University of Illinois, Chicago
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Evidence for Hydrothermal Circulation and Alteration on 20-25 Ma Crust About to be Subducted in the Middle American Trench
- From the Top Down or the Bottom Up?: Nature and Controls of Self-similarity in the Fossil Record
- GeoWall: Stereo Projection Systems Designed for Earth Science Classrooms
- Heat Flow on the Incoming Plate Offshore Nicoya, Costa Rica margin: Implications for Hydrothermal Circulation and the Thermal State of the Subducting Plate
- Miniaturized Temperature Data Loggers for Deep Sea Sediment Temperature Gradient Measurements: Examples From TICOFLUX I and Cruises on R/V 'SONNE'
- Nanoscale Structure at Mineral-Fluid Interfaces
- Preliminary Thermal Models of Subduction at the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- The Natural and Political Caldera-lake crisis of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, 2001
- The Origin and Tectonic Significance of Ophiolites
- The Role of Mantle Flow in driving Pre-Collision Subduction-Accretion Cycles: Preliminary Caribbean Model
- Volcanoes Track Mantle Flow Beneath Luzon Arc
- Geologic Development and Sand Accumulation Within a Northeastern South Carolina Spit
- Heat Flow and Flexure at Subduction Zones
- Illumination of Cation Sorption Mechanisms on Muscovite Using X-ray Reflectivity
- Morphology of Small-Scale Patterned Ground in Utopia Planitia, Mars: A Comparison With Terrestrial Polygonal Terrain
- Sorption of Zn(II) and Co(II) on Rutile Surfaces from 25 to 250 Degrees Centigrade by pH Titrations: Impact of X-Ray Standing Wave (XSW) and EXAFS Studies on Electrical Double Layer Models.
- Spots yes, hot barely or not
- Structure of the Fluorapatite (100)-Water Interface by High Resolution X-ray Reflectivity
- The Utility of in situ X-ray Standing Wave Measurements to Help Constrain Surface Complexation Models
- WiggleView : Visualizing Large Seismic Datasets
- GeoWall Experiences in K-12 Education
- GeoWall-2 : a Scalable Display System for the Geosciences
- Measurements of Natural Radioactivity in Submicron Aerosols in Mexico City.
- Patterns of Heat Loss and Hydrothermal Recharge and Discharge Within 20-24 Ma Seafloor Offshore of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, From Collocated Thermal and Seismic Data
- Potential Ground Ice and Small-Scale Polygons on Mars
- Reconciling Holocene Sea-Level History on the US Gulf Coast: Is the Mississippi Delta the Rosetta Stone?
- Sulfur Isotopic Analysis of Water and Sediment From Lake Hoare, Antarctica
- The CoreWall; Visualization Technology for Core Interpretation and Site Selection
- The State of the GeoWall
- Using 3D Glyph Visualization to Explore Real-time Seismic Data on Immersive and High-resolution Display Systems
- Visualizing seismic wave propagation
- A new method of measuring 81Kr and 85Kr abundances in environmental samples
- Average Age of Soil Carbon Pools Contributing to Soil CO2 in a Forest Exposed to FACE
- Biomarker Record From the Tisdale Group (2707 - 2705 Ma) and Porcupine Group (2685 - 2673 Ma) of the Abitibi Subprovidence, Timmins, Ontario, Canada
- Distributed volume rendering of global models of seismic wave propagation
- Glaciers in Equilibrium - Results from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- High resolution visualization of USArray data on a 50 megapixel display using OptIPuter technologies.
- Influence of Air Entry Pressure and Degree of Sorting on Air Entrapment below the Water Table: Simulation Results
- More Evidence for Young Tectonism Along the Saline River Fault Zone, Southern Mississippi Embayment
- One Million Year Old Groundwater in the Sahara Revealed by Krypton-81 and Chlorine-36
- Sedimentation in Lake El'gygytgyn, Northeastern Siberia, During the Past Three Climate Cycles
- Severnaya Zemlya, Arctic Russia: a Middle to Late Quaternary Kara Sea Ice Sheet(s) Nucleation Area
- Soil Carbon Accrual from C3 and C4 Plants Sources in a Restored Tallgrass Prairie Chronosequence
- Stable Cl And O Isotope Ratios Of Anthropogenic And Natural Perchlorates
- The Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event: Linkage of High-Resolution Terrestrial and Marine Records of a Major Climate Perturbation During Peak Greenhouse Conditions.
