Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Cellular Automata Models. A Useful Modelling Tool To Define Environmental Policy for Forest Fires
- Novel Proxies Approach to Characterise Ice Rafting Events in the North Atlantic
- Reconstruction of Benguela Current Ocean Productivity and West African Vegetation During Oxygen Isotope Stages 100 and 101.
- Using Environmental Isotopes to Determine Groundwater Flowpaths in a Mountain Range in NE Spain
- Late-Quaternary Glacial History of the Venezuelan Andes
- Solar and Volcanic Modulation of Little Ice Age Climate in the Tropical Andes, Venezuela
- The Seasonal Cycle In North Pacific Sea Surface Temperature And The Glaciation Of North America 2.7 Million Years Ago
- Multi-Proxy Approach to the Atlantic-Indian Water Interchange Along the Last Three Glacial-Interglacial Cycles
- Coccolith And Alkenone Records In The Reykjanes Ridge During The Late Quaternary: Unusual Signal Distributions In The Sediment
- Drivers of the Middle Pleistocene Transition: the Role of the Southern Ocean in Modulating Changes in CO2 and the Transition to the 100ky World
- Further Water Column Evidence for Complexity in Planktonic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca: Challenges for Better Understanding the Paleotemperature Tracer
- Investigating Deglacial Climate Records: The Carbon Isotope Minimum Event and High- Resolution Radiocarbon Ages
- North Pacific seasonality and the glaciation of North America 2.7 million years ago
- Water Column Study of Planktonic Foraminiferal Cd/Ca Temperature-Nutrient Dependency: Plankton tow Results From the NE Pacific
- Salinity and Temperature Reconstruction from Oxygen Isotopes and Mg/Ca in Benthic Foraminifera in the NE Pacific margin for the Late Holocene
- Scaling of clustered space-time-magnitude structure of seismicity
- A New Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th Record From the South Atlantic: Further Insight Into Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) Through the Last 45 kyr
- Adaptation of Coccolith Calcification to Sea Water Carbonate Chemistry
- Arctic Ocean Sea Ice Drift Studied Through Radionuclides
- Coccolithophore calcification-response to changing seawater carbonate chemistry
- Comparison of Instrumental and GDGT Based Estimates of Sea Surface and Air Temperatures From the Skagerrak: a New Approach to Novel Proxy Validation
- ENSO- and PDO-modulated SST Reconstructions From the Anthropocene Into the Last 2 Millennia: Planktonic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca Evidence at Inter-annual Resolution From San Lázaro Basin (NE Pacific)
- Effect of elevated nitrate concentration on calcification in Emiliania huxleyi
- Influence of Agulhas Leakage on the Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC): Insights From Paired Planktonic and Benthic Foraminifera Stable Isotope and Trace Metal Analyses Over the Last 345 kyr
- Long-term variability of iron supply, marine export production, and sea surface temperature in the subantarctic Atlantic, implications for atmospheric CO2
- Multi-Proxy Records for Testing the Role of Indian-Atlantic Gateway Circulation and Inter- Ocean Exchanges in Modulating the Atlantic MOC
- Proxy-Model Comparison of Temperatures in Lake Baikal Region for the Last Climatic Cycle
- Rock magnetic properties and palaeointensity determinations on Santorini historical lava flows
- Tectonics, Uplift and Surface Processes in the Moroccan Atlas Mountains
- 1998-2008: Interannual variability of snow coverage in the Mediterranean basin
- Calcareous Nannofossil Assemblages from the Central Mediterranean over the Last Four Centuries
- Cooling of the California Current southern dynamic boundary during Northern Hemisphere warmings
- Interplay Between High And Low Latitude Climate Variability: New Records From The Aegean Sea
- Late Holocene Climatic Conditions in the Fram Strait: a Multiproxy Study
- Late Pleistocene Climatic Changes in the Western Mediterranean Inferred from Temperature, Productivity and Eolian Input Records: Implications for Human Dispersal
- Risk Perception in Flood-Prone Lands of Costa Brava, Spain
- Using Radium Isotopes to Characterize Coastal Mixing Processes: A Sensitivity Analysis
- 1998-2010: Interannual variability of snow coverage in the Himalayan mountains
- A Wide-Angle Seismic Reflection Transect across the Moroccan Atlas (SIMA)
- Assessment of a Post-Depositional Diagenetic Bias in the UK37' Index: Implications to Estimate Pliocene-Pleistocene SST in the Benguela Upwelling
- Could Rain-induced Ecosystem Respiration Pulses be Enhanced by Legacies of Antecedent Photodegradation in Semi-arid Environments?
- Multiyear Survey of the Distribution and Fate of Biomarkers in the Atlantic Arctic Ocean
- Southern Hemisphere Precession forcing of Southern Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures in a Warm Climate (Invited)
- The influence of climate on soil carbon turnover times derived from carbon flux and pool data
- Climate sensitivity estimated from temperature reconstructions of the Last Glacial Maximum
- Interannual variability of the Himalayan snow coverage and its relatinship with glaciers mass balance since 1998
- Joining Forces Between National Scientific Community and National Agencies: The Spanish GEOSS Network
- Pleistocene atmospheric CO2 change linked to Southern Ocean nutrient utilization
- Seismic Imaging across the Moroccan Atlas (SIMA): An effort to constrain the crustal thickness of the Atlas Mountains
- Two-Stage Deformation of Olivine Aggregates with Changing Deformation Kinematics
- Variability in apparent soil organic carbon turnover times across climate zones and vegetation classes
- A new paired sedimentary Pa/Th and neodymium isotope record from the central South Atlantic
- Crustal structure and velocity model of the Moroccan Atlas from refraction/wide angle data. Implications for its tectonic evolution
- Extreme Earthquake Risk Estimation by Hybrid Modeling
- Influence of Lossy Compressed DEM on Radiometric Correction for Land Cover Classification of Remote Sensing Images
- Multi-decadal-scale records of North Atlantic climate variability during the last and present interglacials: Climate sensitivity and the AMOC
- Seasonality of alkenone estimates as inferred from sediment trap data
- The Tous Dam Disaster of 1982: Risk communication and the origins of integrated flood risk management in Spain
- Tools for proactive collection and use of quality metadata in GEOSS
- What do we know about the role and regulation of stored non-structural carbon compounds in trees?
