National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Catania
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Seismoacoustic Experiment During the July - August 2001 Eruption at Mt. Etna Volcano (Italy)
- Dike Emplacement Triggering the 2001 Etna's Flank Eruption
- Doppler Radar Sounding of Volcanic Eruption Dynamics at Mount Etna
- Eruptive Products and Processes: Mt. Etna, Sicily, 2001
- High Precision Locations of Seismic Events at SE Flank of Mount Etna: Characteristics of the Seismogenetic Structures
- Improving Local Earthquake Locations Using a Joint Hypocenter-Velocity Inversion Program: Application in Southeastern Sicily (Italy)
- Inferences on magma uprising at Mt. Etna (Italy) by seismic and GPS ground deformation data
- Intrusive Mechanisms Evidence Occurred During January-April 2001 at Mt. Etna and Preceding the July 2001 Eruption
- Mechanisms for Basaltic Plinian Volcanism: A Quantitative Study of the Products of the 122BC Eruption of Mount Etna
- Monitoring Explosive Activity of the July-August 2001 Eruption of Mt.Etna by Ash Characterization
- New Perspectives on Explosive Paroxysmal Phenomena at Stromboli Volcano (Italy)
- Petrological Evidences of a Complex Plumbing System Feeding the July-August 2001 Eruption of Mt.Etna
- Seismic Evidences of Magma Intrusion at Intermediate Depth Before the July-August 2001 Mt. Etna (Italy) Eruption.
- Seismic Tomography and Seismotectonic Investigation of Northeastern Sicily, South Italy
- Seismological evidence of a near-vertical dyke feeding the July 2001 lateral eruption at Mt. Etna volcano (Italy)
- The Evolution of the State of Mt. Etna Volcano in the last ten Years Inferred Through Multidisciplinary Investigations
- The Influence of Conduit Processes During Basaltic Plinian Eruptions.
- Tomographic Images and 3D Earthquake Locations of the Recent Seismicity Heralding the 2001 Mt. Etna Eruption
- Application of Multivariate Statistics and Polarization Analysis in the Study of Volcanic Tremor Data at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
- Geochemical Precursors to a Minor Explosive Eruption at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua
- Integrated seismic and deformation data for inferring the July 2001 dike emplacement at Mt. Etna
- Microgravity Changes Associated With the July-August 2001 Etna Eruption
- Modeling and Synchronizing Chaotic Systems From Geomagnetic Time Sequences at Etna Volcano
- Pre-eruption Conditions and Magma Dynamics of Recent Amphibole-Bearing Etna Basalt
- Tectonic Control on the Eruptive Dynamics at Mt. Etna Volcano (Eastern Sicily) During the July-August 2001 eruption
- The Evolving Morphology of an Open Channel Lava Flow on Mt. Etna, Italy
- Update of the Eruptive Activity at Mt. Etna: Multidisciplinary Evidence of Magma Refilling
- 3-D Attenuation Structure of Mt. Etna Volcano
- A Physical-Experimental Model for Small-Scale Basaltic Vulcanian Eruptions
- Analyses of Etna Eruptive Activity From 18th Century and Characterization of Flank Eruptions
- Energetic Trend in Explosive Activity of Stromboli
- FLIR Thermography and Heat/Mass Budgets Bounding the 2002-2003 Effusive Period at Stromboli Volcano
- Gps Real Time Monitoring of Active Volcanoes: Experience During the 2002-2003 Eruption of Stromboli (Aeolian Islands, Italy) and Data From Etna Network.