- An assessment of the utility of optically-stimulated luminescence to date sediments from Lakes Malawi, Bosumtwi, and Tanganyika, Africa
- Astrobiology of Antarctic ice Covered Lakes
- CoreWall: A Scalable Interactive Tool for Visual Core Description, Data Visualization, and Stratigraphic Correlation
- Diurnal and Seasonal Variation in the Components of Soil Respiration in a Forest Exposed to Elevated CO2
- Does Sea-Level Lowstand Always Lead to Cross-Shelf Valley Formation and Source-to-Sink Sediment Flux?
- Improved Access To Aging Ocean Basement Biosphere For Microbial Geochemical Studies
- Initial Results of Scientific Drilling on Lake Malawi, East African Rift
- Introduction to TETHYS - an Interdisciplinary GIS Database for Studying Continental Plate Collisions
- Seasonal Variations in the Flux and Isotopic Composition of Nitrate in the Upper Illinois River
- The Lake Bosumtwi Drilling Project: A 1 Ma West African Paleoclimate Record
- The Respiration-to-Photosynthesis Ratio of Intact Forests Exposed to Elevated CO2 concentration
- The relation between 20th century dune migration and wetland formation at Cape Cod National Sea Shore, MA
- Uncertainties on Root C Turnover and Decomposition and its Impact on Soil C Sequestration Potential
- An Update on CoreWall Tool Suite Development: An Integrated Approach for Data Discovery, Description, Visualization, and Correlation
- Dynamic Lubrication and the Stability of Subglacial Water Pockets
- Method for Extraction of Dissolved Gases From Groundwater for Radiokrypton Analysis
- Molecular Fossil Evidence of Archaea and a Deep Biosphere during the Late Archean
- Oxygen and Chlorine Isotopic Fractionation During Microbial Reduction of Perchlorate
- Paleolimnology and Paleoecology of the Lake Fryxell Basin Using Molecular Fossils:Preliminary Results
- Severnaya Zemlya, Arctic Russia: a Nucleation Area for Kara Sea Ice Sheets During the Middle to Late Quaternary
- Spatial Indexing of Datasets for CoreWall: CoreNavigator
- Development of a Visualization Rain Table: A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
- Effects of invasive species on ecosystem carbon dynamics in a restored tallgrass prairie
- Enormous Power Output and Fluid Fluxes Driven Through a few Mid-plate Outcrops
- Environmentally Non-Disturbing Under-ice Robotic ANtarctiC Explorer (ENDURANCE)
- Evidence for Biomass Burning from 14C and 13C/12C Measurements at T-0 and T-1 during MILAGRO.
- Exploration of Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments: Environmental and Scientific Stewardship
- Hydrologic and Vegetative Effects on the Rate of Soil Carbon Accumulation in Restored Midwestern Grasslands
- Isotopic Discrimination of Perchlorate Sources in Ground Water
- Low elevation hydrogeological features in the McMurdo Dry Valleys as analogs to recent Mars
- Modeling Propagating Discontinuities in Finite Elements with Linear Displacement Jumps
- New Mechanisms of Mercury Binding to Peat
- Novel Penta-Unsaturated Alkenones From Lake Fryxell, Antarctica
- Phototrophs vs. chemotrophs: surprising diversity at the intersection of hot springs communities
- Sill Injection on Icy Satellites Inferred from Ridge-Induced Flexure on Europa
- Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics in Prairie Remnants and Conservation Reserve Program Lands of the Palouse Region
- The 1 Ma Lake Bosumtwi (West Africa) Paleoclimate Record: Comparisons to Marine and Polar Records
- The CoreWall Project: An Update for 2007
- Biotic and Abiotic Factors Controlling Soil Respiration Partitioning in a Tall Grass Prairie
- Can Earthworm "mix up" Soil Carbon Budgets in Temperate Forests Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide?
