University of Wisconsin, River Falls
flowchart I[University of Wisconsin, River Falls] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (21)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (5)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Bringing Polar Science to the Classroom
- Magnetic Shielding of Energetic Ions
- Vegetation type modifies the cycling and aromaticity of DOC and N in small-scale urban stormwater basins
- Video is the new writing: Are you literate?
- Implications of Land-Use Change on Soil Organic Carbon and Sequestration Opportunities in Western Wisconsin
- Taking the temperature of the mantle: A global comparison of seismic models, axial ridge depths, and the petrology of mid-ocean-ridge basalts (Invited)
- The chemical compositions of global MORB and their implications for mantle properties (Invited)
- Using Direct Measurement Videos to Teach Physics
- Can Direct Measurement Videos Inspire Lab-like Learning?
- Geophysical and geochemical evidence for deep temperature variations beneath mid-ocean ridges
- Latest Highlights from our Direct Measurement Video Collection
- Lessons Learned from the IceCube Collaboration Education and Outreach Efforts: The Importance of Partners
- Reversal Transition Records from Intrusions: Implications for the Reversal Process.
- The IceCube Astrophysics Masterclass: Bringing Authentic Research to Teachers and Students
- A Study of Plagioclase-bearing Pyroxenites from the Ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
- Geochemical "Moats" around Near-ridge Hot Spots
- Relationship between Tectonics and Geochemistry at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from Kane to Atlantis.
- IceCube Polar Virtual Reality exhibit: immersive learning for learners of all ages
- Identifying the organic and inorganic products of incipient weathering in natural environments
- The impact of enhanced sulfate deposition and recovery on mercury dynamics and water quality in a peatland catchment
- The Role of Ester Sulfate and Organic Disulfide in Mercury Methylation in Ombrotrophic Peat Soils