National Institute for Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics, Italy
flowchart I[National Institute for Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics, Italy] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (108)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (30)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Environmental Magnetic Record of Worldwide Late Pleistocene Climatic Events from the Pacific Margin of the Antarctic Peninsula
- Plio-Quaternary Sediments From the George Vth Continental Rise (WEGA Project, East Antarctica): Mineralogy and Physical Properties
- The Antarctic Seismic Data Library System for Cooperative Research
- Accumulation of Siliciclastic and Biogenic Sediments at the Antarctic Continental Rise During the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene: A Comparison of ODP Sites 1095 and 1165
- FReDNet: a Continuous GPS Geodetic Network Monitoring Crustal Deformation in NE Italy
- High Resolution Seismic Imaging of the Campi Flegrei Caldera, Southern Italy
- Long-term Landscape Evolution of the Ligurian Alps (NW Italy)
- Searching for Last Glacial Deep-Sea Polar Carbonates in the Ross Sea Continental slope and Their Relevance to Chronological Constraints
- Seismic Study of the Southernmost Andes. The Contact Between Scotia and South American Plates
- A Glimpse at Late Mesozoic to Early Tertiary Offshore Stratigraphy from Wilkes Land, East Antarctica: Results of Strategic Dredging of the Mertz-Ninnis Trough
- Space variability and time evolution of water quality parameters in coastal area. Results from the lagoon of Venice case study
- The George V Land Continental Margin (East Antarctica): new Insights Into Bottom Water Production and Quaternary Glacial Processes from the WEGA project
- The MAFI Project: Mapping Active Faults in Italy by Using Microseismicity Data.
- Newly Imaged Mud Volcanic Province on the Calabrian Arc in the Central Mediterranean Sea: Preliminary Results from Cruise HERMES-HYDRAMED IONIO 2005
- Strain accumulation in the area of 1976 Friuli earthquake (Southern Alps, NE Italy) observed by CGPS measurements. Interseimic loading or postseismic effects ?
- Gas Hydrate Stability in the Mediterranean Sea over Glacial-Interglacial Timescales: Results from the HYDRAMED Project
- P and S automatic picks for 3D earthquake tomography in NE Italy
- Recent To Late Neogene Instabilities On The Deep Pacific Margin Of The Antarctic Peninsula
- A Paleobathymetry Modelling Of The Ross Sea
- Assessment of a Multidomain Chebyshev Method for seismic wave modeling
- Comparison Between Numerical Simulations and Drifter Observations of the Surface Circulation in the Adriatic Sea
- Real-Time Shake Maps In The Southern Alps-Dinarides Junction Area
- Seismic Evidence of a Gas Hydrate System on the Nile Deep-Sea Fan
- Seismic Imaging of Mud Volcanoes on the Calabrian Arc Accretionary Prism, Central Mediterranean Sea
- Effect of Changes in Seasonal Rain Regime on Coastal Ecosystem Structure and Aquaculture Activities
- On the Influence of the Dardanelles Outflow on Biophysical North Aegean Sea Nested Simulations
- Fault-based earthquake rupture forecast in Central Italy: lessons learned with the L’Aquila Mw 6.3 event
- Full moment tensor analyses to investigate the dynamics of the 2001 Etna eruption
- Relative geomagnetic paleointensity of the Brunhes Chron and the Matuyama-Brunhes precursor as recorded in sediment core from Wilkes Land Basin (Antarctica)
- Rupture Process of the 2009 L’Aquila, Italy, Earthquake Inferred from the Inversion of Multiple Seismological Datasets
- Subglacial Morphology And Sediment Discharge Of The Storfjorden And Kveithola Palaeo-Ice Streams (NW Barents Sea) During The Last Deglaciation
- Deglaciation of the Western Margin of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet - a Swath Bathymetric and Sub-Bottom Seismic Study from Eglacom Nice-Streams Data in the Kveithola Trough
- Mud volcanoes discovered near the Crommelin South Crater, Mars
- Submarine mass wasting on the Ionian Calabrian margin
- A Numerical Study of Geological CO2 Sequestration in a Multi-Compartment Reservoir Offshore the Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy
- A field assessment of high resolution aquifer characterization: Combining hydraulic and geophysical tomography
- Calibration of a Surface Water Continuous Hydrological Model via Micro-Gravity Time-Lapse Distributed Surveys
- Future Marine Polar Research Capacities - Science Planning and Research Services for a Multi-National Research Icebreaker
- Global Moho Estimate from Goce Space-Wise Solution and a Local Application in the Mediterranean Area
- Clay minerals in Quaternary marine sediments from the southern Svalbard continental slope: palaeoenvironmental significance
- Early Miocene Tectonic Activity in the western Ross Sea (Antarctica)
- Glacial geomorphology and past ice flows in the Larsen A embayment, Antarctica
- a Comparison Between Hydrological Model Predictions and Micro-Gravity Time-Lapse Distributed Surveys
- Greenhouse to Icehouse Antarctic Paleoclimate and Ice History from George V Land and Adélie Land Shelf Sediments
- Is the northernmost Adriatic Sea potentially suitable for CO2 geological storage?
