Technical University of Catalona, Spain
flowchart I[Technical University of Catalona, Spain] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (160)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (62)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Conditioning Steady State Mean Stochastic Flow Equations on Head and Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements
- Instability Mechanism for the Growth of Longshore Sand Bars
- Temporal Moments for Kinetically Sorbing Solute Transport in Radial Flow
- Evaluation of the Olduvai Sub-Chron in the Orce Ravine (SE Spain), Implications for the Plio-Pleistocene Mammal Biostratigraphy and the Age of Orce Archaeological Sites
- Effective Dispersion in Temporally Fluctuating Flow in Heterogeneous Media
- Exact Effective Transport Dynamics under Spatially Random Adsorption
- Jacob's Interpretation Method Revisited: Accounting for 3-D Spatial Heterogeneity
- Pilot Points Method for the Characterization of Heterogeneous Fields: Hero or Villain?
- Block-Upscaling Using Multi-Rate Mass Transfer
- Can Seawater Intrusion Modeling be Simplified?
- High Fidelity Remanence Record from Plio-Pleistocene Reddish Sediments; a Start Toward Being a `Redbed'
- Magnetostratigraphic age for the `Orce-Man' Tool-bearing Quarries, Granada, Spain
- Memory Functions to Represent Transport Through Heterogeneous Media: Can They Make Physical Sense?
- Multi-Component Reactive Transport in Physically Heterogeneous Media
- Predicting Bed Pattern Formation at Duck, North Carolina
- Study of Mediterranean sea level variations using GRACE and Satellite Altimetry
- A Formulation to Solve Mixing-Driven Reactive Transport Problems
- An Example of Non-Fickian Dispersion in Porous Media Explained by Heterogeneous Microscale Matrix Diffusion
- Characterization of Mixing and Spreading in a Bounded Stratified Random Medium
- Effects of concentration fluctuations and gradients on reactive mixing
- Flow versus transport connectivity: What can we infer from pumping and tracer tests
- Methods of Multivariable Earthquake Precursor Analysis and a Proposed Prototype Earthquake Early Warning System
- Monitoring Sea Level At L'Estartit, Spain
- Precipitation/dissolution calculations in complex multicomponent reactive transport problems based on mixing ratios
- Quantifying the impact of the velocity field organization on the solute transport properties
- Reduction on NOx emissions on urban areas by changing specific vehicle fleets: effects on NO2 and O3 concentration
- Tenerife Island Ddeformation Analysis in the 2003-2006 Period Employing the Coherent Pixel Technique and ENVISAT SAR Images
- A Coupled Continuous Time Random Walk Approach For Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Porous Media
- A Novel Pumping Test Analysis Method for the Geostatistical Characterization of Heterogeneous Transmissivity Fields
- CGPS Implementation and Lidar/Laser Altimeter Experiences at l'Estartit, Ibiza and Barcelona Harbours for Sea Level Monitoring
- Evaluation of reaction rates and conditional PDFs of concentrations for mixing-controlled reactive transport in heterogeneous aquifers
- Modeling Multi-Rate Mass Transfer Processes and Multicomponent Reactive Transport with Particle Tracking
- Modeling Reactive Transport in Heterogeneous Aquifers Using Multiple-Rate Mass Transfer
- Numerical Simulation of Two-Fluid Mingling Using the Particle Finite Element Method with Applications to Magmatic and Volcanic Processes
- Probability Density Functions for Reactive Transport in Porous Media
- Salinity is Reduced Below the Evaporation Front During Soil Salinization
- Seismicity and Attenuation Correlation Analysis in the Bucaramanga Nest (Colombia). A Test for the Brittle-Ductile Interaction Hypothesis
- Spatial Markov processes for modeling Lagrangian particle dynamics in natural flow fields
- Transport Upscaling in Heterogeneous Media: Effective Random Walk Models
- A Probabilistic Framework for Risk Analysis: Application to Groundwater Problems (Invited)
- A random walk particle tracking methodology for modeling effective non-Fickian reactive transport behavior in heterogeneus porous media
- Broadband Electromagnetic Pulses Coinciding with Sprite Luminosity
- Coupling of Mass Transfer and Reactive Transport for Non-Linear Reactions in Heterogeneous Media
- Effective dispersion in seawater intrusion with application to a pumping well in a heterogeneous coastal aquifer
- Implementation of CGPS at Estartit, Ibiza and Barcelona harbours for sea level monitoring
- Remagnetization of Variscan massifs and reconstruction of the Triassic paleosurface in Europe
- Scaling of mixing and spreading in heterogeneous porous media (Invited)
- Storm-induced hazards and vulnerability along the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean) (Invited)
