University of Zaragoza, Spain
flowchart I[University of Zaragoza, Spain] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (53)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (19)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Controls on Fluvial Incision in the Ebro Basin, Spain
- Clay Mineralogy of the Meade Peak Member of the Phosphoria Shale Formation, Idaho
- Reorganization Of Magnetic Carriers Due To Pressure-Solution, A New Remagnetization Mechanism From The Southwestern Pyrenees
- Active Tectonics of Western Saint Elias Orogen, Alaska: Integration of LIDAR and Field Geology
- Contrasting magnetic fabrics (RT-AMS, LT-AMS and AARM) in a pressure-solution domain (Internal Sierras, Pyrenees, Spain).
- Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and quantification of the internal deformation by means of deformed echinoids (Upper Cretaceous, Southern Pyrenees)
- New Paleomagnetic Data from the Quaternary Bandelier Tuff: Implications for the Tectonic Evolution of the Rio Grande Rift
- Assessing the impact of Quaternary climate change on landscape evolution using luminescence dating
- Geological-geophysical techniques applied to urban planning in karst hazardous areas. Case study of Zaragoza, NE Spain
- A rill erosion-vegetation threshold analysis approach for the assessment of restoration success in water-limited reclaimed ecosystems
- A transtensional basin model for the Organyà basin (central southern Pyrenees) based on magnetic fabric and brittle structures
- Reassessing The Recovery of Marine Primary Production After the Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction
- Soil Moisture Differences Cause Variation in the Relationship Between L Band SAR Backscatter and Aboveground Biomass
- Constraining mass accumulation rates across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary clay layer using extraterrestrial helium-3
- Ecosystem Resilience to Ocean Deoxygenation and Acidification: Lessons from Contrasting Mass Extinction Events
- Magmatic Evolution of the Western Azores Islands (Corvo and Flores)
- Rates of Ocean Acidification: Decoupling of Planktic and Benthic Extinctions?
- Combination of multi-sensor PSI monitoring data with a landslide damage inventory: the Tena Valley case study (Central Spanish Pyrenees) (Invited)
- Double salt décollements: Effect of pinch-out overlapping in experimental thrust wedges
- Mantle origin of the Emeishan large igneous province from an analysis of residual gravity anomalies
- Variability of the planktonic foraminifera community across the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, Fuente Caldera Section, Baetic Ranges (Spain)
- Chemical homogenization by fluid-present deformation in chromitites: An example from Golyamo Kamenyane chromitites, SE Bulgaria
- Depth-Transect Across the Cretaceous/Paleogene Boundary in the SE Atlantic Ocean: New Insights From the Benthic Foraminiferal Record.
- Loss of Shallow Geothermal Resources in Urban Environment Due to the Absence of Thermal Management Policies
- The Marine Carbon Cycle After the Extinction at the End of the Cretaceous
- 100 M.a. remagnetization as a dating tool for deformation and cleavage in the Central High Atlas (Morocco)
- Benthic Foraminifera, Food in the Deep Sea, and Limits to Bentho-Pelagic Coupling
- Feedback of balanced cross sections and gravity modeling: numerical estimation of horizon mislocations. A case study from the Linking Zone (Northeastern, Spain)
- How strange was the Strangelove Ocean? New insights from Boron Isotopes.
- Do Quercus ilex Woodlands Undergo Abrupt Non-linear Changes in their Functional Dynamics in Response to Human Disturbance and Climatic Variation?
- Paleoenvironment and Paleoclimatic Study of the Paleogene From IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Site M0077, Chicxulub Crater
- Chasing Carbon Cycle Perturbations Across the Paleogene and Their Effects on Deep-sea Biota: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 371, Tasman Sea
- Environmental Flows and Water Allocation: A Hydro-economic Analysis in the Ebro Basin
- Global Climate Change and Evolution of Paleogene Deep-sea Biota: Turnover vs. Stability
- High-resolution export production during the Maastrichtian using marine barite at Shatsky Rise
- Hydroclimatic variability in central Chile since the 13<SUP>th</SUP> century
- Revival of the microbial neritic ecosystems and carbon cycling at the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary: A compound-specific isotope study from El Kef, Tunisia
- Stratigraphy, Sedimentary Signatures, and Processes Associated with the Chicxulub Asteroid Impact in the Gorgonilla Island K/Pg Section
- The Marboré Symphony: a Science - Art Collaborative Project to increase Global Change Awareness based on a Deglaciation and Holocene Pyrenean high altitude lake sediment sequence
- Use of Riemann solvers and high-performance computing for 2D hydraulic and morphodynamic numerical simulations
- Investigating sinkholes related to a deep-seated interstratal karst in the Disney Wilderness Preserve (Florida) using an array of near-surface geophysical methods.
- Understanding Supercell Spatiotemporal and Environmental Patterns in Spain Using Two-Dimensional Radar, Atmospheric Reanalysis, and Citizen Science
- Unravelling the kinetics of burial remagnetizations
- A Time-Resolved Paleomagnetic Record of Main Group Pallasites: Evidence for a Large-Cored, Thin-Mantled Parent Body
- Decoding the 1 Myr interval across the KPB at Zumaia, Spain reveals roles of orbital forcing and Deccan volcanism on climate and environmental change
- Development of a Deep Learning Surrogate Model in the TRITON Inundation Modeling Framework
- Evidence for multiple middle Eocene warming events in the Lutetian-Bartonian chemostratigraphic record from the southwest Pacific
- Palynological and Geochemical Analyses of the Chicxulub Impact Crater, IODP Expedition 364: A PETM Record from the Southern Gulf of Mexico
- SERGHEI: A Performance Portable HPC Simulation Tool For Computational Hydrology
- Assessing Management Policies to Confront Water Scarcity and Pollution Challenges in the Ebro River Basin Using Hydroeconomic Modeling
- Characterisation and evaluation of error components in observational gridded precipitation datasets.
- Hydro-economic Analysis of Ecosystems Benefits for Sustainable Management in the Ebro Basin, Spain
- Towards the development of a high-resolution historical flood inundation reanalysis dataset for the conterminous United States
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- B. P. Weiss
- Christopher M. Lowery
- Claire Nichols
- Daniel Caviedes‐Voullième
- Ganesh R. Ghimire
- George K. Darkwah
- Ilhan Özgen‐Xian
- J. A. Tarduno
- Joyeeta Bhattacharya
- Laurence Y. Yeung
- Mario Morales-Hernández
- R. D. Cottrell
- R. J. Harrison
- Santiago Beguería
- Sean P. S. Gulick
- Shih‐Chieh Kao
- Sudershan Gangrade
- Thomas Westerhold
- Timothy J. Bralower