University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
flowchart I[University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (24)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Fractal structure of multivariate drought events recurrence analyses
- Statistic versus stochastic characterization of persistent droughts
- Modeling Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change the Case of the Transboundary San Pedro Basin
- Multireservoir Operation Optimization Using the Drought Frequency Index
- A smoothed statistical regionalization approach for modelling monthly precipitation in complex terrain
- Seismic Reflection Transect across the Central Iberian Zone (Iberian Massif): The ALCUDIA project
- Gaseous Mercury Monitoring at a Complex Source: The Las Cuevas Decommissioned Mining Complex and Current Hg Storage Facility (Almadén District, Spain)
- Scintillometer-based estimates of sensible heat flux over row oriented vineyard trees
- Heterogeneous Uptake of HO<SUB>2</SUB> Radicals onto Atmospheric Aerosols
- Heterogeneous Uptake of HO2 Radicals onto Submicron Atmospheric Aerosols
- Uptake of HO2 Radicals Onto Dust Aerosols
- Evapotranspiration from Airborne Simulators as a Proxy Datasets for NASA's ECOSTRESS mission - A new Thermal Infrared Instrument on the International Space Station
- Measurements of the HO<SUB>2 </SUB>uptake coefficient onto aqueous salt and organic aerosols and interpretation using the kinetic multi-layer model of aerosol surface and bulk chemistry (KM-SUB)
- Future Climate Subtropical Cyclones over the Northeastern Atlantic as Modelled by an Ensemble of Regional Climate Models
- Heterogeneous production and loss of HO<SUB>x</SUB> by airborne TiO<SUB>2</SUB> particles and implications for climate change mitigation strategies
- Modelling tropical-like cyclones (medicanes) over the Mediterranean Sea in a regional climate model ensemble: impact of ocean-atmosphere coupling and increased resolution
- Synoptic Factors Affecting Structure Predictability of Hurricane Alex (2016)
- Assessment of Multiple Daily Precipitation Statistics in ERA-Interim Driven Med-CORDEX and EURO-CORDEX Experiments Against High Resolution Observations
- Exceptional winter storms affecting Western Iberia and extremes: diagnosis, modelling and multi-model ensemble projection
- Density jump as a function of the field for parallel collisionless shocks
- Analysis Of Several Subtropical Cyclones By Means Of The High-Resolution HARMONIE-AROME Model
- Remotely sensed biophysical variables of wheat as indicators for crop dynamics modelling
- The JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System: A Wealth of Data for Quickly Advancing the Physical Understanding and Forecasting of Hurricanes.
- A Comprehensive Nitrogen Flow Characterization of the Spanish Agro-Food System at Province Level (1990-2015)