City College of New York
flowchart I[City College of New York] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (490)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (74)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Climatic Interpretations of Stable Isotope Ratios of Ice Cores Fail to Consider Large Variations in the Isotopic Composition of Source Vapors
- Enhancing Diversity in Earth and Space Science
- Relations between the Hydrologic Cycle and Removal of Stable Isotopes of Water Vapor by Tropical Precipitation Systems
- Tracing Ambient Air Geochemistry using a Modified X-Ray Fluorescence Filter Method
- Tropical Ice Core Isotopes Reveal Changes in Convection from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Present
- Evaluating Satellite-based Rainfall Estimates for Basin-scale Hydrologic Modeling
- An Exploration Geophysics Course With an Environmental Focus for an Urban Minority Institution
- Comparison Between SSM/I Filtering Algorithm and Neural Networks for Snow Cover Identification in the Northern Midwest States
- Epi-fluorescence Imaging of Colloid Transport in Porous Media
- The effect of vegetation optical depth on temporal variation of soil moisture
- Validation of Satellite-Based Nesdis Rainfall Products
- A Solute-Banding Model for the Rhythmically Banded Horizons of the Palisades Diabase Sheet of New York and New Jersey
- Detection of Biomass in New York City Aerosols: Light Scattering and Optical Fluorescence Techniques
- Retrieval of the Fluorescence and Chlorophyll Concentration from Reflectance Spectra Using Polarization Discrimination and Improved Baseline Approach
- Validation of Satellite-based Rainfall Estimates for Severe Storms (Hurricanes & Tornados)
- Late Quaternary Depositional History and Anthropogenic Impacts of Western Long Island Sound, New York
- Salt Content and Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Rain as Indices of Tropical Cyclone Intensification
- A Long Island Sound-Specific Water Quality Index Based on Cluster Analysis and Discriminant Analysis
- Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in the New York City Metropolitan Region
- Atmospheric Transport of Smoke and Dust Particulates and their interaction with the PBL as observed by multiwavelength Lidar, GOES and supporting instrumentation
- Can Stable Isotopes of Hydrogen and Oxygen Tell you Which way the Wind is Blowing or has Blown in the Past?
- Ceilometer instrument in NIR for continuous observations of aerosols.
- Clay-Bacteria Systems and Biofilm Production
- Comparisons of Aerosol-Cloud Observations Between a Ground-based Raman-Mie Lidar and CALIPSO
- Electrical Imaging of Infiltration in Agricultural Soils on Long Island, New York
- Evaluating Colorado State University and NASA Goddard multi-scale modeling framework (MMF) representation of tropical cloud and precipitation structures using CloudSat data
- Improved Surface albedo correlation models at high spatial resolution for urban areas using combined MODIS and sky radiometer measurements
- Nd-Sr-Pb Isotopic Link Between Panarea And Sardinia Predating The Opening Of The Tyrrhenian Sea
- Verification of Chaotic Advection Enhanced Mixing in Porous Media Using Real Time Imaging
- A Bayesian approach to retrieval of aerosol properties from multiwavelength lidar measurements.
- Air-Water Surface Divergence Patterns and Their Relation to Gas Transfer
- Comparison of Techniques for Satellite Detection of Red Tides in the Gulf of Mexico
- Estimating Regional Water Residence Time Changes in the Colonial Northeast United States
- Evaluation of the Present and Past Hydrologic Cycles in the Tropics Using Stable Isotopic Measurements from the Surface, Aircraft and Satellites
- Evolution of Hydro-systems: The 500-Year Challenge
- Exploration of aerosol cloud interactions using Raman-Mie Lidar measurements
- Extensive ground-based Lidar and Radiometer Measurements of Aerosol and Cloud for the Comparison and Validation of CALIPSO retrievals
- High-resolution Surface Correlation Maps for Improved Resolution and Retrieval of Aerosols Over Urban Scenes
- Humans in Biogeophysical Models: Colonial Period Human-Environment Interactions in the Northeastern United States
- Impact of uncertainty in economic projections for stabilization scenarios
- Intercomparisonon of algorithms in the processing of a MFRSR radiometer Network
- Multi-Sources Precipitation Estimates
- Multi-scale analysis and synthesis of combined active-passive microwave data over snow covered areas: implications for current and future swe products.
- Next Generation Framework for Aquatic Modeling of the Earth System (NextFrAMES)
- Regional Urban Aerosol Retrieval With MODIS: High-Resolution Algorithm Application and Extension of Look-up Tables
- Semantic Data Integration and Ontology Use within the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Global Water Cycle Data Integration System
- Semantic Web Infrastructure Supporting NextFrAMES Modeling Platform
- Separation of River Network Scale Nitrogen Removal Between Surface and Hyporheic Transient Storage Compartments
- Significant Groundwater Discharge of Nutrients to Western Long Island Sound Inferred From Radioisotope, Nutrient and Organic Geochemical Tracers
- Simulation of Coastal Processes by Coupling Wave, Current, and Seabed Morphology
- Tapping Environmental History to Recreate America's Colonial Hydrology
- Tropical Penetrative Deep Convection as Depicted by CloudSat and MODIS
- WaterNet:The NASA Water Cycle Solutions Network
- A GEO Global Agricultural Water Productivity Mapping System
- Analytical Retrieval of Global Land Surface Emissivity Maps at AMSR-E passive microwave frequencies
- Correlations of the Palisades Intrusive Conduit with the Orange Mountain Basalt, New Jersey
- Inorganic Chemical Tracers of Biomass Burning: Laboratory Experiments on Pinus Strobus
- Investigating the Role of Diabatic Heating in Global Atmospheric Circulation and Climate Sensitivity: An Energetics Approach
- Nineteenth Century Harbors: Accounting for Coastal Urban Development in Hydrologic Change
- Nonlinear impacts of small-scale natural events on Nineteenth Century human decision-making
- On-line continuous monitoring of groundwater radon levels at L’Aquila fault, Italy
- Patterns of Oversubscribed Water Services: Implications for Groundwater
- Remotely sensed spatio-temporal trends of irrigation agriculture in northwestern India
- Sensitivity Analysis of Soil Moisture Retrieval Model for Active Microwave Remote Sensing Data
- Soil moisture retrieval using an index based approach and passive microwave data from AMSR-E
- Status update on the EarthChem Deep Lithosphere Dataset: a database of mantle xenolith geochemistry
