University of Hamburg, Germany
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- University of Hamburg, Department of Physics
- University of Hamburg, Hamburg Observatory
- University of Hamburg, Institute for Experimental Physics
- University of Hamburg, Institute for Theoretical Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Tropical Mechanism for Northern Hemisphere Deglaciation
- DOBRE-2000: Deep Reflection Seismic, Gravimetric and Surface Structural Controls Across a Devonian Failed Rift in the Southeastern Europe
- On the Generation of Secondary Microseism observed in North and Central Europe
- The Stacked Channel-Levee Systems at the Middle Bengal Fan Imaged by High Resolution Seismic Data
- The new Hamburg Broadband Oceanbottom Seismometer: experiences from a longterm-deployment in the Tyrrhenian Sea
- Are Asymmetric Flow Fields Around Kilometer-Scale Topographic Seafloor Elevations Reflected in the Sediment?
- BSR Distribution in the Yaquina Basin off Peru
- Bottom Water Hydrography of the Kara Sea (Siberia) Revealed From Stable Isotopes of Water Samples and Bivalve Shells
- CO2 supply from the North Sea and the Baltic Sea to the North Atlantic Ocean: evidence for the continental shelf pump
- CRS Stacking for Improved Imaging of Inversion Structures in the Donbas Foldbelt
- Crustal Structures of the Nazca Plate Investigated with Geophysical Data
- Dissolved Humic Matter in Arctic Estuaries
- Dynamism or Disorder at High Pressures?
- Gravity and Magnetic Investigations at the Fossil Spreading Axis of the Galapagos Rise; SE Pacifi
- High Resolution Seismic Imaging of the Campi Flegrei Caldera, Southern Italy
- High-Resolution Velocity-Depth Functions From a BSR Field at the Yaquina Basin off Peru
- Multidecadal Variability Simulated With an Atmospheric General Circulation Model Forced With Observed Sea Surface Temperature
- New Data From the Southern Levantine Continental Margin and outer Nile Cone - the GEMME Project
- The Consequences of Microbial Processes for the Methane Emission From Siberian Permafrost Environments
- The Northern Gulf of Aqaba (Elat); Transition from a Pull-Apart Basin to a Normal Strike-Slip Fault
- Earthquake Waveforms Recorded By Ocean-bottom Seismometers In The South Tyrrhenian Sea
- Emission and Chemical Transformation of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds(ECHO)- Investigation in and above a Mixed Forest Stand: An Overview
- Footprint Experiments in a Model of a Complex Forest Stand (ECHO Site)
- Continental or Oceanic Crust? A new Study on the Crustal Structure of the Levantine Basin
- Meltwater Outflow and Laminated Plume Deposition in the Southern Norwegian Sea Preceding Heinrich Event 1.
- Numerical Modelling of Formation of Sheeted-Dyke Complex at Different Types of Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Strongly localized near-coastal generation areas for ∼4 s microseismic noise in the North-East Atlantic
- Tectonic Details of the Tjornes Fracture Zone, an Onshore-Offshore Ridge-Transform in N-Iceland.
- The Late Miocene Carbon Isotope Shift and Marine Biological Productivity.
- The Post-Permian evolution of the Northern Part of the North German Basin
- 400°C hot Boiling Fluids From a Hydrothermal Field at 5°S on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Results of Meteor Cruise M64/1
- An Oceanic General Circulation and Tide Model in Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates
- Cooling Induced Variations in Crystallization of a Basaltic Pumice From Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska
- Evidence for Little Shallow Entrainment in Starting Mantle Plumes
- First evidence for an earthquake-induced tsunami and tsunamites in the western Mediterranean: the 1522 Almera earthquake
- Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Fluids and Fe-Mn Crusts From the Logatchev Hydrothermal Field, 15°N at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Time Series Study in an Ultramafic System
- Hydrogen may be an energy source for endosymbiotic bacteria of the vent mussel Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis
- Implications of a plume-fed asthenosphere layer for mantle flow and mid-ocean ridge melting processes
- Internal waves shape the upper Israeli continental slope
- Online Classification of Dome Processes at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia, Using Doppler Radar Monitoring
- Paleomagnetism of Permian sediments and volcanic rocks from Sardinia
- Real-time joint plot of deformation and cumulative seismicity as a tool for the monitoring of dike stability
- Repeating Earthquakes in the Outer Rise Offshore Southern Chile
- Segmentation of the Northern Red Sea: Evidence From Ocean Deeps
- The Mesozoic and cenozoivc evolution of the Bays of Kiel and Mecklenburg - A part of the NeoBaltic project
- The Messinian Evaporites in the Levantine Basin
- The TIPTEQ seismological network in Southern Chile - Studying the Seismogenic Coupling Zone
- Ambient Vibration Array Measurements Using a Wireless Array Analysis System
- Analysis of convective clouds during summer monsoon using 20 years of satellite data over Indian subcontinent
- Comparison of Five Hydrothermal Vent Fields at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Which Parameters Control the Differences in Fluid Geochemistry?
- Comparison of Sea Ice Characteristics in the MPI-M Coupled Model with Observations from the Northern Hemisphere
- Eddy Covariance and Closed Chamber Measurements of Methane Flux From wet Polygonal Tundra at the Lena River Delta, Siberia
- Estimated Drag Coefficients and Wind Structure of Hurricane Frances
- Interannual Variability in North Pacific Heat and Freshwater Transport
- Modeling of the source mechanism of the April 5, 2003 paroxysmal eruption at Stromboli volcano (Italy) by the inversion of broadband seismic data
- Paleoproductivity During the Mid Miocene Climate Transition
- Reprocessing of seismic reflection data using a macro velocity model independent imaging method - New insight into the crustal structure of northern Germany from Common Reflection Surface stack (CRS) sections.
