Roma Tre University, Italy
flowchart I[Roma Tre University, Italy] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (195)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (37)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Densified SiO<SUB>2</SUB> glass: A Raman and XANES Oxygen K-edge spectroscopic study
- Dynamics of Retreating Slabs: Insights from 2-D Numerical and 3-D Laboratory Experiments
- Electrical Conductivity of Hydrous Wadsleyite: Implications for the Water Content of the Transition Zone
- Geomorphic Evidence for the Style of Quaternary Uplift and an Orogenic Standing Wave, Apennines, Italy.
- Mechanisms of Continental Extension and Africa-Arabia separation: Constraints from Laboratory Experiments
- Relief and Drainage Integration as Geomorphic Expressions of Regional Uplift and Local Footwall Flexure in a Portion of Sila Massif, Southern Apennines (Calabria, Italy)
- Structural, AMS and Paleomagnetic Data on Plio-Pleistocene Sedimentary Basins in Eastern Sicily: Deformative Pattern in a Back Arc, Foredeep to Foreland System.
- The Tyrrhenian Sea and the Apennines, 30 Myr of Backarc Post-Orogenic Extension
- Effect of Water on the Electrical Conductivity of Wadsleyite: Implications for the Water Content of the Transition Zone
- Laboratory Models of Subduction: Dynamics Induced by Slab-Mantle Feedback
- Effective Conductivity of 2D Isotropic Formations: Performance of the Effective Medium Approximation
- Lithospheric heterogeneities and crustal deformation
- Tectonic evolution of fault-bounded continental blocks: Comparison of paleomagnetic and GPS data in the Corinth and Megara basins (Greece)
- Dike Propagation Driven by Volcano Collapse: A General Model Tested at Stromboli, Italy
- Electrical Conductivity of Hydrous Single Crystal San Carlos Olivine
- Evolution of magma plumbing systems in the late Cenozoic NE Honshu arc, Japan
- Flow and transport in highly heterogeneous aquifers: Fickianity, Gaussianity and anomalous transport.
- Impacts of low-conductive zones on transport in highly heterogeneous porous formations
- Steady-state flow toward a pumping well: numerical validation of existing solutions and inference of the geostatistical model of spatial variability
- The Effect of Fe on the Viscosity of Silicate Melts
- A Reappraisal of the Caldera Structural Continuum: Insights into Super-Volcano Formation from Field Studies and Analogue Experiments
- Flow directions and emplacement temperatures of Holocene phreatomagmatic deposits at Stromboli volcano (Aeolian islands, Italy) inferred by paleomagnetic analyses
- Groundwater discharge of a calcareous structure in Southern-central Apennine, Italy
- Majorcan Caves, Sea-Level Changes, And Astronomical Forcing
- Subduction Dynamics and Energy Dissipation: 3-D Numerical Models
- Subduction Dynamics as Revealed by Trench Migration
- Columnar jointing in non-welded Cerro Galan ignimbrite: Paycuqui, Argentina
- Drilling of Submarine Shallow-water Hydrothermal Systems in Volcanic Arcs of the Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy
- Megadunes and Geologic Maps of Snow/Firn of East Antarctica: Implications for Major Climatic Change, Accumulation Rates, Ice Flowage, and Bedrock Structures
- Texture and Composition of Pumice and Scoria Provide New Insights into the Dynamics of Explosive Eruptions at Campi Flegrei (Italy)
- The Importance of Chemical Compostion on the Electrical Conductivity of Silicate Melts
- The Rheological Behaviour of Vesuvius Magmas
- The Rheology of Phlegrean Field Magmas
- A Late Cretaceous Contamination Episode of the European-Mediterranean Mantle
- A Seismically-Triggered Underwater Landslide Caused the 1908 Messina Tsunami
- High Temperature Strain-Rate Dependent Rheology of Strombolian Magmas
- New Style Geologic Map of Mostly Later Holocene and Recent Features of the Greater South Pole Basin
- The 1908 Messina tsunami. Some comments on the source: earthquake, submarine landslide or a combination of both?