- The City University of New York / NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Center for Global Climate Research
- The Effectiveness of Resistivity Imaging for Monitoring Infiltration in Agricultural Soils
- Use of A-Train data to estimate convective buoyancy and entrainment rate
- Development of an MFRSR Network for Aerosol-cloud interaction studies
- Humans Transforming the Water Cycle: Implications for Society and Nature over a Multi-Century Timeframe through Synthesis Studies (Invited)
- Improving aerosol retrieval over urban areas
- Increasing the Accuracy of MODIS Snow Product using Quantitative Restoration for MODIS Band 6 on Aqua
- Influence of SST on humidity and temperature in the outflow of tropical deep convection: Observational basis for evaluating model simulations
- Integrating Emotion and Cognition in Successful Service Learning: A Complex System Approach (Invited)
- Integrating Terrestrial Water Balance in the Amazon Basin Using Remote Sensing Data
- Inter-comparison of deep convection over the Tibetan Plateau-Asian Monsoon Region and subtropical North America in boreal summer using CloudSat/CALIPSO data
- Investigation of Long-Term Impacts of Urbanization and Global Warming in a Coastal Tropical Region
- Land Surface Emissivity as a Surrogate of Soil Moisture
- Leveraging spatial statistics in the development of an historical narrative for water resources in the Northeast United States
- Modeled Global vs. Coastal Impacts on 1970 and 2005 Summer Daytime Temperature Trends in Coastal California
- Nonlinear Relationship between Leaf Area Index and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation
- Observations of Urban Heat Island Mitigation in California Coastal Cities due to a Sea Breeze Induced Coastal-Cooling ``REVERSE-REACTION'' to Global Warming
- The City University of New York / NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Center for Global Climate Research - NSF REU
- The Firn Air Content of Larsen Ice Shelf
- The heat balance of the equatorial trough zone, revisted: Part II (Invited)
- The spatial and temporal variations of streamflow disruption as a result of dam building in the Northeast US
- Tropical overshooting convection from CloudSat and ISCCP
- Understanding Complexity: Pattern Recognitions, Emergent Phenomena and Causal Coupling
- All-weather estimates of the land surface skin temperatures from combined analyses of microwave and infrared satellite observations
- An Enhanced Resolution Quikscat Derived Antarctic Melt Record (1999-2009): Development and Evaluation of Wavelet-Based Methods
- Application of NASA's modern era retrospective-analysis in Global Wetlands Mappings Derived from Coarse-Resolution Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing
- Assessing the impact of climate change predictions on the hydraulic vulnerability of New York State coastal bridges
- Assimilation of Tower and Satellite-Based Observations for Improved Estimation of Methane Fluxes over Northern Eurasia
- Can Crevasses Protect an Ice Shelf?
- Climate Change and Impacts Research Experiences for Urban Students
- Climate Impacts of Land Cover and Land Use Changes in a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest under Conditions of Global Climate Change
- Coupled GFD and CFD modeling of hydrodynamic impacts on coastal bridges under climate change conditions
- Development of an automated system for the monitoring of river ice in the Northeast using satellite data
- Diagnosing Vertical Velocity from CloudSat in Deep Tropical Convection
- Disordered Crevasses Localize Ice-Shelf Vibrations
- Documenting Melting Features of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Evaluation of Remote Sensing Data Sets for Improving Prediction of Biodiversity in South America
- Generating an Effective Temperature To Improve Microwave Land Surface Emissivity Retrievals
- Global riverine sediment flux predictions, the WBMsed v2.0 model
- Groundwater variability under climate change in a global climate model
- Hot towers from an A-Train perspective
- Identification of accumulation, density and grain size bias in the regional climate model MAR over the Greenland ice sheet using in-situ and remotely sensed data
- Incorporating Spatial Support to Improve Interoperability of Shared Water Data
- Inter-annual variation of the total water storage in Amazon and Mississippi river basins for 1984-2006
- Lake Ice Phenology Analysis Using AVHRR Data
- Mapping boreal wetlands using ALOS SCANSAR data from the USGRC Datapool at ASF
- Measurements of supraglacial lake drainage and surface streams over West Greenland and effects on ice dynamics
- Parallax correction for satellite-based study of convections: methods, statistics, and a case study with MJO development
- Parameterization and testing of a surface melt and water routing model for the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Progress on SAR-Based Mapping and Change Detection for Boreal Wetlands of North America
- Regional scale assessment of evaporation: a multi-spatial and -temporal analysis over Australia's Murray Darling Basin
- SHELTER FROM THE STORM: How periodic irregularities in ice cover may influence the break-up of ice shelves and calving of outlet glaciers
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Inundated Wetlands: Global Data Record Assembly and Planned Uncertainty Analysis
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- The Effects of Aerosols on Cloud Microphysics in Caribbean Islands and Implications for Rain Production
- The New Operational NASA Amsr-E Swe Algorithm
- Trends in 1970-2010 summertime coastal California air temperatures:how HCN-corrections to COOP-data eliminated coastal-cooling
- Use of a Workflow Engine to Create a Hydrologic Community Modeling System
- Wetland inventory and variability over the last two decades at a global scale
- A Fully Coupled Method for Simulation of Wave-Current-Seabed Systems
- A Regional Earth System Model of the Northeast Corridor: Analyzing 21st Century Climate and Environment
- A blended land emissivity product from the Inter-Comparison of different Land Surface Emissivity Estimates
- A case study on the impact of homogenizing monthly temperature series along coastal California
- A physically based algorithm for non-blackbody correction of the cloud top temperature for the convective clouds
- Adaptation Planning for Climate Change Impacts on Irrigated Agriculture in California
- Adjustment to the Curve Number Nrcs-Cn to Account for the Vegetation Effect on the Hydrological Processes
- Aggregation Rates in Montmorillonite Clay Measured by Light Extinction
