phase D
- Structure and density of perovskite from subducted oceanic crust in the lower mantle.
- Tetrahedral Occupancy of Ferric Iron in (Mg,Fe)O at High Pressures
- The Scrutinization Of Shock Textures By a FIB-TEM Technique
- The last 850 millennia recorded at the Stari Slankamen loess-paleosol sequence: revised chronostratigraphy and long-term environmental trends
- Thermal vs. Elastic Heterogeneity in High-Resolution Mantle Circulation Models with Pyrolite Composition: High Plume Excess Temperatures in the Lowermost Mantle
- Using Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) to Assess Groundwater-Lake Exchange in an Acid Mine Lake in Eastern Germany
- Water-rich carbonatites at low pressures and kimberlites at high pressures
- A new hydrogen rich aluminumsilicate phase stable at the Earth’s lower mantle conditions
- Absence of singularity along the wet solidus of carbonated peridotite
- Bulk Sound Velocity Measurements At High P,T Using Nuclear Inelastic Scattering: Influence Of Spin Transitions On Mantle Velocity Profiles
- Carbon content in the Earth's inner core from the elasticity of iron carbide at high pressure
- Cation Disorder in Spinels of Fe2SiO4 and FeAl2O4
- Coherent and incoherent phase transformation from olivine to ringwoodite and the time scale for shock events on asteroids
- Determination of the Phase Boundary Fe3O4 - h-Fe3O4 at high Temperature and Pressure using in situ Synchroton Radiation
- Earth’s interior volatiles studied through diamond growth
- Effects of Hydration on the Structure of Wadsleyite
- Elastic Properties of (Mg0.9Fe0.1)O in Earth’s Lower Mantle
- Elastic properties of Fe-bearing wadsleyite at high pressures
- Electrical conductivity of albite melts at high pressures
- Elevated concentrations of arsenic, predominance of thioarsenates, and orpiment precipitation on the seafloor at the marine shallow-water hydrothermal system off Milos Island, Greece
- Evolution and flooding history of the Sacramento River over the late Quaternary illustrated on pristine floodplains near Chico, California
- Formation of High Pressure Polymorphs of Olivine and Pyroxene in Shocked Meteorites and Collision in Their Parent Bodies (Invited)
- H2O and CO2 bearing silicate melts at high pressure (Invited)
- Holocene soil erosion and sediment storage in a meso-scale catchment in Germany: A quantitative approach
- Hydrous Ringwoodite: Clarifying Defect Mechanisms Through Combined Single-Crystal Refinement, Compressibility, and IR Spectroscopy
- IR Absorption Coefficients for the Quantification of Water in Hydrous Ringwoodite
- In-situ Raman spectroscopic study of aluminate speciation in H2O-KOH solutions at high pressures and temperatures
- New Proxies from Loess-Paleosols on Mount Kilimanjaro document Late Pleistocene Megadroughts in East Africa
- Non-Potassic Melts In CMAS-CO2-H2O-K2O Model Peridotite
- Oxygen fugacity determined from iron oxidation state in natural (Mg,Fe)O ferropericlase: new insights for lower mantle diamond formation
- Real-time observation of crystallization and textural evolution in magmatic systems with the moissanite cell
- Shock-Induced Melting of Maskelynite and the High-pressure Mineral Inventory of Shergottites: Implications to Evaluation of the Shock History of Martian Meteorites
- Simultaneous high-pressure and -temperature volume measurements of H2O ice and the phase transition of ice VII
- Stark temperature contrasts in the lowermost mantle (Invited)
- The Oxygen Fugacity Structure of the Sub-Oceanic Lithosphere and Upper Mantle as Recorded by Spinel Peridotite and Garnet Clinopyroxenite Xenoliths from O'ahu, Hawai'i
- The effect of the oxygen fugacity on carbon speciation in the Earth’s mantle
- Thermal Conductivity of the Mantle at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Thermoelastic properties of γ-Fe and γ- Fe64Ni36 alloys
- U-Pb dating of baddeleyites in two shergottites and a chassignite after careful petrographic characterization
- Weakening of CaIrO3 during the perovskite-post perovskite transformation. (Invited)
- Comparative compressibility of hydrous wadsleyite
- Continental lids and mantle convective stirring efficiency
- Core-mantle partitioning of oxygen on Earth and Mars (Invited)
