University of the Ryukyus, Japan
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Geochemical Evidence for Submarine Hydrothermal Activity in the Gulf of Aden, Northwestern Indian Ocean
- Production and Scavenging Mechanism of OH Radical in Atmospheric Water Droplets and Natural Water
- "Pulleniatina minimum event"; the drastic change of the Kuroshio Current in the NW Pacific Ocean
- A Water Tank Study of the Effects of Seawater Temperature on Coral Metabolism and Changes in Chemical Compositions in Seawater
- Possible Isotopic Evidences of Post Marinoan of Neoproterozoic III in Three Gorges Area, China
- Theoretical Simulation and Experimental Investigations of the Surge Response of a Tower Model of Vertical Conductor
- Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from the Southern Okinawa Trough and its Implications for Tectono-magmatic Evolution
- Hydroxyl Radical Formation in Solutions of Fe(III) and Hydrogen Peroxide - Impact of Freezing and Thawing Process
- Overlapping Spreading Centers, Ridge Jumps and Ridge/Hotspot Interaction: the Northwestern West Philippine Basin as Study Example
- Photochemical Formation of Fe(II) and Peroxides in Coastal Seawater Collected around Okinawa Island, Japan - Impact of Red Soil Pollution
- Atlantis Bank as a Key to Understanding the Nature of the Moho and Crust-Mantle Boundary
- Effect of CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> Precipitation by the Organic Matrix of Sclerites Associated with Coccoliths and the Characterization of Proteinaceous Organic Matrices from the Alcyonarian, Lobophytum Crassum. (Octocorallia : Alcyoncea)
- Estimation of Community Metabolisms in Coral Reef by Using the Water Flow Model
- Generation of high-Mg andesites in the Kueishantao volcano, the southernmost part of the Okinawa Trough
- Geochemical studies on the biodiversity and hydrothermal activity; mineralogy, chemistry, and age determination of hydrothermal chimney collected from Suiyo seamount, Izu-Bonin arc
- Intercolony variability of skeletal oxygen and carbon isotope ratios of cultured corals: temperature-controlled experiments
- Methane Distribution In Plumes Of The South Mariana Back-arc Spreading Center
- Numerical simulation of the 1771 Yaeyama tsunami in the southwestern Ryukyu arc
- Photochemical Formation of Hydroxyl Radical in Red-Soil-Polluted Seawater in Okinawa, Japan -Potential Impacts on Marine Organisms
- Estimation of Average Number of Carbons in Water Soluble Organic Compounds Present in Aerosols Inferred from Reaction with Hydroxyl Radicals
- Formation of Reactive Br Species by Freezing in Solutions of NaBr-Metal-Hydrogen Peroxide
- Measurement of Peroxides and Elucidation of Their Behavior in Subtropical Atmosphere
- Photochemical Formation of Fe(II) in Aerosols Collected in Okinawa, Japan
- Cold Seeps and Their Tectonic Implications in the IODP NanTroSEIZE Drilling Area
- Influence of water-flow on skeletal isotopic compositions of branching coral Pocilopora damicornis
- Neotectonic Stress Analysis Of The Red Sea Rift By Finite Element Modeling
- Photochemical formation of Fe(II) in humic acid solutions - effects of pH and wavelengths
- Photochemical formation of hydroxyl radical in red-soil-polluted seawater - effects of dissolved organic compounds
- Photochemical properties of fluorescent organic compounds in the environment - photochemical source of peroxides
- Submarine, across-arc normal fault system in the southwest Ryukyu Arc: trigger of the 1771 tsunami hazard?
- Tsunami hazard mitigation in tourism in the tropical and subtropical coastal areas: a case study in the Ryukyu Islands, southwest of Japan
- An underwater landslide or slump on an active submarine fault - a possible source of a devastating tsunami?
