Southwest University, China
flowchart I[Southwest University, China] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (47)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (11)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Annual-to-decadal resolution speleothem records from Zhijin Cave in the central western Guizhou of China: Changes in climate, environment and human activity during the past 1200 years
- FAST Spacecraft Observation of Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Auroral Zone
- Climate and human impacts on vegetation changes in central Guizhou, China: Carbon and oxygen isotopic records in a stalagmite from Yelang Cave
- Spatial Asian Monsoon variability at MIS 6.2 inferred from oxygen isotope records of stalagmites from Yangkou Cave, Chongqing, China
- Production and Adaptation Assessments of Agricultural Crops under Climate Change in Southeastern United States
- Teleconnection among Asian Summer Monsoon, ENSO and PDO revealed by instrumental and historic records as well as an annual resolution stalagmite record from Lianhua Cave, northwestern Hunan, China
- Helium Isotopes and Noble Gas Abundances of Cave Dripping Water in Three Caves in East Asia
- Towards Jointly Validation of Land Remote Sensing Products In China
- Uncertainties of legend conversion and inconsistency analysis of global land cover products---A case study in Heihe River Basin
- Understanding of δ<SUP>13</SUP>C behavior and its significance in the Furong Cave system through a 10-year cave monitoring study
- Distribution of hematite and goethite in Chinese and African deserts as determined by visible reflectance spectroscopy
- Trends in spring and autumn phenology over the Tibetan Plateau based on four NDVI datasets
- Contrasting responses of grassland water and carbon exchanges to climate change between Tibetan Plateau and Inner Mongolia
- Dispersion in 2D network: Effects of mixing rule at nodes and molecular diffusion
- Experimental study of CO<SUB>2</SUB> effect on shale mechanical properties in the processes of complete strain-stress and post-failure tests
- Impact of Oxidative Dissolution on Black Shale Fracturing: Implication for Shale Fracturing Treatment Design
- Modern pollen-vegetation relationships and two new pollen-climate indices from the Yarlung Zangbo River basin, southern Tibetan Plateau
- Monitoring and validating spatio-temporal continuously daily evapotranspiration and its components at river basin scale
- Multi-aged Forest: an Optimal Management Strategy for Carbon Sequestration
- Optimized estimation and its uncertainties of gross primary production over oasis-desert ecosystems in an arid region of China
- Percolation Network Study on the Gas Apparent Permeability of Rock
- Spatio-temporal variability of evapotranspiration and energy fluxes over Heihe River Basin, China
- Study on of Seepage Flow Velocity in Sand Layer Profile as Affected by Water Depth and Slope Gradience
- The symbiotic relationship between dominant canopy trees and soil microbes affects the nitrogen source utilization of co-existing understory trees
- Water Displacement in Oil-Wet Tight Reservoirs by Dynamic Network Simulation
- Experimental investigation on the effective pressure coefficient for permeability and deformation in the tight sandstone
- Identifying the most suitable crop rotations and optimum N applications for the Yangtze River Basin<SUP>#</SUP>
- Laboratory study on capillary pressure and resistivity in tight sandstones
- No Consistent Evidence for Advancing or Delaying Trends in Spring Phenology on the Tibetan Plateau
- The dynamic elastic properties of anisotropic metamorphic rocks collected near the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Validation of the Lightning Mapping Imager on FY-4A with the Lightning Imaging Sensor on ISS
- Carbon fluxes and water use efficiency of a hilly tea plantation in Southeast China
- A climatology and extreme value analysis of large hail in China
- AdaBoost-based Back Propagation Neural Networks Improve the Estimation Accuracy of Pear Leaf Nitrogen Concentration by the In-field VIS-NIR Spectroscopy
- Effect of pressures on imbibition in shales using the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Evaluation of PM2.5 Surface Concentrations Simulated by NASA's MERRA Version 2 Aerosol Reanalysis over the Tibet Plateau
- Evapotranspiration Components and Water Use Efficiency from Desert to Alpine Ecosystems in Drylands
- Long-term Trend of Leaf Area, Greenness and Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Amazon Forest from 2000 to 2019
- No trends in spring and autumn phenology during the global warming hiatus
- Oil Distribution Characteristics for Tight oil Sandstone Cores in the Spontaneous Imbibition plus Waterflooding and Waterflooding-only using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Reconstruction of remotely sensed daily evapotranspiration data in cloudy-sky conditions
- The varying roles of ecosystem services in poverty alleviation among rural households in urbanizing watersheds
- Carbon loss from forest degradation exceeds that from deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
- Early Holocene permafrost retreat in West Siberia amplified by reorganization of westerly circulation
- Hotspot Signatures from Synergy of DSCOVR EPIC and Terra MISR sensors to Monitor Changes and Biophysical Processes of Equatorial Forests
- Fuel sources to carbonaceous aerosols at the eastern fringe of the Tibetan Plateau, China: Δ14C and δ13C evidences
- Large Loss and Rapid Recovery of Vegetation Cover and Aboveground Biomass Over Forest Areas in Australia during 2019-2020