- The GRD Model for Silicate Melt Viscosity: Volcanological Applications
- Water Content And Behavior In Mafic Glasses And Melt Inclusions: An Approach Using microRaman Spectroscopy
- Developments in analysis of basaltic ash applied to recent activity at Etna and Stromboli volcanoes
- Distinguishing between tectonic and lithologic controls on bedrock channel longitudinal profiles using cosmogenic 10Be erosion rates and channel steepness index
- Dynamics of Mantle Circulation Associated with Slab Window Formation: Insights from 3D Laboratory Models
- Finite Element Models of Crustal Deformation and Stress Changes for Long Valley caldera and Mammoth Mountain volcano (California)
- Gelatins as rock analog in laboratory models: a rheological study and preliminary applications
- Influence of plate geometry, slabs, and viscosity structure on local and global surface motions
- Layer-cake vs. fruit-cake stratigraphy of megadune-related snows of East Antarctica
- On the probability distribution of the concentration of two aqueous species undergoing a bimolecular reaction in heterogeneous formations
- Physical characteristics of subduction-type seismogenic zones revisited
- Role of the Overriding Plate in the Subduction Process: Insights from Numerical Models
- The Evolution of the Lithosphere From Subduction to Delamination: Insights from Analogue Modeling. (Invited)
- The basal fallout and surge deposits of the mafic ignimbrite-forming Villa Senni Eruption Unit, (Colli Albani volcano, Italy)
- Aegean tectonics, a record of slab-overriding plate interactions (Invited)
- Anatomy of an unstable volcano through InSAR data: multiple processes affecting flank instability at Mt. Etna in 1994-2008
- Continental collision and slab break-off: 3-D modelling results and implications for the Mediterranean
- Dynamic topography of the southern Central Anatolian Plateau, Turkey, and geodynamic driving mechanisms
- Dynamics of retreating subduction: insights from numerical models
- Kinematic setting and structural control of arc volcanism
- Modelling lithospheric ageing during subduction: Implications for the Izu-Bonin-Mariana trench migration
- Net Rotation of the Lithosphere Induced by Slabs, Plate Geometry, and Keels
- Radon and thoron emission from high and low porosity rocks under increasing deformation: An experimental study
- Seismic variability of subduction thrust faults: insights from laboratory models
- Shaping the Mediterranean mobile belt by small scale convection (Invited)
- South Pole Fault Zone, 900 km long and almost through the pole
- Spectra of volcanic rocks glasses as analogues of Mercury surface spectra
- Strong mechanical coupling along the central Andes: implications for trench curvature, shortening, and topography
- Study of Ground Motion Polarization in Fault Zones: a Relation with Brittle Deformation Fields ?
- Tectonics at the Transition from Subduction to Collision at the Calabrian Arc
- Conundrums associated with mafic magma ascent and fragmentation
- Dike propagation in active volcanoes: importance, evidence, models and perspectives
- Dynamics of continental delamination: A view from laboratory models
- Gelquakes: scaled models of subduction interplate seismic cycle
- Grain size evolution and convection regimes of the terrestrial planets
- Growing the Anatolian plateau: Coupled tectonic deformation and lithospheric slab dynamics
- Impact of climate Change on Groundwater Recharge in the Tiber River Basin (Central Italy) Using Regional Climate model Outputs
- Late-stage magmatic processes at Albano Maar, Colli Albani, Italy: insights from FTIR analysis of leucites
- Looking for Correlations Between Electrical Conductivity and Viscosity in Magmatic Liquids
- On the frequency-magnitude distribution of converging boundaries
- Relation between subduction megathrust earthquakes, sediment thickness at trench, and plate coupling