- Application of ALOS PALSAR ScanSAR Data for Determining the Freeze/Thaw Surface State over Alaska
- Application of land surface hydrology measurements to enhance modeling for decision support in the New York City water supply
- Aquatic Ecosystem Services in the 21st Century Northeast Corridor: Assessment Using a Regional Earth System Model
- As ensemble-based data assimilation framework for characterizing snowpack and the freeze-thaw state of underlying soil from multifrequency passive/active microwave data
- Assessment of modeled albedo and bare ice extent (2001-present) in the regional climate model MAR using satellite data
- Assessment of the MAR regional climate model over the Antarctic Peninsula (1999 - 2009) through spaceborne enhanced spatial resolution melting maps and near-surface observations
- Assimilation of Satellite Based Soil Moisture Data in the National Weather Service's Flash Flood Guidance System
- Attribution of tropical precipitation to ISCCP cloud regimes
- Capacity of river networks to buffer thermal impacts of power plants in the northeastern US
- Characterization of a rarely studied ecosystem: Initial insights into the functioning of Antarctic supraglacial streams
- Characterization of fast-growing convection from synergistic observations of CloudSat, MODIS and IIR
- Characterizing Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance via assimilation of spaceborne surface temperature, albedo, and passive microwave data into a physically-based model
- Compiling ASCAT Scatterometer Data for Continuing Global Vegetation State Monitoring: An initial comparison with SeaWinds-on-QuikSCAT Scatterometer Data
- Developing an Online Framework for Publication of Uncertainty Information in Hydrological Modeling
- Downscaling Of SMOS Data Using NDVI, Elevation, and Sand Fraction
- Empirical estimates of the dominant environmental forcings on the relative sea level change of river delta systems
- Environmental Data Store: A Web-Based System Providing Management and Exploitation for Multi-Data-Type Environmental Data
- Estimating Riverine Water and Constiuent Fluxes in a Data Assimilation Framework
- Formation of mixed-layer structures in smectites intercalated with tryptone
- Greenland supraglacial rivers and the extreme 2012 melt season
- Ground Validated Freeze/Thaw Timings Using Multifrequency Active and Passive Satellite Observations: A Comparison of Retrieval Methodologies
- High Frequency Microwave-based Snowfall Rate Estimation using an Artificial Neural Network Approach
- High Resolution Map of Water Supply and Demand for North East United States
- High-Resolution Prediction of Tidal Energy Distribution along New Jersey Coastlines
- Hydraulic geometry of Greenland Ice Sheet supraglacial streams
- Impacts of Global Change Scenarios on Ecosystem Services from the World's Rivers
- Influences of changing freeze-thaw seasons on evapotranspiration in northern high latitudes and associated uncertainty analysis
- Integration of Earth System Models and Workflow Management under iRODS for the Northeast Regional Earth System Modeling Project
- Intercomparison of Downscaling Methods on Hydrological Impact for Earth System Model of NE United States
- Investigation on Interface Algorithms for Coupling of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Fully 3D Fluid Dynamics Models
- Mapping Palm Swamp Wetland Ecosystems in the Peruvian Amazon: a Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Approach
- Microwave Emissivities of Land Surfaces: Detection of Snow over Different Surface Types
- Montmorillonite-induced Bacteriophage φ6 Disassembly
- On the level of neutral buoyancy for deep convection
- Permafrost and Climate Change
- Processing and Analysis of Snowpack, Meteorological, and Microwave Remote Sensing Data
- Results of student-peer collaboration in the development of the Geoscience Student Data Network
- Satellite microwave detection of contrasting changes in surface inundation across pan-Arctic permafrost zones
- Sources of Environmental Risk to Human Populations Across the Caribbean: Potential Use of Remote Sensing
- Spectral Analysis of Soil Moisture Time Series From the NOAA-CREST Observation Site in Millbrook, NY
- Temporal & Spatial Distribution of Extreme Heat Event in NYC Metro-Area
- The Application of Spaceborne Remote Sensing Datasets for Species Distribution Modeling in South America
- The Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE): Examining the complex Arctic biological-climatologic-hydrologic system
- The Effects of Saharan Dust on Cloud Microphysics and its Impacts on the Caribbean Mid-Summer Drought
- The Role of Fractional Inundation and Saturation in the Carbon Cycle of West Siberian Peatlands
- Trends in Antarctic Peninsula surface melting conditions from observations and regional climate modelling
- A Comparison of Satellite Land Surface Temperature With Station Measured Temperature For Improved Detection of Frozen Ground
- A global deltas typology of environmental stress and its relation to terrestrial hydrology
- ASCAT MetOp-A Backscatter Observations over the Global Land Surface: Application to Monitoring Recent Trends in Lake and Wetland Extent and to Monitoring Crop Growth over the United States
- Alterations to the Nitrogen Cycle in a Soil Exposed to Trace Veterinary Antibiotics
- An Adaptation Dilemma Caused by Impacts-Modeling Uncertainty
- Assessment of aloft aerosol layers by ground-based lidar, satellite CALIPSO and model
- Assimilating Merged Remote Sensing and Ground based Snowpack Information for Runoff Simulation and Forecasting using Hydrological Models
- Assimilation of SMOS soil moisture data and incorporation to the HL Research Distributed Hydrologic Model (HL-RDHM)
- Attributing surface temperature trends in the presence of natural variability: progress regarding the warming hiatus and unresolved challenges
- Bias Correction of high resolution MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth in urban areas using the Dragon AERONET Network
- Climate Change, Pacific Ocean and Land Use Influences on Los Angeles' Urban Heat Islands
- Climate Extremes and Forest Carbon Sequestration Capacities
- Cloud parameters using Ground Based Remote Sensing Systems and Satellites over urban coastal area
- Combining fractals theory and enhanced spatial resolution remote sensing data for studying scale processes of SMB quantities over the Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets
- Controlled Vocabulary Service Application for Environmental Data Store
- Coupling of FVCOM and CFD Model for Simulation of Multiscale Coastal Flows
- Critical Components of a Successful Undergraduate Research Experience in the Geosciences for Minority Students
