National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Naples
flowchart I[National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Naples] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (195)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Bayesian Inversion of Vertical Displacements at Mt. Etna in the Period 1994-1998: Evidence for Intrusive Phenomena Causing the 2001 Eruption
- Determination of 3D Sub-structure at Somma-Vesuvius Volcano: the Effect of Magma Quenching due to gas Exolution.
- High pressure magma-water interaction experiments: data on energy distribution into system expansion melt fragmentation and mass transport
- Depth Dependent Intrinsic And Scattering Attenuation In The Lithospheric Structure Of The Friuli Region - Italy
- High Resolution Seismic Imaging of the Campi Flegrei Caldera, Southern Italy
- Origin of Selfhealing Pulses in Earthquake Dynamics
- What Drives a Restless Caldera? Insights From 20 Years of Gravity-Height Data on the Campi Flegrei, Italy
- Bayesian Location of Seismic Sequences in 3D Media
- Constraining Source Parameters From Geodetic Observations During Unrest at the Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy): a Case of Spherical vs. Extended Geometries in an Elastic Half-Space
- Origin and evolution of the potassic magmatism in the Campanian region (South Italy) as inferred from new geochemical and isotopic data for Mt. Vesuvius and Phlegrean Volcanic District.
- Volcanic rocks from Somma-Vesuvius (Italy): Evidence from an extensive geochemical and Sr-isotopic database, diverse magma sources, and crustal contamination.
- 1994-2004 : Ten years of European effort for education in Seismology
- Array observations and analyses of Cascadia deep tremor
- Comparative investigation of soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux measurements and geostatistical estimation methods on Masaya volcano, Nicaragua
- Correlation of Seismic, Gravimetric And Geochemical Data During The 2002-2003 Mt. Etna Eruption
- Geodetic Measurements and Modelling at Neapolitan Volcanoes(Southern Italy): Somma-Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei
- Gravity Changes and kinematic behaviour of the Island of Pantelleria in the Geodynamic Framework of the Sicily Channel (Southern Italy)
- High resolution seismic imaging of an active normal fault in the Agri Valley, Southern Apennines, Italy
- Modelling the physical properties of cracked rocks using fracture mechanics and statistical physics
- Models for silicate melt viscosity
- Rheological properties of explosively erupted magmas at the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) through experimental studies.
- Seismic Signals Associated with Landslides and with Tsunami at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
- Seismogenic Fault Detection by Different Hypocenter Location Algorithms in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy
- Small Aperture Array Resolution Capabilities for Use in Locating Deep Tremor
- Analysis of Wide-Band Signals Using Wavelet Array Processing
- Carbon Dioxide Earth Degassing and Structural Setting in Italy
- Characteristics of Tremor During the Entire July 2004 Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip event
- Evaluation of Microcracks orientation at Stromboli volcano using a Magnetic Ferrofluid and the Method of Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility
- Gravitational Collapse of Lava Domes Triggered by Volcanic Fluids
- Microseismicity in High Temperature Experiments: A New Tool for Studying the Seismicity Preceding Volcanic Eruptions.
- On the behavior of redox pairs in anhydrous and hydrous silicate melts: from the oxygen electrode to the mutual interactions of Fe and S
- Probabilistic Hazard Estimation at a Densely Urbanised Area: the Neaples Volcanoes
- Quantification of Deeply Derived Carbon Dioxide in Central and Southern Italy.
- Real-Time Estimation of Earthquake Location, Magnitude and Rapid Shake map Computation for the Campania Region, Southern Italy
- Relationships between tectonism, volcano-tectonism and volcanism: the Ischia island (Italy) case.
- Seismic Event Identification Using Scanning Detection: A Comparison of Denoising and Classification Methods
- Seismic Tomography of Central Sao Miguel, Azores Islands (Portugal)
- The Effect of Fe on the Viscosity of Silicate Melts
- The Irpinia Seismic Network (ISN): a new Monitoring Infrastructure for Seismic Alert Management in Campania Region, Southern Italy
- The Somma-Vesuvius Volcano (Southern Italy): Structure, Dynamics and Hazard Evaluation
- Three-dimensional Probabilistic Earthquake Location Applied to 2002-2003 Mt. Etna Eruption
- A Shallow Layer Model for Heavy Gas Dispersion from Natural Sources: Application at Caldara di Manziana, Italy.