- Subduction interface property changes in relation to lithosphere-asthenosphere interactions
- Surface expression of Eastern Mediterranean slab dynamics: Uplift at the SW margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau
- The Messinian Lago-Mare event in the Adana Basin (southern Turkey): a constraint in understanding surface uplift of the SE margin of the Central Anatolian plateau
- The Multiphase Rheology of Monte Nuovo's Eruption (Campi Flegrei, Italy)
- The development of a simple closed-form solution for assessing concentration uncertainty in groundwater risk analysis
- The long-term seismic cycle at subduction thrusts: benchmarking geodynamic numerical simulations and analogue models
- Variation of Horizontal Ground Motion Polarization across the Pernicana Fault, Mt. Etna
- A comprehensive classification of collapse calderas
- Afar plume, Anatolia escape and Aegean rollback are features of the Arabia-Middle East convection system
- Caldera structure, amount of collapse and erupted volumes: the case of Bolsena Caldera, Italy
- Characterization of Subduction Seismicity at the Global Scale
- Crushed or fried: The interplay between dynamic recrystallization and shear heating in numerical models of lithospheric-scale shear zones
- Detrital dating on drill-core records from McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea (Antarctica)
- Earthquake focal mechanisms, seismogenic stress fields, and seismotectonic features of the Calabrian Arc, south Italy
- Exhumation along Mediterranean subduction zones driven by slab rollback
- Influence of Rainstorm Movement on Basin Hydrographs: Theoretical Analysis of Resonance Conditions
- Kinematic analysis of vertical collapse on volcanoes using experimental models time series
- Linked uplift of the Central and Eastern Anatolian plateaus through slab break-off and upper mantle flow
- Regional patterns of recession curves and their relationships with climate, soil, vegetation and topography across the continental United States
- Stochastic modeling of the MADE plume
- The 2004 rifting episode at Dallol, northern Afar (Ethiopia)
- The Role of Lithospheric Delamination in the Evolution of Oroclinal Bending of Mountain Belts: Insights From Laboratory Experiments
- The Seismic Cycle at Subduction Thrusts: Implications of Geodynamic Simulations Benchmarked with Laboratory Models
- The evolution of continental subduction: from slab detachment to delamination
- The seismic cycle at subduction thrusts: Insights from analog models
- Topographic effects on surface displacement during dike propagation and fault displacement
- Uplift of the se Margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau: Temporal Constraints from the Adana Basin, Southern Turkey
- A simple lumped rainfall runoff model accounting for the spatial variability of drainage density
- Combined Effect of Crystals and Bubbles on the Rheology of Trachytic Magmas from Monte Nuovo (Campi Flegrei, Italy) (Invited)
- Contrasting radon background levels in volcanic settings: Clues from radon activity concentrations measured during long-term deformation experiments
- Global overview of subduction seismicity
- Ground Motion Polarization in the Damage Zone of the Active, Strike-Slip Mattinata Fault, Southern Italy
- Impact of the rheological layering of the lithosphere on the topography generated by sublithospheric density anomalies: Insights from analog modeling
- Magma and tectonics along divergent plate boundaries: insights from field and modelling data
- Mantle convection and crustal tectonics in the Tethyan subduction zone
- New insights on the rheological properties of a rocksalt
- Sea-level and climate forcing of the Sr isotope composition of marginal basins in the late Miocene Mediterranean Basin
- Seismo-tectonic behavior of the Pernicana Fault System (Mt Etna): a gauge for volcano flank instability?