- Development and Implementation of Flood Risk Mapping, Water Bodies Monitoring and Climate Information for Human Health
- Development of a global flood monitoring system using ATMS data
- Diagnosing Warm Frontal Cloud Formation in a GCM: A Novel Approach using Conditional Subsetting
- Effect of Historical Interactions among Land Use, Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate on the Carbon Balance of the Northeastern United States
- Establishing a correlation between the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect in New York City and the land cover
- Evaluating Surface Mass Balance spatiotemporal variability in a regional climate model over Greenland using an ice sheet model and GRACE
- Exploring the Geomorphology of the Amazon's Planalto with Imaging Radar: Understanding the Origins of the Modern Amazon Basin
- Ground Reference and Ancillary Data Validation of Freeze-Thaw State Products of Alaska
- Influenza-Sediment Interactions
- Inter-Annual Comparison of Satellite Passive Microwave Data With Ground based Radiometric Measurements
- Inter-Sensor Comparison of Microwave Land Surface Emissivity Products to Improve Precipitation Retrievals
- Lag-Correlation analysis of the April 2013 flood event in Argentina
- Land Surface and Atmosphere Impacts on Spaceborne Passive Microwave Observations for Snowfall Estimation
- Landscape Temperature and Frozen/Thawed Condition over Alaska with Infrared and Active/Passive Microwave Remote Sensing: Determination of Thermal Controls on Land-Atmosphere Carbon Flux in Support of CARVE
- Large-scale atmospheric carbon and surface water dynamics inferred from satellite-based observations
- Linking charring temperature and wood source to the structure and degradation rates of pyrogenic organic matter in soil
- Long Path Quantum Cascade Laser Based Sensor for Environment Sensing/Ambient Detection of CH4 and N2O
- Multi-model assessment of water scarcity under climate change
- NE-RESM: An Integrated Water Resource Assessment and Solutions Platform for the U.S. Northeast
- Parallel Geospatial Data Management for Multi-Scale Environmental Data Analysis on GPUs
- Promoting the Geosciences for Minority Students in the Urban Coastal Environment of New York City
- Re-plumbing the Terrestrial Hydrosphere: Scope and Impact of Major Inter-basin Water Transfers
- Satellite Detection and Attribution of Divergent Northern Vegetation Growth Responses to Lengthening Non-Frozen Seasons (Invited)
- Spatial and Temporal Analysis of inundation and Freeze /Thaw states in Alaska Using High Resolution ALOS PALSAR Observations
- Study on Landscape Freeze/Thaw Classification and its Spatial Scale Effects using Satellite L-band radar observations over Alaska
- Teaching High School Students Machine Learning Algorithms to Analyze Flood Risk Factors in River Deltas
- The PolarSEEDS project: communicating Greenland melting through visualization and sonification
- Using Multiple Instrument Measurements To Assess Integrated Water Vapor Path From A Multispectral Microwave Radiometer
- Validation and Calibration of the SWAT Hydrological Model and SNTHERM Snowpack Model in Watersheds of Cannonsville, New York
- Who's watching the Greenland Ice Sheet?
- A Comparison of Satellite and Aircraft-Mounted Thermal Observations of Freeze/Thaw Cycling of the Alaska Tundra and Boreal Forests during the Carbon in the Arctic Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE)
- A Hybrid Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Fully 3D Fluid Dynamics Approach to Simulate Multiphysics Coastal Flows
- A Satellite Based Study of Surface Energy Fluxes and Closing the Energy Balance
- A megaregion-scale approach for assessing the impacts of climate change and strategic management decisions in the Northeast United States
- An End-to-End System to Enable Quick, Easy and Inexpensive Deployment of Hydrometeorological Stations
- Arctic sea ice extent and Greenland ice sheet surface climate co-variability investigated with self-organizing maps and singular value decomposition
- Assessing Climate Change Effect on the World's Largest Lakes Using Satellite Observation
- Climate and Population Health Vulnerabilities to Vector-Borne Diseases: Increasing Resilience Under Climate Change Conditions in Africa
- Comparison of NOAA-CREST Soil Moisture Measurements with SMOS Products
- Environmental Data Store (EDS): A multi-node Data Storage Facility for diverse sets of Geoscience Data
- Integrated Land Surface Water State Indicators for Climate Assessment
- Investigating The Impact Of Sea Ice Concentration Extremes On Atmospheric Moisture Transport And Low-Level Winds Over Greenland And Surrounding Seas
- Modeling Electricity Sector Vulnerabilities and Costs Associated with Water Temperatures Under Scenarios of Climate Change
- Potential of Using Microwave Emission in Global Analysis of Land Cover and Drought State
- Publishing Earth Science Data with Python: A Case Study with Regional Climate Model Output
- River Network Uncertainty and Coastal Morphodynamics in the Mekong Delta: Model Validation and Sensitivity to Fluvial Fluxes
- Rivers in the Anthropocene: Mapping Human Water Security
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Inundated Wetlands: Data Record Assembly and Cross-Product Comparison
- Spatial-Temporal Heterogeneity in Regional Watershed Phosphorus Cycles Driven by Changes in Human Activity over the Past Century
- The Northeastern United States Energy-Water Nexus: Climate Change Impacts and Alternative Water Management Strategies for the Power Sector
- Transport of Formaldehyde to the Upper Troposphere In Deep Convective Storms During the 2012 DC3 Study
- What can we Learn From High Resolution Digital Photography of Clouds?
- A Method to Monitor Seasonal Inundation States Using High Resolution ALOS PALSAR ScanSAR Observations in Alaksa
- A Year-Long Research Experience Program in Solar and Atmospheric Physics at the Queensborough Community College of the City University of New York (CUNY)
- Bridging the Past with Today's Microwave Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Long Term Inundation Patterns in the Mekong River Delta
- Characterization of Inundated Wetlands with Microwave Remote Sensing: Cross-Product Comparison for Uncertainty Assessment in Tropical Wetlands
- Characterizing Open Water Bodies and Wetland Ecosystems Using Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing
- Climate Change Impacts on Rivers and Implications for Electricity Generation in the United States
- Climate change and livestock system in mountain: Understanding from Gandaki River basin of Nepal Himalaya.