- Enhanced Finite Elements With Linear Displacement Jumps for Modeling Propagating Fault and Fracture Systems
- Evidence for the Presence of Colloidal Metacinnabar in Mercury-DOM-Sulfide Systems as Determined by a Chromatographic-EXAFS Method
- Formation of Uranyl-Silicate Nanoparticles at Ambient Conditions
- Holocene Dune Formation and Human-induced Aeolian Remobilisation in South Brandenburg, Germany
- Koster van Groos, A F
- Method for purification of Kr from environmental samples for analysis of radiokrypton isotopes
- Nitrogen Cascade: An Opportunity to Integrate Biogeochemistry and Policy
- Overview of the biology of extreme events
- Paleoenvironmental Implications of Shoreline Chronology of Qinghai Lake, northeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- RF Tomography for Tunnel Detection: Principles and Inversion Schemes
- Responses of Plant Respiration to Pleistocene Changes in Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations
- Strong Binding Environments for Mercury in Peat
- The CoreWall Project: An Update for 2008
- The Legacy of Invasive Species on Ecosystem Carbon Dynamics in a Restored Tallgrass Prairie
- Tracing the Complex Ice Cover Evolution of Lake Vida, Antarctica Through Noble Gases
- Examining formation mechanisms of Martian gullies using Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Context imagery
- How fulvic acid affects heavy metal uptake on the muscovite (001) surface
- It’s our Fault: Immersing Young Learners in Authentic Practices of Seismology
- Kr-81 and Kr-85 analysis for the determination of water/ice age
- Physiological idiosyncrasies and extreme events - two gaps in models of vegetation change
- Relaxation of "Fresh" Large Craters on the Icy Galilean Satellites and the Depths to Their Oceans
- Xenon isotope constraints on the thermal evolution of the early Earth
- A field-validated model for landfill methane emissions inclusive of seasonal methane oxidation
- Complex serpentinizing systems and the deep biosphere: metabolic opportunities depend on the geochemistry of mixing waters
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Improved linear response for stochastically driven systems
- Interaction of CO2 and brines with montmorillonite to 400 bars and 45oC
- Microbial Community Diversity in Fault-Associated and Ophiolite-Hosted Springs
- Modern Recharge of the Nubian Aquifer: Remote Sensing, Geochemical, Geophysical, and Modeling Constraints
- Nitrogen cycling in Hot Spring Sediments and Biofilms (Invited)
- Nitrogen cycling in Yellowstone National Park thermal features: using gene expression to reveal ecological function
- Radioisotope tracer approach for understanding the impacts of global change-induced pedoturbation on soil C dynamics
- Radioisotopes (137Cs, 40K, 210Pb) indicate that cryoturbation processes in Alaskan tussock tundra are accelerated under deeper winter snow: results from short and long-term winter snow depth experiments
- Reaching Part-Per-Quadrillion: Detect Ar-39 in Atmospheric Samples Using ATTA
- The ENDURANCE (Environmentally Non-Disturbing Under-ice Robotic ANtarctic Explorer) project. (Invited)
- The Weirdest Topography in the Outer Solar System: The Ridge on Iapetus and its Possible Formation via Giant Impact (Invited)
- A contemporary national nitrogen inventory as a benchmark for future progress in mitigating nitrogen pollution in the USA
- Belowground carbon sources and fine root turnover times using <SUP>13</SUP>C tracer at the conclusion of a long-term FACE experiment
- Bioenergetics of Continental Serpentinites
- Carbon Isotopic Measurements and Aerosol Optical Determinations during CARES: Indications of the Importance of Background Biogenic Aerosols
- Carbon uptake, microbial community structure, and mineralization of layered mats from Imperial Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- Decadal Heat Accumulation in Ice-Covered Lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Depth and Heat Flow Constraints on the Oldest Oceanic Lithosphere
- Effects of Surfactants on Cryptosporidium parvum Mobility in Agricultural Soils from Illinois and Utah
- Effects of geochemical changes on microbial community structure in a hot spring ecosystem
- Flanking Fractures and the Formation of Double Ridges on Europa
- In situ Expression of Functional Genes Reveals Nitrogen Cycling at High Temperatures in Terrestrial Hydrothermal Systems
- Management of Excess Reactive Nitrogen in the Environment