- The Geochemical Evolution of Clinopyroxene in the Roman Province: A Window on Decarbonation from Wall-Rocks to Magma
- The elevation and growth of mountain belts: the Apennines, the Atlas, and the Alps (Invited)
- The intrusion of new magma triggered the 2011-2012 unrest at Santorini: evidence from noble-gas isotopes
- The seismic cycle at subduction thrusts: a parameter study
- Thermochronological Evidence for Cenozoic Segmentation of Transantarctic Mountains
- Vertical GPS ground motion rates in the Euro-Mediterranean region: new evidence of vertical velocity gradients at different spatial scales along the Nubia-Eurasia plate boundary
- A Critical Analysis of the Concept of Scale Dependent Macrodispersivity
- Caldera collapse unloading volcanoes: the textbook case of Fernandina, Galapagos
- Evidence for Stable Sea-level during Marine Isotope Stage 5e of the Last Interglacial from the Western Mediterranean
- Formation of Hydro-acoustic Waves in Dissipative Coupled Weakly Compressible Fluids
- Mantle source beneath Turrialba volcano (Costa Rica): a geochemical investigation
- Neogene Tectonics and Sedimentation in the Adana Basin (Southern Turkey): a Record of the Central Anatolian Plateau SE Margin Uplift
- The Multiphase Rheology of Andesitic Magmas from the 1.9ka Eruption of Turrialba Volcano (Costa Rica)
- Unloading-Driven Off-Rift Distribution of Volcanism in Rift Zones
- A Numerical and Analogue Study of Dike Ascent in Asymmetric Continental Rift Zones
- Analyzing the role of the permeability heterogeneous structure in developing vorticity in porous media
- Control of Local Hillsope Velocity and Runoff Productivity on the Shape and Peak of Catchment Response
- Feedback between deglaciation and volcanism in arc settings: the example of the Mount Mazama volcanic system, Crater Lake, Oregon
- Genesis and Eruptive Dynamics of the Garnet-Bearing Rhyolites from the Ramadas Volcanic Centre (Altiplano-Puna Plateau, Central Andes, Argentina).
- HYDROSCAPE: A SCAlable and ParallelizablE Rainfall Runoff Model for Hydrological Applications
- Incorporation Of Air Into The Campanian Ignimbrite Pyroclastic Density Current
- Mantle dynamics in the Mediterranean
- The Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) on the JUICE Mission
- Asperities Interaction Through Subsequent Seismic Cycles: Insights From 3d Analog Models
- Directional Amplification of Horizontal Motion at Rock Sites
- Geoscience Information for Teachers (GIFT) Workshops at the European Geoscience Union General Assembly
- Identifying tectonic parameters that affect tsunamigenesis
- Subduction zone interaction: dynamic link between the Alps and the Appenines
- Control of asperities size and spacing on seismic behavior of subduction megathrusts: insights from seismo-tectonic scale models
- Europa's Compositional Evolution and Ocean Salinity
- Geoscience Information for Teachers (GIFT) Workshops at the European Geoscience Union General Assembly
- How does Subduction Interface Roughness influence Megathrust Earthquakes: Insights from Natural Data and Analogue Models
- How long-term dynamics of sediment subduction controls short-term dynamics of seismicity
- Slab flattening and exhumation of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia
- Surface Evolution and Uplift History of the Central Apennines, Italy: New Constraints from Thermochronology and Paleoaltimetry
- Thermally-assisted Magma Emplacement Explains Restless Calderas
- Anatomy of a fumarolic system inferred from a multiphysics approach
- Effects of kinematic boundary conditions on trench curvature in a retreating subduction zone: insights from analog modelling
- Exploring Mantle Kinematics And Dynamics Topography Related To Continental Subductions During India/Asia Collision.
- How surface topography of convergent margins depends on the deep slab geometry and kinematics: insights from numerical modelling.
- Magnitudes, Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Self-Organized Processes Between Morphology and Biota that Lead Deltas Evolution
- Spatially complementary tectonic earthquake swarms on a transform plate boundary in North Iceland
- Vent location forecasts at calderas: a physics-based approach
- An Analytical Study on Internal Solitary Waves Interacting with a Sloping Bathymetry: Propagation, Breaking Location and Mixing.