- Comparison of Solar Analyst and r.sun Models to Estimate the Spatially Distributed Solar Radiation in a Mountainous Region in Iran
- Constraining the 2012-2014 growing season Alaskan methane budget using CARVE aircraft measurements
- Contribution of Nutrient Pollution to Water Scarcity in the Water-Rich Northeastern United States
- Data Management System for the National Energy-Water System (NEWS) Assessment Framework
- Enhancing Extreme Heat Health-Related Intervention and Preparedness Activities Using Remote Sensing Analysis of Daily Surface Temperature, Surface Observation Networks and Ecmwf Reanalysis
- Exploring the Geomorphology of the Amazon's Planalto and Understanding the Origin of the Modern Amazon Basin with Imaging Radar:
- Hyperspectral and photogrammetric helicopter-based measurements over western Greenland
- Impact of Reservoirs on Contemporary and Future Hydrology of the Northeastern United States
- Impacts of irrigation on regional water resources in the coupled climate system
- Investigating The Relationship Between Atmospheric Moisture Flux And The Surface Mass Balance On The Greenland Ice Sheet
- Large-scale and Convective-scale Updraft Profiles from Satellite Observations
- Living on the edge: Flood risks to societies Balázs M. Fekete, Shahabeddin Afshari Tork and Charles J. Vörösmarty
- Mapping Shallow Landslide Slope Inestability at Large Scales Using Remote Sensing and GIS
- Modeling the Impacts of Geomagnetic Disturbances on the New York State Power Transmission System
- Overview of the National Energy-Water System (NEWS) Assessment Framework Study
- SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Product Validation using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- Satellite Based Soil Moisture Product Validation Using NOAA-CREST Ground and L-Band Observations
- Short-Range Structure of Clouds Studied by High Resolution Photography From the Surface
- Significant Contribution from Organized Deep Convection on Observed Changes in Tropical Rainfall
- Snowmelt and Surface Freeze/Thaw Timings over Alaska derived from Passive Microwave Observations using a Wavelet Classifier
- The Feasibility Study of Using Microwave Emission in Detecting Drought and Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Studies
- The Feasibility Study of Using Microwave Emissivity in Detecting Freeze and Thaw States
- The Geophysical, Anthropogenic, and Social Dimensions of Delta Risk: Estimating Contemporary and Future Risks at the Global Scale
- The Role of Demand Response in Reducing Water-Related Power Plant Vulnerabilities
- Towards a Software Framework to Support Deployment of Low Cost End-to-End Hydroclimatological Sensor Network
- Trajectories of Future Land Use for Earth System Modeling of the Northeast United States
- Urban Climate Change Resilience as a Teaching Tool for a STEM Summer Bridge Program
- Using Satellite Imagery to Monitor the Major Lakes; Case Study Lake Hamun
- Water-Constrained Electric Sector Capacity Expansion Modeling Under Climate Change Scenarios
- Will the Arctic Land Surface become Wetter or Drier in Response to a Warming Climate
- A Geoscience Workforce Model for Non-Geoscience and Non-Traditional STEM Students
- A numerical analyzes on how climate change affects riverine flooding
- An A-train climatology of extratropical cyclone clouds and precipitation
- Analysis of Ocean's Remote Sensing Reflectance Extracted from Satellite Imagery at Worldwide Locations
- Assessing the impact of Narasin on biogeochemical N-cycling in unsaturated soil.
- Characterizing Surface Energy Budget Components in Urban Regions Using Combination of Flux Tower Observations and Satellite Remote Sensing Measurements
- Climate change impact on operation of dams and hydroelectricity generation in the Northeastern United States
- Comparison of physical and semi-empirical hydraulic models for flood inundation mapping
- Effect of Mineral and Microbe Interactions on Biomass Yield
- Evaluation of MODIS Land Surface Temperature with In Situ Snow Surface Temperature from CREST-SAFE
- Identifying Electricity Capacity at Risk to Changes in Climate and Water Resources in the United States
- Lessons Learned from Dynamic Linking of a Hydrology Model with an Electricity Sector Model
- Linear relations between leaf mass per area (LMA) and seasonal climate discovered through Linear Manifold Clustering (LMC)
- Low Velocity Seismic Waves Produced by Stick-Slip Processes During the Drainage of Two Supraglacial Lakes in Greenland
- NY-uHMT: A dense hydro-meteorological network to characterize urban land-atmosphere interactions
- On the Creation of An Urban Boundary Layer Product Using The Radar Wind Profiler of the New York City Meteorological Network
- Projected Changes in Flood and Drought Risks under Climate Change in the 21st Century: A Multi-GCM Multi-GHM Approach
- Remote Sensing observations of Cecropia communities along Amazonian rivers: Mapping and monitoring habitat dynamics with time series datasets
- Retrieval of Images of Optical Depth of Thin Clouds at Centimeter Scales by High-Resolution Photography from the Surface
- Sea-Level Rise and Land Subsidence in Deltas: Estimating Future Flood Risk Through Integrated Natural and Human System Modeling
- Statistical procedure for filtering streamflow and river survey data for at-a-station hydraulic geometry studies
- Towards a cross-platform software framework to support end-to-end hydrometeorological sensor network deployment
- Volatiles and the tempo of flood basalt magmatism
- A National Energy-Water System Assessment Framework (NEWS): Synopsis of Stage 1 Research Strategy and Results
- A blended approach to analyze staple and high-value crops using remote sensing with radiative transfer and crop models.
- Analysis of high frequency soil respiration in a semi-arid area in Southern California
- Applications of Remote Sensing for Studying Lateral Carbon Fluxes and Inundation Dynamics in Tidal Wetlands
- Arctic System Science: Meeting Earth System and Social Impact Challenges through Integrative Approaches and Synthesis
- Assessment of Lake Water Quality and Quantity Using Satellite Remote Sensing
- Assessment of optical properties variation and discrimination of aerosol and cloud with a multiple-wavelength elastic-Raman lidar in New York City
- Boundary-Layer Characteristics Over a Coastal Megacity
- CREST-SAFE: Snow LST validation, wetness profiler creation, and depth/SWE product development
- Convection in Extratropical Cyclones: Analysis of GPM, NexRAD, GCMs and Re-Analysis
- Economic Analysis of the Impacts of Climate-Induced Changes in River Flow on Hydropower and Fisheries in Himalayan region.