- Source of Groundwater Recharge over the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt: Geochemical and Geochronological Constraints
- Stable Isotope and Isotopomeric Constraints on Nitrous Oxide Production in a Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Stable Isotopic Signatures in the Isolated Brine Cyroecosystem of Lake Vida Reveal Evidence of both Abiotic and Biotic Processes
- Suppression of chaos at slow variables by rapidly mixing fast dynamics through linear energy-preserving coupling
- The Evolution of Subsurface and Surface Topography of Large Craters on Mars
- The Smoking Gun: Remanent Magnetic Anomalies on Mars and the Formation of the Crustal Dichotomy via Giant Impact
- The formation of a 26m ice cover on Lake Vida, Antarctica
- A New Search for Lunar Mascon Basins using Detrended Kaguya (SELENE) Gravity: Implications for GRAIL
- Aggregate formation and soil carbon sequestration by earthworms at the ORNL FACE experiment
- Assessing Holocene water level changes of Lake Turkana, Kenya with potential linkages to monsoon variability
- Biological Invasions Impact Ecosystem Properties and can Affect Climate Predictions
- Fine root carbon: sources and turnover by diameter class and root order using 13C tracer at the conclusion of a long-term FACE experiment
- From the Belly of the Beast: Biogeochemistry and geomicrobiology of a fluid seep at Chimaera [Yanartas], Turkey
- GPS Constraints on Crustal Deformation in the Republic of Georgia
- Gaining ground in the modeling of land-use change greenhouse gas emissions associated with biofuel production
- Geochemical and physical drivers of microbial community structure in hot spring ecosystems
- Increased winter precipitation makes arctic tundra a methane source but gas diffusion modulates abiotic sensitivity of soil C efflux
- Plate-Tectonic Setting of the Mid-Continent Rift
- Site Specific Landfill CH4 Emissions: Shortcomings of National GHG Inventory Guidelines and a New Process-Based Approach Linked to Climate and Soil Microclimate
- Small Scale Biodiversity of an Alkaline Hot Spring in Yellowstone National Park
- Spatial Heterogeneity of Ice Cover Sediment and Thickness and Its Effects on Photosynthetically Active Radiation and Chlorophyll-a Distribution: Lake Bonney, Antarctica
- Transport of Lactate-modified Nanoscale Iron Particles in Porous Media
- Chemical, Isotopic and Remote Sensing Constraints on the Age, Origin, and Groundwater Potentiality in the Rub Al Khali Aquifer System, Arabian Peninsula
- Ecology of Two Terrestrial Serpentinizing Fluid Seeps Offers a Glimpse of the Deep Biosphere
- Effect of Plant Uptake on Perchlorate Isotopic Composition
- End of the trend: Cold desert ecosystem responses to climate variability
- Evaluation of Heterotrophy in in Serpentinite-Associated Waters from the Coast Range Ophiolite, Northern California, USA and the Zambales Ophiolite, Philippines
- Failure was not an option- the Mid-Continent Rift system succeeded
- Gravity is the Key Experiment to Address the Habitability of the Ocean in Jupiter's Moon Europa
- Isotopes in Western North American snowpack 1993 - 2013
- Krypton-81 and Groundwater Flow in the Culebra Dolomite Near the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, New Mexico
- Long-term deeper snow causes changes in litter quality, soil C and N storage in moist acidic tundra in Northern Alaska
- Microbial Metabolic Landscapes Derived from Complementary Mineralogical, Aqueous Geochemical, and Gas Data Associated with High pH, Actively Serpentinizing Springs in the Coast Range Ophiolite (CA,USA) and Zambales and Palawan Ophiolites (Philippines)
- Midlatitude ice-rich ground on Mars as a target in the search for evidence of life and for in situ resource utilization on human missions
- Mismatches in Phenology of Birds and Their Food Due to Climate Change: Big Data, Analytical Challenges, and Scale Sensitivity
- Perchlorate in The Great Lakes: Distribution, Isotopic Composition and Origin
- Potential for a large earthquake rupture of the San Ramón fault in Santiago, Chile
- Reconstructing the Paleo-Limnologic Evolution of Lake Bonney, Antarctica using Dissolved Noble Gases
- Soil bacterial community shifts in response to vegetation and soil temperature change in moist acidic tundra of Northern Alaska
- Terrestrial Occurrence of Perchlorate and the Relationship to Nitrate in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas (Invited)