- Study of surface displacement near Itoiz reservoir, Navarra, Spain, using an advanced DInSAR technique
- The global hunt for Sprites
- Tritium tracer test to estimate aquifer recharge under irrigated conditions
- A Bayesian Approach to Integrate Real-Time Data into Probabilistic Risk Analysis of Remediation Efforts in NAPL Sites
- Centimeter-level group-delay altimetric precision using the new PARIS interferometric technique
- Gigantic Jets produced by an isolated tropical thunderstorm near Réunion Island
- Laser Altimeter Experiences at Ibiza Island, Cape of Begur and Barcelona (spain)
- Modeling bimolecular irreversible reactive transport in porous media
- Ultra-deep subduction of continental material: Results from coupled thermodynamic-thermomechanical numerical modelling
- Crust-mantle accommodation of Africa-Eurasia convergence in the NW-Moroccan margin
- Designing, operating and maintaining artificial recharge pond under uncertainty: a probabilistic risk analysis
- Goal-oriented Site Characterization in Hydrogeological Applications: An Overview
- North East Atlantic Tsunamis Related with Gloria Fault
- On the impact of spatial heterogeneity in aquifer remediation and risk analysis
- Relativistic Electron Beams Above Thunderclouds
- The development of a simple closed-form solution for assessing concentration uncertainty in groundwater risk analysis
- Vortex Induced-Mixing in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- a Streamtube Approach for the Simulation of the Hydrochemical Evolution at the Olkiluoto Site
- A fully coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Double Porosity Formulation for Modeling Multiphysics Problems in Geological Media
- An analytical solution to study substrate-bacterial dynamics in soils
- Experiments and modeling of mobility and interaction of heavy metals in a natural soil
- Gas flow modelling through clay and claystones
- Integral characterization of groundwater systems honoring connectivity metrics
- Measurement of residual CO<SUB>2</SUB> saturation at a geological storage site using hydraulic tests
- Model Reduction and Multi-Scale Simulation for Solute Transport in Fractured Porous Media
- Remote Sensing of Transient Luminous Events
- Study of the 11th July, 1915, Portuguese offshore earthquake, in the Atlantic from contemporary seismograms and bulletins
- The Open Geospatial Consortium PUCK Standard: Building Sensor Networks with Self-Describing Instruments
- Towards Optimal Allocation of Computer Resources: Trade-offs between Uncertainty, Discretization and Model Reduction
- Bayesian Approach for the Estimation of the Transmissivity Spatial Structure from Hydraulic Tomography Data
- Implications from Paleomagnetic Age Constrains and Petrology Analyses on the Reconstruction of the Triassic Paleosurface in Europe - Examples from Catalonia and the Polish Sudetes (Invited)
- Interplay between subsurface structural heterogeneity and multi-species reactive transport in human health risk predictions
- MARSOL: Demonstrating Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Solution to Water Scarcity and Drought
- Propagating uncertainty from hydrology into human health risk assessment
- Sprite Luminosity and Radio Noise
- Time and space correlation between sprites and lightning flash events for a storm case during HyMeX campaign
- Vegetation in water-limited environments prioritizes photosynthesis over structural development when water is most abundant
- Alaskan wave and river hydrokinetic energy resource assessment, river energy converter testing and surface debris mitigation performance
- Differentiated Response of Snowpack to Climate Change at Local Scale
- Mathematical Equivalence Between Time-dependent Single-Rate and Multi-Rate Mass Transfer Models
- Probabilistic Human Health Risk Assessment of Chemical Mixtures: Hydro-Toxicological Interactions and Controlling Factors
- Sonmicat: Sea Level Observation System of Catalonia
- The use of kernel density estimators in breakthrough curve reconstruction and advantages in risk analysis
- Direct Radiative Effect of Intense Dust Outbreaks in the Mediterranean
- Management of the Mediterranean Coast in Climate Change Scenarios
- Modelling sulfamethoxazole degradation under different redox conditions
- Satellite-based GNSS-R observations from TDS-1 for soil moisture studies in agricultural vegetation landscapes
- A deep analysis of the Siles dam (Jaén, Spain) area with Sentinel-1 data
- Analysis of CH<SUB>4</SUB> flux variability in a rural region of Southwestern Europe
- Characteristics of lightning flashes generating sprites above thunderstorms
- Efficient Sensor Integration on Platforms (NeXOS)
- European Multidisciplinary seafloor and the Observatory of the water column for Development; The setup of an interoperable Generic Sensor Module
- Experiences with GOCE models in SONMICAT-BCN calibration site.
