University of North Carolina, Charlotte
flowchart I[University of North Carolina, Charlotte] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (116)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (19)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Modeling the Impact of Winter Snow Cover on the North American Monsoon
- Neotectonic Observations from the Valdivia basin, Southern Chile, a new perspective on co-seismic deformation associated with the 1960 Chilean Earthquake
- Numerical Simulations Used to Test the Effects of Lithology and Recharge Rates on Temperature Profiles Beneath Ephemeral Streams in Southern Arizona
- Eutrophication Model Accuracy - Comparison of Calibration and Verification Performance of a Model of the Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina
- Drainage Density: A Framework for Predicting Peak and Low Flows in Ungaged Catchments
- Triple-Junction Magmatism: Arc-Affinity Lavas on the Woodlark Spreading Center
- Secular Streamflow Trends in Watersheds Receiving Mixed Rain and Snow, Pacific Coast and Cascades Ranges
- Collecting field data from Mars Exploration Rover Spirit and Opportunity Images: Development of 3-D Visualization and Data-Mining Software
- Effects of Juan de Fuca Ridge Convergence on the Composition of Cobb Hotspot Lavas, 33 Ma to Present
- Eruptive Process, Geochemical Variation, and Weathering Controls on the Hyperspectral Reflectance Properties of the Blue Dragon Lava Flow, Craters of the Moon National Monument
- Hydraulic features of Engineered Log Jams (ELJs) and their influence on salmonid behavior
- Insolation Weathering: An Instrumentation and Field Based Study (Invited)
- Landslide Monitoring with Multi-Temporal Airborne LiDAR
- NASA Ames Research Center Climate Change Adaptation Research
- Networking Skills as a Career Development Practice: Lessons from the Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN)
- Spatial heterogeneity in isotopic signatures of baseflow in small watersheds: implications for understanding watershed hydrology
- The Great Geologic Sponge: What Do Storage Dynamics Reveal About Runoff Generation In Young Volcanic Landscapes? (Invited)
- Understanding the collective effects of large scale wind energy production: Implications for minimizing impacts while maximizing electricity production
- Controls on the hydrologic evolution of Quaternary volcanic landscapes
- Geomorphic and chemical controls on sediment denitrification in restored urban streams
- Lessons from the Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN) Workshop "Defining Your Research Identity"
- Solar-induced weathering of rocks: integrating instrumental and numerical studies
- The influence of stormwater management practices on denitrification rates of receiving streams in an urban watershed
- Understanding channel network extent in the North Carolina Piedmont in the context of legacy land use, flow generation processes, and landscape dissection
- Vorticity Assessment in Non-Uniformly Deforming Augen Gneiss
- Modeling temperature and stress in rocks exposed to the sun
- Online and in-person networking among women in the Earth Sciences Women's Network at
- A Multi-Level Approach to Modeling Rapidly Growing Mega-Regions as a Coupled Human-Natural System
- Bacterial tetraethers from Tibetan hot springs: Implications for nitrogen metabolism and biological sources
- Regional patterns of cropland and pasture burning: Statistical separation of signals from remote sensing products
- The Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN): A member-driven network approach to supporting women in the Geosciences
- Transient Storage versus Hyporheic Exchange in Low-gradient Headwater Streams
- Changes to Stream Water and Soil Temperature Regimes Pre and Post Forest Harvesting in Low Order Boreal Forest Watersheds.