- Large scale ground deformation of Etna observed by GPS between 1994 and 1999
- Lava extrusion rates from handheld infrared imagery
- Phosphorus-bearing Aerosol Particles From Volcanic Plumes
- Volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions During the 2002/2003 Eruption of Stromboli
- Correlation of Seismic, Gravimetric And Geochemical Data During The 2002-2003 Mt. Etna Eruption
- Gravity Changes and kinematic behaviour of the Island of Pantelleria in the Geodynamic Framework of the Sicily Channel (Southern Italy)
- Mount Etna 1993-1997 Inflation: Source Inference Based on Geodetic Data Modelling
- ROBOVOLC: The Geochemical Package
- The shallow plumbing system of Stromboli volcano as imaged from 1 Hz instantaneous GPS positions
- A quantitative multitemporal analysis of the Sciara del Fuoco Slope (Stromboli Island)
- Advancement on Thermal Imaging in Volcanic Areas: Results From a Cross-Calibration Experiment in a Fumarolic Field, Vulcano (Italy)
- Constraints on the Dynamics of Degassing in Basaltic Systems
- Evidence of Velocity Variations During the Recent Mt. Etna Eruptive Activity Detected by Temporal Seismic Tomography
- Faulting in the Western Flank and Recharge Processes at Mt.Etna: a Detailed Analysis of Geodetic and Seismic Data
- Flank Instability Phenomena of the Sciara del Fuoco at Stromboli Volcano, Italy: Recent Evidence From a Multidisciplinary Study
- Geomagnetic anomalies accompanying seismic activity during the 2002 Mt. Etna eruption
- Heat Loss Measured at a Lava Channel and its Implications for Down-Channel Cooling and Rheology
- High Rate GPS on Volcanoes
- Integrated Modeling of Magnetic, Gravity and Deformation Data at Etna Volcano: Intrusive Mechanisms of the Recent Eruptions
- Magma Intrusion Mechanisms and Redistribution of Seismogenic Stress at Mt. Etna Volcano, Italy: the 1997-1998 Event.
- Non Destructive High-Resolution 3D Investigation of Vesicle Textures in Pumice and Scoria by Synchrotron X-Ray Computed Microtomography
- Numerical inversion of 1993-97 deformation data at Mount Etna (Italy)
- Re-evaluation Of The Shallow Seismicity On Mt Etna Applying Probabilistic Earthquake Location Algorithms.
- Textural Characterization Of Scoria From Low Energy Strombolian Events At Villarrica Volcano: Preliminary Data From November 2004
- The Intrusive Process Leading to the Mt. Etna 2001 Flank Eruption: Constraints From 3D Attenuation Tomography
- The effect of volcanic gases on quantitative temperature measurements using the FLIR thermal camera
- Thermal-Infrared Image Analysis Application to the Real-Time Monitoring of the Explosive Activity of Etna and Stromboli Volcanoes
- Three-Dimensional Crustal Structure in Southeastern Sicily (Italy) by Applying the Adaptive Mesh Seismic Tomography Method
- Three-dimensional Probabilistic Earthquake Location Applied to 2002-2003 Mt. Etna Eruption
- Tomographic Images of Volatile Rich Magma Intrusions Leading to the 2001 and 2002-2003 Mt. Etna Eruptions
- Volcanic Hazard Evaluated Through Monitoring with Thermal Cameras
- Volcanic Tremor Location During The 2004 Lava Effusion At Mt. Etna, Italy, Based On Amplitude Decay
- A combined physico-chemical model for passive degassing from Stromboli volcano.
- Automated Volcanic Plume Tomography
- Challenges with using scanning UV networks in the real world
- Continuous gravity measurements at Mt. Etna
- Coupled use of COSPEC and Satellite Measurements to Define the Volumetric Balance of Syn-Eruptive Processes at Mt. Etna, Italy
- Dike emplacement and vent distribution during the 2002-03 Etna southern eruption (Italy), investigated using a FLIR handheld thermal camera
- Effects of Topography and Elastic Heterogeneity in Modeling Ground Deformation for the 2002-2003 Mt Etna Eruption Using the Finite Element Method
- Finite Element Modeling of Ground Deformation and Gravity Data Observed at Mt Etna During the 1993-1997 Inflation Phase
- Geodynamical aspects of the Eurasia-Nubia collision zone in Sicily (Italy): new data from a dense CGPS network
- High Rate GPS data on Augustine volcano (Alaska, USA) during the 2006 eruption
- High precision locations of microseismicity on south-eastern flank of Mt. Etna: reconstruction of fault planes geometry and related dynamic
- Insights into explosive mechanisms controlling lava fountains from remote sensing gas measurements
- Is there a physical control on halogen degassing at Mt. Etna?
- Multivariate Methods Applied to Gravity and Geomagnetic Time Sequences from Etna Volcano
- Preliminary thermal data obtained through the use of a permanent A 40 (FLIR) camera in Vulcano La Fossa Fumarole Field (Italy)
- Receiver Functions Analysis and Regional Tomography at StromboliVolcano (Italy)
- Results concerning the modeled and observed tidal factors at Mt. Etna and Stromboli volcanoes (Italy)
- Seismogenic Stress Fields During an Inter-Eruptive Period. A Case History: Mt. Etna Volcano, 2001-2002.
