University of Trento, Italy
flowchart I[University of Trento, Italy] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (165)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (41)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- In Situ Observation of Texture Changes During Phase Transformations
- The influence of source size and sampling volume on the concentration pdf of conservative tracers released in heterogeneous formations
- Experimental Design Considerations for Estimating Flow Parameters with GPR and Hydrological Measurements
- Transport Of Reactive Solutes In Bimodal Porous Formations
- A Probabilistic Approach to Transient Hydrology and Landslide Triggering
- A Probabilistic Model of Rainfall-triggered Shallow Landslides in Hollows: Long-term Analysis and Dependence on Hyetograph Characteristics
- A generalization of Iverson's theory of short-term infiltration
- Bedrock and soil contribution to the runoff formation in a headwater catchment: experimental observations and simulation using the hydrological distributed model GEOtop
- Early-Time Modelling of Tsunami Generation by Underwater Explosions
- GEOTRANSF: a continuous non-linear hydrological model
- Impact of watershed geomorphic characteristics on the energy and water budgets
- Incorporation of Viscoelasticity in ADER-DG Schemes for Seismic Wave Propagation
- Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation due to Finite Source Rupture Models Using an Arbitrarily High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Method on Tetrahedral Meshes
- Steady-state flow toward a pumping well: numerical validation of existing solutions and inference of the geostatistical model of spatial variability
- Water and Energy Balance Coupling at Low Temperature in the Hydrological Distributed Model GEOtop
- A High Order Discontinuous Galerkin Method with Local Time Stepping for Strongly Varying Tetrahedral Mesh Spacing
- Asymptotic analysis of numerical modeling of flow and transport in heterogeneous formations
- Complex Rheological Modelling with the ADER-DG Method: Anisotropy, Viscoelasticity and Poroelasticity.
- Simulation of debris flow run-out over mobile bed
- ADER-DG Seismic Wave Propagation on Unstructured Quadrilateral Meshes
- Characterization of spatial variability of hydraulic parameters in fractured rocks: Interpretation of pumping tests at the Altona Flat Rock Experimental Site
- Global and local probability density function of non-reactive solute concentrations in heterogeneous porous formations
- Influcence of Initial Conditions on Permafrost Localization
- The Effect of Alternating Bars Migration on River Bifurcation Dynamics
- An Experimental Investigation of Infiltration in a Shallow Karst System
- An Improvement of Snow Parameterization in Order to Better Represent Soil Temperatures
- An example of hydrogeophysical characterization of hillslope hydrology
- Analytical Description of Tidal Dynamics in Convergent Estuaries
- Modeling Fine Sediment Infiltration Within the Hyporheic Zone
- Quantifying the Role of Hyporheic Zone of Gravel Bed Rivers in the Nitrogen Cycle
- A Parsimonious Model for Transport of Fine Sediments and Sediment-Bound Contaminants in Rivers (Invited)
- A Solver of the 2D Boussinesq Equation with Sub-Grid parameterization of terrain and soil characteristics
- Frequency assessment of spatially distributed generations of flood scenarios: an application on Italian territory
- Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change: A Case Study on the Ebro River Basin (Spain)
- Interactions between spatial width and curvature variations in meanders
- Modeling short wave radiation and ground surface temperature: a validation experiment in the Western Alps
- Modeling temperature within the hyporheic zone
- On the probability distribution of the concentration of two aqueous species undergoing a bimolecular reaction in heterogeneous formations
- The role of hillslope topography on shallow landslides activation and basin saturation propensity
- Wireless sensor network deployment for monitoring soil moisture dynamics at the field scale
- Abiotic and biotic effects on the biogenetic production and emissions of carbon and nitrous oxides in variably saturated soils
- Automatic Detection and Characterization of Subsurface Features from Mars Radar Sounder Data