- Tracing time scales of fluid residence and migration in the crust (Invited)
- Two Decades of Variability in Nutrient Budgets for Ice-Covered, Closed Basin Lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Variability in leaf morphology and photosynthetic responses of arctic woody shrubs to warming and shifts in snow induced thermal insulation
- Water level changes for Lake Turkana and climate variability during the African Humid Period
- A Reassessment of Greenland Climate History Using a Proxy System Model for Accumulation of the Isotope Record in Snow
- A Study Regarding the Possibility of True Polar Wander on the Asteroid Vesta
- Aerial EM Survey Reveals Groundwater Systems Beneath Taylor Valley, Antarctica
- Application of Stable Isotope Tracers to Determine Latent Heat Exchange in Stable and Condensing Boundary Layers
- Assessing soil fluxes of carbonyl sulfide to aid in ecosystem estimates of GPP
- Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Removal by Enhancing Weathering
- Boundary layer stability acts to ballast the mass of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Continuous In-situ Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide to Constrain Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchange
- Crater Relaxation and Heat Flow in the Saturnian System, and Anticipation of New Horizons Observations at the Pluto-Charon System
- Creation and Assessment of an Active E-Learning Introductory Geoscience Course
- Evaporative Control on Soil Water Isotope Ratios: Implications for Atmosphere-Land Surface Water Fluxes and Interpretation of Terrestrial Proxy Records
- Genetic legacy of the deep subsurface recorded in the outflow channel of a terrestrial serpentinizing seep (Luzon, the Philippines)
- Geophysical imaging reveals brine system beneath an ice-sealed Antarctic lake
- Heating the Ice-Covered Lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica - Decadal Trends in Heat Content, Ice Thickness, and Heat Exchange
- Microbially-influenced Fe-Cycling within high pH serpentinizing springs of the Zambales Ophiolite, Philippines
- Mid-Continent Rift: Rift, LIP, or Both?
- Modeling Tidal Stresses on Planetary Bodies Using an Enhanced SatStress GUI
- Nitrate Sources and Transport in the Upper Illinois River Basin Evaluated with Stable Isotope Ratios and SWAT Modeling
- Prevalence, microphysics, and radiative properties of diamond dust, fog, and blowing snow over the central Greenland Ice Sheet
- Quantifying Spatial and Temporal Variability of Methane Emissions from a Complex Area Source: Case Study of a Central Indiana Landfill
- Relationships between Slow Slip and Earthquakes at the Brittle-Ductile Transition of Subduction Zones
- Responses of temperate forest productivity to insect and pathogen disturbances
- Shrub biomass, net primary production, and canopy spectral imaging (NDVI) exhibit consistent correspondence across Arctic Tundra habitats.
- The McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems responding to climatic events that enhance hydrologic transport acress the landscape
- Understanding the paleohydrological setting of the Arabian Peninsula: An integrated approach
- Using Lake Superior Parks to Present the Midcontinent Rift
- Will Arctic ground squirrels impede or accelerate climate-induced vegetation changes to the Arctic tundra?
- Age of the Jacobsville Sandstone and Implications for the Evolution of the Midcontinent Rift
- Canopy Spectral Imaging (NDVI) As A Proxy For Shrub Biomass And Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes Across Arctic Tundra Habitats
- Continuous In-situ Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS) and Carbon Dioxide Isotopes to Constrain Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchanges
- Deeper winter snow reduces ecosystem C losses but increases the global warming potential of Arctic tussock tundra over the growing season.
- Estimating soil carbon change and biofuel life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions with economic, ecosystem and life-cycle models
- Exploring Liquid Water Beneath Glaciers and Permafrost in Antarctica Through Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys
- Identification of subsurface brines in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, via an airborne EM resistivity survey
- In Search of Archean Biomarkers: Re-analysis of 2.7 Ga Metasediments from the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Ontario, Canada.