- Assessment of Residual Risk due to Levee Breach and Levee Effect
- Correlating the Campanian Ignimbrite using matrix glass geochemistry and morphology
- Internal solitary waves reshaping the seafloor
- Linking Surface Deformation in South-central Turkey to Slab Break-Off
- Multiple Magma Batches: Understanding the Pre-Eruptive Architecture and Magmatic Processes of Supereruptions Based on Textural, Mineralogical, and Geochemical Features of Fiamme from the Ora Ignimbrite (Permian, Italy)
- Rough Subducting Seafloor Reduces Interseismic Coupling and Mega-Earthquake Occurrence: Insights From Analogue Models
- Sediment thickness and its influence on subduction dynamics and seismicity
- Site effects estimation and their effects on strong ground motion at Amatrice village (Central Italy)
- Surface Uplift of the Central Apennines: Constraints from Low-Temperature Thermochronometry and Stable Isotope Paleoaltimetry.
- The June-July 2019 Stromboli Activity and the July 3 Paroxysm: Field Data, Effects on Inhabitants and Settlements, Lessons for the Scientific Community
- Tsunamigenic earthquakes preferentially occur in sediment-starved subduction zones with a rough incoming seafloor
- Unveiling the engine of seismicity at resurgent calderas by multidisciplinary data: the case of Ischia (Italy)
- Constraints on glacial isostatic adjustment models and evidence of a melt event at 3 ka from late Holocene relative sea level data in the western Mediterranean
- Nearly Two Decades of Geoscience Information for Teachers (GIFT) Workshops at the European Geoscience Union General Assembly
- Seismicity and seismic imaging of the Sicily Channel (Central Mediterranean Sea)
- Subsurface Radar Sounder On-board EnVision Mission to Venus
- Can clay and salts mimic MARSIS bright basal reflections at Ultimi Scopuli?
- Eruptive and non eruptive unrest episodes at Western Galapagos
- Evidence of Shallow Storage and Re-equilibration of Magmas Feeding the 39.8 ka Campanian Ignimbrite (Italy) Eruption
- Investigating Plate Driving Forces in Plate Reconstruction Models using PyGPlates
- Magma Chamber Rupture Considered Using Elastic Thermo-Mechanical Deformation Models to Probe the Influence of Temperature on Local Stress Fields
- Miocene structural inversion of the Paleogene Adjara-Trialeti back-arc basin (SW Georgia, Caucasus) in the context of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone
- Modeling Hydroclimatic Extremes Under Time-Dependence and Nonstationarity: Application of Modern Statistical Tools to Long Time Series
- Modelling Seismic Attenuation across Italy and the Tyrrhenian Basin
- Overriding Plate Topography Shaped by Subduction Evolution
- Receiver function imaging of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath the Alpine region
- The Dynamics of Forearc Back-arc Vertical Motion: Numerical Models and Observations from the Mediterranean
- The influence of sediment accretion and transport on subduction zone dynamics.
- The structural and morphological evolution of transpressive systems: insights from analog modeling
- A tomographic analysis of the melt inclusions of Colli Albani
- New Constraints on the Factors that Control the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Transition and the Driving Forces of Plate Motions from the PI-LAB Experiment
- The Continuing Saga of MARSIS Bright Basal Reflections at Ultimi Scopuli
- The curious case of Colli Albani: a VEI 6 eruption of extremely low viscosity magma
- Toward a quantitative definition of the state of activity of volcanoes
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. N. Murray
- Andrew Hooper
- Antoniette Greta Grima
- Attila Balázs
- C. Rychert
- Claudio Faccenna
- Cristian Carli
- David E. Stillman
- Elena Volpi
- Ethan Conrad
- Fabio Cammarano
- G. Filacchione
- Graziella Caprarelli
- György Hetényi
- J.‐M. Kendall
- John Browning
- Katherine M. Primm
- Kayla Iacovino
- Luca Caricchi
- Luca Dal Zilio
- M. C. De Sanctis
- Marco Bagnardi
- Matthew Agius
- Nicholas Harmon
- Petros Bogiatzis
- R. Orosei
- Riccardo Reitano
- S. Tharimena
- S. Vance
- Shunguo Wang
- Silvia Brizzi
- Steven Constable
- T. W. Becker
- Taras Gerya
- Thomas Gusmeo
- Whitney M. Behr
- Ylona van Dinther