- Seismicity and Geometry of the Southern Chilean Subduction Zone Between 41.5°S and 43.5°S (Project TIPTEQ)
- Seismicity and velocity structure of the Southern Chilean subduction zone (between 37° and 39°S) revealed by the TIPTEQ local seismic network
- Variability of the Meridional Overturning in the North Atlantic from the 50 years GECCO State Estimation
- A new Remesh-Lagrange technique for advecting temperature that minimizes numerical diffusion
- Analysis of High-Resolution OBS/H and MCS Data Across the Termination of a BSR in Lima Basin, Peru Margin - Velocity Structure and Paleo-BSRs
- Circulation in the Southwest tropical Pacific for the year 2000 from an assimilated model
- Current Measurements in Rivers by Spaceborne Along-Track Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Decadal Changes in the 50-Year GECCO Ocean Synthesis
- Effect of ancillary data on Radiation Budget at TOA and surface in ISCCP data sets
- Evaluation of Diurnal Cycle of Convection in a GCM with Satellite Data
- Exploring possibility of using the brightness temperature difference between water vapor and thermal channels to estimate monsoon precipitation
- Frozen Quaternary Deposits of the Laptev Sea Region as a Reservoir of Organic Carbon: Total Content and Composition.
- HOBIT-The new Hamburg Ocean Bottom Tiltmeter: A First Deployment at Columbo Seamount, Aegean Sea
- Organic Geochemical Evidence of Late Glacial-Holocene Climate Instability in the Aegean Sea: Teleconnections With North Atlantic Paleoclimate Variability
- Response of Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-a Concentration to Sahara dust storms over the eastern subtropical Atlantic
- Rift tectonics in the Amundsen Sea Embayment: Stepwise break-up of New Zealand from West Antarctica
- River Runoff Estimates on the Basis of Satellite-Derived Surface Currents and Water Levels
- Tank Experiments on the Influence of Rain on Air-Sea CO2-Exchange
- The Dynamics of Explosions at Santiagutio Volcano, Guatemala
- The Dynamics of a Strombolian Bubble Burst Derived From Doppler Radar.
- The North Polar Ice Cap of Mars at Varying Obliquities, Simulated With a Coupled Atmosphere/Ice-Sheet Model
- The Southern Chilean Subduction Zone: Local Earthquake Tomography and State of Stress
- Unexpected Microbial Diversity in Anaerobically Methane-oxidizing Mats of the Black Sea
- 2D and 3D Numerical Experiments Assessing the Necessary Conditions for a Plume-fed Asthenosphere
- A Technique to Measure Energy Partitioning and Absolute Gas Pressures of Strombolian Explosions Using Doppler Radar at Erebus Volcano
- Assessing the performance of a parallel MATLAB-based 3D convection code
- East African climate fluctuations over the last 1400 years recorded in southeastern Mediterranean sediments
- Eruption Products and Collection Methods for the 2008 Summit Eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- Eruptions of Mount Erebus Volcano Constrained with Infrasound, Video, and Doppler Radar
- Geochemistry of Barium in Sediments of the Western Black Sea
- HFSE Processing During Subduction and the Consequences for Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf Ratios in the Mantle
- Hindcast simulation with a hydrodynamic sea shelf model from 1948 till 2007 -- a model study.
- Human Footprints in Relation to the 1790 Eruption of Kilauea
- Mantle Upwelling and Melting Beneath Oblique and Segmented Ridge Axes
- Mid-Miocene Carbon Isotope Maximum: Marine Versus Terrestrial Carbon Burial
- Ocean Surface Observations of Submesoscale Frontogenesis
- On the interrelation of fluid-induced seismicity and crustal deformation at Columbo Submarine Volcano (Hellenic Arc, Greece)
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Fram Strait Sea Ice Volume Flux for Years 2003 to 2008
- Sea ice thickness retrieval from L-band radiometry
- The Shallow Tropical Cells as simulated by the GECCO Ocean Synthesis
- The new Hamburg Ocean-Bottom-Tiltmeter (OBT): A first deployment at Columbo Seamount (Aegean Sea, Greece)
- Exupéry - a mobile fast response system for managing a volcanic crisis
- HF RADAR observations of coastal currents induced by the 29-30 September 2009 tsunami South of O’ahu
- Marine biological productivity and carbon cycling during the Oligocene to Miocene climate transition
- Monitoring and Assessment Science to Support Decision-Making by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
- Rapid Climatic Variability in the Western Mediterranean during the Last 25,000 Years from the High Resolution Pollen Record ODP Site 976
- Reconstruction of the nitrogen cycle in the German Bight/SE North Sea by means of a model-data study of nitrogen isotope composition in sediments
- Simulation of the minor tsunami generated by the September 30 2009 earthquake near Padang, Sumatra
- The Sensitivity of Pore Density in Tests of Bolivina spissa to ambient Oxygen and/or Nitrate concentration in Sediment Bottom Water
- Energy and Carbon Flow: Comparing ultramafic- and basalt-hosted vents
- Glaciological investigations on Fimbulisen, East Antarctica - first results from the 2009/10 field season
- How do volcanoes deform immediately prior to an eruption: Observations of deformation inside a vent and on an active dome
- Interpretation of palaeomonsoon dynamics on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau from a 10kyr peat record of dust deposition and regional atmospheric model simulations
- Multi-Sensor Analysis of Cloud-Top Height in Sc - Cu Transition Regions
- Origin and correction of errors in the XBT data and their effect on global heat content calculations. (Invited)
- Plume-asthenosphere-lithosphere Interactions Within a Plume-fed Asthenosphere: Implications for Hawaii- and Iceland-type Plume-linked Topography, Melting and Geoid Anomalies
- Reconstructing socially relevant Holocene climate using proxy records and a climate model
- Reconstructions of Lower To Middle Miocene Sea Level on the New Jersey Margin Based on Independent Palynological and Benthic Foraminiferal Data from IODP EXP 313
- Regional model studies of the atmospheric dispersion of fine volcanic ash after the eruption of Eyjafjallajoekull