- Dolni Vestonice (Czech Republic) an intermédiate loess series between Western and eastern European records
- Elasticity of hcp-Fe in the Earth's Inner Core
- Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Liquid Iron at Core Pressures and Temperatures: First-Principles Calculations
- Experimental Evidence for Anisotropic Diffusion in Post-Perovskite Phases
- Ferric iron and water incorporation in wadsleyite at 410-km depth
- Forsterite to Wadsleyite Phase Transformation Under Stress: Evidence of Texture Variations Correlated to Water Content
- High pressure behaviour of hydrous aluminosilicate phases in the lower mantle
- Hydrogen bond symmetrization and equation of state of phase D
- Hydrous Silicate Melts in the Earth's Asthenosphere: Evidence from Electrical Conductivity Measurements
- Isotopic Evidence for Internal Oxidation of the Earth's Mantle During Accretion
- Low velocity layer (LVL) in subduction zones: elasticity of lawsonite
- Olivine-Wadsleyite-Pyroxene Epitaxy: Element and Volatile Distributions at the 410km Discontinuity
- Preliminary Results: Magnetic Bulk Properties and Anisotropy of the Dolni Vestonice (Czech Republic) Loess-Paleosol Sequence
- Rapid Mantle Ascent Rates Beneath Brazil: Diamond Bullets from a Smoking Plume?
- Role of Ferric Iron and Protons in Mg-Fe Interdiffusion in (Mg,Fe)O
- Si and O partitioning between core metal and lower mantle minerals during core formation
- Silicate Perovskite and the Terrestrial Noble Gas Signature
- The composition of hydrous partial melt at 410 km: Geodynamic implications (Invited)
- The effect of a realistic thermal diffusivity on numerical model of a subducting slab
- The effect of aluminum and water on the development of orthopyroxene fabrics
- The effect of temperature and pressure on optical absorption spectra of transition zone minerals - Implications for the radiative conductivity of the Earth's interior
- Thermal conductivity measurements for silicate perovskite and ferropericlase: Implications for the lowermost mantle and D''
- Thermal conductivity of serpentinite in subducting slabs: Measurements at high pressure and temperature
- Transmission electron microscopy characterization of the plastic mechanisms of phase A
- <SUP>27</SUP>Al and <SUP>29</SUP>Si NMR spectroscopy of MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> perovskite: mechanisms of Al and Fe incorporation
- A Random Network Model of Electrical Conduction in Hydrous Rock
- Compressibility and thermal expansion studies of hydrous Fo100 wadsleyite (2.8 wt% H2O)
- Compressional wave velocity of Fe-Si Alloys in Earth's Core
- Effect of volatile components on electrical conductivity of mantle materials
- Elasticity of Hydrous Ringwoodite in Earth's Transition Zone
- Elasticity of antigorite at high pressures: implications for subduction zone anisotropy
- Electronic Spin Transition of Iron in Dense Hydrous Magnesium Silicate Phase D at High Pressure
- Evolution and floodplain history of the Middle Sacramento River from the late Quaternary to modern times
- High-Temperature Deformation of Enstatite Aggregates
- Hydrogen incorporation and the oxidation state of iron in ringwoodite - a spectroscopic study
- Interaction between deformation and reactive melt percolation in the upper mantle: Deformation-DIA experiments at high pressure and temperature
- Ionic conductivity measurements of H<SUB>2</SUB>O ice at high pressure and temperature and superionic ice in the mantle of ice giants
- Laser-Heated DAC Mössbauer Study of Lower Mantle Phases: Spin Transitions and Implications for Mantle Heterogeneity
- Microstructures of antigorite serpentinites deformed at high pressure and high temperature
- Novel Mössbauer Measurements of Spin Transitions in Lower Mantle Silicate Perovskite
- Prediction of Alloy Structures in Dichalcogenides and Diselenides at High Pressure
- Reconstructing the Depositional Environment at the Dolni Vestonice (Czech Republic) Loess Site from Magnetic Anisotropy
- Sound Velocity of Metals Under Extreme Conditions by Picoseconds Acoustics in Diamond Anvils Cell
- Sound velocities of iron aluminum-bearing magnesium silicate perovskite at 25 GPa and up to 1200 K: Implications for heterogeneities in Earth's lower mantle