- Comparison of Fe(II) Photo-Formation Characteristics Between Aqueous Humic Acid Solutions and Aqueous Extracts of Atmospheric Aerosols Collected at Okinawa Island, Japan
- Determination of Bimolecular Rate Constants for Reactions of Hydroxyl Radical with Large Organic Compounds in Atmospheric Water Drops
- Discovery of "Hydrothermal" Chemosynthetic Community in a Cold Seep Environment, Formosa Ridge: Seafloor Observation Results from First ROV Cruise, off Southwestern Taiwan
- Effect of CO32- ions activity on the distribution of UO22+ ions between coral skeleton and seawater
- Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on Coral Photosynthesis and Calcification
- Geochemical constraints on the origin of high-Mg andesites in the southernmost Okinawa Trough
- Global Warming, Climate Change and Glacier Retreat of Nepal Himalayas
- Long-Range Transport of Perchlorate Observed in the Atmospheric Aerosols Collected at Okinawa Island, Japan
- Numerical simulation of the 1771 Yaeyama tsunami in the southwestern Ryukyu arc
- Observed and Simulated High Amplitude Tsunami Offshore of Northern Banda Aceh During the 2004 Sumatra Earthquake
- Photochemical Formation of Fe(II) in the Aqueous Solutions of Fe(III)- Dicarboxylates
- Spatial and temporal behavior and acute ecotoxicological effects of Tributyltin (TBT) on coral reef and adjacent ecosystems around Okinawa Island, Japan.
- Determination of Bimolecular Rate Constants for Reactions of Hydroxyl Radical with Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics Chemicals - Implications to the Fate in the Aquatic Environment
- Determination of Dicarboxylic Acid Concentrations in Surface Microlayer of Dams in Okinawa, Japan
- Indian MORB Isotope Signatures in the Early Paleozoic Dongcaohe Ophiolite from the North Qilian Orogenic Belt, NW China
- Long-term Radon Measurement in Cave air and its Progeny on Cave Deposits
- Radiocarbon Analysis of Elemental Carbon and Total Organic Carbon in Atmospheric Aerosols Collected at Cape Hedo, Okinawa, Japan
- Seasonal variation of water-soluble chemical components in the bulk atmospheric aerosols collected at Okinawa Island, Japan
- Anomalous crustal movement detected through seafloor geodetic observation at accretionary wedge in the central Ryukyu Trench
- Crustal movement and plate motion as observed by GPS baseline ranging - trial to make teaching materials for middle- and high-school earth science education by teachers
- Estimation of submarine groundwater discharge to Osaka Bay, Japan by numerical simulation
- Interannual variability in tropical Pacific temperatures during Heinrich stadial 1
- Molar Absorptivity and Concentration-Dependent Quantum Yield of Fe(II) Photo-Formation for the Aqueous Solutions of Fe(III)-Dicarboxylate Complexes
- New topographic and geophysical maps in the southwesternmost Ryukyu area give the key to understanding the role of the Ryukyu trench-arc-backarc system towards the Taiwan orogeny
- Outline for the Winter T-PARC (THORPEX Pacific-Asia Regional Campaign)
- Raman spectroscopic analyses on structure and composition of gas hydrate from Kumano mud volcano, Nankai Trough, Japan
- Spatial distribution and temporal variation of chemical species in the bulk atmospheric aerosols collected at the Okinawa archipelago, Japan
- Temporal and spatial variation of stress fields before and after the 1999 Chi-Chi Taiwan earthquake
- Are general circulation models representing processes controlling tropical and subtropical free tropospheric relative humidity properly? The added value of water vapor isotope measurements
- C:N Ratio and Biodegradability of Dissolved Organic Matter in Surface Waters Along the Longitudinal Sections across the North Pacific
- Interplate coupling along the central Ryukyu Trench inferred from GPS/acoustic seafloor geodetic observation
- Ocean acidification impact on growth and the pH dependence of trace elements in skeleton of juvenile corals (Acropora digitifera)
- Radiocarbon dating of Porites coral boulders cast ashore by paleo-tsunamis at southern Ryukyu Islands, Japan
- Shear strength characteristics and activation of the Asato landslide, Okinawa, Japan
- Tectonics and mechanism of a spreading ridge subduction at the Chile Triple Junction based on new marine geophysical data
- Tsunami preparedness at the resort facilities along the coast of the Ryukyu Islands - their actions against the 27 February 2010 Okinawan and Chilean tsunami warning