- Rejuvenation of Arctic Sea Ice and Tropospheric Chemical Change
- Seafloor morphology south of Cyprus: Bathymetry and sediment echosounder profiles
- Seasonal Overturning Circulation in the Red Sea
- Solar Forcing of climate fluctuations in East Africa recorded in southeastern Mediterranean sediments
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Temperature and Salinity in the Deep and Abyssal Layers of the Subpolar North Atlantic
- Statistical downscaling of the urban heat island of Hamburg using a statistical model and regional climate model results
- The Influence of the Antarctic Ice Sheet on the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds and Ocean Circulation
- Title: Energetics of PCMDI/CMIP3 Climate Models: Net Energy Balance and Meridional Enthalpy Transport
- A Web-Based Validation Tool for GEWEX
- Climate variability of coupled atmosphere-ocean aquaplanet simulations
- Discrimination between induced, triggered and natural earthquakes close to hydrocarbon reservoirs: A probabilistic approach based on the modeling of depletion-induced stress changes and seismological source parameters
- Dissolved organic carbon dynamics in a near-pristine boreal mire-forest-river landscape during spring snowmelt, Komi Republic, Russia
- Extremes in Dynamical Systems
- Geodetic determination of plate velocity vector in the Ethiopia Rift
- Glacier surface velocity fields in South Shetland Islands
- Hamburg 2K: Climate modeling and downscaling for Hamburg, Germany under a 2 K global warming scenario
- Ice Thickness Estimation of Thin Sea Ice Using Active Microwave Sensor Data Obtained at Different Frequencies
- Impacts of regional mixing on circulations in the equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Installation of a Permanent Doppler Radar Monitoring System at Colima Volcano, Mexico, and its use for Eruption Cloud Modelling
- Little change in the fir tree-line position on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau after 200 years of warming
- Loop Current variability due to wind stress and reduced sea level during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Occurrence of chloromethane in tropical terrestrial and marine areas
- Parametric theory of Climate Change
- Statistical-dynamical downscaling for the future urban climate of Hamburg, Germany
- Stochastic parameterisations and memory effects in Multilevel Systems
- The BRomine, Ozone, and Mercury EXperiment (BROMEX)
- The Propagation Path of Dikes Under the Effect of a Topographic Load: a Boundary Element Approach
- Urban shear-wave reflection seismics enables high-resolution imaging of fault structures in the city of Hamburg
- A Lithology Based Map Unit Schema For Onegeology Regional Geologic Map Integration
- A Spatial-Dynamic Agent-based Model of Energy Crop Introduction in Jiangsu province, China
- A closure for submesoscale processes
- A stochastic model for the polygonal tundra based on Poisson-Voronoi Diagrams
- Ageostrophic linear stability analysis of the Labrador Current
- An analysis of the Lagrangian diffusion tensor and its relation to Eulerian quantities in an idealized zonal channel and a realistic high resolution ocean model
- Bistability of the climate around the habitable zone: a thermodynamic investigation
- Carbon Stocks in Permafrost-Affected Soils of the Lena River Delta
- Climate Controlled Sedimentation in Maxwell Bay, King George Island, Antarctica
- Estimates of ocean transports and air-sea freshwater fluxes obtained by combining ARGO and SMOS satellite based salinity observations with the ECCO adjoint model
- Exploring Changes in Nitrogen and Phosphorus Retention in Global Rivers in the Twentieth Century
- Extremes Value Theory for Dynamical System
- Global CO2 emissions from inland waters
- Impact of glacial/interglacial changes in water column geochemistry on the diagenetic cycling of barium in Black Sea sediments
- Impacts of regional mixing on circulations in the subtropical and tropical Pacific Ocean
- Measuring Atmospheric Emissions of CH<SUB>4</SUB> from Permafrost with Remote Low-Power Automated Stations
- On the Effect of Offshore Wind Parks on Ocean Dynamics
- Pan-arctic permafrost C quality and vulnerability over time: A synthesis of long-term incubation studies
- Performance of the reduced space 4Dvar technique with community models
- Polar motion as boundary condition in an adaptive Kalman filter approach for the determination of period and damping of the Chandler oscillation
- Response of a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model to Greenland Ice Melting
- Strategies for comparing LES and experimental data of urban turbulence
- The Influence of Serpentinization on Microbial Metabolisms from Hydrothermal Vents
- The influence of spatially and temporally high-resolution wind forcing on the power input to near-inertial waves in the ocean
- Thermodynamics of a dry atmosphere at different surface exchange rates and rotation speeds
- Vertical Eddy Diffusivity as a Control Parameter in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- A Dynamical Systems Explanation of the Hurst Phenomenom and Long-Term Climate Variability (Invited)
- A possible link between North Atlantic cooling and dry events in the core SW monsoon region identified from Lonar Lake in central India: Indication of a connection between solar output and monsoon variability
- An Overview of SASSCAL Activities Supporting Interdisciplinary Water Research in Southern Africa
- Analysis of precipitation seasonality in two gridded datasets and comparison with coupled climate model simulations
- Analyzing dynamics of snow distribution and melt runoff in a meso-scaled watershed using the AgroEcoSystem-Watershed (AgES-W) model
- Clay mineral assemblages and sedimentary environment evolution over the past 13 kyr in the Gulf of Tonkin, northwestern South China Sea
- Comparing different snow products to assess spatio-temporal snow cover patterns in the Central Taurus Mountains, Turkey
- Crustal structure of the Eratosthenes Seamount, Cyprus and S. Turkey from an amphibian wide-angle seismic profile
- Deep Meridional Overturning Circulation in the Indian Ocean and Its Relation to Indian Ocean Dipole