- From Rainfall Nowcasting to Flash Flood Early Warning Systems: recent and ongoing advancements in Europe
- Improving emerging organic compound degradation through chaotic advection in a Managed Aquifer Recharge: the case of benzotriazoles
- Monitoring the Phenology of Global Agroecosystems Using SMAP Multi-temporal Vegetation Optical Depth Retrievals
- Neutron bursts from long laboratory sparks
- Time-space blending of radar and rain gauge observations for improved rainfall estimation
- A closed-form expression for the effect in breakthrough curves of biofilm development: enhanced dispersion
- Active charge trapping control in dielectrics under ionizing radiation
- Automated analysis of lightning leader speed, local flash rates and electric charge structure in thunderstorms
- Hydrate-CASM for modeling Methane Hydrate-Bearing Sediments
- Simultaneous emissions of X-rays and microwaves from long laboratory sparks and downward lightning leaders
- Verification of a Schumann Resonance Inversion Method for Global Lightning Activity in Absolute Units
- IGS-IRI cooperation for near-real-time assessment of global weather-climate VTEC deviation
- Implications of non-Gaussian heterogeneities on solute transport
- NASA/IRTF Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of Jupiter in Support of the Juno Mission
- Numerical modelling insights into pockmark formation by hydrate dissociation
- Results obtained from the multiple geodetic observations at Lorca (Murcia, Spain) subsidence area
- Simulating Irrigation Scheduling Scenarios and the Effect of Soil Hydraulic Properties on Water Balance Components and Crop Yield
- The Colombia ASIM Site: Lightning mapping, TLE observations and high energy radiation from lightning
- The Hydrological Application of Radar Rainfall Nowcasting in the Netherlands
- The Space-Time Adaptive Smoothing Approach to Reactive Random Walk Particle Tracking
- The worth of stochastic inversion for identifying connectivity by means of a super long-term large-scale hydraulic test
- Time-lapse Cross-Hole Electrical Resistivity Tomography (CHERT) for Monitoring Seawater Intrusion Dynamics in a Mediterranean Aquifer
- A Flexible Cyberinfrastructure for Integrating Data from Large-scale Ocean Observing Systems and Delivering Online Added-value Services
- Building multisite science services for the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO) Research Infrastructure
- EMSO ERIC a Distributed, Integrated and Coordinated Ocean Observatory for the Development of Advanced Marine Technologies
- EMSO, a Large-scale European Research Infrastructure Delivering Harmonized Environmental Marine Data through a Distributed Ocean Observation System
- Meteorological conditions of thunderstorms associated to TGFs detected by ASIM
- North Atlantic ice-rafting and implications on the Western Mediterranean climate: a perspective from speleothem records
- Obsea, ten years of coastal ocean monitoring and test site observatory
- Quantifying Ionospheric Disturbances for User Oriented Applications as a Contribution of the ISWAT Ionosphere Variability Cluster
- Real-Time identification of Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances resulted from the TechTIDE project.