- Lagrangian Coherent Structures in the Trieste Gulf
- Cenozoic Contourite Drift Development in the Norwegian - Greenland Sea Area: Paleoceanographic Implications
- Location Capability and Site Characterization Installing a Borehole VBB Seismometer: the OGS Experience in Ferrara (Italy)
- Quaternary Contourite Drifts of the Western Spitsbergen Margin
- The Opening of the Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic, Oceanographic and Climatic Dynamics - an IODP Initiative
- Time-lapse, Distributed Microgravity Observations as a Tool to Inform Hydrological Models
- Using Self-Organizing Maps in Creation of an Ocean Forecasting System
- Evolution of a high-latitude sediment drift inside a glacially-carved trough based on high-resolution seismic stratigraphy (Kveithola, NW Barents Sea)
- Interaction between compressional and transcurrent structures: insights from the Sicilian Channel and SW Sicily
- Matched-filter Detection of the Missing Foreshocks and Aftershocks of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake
- Multichannel Seismic Investigations of Sediment Drifts off West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula: Preliminary Results from Research Cruise JR298
- Neogene Development of the Terror Rift, western Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Rapid Estimation of Macroseismic Intensity for On-site Earthquake Early Warning in Italy from Early Radiated Energ
- The Hillary Canyon and the Iselin Bank (Eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica): Alongslope and Downslope Route For Ross Sea Bottom Water
- Assessing earthquake hazard map performance with historical shaking intensity data
- Cross-domain Collaborative Research and People Interoperability: Beyond Knowledge Representation Frameworks
- Geomorphology of the Eastern North American Continental Margin: the role of deep sea sedimentation processes
- Issues in testing the new national seismic hazard model for Italy
- Matched-filter Detection of the Missing Pre-mainshock Events of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake
- Microseismic event location by master-event waveform stacking
- Seismic stratigraphic interpretations suggest that sectors of the central and western Ross Sea were near or above sea level during earliest Oligocene time
- Wave Equation Datuming applied to seismic data in shallow water environment: an example of post-critical water bottom reflection
- Sclerochronology - tool for uncovering environmental drivers in a semi-enclosed sea
- The Role of Glaciation in Slope Instability of Arctic Trough Mouth Fans: An Example of the NW Barents Sea
- Towards Operational Meteotsunami Early Warning System: the Adriatic Project MESSI
- WHISPERS Project on the easternmost slope of the Ross Sea (Antarctica): preliminary results.
- Challenges Facing Fault-based PSHA - The FAULT2SHA ESC WG strategy
- Depositional processes on the Eastern Ross Sea slope and outer shelf (Antarctica): structures on the present seabed and current interactions.