- Downscaling of land surface temperatures from SEVIRI
- Effects of Human Alterations on Global River Basins and their Associated Coastal Zones: focus on River-dominated Ocean Margins (RiOMars)
- High resolution deformation measurements at active volcanoes: a new remote sensing technology
- High-resolution, Global Hydrogeology Maps (GHyM) of near-surface permeability, porosity and water table type
- ICYESS 2013: Understanding and Interpreting Uncertainty
- Ice Shelf-Ocean Interactions Near Ice Rises and Ice Rumples
- Interdecadal and Interannual Variability of Winter Precipitation in Southeast China
- Intertidal land-level changes during the most recent megathrust earthquake at the Cascadia subduction zone
- It's all about water: from small scale hydrologic processes in ice wedge polygonal tundra and thermokarst lakes to larger scale river runoff (Lena River Delta, Siberia) (Invited)
- Multiproxy Investigations on Tso Moriri Lake, Indian Himalayas provide clues to climate controlled lake level changes
- New gravity and magnetics map of eastern part of Azores
- Os isotopes in hornblende-bearing intra-plate alkaline lavas (Central European Volcanic Province; CEVP)
- Parameter Optimization in an Atmospheric GCM using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA)
- Particle Flux in the South China Sea during El Niño and non-ENSO Periods
- Photogrammetric Retrieval of Etna's Plume Height from SEVIRI and MODIS
- Planetary Observations in the Soft X-ray band; Present status and Future CMOS based technology
- Projections of Twenty-first Century Regional and Coastal Sea-level Changes (Invited)
- Realizing life-scalable experimental pyroclastic density currents
- Regional Multi-decadal and Century-scale Internal SSH Variability in CMIP5 Models
- Shelf Clinoforms and Suspended Sediments at the Northern and Western Margin of the South China Sea
- Soil nitrous acid emissions as a major source of atmospheric reactive nitrogen
- The ESA Climate Change Initiative Sea Level project: validation phase
- The Influence of a Fluctuating Mass Flux on the Development and Rise of Volcanic Eruption Clouds
- The contribution of changes in P release and CO2 consumption by chemical weathering to the historical trend in land carbon uptake
- The impact of basin heterogeneity on modeling results of two tributaries of the Okavango River
- The perfect ash-storm: large-scale Pyroclastic Density Current experiments reveal highly mobile, self-fluidising and air-cushioned flow transport regime
- Understanding and projecting sea level change: improvements and uncertainties (Invited)
- Upscaling microtopography in high-latitude peatlands
- Anthropogenic impacts on continental margins: New frontiers and engagement arena for global sustainability research and action
- DigitalCrust - a 4D Framework to Organize Our Knowledge of Crustal Properties
- Environmental Evolution of a Small Antarctic Fjord Through the Recent Past
- Future Climate in the Tibetan Plateau: from a bias-bootstrapped weather generator
- Glacial bottom water oxygen concentrations inferred from benthic foraminiferal interspecies carbon isotope gradients
- Hydrogeology in The Semi-Arid South-West of Madagascar - a Multi-Scale Approach
- Improved Estimates Show Large Circumpolar Stocks of Permafrost Carbon While Quantifying Substantial Uncertainty Ranges and Identifying Remaining Data Gaps
- Is the Growth of Birch at the UPPER Timberline in the Himalayas Limited By Moisture or By Temperature?
- Land cover change assessment using object-oriented classification based on image segmentation in the Binah river watershed (Togo and Benin)
- Linking the SASSCAL WeatherNet and data management/rescue activities to provide consistent information for climate change assessments in Southern Africa
- PC/CIC: A Tandem 3U CubeSat Mission for Global Cloud Ice Mass Measurement
- Plants Regulate Soil Organic Matter Decomposition in Response to Sea Level Rise
- Preliminary Results from a Coordinated Hisaki/Chandra/XMM-Newton Study of the Jovian Aurora and Io Plasma Torus
- Quantifying the Effects of Upstream Farm Dams on inflows into the Gaborone Dam in Botswana: An integrated approach
- Quantifying the effect size of changing environmental controls on carbon release from permafrost-affected soils
- Surprisingly low near-inertial energy flux leaving the ocean's mixed layer
- The assessment of contributions of SST anomalies to the interannual variability of winter extreme precipitation in Southeast China
- Two Decades of Global and Regional Sea Level Observations from the ESA Climate Change Initiative Sea Level Project
- Advances in Volcanic Ash Cloud Photogrammetry from Space
- Analysis of Wave Fields induced by Offshore Pile Driving
- Assessing Land Management Changes and Population Dynamics in Central Burkina Faso in Response to Climate Change.
- Assessing ecosystem response to multiple disturbances and climate change in South Africa using ground- and satellite-based measurements and model
- Attribution of the Recent Winter Arctic warming and Sea-Ice Decline with Observation-based Data and Coupled Climate Model Simulations
- Chaotic Attractor Crisis and Climate Sensitivity: a Transfer Operator Approach
- Drivers of Snowfall: A Global to Regional Perspective
- Hillslope-scale variability in seasonal frost depth and soil water content investigated by GPR on the southern margin of the sporadic permafrost zone on the Tibetan Plateau
- Holocene evolution of the River Nile drainage system as revealed from the Lake Dendi sediment record, central Ethiopian highlands
- Impact of surface roughness on L-band emissivity of the sea ice
- Mobilization of stable organic carbon in thawing permafrost by fresh organic matter from recent vegetation
- Modelling methane fluxes from managed and restored peatlands
- Multi-annual Turbulent Energy Fluxes in the Lena River Delta: Eddy Covariance and Remote Sensing in Siberian Arctic Tundra
- Near-shore submarine permafrost of the central Laptev Sea, East Siberia
- Observing Volcanic Thermal Anomalies from Space: How Accurate is the Estimation of the Hotspot's Size and Temperature?