- Energy-Water Modeling and Impacts at Urban and Infrastructure Scales
- Evaluating Coral Health in La Parguera, Puerto Rico, and Southeastern Florida: Comparison of Satellite-Based Sea Surface Temperature to In Situ Observations
- Evaluation of WRF physical parameterizations against ARM/ASR Observations in the post-cold-frontal region to improve low-level clouds representation in CAM5
- Global Food Security Index Studies and Satellite Information
- High Resolution Freeze and Thaw States Detection Using Combination of Sentinel 1A SAR and Passive Microwave Measurements
- Highlighting Successful Strategies for Engaging Minority Students in the Geosciences
- Integrated Approach to Inform the New York City Water Supply System Coupling SAR Remote Sensing Observations and the SWAT Watershed Model
- Multiscale radar mapping of surface melt over mountain glaciers in High Mountain Asia
- NASA's High Mountain Asia Team (HiMAT): collaborative research to study changes of the High Asia region
- New in situ Aerosol Spectral Optical Measurements over 300-700 nm, Extinction and Total Absorption, Paired with Absorption from Water- and Methanol-soluble Aerosol Extracts
- On the Climate Variability and Energy Demands for Indoor Human Comfort Levels in Tropical Urban Environment
- Remote Monitoring of Groundwater Overdraft Using GRACE and InSAR
- Reprocessing 30 years of ISCCP: Addressing satellite intercalibration for deriving a long-term cloud climatology
- Retrievals of Karenia brevis Harmful Algal Blooms in the West Florida Shelf from observations by the JPSS Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Satellite processed using Neural Network Algorithms, and Evaluation of the Impact of Temporal Variabilities on Attainable Accuracies against in-situ Measurements
- Slow sedimentary processes on-a-chip: experiments on porous flow effects on granular bed creep
- Tropical cloud and precipitation structures and regimes from multiple space-borne active sensors: New insights
- Using Multiple Metrics to Analyze Trends and Sensitivity of Climate Variability in New York City
- Utilizing GNSS Reflectometry to Assess Surface Inundation Dynamics in Tropical Wetlands
- Vertical Structure of Heat and Momentum Transport in the Urban Surface Layer
- Working with Decision Makers to Improve Energy-Water System Resiliency in the Lower Hudson River Basin
- A Conceptual Approach using the "Limits Concept" for Extending Budyko's Framework for Natural Watersheds and Human-Altered Landscapes
- A Multi-tiered Mentoring Program for Underrepresented Students through an NSF REU and NOAA CREST Partnership
- A Unified Line of Gridded (L3) SST Products at NOAA
- A multi-sensor and modeling approach to identify grapevine growth and health for improved vineyard monitoring and management.
- An Integrated Sensor Data Management System with application in Hydrology
- An Urban Flooding Alert Tool for Megacities Application for Manhattan Borough, New York City, USA Rafea Al Suhili<SUP>1</SUP> Cheila Cullen<SUP>2</SUP> and Reza Khanbilvardi<SUP>3</SUP>1 2 3 Department of Civil Engineering NOAA CREST Center City College of New York, NY 10031, USA
- Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Over Urban Landcover Types Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Ground-Based applications
- Analysis of Surface Temperature Trends of World's Major Lakes and Relationships with their Basins' Characteristics
- Analyzing the Representation of Clouds in Post-cold Frontal Regions: Sensitivity to Modeled Physics and Synoptic Conditions
- Assessment and Validation of an Observing Systems Simulation Experiment (OSSE) System using a Summary Assessment Metric (SAM) Inter-comparison of OSSE and Observing System Experiment (OSE) Results
- Assessment of Climate-Induced Change in River Flow and Associated Effects on Hydropower Generation and Ecosystem Services in Nepal using Satellite Remote Sensing
- Atmospheric trace gas (NO<SUB>2</SUB> and ozone) dynamics over coastal waters near polluted urban regions
- Building Regional Understanding of Freshwater Biogeochemical Function Using Remote Sensing: a Networked, Interdisciplinary Model
- Changes to Soil Respiration in Response to Heatwaves in Southern California
- Characterization of coastal wetlands using Synthetic Aperture Radar and Optical/IR satellite imagery
- Characterization of the Total and Polarized Radiance from the Ocean Surface through Hyperspectral Polarimetric Imaging
- Co-Operating Doppler Wind Lidar Observations of Urban Coastal Flows during Heat Wave Events in NYC Metro Region for Air Quality Applications
- Detection of Freeze and Thaw States using Sentinel SAR Measurements and Ground Observations; A Case Study in Alaska
- Developing Hydrologic Model of the Two Closed-basin Lakes of Azuei and Enriquillo and Assessing Their Dynamics under Historical and Future Climate Scenarios
- Developing a Satellite-Based Remote Sensing System for Observing Maize Crop Growth
- Development of Consistent Land Surface Emissivity Retrievals from a Combination of Microwave Sensors
- Diurnal cycle of surface temperatures using satellite remote sensing measurements
- Diversifying and Replenishing the Geoscience Workforce through an Intensive Undergraduate Geoscience Internship Program for Non-Geoscience STEM Majors
- Evaluating Coral Resiliency in Puerto Rico by Comparing In Situ and Satellite-Based Ocean Temperatures and Coral-Algae Association Dynamics
- Evaluating The Sustainable Pathways To Maximize Staple Crops Production
- Expanding Wallace species distribution modeling software to support national biodiversity change indicator calculations for GEO BON assessment and reporting.
- Extent and characteristics of damage from wildfires caused by incendiary kites during protests of the Gaza-Israel barrier fence (March 2018 to present)
- Extratropical Cyclone Precipitation Life Cycles and Cloud Vertical Structure in Observations and Climate Models
- Identifying Trends in Differences between Inland Lake Surface Water and Surrounding Land Temperature Using a Bayesian Framework
- Integrating GNSS Reflectometry and Imaging Radar to Assess Surface Inundation Dynamics in Tropical Wetlands
- Joint modeling of flood volume, duration and peak across the United States: Role of hydrogeomorphological drivers
- Mapping Global Wetlands Using Smap Radar Data
- Multiscale Characterization of Tropical Forest Structure Integrating SAR Remote Sensing, Drone Mapping, and Microclimate Analysis
- Multivariate Water Stress Forecasting System: An Integrated Approach for Mitigating Agricultural Risks in the United States
- New York City's water system performance analysis based on current and projected demands
- Observation of summer heat waves on the planetary boundary layer and air quality in the New York City region
- Operational river ice monitoring for NOAA NWS RFCs using SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS imagery
- Optimization of Future SmallSats Constellations through OSSE: A Test Case of Assessing the Value of Deploying EON-MW in High- and Low-Inclination Orbits
- Production of globally uniform ISCCP Convection Tracking (CT) dataset and preliminary analysis results
- Satellite Evidence of Vegetation Resilience to Drought in Mediterranean Varies across Biomes
- Satellite Ocean Color Observations from NASA's PACE Mission: addressing environmental challenges and enhancing environmental management decisions
- Stochastic Streamflow Simulations Using Climate-Informed State Space Models
- Sub-seasonal reconstructions of Brahmaputra River discharge
- The Impact of Hurricane Maria on Puerto Rico's Land Cover and Local Convective Processes
- Towards a global synthesis of land-surface fluxes for natural and human-altered watersheds using the low-dimensional Budyko framework
- Understanding the Spatial Organization of Precipitation Extremes
- Understanding the cumulative effects of dams on regional streamflow dynamics
- Variability in Seasonal Vegetation and Soil Biophysics Observed with In Situ Station Data and Microwave Remote Sensing in Boreal-Arctic Ecosystems
- A combined satellite remote sensing and modeling approach to monitor vineyard stress and growth conditions.