- A 'Propagating' Active Across-Arc Normal Fault Shows Rupture Process of the Basement: the Case of the Southwestern Ryukyu Arc
- Biogeochemical study on mud-volcano sediments from the Kumano forearc basin, Japan
- Characterization of Heavy Metal Contents in the Bulk Atmospheric Aerosols Simultaneously Collected at Three Islands in Okinawa, Japan by X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method (XRF)
- Concentrations and chemical forms of trace metals in coastal seawater on coral reef and their seasonal variation
- Effects of acidified seawater on coral calcification and variations of U/Ca ratio in their skeletons
- Effects of herbicides on coral and seasonal distribution in water and sediments collected from rivers and coral reefs of the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan
- Elucidation of Environmental Fate of Artificial Sweetener, Aspartame by Determining Bimolecular Rate Constants with Hydroxyl Radical at Various pH and Temperature Conditions and Reaction By-Products Presentation type:Poster Section:Ocean Sciences Session:General Contribution Authors:Takashi Teraji (1) Takemitsu Arakaki (2) AGU# 10173629 (1) Graduate School of Engineering and Science, University of the Ryukyus, 1 Senbaru Nishihara-cho, Okinawa, 903-0123, Japan (, (2) Department of Chemistry, Biology and Marine Science, Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, 1 Senbaru Nishihara-cho, Okinawa, 903-0123, Japan (
- Growth-rate influences on coral climate proxies
- Long-term observation of water-soluble chemical components and acid-digested metals in the total suspended particles collected at Okinawa, Japan
- Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Water-Soluble Anions and Organic Carbons in Bulk Aerosols Collected at the Ryukyu Islands, Okinawa, Japan
- Underground dams for irrigation supplies in coastal limestone aquifer, Okinawa, Japan
- 10+ years of ACORK: Continuous pore pressure record from the decollement zone at Nankai Trough off Muroto
- An absolute-dated Indian summer monsoon record over the past 16 kyrs from Thamklang Cave, Thailand
- Analyses of Heavy Metal Contents in the Bulk Atmospheric Aerosols Simultaneously Collected at Okinawa Archipelago, Japan by Using X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method (XRF)
- Appearance of Iron-based Microbial Ecosystems on and below the Seafloor: a Case Study of the Southern Mariana Trough
- Aragonite straw stalactite collected in Minamidaito-Island
- Determination of <SUP>210</SUP>Pb and <SUP>222</SUP>Rn in ground water of Okinawa Island
- Elucidation of Environmental Fate of Artificial Sweeteners (Aspartame, Acesulfame K and Saccharin) by Determining Bimolecular Rate Constants with Hydroxyl Radical at Various pH and Temperature Conditions and Possible Reaction By-Products
- Fault-scarp knickpoint recession in 10 years after Chi-Chi Earthquake in central Taiwan
- Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids at the Hatoma Knoll in Okinawa Trough
- Oxygen and hydrogen isotope measurements of water from fluid inclusions in stalagmites using cavity ring-down spectroscopy
- Seismic structure of subducted Philippine Sea plate beneath the southern Ryukyu arc by receiver function and local earthquakes tomography
- Simulation of canopy CO2 flux for a rubber plantation: the effect of the regular spacing of trees
- Tsunami recurrence inferred from soil deposits on Ishigaki island along the Ryukyu subduction zone
- Age and geochemical characteristics of Paleogene basalts drilled from western Taiwan: Records of initial rifting at the southeastern Eurasian continental margin
- Behavior of Particulate Mercury in the Bulk Atmospheric Aerosols Simultaneously Collected at 2 Sites in Okinawa, Japan
- Cavity ring down spectroscopy for the isotope composition measurement of water from fluid inclusion in stalagmites using heating and crushing techniques
- Chemical Analysis of Fractionated Halogens in Atmospheric Aerosols Collected in Okinawa, Japan
- Gravity changes observed during the long-term slow slip events at the Ryukyu Trench in May 2012 and December 2012
- Improving Our Understanding of Aqueous OH and Its Organic Sinks
- Radon concentration in Nissyu-do cave, Okinawa, Japan
- Seasonal variations of atmospheric <SUP>210</SUP>Pb and <SUP>7</SUP>Be concentrations in Okinawa, Japan