- The effect of post-perovskite rheology on mantle thermo-chemical evolution
- The effects of iron and water on elastic properties of ringwoodite from theory and experiment: Constraint on chemical and thermal variations in the transition zone
- The oxidation state of garnet peridotites and the speciation of carbon in the mantle
- The oxygen fugacity within carbonated eclogites
- The search for arsenotrophs in the arsenic-rich marine shallow-water hydrothermal system off Milos Island, Greece
- Transmission electron microscopy characterization of the dislocations of phase A deformed at 11 GPa, 400°C in the multianvil apparatus
- Water contents and deformation in spinel peridotite xenoliths from the supra-subduction mantle
- Water partitioning between low degree melts and mineral phases in the upper mantle
- Aluminous ferro-magnesium silicate perovskite at lower mantle conditions
- Compositional dependence of elastic moduli for transition-metal oxide spinels
- Electrical conductivity of fluids and hydrous phases at subduction zone conditions
- Experimental Calibration of a Geobarometer for Eclogites Based on Al Substitution in Clinopyroxene
- Extent of metal-silicate disequilibrium during accretion and early differentiation of the Earth
- Feedbacks between melts and deformation in the upper mantle: Constraints from natural systems
- High silicon self-diffusion coefficient in dry forsterite
- Interactions between deformation and reactive melt percolation in the upper mantle: simple-shear deformation experiment at high pressure and temperature
- Melting phase relations in the MgO-MgSiO3 system between 16 and 26 GPa: Implications for melting in Earth's deep interior
- Melting phase relations in the system H2O - NH3 at high pressure
- Modeling Advection in Geophysical Flows with Wave Equation Models
- Origin and mixing timescale of Earth's late veneer
- P-V study of Na<SUB>1.18</SUB>Mg<SUB>1.59</SUB>Al<SUB>4.78</SUB>Si<SUB>1.33</SUB>O<SUB>12</SUB> Nal phase
- Simulating rotating fluid bodies: When is vorticity generation via density-stratification important?
- Small effect of water on upper mantle rheology based on silicon self-diffusion coefficients
- Sound Velocities of the Transition Zone Minerals
- Spin state of iron and elastic properties of (MgFe)(SiAl)O3 under conditions of the lower mantle
- Spin transitions in (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O<SUB>3</SUB> perovskite and the electrical conductivity of the lower mantle
- The Distribution, Diversity, and Geobiology of Thermoproteales Populations in Yellowstone National Park
- The compositions of hydrous partial melts of garnet peridotite at 6 and 13 GPa
- The origin of low velocity layers in subduction zones: elasticity of hydrous phases at high pressures and temperatures
- Compositional effects on the density of volatile-bearing magmatic liquids in the upper mantle
- Constraints on the origin of silica-undersaturated arc magmas inferred from melt inclusions and experimental melting of peridotite - pyroxenite mixed source (Invited)
- Controls on iron isotopic fractionation in igneous rocks
- Determination of the ferric iron (Fe3+) behaviour during MORB petrogenesis
- EOS & Thermodynamics of Warm Dense Silica (SiO2) using laser-driven shock compression of Stishovite
- Elastic properties and phase transitions of Fe7C3 and new constraints on the light element budget of the Earth's inner core
- Electrical conductivity anisotropy of partially molten peridotite under shear deformation
- Electronic spin state of lower mantle perovskite at conditions of the deep Earth's interior from in situ high P,T nuclear resonance measurements
- Experimental Determination of Calcite Solubility in H<SUB>2</SUB>O-KCl-NaCl-LiCl Solutions at 700 °C and 8 kbar
- Hydrogen Incorporation in Aluminous MgSiO3-Perovskite
- In-situ viscometry of lunar magmas at high pressure and high temperature
- Loess and loess-like sediments from the foothills of the Banat Mountains, Romania - Examples from loess sections and Paleolithic sites
- Preferred orientation of lawsonite determined by deformation experiments at high pressure and temperature: Implications for low velocity layers in subduction zones