- Investigating the hydrological origins of Blood Falls - geomicrobiological insights into a briny subglacial Antarctic aquifer
- Isotopes in Rocky Mountain Snowpack 1993-2014
- Long-term and Short-term Vertical Deformation Rates across the Forearc in the Central Mexican Subduction Zone
- Metabolomics and the Legacy of Previous Ecosystems: a Case Study from the Brine of Lake Vida (Antarctica)
- Modeling Tidal Stresses on Satellites Using an Enhanced SatStressGUI
- New Perspective on the Transition from Flat to Steeper Subduction in Oaxaca, Mexico Based on Seismicity, Nonvolcanic Tremor, and Slow Slip
- North America's Midcontinent Rift: when Rift MET Lip
- North American Rocky Mountain Hydroclimate: Holocene patterns and variability at multi-decadal to millennial time scales
- Origin, age, and paleoclimatic setting of the Late Quaternary deposits in Wadi Feiran, Sinai Peninsula: Geomorphologic, geochronologic, and isotopic constraints
- Overcoming uncertainty with carbonyl sulfide-based GPP estimates: observing and modeling soil COS fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems
- Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of ~40ka stromatolites from the ancient Lake Lahontan, Nevada, USA
- Perchlorate and Volatiles in the Brine of Lake Vida (antarctica): Implication for the Analysis of Mars Sediments
- Refining Isotopic Parameterization Choices Using Stable Water Isotope Profiles In Surface Layer And Soil To Improve Modeling Of Mid-Latitude Continental Moisture Cycling
- Stability and Mobility of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots in Soils: Effects of Organic Ligands, pH and Ionic Strength
- Carbonyl Sulfide Fluxes from a Tall Grass Prairie Ecosystem Through a Growing Season
- Comparative Riftology: Insights into the Evolution of Passive Continental Margins and Continental Rifts from North America's Failed Midcontinent Rift
- Constraining Recent Climate History Using Helium, Krypton and Xenon Concentrations in the Perennially Ice-Covered Lake Bonney, East Antarctica
- Evaluating climate controls on isotopic shifts in high-altitude forests during the Last Interglacial
- Exploring the Deep Biosphere in Ophiolite-hosted Systems: What Can Metabolic Processes in Surface Seeps Tell Us About Subsurface Ecosystems in Serpentinizing Fluids?
- GC×GC-TOF-MS of Metabolites of Lake Vida Brine (Antarctica): Evidence for Past and Current Biogeochemical Processes
- Heavy Metal Resistant, Alkalitolerant Bacteria Isolated From Serpentinizing Springs in the Zambales Ophiolite, Philippines
- Holocene Climate Reconstructions from Lake Water Oxygen Isotopes in NW and SW Greenland
- Impacts of Vegetation on the Decoupling between Air and Soil Temperatures across the Arctic
- In search of ancient biomarkers: Using femtosecond - Laser Desorption Post Ionization - Mass Spectrometry (fs-LDPI-MS) to map organic compounds within ca. 2.7 Ga samples from the Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada
- Insights Into Ice-Ocean Interactions on Earth and Europa
- Metagenomic analysis of carbon cycling and biogenic methane formation in terrestrial serpentinizing fluid springs
- Modeling Continental Rifts and Melting Under Precambrian Mantle Conditions: Effects of Mantle Potential Temperature and Rheology
- Modeling the complex shape evolution of sedimenting particle swarms in fractures
- Multiscale Climate Emulator of Multimodal Wave Spectra: MUSCLE-spectra
- Observational perspectives on cloud-atmosphere-surface coupling at Summit, Greenland
- Preliminary Studies of the Structural Characteristics of the Lubao Fault using 2D High Resolution Shallow Seismic Reflection Profile
- Projecting 21<SUP>st</SUP> century coastal cliff retreat in Southern California
- Simulating Tidal Stresses on Satellites Using SatStressGUI: Now with Polar Wander
- Strong Control of Salts on Near Surface Liquid Water Content in a High Polar Desert Indicated by Near Surface Resistivity Mapping with a Helicopter-Borne TEM Sensor, Lower Taylor Valley, Antarctica
- The Last Gasp - the Terminal Magmatic Stages of the Keweenaw LIP
- The ecophysiological response to interglacial warming in the Rocky Mountains
- A Centaur Reconnaissance Mission: a NASA JPL Planetary Science Summer Seminar mission design experience
- A Geodynamic model for melt generation and evolution of the Mid-Continental Rift
- Are Titan's radial Labyrinth terrains surface expressions of large laccoliths?
- Calculating Tidal Stresses on Satellites Using SatStressGUI
- Can Surface Seeps Elucidate Carbon Cycling in Terrestrial Subsurface Ecosystems in Ophiolite-hosted Serpentinizing Fluids?