- Constraining the Equatorial Basins Sedimentation Chronology from MARSIS Tomographic Data Analysis
- Meandering river patterns with spatial variations of channel width: revisiting bend stability
- Modeling soil-moisture storage distribution using a dynamic topographic wetness index
- Natural radio emission of Jupiter as interferences for radar investigations of the icy satellites of Jupiter
- Science Results from the MARSIS and SHARAD Subsurface Sounding Radars on Mars and their Relevance to Radar Sounding of icy Moons in the Jovian System
- Statistical charactersitics of fluvial displacements of individual particles
- a Process Based Model to Predict Hyporheic Flow Induced by Alternate Bars
- A systematic test of surface velocity radar (SVR) to improve flood discharge prediction
- Analytical Evaluation of the Full Probability Density Function of 2-D Steady-State Plumes Accounting for Uncertainty of Transverse Mixing
- Bars dynamics in channelized river reaches: integrating analytical, numerical modelling and field observations
- Calibration of a Surface Water Continuous Hydrological Model via Micro-Gravity Time-Lapse Distributed Surveys
- Dense, gravity-driven granular-liquid flows down steep channels
- Interacting biochemical and diffusive controls on trace gas sources in unsaturated soils
- Length of Steady-State Plumes: Uncertainty Analysis in two-Dimensional Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Modeling Nitrogen Cycle at the Surface-Subsurface Water Interface
- The development of a simple closed-form solution for assessing concentration uncertainty in groundwater risk analysis
- A New Dimensionless Number for Redox Conditions within the Hyporheic Zone: Morphological and Biogeochemical Controls
- A simplified physically-based model to calculate surface water temperature of lakes from air temperature in climate change scenarios
- An analytical solution to study substrate-bacterial dynamics in soils
- Analysis of particle trajectories in both low and intense bed-load regimes in flume tests
- Coupled Brinkman-Reynolds equations for turbulent flows over submerged vegetation
- Impact of Compound-Specific Transverse Mixing on Steady-State Reactive Plumes
- Monitoring soil-vegetation interactions using non-invasive geophysical techniques
- The OMS3 JGrass-NewAge Environmental Modelling System
- a Comparison Between Hydrological Model Predictions and Micro-Gravity Time-Lapse Distributed Surveys
- A theoretical framework for analyzing the effect of external change on tidal dynamics in estuaries
- Analytical Model for Vegetated Aquatic Flows
- Analytical Solution for Reactive Solute Transport Considering Incomplete Mixing
- GEOtop, a model with coupled water and energy budgets and non linear hydrological interactions. (Invited)
- GEOtop: Simulating the combined energy and water balance at and below the land surface accounting for soil freezing, snow cover and terrain effects (Invited)
- Interaction of Bar Morphology and Riparian Vegetation in Gravel-Bed Rivers
- Interactions Between Hydropeaking and Thermopeaking Waves and Their Effect on the Benthic Community in Flume Simulations
- Localization Strategies in WSNs as applied to Landslide Monitoring (Invited)
- Modeling step-pool systems in steep streams by a cellular automaton sandpile model
- Morphology control on hyporheic zone hydrodynamics: implication on redox and thermal regimes (Invited)
- Numerical model of hyporheic exchange and reactive transport dynamics from the perspective of residence time on upwelling and downwelling zones at River Bure, UK
- Radar Subsurface Exploration of Icy Moons: Understanding Radar Wave Propagation Through Europa, Ganymede and Callisto
- Transverse Mixing in Three-Dimensional Non-Stationary Anisotropic Heterogeneous Porous Media
- a Novel Approach to Link the Structure and the Metabolic Rate of Biofilms
- Imaging O<SUB>2</SUB> changes induced in tomato roots by fungal pathogen
- Is Air Temperature Enough to Predict Lake Surface Temperature?
- Scaling Nitrous Oxide Emissions Along Stream Networks Depends on Streambed Morphology
- Single-parameter Model of Vegetated Aquatic Flows
- Time Lapse Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Distributed Temperature Measurements and Modeling in the Hyporheic Zone of an Alpine River.