- On nutrients and trace metals: Effects from Enhanced Weathering
- Sea ice cover variability and river run-off in the western Laptev Sea (Arctic Ocean) since the last 18 ka
- Similarity and Cluster Analysis of Intermediate Deep Events in the Southeastern Aegean
- Snow thickness retrieval using SMOS satellite data: Comparison with airborne IceBridge and buoy measurements
- Statistical Analysis of the Recent Unrest at Volcán de Colima, Mexico, Monitored With a Doppler Radar
- Synergy of radar altimetry and L-Band passive microwave data to improve Arctic sea ice thickness information
- Three-Dimensional Gravity and Magnetic Modelling Along the Peruvian Margin
- A High-Resolution Record of Warm Water Inflow and Iceberg Calving in Upernavik Isfjord During the Past 150 Years.
- A Tropical Pleistocene Record of Changes in Bottom Water Conditions from The Maldives Inner Sea (IODP Site U1467), Indian Ocean, Based on Benthic Calcareous Microfossils
- Arctic Sea-Ice becomes more vulnerable: Thinning associated with 2016 lowest recorded winter ice extent
- Automated imaging and inversion of single-channel seismic data using diffractions
- Benchmark calculations of present-day instantaneous radiative forcing in clear, aerosol-free skies
- Carbon and nitrogen mobilization along thermokarst-affected permafrost coasts and its degradation mechanisms before entering the near shore zone
- Cost-Risk Trade-off of Solar Radiation Management and Mitigation under Long-Tailed Climate Sensitivity Probability Density Distributions
- Determining Methane Budgets with Eddy Covariance Data ascertained in a heterogeneous Footprint
- Dispersive Tsunami Modeling - Non-Hydrostatic or Boussinesq?
- Dynamics of Small-Scale Perched Aquifers in the Semi-Arid South-Western Region of Madagascar and Implications for the Sustainable Groundwater Exploitation
- Factors influencing inter-annual variability of growing season optimum gross primary production and ecosystem respiration in a semi-arid savanna ecosystem: A case study of Skukuza, South Africa
- Forward Modelling and 3-D Kinematic Restoration of Deformed Igneous Upper-Crustal Rocks: Example from the East Range of the Sudbury Fold Basin, Canada
- Internal climate variability in a state space of statistical moments: ENSO and its asymmetry
- Mapping the Active Vents of Stromboli Volcano with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Mechanisms for Seasonal and Interannual Sea Surface Salinity Variability in the Indian Ocean
- Modes and Downscaling: the Two-Step Philosophy of Forecasting
- Multi-decadal trend and space-time variability of sea level over the Indian Ocean since the 1950s: impact of decadal climate modes
- Observations of snow cover processes on Antarctic sea ice from in-situ and model studies.
- Pacific Ocean Surface Freshwater Variability Underneath the Double ITCZ as seen by Satellite Sea Surface Salinity Retrievals
- Similarity and Cluster Analysis of Intermediate Deep Events in the Southeastern Aegean
- Slab Segmentation in the South-Eastern Aegean: Evidence from Seismicity.
- Sources of particulate organic matter discharged by the Lena River using lignin phenols
- The Abrupt Onset of the Modern South Asian Monsoon Winds (iodp Exp. 359)
- The Global Tsunami Model (GTM)
- The Nitrogen Inventory of the Yedoma Permafrost Domain
- The Wudapt Project: Engaging a Global Community to Map and Characterize Cities Worldwide
- The climate-archive dune: Sedimentary record of annual wind intensity (southern North Sea)
- Towards decadal time series of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice thickness from radar altimetry
- Trade-offs of Solar Geoengineering and Mitigation under Climate Targets
- A Carbonate Platform Record of Neogene Paleoenvironmental Changes in the Indian Ocean (Maldives)
- Aeolian Dunes: New High-Resolution Archives of Past Wind-Intensity and -Direction
- Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice thickness from CryoSat and Envisat radar altimetry
- Basal melt rates of Filchner Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Benefits of rotational ground motions for planetary seismology
- Biodiversity Hotspots, Climate Change, and Agricultural Development: Global Limits of Adaptation
- Cement Distribution and Diagenetic Pathway of the Miocene Sediments on Kardiva Platform, Maldives.
- Constraining Silicate Weathering Processes in an Active Volcanic Complex: Implications for the Long-term Carbon Cycle
- Contribution of deep sourced carbon from hydrocarbon seeps to sedimentary organic carbon: Evidence from Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C isotopes
- Effects of Regional Climate Change on the Wave Conditions in the Western Baltic Sea
- Evaluating short-term hydro-meteorological fluxes using GRACE-derived water storage changes
- Evaluation of High Resolution IMERG Satellite Precipitation over the Global Oceans using OceanRAIN
- Frozen-Ground Cartoons: An international collaboration between artists and permafrost scientists
- Glacier mass variations from recent ITSG-Grace solutions: Experiences with the point-mass modeling technique in the framework of project SPICE.
- High-O<SUB>2</SUB>, low-CO<SUB>2</SUB> atmosphere on early Mars inferred from manganese oxide deposits
- How will we ensure the long-term sea ice data record continues?
- Improved source inversion from joint measurements of translational and rotational ground motions
- Integrated PSV, <SUP>14</SUP>C, Pollen Study of the IODP Expedition 347, site M0059 at Little Belt, Baltic Sea, for the last 9000 years.