- The 1768 and 1791 Okinawa tsunamis in the Ryukyu Trench region
- Zircon Hf isotopic constraints on the magmatic evolution in Iran: Implications of the Phanerozoic continental growth
- Activated Very Low Frequency Earthquakes By the Slow Slip Events in the Ryukyu Subduction Zone
- Field Studies for Secondary Organic Aerosol in the Transboundary Air
- Investigation of anthropogenic-origin-metals in the atmospheric aerosols collected at Cape Hedo, Okinawa, Japan
- Microscopic visualization approach of foraminiferal calcification environment
- Photochemical Formation of Hydroxyl Radical, Hydrogen Peroxide and Fe(II) in the Sea Surface Microlayer (SML) Collected in Okinawa, Japan
- Submerged Humid Tropical Karst Landforms Observed By High-Resolution Multibeam Survey in Nagura Bay, Ishigaki Island, Southwestern Japan
- A mesoscale hybrid data assimilation system based on the JMA nonhydrostatic model
- An ensemble Kalman filter with a high-resolution atmosphere-ocean coupled model for tropical cyclone forecasts
- Calculation of Individual Tree Water Use in a Bornean Tropical Rain Forest Using Individual-Based Dynamic Vegetation Model SEIB-DGVM
- Helium Isotopes and Noble Gas Abundances of Cave Dripping Water in Three Caves in East Asia
- Spectroscopic characteristics and organic carbon contents in the aerosols collected in Okinawa, Japan
- Stalagmite-inferred precipitation and temperature dynamics in East Timor over the past 16.5 thousand years
- Tidal triggering of shallow very-low-frequency earthquakes in the Ryukyu Trenc
- Contribution of slab melting to magmatism at the active rifts zone in the middle of the Izu-Bonin arc
- Drilling constraints on bimodal volcanism and subsequent formation of contrasted uppermost crustal compositions at the middle Okinawa Trough
- Evaluation of oxygen isotope and Mg/Ca ratios in high-magnesium calcite precipitated by reef-dwelling large benthic foraminifera as a proxy for water temperature
- GNSS/Acoustic measurement conducted on "Source region" of the 1771 Yaeyama Tsunami, Japan -Is huge inter-plate earthquake being prepared?-
- Neogene volcanism associated with back-arc basin tectonics at the northern Fossa Magna, NE Japan
- A stalagmite-inferred high-resolution hydroclimate record at 6-7.5 ka in Okinawa, Japan
- Characteristics of Wet Deposition in Japan
- Determination of concentration and molar absorptivity of hypochlorous acid and hypobromous acid species by hydrogen peroxide titration
- Distribution of hydrothermal fluid around the ore body in the subseafloor of the Izena hydrothermal field
- Drastic shift of lava geochemistry between pre- and post- Japan Sea opening in NE Japan subduction zone: constraints on source composition and slab surface melting processes
- Effect of submarine groundwater discharge containing phosphate on coral calcification
- Hornblende fractionation in high-K tholeiitic magmas: evidence from the Yoneyama Formation of central Japan for a hydrous magma differentiation
- Low Frequency Earthquakes Along the Ryukyu Islands Triggered by Teleseismic Earthquakes
- Structure of Outflow-Layer Clouds of Typhoon Chaba (2016) Observed by a Ka-Band Cloud Radar
- Study on the surfactants present in atmospheric aerosols collected in the Okinawa Japan
- Classification of Groundwater Quality using Self-Organizing Map (SOM) in Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan
- Holocene shell geochemical and paleoecological records of a submarine cave in Okinawa, Japan
- Low Frequency Earthquakes along the Ryukyu Islands Triggered by Teleseismic Earthquakes
- Petrology of volcanic rocks from Yoneyama Formation in Northern Fossa Magna, central Japan: REE and Sr-Nd-Hf isotope constraints on the magma process
- Response of a Bornean Rainforest to the Climatic Changes Imposed by ENSO During 2009-2015
- Anionic surfactants in the aerosols collected during the typhoons in Okinawa, Japan
- Characteristics of sea-salt aerosols collected during the typhoons in Okinawa, Japan
- Dynamics of phosphate species in soil and groundwater in coastal limestone area, Okinawa, Japan
- Effect of polyamine transporter inhibitor on the pH increase in calcifying fluids of juvenile coral polyps possibly involved in calcification processes
- Experiment of NMR and model analysis for the relation between pore-size distribution and permeability of methane-hydrate bearing sediment.