- Comparison of Shear-wave Profiles for a Compacted Fill in a Geotechnical Test Pit
- Effects of LiDAR point density and landscape context on the retrieval of urban forest biomass
- Fact and Fiction of Nitrous Oxide Production By Nitrification
- Long-term, High Resolution Records of Rock Cracking, Weather and Climate from Mid-Latitude, Desert and Humid-Temperate Sites
- Onshore Transport of Large Nearshore Boulders during Super Typhoon Haiyan
- Petrography and Geochemistry of High Silica EPR Glasses: Implications for Melt Production and Transport
- Preliminary Geophysical Survey for Assessing the Geotechnical Conditions and Geohazards at Huaca de La Luna, Peru
- Thermodynamic Constraints on Sulfate Reduction and Methanogenesis in a Coalbed Methane Reservoir
- Water Column Methanotrophy Fueled by Methane from the Hudson Canyon Seep Field, US Atlantic Margin
- Exploring deliberate mentoring approaches aimed at improving the recruitment and persistence of undergraduate women in the geosciences
- GPR Imaging of Fault Related Folds in a Gold-Bearing Metasedimentary Sequence, Carolina Terrane, Southern Appalachian Mountains
- High resolution and comprehensive techniques to analyze aerobic methane oxidation in mesocosm experiments
- Investigating the chemical and isotopic kinetics of aerobic methane oxidation in the Northern US Atlantic Margin, Hudson Canyon
- Late Holocene stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic variation of bulk organic matter deposited in Blackwood Sinkhole, Abaco, The Bahamas
- Multi-decadal to Millennial-scale Reconstructions of Global Biomass Burning and its Responses to Changes in Climate, Vegetation and Anthropogenic Forcings
- Real-time Observations of Rock Cracking and Weather Provide Insights into Thermal Stress-Related Processes of Mechanical Weathering.
- Source and Cycling of Trace Metals and Nutrients in a Microbial Coalbed Methane System
- The Lilesville Gravels: A Neogene Strath Terrace Deposit from the Piedmont/Coastal Plain Boundary of North Carolina, USA
- An Assessment of the Relationship Between Rock Properties and the Rate of Bare-bedrock Erosion on Ridgeline Outcrops of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Virginia, USA
- Apparently spontaneous fracture of a granitic exfoliation dome: observations and monitoring
- Depositional Model for a Beaver Pond Complex in a Piedmont Stream Valley
- Evaluation of Biogeochemical Processes and Rock-Water Interactions in the Black Warrior Basin Coalbed Methane Reservoir (Alabama, USA) Via Isotopic Characterization of Formation Water Samples
- Experimentally Reproducing Thermal Breakdown of Rock at Earth's Surface
- Exploring How Weathering Related Stresses and Subcritical Crack Growth May Influence the Size of Sediment Produced From Different Rock Types.
- Exploring deliberate mentoring approaches aimed at improving the recruitment and persistence of undergraduate women in the geosciences
- Ghost Forest Rising: A Hyperspectral Approach to Assessing Vegetation Health and Tree Die-Off in Response to Saltwater Intrusion in a Coastal Environment
- Leaf wax records of late Holocene hydrologic changes on Abaco Island, Northern Bahamas
- Microbial Community Dynamics in Methane-Oxidizing Mesocosms from the Gulf of Mexico and U.S. Atlantic Margin
- Rock Erodibility as a Dynamic Variable Driven by the Interplay between Erosion and Weathering in Bedrock Channels: Examples from Great Falls, Virginia, USA
- Seasonal Soil Respiration and Methane Emissions in a SE Freshwater Tidal Riparian System
- The Importance and Current Limitations of Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Retrieval from Space for Land-Atmosphere Coupling Studies
- 50 Myr. in a serpentinite subduction channel: Insights into slow eclogite exhumation
- A Best Practices Approach to Working with Undergraduate Women in the Geosciences
- A Blueprint for Expanding the Mentoring Networks of Undergraduate Women in the Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Comparing the Global Charcoal Database with Burned Area Trends from an Offline Fire Model Driven by the NCAR Last Millennium Ensemble
- How do subcritical cracking rates and styles influence rock erosion? A test case from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.
- Is Polar Amplification Deeper and Stronger than Dynamicists Assume?
- Possible Links Among Iron Reduction, Silicate Weathering, and Arsenic Mobility in the Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer in Louisiana
- Reconstructions of Fire Activity in North America and Europe over the Past 250 Years: A comparison of the Global Charcoal Database with Historical Records
- Stream chemistry and groundwater-surface water interactions in Piedmont headwater streams (Charlotte, NC) prior to whole-watershed restoration
- A global analysis of hunter-gatherers, documented fire use, and lightning-fire-prone landscapes
- Addressing Equity and Student Self-Efficacy through Student Research Symposia
- Assessing the social and biophysical services of rain gardens in urban landscapes
- Do CMIP5 climate models agree on warming of the atmosphere with latitude and height?
