JAEA, Tokai Center
flowchart I[JAEA, Tokai Center] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (74)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (4)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Interaction of Pseudomonas fluorescens with Eu(III) and Ce(IV) - Desferrioxamine Complexes
- Mechanism of Uranium mineralization by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Mechanisms of Eu(III) and Cm(III) Association With Chlorella Vulgaris
- Association of Eu(III) and Cm(III) With Halophiles
- Biotransformation of pu(VI) by microorganisms
- A numerical study on the correlation between fracture transmissivity, hydraulic aperture and transport aperture
- Aerobic Reduction of Arsenate by a Bacterium Isolated From Activated Sludge
- Development of a New Model for Accurate Prediction of Cloud Water Deposition on Vegetation
- Laboratory Experiment of Saltwater Intrusion into Freshwater Aquifer
- Recovery of Elemental Palladium by Shewanella putrefaciens
- The Henry Problem Revisited
- Characterization of fracture aperture for groundwater flow and transport
- Study on Potential Changes in Geological and Disposal Environment Caused by 'Natural Phenomena' on a HLW Disposal System
- Variaitions in Δ14C values of POM in the Tokachi River waters
- Preliminary Calculations for High-Resolution Regional Mapping of Cloud Water Deposition and Water Sustainability for Vegetation
- Evaluation of the hydraulic behavior of a single fracture using LCL and Reynolds number under the available cubic law conditions
- High-pressure beamline (PLANET) at the spallation neutron source, J-PARC (Invited)
- Hydraulic and transport behavior of a variable aperture fracture by a transmitted-light optical measurement system
- An Approach for Quantitative Forecasting of Turbulent Flow over an Urban Area by Coupling Numerical Weather Prediction and Large-Eddy Simulation Models
- Stability and vulnerability of organic carbon stored in Japanese forest soils
- Soil organic matter degradability in four Japanese forest soils
- A tree diagram for compiling a methodology to evaluate suitability of host rock for geological disposal
- Neutron diffraction study of hydrogen-bond symmetrization in δ-AlOOD
- Observations of radiation bursts from winter thunderclouds and lighting over the Japan sea coast
- A Tree Diagram: Compilation of Methods for Evaluating Host Rock Suitability Taking Account of Uncertainties in Hydrogeological Modeling
- Challenge to Increase Confidence in Geological Evolution Models
- Ecosystem Greenhouse Gas Fluxes Respond Directly to Weather Not Climate: A Case Study on the Relationship of Global Atmospheric Circulation, Foehn Frequency, and Winter Weather to Northern Alps Regional Grassland Phenology and Carbon Cycling
- Spatial distribution of microbial populations and carbon cycle in the subsurface environment of the Horonobe area, Hokkaido, Japan
- Frictional properties of Shionohira Fault Gouge of Fukushima, Japan
- Integrated watershed modeling for simulation of radio-cesium migration after flood events in the catchment near the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant
- Longshore transport modeling of the contaminated sediment in the Fukushima area
- Mathematical Modeling of Radiocesium Migration and Air Dose Rate Changes in Eastern Fukushima Prefecture
- Neutron and X-ray diffraction study on the hydrous SiO<SUB>2</SUB> glass under pressure
- Radioactive sediment transport and accumulation in the mouth of the Ukedo River
- The property of fault zone and fault activity of Shionohira Fault, Fukushima, Japan
- Frictional Properties of Main Fault Gouge of Mont Terri, Switzerland
- Frictional Properties of Shionohira Fault Gouge (Part 2) -A Comparison with Kuruma Fault Gouge at the Southern Extension of Shionohira Fault-
- High-pressure structural behavior of hydrogarnet, katoite Ca<SUB>3</SUB>Al<SUB>2</SUB>(O<SUB>4</SUB>H<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>3</SUB>
- Structure of energetic radiation bursts observed during winter thunderstorms
- Transformation of Strontium during formation of biogenic calcium carbonate
- Uncertainty evaluation with increasing borehole drilling in subsurface hydrogeological explorations
- Cosmic Ray Modulation and Radiation Dose of Aircrews During Possible Grand Minimum
- Development of a global transport model for airborne iodine-129 including atmospheric photolysis and gas-particle conversion processes
- Micro-textures of Deformed Gouges by Friction Experiments of Mont Terri Main Fault, Switzerland
- Observation of fluctuation of gamma-ray count rate accompanying thunderstorm activity and energy spectrum of gamma rays in the atmosphere up to several kilometers altitude from the ground
- Oceanic dispersion of Fukushima-derived Cs-137 in the coastal, offshore, and open oceans simulated by multiple oceanic general circulation models
- Cosmic Ray Modulation During Extremely Weak Solar Cycle
- In-situ high pressure and temperature neutron diffraction study of the Fe-H system and hydrogen in the planetary core
- Interpretation of infrared spectra of asteroid Ryugu based on comparison to carbonaceous chondrites and other meteorites
- Lightning-triggered termination of a gamma-ray glow in a Japanese winter thunderstorm
- Measurements of Radon Air Distribution in the Florida Peninsula
- Shionohira Fault Characterization Using SIMFIP Protocol
- Vast metabolic and phylogenetic diversity shared across deep subsurface environments
- An estimate of the global budget of atmospheric iodine-129 during the 2000s with a global transport model
- Existence and the roles of subsurface biofilms in the deep sedimentary rock environment of the Horonobe area, Hokkaido, Japan
- Hybrid Simulation for the Solar Modulation of the Galactic Cosmic Rays During Recent Solar Cycle
- Infrared Spectra of Dark Asteroid Ryugu and Carbonaceous Chondrites
- Injection test results on fault stability using a 3-components borehole deformation sensor in the non-active segment extending south of Shionohira Fault, NE Japan
- Ionizing Radiation in the Martian Atmosphere during Young Sun.
- Laboratory incubation experiments to examine the effects of increased water fluctuation on CO<SUB>2</SUB> release from volcanic ash soils in a Japanese temperate forest
- Neutron monitors and the evaluation of radiation doses for civil aviation
- Quantification of Wind Fluctuations in a Densely-Built, Urban District During a Typhoon Landfall by Merging Mesoscale Meteorological and Large Eddy Simulations
- Radon Distribution Map of the Florida Peninsula
- Short-Term Emergency Assessment System of the Marine Environmental Radioactivity
- Evaluation system of Stellar Superflares impacts on Planetary Habitability
- Investigation on solute transport in heterogeneous fracture of crystalline rock by flow-through test and micro X-ray CT
- Observations of energetic radiation due to thunderstorms at an altitude of 4300 m
- Quantifying isolated pore space in geological barrier materials
- Radar diagnosis of winter thunderclouds in Japan originating gamma-ray glows
- Realistic modeling approach for tracer migration and retention in fractured crystalline rocks from the Grimsel Test Site
- Selenide [Se(-II)] retention and mobilization in anoxic, iron-rich environments: Impacts of iron phase precipitation and transformation
- Thundercloud Project: Citizen Science Observation Campaign of High-Energy Atmospheric Phenomena from Lightning and Thunderstorms in Japan
- Investigation of the effect of biotite distribution on anion diffusion in crystalline rock
- Low-frequency pulses associated with downward terrestrial gamma-ray flashes in Japan