Idaho National Laboratory
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comparison of Numerical Modeling and Laboratory Experiments of Flow in Unsaturated, Fractured Rock
- Activity-Dependent Enzymatic Assay for the Detection of Toluene-Oxidizing Bacteria Capable of Trichloroethylene Degradation
- Assessing Enhanced Anaerobic and Intrinsic Aerobic Biodegradation of Trichloroethene
- Assessment of Surrogate Fractured Rock Networks for Evidence of Complex Behavior
- Biogeochemistry and Spatial Distribution of the Microbial-Mineral Interface Using I<SUP>2</SUP>LD-FTMS
- Biological Effects Upon Capillary Barrier Surface Cap Performance
- Combining Relatively Complex and Simple Subsurface Flow and Transport Models for Environmental Evaluations
- Conceptual Hydrogeologic Models for the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho
- Deep-Subsurface Marine Methane Hydrate Microbial Communities: Who's There and What Are They Doing?
- Detection of Multiple Perched Water Tables Using Natural Tracers and Multilevel Tensiometers in Deep Loess
- Diversity of Pristine Methanotrophic Communities in a Basalt Aquifer: Implications for Natural Attenuation of TCE
- Effects of Air Pollutants on Lichens of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory National Environmental Research Park
- Estimating Annual Recharge Using Tensiometers
- Estimating Recharge From Soil Water Tension Data
- Formation of Residual Carbon Tetrachloride in the Hanford Caliche Material
- INEEL Vadose Zone Research Park Background Moisture Data
- Improved Methods for Estimating Microbial Activity and Moisture Characteristic Curves in Intact Unsaturated Soil Cores
- Investigation of Strontium Incorporation into Biotically and Abiotically Precipitated-Calcium Calcite Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
- Modeling Unsaturated Flow and Transport using Zones: Aliasing Errors
- Obstacles to Realistic Models of Contaminant Fate in the Subsurface
- Pressure-Saturation Relations in a Horizontal Unsaturated Fracture and the Evolution of Phase Structure
- Relationships Between Physical and Chemical Heterogeneity in Geologic Media: The Role of Surface Area
- The Effect of Compaction on Moisture Characteristic Curves of Compactible Soils Measured in a UFAT
- The Role of Complexity in the Prediction of Contaminant Transport in a Fractured Rock Vadose Zone
- Transport Within the Earth's Vadose Zone: Process Based Issues for Scaling
- A Model for Predicting Residual NAPL in the Vadose Zone
- Available Soil Water and its Effect on Microbial Activity in the Vadose Zone
- Biogeochemistry of Cesium in a Sagebrush Steppe Ecosystem
- Conditioning laboratory columns for hysteresis studies
- Diffusion as a Rate Limiting Factor on the Evolution of Strontium Isotope Ratios in Fractured Rock
- Effect of Randomly Varying Capillary Pressure on Sharp Front Propagation and Instability
- Effect of Sediment Mineralogy on Microbiologically Induced (DMRB) Changes in Divalent Metal Speciation
- Effects of Wet-Dry Cycling on the Mobility of Cs, Sr, Cr, Cd, and U in Idaho National Environmental and Engineering Laboratory (INEEL) Soil and Soil Constituents
- Impact of Microorganisms on the Dynamics of Unsaturated Flow Within Fractures
- Influence of Biogenically Produced Fe(II) and Humic Acid Analogs on the Fate of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT)
- Influence of Wetted-Phase Structure on the Electrical Conductivity-Moisture Content Relationship
- Isotopic Composition of Nitrate as a Tracer of Vadose Zone Contaminant Migration at the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center, INEEL.
- Isotopic Evidence for the Impact of Playa Water on Shallow Groundwater Flow in the Snake River Aquifer Beneath the INEEL
- Potential for Methanotroph-Mediated Natural Attenuation of TCE in a Basalt Aquifer
- Problems of Downhole Measurement of Moisture Using Neutron Logs in Unsaturated Basalt
- Sources of Uncertainty in Deep Soil Water Flux Estimates Using the Unit Gradient Method.
- Stohastic Characterization of Three-Dimensional Basalt and Sediment Distributions at Ineel
- Strontium Incorporation Into Calcite Generated by Bacterial Ureolysis
- Tube-Wave Suppression in Single Well Seismic Acquisition
- Understanding Microbe-Mineral Reactions Using Synchrotron Radiation Fourier Transform Infrared Spectromicroscopy
- Using Environmental Isotopes, Geochemistry, and Aquifer Temperature to Address Flow Regimes Within the Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.