- Spectral and Wavefield Features of Volcanic Tremor at Mt. Etna During the 1999 Eruptions.
- Strombolian explosive activity has deeper roots than inferred from VLP events: the Stromboli case
- Study of the the Tenerife island (Canaries, Spain) unrest via geodetic observations
- Supervised and Unsupervised Automatic Classification Methods Applied to Volcanic Tremor Data at Mt Etna, Italy
- The 3D Skeleton Of Basaltic Vesiculating Magmas And Implications For Degassing Pathways And Shallow Conduit Dynamics
- The Intrusive Process Leading to the Mt. Etna 2002-2003 Flank Eruption: Constraints From 3D Attenuation Tomography
- The SO2 Camera: A Simple, Fast and Cheap Method for Ground-based Imaging of SO2 in Volcanic Plumes
- Wavelet Analysis of Seismic Signals at Mt. Etna
- Automated Generation of 3D Volcanic Gas Plume Models for Geobrowsers
- Halogen emissions during explosive activity on Mt. Etna
- In-situ spectroscopy of the surface of Mount Etna for remote sensing data validation and interpretation
- Magma Vesiculation and Infrasonic Activity in Open Conduit Volcanoes
- Quantification of the Gas Mass Emitted During a Single Explosion on Stromboli with the SO2 Camera
- Texture and Composition of Pumice and Scoria Provide New Insights into the Dynamics of Explosive Eruptions at Campi Flegrei (Italy)
- The Importance of Surface Features in Long-lived Lava Flows: Preparing the way for Compound Lava Flow Models.
- The role of gas percolation in quiescent degassing of persistently active basaltic volcanoes
- Thermal Imaging Applied For Studying The Spreading Of A'a' Lava Flows During The 2002- 2003 Stromboli Effusive Eruption
- Tracking of Volcano Fumarole Field Variations Using Real Time, High Temporal Resolution Data From A Permanent Thermal Camera
- UV Scanner DOAS Data Retrieved Using A Modelled Reference Spectrum
- Active Source Tomography of Stromboli Volcano (Italy): Results From the 2006 Seismic Experiment.
- Characterization and location of infrasonic sources in active volcanoes: Mt. Etna, September-November 2007
- Effects of rheological behavior on ground deformation during the 1993-1997 inflation period at Etna volcano: insights from thermo-mechanical models
- First results of a five-day multiparameter experiment at Stromboli volcano
- Gravity studies at Etna volcano: a comparison between relative and absolute gravity measurements
- High rate GPS data on active Volcanoes: The Mt. Etna real time GPS network- ETN@NET
- Information Modeling to Assess Eruptive Behavior and Possible Threats on Mt. Etna, Italy
- Insights into the dynamic processes of the 2007 Stromboli eruption
- Messina 1908-2008: understanding crust dynamics and subduction in Southern Italy
- Modeling of Waves with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics on the GPU
- Moment Tensors for Very Long Period Signals at Etna Volcano, Italy
- Space-time variations of low-frequency and infrasound signals: the 2008 eruption at Mt. Etna volcano
- The application of a stacking method to detect weak tidal modulation of thermometric signals recorded at Mt. Etna
- The shallow magma pathway geometry at Mt. Etna volcano
- Time-space variation of the micro-seismicity at La Fossa (Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy): new insights into seismic sources in a hydrothermal system
- Tracking eruptive phenomena by infrasound: May 13, 2008 eruption at Mt. Etna
- 2008 Mt. Etna eruption: Co-intrusive strain and stress fields constrained by GPS observations and seismological data
- A multi-model approach to tephra dispersal forecast: The Mt. Etna’s case
- A multiparameter approach to volcano monitoring based on 4D analyses of seismo-volcanic and acoustic signals: the 2008 Mt. Etna eruption
- An optimized filtering strategy for High Rate GPS time series
- Bromine monoxide emissions from Kilauea volcano - Hawai`i
- Continuous terrestrial geodetic monitoring of the 2007 Lava Fan in the Sciara de Fuoco (Stromboli volcano, Italy)
- Crustal motion and active deformation along the Eurasia-Africa collisional area in Southern Italy from GPS observations
- DIVO - Database for Italian VOlcanoes (Invited)
- Degassing pathways through the shallow magmatic-hydrothermal system of Poás Volcano (Costa Rica)
- Diffuse and visible emission of CO2 from Etna volcano, Italy