- Si grain-boundary diffusion in forsterite as a function of pressure, temperature and water content
- Single crystal elasticity of majoritic garnet at high pressure and temperature
- Stability of Fe-BEARING Carbonates in the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Stress- and pressure-induced iron spin-state crossover in lower mantle minerals
- Subducted Slab Dynamics: Toward Understanding the Causes of Slab Stagnation
- Synchrotron in-situ deformation experiments of perovskite + (Mg,Fe)O aggregates under shallow lower mantle conditions (Invited)
- The distribution of ferric iron within the Earth's interior and evolution in the mantle's redox state. (Invited)
- The influence of solid solution on elastic wave velocity determination in (Mg,Fe)O using nuclear inelastic scattering
- Using melt inclusions and fluid inclusions to track ore-metal behavior in magma-hydrothermal systems (Invited)
- Alumino-silicate speciation in aqueous fluids at deep crustal conditions
- Deformation Mechanisms of Antigorite Serpentinite at Subduction Zone Conditions Determined from Experimentally and Naturally Deformed Rocks
- Deformation of (Mg,Fe)O Ferropericlase to Temperatures of 1150 K and Pressures of 96 GPa: Implications for Mantle Flow and Seismic Anisotropy
- Effect of pressure on water solubility in aluminous magnesium silicate perovskite
- Experimental Spinel Standards for Ferric Iron (Fe<SUP>3+</SUP>) Determination During Peridotite Partial Melting
- Grain size evolution in the mantle and its effect on geodynamics and seismic observables
- High P-T experiments and first principles calculations of Si, O, and Cr diffusion in liquid iron
- High pressure experimental study of eclogite with varying H<SUB>2</SUB>O contents
- Impact of hydrology and vegetation community structure on CO2 and CH4 flux patterns in a permafrost ecosystem in Northeast Siberia
- Pressure and temperature dependence of dislocation mobility in the [100](010) and [001](010) slip systems in olivine
- Silicon Grain Boundary Diffusion in Forsterite and Implications to Upper Mantle Rheology
- Single Crystal Elasticity of Majoritic Garnets: Stagnant Slabs and Thermal Anomalies at the Base of the Transition Zone
- Synchrotron in-situ deformation experiments of bridgmanite + ferropericlase aggregates under the shallow lower mantle conditions
- Understanding the sound velocities and EoS of Fe-Ni-Si alloys in the Earth's Inner Core through Joint Experimental Measurements
- Water has no effect on oxygen self-diffusion rate in forsterite
- Weak-Beam Dark-Field TEM Characterization of Dislocations and Slip Systems in Wadsleyite deformed in Simple Shear at Pressure-Temperature Conditions of the Mantle Transition Zone
- Breakdown of phase D by formation of aluminous bridgmanite
- Continuous eclogite melting and variable refertilisation in upwelling heterogeneous mantle
- Coupling giant impacts and long-term evolution models
- Discovery of New Iron Oxide Fe<SUB>7</SUB>O<SUB>9</SUB> and its Solid Solution, (Mg,Fe<SUP>2+</SUP>)<SUB>3</SUB>Fe<SUP>3+</SUP><SUB>4</SUB>O<SUB>9</SUB>
- Effect of Mantle Wedge Hybridization by Sediment Melt on Geochemistry of Arc Magma and Arc Mantle Source - Insights from Laboratory Experiments at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Equation of state and elasticity of the 3.65 Å phase- constraining mantle hydration from the seismic X-discontinuity
- Estimating the Buoyancy Field for Earth's Mantle Using Seismic and Mineralogical Models
- Fate of Silicate Melts at Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions
- High P-T diffusive transport properties of liquid iron alloys and peridotite melt
- High Pressure Experimental Investigation of the Interaction between Partial Melts of Eclogite and Mantle Peridotite during Upwelling
- High-pressure high temperature generation over 40 GPa using Kwai-type multianvil apparatus with carbide anvils
- In Situ Deformation of Olivine in the Transmission Electron Microscope: from Dislocation Velocity Measurements to Stress-Strain Curves
- Internally consistent elasticity measurements of mantle minerals at high-pressure and high-temperature by Brillouin spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction
- Iron carbonates in the Earth's lower mantle: reality or imagination?