- A new Uplift Episode at Campi Flegrei Caldera (Southern Italy): Implications for Eruption Hazard
- Experimenting with mixing and layered convection in phono-trachytic magmas: Implications on reservoir dynamics
- Gas Hazard from Natural CO2 Emissions in Central and Southern Italy.
- Impact of Diluted Pyroclastic Density Currents on Distal Settlements: A Case Study From the Bronze Age Eruption of Avellino, Somma-Vesuvius, Italy
- Receiver Functions Analysis and Regional Tomography at StromboliVolcano (Italy)
- The Da'ure' Eruption at the Boyna Volcanic Complex During the September 2005 Afar Extension Episode: Petrophysical Characterisation and Eruptive Implications
- The Da'ure' Eruption at the Boyna Volcanic Complex During the September 2005 Afar Extension Episode: Volcanology
- The Magmatic Plumbing System of the Campi Flegrei Caldera.
- Volcanic Hazards Assessment at the Island of Ischia, Within the Neapolitan Area (Italy)
- A Bayesian Method for the Real Time Estimation of Magnitude From Early P- and S-wave Displacement Peaks
- A Method for Real-Time Magnitude Estimation from Inversion of Displacement Spectra
- A New Method For Rapid Computation Of Earthquake Ground Shaking Maps
- A Virtual Simulator As A Tool For Testing The Performance Of The ISNet Early Warning Infrastructure.
- Data Analysis of Permanent GPS Sites (RING) in Italy
- Does The Slip In The Early Steps Of The Rupture Scale With The Final Magnitude Of The Event ?
- Fluid/Melt Partition Coefficients Of Halogens In Basaltic Melt
- Halogens in Mount Etna volcanic gas plume: insights into degassing processes
- History of the Magmatic Feeding System of the Campi Flegrei Caldera
- Model for high frequency Strombolian tremor inferred by wavefield decomposition and reconstruction of asymptotic dynamics
- Nd-Sr-Pb Isotopic Link Between Panarea And Sardinia Predating The Opening Of The Tyrrhenian Sea
- Seismic Imaging of the Vallo di Diano Fault System (Southern Italy) by Integrating High- Resolution Reflection Profiles and Shallow Tomography
- Strong Tidal Modulation of Non-Volcanic Tremor in Cascadia
- Texture and Composition of Pumice and Scoria Provide New Insights into the Dynamics of Explosive Eruptions at Campi Flegrei (Italy)
- The Importance of Crust-derived CO2 in Mafic Magmas: Evidence from Italian Volcanoes
- The Irpinia Seismic Network: An Advanced Monitoring Infrastructure For Earthquake Early Warning in The Campania Region (Southern Italy)
- The role of magma degassing on bradyseismic crises at Campi Flegrei inferred from the monitoring of the hydrothermal activity. Possible inferences on Yellowstone
- 3-D finite element modeling of ground deformation induced by a pressurized dyke conduit: Application to Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat (W.I.)
- Active Source Tomography of Stromboli Volcano (Italy): Results From the 2006 Seismic Experiment.
- Basaltic volcanoes as large-scale aerators: the example of Mt. Etna
- Shallow vs. Deep Fluid Sources In Hydrothermal Systems: New Insights From VOC Composition In Fumarolic Discharges And Soil Gases Of Yellowstone National Park (USA)
- Submarine Hydrothermal Activity on the Aeolian Arc: New Evidence from Helium Isotopes
- The Invaluable and Irreplaceable Role of the Historical Seismograms' Analysis
- The feeding system of Agnano-Monte Spina eruption (Campi Flegrei, Italy): dragging the past into present activity and future scenarios
- A multi-model approach to tephra dispersal forecast: The Mt. Etna’s case
- An aggregation model for ash particles in volcanic clouds
- Behind A Database: The Characterization Of Explosive Eruptions
- CUMAS: a seafloor multi-sensor module for volcanic hazard monitoring - First long-term experiment and performance assessment
- Changes of diffuse CO2 emission from the summit cone of Teide volcano, Tenerife, Canary Islands: a premonitory volcanic unrest signature?