- Time-lapse, Distributed Microgravity Observations as a Tool to Inform Hydrological Models
- Analyzing the role of the permeability heterogeneous structure in developing vorticity in porous media
- Experimental Investigation on Dry Granular Flows Driven by Gravity
- HYDROSCAPE: A SCAlable and ParallelizablE Rainfall Runoff Model for Hydrological Applications
- How Long is Long Enough? The Effect of Interannual Correlation on Wind Resource Assessment
- Implementing a Travel Time Model for the Entire River Adige: the Case on JGrass-NewAGE
- Is hyporheic flow an indicator for salmonid spawning site selection?
- Occurence of Helical Flow in Cross-Bedded Sediments and Consequences for Transverse Mixing
- On The Suitability of Air Temperature as a Predictive Tool for Lake Surface Temperature in a Changing Climate: A Case Study for Lake Tahoe, USA
- Simulation of Deep Water Renewal in Crater Lake, Oregon, USA under Current and Future Climate Conditions
- The Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) on the JUICE Mission
- A three-dimensional hyporheic model of River Bure: The role of streambed and morphological heterogeneity and estimation of reactive nitrogen transport.
- Effects of hydraulic property variations on hyporheic exchange induced by dune-like bedforms
- Interactions between river stage and wetland vegetation detected with a Seasonality Index derived from LANDSAT images in the Apalachicola delta, Florida
- Modeling the Long-term Planform Evolution of Meandering Rivers in Confined Alluvial Valleys: Etsch-Adige River, NE Italy.
- Modelling of bio-morphodynamics in braided rivers: applications to the Waitaki river (New Zealand)
- Multiscale structure of meanders
- On the dynamics of river meanders - linking theory, models and data analysis
- Spatial organisation of ecologically-relevant high frequency flow properties and implications for habitat assessment.
- Avulsion research using flume experiments and highly accurate and temporal-rich SfM datasets
- Calibrating a numerical model's morphology using high-resolution spatial and temporal datasets from multithread channel flume experiments.
- Combined point and distributed techniques for multidimensional estimation of spatial groundwater-stream water exchange in a heterogeneous sand bed-stream.
- Defining the formative discharge for alternate bars in alluvial rivers
- On Complex Networks Representation and Computation of Hydrologycal Quantities
- Strategies for estimating the water budget at different scales using the JGrass-NewAGE system
- Study of Geological Analogues for Understanding the Radar Sounder Response of the RIME Targets
- The bankfull hydraulic geometry of evolving meander bends
- The effects of droughts on nitrous oxide emissions from streams
- CSES-01 Mission: Preliminary Results
- Coupled flow and heat transport modelling of the hyporheic zone based on high resolution temperature and geophysics datasets.
- Effect of flow regime alteration and alternate bar morphodynamics on vegetation recruitment conditions in a channelized river
- Effects of natural and anthropogenic repeated water and sediment inputs to gravel-bed rivers: a numerical study.
- Hyporheic Source and Sink of Nitrous Oxide
- Interactions between Turbulence, Vegetation and Fish Habitat Use in Rivers
- Predicting Riverine Nitrous Oxide (N<SUB>2</SUB>O) Emissions from Rivers: the Case of the Upper Mississippi River (UMR)
- Vegetation Pattern Evolution on the Alternate Bars in the Alpine Rhine River: Image Analysis and Numerical Modelling
- Analysis of Coherence of Gridded Precipitation and Temperature Dataset in the Alpine Region
- Detailed simulation of storage hydropower systems in a large Alpine watershed
- Experimental Analysis of a Binary Mixture Granular Flow.
- Hyporheic zone is the source of nearly 50% of N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions at the global scale
- Simulation of Deep Ventilation and Ecological Effects in Crater Lake, OR, 1951-2099.
- Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Heterogeneity: a Novel Metric to Measure Functional Diversity in Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Upscaling: including local processes to predict global responses
- Using handheld imaging spectroscopy to investigate optical diversity of grasslands of the Alps
- Characterization of Nitrogen Hot Spots and Hot Moments in a Flood Plain Using Numerical Modeling
- Diffuse earthquake rupture dynamics in nonlinear visco-elasto-plastic materials
- Effect of Continental Geometry on the Timing of Monsoon Onset in a Warmer Climate
- Quantifying the Role of Hydropeaking Regimes on Reach-Scale Vegetation Recruitment in a Gravel Bed River
- Response of Monsoonal Precipitation to Greenhouse Warming in a Model Hierarchy
- Subsurface Radar Sounder On-board EnVision Mission to Venus
- The Impact of the August 2017 Pacific-Northwest Pyrocumulonimbus Event on the Lower Stratospheric Composition
- The dynamics of the global monsoon: connecting theory and observations
- A model-based classification of confined meandering rivers
- A unified first order hyperbolic model for nonlinear dynamic rupture processes in diffuse fracture zones
- Comparing the Monsoon Onset Response to Warming in Idealized GCM and CMIP6 Simulations
- Critical Zone Controls on Shallow Landslides Near Coos Bay, Oregon
- Detection of Gravel-bed River Dynamics Under Different Flow Conditions Using Time Series of Sentinel-1 SAR Data
- GEOframe, an open system for doing hydrology by computer
- How does the morphology of natural rivers evolve? The wild Vjosa river in the last five decades
- Intense channel modifications in the Erzen River, Albania, following rapid socio-economical changes
- Machine Learning Techniques in Transport River Modeling and Features Importance Assessment
- New scalings for the ascending and descending branch positions of the solsticial Hadley cells in planetary atmospheres including Titan
- Performance of existing models at forecasting seismicity rates during hydraulic fracturing stimulations
- The prediction of the Migration rate of meandering rivers using Machine learning models
- Unraveling the Interactions Between Subsurface Water Flow and Underlying Bedrock Structures and Their Effect on Hillslope Hydrology
- WHETGEO a physically based model to simulate water flow, heat and tracers transport in soil.
- Critical Zone Controls on Shallow Landslides: Insights from Numerical Simulations in a Steep, Forested Landscape
- Diverging Snowfall Trends across Months and Elevation in the Alps
- Electromagnetic anomalies and particle fluxes during quiet geomagnetic conditions and possible correlation with seismic activity.
- Elevation Dependence of Seasonal Precipitation Forecast Biases in the Alpine Region
- EnVision: a Nominal Science Phase Spanning Six Venus Sidereal Days (Four Earth Years)
- Integrating Turbidity Time Series With Mesoscale Habitat Modeling For A Comprehensive Assessment Of The Temporal Variability Of Fish Habitat In Regulated Rivers
- Multiscale properties of the ionospheric electric field in the Auroral region: first results from a one-year survey with CSES-01.
- On the contribution of river network to nitrous oxide emissions
- On the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling during the May 2021 Geomagnetic storm.
- The IMFogram: a New Time-Frequency Representation Method for Nonstationary Signals Analysis
- The length of river anabranches: the fruit of chance or the result of a selective process?
- The transmission of ULF waves from the solar wind to the magnetosphere: an analysis of some critical aspects.
- Tropical precipitation biases in storm-resolving Earth System Models
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adrian M. Tompkins
- Alejandro Gonzalez
- Alessandra Marzadri
- Alessandro Frigeri
- Alexandra Parmentier
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Antonio Cicone
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Brian A. Ebel
- C. Plainaki
- D. G. Bellugi
- Daniele Tonina
- Duo Li
- E. Heggy
- Emanuele Papini
- F. Berrilli
- Federica Lanza
- Giacomo Bertoldi
- Giuseppe Consolini
- Hossein Amini
- Iason Grigoratos
- J. Helbert
- Jonathan L. Mitchell
- Justin T. Higa
- Lorenzo Giovannini
- Luigi Passarelli
- Marco Redolfi
- Michael Matiu
- Mirko Piersanti
- Niccolò Ragno
- R. Orosei
- Riccardo Rigon
- Roberta D’Agostino
- Seulgi Moon
- Simona Bordoni
- Stefan Wiemer
- Stefano Lanzoni
- Susan Hill
- Thomas Widemann
- Walter Bertoldi
- Zeren Zhima