- Isotopic Evidence for Platform Exposure and Diagenesis in the Miocene: Implications for South-East Asian Platform Evolution.
- Methane production as key to the greenhouse gas budget of thawing permafrost on climate relevant time scales
- Monitoring the englacial fracture state using virtual-reflector seismology
- On the Magnitude and Orientation of Stress during Shock Metamorphism: Understanding Peak Ring Formation by Combining Observations and Models.
- Sea ice thickness derived from radar altimetry: achievements and future plans
- Single-station 6C beamforming
- Snow depth retrieval from L-band satellite measurements on Arctic and Antarctic sea ice
- Spatial patterns and temporal dynamics of global scale climate-groundwater interactions
- The Investigation of a Sinkhole Area in Germany by Near-Surface Active Seismic Tomography
- The impact of convection on upper level cloudiness - transpose AMIP simulations using a hierarchy of models
- 200 years of northern Svalbard sea ice history recorded in encrusting coralline algae
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- A unified approach to quantify uncertainties in sea level projections
- Arctic Sea Observing Requirements Derived from Simulated Variability Pattern of Surface Height, Bottom Pressure and Hydrography
- Centennial-scale Sea Level Variability in Past-1000-Year Model Runs
- Coupled Seismic Cycle - Earthquake Dynamic Rupture - Tsunami Models
- DFG Special Priority Program (SPP-1889) Regional Sea Level Change and Society ('SeaLevel')
- Downscaling Regional Sea Level Change Projections in the North Atlantic
- Effect of the 8.2 ka event on the circulation, oxygen content and P cycling of Sapropel Intermediate Water (500-1800m) in Eastern Mediterranean
- Enhanced weathering for carbon dioxide removal in phosphorus poor systems
- From how far away can we hear waves on Titan? - Maria microseismicity on Titan
- How Predictable Are the Arctic and North Atlantic Oscillations? Exploring the Variability and Predictability of the Northern Hemisphere
- Impacts of Permafrost Disturbance on DOC, Total Dissolved Solids and Suspended Sediment in Low Arctic Coastal Catchments
- Including microbial dynamics is essential for modelling Arctic methane emissions
- Local Climate Zones and their Potential as a Heat Assessment Tool
- Localized Non-Hydrostatic Wave Modeling
- Microbial native sulfur formation in the subsurface without oxygen
- Multi-Phase Cloud Water Path Assimilation Using WRF-DART for Short-Term Solar Irradiance Forecasting in the South-West Indian Ocean
- Ostracod Response to Late Pleistocene Oceanographic Changes in the Tropical Indian Ocean
- Physics-based Coupled Models of the 2018 Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami
- Pliocene and Pleistocene wind variability over the Indian Ocean (IODP Exp. 359, site U1467, Maldives)
- Retrieving early indicators of high impact of an invasive ecosystem engineer from remote sensing data
- Sea surface temperature and productivity in the Northern Indian Ocean (Maldives Sea) during the last 550 ka (MIS 13 to present)
- Sensitivity Of Sea Level Response In FAFMIP Experiments To Model Resolution
- Slope instability and glacial overprint at the northern Svalbard margin
- Spatio-Temporal Variability of Antarctic Sea-Ice Thickness and Volume Obtained from ICESat Data Using an Innovative Algorithm
- Thermodynamically consistent fluid dynamics of a strombolian volcanic conduit
- Using GRACE and Climate Models to Identify Regions with Long-term Wetting or Drying Trends
- Using coupled models of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and Indian Ocean tsunami to examine the impact of fluid pressure and megathrust geometry
- A Matlab implementation of the Driesner and Heinrich (2007) H<SUB>2</SUB>O-NaCl EOS for hydrothermal flow modeling in the systems PTX and PHX
- A large deviation theory-based analysis of heat waves and cold spells in a simplified model of the general circulation of the atmosphere
- An Analytical Study on Internal Solitary Waves Interacting with a Sloping Bathymetry: Propagation, Breaking Location and Mixing.
- Applications of 6DoF sensors in seismology - from building monitoring to dynamic tilt correction
- Arctic Deltas: Carbon and nitrogen rich deposits in a dynamic permafrost landscape
- AtMoDat: Improving reusability of atmospheric model data by adapting metadata standards and by providing specific data quality information
- Can we manage the unexpected? Constructing plausible storm tides with high impact potential and consequences for coastal protection and disaster risk management.
- Carbon degradation and CO<SUB>2</SUB> production within onshore and nearshore zones of eroding permafrost coasts
- Climate Sensitivity, Feedbacks, and Forcing: 4x/2 = 2x?
- Cobalamin-dependent biosynthesis of 2-methylhopanoids in nitrite-oxidizing bacteria: Implications for the geologic record of hopanoids
- Coupled, physics-based modeling reveals earthquake displacements are critical in generating the 2018 Palu, Sulawesi tsunami
- Deep-Sea Oil Spills - Investigating Droplet Size Distributions and Oil Fate in Experiments and Modeling
- Deposition Temperature of the July 2015 Pyroclastic Density Currents at Volcán de Colima (Mexico)
- Do Open-path Eddy Covariance CO<SUB>2</SUB> Analyzers Need a Spectroscopic Correction for Fast Temperature Fluctuations in the Optical Path?
- Estimation of soil states and parameters of integrated subsurface-land surface models by data assimilation
- Evaluating short-term hydro-meteorological fluxes using daily GRACE data
- Framework for high-end estimates of sea-level rise for stakeholder applications
- How can GRACE water storage changes be used to evaluate atmospheric reanalyses?