- Full moment tensor analyses to investigate the dynamics of the 2001 Etna eruption
- High rate GPS data registered during the L’Aquila 2009 earthquake
- Infrasound signals as a discriminating tool for the volcanic activity: Mt. Etna volcano, 16 November 2006
- Macroseismic survey of the April 6, 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (central Italy)
- Magmatic CO2 gas emissions from Stromboli volcano (Italy)
- Measurements of volcanic SO2 with ASTER. Comparison with automated scanning DOAS measurements
- Mercury Degassing on Africa-Adriatic Tectonic Plate Margin
- New insights into banded tremor: Mt. Etna volcano, August-October2008
- Numerical tools for modelling ground deformation and gravity changes on volcanoes (Invited)
- Overlapping strain fields beneath the eastern flank of Mt. Etna volcano (Sicily, Italy) from seismic and geodetic data
- Pattern recognition approach for unsupervised clustering of infrasound events at Mt. Etna volcano
- Preliminary Results of the Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Aeolian Archipelago (Italy) Inferred from Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Probabilistic seismic hazard from historical macroseismic data: an application at the volcanic region of Mt. Etna (Southern Italy)
- Regimes of Volcanic Activity at Mt. Etna in 2007-2009 inferred from Unsupervised Pattern Recognition on Volcanic Tremor Data
- Shallow magma pathway geometry at Mt. Etna volcano
- SmallWorld Behavior of the Worldwide Active Volcanoes Network: Preliminary Results
- Source characteristics of Long Period events from high resolution observations at Mt Etna during the 2008 eruption
- Structural controls on CO2 degassing at Mt. Etna
- Structural setting of Mt. Etna revealed by integrating PS and GPS measurements
- Tectonic dynamics of the Lipari-Vulcano islands revealed by geodetic and seismic data
- The 2009 L'Aquila seismic sequence (Central Italy): fault system geometry and kinematics
- The historical earthquake catalogue of Mt. Etna volcano (Southern Italy): a long-term dataset to investigate local seismotectonics and seismic hazards
- The monitoring and forecasting system of Etna volcanic plumes for reinforcement of the aviation safety on the central Mediterranean
- Thermal monitoring of Vulcano’s fumarole field using a fixed automatic infrared thermal camera
- Three-dimensional Tsunami Inundation Modeling with GPU-SPHysics
- Three-dimensional finite element analysis of post-seismic deformation following the 1992 M7.3 Landers and 1999 M7.1 Hector Mine, California earthquakes inferred from InSAR and GPS observations
- Time-dependent vs stationary seismic hazard assessment: an application to Mt. Etna volcano (Southern Italy)
- Volcano-seismic events during 2004-2008 at Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy): clues to the dynamics of the hydrothermal system
- Anatomy of an unstable volcano through InSAR data: multiple processes affecting flank instability at Mt. Etna in 1994-2008
- Density tomography using cosmic ray muons: feasibility domain and field applications
- First results from continuous gravity measurements at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai&#8216i
- Insights into rapid explosive volcanic processes from ground- and space-based intraday SO2 flux measurements
- Magma supply rates inferred from cinder cone volumes
- Measurements of volcanic gas emissions during the first phase of 2010 eruptive activity of Eyjafallajokull
- Semi-automatic procedure for the characterization of the shape of volcanic particles
- Settling dynamics of ash aggregates from the Eyjafjallajökull (Iceland) eruption plume illuminated by high-speed video analysis
- The Last Days of the 2010 Eruption at Eyjafjallajökull Volcano
- Time Reverse Imaging of Long-Period on Mt Etna
- A multidisciplinary study on gas emission and volcanic tremor characteristics of Mt. Etna
- Analysis of the recharging of the volcanic feeder at Mt. Etna using pattern classification of volcanic tremor data and comparison with recent seismic tomography
- Complementary Methods for Volcanic Seismic Source Discrimination
- First cross-correlated measurements of magma dynamics and degassing during a dyke eruption at Piton de la Fournaise hot spot volcano, Reunion island