- A hierarchical Bayesian model to understand how regional climate variables and shifts in observational practices contributed to the U.S. tornado records
- A new set of MODIS Cloud Regimes towards unification with ISCCP Weather States
- Assessing Biogeochemical Connectivity and Variability in DOM Exchange Across Tidal Marshes and Estuaries Using High Resolution Measurements and Satellite Imagery
- Assessing the impacts of integrated solar radiation and tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations on Ozone levels
- Assimilation of Satellite Remote Sensing in Hydrological Model: A Case Study with WRF-Hydro in Puerto Rico
- Atmospheric drivers of boundary layer cloud properties in the southern oceans in observations and a climate model
- Characterization of Ecosystem Structure in Tropical Forests Using Point Clouds Derived from LIDAR and Drone to Support Interpretation of Radar Imaging Data Sets
- Characterization of Site-Specific Alaskan Tundra Vegetation Activity as Driven by Climate and Soil Conditions
- Clouds and Convection in Extra-Tropical Cyclones over the Southern Ocean in GFDL AM4
- Dissolved organic carbon dynamics at tidal wetlands-estuary interface: Observations from Landsat-8/OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI
- Diurnal Cycle of Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature at Global Scale for Higher Temporal Freeze and Thaw Detections
- Engaging Citizen Scientists in Characterizing Urban Heat Island at the Neighborhood Scale Using Satellite and Ground Observations
- Evaluating global crop distribution in the 21st century to maximize food production
- Evaluation of modeled precipitation in oceanic extratropical cyclones using IMERG: Rain Rates, Occurrence, and Sensitivities
- Exploring a volcano in New York City: the New York Virtual Volcano Observatory
- Fusing NASA ECOSTRESS and NOAA GOES-16 datasets for study of thermal regimes and water stress in terrestrial systems.
- GOES-16 Urban Land Surface Temperature Calibration Using a Handheld Infrared Sensor Framework
- Grand Challenges of Hydrologic Modelling for Water Resource Management in High Mountain Asia
- Grid stress due to extreme heat wave and drought with 45% renewable electricity in the Western US
- How does flow alteration propagate across a large, highly-regulated basin? Dam attributes, network context, and implications for biodiversity
- Improving the Prediction of Shallow Cumuli Cloud Fraction Using Ground-based Remote Sensing Measurements at the ARM SGP Site
- Microwave Radiometry for Remote Sensing of Plant Water Status Dynamics: Stand-Scale Evaluation in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Observational Evidence of the Effect of Large-scale Drivers on Marine Boundary Layer Precipitation during Subsidence in the Eastern North Atlantic
- On the Variability of Flood Attributes and Damages at the Global Scale
- Quantifying the Spatial Coherence of Deficit and Excess Rainfall Across the Continental United States
- Reconciling differences between large-eddy simulations and Doppler-lidar observations of continental shallow cumulus cloud-base vertical velocity
- Rethinking the Water Cycle in the Anthropocene
- Satellite Observations from PACE: addressing environmental challenges and enhancing environmental management decisions
- Significant Glacier Surface Melt Detected Across the Himalayas in Synthetic Aperture Radar Time Series
- Studying Global Lakes Surface Temperature Variability at the Basin Level-Scale Using Remote Sensing Observations
- The feedback between soil bacteria type and soil mineralogy and its possible influence on soil carbon residence time
- Towards developing targeted climate strategies for large urban agglomerations
- Using Airborne VOC Measurements to Derive a Transit Time Spectrum: Variabilities and Uncertainties
- Validation of Downscaled Satellite Land Surface Temperature in Urban Areas using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and In-situ Applications
- What happens to DOM when a big river, the Yukon, meanders through a big delta and out into the big ocean?
- A Statistical Analysis of Cyclones that Drive Storm Surge Extremes along the US East Coast
- America's Water: Multiscale Forecasting and Innovation in Infrastructure Design & Management Instruments is critical for Climate Adaptation
- An automated river ice mapping system over northern watersheds in the USA using VIIRS imagery
- An improved Zhang's Water Balance Model using Budyko-based snow representation and time-varying parameterization for better streamflow predictions
- Analysis of Surface Temperature Trends of Global Lakes Using Satellite Remote Sensing Observations
- Atmospheric blocking in an aquaplanet and the impact of orography
- Automated Storm Track and Cyclone-Centered Compositing Analysis for Model Evaluation
- Boundary Layer Cloud Controlling Factors in the Midlatitudes: Southern versus Northern Ocean Clouds
- Capturing biogeochemical exchanges in tidally influenced wetland-estuarine ecosystems using high spatial resolution Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 imagery
- Connecting Hydrologic and Meteorological variables and pre-conditions to flood probability
- Detecting Forecast Error Signatures
- Detecting Soil Moisture under Temperate Forest Canopies: SMAP Validation Experiment 2019-2021 (SMAPVEX19-21)
- Direct Evaluation of primary pollutant trends and dynamics during the COVID 19 Imposed Quarantine on the NYC Metropolitan Area
- Downscaling Methodology for Satellite Land Surface Temperatures over Urban Environments
- Effect of Climate Change on Reliability of Bridges under Threat from Flood-Related Scour
- Effects of Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) on Tropical Storm Activity in the North Atlantic
- Engaging Youth from the Real NYC in Weather and Climate Research
- Evaluating the impact of demand-driven spatial droughts on crop yield anomalies
- Exploring precursor factors including NO2 and Downwelling Solar Radiation on O3 events
- Observations of sea breeze frontal impacts on NYC metro-area O<SUB>3</SUB>-distributions
- PetDB Match-Maker: A Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Experiment
- Resilient Urban Water Systems: A Framework for Implementing Green-Gray Infrastructure
- Retrieving Brightness Temperatures Using Satellite Remote Sensing Measurements.
