University of Tuscia, Italy
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Integrating Ecosystem Fluxes and Processes at Various Scales: the experience of CarboEurope
- Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Account For A Significant Part Of The Residual Net Terrestrial Carbon Sink
- Validation Effort of MODIS LAI/GPP/NPP Products at FLUXNET Sites
- Carbon Fluxes Assessment Using Artificial Neural Networks
- Towerbased and Airborne VOC Flux Measurements Over the Amazonian Rainforest During LBA-CLAIRE 2001
- Critical Influences on Carbon Balances and Production in the Man-made Montado Savanna of Portugal
- A review of DEM-based flow direction characterization methods for hydrogeomorphic applications
- Evaluation of ASTER DEM for hydro-geomorphological applications
- A new flexible airborne multispectral sensor for agriculture and forestry applications
- Carbon Balance Assessment of a Natural Steppe of Southern Siberia by Multiple Constraint Approach
- Comprehensive comparison of gap filling techniques for eddy covariance net carbon fluxes
- Creating and Accessing the Global Fluxnet Data Set
- Flow routing algorithms and landslide modelling
- Global Variability of Light Use Efficiency: a Model Data Integration Approach
- Integrated modelling and GIS: A new approach to assess desertification vulnerability and risk in Sardinia Island (Italy)
- Investigating the spatial variability of hillslope flow velocities in the Width-Function
- Assessment of PEM4PIT parameters by analyzing catchment form and processes
- Evaluating topographic and hydrologic attribute sensitivity to upscaled resolution DEMs from LIDAR data
- Performances of terrain partitioning methods in shallow landslide modelling
- Width-Function based Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph rainfall runoff model: relationship between Width Function, hillslope flow velocities and concentration times
- A Spectral Evaluation of Models Performances in Mediterranean Oak Woodlands
- Combining atmospheric and ecosystem observations to monitor greenhouse gas budgets in Europe (Invited)
- Combining scenarios of climate and land use change hotspots to evaluate pressures on water resources
- Derivation and analysis of cross relations of photosynthesis and respiration across at FLUXNET sites for model improvement
- Diagnostic Up-scaling of GPP from Eddy Covariance to Global Estimates
- Experiences Developing a Collaborative Data Sharing Portal for FLUXNET
- Scenarios of land use change for agriculture: the role of Land Evaluation in improving model simulation
- A millennium of Mediterranean climate change and forest history in central Italy
- Climatic and management influence on the carbon sequestration capacity of a deciduous oak coppice forest in Italy
- Global carbon-water cycles patterns inferred from FLUXNET observations - useful for model evaluation? (Invited)
- Net ecosystem fluxes for the Iberian Peninsula: a bottom-up approach integrating eddy-covariance data and remote sensing-based diagnostic modeling
- Quantification of uncertainty in eddy-covariance flux estimates of CO2 and energy due to raw data processing
- Underestimation of water vapour fluxes by eddy covariance closed-path systems due to relative humidity effects
- Enabling Data Synthesis at Lessons Learned
- 2D Flood Modelling Using Advanced Terrain Analysis Techniques And A Fully Continuous DEM-Based Rainfall-Runoff Algorithm
- Assimilation of multiple Earth-observations into the land-surface scheme of the MPI Earth System Model
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- CO2 fluxes at wetland ecosystems in European Russia
- Carbon observation: the Integrated Carbon Observing System
- Effects of Drought and Passive Nighttime Warming on Soil Water Balance of Shrubland Ecosystems
- Fluorescent beeswax for surface flow velocity observations
- The ICOS Ecosystem network and Thematic Center: an infrastructure to monitor and better understand the ecosystem GHGs exchanges
- The combined use of Green-Ampt model and Curve Number method as an empirical tool for loss estimation
- Apparent drifts of IRGA measurements due to optical path contamination and their effects on eddy-covariance fluxes
- Coherence between woody carbon uptake and net ecosystem productivity at five eddy-covariance sites
- Coupling of Ecosystem-Atmosphere Fluxes and Hydrometeorology Under Normal and Extreme Climate Conditions Investigated by Nonlinear Statistics
- Description and application of the 3D-CMCC FEM on multi-temporal NDVI satellite imagery and future scenarios
- Design flood hydrograph estimation procedure for small and fully-ungauged basins
- Effect of geological carbon sources on eddy covariance measurements: analysis and possible correction approaches
- Emissivity Spectra of Meteoritic Powders mixed with Liquid Formamide (NH2COH) at Different Temperatures
- Enabling Mobile Data and Metadata Collection and Submission in Support of AmeriFlux and NGEE Data Collection and Access
- Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) ecosystem network: current state and future perspectives
- Intercomparison of the AmeriFlux In Situ Measurements Across Multiple Biomes as an Alternative to Climatic Classification
- Iosmos (ionian Sea Water Quality Monitoring by Satellite Data) Project: Strategy and First Achievements
- Large scale floodplain mapping using a hydrogeomorphic method
- Simulating Carbon cycle and phenology in complex forests using a multi-layer process based ecosystem model; evaluation and use of 3D-CMCC-Forest Ecosystem Model in a deciduous and an evergreen neighboring forests, within the area of Brasschaat (Be)
- Soil C:N stoichiometry controls carbon sink partitioning between above-ground tree productivity and soil organic matter in high fertility forests
- The AmeriFlux Network--looking to 2014
- An overview of AmeriFlux data products and methods for data acquisition, processing, and publication