- Identification of Regions with Long-term Wetting or Drying Trends Using GRACE and Climate Models
- Integration of bioenergy to bioeconomy future of Nigeria; Perspectives and Insights
- Inter-annual Variability of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Fluxes of a Polygonal Tundra Landscape in the Siberian Arctic
- Kinedyn: Thermo-Mechanical Method for Validation of Seismic Interpretations with Forward Models
- Life of Brine - Numerical Modeling of Multi-Phase Fluid Dynamics in Submarine Hydrothermal Systems
- Limiting global sea-level rise as a lower cost Climate target
- Long-term isostatic crustal relaxation of large terrestrial meteorite impact structures: insight from scaled analogue experiments
- Microbial Carbon Degradation Processes in Thermokarst Lake Sediments from Bykovsky Peninsula, Northern Siberia
- Microbiome Re-assembly After Permafrost Thaw: How Time, Space, History and Disturbance Fundamentally Differentiate Permafrost Microbial Communities
- New Visions for Oil Spill Preparedness from the Perspective of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout, the Sediment Slumping at Taylor Energy, and Continued Ultra-Deep Oil Exploration and Production in Frontier Region
- Peatland-dominated boreal ecoregions at risk of drying in a warmer climate
- Revised stratigraphy of Pleistocene lavas of Copahue Volcano, Argentina (38°S)
- Risks of Precipitation Extremes over Southeast Asia: Does 1.5 °C or 2 °C Global Warming Make a Difference?
- The Miocene start of modern carbonate platforms
- The Scientific Impact of Large Geochemical Data Sets
- The effect of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on weathering rates in column experiments with milled rocks, laterite and loess
- Thermochemical or microbial sulfate reduction: determining the driver of native sulfur formation in the subsurface
- Undecomposed Organic Particles Dominate the Carbon Storage in Permafrost Soils of the Lena River Delta, Arctic Russia
- Universality and Persistence of Extreme Events in Chaotic Atmospheric Systems
- A Conceptual Model for a Generalized Canopy Parameterization for Mesoscale Models
- Altered Ice Algal Phenology In A Changing Cryosphere
- Ambient seismic noise interferometry using rotational ground motion
- An Optimized Workflow for Source Localization and Joint Velocity Inversion using Wavefront Attributes
- Beyond Forcing Scenarios: Predicting Climate Change through Response Operators in a Coupled General Circulation Model
- Climate as a Risk Factor for Armed Conflict: State of Knowledge and Directions for Research
- Contribution of different ice formation processes to the precipitation budget over ocean measured from ground and space
- ENSO Variability and Predictability in a Warm Climate
- Emergent constraints on global carbon-climate feedbacks from regional atmospheric aridity
- Enabling and Integrating Flood Risk Reduction in Coastal Community Work
- Extremely Low Frequency Electrical Monitoring of Persistent Explosive Activity of Minamidake Crater (Sakurajima Volcano, Japan)
- First results of a model user survey on a micro-scale model data standard
- Five years of observations from the International Airborne Sub-millimetre Radiometer
- Large deviations of temperature over Northern Hemisphere regions
- Modeling Methane Emissions in Anaerobic Microsites Along a Catena in Puerto Rico
- Projections of Arctic Coastal Erosion Rates in CMIP6 Climate Scenarios
- Sea level Changes Mechanisms in the MPI-ESM under FAFMIP forcing conditions
- Simulation of Raikoke Eruption 2019: Aerosol dynamic processes and aerosol-radiation interaction improve volcanic plume dispersion
- The ATMODAT Standard enhances FAIRness of Atmospheric Model data
- Using GRACE-based Land Water Storage Data to Assess the Skill of Decadal Climate Predictions from CMIP5 Models
- What Drives Variability in Methane Concentrations of Arctic Ponds?
- Arctic Rain on Snow Events: Bridging Observations to Understand Environmental and Livelihood Impacts
- Ash fall streaks and plume development following the 2021 La Soufriere eruption: insights from modeling and observations
- Climate Change Implications on Future Dynamics of Coastal Wetlands
- Comparing National Greenhouse Gas Budgets Reported in UNFCCC Inventories against Atmospheric Inversions
- Determination and Quantification of Salt-Marsh Sedimentation by End-Member Modelling of Grain-Size Data
- Diagnosis of balanced state in models of geophysical flows
- Direct and Indirect Pathways of Convected Water Masses and Their impacts on the Overturning Dynamics of the Labrador Sea
- Drying reduces carbon sink strength and carbon stock in northern circumarctic peatlands
- Dynamics of Euler characteristic in Drying Porous Media
- Eruption dynamics of Anak Krakatau volcano (Indonesia) estimated using photogrammetric methods
- Future Projections of Heat Mortality Risk for Major European Cities
- Hierarchical emergent constraints on regional drivers of global carbon-climate feedbacks
- How Accurately Can Warm Rain Realistically Be Retrieved with Satellite Sensors?