- Comparative Riftology: Insights into the Evolution of Passive Continental Margins and Continental Rifts from the Failed Midcontinent Rift (MCR)
- Dew Frequency across the NEON Network from Infrared Radiometry
- First archaeointensity results from the historical period of Cambodia, Southeast Asia
- Insights into Rift Initiation, Evolution, and Failure from North America's Midcontinent Rift
- Mars: Lithospheric Flexure of the Tharsis Montes Volcanoes and the Evolutionary Relationship to Their Tectonic History
- Metagenomic and Clumped Isotopologue Evidence for Microbial Methanogenesis in the Zambales Ophiolite
- Micron Scale Mapping and Depth Profiling of Organic Compounds in Geologic Material: Femtosecond - Laser Desorption Laser Postionization - Mass Spectrometry (fs-LDPI-MS)
- Misalignment of Lava Flows from Topographic Slope Directions Reveals Late Amazonian Deformation at Arsia Mons, Mars
- Morphometric Analysis and Delineation of Debris Flow Susceptible Alluvial Fans in the Philippines after the 2015 Koppu and Melor Typhoon Events
- North American Monsoon Response to Eemian Climate Forcings and its Effect on Rocky Mountain Forests
- Partitioning of sublimation and evaporation from Lake Bonney using water vapor isotope and latent heat fluxes
- Reconciling Isotopic Partitioning Estimates of Moisture Fluxes in Semi-arid Landscapes Through a New Modeling Approach for Evaporation
- Scaling Quelccaya: Using 3-D Animation and Satellite Data To Visualize Climate Change
- Should the "Grenville Front" in the Central U.S. be Erased from Geologic Maps?
- Strategies for oxychlorine removal to facilitate pyrolytic organic matter analysis in subsurface oxychlorine-rich brines on Earth and Mars
- Synchrotron-based micro and nanotomographic investigations of soil aggregate microbial and pore structure
- Water in the Balance: A Parking Lot Story
- What Happens Where the Water and the Rock Touch in Small Space Bodies
- An Optimization Approach for Biomass Partitioning in the Energy Exascale Earth System Land Model
- BARscope - extending EarthScope Between the Appalachians and the Rockies
- Bering Sea climate influenced by solar forcing during the late Holocene
- Carbonyl sulfide and physiological measurements provide joint constraints on ecosystem-scale photosynthesis: Insights from an old-growth forest.
- CoSMoS: a comprehensive assessment of coastal hazards due to climate change
- Comparison of numerical models of particle swarm evolution in fractures
- Effects of rapid plate motion on the Mid-Continental Rift and mantle plume interactions under Pre-Cambrian mantle conditions
- Engaging the DataONE Community in Sustainability Planning and Execution to Enable Future Evolution and Use of the DataONE Cyberinfrastructure
- First constraint on historical geomagnetic secular variation in Cambodia, Southeast Asia
- Forecasting Habitability Through the Ice-Sealed Lens of Antarctica's Lake Vida.
- Gone Fishing: A Concept Study of a Tunneling Probe Mission to Europa
- Impact of Drought Conditions on Nutrient Removal, Sediment Organic Matter, and Flow Hydraulics in a Treatment Wetland
- Implications for the Grenville Orogeny and assembly of Rodinia from gravity anomalies along the Midcontinent Rift and Grenville Front
- Improving Characterization of Anthropogenic Methane Emissions in the United States
- Landfill Carbon: Decadal to Millennial Pathways for Methanogenesis, Methanotrophy and Carbon Sequestration
- Limited Prospect for Geological Activity at the Seafloors of Europa, Titan, and Ganymede; Enceladus OK
- Opening of the Midcontinent Rift during the assembly of Rodinia
- Reconciling Evapotranspiration Partitioning Models with Evidence of Anomalously Low Isotopic Fractionation during Evaporation in Semi-arid Landscapes
- Sea Surface Salinity Distribution in the Southern Ocean as Observed from Space
- Spatial patterns of Hydroclimate in the Alaska-Yukon region from late Holocene proxy evidence that includes elevation gradients
- Study of the Orientation of the Bladed Terrain Feature in Tarturus Dorsa, Pluto
- The Potential for Total Loss of the World's Largest Tropical Ice Mass (Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru)
- The carbon, water and energy costs of converting perennial switchgrass back to annual maize-soybean rotation.