- Cluster analysis applied to velocity, attenuation and gravity tomography: the case of Campanian district volcanoes (southern italy)
- DIVO - Database for Italian VOlcanoes (Invited)
- From the rupture to the buildings: reconciling engineering evidences of the April 6 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (Mw 6.3)
- Geochemical variation of groundwater in the Abruzzi region: earthquakes related signals?
- High rate GPS data registered during the L’Aquila 2009 earthquake
- Investigating Degassing in Felsic and Mafic Magmas by 3-D Imaging of Vesicle Pathways
- Magma mixing in the Campi Flegrei caldera, Italy: insights from new experiments with natural samples
- Magnitude Estimation in Real-Time for Earthquake Early Warning applications using Inversion of Displacement Spectra
- Tectonic dynamics of the Lipari-Vulcano islands revealed by geodetic and seismic data
- The April 2009 Central Italy (L'Aquila) event as seen by a 250 km distant accelerometer array
- The Campanian Ignimbrite and its precursor eruptions - implications for tephrochronology
- The Earthquake Early Warning System for Southern Italy: Concepts, Capabilities and Future Perspectives
- The FALL3D Ash Cloud Dispersion Model and its Implementation at the Buenos Aires VAAC
- Volcanic unrest periods in quiescent volcanoes caused by magma degassing episodes
- Geochemical and petrological observations of gas transport at arc volcanoes
- Melt chemistry of post-15 kyr Campi Flegrei eruptions: a tool for tracing these chronostratigraphic markers and a window into the magmatic system feeding the frequently active volcano
- Modeling CO2 air dispersion from gas driven lake eruptions (Invited)
- The control of extensional stress field on the intensity of explosive volcanic eruptions through dykes
- The development of a new database of gas emissions in Italy: a collaborative web environment for collecting and publishing data on natural gas emissions
- 4D imaging of the source of ground deformation at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) during recent unrest episodes
- Automatic Detection of Landslides at Stromboli Volcano
- Non-Volcanic release of CO2 in Italy: quantification, conceptual models and gas hazard
- Renewed activity beneath Nea Kameni, Santorini volcano (Greece), identified from deformation and soil gas CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux measurements
- Seismic Hazard Analysis as a Controlling Technique of Induced Seismicity in Geothermal Systems
- Statistical modeling of synthetic helioseismic data
- The 11 March 2011 Tohoku-Oki (Japan) Megathrust Event: FEM models of Coseismic and Postseismic deformation captured by DInSAR and GPS Data
- The Earthquake Early Warning System In Southern Italy: Performance Tests And Next Developments
- Toward an integrated regional and on-site Earthquake Early Warning System for Southern Italy: test and performances
- 3D seismic imaging of an active, normal fault zone in southern Apennines (Italy): Clues on fluid-driven microearthquake fracturing
- A Comprehensive Approach for Evaluating Network Performance in Surface and Borehole Seismic Monitoring
- Analysis of induced seismicity at The Geysers geothermal field, California
- Distinguishing sources of diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions using <SUP>222</SUP>Rn-δ<SUP>13</SUP>C systematics at Santorini Volcano, Greece
- Estimating the Volume of Tephra Deposits, Deriving the Height of Eruptive Plumes and Classifying the Eruptive Style: a New Comprehensive Strategy
- How real-time seismological data can be used at school
- Locating the source of Volcanic Tremor at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
- Preliminary test result of PRESTo application to the southern Korean peninsula
- Seismic hazard from induced seismicity: effect of time-dependent hazard variables
- The fate of the shallow magma triggering unrest at Campi Flegrei caldera (Southen Italy)
- Thirty years of magmatic fluid release at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) inferred by diffuse CO2 emission, fumarole composition and physical simulations of the hydrothermal system.