- Light element partitioning between silicate and metallic melts: Insights into the formation and composition of Earth's core
- Low-Frequency Wave Activity Detected by MMS during Dusk Magnetopause Crossings and its Relation to Heating and Acceleration of Particles
- Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> Forsterite Grain Boundary Structures and Self-diffusion from Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Origin and Constraints on Ilmenite-rich Partial Melt in the Lunar Lower Mantle
- Precise Comparison of Phase Relations in Pyrolite, MORB and Harzburgite Up To 28 GPa 1600-2200°C Using Multi-sample Cell Technique
- Semi analytical model for the effective grain size profile in the mantle of the Earth: partitioning between diffusion and dislocation creep through the Earth's history
- Single Large Impacts and their Consequences on the Evolution of a Coupled Atmosphere-Interior Venus Model
- Slab Stagnation: How, When, and Where?
- The Effect of Iron and Aluminium Incorporation on the Single-Crystal Elasticity of Bridgmanite at High Pressure.
- The Energy of Olivine Grain Boundaries Deduced from Grain Boundary Frequency Analyses
- The Origin of Non-chondritic HSE Ratios in the Earth's Mantle
- The deep oxygen cycle in the early Earth
- A scaling relationship for impact-induced melt volume
- Application of the Elasto-Viscoplastic Self Consistent (EVPSC) Code to Modeling Texture and Lattice Strain Evolution in Periclase
- Compressibility and spin state of iron-rich post-perovskite in ULVZs
- Constraints on Lunar Structure from Combined Geochemical, Mineralogical, and Geophysical modeling
- Dislocation mobility in ringwoodite and bridgmanite as functions of temperature and water content
- Electrical conductivity of H<SUB>2</SUB>O-NaCl fluids to 10 kbar
- Grain Boundaries in Forsterite: how do they Move to Produce Shear?
- How multiple impacts affect the evolution of the venusian atmosphere.
- Internally Consistent Single-Crystal Elasticity of (Mg<SUB>0.89</SUB>Fe<SUB>0.11</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> Wadsleyite at High Pressures and High Temperatures
- Iron Speciation in Minerals and Melts at High Pressure: Implications for the Redox Evolution of the Early Mantle
- Negative water-content dependence of the dislocation mobility in the olivine [001](100) slip system
- Quenchable water-rich, aluminous post-stishovite: implications for seismic anomalies in the mid-mantle
- The Connection Between Diffusion, Dissolution, Deformation and Evaporation: The Role of Mobile Dislocations
- The Crustal Magnetic Field of Terra Sirenum and Cimmeria, Mars. A Spectral Perspective.