- A global analysis of the concentration and dynamics of non-structural carbohydrates in plants: does it matter under global change? (Invited)
- Constraints on the Velocity Structure and Accommodation of Shortening in the Atlas Mountains (Morocco) from Travel-Time Inversion of Refraction/Wide Angle Reflection Seismic Data
- Massive Red-Staining and Albitization of Feldspars in Paleozoic Basement Rocks of Western Europe and Their Association with the Triassic Palaeogeography
- Remote sensing of plant emissions of volatile isoprenoids with PRI. Prospects for upscaling (Invited)
- Switch from longitudinal to transverse drainage during mountain building: as case study from the Himalaya
- A Synthesis View of Ocean Productivity during the Plio-Pleistocene Transition
- Boron Isotope Evidence for Oceanic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage During the Last Deglaciation
- Determining Effects of Diagenesis on Geochemical Dating of Plio-Pleistocene Shallow Marine Fauna
- Late Quaternary Productivity Records from Coccolith Sr/Ca
- Linking Agulhas Leakage Variability and North Atlantic Climate MIS 1-5a
- Rapid Changes on Sediment Accumulation Rates within Submarine Canyons Caused By Bottom Trawling Activities
- Stress heterogeneities in anisotropic materials - their effect on dislocation fields and post-deformational recrystallization: Insights from combined experiments and numerical simulations of polycrystalline ice
- The Influence of Hydrothermal Plumes on the Distribution of Anthropogenic Radionuclides Between the Particulate and Dissolved Phases: Results from U.S. Geotraces Equatorial Pacific Zonal Transect GP16
- The Pliocene Sea Ice Cover in the Arctic Ocean
- Appraisal of biomass combustion biomarkers to track the paleo-occurrence of forest fires
- Fire in the Pliocene: a Record from the Southwest Pacific Ocean
- Foliar carbon dynamics of piñon and juniper in response to experimental drought and heat
- Trawling-induced alterations of deep-sea sediment accumulation rates during the Anthropocene
- Tsunami waves extensively resurfaced the shorelines of a receding, early Martian ocean
- Underestimation of Global Vulnerability to Tree Mortality and Forest Die-Off from Hotter Drought in the Anthropocene — A Synthesis of Contrasting Evidence and Perspectives
- Biogeochemical niche: optimality, acclimation and adaptation principles in nutrient cycling under global change.
- Carbonyl Sulfide Serves as Tattletale for Biosphere Signal
- Early Mesozoic rift basin architecture and sediment routing system in the Moroccan High Atlas
- Regulation of leaf-gas exchange strategies of woody plants under elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Remote sensing of the energetic status of plants and ecosystems: optical and odorous signals
- Spatial and temporal observations of in-canopy and leaf level chlorophyll fluorescence from the boreal forest, Finland
- Strain localization and the ephemeral development of C'-C-S shear structures in shear zones: a numerical modelling approach
- Evaluation of Organic Proxies for Quantifying Past Primary Productivity
- Global resistance and resilience of primary production following extreme drought are predicted by mean annual precipitation
- Seasonality of Branched GDGT in Freshwater Settings: a Challenge to the In Situ Production Paradigm?
- Refining the Resolution of Domestic Combustion Sector Emissions in Barcelona
- The Impact of the Deformation History on the Microstructural Evolution of Polycrystalline Olivine and How It Affects the Interpretation of Mantle Seismic Anisotropy
- Abandoned but not forgotten: uncovering the soil organic carbon dynamics and sequestration potential of abandoned agricultural lands
- Global Assessment of Organic Proxies for Quantifying Past Primary Productivity
- Microbial growth and respiration are differently controlled by P availability in tropical forest soils across the Amazon Basin
- Onset, evolution and main processes shaping sandy coastal barriers within rocky indented coasts
- Terrestrial CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage in plant biomass and soil: a negative relationship
- Dynamic Global Hunter-gatherer Model Reveals Key Role of Seasonality in Population Density via Diet Composition
- Flow Laws for Ice Sheet Modelling: what do Experiments tell us?
- Global patterns of oceanic dust deposition during Pliocene-Pleistocene transitions.
- Slow and unsteady? Soil carbon accumulation rates in Mediterranean and semi-arid post-agricultural landscapes
- Towards the New Normality: A Take-home Message from COVID-19 Mobility Limitations and Teleworking.
- Global Famine After Nuclear War
- Magnetic Anomalies in the Center and E of the Pyrenean-Cantabrian Orogen. Constrains from Measured Physical Properties of Outcropping Rocks
- A data set for understanding the impact of nuclear war on human society
- Modeling of Magnetic Anomalies in the Central and Eastern Pyrenean-Cantabrian Orogen: Role of Magnetic Remanence and Depth Constraints
- Update on Benthic Isotope Stratigraphy for Site U1472, Natal Valley, Southeastern Africa