- A Comparison of Surface and Surface-Borehole ERT Arrays for Monitoring Subsurface Hydrologic Processes at the INEEL Site
- A Practical Multifluid Flow Model Including Mobile, Residual, and Entrapped NAPL
- Cesium Interactions With Illite in the Presence of Bacterial Exudates
- Changes in Microbial Community Structure With Depth in a Simulated Vadose Zone Environment
- Chromate [Cr(VI)] Reduction Kinetics With Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
- Effects of THF hydrate concentration and cyclic hydrate formation on sediment bulk properties.
- Electrical Resistance Tomography to Monitor Mitigation of Metal-Toxic Acid-Leachates Ruby Gulch Waste Rock Repository Gilt Edge Mine Superfund Site, South Dakota USA
- Evidence for the Occurrence of Microbial Iron Reduction in Bulk Aerobic Unsaturated Sediments
- Field Experiment to Stimulate Microbial Urease Activity in Groundwater for in situ Calcite Precipitation
- Field Observations of Fluid Transport in a Complex Heterogeneous Vadose Zone at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL)
- Fundamental equations for fluid flow in a geocentrifuge
- Geomicrobiology and Methanogenesis in Accretionary Complexes
- INEEL Vadose Zone Research Park
- Mapping Mineral and Microbe Interactions using Laser-based Optical and Chemical Imager (LOCI)
- Microbial community structures in methane hydrate baring deep marine sediments from the Peru Margin (ODP Leg. 201) and the Cascadia Margin (ODP Leg. 204)
- Modifications of the HYDRUS software packages for analyzing transient flow and solute transport experiments from centrifuge.
- Non Equilibrium Infiltration in Unsaturated Laboratory Soil Columns
- One-Dimensional Solute Transport in Variably Saturated Soil Using a Geocentrifuge Apparatus
- Phase Structure in a Centrifugal Field: Impact of Capillary Heterogeneity and Angular Velocity
- Resolving the Impact of Biological Processes on DNAPL Transport in Unsaturated Porous Media Through Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation Time Measurements
- SAR Interferometry for Measuring Recent Deformation of the Eastern Snake River Plain
- Sequestration of Metals by wet-dry Cycling of Soil and Soil Minerals at the Idaho Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL)
- Simulating Multiphase Flow in Complex Fracture With Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
- Strontium Partitioning in Calcite Precipitated by Ureolysis
- The Influence of Siderophores Produced by Alkaliphilic Microorganisms on Iron and Metal Contaminant Speciation and Solubility
- Transport Studies at the Vadose Zone Research Park, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory: Results of Initial Tests
- Unsaturated hydraulic properties determined from geocentrifuge tests
- Water Content Sensors For Use In Lab Columns
- Complex Conductivity Measurements of Sand-Clay Mixtures with Varying Grain Size, Clay Content and Solution Chemistry
- Defining the Spatial Structure of Sedimentary Interbeds within Basalt at the Idaho National Laboratory Vadose Zone Research Park
- Engineered Calcite Precipitation in Porous Media: Effects on Flow and Vice Versa
- Estimates of Biogenic Methane Production Rates in Deep Marine Sediments
- Experimental investigation of the link between geophysical signatures and biogeochemical properties and processes: experimental design, data collection and interpretation
- Influence of Fracture Intersections Under Unsaturated, Low Flow Conditions
- Joint geophysical and hydrological inversion of a mesoscale laboratory experimental dataset
- Pore-Scale Simulation of Multiphase Flow in Porous and Fractured Media Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics.