- Timescales of magma residence at Campi Flegrei, Italy
- Trigger Mechanisms for Volcanic Eruptions at Campi Flegrei caldera (Southern-Italy) in the last 5ka of activity
- Volcanic pulses determined by local re-melting throughout plumbing systems
- Application of laser scanning and opto-electronic devices for monitoring cliff instability in the Campi Flegrei coastal area: the Coroglio case study ( Napoli, Italy)
- Assessing Pyroclastic Density Current Hazard in Caldera Settings: The Example of Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy) (Invited)
- Borehole data to model caldera unrest: the example of Campi Flegrei Deep Drilling Project
- Broadening and Enhancing Geophysical Software to Study the Internal Structure of the Sun
- Combining stress transfer and source directivity: the case-study of the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence, Northern Italy
- Disclosing Multiple Magma Degassing Sources Offers Unique Insights of What's Behind the Campi Flegrei Caldera Unrest
- From 2d to 3d Attenuation Tomography in Deception Island (antarctica)
- Integrated multi-parameters Probabilistic Seismic Landslide Hazard Analysis (PSLHA): an innovative approach in the active volcano-tectonic area of Campi Flegrei (Italy)
- Temporal potency changes of the two otherwise-unchanging sources of the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) whole deformation, 1970-2013
- The Submerged Side of the Campi Flegrei Caldera, Naples Bay, Eastern Tyrrhenian Margin
- The development of a new database of gas emissions: MAGA, a collaborative web environment for collecting data
- Using fumarolic inert gas composition to investigate magma dynamics at Campi Flegrei (Italy)
- A probabilistic spatial-temporal model for vent opening clustering at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy)
- A soft linkage between major seismogenic fault systems in the central-southern Apennines (Italy): evidence from low-magnitude seismicity
- Changes In CO<SUB>2</SUB> Gas Flux And Soil Temperatures Induced By A Vibratory Seismic Source At Solfatara (Phlegrean Fields, Italy).
- DECADE Web Portal: Integrating MaGa, EarthChem and GVP Will Further Our Knowledge on Earth Degassing
- Geochemical Clues on the Processes Controlling the 2005-2014 Unrest at Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy
- Influence of hydrothermal alteration on phreatic eruption processes in Solfatara (Campi Flegrei)
- MaGa, a web-based collaborative database for gas emissions: a tool to improve the knowledge on Earth degassing
- Maruyamaite, a new K-dominant tourmaline coexisting with diamond -an important accessory mineral in UHP rocks
- Open-Vent Degassing of CO<SUB>2</SUB> from Typical Andesitic Volcanoes in the Central American Volcanic Arc
- Sources, Ascent and Release of Magma and Hydrothermal Fluids at Restless Calderas: Lessons from Santorini Volcano, Greece and Aluto Volcano, Ethiopia
- Towards Making Data Bases Practical for use in the Field
- Towards a General Model for Volcanic Caldera Dynamics
- A Blind Test Experiment in Volcano Geodesy: a Benchmark for Inverse Methods of Ground Deformation and Gravity Data
- Apatite: A New Tool For Understanding The Temporal Variability Of Magmatic Volatile Contents
- Diffuse Soil CO2 Degassing at Solfatara of Pozzuoli (Campi Flegrei, Italy): 1998-2015, Sixteen Years of Flux Measurement.
- Electrical Resistivity Monitoring of an Active Hydrothermal Degassing Area at Solfatara, Phlegrean Fields.
- Hydrothermal activity at Campi Flegrei caldera: rock mechanical properties and implications for outgassing and possible phreatic eruptions
- Incorporation Of Air Into The Campanian Ignimbrite Pyroclastic Density Current
- Insights from gas and water chemistry on the geothermal system of the Domuyo volcanic complex (Patagonia, Argentina)
- Probing the structure of a caldera for geothermal assessment using enhanced passive seismic tomography. The example of the Campi Flregrei (Italy).