- Assessing NEE and Carbon Dynamics Among European Forestecosystems: Development and Validation of a New Phenology and Soil Carbon Routines within the Process Oriented 3D-Cmcc-Forest-Ecosystem Model
- Evaluation of Growing Season Milestones, Using Eddy Covariance Time-Series of Net Ecosystem Exchange
- Experimental Observations of Calcite Precipitation in Fractures: The Role of Physical and Chemical Heterogeneity on the Persistence of Preferential Flow Paths
- Field Measurements of Respiratory Del<SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Photodegradation
- Identifying and Managing Data Validity Challenges with Automated Data Checks in the AmeriFlux Flux Measurement Network
- Land-atmosphere fluxes during hydro-meteorological extremes: comparing high-resolution upscaled fluxes with site-level observations
- Long Term Eddy Covariance Networks - When Collaboration Works: An Example from Ameriflux, ICOS and Fluxnet
- Mapping AmeriFlux footprints: Towards knowing the flux source area across a network of towers
- Sedimentary geochemistry depicts 2700 years of regional climate and land use change in the Rieti Basin, Central Italy
- The data post-processing pipeline for AmeriFlux data products
- The many facets of integrating data and metadata for research networks: experience from the AmeriFlux Network
- Update on Fluxnet and the Role of Flux Networks in Biogeosciences
- Climatic and Societal Causes for Abrupt Environmental Change in the Mediterranean During the Common Era
- Contrasting Responses of Ecosystem Carbon Gain (Input) and Soil Carbon Efflux (Output) to Warming and Drought Across a European Aridity Gradient
- Do We Need Larger Eddy Covariance Site Networks? Sites Spatial Distribution and Network Size Effect on Carbon and Water Fluxes Upscaling Using Empirical Models
- FLUXCOM - Overview and First Synthesis
- Generation and use of observational data patterns in the evaluation of data quality for AmeriFlux and FLUXNET
- On the suitability of ecological in-situ networks for detecting impacts of extreme events
- Past and future of GHG observations in Africa
- Development and Field Testing of the Latest Open-path and Enclosed-Path CO<SUB>2</SUB>/H<SUB>2</SUB>O Flux Measurement and Research Systems
- Evaluating the Potential of Southampton Carbon Flux Model (SCARF) for Monitoring Terrestrial Gross Primary Productivity Across African Ecosystems
- FLUXNET2015 Dataset: Batteries included
- Here the data: the new FLUXNET collection and the future for model-data integration
- Potential of new machine learning methods for understanding long-term interannual variability of carbon and energy fluxes and states from site to global scale
- AmeriFlux and EuroFlux: History of a Strong Collaboration that Provided Unique Resources to the Scientific Community
- Data quality can make or break a research infrastructure
- 3D-CMCC-OLIVE: a process-based model to analyze the effects of the human activities and climate changes in olive orchards
- Citizen science for understanding, monitoring and communicating hydrological processes: the IAHS Citizen AND Hydrology (CANDHY) Working Group
- Cleaning Eddy-Covariance flux data: development and performance evaluation of new quality control tests
- Eddy Covariance flux errors due to synchronization errors during data acquisition
- Estimating gross carbon dioxide fluxes by eddy covariance net ecosystem exchange measurements and machine learning methods
- FLUXNET methanesynthesis activity: Objectives, Observations, and Future Directions
- Gauge-Cams and Optical Flow for Surface Streamflow Observations
- Image Analysis and Optical Algorithms for Streamflow Sensing
- Impact of CO2 Storage Flux Sampling Uncertainty on Net Ecosystem Exchange Measured by Eddy Covariance
- Improving the Quality of Eddy Covariance Measurements from Data Collection to Data Processing
- Optimizing the Use of Redundant and Similar Sensors in Automated Gap-Filling of Meteorological Measurements at the Network Level
- Site Adaptation Prevails Over Species Determinism at Mediterranean Rear-edge Forests
- The processing pipeline code base for FLUXNET: present and future
- A 1500 Year Vegetation and Climate History of Soldier Meadows, Nevada
- Addressing Paradigm Shifts and Competing Interests in an Open Science World
- CHIME requirements consolidation study: potential value-added products of the next Copernicus hyperspectral mission in "Agriculture & food security" and "Raw materials exploration"
- GFPLAIN250m dataset: Mapping the extent of Earth's Floodplains using a geomorphic approach
- Impacts of the 2018 drought in Europe: a multi-scale perspective from in-situ, remote-sensing and modelling datasets
- Reproducibility of code behavior across different implementations for flux processing pipelines
- Global assessment of population distribution in floodplain areas
- Methane emissions from rice production: a synthesis of 24 eddy covariance sites
- New metadata and data policy for the FLUXNET2015 dataset
- Rapid Monitoring of Winter Wheat Fusarium Head Blight Using A Hyperspectral UAV Platform
- Scaling Up Rice Methane Fluxes in Monsoon Asia Through Data-Driven Model
- Updated FLUXNET Data Products: A European Perspective
- Updated FLUXNET data products: An AmeriFlux perspective
- A revised software development life cycle for the ONEFlux eddy covariance data processing pipeline
- Exploring Novel Dendrometers: An IoT Application for Simultaneous and in situ Monitoring of Tree Stem Growth Increment.
- Standardization of Eddy Covariance Measurements: Role of Setup, Calculation and Filtering
- The Importance of Prewhitening in Time-Lag Detection between Raw, High-Frequency Eddy Covariance Data
- The Labelling Procedure of ICOS Candidate Ecosystem Stations: Insights and Lessons From the Quality Evaluation Process
- Tracking Changes in CO2 Urban Emissions at Neighbourhoods Scale During the COVID-19 Waves Series and Beyond