- Geodetically derived fault slip distribution model for the May, 11th 2011 Lorca earthquake (SE, Spain)
- Informing Aerosol Transport Models With Satellite Multi-angle Aerosol Measurements
- Insights into eruption dynamics at Stromboli volcano from real-time collection of ash and lapilli samples
- Investigation of Volcanic Seismo-Acoustic Signals: Applying Subspace Detection to Lava Fountain Activity at Etna Volcano
- Italian Volcano Supersites
- Reconstruction of volcanic SO2 flux emission chronology from space-based measurements
- The 11 March 2011 Tohoku-Oki (Japan) Megathrust Event: FEM models of Coseismic and Postseismic deformation captured by DInSAR and GPS Data
- A Foamy Lava Lake at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i
- A time evolving distributed model for the ground deformation associated to the May 13th 2008 eruption on Mt. Etna (Italy)
- Density tomography with cosmic muons: Applications in volcanology
- Explosive activity at Santiaguito volcano: insights from Fast MoUltiparametric Setup
- Observing scoria cone growth and lava flow development in the Bocca Nuova crater, Mount Etna, Sicily (2012), using repeat terrestrial laser scanner measurements
- Persistent explosive activity at Stromboli investigated with OP-FTIR and SO2 cameras
- Repeating volcano-tectonic earthquakes at Mt. Etna volcano (Sicily, Italy): characterization and evidences of crustal changes
- Shallow dike intrusion at Mt. Etna in May 2008 imaged by GPS and Radarsat2 data integration
- 'Failed' eruptions revealed by integrated analysis of gas emission and volcanic tremor data at Mt. Etna, Italy
- A multidisciplinary database for geophysical time series management
- Analysis of Volcanic Plume Detection on Mount Etna through GPS
- Fast geodetic strain-rates in eastern Sicily (southern Italy): new insights into block tectonics and seismic potential in the area of the great 1693 earthquake
- Insights into eruption style using remote sensing and petrology at Mt Etna, Sicily
- Mass changes at different levels revealed by micro-gravity and deformation measurements at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i. (Invited)
- Monitoring volcano activity through Hidden Markov Model
- Photogrammetric Retrieval of Etna's Plume Height from SEVIRI and MODIS
- Relations among soil radon, environmental parameters, volcanic and seismic events at Mt. Etna (Italy)
- SO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions from paroxysmal eruptions at Etna volcano in 2011-12
- Seismic Hazard Maps for the Maltese Archipelago: Preliminary Results
- Seismo-tectonic behavior of the Pernicana Fault System (Mt Etna): a gauge for volcano flank instability?
- Study of Deep Long Period Events recorded at Mt. Fuji during 2000-2012
- The February 2013 paroxysmal activity at the New South-East crater of Mt. Etna observed by infrasound, seismic, radiometric and plume SO2 flux data
- The Mediterranean Supersite Volcanoes (MED-SUV) Project: an overview
- Crustal Stress and Strain Distribution in Sicily (Southern Italy) from Joint Analysis of Seismicity and Geodetic Data
- Expert Systems for Real-Time Volcano Monitoring
- Gravity Change at the Summit of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaíi, during 2012-2014
- Integration between Satellite and Ground-Based Data for the Improvement of Volcanic Ash Retrievals and Eruption Characterization
- Joint Inversion of 1995 -2001 Ground Deformation Data and Gravity Changes Observed at Mt. Etna: New Insight Into the Shallow Plumbing System
- LAV@HAZARD: a Web-GIS Framework for Real-Time Forecasting of Lava Flow Hazards
- Outgassing during the 1669 Monte Rossi Eruption of Mt Etna, Italy
- Pattern Classification: A Promising Tool for the Characterization of Volcanic Products at Mt. Etna
- Probabilistic reasoning over seismic RMS time series: volcano monitoring through HMMs and SAX technique
- Probability hazard map for future vent opening at Etna volcano (Sicily, Italy).
- Settling dynamics of basaltic (Etna) and trachytic (Laacher See) ash particles: insight from laboratory high speed imaging
- Time-lapse Imaging of Active Lava Flows at Mt. Etna, Sicily
- Coupled High Speed Imaging and Seismo-Acoustic Recordings of Strombolian Explosions at Etna, July 2014: Implications for Source Processes and Signal Inversions.