- The Effect of Oxygen on the Structure and Dynamics of Planetary Cores: Insights from Melting Phase Relations in the Fe-S and Fe-S-O Systems
- The habit of crystals in aggregates: five parameter grain boundary characterization of olivine
- Trace element diffusion in minerals: the role of multiple diffusion mechanisms operating simultaneously
- Viability of Archean Subduction Initiation from Gravitational Spreading
- A New Ab Initio Equation of State of hcp-Fe and Its Implication on the Interior Structure and Mass-Radius Relations of Rocky Super-Earths
- Chemical signature of a migrating grain boundaries in polycrystalline olivine
- Diffusive Transport and Structural Properties of Liquid Iron Alloys at High Pressure
- Earthquakes Below the Brittle-Ductile Transition: The Role of Grain Size Assisted Thermal Runaway
- Electrical resistivity of liquid iron with high concentration of light element impurities
- Experimental deformation of (Mg,Fe)O ferropericlase in a resistive-heated DAC at conditions of the Earth's lower mantle
- Experimental insights into spin state and hyperfine parameters of Fe<SUP>3+</SUP> in bridgmanite and silicate glass up to 91 GPa
- Extraterrestrial diamond inclusions reveal a Mars-sized planet
- Facilitating atmosphere oxidation through mantle convection
- Geometry and Width of the Ringwoodite - Bridgmanite+Ferropericlase Binary Loop in the System (Mg,Fe)<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>: Interpretation of the Sharpness of the 660-km Discontinuity
- H partitioning between NAMs in garnet-bearing peridotite at subsolidus conditions
- High pressure study of water-salt systems, phase equilibria, partitioning, thermodynic properties and implication for large icy worlds hydrospheres.
- High-pressure single-crystal elasticity measurements of Al-Fe-bridgmanite support a Fe3+-rich pyrolitic lower mantle
- How the 410-km Discontinuity Reflects Mantle Water Content: Constraints from High-Pressure Experiments on Wadsleyite Single-Crystal Elasticity
- Inclusions in Minerals: the Importance of Host Mineral Composition, Pressure and Temperature for Potential Inclusion Alteration
- Late Veneer consequences on Venus' long term evolution
- Looking for carbonates in the deep Earth: an experimental approach at extreme conditions
- Measuring DAC metal-silicate partitioning experiments by electron microprobe: Thickness, fluorescence, and oxide spheres
- Modeling Archean Subduction Initiation from Continental Spreading with a Free-Surface
- Modeling Hf-W Evolution for Earth, Moon and Mars in Grand Tack Accretion Simulations: The Isotopic Consequences of Rapid Accretion
- New results of the post-spinel transition pressure in Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> by means of in-situ X-ray diffraction in a multi-anvil press: complete agreement with the 660-km discontinuity depth
- Numerical simulations of thermo-compositional global convection with generation of proto-continental crust
- Olivine-hosted melt inclusions record efficient mixing of mantle melts in continental flood basalt provinces
- Shear anisotropy in textured carbonates and the detection of carbonated regions in subducting slabs
- Small Effect of Hydration on Elastic Wave Velocities of Ringwoodite in Earth's Transition Zone
- Solubility of Aragonite in Subduction Water-Rich Fluids
- Structural Mineral Physics at Extreme Conditions
- The Effect of Fe-Ti-rich Cumulate Overturn on Evolution of the Lunar Interior
- The Effect of Pressure on Iron Speciation in Silicate Melts at a Fixed Oxygen Fugacity: The Possibility of a Redox Profile Through a Terrestrial Magma Ocean
- The origin of pallasites. A combined experimental and numerical approach.
- Thermal Profile of the Lunar Interior Constrained by Revised Estimates of Concentrations of Heat Producing Elements
- Tiny tiny things with an amazing power
- Towards modelling of water inflow into the mantle
- Tracing iron-carbon redox from surface to core
- Using the KBO density distribution as a constraint on formation timescale
- 3D numerical models of thermal convection inside Triton's icy shell
- A Dynamic Diamond Anvil Cell (dDAC) Setup for Time-Resolved High-Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Experiments under Dynamic Compression
- Activation of [100](001) slip system by water incorporation in olivine
- An Experimental Study on the genesis of petit-spot Lavas
- Anisotropic Thermal Expansion and Thermal Fracturing of Olivine Bicrystals: Pathways for Magma Flux at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Behavior of Sulfur during Core-Mantle Differentiation of the Earth
- Chromites as Proxy for Redox Processes in the Archean Mantle?