- Results of the 2004 GPS Study of Extension Rates in the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho
- Uncertainty Analysis of Flow and Transport Through Heterogeneous, Variably-Saturated Field at INTEC, INEEL
- Underground Corrosion after 32 Years: A Study of Fate and Transport
- Volume of fluid (VOF) simulation of two-phase incompressible fluid flow through interconnected pores and fracture networks
- Xenon Isotope Releases from Buried Transuranic Waste
- A web accessible scientific workflow system for transparent and reproducible generation of information on subsurface processes from autonomously sensed data
- A web accessible scientific workflow system for vadoze zone performance monitoring: design and implementation examples
- Calcium carbonate precipitation along solution-solution interfaces in porous media
- Challenge in Flow Path Delineation and Modification: SECUREarth Initiative
- Coupled Hydrological/Geophysical Inversion: Theory and Implementation on Laboratory Experiments
- Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) and the Volume of Fluid (VOF) Simulations of Pore-Scale Multiphase Flow
- Effect of Trichloroethylene on Minimum Energy Requirement and Gene Expression in a Nutrient Limited Methanotroph
- Investigating Water Movement through Fractured Subsurface Systems: A Mesoscale Approach
- Modeling hydrologic processes at different scales - difficulties and possible solutions
- Multiphase Flow in Micro-fracture Junctions
- Pore-Scale Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Model for Reactive Transport and Mineral Precipitation.
- Rethinking Volcanic Rifts on the East Snake River Plain
- Simultaneous field estimates of urea hydrolysis rates and ammonium retardation factors in a fractured rock aquifer
- The Onset of Nonlinear Flow in Three-Dimensional Heterogeneous Flow Domains Based on Energy Dissipation Measures
- Time-dependent frictional restrengthening: Implications for fractured silicate rocks in geothermal systems
- Toward Real-Time Continuous, Automated Hydrogeophysical Monitoring of Aquifer Storage and Recovery: Results of a Pilot-Scale Experiment, Charleston, South Carolina
- Transport of Carbon Tetrachloride in a Fractured Vadose Zone due to Atmospheric Pressure Fluctuations, Diffusion, and Vapor Density
- Using Current and Historic Climate Data and Bayesian Belief Networks to Predict Optimum Satellite Image Acquisition Periods for Detecting Cheatgrass on the Snake River Plain, Idaho
- A Self Calibrating Remote Controllable Water Monitoring System
- Detection of Biosignatures in Natural and Microbial Cultured Jarosites Using Laser- Desorption Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry: Implications for Astrobiology
- In Situ Contaminate Stabilization within a Complex and Highly Heterogeneous Fractured Media
- Laboratory Column Studies to Evaluate the use of pH Triggered Polymers for Hydraulically Isolating Contaminated Vadose Zone Sediments and Perched Water Zones
- Mechanistically-based computer simulations of multiphase fluid motion in unsaturated fracture apertures and porous media
- Models of Coupled Flow, Transport and Mineral Precipitation at a Mixing Interface in Intermediate-Scale Experiments
- Multiscale Lagrangian Particle model for Reactive Transport and Mineral Precipitation in Porous Media.
- Quality assurance and quality control for autonomously collected geoscience data
- Regional geophysical setting of the Yellowstone Hotspot track along the Snake River Plain, Idaho, USA.
- Subsurface Monitoring Results of Big Lost River Flow Events
- Surface and Downhole Prospecting Tools for Planetary Exploration: Tests of Neutron and Gamma Ray Probes
- Temporal Pulses of Volcanism Within the Track of the Yellowstone Hotspot
- A New Multi Collector Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer
- A Workflow Environment for Reactive Transport Modeling with Application to a Mixing- Controlled Precipitation Experiment
- A comprehensive data qa/qc strategy for data from autonomous point sensors: design, implementation and examples
- A data domain correlation approach for joint inversion of time-lapse head, concentration, and electrical resistivity data
- A level set based computer simulation of coupled flow and mineral precipitation/dissolution in fracture apertures and porous media
- Combined Hydraulic Tomography - Self Potential - Electrical Resistivity Tomography for Parameter Estimation in the Unconfined Aquifer at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site
- Design, implementation and results of an autonomous hydrogeophysical monitoring system to monitor subsurface flow at the Hanford 300 area
- Development of a Sitewide Groundwater Flow and Radionuclide Transport Model at Idaho National Laboratory
- Evidence for Right-lateral Shear Along the Northwest Margin of the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho
- Fine scale control of microbial communities in deep marine sediments that contain hydrates and high concentrations of methane
- Geotechnical Centrifuge Studies of Unsaturated Transport
- Hybrid Pore- and Darcy-Scale Models of Coupled Reactive Transport.
- Low Frequency Electrical Responses From Simulated ZVI PRBs With High Carbonate Concentration
- Microbial Populations Associated with Phosphate-Mediated Vadose Zone Sequestration of Strontium and Uranium
- Mixing-Induced Precipitation: Experimental Study and Multi-Scale Numerical Analysis
- Monitoring of Zero-Valent Iron Permeable Reactive Barriers: Electrical Properties and Barrier Aging
- Pore-scale Simulations of Drainage of Heterogeneous and Anisotropic Porous Media
- Random-walk Particle Tracking for Transport Simulation: Extension to Multi-Component Reactions.