- Initial seismic stratigraphic results from IODP Exp. 374 in the Ross Sea
- Marine Ice Nucleating Particles: Creation, Characteristics and Controls over Emissions
- The Adriatic-Ionian Bimodal Oscillating System: relevance, phenomenology, reproducibility, impact
- The Characterization of Hydrate Provinces in Europe: a Review of Available Evidence
- The Role of Viscoelastic Stress Transfer in Long-Term Earthquake Cascades: Insights After the Central Italy 2016-2017 Seismic Sequence
- The challenge of spatio-temporal variability of processes across Antarctic ice-bed-ocean interfaces: past evolution of Antarctic sensitivity to climatic conditions
- A Hybrid Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Model for Northeast India and Bhutan Combining Distributed Seismicity and Finite Faults
- Evaluation of Soil-Building Interaction in the Urban Area of Matera City (Southern Italy)
- Evidence of transient deformation underneath the Central Apennines (Italy) during the last decade
- Factors Controlling the Release of Methylated Sulfur Species from Laboratory Mesocosm Experiments in Coastal Seawater
- Focus on 5 Years of Microseismic Activity Along the Altotiberina Low Angle Normal Fault in Central Italy.
- Joint Research Unit EMSO-Italia: Structuring the Italian Contribution to EMSO European Research Infrastructure for the Long-term Observation of the Central Mediterranean Deep environment
- Joint Research Unit EMSO-Italia: boosting the national marine science community contribution to the EMSO European Research Infrastructure for ocean observation
- Mainshock-strongest aftershock relation in Northeastern Italy and Western Slovenia
- Monitoring induced seismicity with a single seismic station by combining coda wave interferometry and distance geometry solvers
- Noise-based monitoring of the hydrological discharge cycle in the South-Eastern Alps region, Italy
- Sea Spray Aerosol Fluorescence: Intercomparison of Excitation Emission Matrix Spectroscopy and Single Particle Integrated Fluorescence Measurements
- The South Apulia Fault System (SAFS) in the central Mediterranean Sea: a needle in a haystack?
- Frontal convergence and vertical velocities measured by drifters in the Alboran Sea
- Seismic reflection prospecting in support to seismic hazard assessment
- Towards a Strategy on Ocean Data and Information Stewardship for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Astronomical pacing of the Antarctic Cryosphere: Terrestrial vs. Marine-based Ice Sheet Responses during the Early Miocene
- Characterizing the Basal Melting Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Ross Ice Shelf using a Regional Ocean Model
- Climate Change and Anthropogenic Pressures Drive Hypertrofication and Loss of N2/N2O in a Coastal Wetland Ecosystem, North Africa
- Connecting bedrock topography, subglacial geology and lithosphere studies to better constrain Antarctic geothermal heat flux heterogeneity
- Early to middle Miocene ice-sheet dynamics in the Ross Sea: west to east regional correlations
- Five Years of Earth Sciences and Art at the European Geosciences Union
- Identification and Observations of Dynamically Triggered Earthquakes near the Alto Tiberina Fault in the central Apennines, Italy
- New insights into the basement structure of the Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica, from gravity analyses
- Post-LGM Grounding Line Positions of the Drygalski Paleo-Ice Stream Trough Basin in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica.
- A fine scale, blind fault structure revealed by the 2019-2020, San Leucio del Sannio micro-seismic sequence (Southern Italy)
- Antarctic Ice Sheet growth during the Miocene Climatic Optimum
- The Role of Radial Field Flux Patches at Core-Mantle Boundary as Attractor of Virtual Geomagnetic Pole at High Latitude for the Last 22ky
- The astronomical evolution of Antarctica's ice sheets
- The early retreat of the Western Antarctic Ice Sheet documented by ultra-high-resolution Holocene paleoclimate record from the Edisto Inlet Fjord (northern Victoria Land, Antarctica).
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Hutchison
- Aldo Zollo
- Alessandro Vuan
- Chris Marone
- Cristiano Collettini
- Denise K. Kulhanek
- Fabio Florindo
- Fausto Ferraccioli
- George Sand França
- Guido Maria Adinolfi
- I. M. Browne
- J. P. Dodd
- L. Chiaraluce
- Lara F. Pérez
- Manuel Bensi
- Matteo Picozzi
- Michael S. Dinniman
- R. Forsberg
- R. H. Levy
- R. Mark Leckie
- Reginald Blake
- Renata Regina Constantino
- Riccardo Farneti
- Robert D Larter
- Robert McKay
- Saioa A. Campuzano
- Stefanie Mack
- Stephen R. Meyers
- T. Naish
- Tina van de Flierdt