- Comprehensive equations of state for high pressure ices and aqueous brines for accurate thermodynamic properties predictions.
- Development of Olivine and Enstatite CPO During Melt-Rock Reaction: Evidences from HP-HT Deformation Experiments.
- Direct Measurements of the Bulk Modulus Softening in (Mg,Fe)O across the Iron Spin Change Measured at Seismic Frequencies in a Dynamic DAC Using Time-Resolved XRD
- Elastic Wave Velocities of Mg-, Fe- and Al-bearing Akimotoite by Means of Ultrasonic Measurements and Brillouin Spectroscopy
- Experimental redetermination of the post-spinel transition boundary in Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> by means of in-situ X-ray diffraction in a multi-anvil press
- Gradual Desiccation of Rocky Protoplanets from <SUP>26</SUP>Al-heating
- Hydrogen partitioning between silicate melt and liquid sulfide: an early oxidation mechanism for the mantle?
- LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Strongly Re-equilibrated Melt Inclusions from Mafic Intrusions: Quantification Approach and Data Evaluation
- Olivine ionic conduction accounts for the high electrical conductivity layers in the asthenosphere
- On the Role of Grain Boundary Processes and Mobility on the Rheology of Forsterite: Microstructural Evidence.
- P-V-T equation-of-state of liquid Fe from ab-initio simulations to the TPa regime
- Pressure, temperature and composition dependence of the oxygen-vacancy components in bridgmanite under mid-mantle conditions: implications to mantle viscosity variation and volatile transport
- Properties of magmas at depth from SiO<SUB>2</SUB> density and local structure measured using X-ray absorption and X-ray Raman spectroscopy
- Shallow fluid circulation in mantle wedge inferred from dihedral angle between olivine and NaCl-bearing aqueous fluid
- Speciation of Fe and Al in bridgmanite as a function of composition and oxygen fugacity
- Stability of Fe<SUB>5</SUB>O<SUB>6</SUB> at High Pressure and Temperature
- The ferroelastic phase transition in polycrystalline stishovite and seismic scattering in Earth's lower mantle
- Transmission of dislocations across olivine grain boundaries
- Venus Volatile History Through Late Veneer Era and Impact Contribution.
- What Makes Waves in Some Parts of the Rocks Inside Our World Go Fast?
- Deciphering deep volatile cycles in early Earth
- Deciphering the petrophysics and petrology of the Ivrea Geophysical Body (Alps) by combining laboratory data and thermodynamic modelling
- Grain size dependency of the phase transformational faulting mechanism responsible for deep-focus earthquakes
- High-stress creep in amphibolite-facies ultramylonites hosting pseudotachylytes: ductile instability or brittle failure?
- Iron disproportionation in majorite-bearing rocks of the Earth's transition zone and in Mars' deep mantle
- Mapping mantle heterogeneities through redox state
- Mars' first stratified layers and their preservation: Global thermochemical convection models
- Non-linear temperature dependence of the post-garnet transition boundary in Mg<SUB>3</SUB>Al<SUB>2</SUB>Si<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUB>12</SUB> revealed by accurate equilibrium experiment in a multi-anvil press with in-situ X-ray diffraction
- Olivine grain growth kinetics at high pressure and temperature
- Oxygen vacancy component (MgFeO<SUB>2.5</SUB>) produced by Fe<SUP>3+</SUP> in bridgmanite and its implications for viscosity variation in the mid-mantle
- Permeability computation of CHO-fluid bearing monomineralic aggregates: effects of dihedral angle and microstructural evolution
- Phase Relations of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Earth's Mantle Using Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction
- Redox evolution of serpentinised oceanic crust during subduction and implications for subduction zone fluids
- Systematic Study of the Effects of Pressure and Temperature on Sulfur Content at Sulfide Saturation of Peridotitic Liquid
- The effect of Al-Fe substitution on the elastic properties of δ-(Al,Fe)OOH
- The interaction between permafrost, frost cracking and paraglacial processes and their link to rockfalls
- Thermal conductivity of carbonate and hydrous minerals in Earth's deep interior
- Visualization and Quantification of Nocturnal Water Fluxes in Soil and Roots
- A Deep Dive into Planetary Abysses: Effects of Pressure, Phase Equilibria and Chemistry on the Structure and Habitability of Icy-Ocean Worlds.