- Reactive Transport Modeling of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Injection Into Mafic Rock Reservoirs
- 4D ERT-based calibration and prediction of biostimulant induced changes in fluid conductivity
- A "Fossil Vadose Zone" from the Triassic Cooper Canyon Formation (Dockum Group) of West Texas
- Accommodation of Right-lateral Shear Along the Northwest Boundary of the Snake River Plain, Idaho
- Biogeochemical Modeling of Ureolytically-Driven Calcium Carbonate Precipitation for Contaminant Immobilization
- Biogeochemistry of Methane-Driven Destruction of Trichloroethylene in a Basalt Aquifer
- Characterization of Miscible Displacement, Mixing, and Precipitation in a Network of Interconnected Pores
- Coupling between fluid generation, fluid flow, deformation and fracturing in subsurface porous media: Discrete element, particle and continuum methods
- Detection of Biosignatures using Geomatrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry: Implications for the Search for Life in the Solar System
- Entrapment and protection of biosignatures by the jarosite group minerals
- High Performance 3D Volume of Fluid Simulation of Water-air Flow in Complex Fracture Networks
- Impact of Upwind Land Cover Change on Mount Kilimanjaro
- Last Glacial Maximum Climate in the Central Rocky Mountains, USA
- Meso-Scale Stochastic Model for Flow and Transport in Porous Media
- Modeling Mineral Precipitation Dynamics Within Reactant Mixing Interfaces Using The Level Set Method
- Modeling of Mineral Precipitation and Dissolution for Various Reactant Mixing Patterns in Porous Media
- Phase-field modeling of reactive fluid with solute precipitation and dissolution
- Research at Hanford's 300 Area Integrated Field Challenge Site
- Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Mercury Using Positive Matrix Factorization
- The Western Energy Corridor Initiative: Unconventional Fuel Development Issues, Impacts, and Management Assessment
- Using tomograms for quantitative interpretation of processes and properties
- Web centric data management for the Hanford 300 Area IFC
- A web accessible data management system for the Hanford 300 Area IFRC
- Azimuthal Resistivity Investigation of an Unconfined Aquifer at the Hanford Integrated Field Research Challenge Site
- Detection of Non-aromatic Organic Compounds in Meteorites using Imaging Laser Desorption/Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
- Dynamics of Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in Double Diffusion Mixing Zones
- Electrical geophysical characterization of the Hanford 300 Area Integrated Field Research Challenge using high performance DC resistivity inversion geostatistically constrained by borehole conductivity logs
- Evaluation of Heat as a Tracer to Quantify Variations in Groundwater Velocities at Hanford’s Integrated Field Research Challenge (IFRC) Site
- Hydraulic Characterization of the Hyporheic Corridor at the Hanford 300 Area Using Geoelectrical Imaging and Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) Methods (Invited)
- Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov Methods and Physics-based Preconditioning for Problems in Computational Geophysics (Invited)
- Microbial metabolism of triethylphosphate, a potential phosphate source for radionuclide mineralization
- Modeling of Calcite Precipitation Driven by Bacteria-facilitated Urea Hydrolysis in A Flow Column Using A Fully Coupled, Fully Implicit Parallel Reactive Transport Simulator
- Modeling of Ureolytic Calcite Precipitation for the Remediation of Sr-90 Using a Variable Velocity Streamtube Ensemble
- Potential for Ureolytically Driven Calcite Precipitation to Remediate Strontium-90 at the Hanford 100-N Area
- Quantitative Pore Scale Modelling for Reactive Fluid with Solute Precipitation and Dissolution
- Time-dependent inversion of three-component GPS time series for steady and transient effects of the Yellowstone Hotspot on the Snake River Plain, Idaho
- A Tool to predict ice growth in Arctic Lakes
- Automated Time-lapse GPR Imaging of an Ethanol Release
- Basaltic caves at Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve as analogs for Mars
- CO2 sequestration in basalts: laboratory measurements
- Calcium carbonate precipitation rate as a function of ion ratio in the presence & absence of Sr2+
- Developing fracture density models using terrestrial laser scan data
- Dynamics of Mineral Precipitation in Diffusion Controlled Mixing Zones
- Landslide Monitoring with Multi-Temporal Airborne LiDAR
- Measurements of CO2 Carbon Stable Isotopes at Artificial and Natural Analog Sites
- Modeling the Climatic Controls and Topographic Form of Modern and Late Pleistocene Tropical Peruvian Glaciers
- Numerical modelling of climatically-driven drainage capture and sediment flux, South Island, New Zealand
- Patterns of LGM precipitation in the U.S. Rocky Mountains: results from regional application of a glacier mass/energy balance and flow model
- Physics-based Modeling of Rock Deformation and Fracturing Induced by Hydraulic Stimulation of Enhanced Geothermal System Reservoirs (Invited)
- Reactive Transport Modeling of Induced Calcite Precipitation Reaction Fronts in Porous Media Using A Parallel, Fully Coupled, Fully Implicit Approach