- Effect of particle volume fraction on the settling velocity of volcanic ash particles: implications for ash dispersion models
- Game of thrown bombs in 3D: using high speed cameras and photogrammetry techniques to reconstruct bomb trajectories at Stromboli (Italy)
- Improving Long-Range Ground-Based Thermal Data: A Study of the 12 August 2011 Paroxysmal Event of Mount Etna.
- Mount Etna: 3-D and 4-D structure using seismic tomography
- Spreading And Collapse Of Big Basaltic Volcanoes
- The Added Value From 4D Volcano Gravimetry: Lessons Learned From 20 Years of Observations
- A Probabilistic Approach for Real-Time Volcano Surveillance
- GNSS 3D displacement field determination in Lorca (Murcia, Spain) subsidence area
- Is volcanic phenomena of fractal nature?
- Unraveling the complex magma dynamics during the Eyjafjallajökull 2010 eruption by high-resolution geochemistry of volcanic ash
- Assessment of eruption intensity using infrasound waveform inversion at Mt. Etna, Italy.
- Global Examination of Triggered Tectonic Tremor following the 2017 Mw8.1 Tehuantepec Earthquake in Mexico
- Pattern Matching for Volcano Status Assessment: what monitoring data alone can say about Mt. Etna activity
- Tephra dispersal and fallout reconstructed integrating field, ground-based and satellite-based data: Application to the 23<SUP>rd</SUP> November 2013 Etna paroxysm
- The SPOT Project (Potentially Triggerable Offshore Seismicity and Tsunamis): a First Appraisal of the Possible Impact of Oil and Gas Platforms on the Seismic and Tsunami Risks along the Italian Coasts
- A quantitative reconstruction of the 2004-05 Etna compound lava field evolution through remote sensing methods
- Bubble formation, surfacing and bursting at Halema'uma'u lava lake in 2018-implications on dynamics of lava lake outgassing
- Eruptive style of Stromboli volcano in 2017-2018
- High-resolution topographic reconstruction of a compound lava field using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technology and Structure from Motion (SfM) methods
- Monitoring changes in seismic velocity from the auto-correlations of ambient seismic noise at Mt. Etna
- Results obtained from the multiple geodetic observations at Lorca (Murcia, Spain) subsidence area
- Spaceborne Support to the Prediction of Lava Distance to Run: a Discussion
- A Multi-Station Warning System for Short-Term Detection of Volcanic Unrest at Etna Volcano (Italy)
- Can Building Seismic Resiliency Benefit from Emergent Technologies? Case Studies from the Projects KnowRISK and 3DTeLC
- Dyke intrusion, earthquake and flank collapse at Mt. Etna: co- and post- 2018 events deformation from multisensor InSAR and CGPS
- Estimates and models of the statistical dependence between local earthquakes and flank eruptions at Mt. Etna volcano (Italy): an old topic revised through new historical data
- Investigating Elastic Heterogeneity and Topography Effects on 2010 Mw 7.2 El-Mayor Cucapah Earthquake Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation Using Finite Element Modelling and Space Geodetic Data
- Is it gonna blow? Common misconceptions and misunderstandings about volcanoes and eruptions
- Mind the gap: refined acoustic characterisation of explosions at Stromboli volcano using drone-deployed sensors and near-field arrays
- Moment tensor solutions at Mt Etna Volcano, southern Italy
- Monitoring the morphological changes associated with the 3 July 2019 paroxysmal eruption at Stromboli volcano (Italy) using UAVs
- Multipole Acoustic Waveform Inversion And Volume Flow Rate For Small Explosion At Mt. Etna Italy. 485869
- PICOSS: Python Interface for the Classification of Seismic Signals
- PoWAR: a portable wind tunnel facility for studying in situ resuspension of volcanic ash
- The 3 July 2019 Paroxysm of Stromboli
- Volcanic hazard monitoring at the Mount Etna during the eruption on Christmas Eve 2018
- Vortex rings and acoustic signatures illuminate vent diameter and jet velocity of Strombolian explosions
- Categories of Infrasound Signals at Mount Etna Inferred from Unsupervised Learning Techniques
- Dual-Waveband Modelling of Light Dilution for Accurate Quantification of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission Rate Measurements from Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua
- The bioanalytical screening of deleterious organic compounds on volcanic ash: a pilot study using the AhR-CALUX assay
- Volcano monitoring and structural investigation with Distributed Acoustic Sensing at Mount Etna, Italy.