- A non-linear Clapeyron slope of the post-garnet transition determined by advanced multi-anvil and in-situ X-ray observation technologies, and its multiple effects on mantle dynamics in various tectonic settings
- Bulk modulus of H<SUB>2</SUB>O across the ice VII - ice X transition measured by time-resolved X-ray diffraction in dynamic Diamond Anvil Cell experiments
- Earliest Compositional Bifurcation of Planetary Building Blocks
- Elastic softening driven by hydrogen disorder in δ-(Al,Fe)OOH
- Equation of State of Al-rich Phase δ-H: Behavior of Ferric Iron in a High-Pressure Oxyhydroxide
- Global Systematics of Copper in Arc Magmas Using a Big Data Approach
- Integrating magnetic susceptibility and colorimetric parameters for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions from loess-palaeosol sequences: A case study from northern Serbia for the last 430 ka
- Investigating Thermal Shear Instability as a Viable Failure Mechanism for Deep Earthquakes in High Strain-rate Regions of Subducting Slabs
- Late Accretion and the Origin of Water on Terrestrial Planets in the Solar System.
- Phase relations of basaltic crust determined by simultaneous pressure-temperature generation techniques to 52 GPa and 2000 K using a multi-anvil press with tungsten carbide anvils
- Rapid-quench multi-anvil technique and its application to water partitioning study
- Reconciliation of the negative pressure dependence of the 660-km discontinuity depth with the bridgmanite forming reactions in MgO-SiO<SUB>2</SUB> systems
- Revealing chemistry at multi-megabar pressures by means of synchrotron X-ray diffraction: Fe-O system as a case study
- Spatial Distribution of Deep Earthquakes Tied to Strain-rate Variations in Slabs
- Strain-weakening rheology in Earth's lower mantle and its control on mantle convection and tectonics
- The fate of iron oxides at multimegabar pressure regime
- Viscosity of peridotite melt suggests a layered mantle in the early Earth
- What Can Really Old Red and White Rocks Tell Us About Breathing Air on Our World A Long Time Ago?
- Spin State of Iron in Dynamically Compressed Olivine Melt
- The Thermal Equation of State of -(Al,Fe)OOH: Towards a SpinHydrogen Connection in Earth's Lower Mantle
- A self-protection mechanism by the hydration reduced thermal conductivity of hydrous minerals
- Seismic detection of a deep mantle discontinuity within Mars by InSight
- Speciation and Effect of Water on Hydrous Peridotitic Glasses Quenched by a Novel Rapid-Quench Multi-Anvil Technique
- Weak Cubic CaSiO3 Perovskite in Earth's Mantle
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Anna Horleston
- Attilio Rivoldini
- B. Banerdt
- Benjamin Fernando
- Caroline Beghein
- Chloé Michaut
- Christine Hatté
- Constantinos Charalambous
- D. Fischer
- Daniele Antonangeli
- Eiji Ohtani
- Foivos Karakostas
- Hauke Marquardt
- Henri Samuel
- J. C. E. Irving
- Jennifer M. Jackson
- Johannes Buchen
- Kaustubh Hakim
- M. Drilleau
- M. P. Panning
- Max Collinet
- N. C. Schmerr
- P. Lognonné
- P. M. Bremner
- Philippe Lognonné
- Quancheng Huang
- Ross Maguire
- Rudolf Widmer‐Schnidrig
- Sang‐Heon Shim
- Scott D. King
- Sean N. Raymond
- Seth A. Jacobson
- Takayuki Ishii
- Tom Pike
- Tomoo Katsura
- Vasilije V. Dobrosavljevic
- Vincenzo Stagno
- Wen‐Pin Hsieh