- How Hydrothermal Cooling and Magmatic Sill Intrusions Control Flip-Flop Faulting at Ultraslow-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Long-Term Trends of North Atlantic and North Pacific Cyclones in the Extended ERA5 Reanalysis
- New process-based model for Methane Emissions from Ponds (MeEP) reveals length of ice-free season has strong impact on increased emissions under warming
- Ostracod response to Pleistocene monsoon intensification and oxygen minimum zone expansion in the equatorial Indian Ocean, IODP Site U1467
- Plant Trait Regulation of Methane Emissions from Coastal Wetlands
- Plant-Microbe-Climate Interactions Drive Coastal Wetland Methane Emissions
- Reconstruction of anthropogenic environmental changes in the eastern Gulf of Mexico since 1845 recorded by a Siderastrea siderea coral from Cuba
- Residual Dune Ridges: Architecture, Genesis, and Use as Climate Archive
- Small waterbodies reduce the carbon sink strength of a polygonal tundra landscape in Eastern Siberia
- The impact of projected changes in climate variability on heat stress events in the CESM2 LENS
- The role of transient eddies and diabatic heating in the maintenance of heat waves: a nonlinear quasi-stationary wave perspective
- Turbulent Transport and Convection in a strongly heterogeneous ABL: Evaluation of Turbulence Closures using Airborne Measurements over Sea Ice Leads
- 3D GPR Diffraction Imaging for the Investigation of Alpine Glacier Hydrology
- A comparison of foraminiferal and diatom-based transfer function estimates of coseismic subsidence during the 1700 CE earthquake along the Oregon and California coasts
- Applying Sensor Networks and Design Interconnectivity to Further Understanding and Modeling of Coastal Ecosystem Response to Global Change: A Journey into Developing Design Interconnectivity Among Six Coastal Experiments
- Assessing Research Gaps in Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard and Risk Analysis
- Design and Assessment of Marsh Ecosystem Response to Increased Temperature (MERIT): an ecosystem warming experiment in a high-energy tidal wetland
- Direct observation of Earth's spectral longwave feedback parameter
- Evaluation of Trade Wind Mesoscale Morphology Evolution and Transitions
- How White is the Sky?
- Improving Point-Scale Soil Moisture Prediction Using Data Assimilation Approach in mesoscale Hydrological Model (mHM)
- Increasing Coastal Erosion and its Impact on the Arctic Ocean's Carbon Cycle in the 21st Century
- Integrated Geophysical Analysis Over Carter Seamount in the Central Atlantic Ocean
- Intensified winter precipitation-induced enzymic latch mechanism in moist Arctic tundra may be impeded by an extreme summer drought
- Maximum Land Surface Temperatures under a Changing Climate: Modeling and Global Scale Analyses
- Microbial assemblages and functions along thermokarst lake to lagoon transitions
- Modeling the January 15, 2022 Tonga Tsunami Generation and Propagation Processes
- Monitoring a prestressed bridge using six-degree-of-freedom measurement
- Multi-point and Multi-source Observations of the Electrojets by the EZIE (Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer) Mission
- Multiple sulfur isotope fingerprints of sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane
- Non-Linear Excitation Mechanism of Mixed Rossby-Gravity Waves in the Equatorial Atmosphere
- Observed Sediment Accretion Exceeded Sea Level Rise in a Large-Coherent Channel-Shoal System
- Polar Impact: A Field Work Survival Guide for All
- Prediction of Regional Soil Moisture Dynamics Using Deep Leaning Techniques
- Regional sub-seafloor sulfate budget of the northern South China Sea and implications for the deep-sourced methane
- Spatial Analysis of Potential Fields over Bathymetrists Seamounts to Quantify Magmatic Underplating and Map Major Faults
- Structural Changes in the Social Cost of Carbon
- The Residual Risk of Extreme Floods: Climate Change, Equity and Biodiversity Loss implications
- Towards a Digital Twin on Geophysical Extremes
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. P. Barrett
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Amir AghaKouchak
- Ana Bastos
- Annett Bartsch
- Ashley P. Ballantyne
- Astrid Maute
- Beata Orlecka‐Sikora
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- Benjamin Poulter
- Benjamin Schwarz
- Björn Stevens
- Bruce C. Forbes
- C.A. Alvarez Zarikian
- Caroline A. Katsman
- Cathy Hohenegger
- Christian Betzler
- Christian Franzke
- Céline Hadziioannou
- Dani Or
- David Nielsen
- Diego Melgar
- Duo Li
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- F. Chevallier
- Felix Bernauer
- Feng Dong
- Finn Løvholt
- Gareth Izon
- Gerald G. Mace
- Gernot Wagner
- Graeme A. MacGilchrist
- Hanqin Tian
- Harvey M. Kelsey
- Heikki Vanhamäki
- Heiner Igel
- Isabel L. McCoy
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- J. W. Gjerloev
- James Irving
- James Rising
- Janosch Michaelis
- Jeng‐Hwa Yee
- Jens Strauß
- Joeran Maerz
- Jorge Macías
- Julie D. Pietrzak
- Jörn Behrens
- Kareem Sorathia
- Karl Stein
- Keith B. Rodgers
- Krzysztof Lamorski
- L. Kepko
- Leonardo Maracahipes‐Santos
- Luis Samaniego
- Lukas Muser
- Marielle Saunois
- Martin Schrön
- Mathias Goeckede
- Michael Afanasiev
- Michael N. Weintraub
- Milad Aminzadeh
- Montserrat Alonso-García
- Moriaki Yasuhara
- Nan Rosenbloom
- Nedjeljka Žagar
- Nicholas D. Ward
- O. P. Verkhoglyadova
- Oludunsin Arodudu
- P. J. Espy
- Paquita Zuidema
- Patrick Alken
- Paul Overduin
- Paul Spence
- Ramón Carbonell
- Robert C. Witter
- Robert Hagen
- Rohini Kumar
- Rona L. Thompson
- Roy L. Rich
- Ryan Eastman
- Ryohei Yamaguchi
- S. Vance
- Sarah Schlunegger
- Sascha Brune
- Shihao Yuan
- Stefanie Ypma
- Stephanie C. Pennington
- Steven J. Davis
- Su Ming Hsu
- Sun‐Seon Lee
- Susanne Liebner
- Tamás Bódai
- Tatiana Ilyina
- Teresa Rodrigues
- Thomas Lauvaux
- V. G. Merkin
- Vanessa Bailey
- Vasily V. Titov
- Victor Brovkin
- Wenbin Wang
- Xingyuan Chen
- Yuanyuan Huang
- Zhu Deng