- SAR-based tidal marsh inundation product development supported by radiometric modeling and ground validation
- Seasonal Forecasting of Spatial, Coherent Floods in the Northeast United States using Climate Information for Flood Risk Assessment
- Spatial-Temporal Trends of Extreme Winds in The United States
- The Interconnection between the Urban Heat Island and Social Factors on Health Outcomes: Transforming Heat Wave Experiences into Meaningful Community Improvement
- The Urban Heat Island Effect: Capturing Community Engagement in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, NY
- Urban Environment and Extreme Events- a perspective from the North Eastern United States.
- Water Risk for the Bulk Power System: Asset to Grid Impacts
- An Investigation of Blocking, General Circulation, and Surface Heat Extremes in Current and Future Climates
- Analysis Of Uncertainty In Hydrometeorological Ensemble Forecasts
- Analysis of Surface Temperature Trends of Global Lakes Using Satellite Remote Sensing Observations
- Assessment and Comparison of NYC-Urban Hydromet Tested Network with NOAA Weather Station Data
- Climate Change and Anthropogenic Pressures Drive Hypertrofication and Loss of N2/N2O in a Coastal Wetland Ecosystem, North Africa
- Engaging Citizen Scientists in Urban Heat Island Investigations
- How Much Inundation Occurs in the Amazon River Basin?
- Improving sector-wide estimates of facility-integrated CH4, N2O and NH3 emissions from wastewater treatment using mobile measurements
- Investigating the skill of WRF bulk microphysics schemes in simulating UTLS hydration due to deep convection
- Laser Displacement Sensing for Rock Deformation: A Griggs Internal Load Cell Application
- Plot-scale Forest Structural Models from Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- Seasonal Hydroclimatic Forecasts and Water and Energy Management : Progress and Challenges
- Separation of Storm Types for Probabilistic Coastal Flood Assessments: When is it Needed and How Should the Results be Interpreted?
- SnowPEx+: The International Snow Products Intercomparison and Evaluation Exercise 2015-2020
- The Urban Heat Island Effect in Brooklyn, New York: An Urban Street Tree Mitigation Assessment using Landsat Satellite Imagery
- The sensible and latent heat surface fluxes in extratropical cyclones through their lifecycle
- Trends and Drivers of Bedload and Suspended Sediment Fluxes in Global Rivers
- Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge Probabilities for the US East Coast: A Cyclone-Based Perspective
- Understanding New York City Street Flooding through 311 Complaints
- Understanding Snow Representation in the Noah-MP Model through a Single Column Experiment
- Unified Ceilometer Network: Aerosol Profiling for Air Quality and Meteorological Applications
- Validation of Downscaled Satellite Land Surface Temperature in Urban Areas using combination of other satellites, UAVs and ground observations
- Variations in crustal strength along the New Zealand plate boundary inferred from recrystallized grain size and CPO of quartz mylonites.
- Variations in quartz recrystallized grain size distribution and cooling rate along strike of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand.
- Climate and Water Risk to the Bulk Power System: Asset to Grid Impacts
- Crediting Blue Carbon Lateral Fluxes: Measurement and Prediction of Flux Rates
- Data Science Approach for Understanding the History of Weather Extremes of New York City
- Evaluation of Streamflow Generation Using Different Formulations of Conceptual Functional Equivalent Model for Semi Arid Region.
- Exhuming Quartz-rich Rocks in the Laboratory: Implications for the Quartz Paleo-piezometer
- Flood risk to power generation in the United States
- Human Impacts and Urbanization in Long Island Sound: Marsh Archives and Implications for the Long Island Sound Estuary: A Case Study of Nell's Island Marsh, Connecticut
- Spatial Variability in Formaldehyde and Nitrogen Dioxide Diurnal Cycles in the NYC Area
- The IEDA2 Facility - Harmonizing FAIR Sample (Meta)Data for VGP Research
- The Regional Variation and Association of Heat Extremes and Blocking in Current and Projected Climates
- The Unprecedented Pacific Northwest Heatwave of June 2021: Causes and Impacts
- Unified Ceilometer Network: Aerosol Profiling for Air Quality and Meteorological Applications
- Validating SMAP Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth in Forests: Summary of Activities in 2022
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Sankarasubramanian
- Aaron Berg
- Alejandra R. Enríquez
- Allegra N. LeGrande
- Andreas Colliander
- Arash Modaresi Rad
- Arlene M. Fiore
- Ayan Santos Fleischmann
- B. L. Lefer
- C. E. Clapp
- Catherine M. Naud
- Colleen Mortimer
- D. M. Peteet
- D. S. Sayres
- Dai Yamazaki
- Daniel P. Moore
- Dara Entekhabi
- David J. Prior
- Derek J. Posselt
- Dorothy K. Hall
- Edward H. Bair
- Edward Park
- Eric Burdette
- Etienne Fluet‐Chouinard
- Gökçe Üstünışık
- Hamidreza Norouzi
- Hilary McMillan
- Hongming Yi
- J. Douglas Walker
- James F. Booth
- James R. Holmquist
- Jeff Dozier
- Jhardel Dasent
- Karin A. Block-Cora
- Kerstin Lehnert
- Kevin D. Kroeger
- L. L. Bourgeau-Chavez
- Lawrence Mudryk
- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- Lucan Mameri
- Lucas Ford
- Lucia Profeta
- M. A. Zondlo
- M. E. Gonneea
- M. Tzortziou
- Madankui Tao
- Menaka Revel
- Michael H. Cosh
- Mimi Hughes
- Naresh Devineni
- Nicole D. Jackson
- Philip M. Orton
- Rachel H. White
- Reginald Blake
- Rodrigo Cauduro Dias de Paiva
- Rubén Delgado
- Sarah Ramdeen
- Sidharth Misra
- Simon Kraatz
- Simon Yueh
- Sly Wongchuig
- Stefan A. Talke
- Steven Kidder
- Stuart Cohen
- T. H. Painter
- Tao Che
- Thomas Nägler
- Thomas Wahl
- Timbo Stillinger
- Upmanu Lall
- Walter Collischonn
- Xuehui Guo
- Yi Ming
- Zhaohui Aleck Wang