- The Effect of Redox Conditions and the Role of Biomass in the Fate of Ultraviolet Filters in Porous Media
- Towards Web-Enabled Ocean Sensor Networks
- Ionospheric signatures of the M7.0 earthquake in Dodecanese Islands
- Multi-level description of the Arctic polar vortex during March- April -May 2020
- A 3D climatology of transient eddy mixing in the northern winter stratosphere and upper troposphere
- A pore-scale computational experiment of scalar mixing through porous media columns
- Chaotic Flow as a Treatment Strategy to Enhance Dilution and Break Preferential Paths in Heterogeneous Aquifers
- Experimental Optical Observations of Streamers and Leaders in Laboratory Discharges and Natural Lightning
- Lagrangian Analysis of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Lightning Mapping Array and space-based optical observations of Narrow Bipolar Events
- Overview of MEDA results aboard Perseverance over the first sols on Mars
- Performance and First Measurements of the MEDA Wind Sensor of NASAs Mars 2020 Mission at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Positive Cloud-to-Ground Strokes on the Same Channel Observed Simultaneously with a VHF Broadband Interferometer and a Lightning Mapping Array
- Simulating Degradation of Organic Compounds Including Growth of Microorganisms in A Particle Tracking Model
- The Role of Biofilm on the Fate of Emerging Organic Compounds: Numerical Modelling of Column Experiments
- An evaluation of GLM optical pulse detection using ASIM MMIA
- Anisotropy Distribution of TGFs Couples: Central America Region is the Key.
- Compressible Convection for Planetary Mantles
- Detection and characterization of potential ionospheric signatures associated to 2022 Tonga Volcano Eruption and Tsunami based on LEO- and ground-based GNSS data
- Hydrogeochemistry and Redox Potential Evolution in Managed Aquifer Recharge: Numerical Modelling of Column Experiments
- Lagrangian Analysis of the Physical Process Involved in the Evolution of the Smoke Plume from the 2019/2020 Australian Wildfire Event
- Minerals and Other Materials Identification and Mapping with EMIT
- Observations of the climate near the surface of Jezero over a half Mars year
- Optical Emissions at 337 and 777 nm in Natural Lightning Observed in Coincidence with a VHF Broadband Interferometer
- Sprites Recorded by the Modular Multispectral Imaging Array of ASIM
- Water Table Dynamics in Coastal Aquifer Sediments Mobilize Carbon and Alter Nitrogen Fate: Observations From Soil Column Experiments
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. N. Mezentsev
- A. Rius
- A. Sánchez‐Lavega
- Agustín Sánchez‐Lavega
- Asier Munguira
- Audrey H. Sawyer
- B. L. Ehlmann
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Carolina Martin-Rubio
- Christian Tate
- Daniel Fernàndez-García
- David R. Thompson
- David Roma-Dollase
- F. J. Gordillo‐Vázquez
- Francisco Ochoa
- Franck Montmessin
- G. Marinaro
- G. Martínez
- G. Martı́nez
- Gang Chen
- Gregory S. Okin
- J. A. Rodriguez-Manfredi
- J. Jiménez-Martín
- J. Navarro‐González
- Jesús A. López
- Jezabel Curbelo
- Joan Montanyà
- Jorge Pla‐García
- Julian Rodriguez-Ferreira
- K. Reath
- M. D. Smith
- M. Marisaldi
- M. T. Lemmon
- Manuel de la Torre Juárez
- Mariah Baker
- María Paz Zorzano
- Michael Wolff
- Michele Urbani
- Miguel Ramos
- N. M. Mahowald
- Nikolai Østgaard
- Olivier Chanrion
- Oscar A. van der Velde
- P. Connell
- P. R. Krehbiel
- Paul Ginoux
- R. Hueso
- Robert Green
- Robert Sullivan
- Ron Miller
- S. Zurita‐Zurita
- Sara Navarro
- Scott D. Guzewich
- Serge Soula
- Torsten Neubert
- V. Apéstigue
- Víctor Reglero
- W. Rison
- Xavier Sánchez-Vila
- Yongjun Huang
- Á. Vicente‐Retortillo
- О. В. Калашникова