- Highly precise <SUP>182</SUP>W/<SUP>184</SUP>W of the Ethiopian basalts and Aden Bay MORB.
- Mechanisms involved in calcium carbonate precipitation by marine microorganisms
- Phenology of Tropical Montane Forests in Southern Vietnam: Leafing is Associated with Precipitation but Flowering is not
- Phosphorus enrichment hampers the development of juvenile coral by directly inhibiting biomineral skeleton elongation
- The 60 years history of atmospheric sulfate formation pathways based on triple oxygen isotopic composition preserved in the SE-Dome ice core
- The Value Of Real-Time Geomechanics During Riser Drilling Operations In Complex Environments: NanTroSEIZE IODP Exp 358 Case Study
- 3D Reconstruction of Typhoon and Thunderstorm Cloud Top Using Airborne Camera
- Complementary distribution between very low-frequency earthquakes and interplate-coupled area in the southwestern Ryukyu Trench
- Distribution of very low frequency earthquakes in the Miyako Strait, central Ryukyu Trench
- IODP proposal for Bend-Fault Hydrology in the Old Incoming Plate (H-ODIN) using CHIKYU: Scientific objectives and drilling site & strategy
- Inner-core Tangential Winds in an Inner Eyewall Dissipation of Typhoon Trami (2018): A Quantitative Estimation based on the Himawari-8 Satellite
- Mammatus-Like Structure along the Cloud Base in the Outflow Layer Observed in Several Typhoons
- Spatial and temporal distributions of very low-frequency earthquake activity in the central Ryukyu Trench
- The Formation of a Deep Hub Cloud in the Eye of Tropical Cyclone Trami (2018)
- 3D Reconstruction of Tropical Cyclone Trami (2018) eye and eyewall clouds observed by Airborne Camera
- A temperature estimate for abrupt warming during the last deglaciation using isotopic analysis of fluid inclusions from a stalagmite in Okinawa, Japan
- Boron Isotope Fingerprints Offering a Tool for Nitrate Source Identification in Groundwater Pollution at the Southern Part of Okinawa Island and Yoron Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan
- Effects of differences in aboveground dead organic matter types on the stand-scale necromass and CO2 efflux estimates in a subtropical forest in Okinawa Island, Japan
- First-principles calculations of the Hf-W partitioning between molten iron and silicate melt and its implications for 182W isotopes in Ethiopian basalts
- Interplate coupling and distribution of very-low-frequency earthquakes in the central Ryukyu Trench
- Overview of scientific drilling to active backarc basin, Okinawa Trough: ongoing rifting of Eurasian continental margin
- Roots and reservoir of venting fluid at Taketomi submarine hot spring
- The roots of helium in surface sediments of submarine mud volcanoes off Tanegashima
- Adaptive Governance of Multiple Resources based on Land-sea Linkages of the Water Cycle at Coral Reef Islands - A Case Study of the Ryukyu Islands (Japan), Wakatobi (Indonesia), and Palau Islands
- Application of three-dimensional water cycle modeling in Okinawa Island, southern Japan
- Comparison in the calcification rate between in vivo skeletal formation in juvenile corals and in vitro aragonite formation in biogenic polyamine solution at various CO2 levels
- Determination of the threshold of total phosphate daily loads as revealed by integrated hydrological modelling for protect coral reefs ecosystem in Okinawa, Japan
- Land-originated phosphates adsorbed to coastal calcareous sediments on coral reef ecosystem in Sekisei Lagoon, Japan
- Microbial communities and functional genes involved in the nitrogen cycling of groundwater in the Ryukyu Limestone area as revealed by shotgun metagenomics
- Pollution sources of groundwater contamination diagnosed by boron isotope composition in Okinawa, Yoron, and Tarama Islands, southern Japan
- Transpiration by estuary mangrove trees under changing evaporative demand
- b-value mapping in central and southern Ryukyu to verify the accuracy of low b-value in the Okinawa Trough