University of Oviedo, Spain
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Alpine crustal thickening and wedging in the Pyrenees and Cantabrian Mountains (N Spain) probed by seismic profiling and teleseismic receiver-funtion analysis
- The Planktonic Carbon Balance of the Subtropical Eastern North Atlantic
- A Close View Into the 3D Geometry of Grain-to-Grain Contacts and Surface Roughness in Sandstones Using Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy
- Thermal Softening of the Hinterlands During Variscan Collision in Western Iberia
- High-Resolution Speleothem Records of Climate Variability from the Northwestern Iberian Peninsula During the Last 30,000 Years
- PSO : an efficient algorithm to solve geophysical inverse problems. The 1D-DC case
- Physically correct kernel learning for geophysics
- Investigating B/Ca of coccoliths using SIMS ion probe analysis
- The Seismic component of the IBERARRAY: Placing constraints on the Lithosphere and Mantle.
- A New Approach to Nonlinear Inverse Uncertainty Using Model Compression and Sparse Posterior Sampling (Invited)
- B/Si ratios in cultured and sediment diatoms: proxy of their palaeoenvironment and/or their physiology
- Evidence Of Fluid Circulation During Deformation Along The Malpica-Lamego Line, A Major Crustal-Scale Deformation Zone In The Variscan Orogen In Iberia
- Last Glacial-magnitude Ice-Rafted Debris Deposition and its Provenance in the Earliest Pleistocene Sub-Polar North Atlantic Ocean
- Vital Effects in Coccolith Calcite: Cenozoic PCO2 Thresholds in the Development of Carbon Acquisition Strategies in Coccolithophores
- Feedback between dehydration reaction and permeability: when do sharp reaction fronts develop?
- Reactive fluid flow in stressed rocks - some fundamentals
- Variations of the crustal thickness in the Betic-Rif domain and their foreland regions, by P-Receiver Functions
- Deformation Record Associated To The Valdoviño Fault (Variscan Orogeny, NW Iberia)
- The origin of the Iberian microplate high topography
- A Synthesis View of Ocean Productivity during the Plio-Pleistocene Transition
- A Two-Year Automated Dripwater Chemistry Study in a Remote Cave in the Tropical South Pacific: Using [Cl<SUP>-</SUP>] as a Conservative Tracer for Seasalt Contribution of Major Cations
- Coccolithophores Productivity in the Iberian Margin During Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11 and 12: Results from IODP Sites U1385 and U1391
- Diatom Frustule-Bound δ<SUP>13</SUP>c Measurements and Reconstruction of Εp
- Examining Carbon Acquisition and Allocation in Coccolithophores: Carbon Accounting to Understand Paleoproductivity.
- Late Quaternary Productivity Records from Coccolith Sr/Ca
- δ<SUP>44/40</SUP>Ca From Coccolithophores May Reveal a Link Between the Ca and C Systems Upon Regulating the Physiological Adaptations of Calcification and Photosynthesis to Varying CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations
- A Crustal Cross Section over the Central North Iberian Margin: New Insights into the Bay of Biscay Inverted Hyperextended Rift
- BAPA Database: a Landslide Inventory in the Principality of Asturias (NW Spain) by Using Press Archives and Free Cartographic Servers
- Declining Atmospheric pCO<SUB>2</SUB> During the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene: New Insights from Paired Alkenone and Coccolith Stable Isotope Barometry
- Marine phytoplankton CO2 records since the Miocene - magnitudes of change inplied by cellular process models
- Optical Image Analysis Applied to Pore Network Quantification of Sandstones Under Experimental CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection
- Compressional reactivation of hyperextended domains on a rifted margin: a requirement for a reappraisal of traditional restoration procedures?
- Computational Recreation of Carbon Dioxide Hydrates at Habitable Planetary Conditions
- Crustal-scale alpine tectonic evolution of the western Pyrenees - eastern Cantabrian Mountains (N Spain) from integration of structural data, low-T thermochronology and seismic constraint
- Reaction fronts: how do they work?
- Evidence of coccolithophore adaptation to changing environments from coccolith geochemistry, size, and cellular calcification
- New views on estimation of pCO<SUB>2</SUB> from alkenone ɛ<SUB>p</SUB>
- A New Program for Computational Prediction of Planetary Composition from Mass/Radius Data
- Anisotropy of the upper crust using ambient noise interferometry (Cantabrian Mountains, NW Spain)
- Automatic forest plot structure characterization from terrestrial and UAV-based point clouds
- Integrated Seismic Program: A New Tool for Seismic Array Analysis
- Inversion of multi-mode Rayleigh wave dispersion curves for regional imaging: Application to the Basque-Cantabrian Zone (N Spain)
- New insight on the microbial fluxes of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> greenhouse gases in karst ecosystems
- Drone-derived canopy height predicts aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems across the globe
- NW Iberia speleothems, a bridge to understand past high latitude to tropical teleconnections
- A comprehensive model of crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio of Western Canada
- Tight Coupling of Meltwater Addition and AMOC Slowdowns during the Penultimate Deglaciation
- Alongshore Upwelling Modulates the Intensity of Marine Heatwaves in a Temperate Coastal Sea
- Bridging the archetypal Newfoundland and Iberian Atlantic conjugate margins based on new seismic constraints and plate kinematic reconstructions
- Earthquake denoising using the concentration of frequency and time via a multitapered synchrosqueezed transform and a multi-segmentation technique: Application to OBSs data
- Maps of Future Alpine Grasslands in Southern and Central Europe Based on Climatic Envelopes