- A seismo-acoustic investigation of a localized crater terrace collapse at Stromboli volcano
- Application of a sensor based on matter-wave interferometry with cold atoms to volcano gravimetry
- Automatic detection of volcanic thermal features using satellite observations
- Characterizing VLP, LP, VT events and tremor on Etna volcano, Italy using a rotational sensor
- Combined Use of Satellite Data and Machine Learning for Detecting, Measuring, and Monitoring Active Lava Flows at Etna Volcano
- Detecting Volcanic Ash Plume Components from Space using Machine Learning Techniques
- Does data volume equate to better eruption forecasts?
- Fibre optic distributed acoustic sensing of volcanic events at Mount Etna, Italy
- Insights into the sources of seismic velocity changes at Mt. Etna volcano by comparison with other geophysical and geochemical parameters: the 2018 eruption case study
- Multiparametric analysis and numerical modelling of the December 2018 eruption at Mount Etna
- Repeating earthquakes and ground deformation reveal the structure and triggering mechanisms of the Pernicana fault, Mt. Etna
- Seismo-volcanic event detection in Fibre-Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing data at Mt. Etna through conventional and machine learning approaches
- Statistical analysis of the two-decade ASTER archive: Quantitative retrievals of volcanic thermal and gas emissions
- Toward a more reliable estimation of volcanic hazards during explosive eruptions: the case of Mt. Etna, in Italy
- Using AE based Machine Learning Approaches to Forecast Rupture during Rock Deformation Laboratory Experiments
- Versatility of the SPH method in the simulation of lava-environment interactions
- 3D Tomographic Analysis of Volcanic Tephra from the 2020-2022 Activity of Mt. Etna: Insights into Magma Porosity and Crystallinity, and Eruption Style and Intensity
- An Experimental Study on the Competition Between Crystal Growth and Element Diffusion
- Artificial Intelligence Techniques applied to Remote Sensing data for Volcano-Tectonic Features Extraction
- Detection of Geological Features on Terrestrial Planets by using Machine Learning
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing Experiment During the 2021 Vulcano Island (Italy) Unrest
- Drivers of Volcano Deformation (DVD) Verification and Validation Exercises: Phase 1
- Melts from the Low Velocity Zone as the Source for Mt Etna
- New frontiers of continuous volcano gravimetry
- Physical Parameters Define Styles and Transitions of Explosive Activity During the 2021 Cumbra Vieja Eruption
- Previous and Subsequent Effects of 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Eruption based on Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Models
- The Variability of Mineral Chemistry and Eruptive Dynamics During the February-April 2021 Sequence of Lava Fountains (South-East Crater, Mt. Etna)
- Twenty plus years of orbital thermal infrared data: Expectations for volcano science in the SBG era
- Volcano Hazard Monitoring at Mount Etna using Multispectral Satellite Imagery and Artificial Intelligence
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alessandro Bonforte
- Alfredo Del Corpo
- Andrea Cannata
- Angelo De Santis
- Anna Maria Gargiulo
- Benjamin Schwarz
- Charlotte M. Krawczyk
- Ciro Del Negro
- Cristian Carli
- Daniele Carbone
- Dario Sabbagh
- Dedalo Marchetti
- Diego Perugini
- E. Del Bello
- E. K. Montgomery-Brown
- Elisa Trasatti
- Eva P. S. Eibl
- Flavio Cannavò
- Franck Donnadieu
- Frederik Tilmann
- G. Leto
- Gaetana Ganci
- Gianfranco Cianchini
- Gilda Currenti
- Giuseppe Bilotta
- J. B. Johnson
- Jacopo Taddeucci
- Josh Crozier
- L. Karlstrom
- Loredana Perrone
- Luca Caricchi
- Luca D’Auria
- M. R. Head
- M. S. Ramsey
- Mary-Grace Bato
- Maurizio Petrelli
- Michael P. Poland
- Nemesio M. Pérez
- Philip Benson
- Piergiorgio Scarlato
- Pınar Büyükakpınar
- Raphaël de Plaen
- Riccardo Civico
- Ronni Grapenthin
- Sergio Vinciguerra
- Stefano Panepinto
- T. Ricci
- Thomas Lecocq
- Valérie Cayol
- Vito Zago
- Y. Zhan