- Small-scale dissolution, precipitation, deformation and fracturing during CO2 sequestration (Invited)
- Solute transport in a well under slow-purge and no-purge conditions
- Spectral induced polarization signatures of hydroxyl adsorption in porous media
- The Pacific Northwest GPS Velocity Field (Invited)
- Time-Dependent Inversion of Geodetic GPS and InSAR Measurements (1992-2010) of Yellowstone Deformation
- Urea hydrolysis and calcium carbonate reaction fronts
- A Fully-Coupled, Fully-Implicit, Finite Element Model for Solving Multiphase Fluid Flow, Heat Transport and Rock Deformation in Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- A Hypothetical Test of Sub-seafloor Storage for Carbon Dioxide on the Juan de Fuca Plate, Western North America
- A Parallel Fully-coupled Fully-implicit Solution to Reactive Transport in Porous Media Using a Preconditioned Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov Method
- Accounting for the effects of pore fluid chemistry on spectral induced polarization (SIP) measurements: the specific polarizability concept
- Applying plate tectonics to continents
- Comparing model-derived to independently-derived estimates of the source and age of groundwater, Idaho National Laboratory and vicinity, Idaho
- Concept study for a Venus Lander Mission to Analyze Atmospheric and Surface Composition
- Discovering new methods of data fusion, visualization, and analysis in 3D immersive environments for hyperspectral and laser altimetry data
- Geophysical Signatures to Monitor Fluids and Mineralization for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration in Basalts
- Hyperspectral imaging from a light-weight (up to 75 kg) unmanned aerial vehicle platform
- Integration of terrestrial and airborne laser altimetry for fault scarp profiling
- Mapping and quantification of geologic CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at Mammoth Mountain, CA and Soda Springs, ID, USA
- Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation for Subsurface Immobilization of Contaminants
- Mixing Zones and Mineral Precipitation Dynamics in Porous Media
- Orographic precipitation, wind-blown snow, and landscape evolution in glaciated mountain ranges
- Probing Microbial Activity in a Perched Water Body Located in a Deep Vadose Zone
- Simulation studies on Enhanced Geothermal Systems with CO2 as a working fluid
- Supercritical CO2 Migration under Cross-Bedded Structures: Outcrop Analog from the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone
- Toward Reconciling Magnitude Discrepancies Estimated from Paleoearthquake Data: A New Approach for Predicting Earthquake Magnitudes from Fault Segment Lengths
- Ultra-Trace Plutonium Detection
- A new model for the spectral induced polarization signature of bacterial growth in porous media
- An integrated experimental and modeling study of episodic air-water two-phase flow in fractures and fracture networks
- Approaches for Multicomponent Equilibrium Geothermometry as a Tool for Geothermal Resource Exploration
- Climate along the crest of the US Rocky Mountains during the last glaciation: preliminary insights from numerical modeling of paleoglaciers
- Deformation Rates in the Snake River Plain and Adjacent Basin and Range Regions Based on GPS Measurements
- Geochemical Evolution of Groundwater in the Medicine Lodge Creek Drainage Basin with Implications for the Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer, Eastern Idaho
- Geochemical simulations on CO2-fluid-rock interactions in EGS reservoirs
- Hybrid Multiscale Simulation of Mixing-Controlled Biogeochemical Reactions
- Interaction of Parallel Flow Mixing Zones and Calcium Carbonate Precipitation with High and Low Permeability Inclusions in Porous Media
- Monitoring CO2 sequestration into deep saline aquifer and associated salt intrusion using coupled multiphase flow modeling and time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography
- Pace of glacial retreat and limits on paleoclimate conditions for the Pine Creek Glacier, Montana, during the Pinedale Glaciation
- Quantification of Volcanic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Using the Eddy Covariance Method
- A Code Intercomparison Study for THMC Simulators Applied to Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- Numerical Modeling of the Snowmass Creek Paleoglacier, Colorado: Implications for Middle and Late Pleistocene climate in the Rocky Mountains
- Optimization of Water-Level Monitoring Networks in the Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer Using a Kriging-Based Genetic Algorithm Method
- Warming and extensive glacier recession at Southern Hemisphere middle latitudes during Heinrich Stadial 1
- Moose: An Open-Source Framework to Enable Rapid Development of Collaborative, Multi-Scale, Multi-Physics Simulation Tools
- Numerical Modeling of Rocky Mountain Paleoglaciers - Insights into the Climate of the Last Glacial Maximum and the Subsequent Deglaciation
- Bacterial Cell Surface Adsorption of Rare Earth Elements
- Geodetic Measurements and Numerical Modeling of Deformation at Raft River Geothermal Field, Idaho, U.S.A.
