Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia, Zaragoza
flowchart I[Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia, Zaragoza] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (48)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (11)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Arid and Humid Fluctuations in Mediterranean Iberia Since the Last Glacial Maximum Reconstructed From Lake Records
- A Holocene Record of Hydrological Fluctuations in the Northern Chilean Altiplano (Lago Chungará)
- High Resolution Lacustrine Records of Climate and Environmental Variability in the Northern Iberian Peninsula Since Last Deglaciation
- High-Resolution Speleothem Records of Climate Variability from the Northwestern Iberian Peninsula During the Last 30,000 Years
- Millennial-scale Hydrological Fluctuations in Western Mediterranean During the Last 20 ka: The Sedimentary Record of Lake Estanya (NE Spain)
- The imprint of orbital and millennial-scale sea level oscillations on the Gulf of Lion sedimentary record, Mediterranean Sea, of the last 500 ka
- Anthropogenic activities affecting Arreo Lake (N Spain) during the last 2500 years
- The End of the Last Interglacial in the Iberian Peninsula : The Villarquemado Sequence (Iberian Range, Spain)
- Effects of climate change on the intensity and frequency of hot spells in northeastern Spain during the 21st century
- An east-west climate see-saw in the Mediterranean during the last 2.6 ka: evidence and mechanisms
- Comparing Roughness Metrics with Geometric-based Roughness Lengths for a Snowpack Surface
- Local variability of snow depth at different spatial scales in a Pyrenean basin
- Rock magnetic properties of sediments from Lake Sanabria and its catchment (NW Spain): paleoenvironmental implications
- Timing and Dynamics of Deglaciation and Holocene Climate Change in NW Iberian Peninsula: The Sanabria Lake Record
- A Holocene Lake Record from Laguna Del Maule (LdM) in the Chilean Andes: Climatic and Volcanic Controls on Lake Depositional Dynamics
- Assessing the Impact of Different Measurement Time Intervals on Observed Long-Term Wind Speed Trends
- Differentiated Response of Snowpack to Climate Change at Local Scale
- Downward shortwave radiation trends in Europe since the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century: what we know from direct measurements and sunshine duration records
- Human Impact on Biogeochemical Cycles and Deposition Dynamics in Karstic Lakes: El Tobar Lake Record (Central Iberian Range, Spain)
- Long-Term Declining Trends in Historical Wind Measurements at the Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, 1885-2013
- Decadal changes in all and clear-sky shortwave radiation from high spatial resolution satellite-derived and ground-based observations over Europe
- Different sensitivity of snowpack to climate warming in Mediterranean mountain areas
- Hydrological effects of the increasing vegetation in the headwaters of the Spanish Pyrenees
- Pervasive Drought Legacy Effects in Forest Ecosystems and their Carbon Cycle Implications
- Common Era Hydroclimate and Atmospheric Circulation in the Western Mediterranean Basin
- Global Changes In Relative Humidity: Moisture Recycling, Transport Processes And Implications For Drought Severity
- Size matters a lot: tree height and prior growth predict drought-induced tree death in Italian oak forests
- Triple Oxygen and Deuterium Isotopes in Gypsum Hydration Water for Quantitative Paleo-humidity Reconstructions
- A continuous record of glacial-interglacial cycles spanning more than 500 kyr from Lake Junín, Perú
- Farmer response to climatic and agricultural market drivers: characteristic time scales and sensitivities
- Spatial and temporal differences in the effect of forest canopy on snow distribution: a case study in the Spanish Pyrenees
- Monitoring winter wheat yield threat from drought in China using multiple drought indices
- Species Interactions Slow Warming-induced Upward Shifts of Treelines on the Tibetan Plateau
- Different hydrological response of mountain snowpacks to climate warming
- Extreme flood events variability during the last millennium in Northern Iberia reconstructed from a transect of lake records
- Lithostratigraphy of the ICDP MexiDrill drill cores from Lake Chalco (México Basin) covering at least 360 kyrs
- MexiDrill, the Basin of Mexico Drilling Project: Preliminary Results from Lake Chalco
- P/E Balance and Glaciation in the Tropical Andes during Marine Isotope Stages 13-15
- The 700-kyr Sediment Record of Lake Junín, Peru: Lessons for U-Th Dating Lake Sediments
- The Marboré Symphony: a Science - Art Collaborative Project to increase Global Change Awareness based on a Deglaciation and Holocene Pyrenean high altitude lake sediment sequence
- Evapotranspiration trends in Spain: potential land surface-atmosphere feedbacks
- How changing forest structure and species composition can influence the hydrologic impacts of climate change
- NW Iberia speleothems, a bridge to understand past high latitude to tropical teleconnections
- Chapter 11: Weather and climate extreme events in a changing climate
- Country Specific Food Security With Respect to Globally Co-occurring Drought and the Geospatial Characteristics of Trade Networks
- Flood Variability during the Last Millennium in Northern Iberia: A View from Spanish Lake Records
- Geometric features of mountain glaciers from 3D point clouds to delimit their extent: insight from gradient boosting trees algorithms
- Marginal snowpacks: a necessary research challenge