- Energy Budget Analysis of TRACMIP Model Simulations
- Interpreting plant wax records of precipitation on a changing Bahamian landscape.
- PT Estimates for Garnet Amphibolites from Boone, Eastern Blue Ridge, North Carolina
- State of the Carbon Cycle in Terrestrial Wetlands of North America
- This is What a Scientist Looks Like: Role Modeling to Retain Undergraduate Women in the Geosciences
- Drought indices overestimate many drought impacts of global warming, even when CO2 effects on vegetation are eliminated
- Riparian Atmospheric and Water Borne Material Exchanges Along a Freshwater Tidal Gradient, South Eastern USA
- Structural Analysis of Planar Structural Data from the Nashoba-Putnam Terrane, and Adjacent western Avalon Terrane and eastern Merrimack Belt, southeastern New England Appalachians, USA
- The Value of Role Models in Retaining Undergraduate Women in the Geosciences
- Tropical rain belt and energy budget: a regional approach using TRACMIP
- Very strong correlation between Northern Hemisphere jet response and Arctic-minus-subtropical warming across CMIP5 models.
- Comparing Idealized Simulations of Supercell Thunderstorms in Current vs. "Business as Usual" Future Environments
- Competitions and trade-offs in the eco-hydrologic response to CO2 and warming
- Correlation Between Northern Hemisphere Jet Change and Subtropical-Arctic Warming in CMIP6
- Environmental Evolution of Supercells Interacting with the Appalachian Mountains
- Forestry and mercury: Site specific factors that influence the catchment sensitivity to forest harvest
- It's more than stress - field evidence for climate's influence on rates of rock fracture.
- Late Quaternary evolution of rock cracking rates and morphology in Owens Valley, California
- Radar Characteristics of Observed Supercell Thunderstorms Interacting with the Appalachian Mountains
- Seasonal intertropical convergence zone shift: does energetic theory still work
- The Temporal Evolution of Severe vs. Non-Severe High Shear Low CAPE Environments
- Trends in Extreme Dewpoints Across the U.S.
- Two million years of cracks: Co-evolution of subcritical fracturing and rock thermal properties at Mullins Glacier, Antarctica
- Alteration of Riparian Shallow-Groundwater Levels and Temperature 2014-2020: A component of floodplain recovery after whole-watershed stream restoration
- An Analysis of Atmospheric River Evolution and Moisture Region Source in the Eastern US
- Crack Zonation in Boulders Indicates Piecemeal Propagation
- Landslide by a thousand cuts: Exploring the role of subcritical cracking, combined stresses and climate in driving critical rock failures
- Time and Tide: Hydrology, Biogeochemistry and Water Quality in an Estuary Headwaters
- Towards Just, All-Of-Society Climate Action: An Inventory of Federal Climate Workforce Development, Education, Training, and Engagement Programs
- Under what conditions do the global warming responses of drought indices and land-surface models agree?
- Untangling the Impacts of Climate, Lithology, and Time on Rock Cracking Rates and Morphology in Arid and Semi-arid Eastern California
- An interactive web interface to compare the LOcalized Constructed Analogs 2 (LOCA2) with its precursor and CMIP6
- CMIP6 captures the satellite-era jet slowdown and arctic amplification - yet projects future jet speedup and tropical amplification
- Characterizing Microtopography and its Impact on Carbon Dynamics in Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands
- Climate-dependent Subcritical Fracture Propagation in Cobbles from the McMurdo Dry Valleys
- Deliberate Mentoring Strategies for the Retention of Undergraduate Women in the Earth Sciences
- Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer May Complicate Use of Stable Isotopes to Trace the Pathway of Methanogenesis
- Inspiration, inoculation, and introductions are all critical to successful mentorship for undergraduate women pursuing geoscience careers
- Levantine Agriculture During the Early to Middle Bronze Age