- Late Pleistocene glacial chronology and paleoclimate of Big Cottonwood Canyon, Wasatch Range, Utah.
- Reassessing Site Effects in Idaho National Laboratory in Light of New Data
- Spatial Gradients, Wave Gradiometry, and Large N Arrays
- The DOE Subsurface (SubTER) Initiative: Revolutionizing Responsible use of the Subsurface for Energy Production and Storage
- The effects of rare earth elements on an anaerobic hydrogen producing microorganism
- kISMET: Stress and fracture characterization in a deep mine
- A Global Survey and Interactive Map Suite of Deep Underground Facilities; Examples of Geotechnical and Engineering Capabilities, Achievements, Challenges: (Mines, Shafts, Tunnels, Boreholes, Sites and Underground Facilities for Nuclear Waste and Physics R&D)
- Bio- and mineral acid leaching of rare earth elements from synthetic phosphogypsum
- How important is interannual variability in the climatic interpretation of moraine sequences?
- Not all Rare Earths are the Same to Microbes
- Pika: A snow science simulation tool built using the open-source framework MOOSE
- Synopsis of Past Stimulation Methods in Enhanced (Engineered) Geothermal Systems, Boreholes, and Existing Hydrothermal Systems with Success Analysis and Recommendations for Future Projects
- kISMET: Stress analysis and intermediate-scale hydraulic fracturing at the Sanford Underground Research Facility
- Gaseous Carbon Waste Streams Utilization: Status and Research Needs
- Investigations in Stimulating Crystalline Rock: Hypotheses and Uncertainties
- Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) climate variability along the crest of the U.S. Rocky Mountains - insights from numerical modeling
- Mechanistically Modeling of Hydraulic Fracture Propagations Under Influence of Natural Fractures
- Overview of the EGS Collab Project: Stimulation and Validation
- The First EGS Collab Testbed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility - Discrete Fracture Network Characterization
- A preliminary evaluation framework to assess the value of flow forecasts to power system analytics
- Reactive-Transport Modeling of Redox-Driven Reactions and Fracture Sealing During Hydraulic Stimulation Experiments at the Homestake Mine, South Dakota COLLAB Site
- Stimulation and Flow Tests in Deep Crystalline Rock - The EGS Collab Project
- Coupled Process Modeling at EGS Collab for Experiment Design and Model Validation
- Developing a Decision Support Engine to Enable Irrigation Modernization
- Development and Role of Microgrids Surrounding Modernized Irrigation District
- Modeling Framework for Power-Water Systems Resilience
- The EGS Collab Project: Stimulation and Flow at the 10-meter scale
- Value of flow forecast for power system analytics
- The EGS Collab Preparing for Experiment 2
- The practice and economics of hybrid poplar biomass production for biofuels; results from the Advanced Hardwood Biofuels project.
- A High-Performance Computing Approach for Simulating Coupled Multi-Scale Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) Processes in Fractured Porous Media: An Example from the Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) Enhanced Geothermal System Test Site
- Olivine-melt thermometry and hygrometry applied to calk-alkaline mafic lavas from the Cascade arc: agreement with volatile analyses of olivine-hosted melt inclusions