- The Rule of Dynamic Strain to Near Source Aftershock Distribution of the 2014, Mw 6.0, Napa (California) Earthquake
- A new method to assess long term small sea-bottom vertical displacement in shallow water from bottom pressure sensor: the case of Campi Flegrei, Southern Italy
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes from diffuse degassing in Italy
- Deployment of a novel field stable isotope analyzer: trials on fumaroles at Solfatara volcano, Campi Flegrei, Italy.
- Development And Testing Unmanned Aerial Systems To Study And Monitoring Volcanoes: INGV Experience Since 2004
- Interseismic deformation in the central-southern Apennine
- Monitoring Shallow Water Vertical Seafloor Displacement: a Challenge for Seafloor Geodesy
- Using Trace Element Mapping to Identify Discrete Magma Mixing Events from the Astroni 6 Eruption
- Waveform Modeling Reveals Important Features of the Subduction Zone Seismic Structure Beneath the Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy
- Assessing volcanic hazard at the most populated caldera in the world: Campi Flegrei, Southern Italy
- From Open Data to Science-Based Services for Disaster Risk Management: the Experience of the GEO Geohazards Supersite Network
- How a joint interpretation of seismic scattering, velocity, and attenuation models explains the nature of the Campi Flegrei (Italy).
- Magnetotelluric survey of Ischia resurgent caldera (Southern Italy): inference for volcano-tectonics and dynamic
- Surface temperature monitoring by integrating satellite data and ground thermal camera network on Solfatara Crater in Campi Flegrei volcanic area (Italy)
- The Newberry Deep Drilling Project (NDDP)
- Analysis of the surface thermal anomaly of Solfatara volcano by comparison of satellite and ground thermal infrared images
- Anatomy of a fumarolic system inferred from a multiphysics approach
- Application of Muography for Investigating the Internal Structure of Stromboli Volcano
- Eruptive style of Stromboli volcano in 2017-2018
- Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs: the Cases of Chile and Italy
- MURAVES: An experiment of muon radiography at Vesuvius
- Multiparameter techniques for seafloor vertical deformation assessment in the Campi Flegrei volcanic area
- Surface temperature monitoring by Earth Observation optical data, drones and field campaigns in the Central Italy geothermal districts
- Vent location forecasts at calderas: a physics-based approach
- Volcanic eruption time forecasting using a stochastic enhancement of the Failure Forecast Method
- A Statistical Approach for Spatial Mapping and Temporal Forecasts of Volcanic Eruptions using Monitoring Data
- An experiment of muography at Vesuvius (Italy)
- Hydrophone as an accelerometer
- Investigating diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> degassing in tectonically active areas by groundwater
- Joint Research Unit EMSO-Italia: Structuring the Italian Contribution to EMSO European Research Infrastructure for the Long-term Observation of the Central Mediterranean Deep environment
- Probabilistic evaluation of the impact of volcanic ash on aviation during small-magnitude eruptions at Canary Islands
- Radioremote Controlled Aircrafts (RC) for the Detection and Monitoring of Natural Hazards
- Real Time Mud Gas Logging during Drilling Of The CFDDP Drill Hole In Campi Flegrei Caldera, South Italy
- Selection and ranking of the Ground Motion Models for the new Italian hazard model (MPS19)
- UAV and optical satellite data comparison to monitor surface temperature using thermal images: 2019 campaign on Italian geothermal district in Tuscany
- Unveiling the engine of seismicity at resurgent calderas by multidisciplinary data: the case of Ischia (Italy)
- The Failure Forecast Method applied to the GPS and seismic data collected in the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) in 2011-2020.
- Rheological Investigations of Volcaniclastic Debris Flows from Campania Plain (southern Italy).
- A Tool for automatic Earthquake low-frequency Spectral Level estimAtion for focal mechanism computation: TESLA
- Dynamic Strain Anomalies Detection at Stromboli before 2019 Vulcanian Explosions Using Machine Learning