- Using In Situ Stable Water Isotope Fluxes to Understand Hydrologic Budget and Mixing Dynamics of the Antarctic Dry Valley Lakes
- Using SatStressGUI to Calculate Tidal Stresses on Moons: Applications to Europa
- Validation and sensitivity analysis of gas ebullition prediction by biogenic gas fracture mechanics theory
- Widespread land subsidence in Metro Manila, Philippines and surrounding areas detected by InSAR time-series analysis
- A Multi-Millennial Context for the Modern Droughts in the Fertile Crescent
- A Random Forest in the Great Lakes: Exploring Nutrient Water Quality Signatures in the Laurentian Great Lakes Watersheds
- A debris-flow early-warning framework incorporating watershed morphometric indices with geology and tectonic history in two fault-controlled mountain ranges in the Philippines
- A global analysis of the effects of rainfall distribution on gross primary production
- A proposed roadmap for upscaling approaches in biogeochemistry: insights from conceptual carbon modeling to estimate soil respiration at regional scales
- Acoustic Levitation: A novel method to simulate raindrop-atmosphere isotope exchange
- Afternoon Slump; The role of antecedent snowpack on midday transpiration declines
- Array of Things: A high-density, urban deployment of low-cost air quality sensors
- Beyond the Mass Balance: Watershed phosphorus legacies and the evolution of the current water quality policy challenge
- Compilation of igneous rock volumes and geometries at volcanic passive continental margins to explore the processes of continental rifting and breakup
- Incentivizing Ecosystem Services from Crop Production: Implications for Energy Crop Production by Risk-Averse Farmers
- Intra-Annual Snow Cover Variability on the Quelccaya Ice Cap (Peru)
- Learning So Fast You'll Freak: The Effect of Immersion to Increase Online Learning Success
- Machine Learning Models to Predict the Occurrence of Arsenic in Domestic Wells throughout the Conterminous United States
- Mercury sulfide formation from mercury(II)-thiocarboxylic acid solutions in contact with air
- Missed Opportunities: Decoupling of wetlands from nutrient source areas limits denitrification potential across the United States
- Modeling sediment dynamics and eelgrass resilience in a short, seasonally low-inflow estuary (Morro Bay)
- North America's mid-continent rift: a chanced meeting of a plume and a rift
- Phosphorus Legacies in Lake Erie Watersheds: Data Analysis and Model Development
- Recoupling the Livestock Nutrient Economy across the Continental US
- Reported Investments in Earthquake Mitigation Top 73 to 80 Billion in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, Since the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake
- Scale-dependency of nitrate concentration-discharge relationships in the Upper Mississippi
- Shifting Hotspots and Dominant Controls: Typologies of Nitrogen Surplus across Conterminous U.S.
- Signatures of Human Impact: Legacies, Climate Change and the Future of our Waters
- Spatial Patterns Of Tropical Glacier Retreat - Observations & Potential Mechanisms
- Trash or Treasure? Biogeochemical Cycling in Subsurface Landfill Ecosystems
- Unscrambling the Midcontinent Rift and Grenville Front in the eastern United States
- Water Futures: Legacy Nitrogen and Chesapeake Bay Water Quality
- Watershed nutrient legacy and hydrological extremes as drivers of lake water quality trends and synchrony
- A Reconstruction of Southcentral Alaska Late Holocene Hydroclimate from Peatland Cellulose Oxygen Isotopes
- Attributing landscape-scale land surface flux partitioning in a complex terrain, snow-dominated basin in the southern Rocky Mountains
- Bark Beetle Impacts on Forest Evapotranspiration and its Partitioning
- Biogeochemical Asynchrony: Land-Use Drivers of Seasonal Nutrient Concentration Regimes across the Great Lakes Basin
- Bridging urban scales using modeling and measurements for improved urban sustainability
- Chesapeake Legacies: Implications of Legacy N Accumulation for Water Quality Improvements in the Chesapeake Bay
- Eddy Covariance in a Mountain Headwaters: Evapotranspiration Estimates in a Tale of Two Limitations
- Exploring rift magmatism and evolution through gravity analysis of North America's failed rifts
- Extended finite element modeling of intermediate-depth earthquakes - first steps
- How much melt forms in continental rifting and where does it go?
- Impact of Changing Waste Streams on Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemical Cycling in Deep Landfill Ecosystems
- Influence of Elevated Temperatures on the Microbiome of a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill
- Interrelationship of Sea Surface Salinity, Chlorophyll-α Concentration, and Sea Surface Temperature Near the Antarctic Ice Edge
- Laboratory yields of hydroperoxymethyl thioformate, sulfur dioxide, carbonyl sulfide from the low NO<SUB>x</SUB> oxidation of dimethyl sulfide
- Markov Chain Models of Refugee Migration Data
- Multimodal Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI) of Archean and Jurassic Geologic Samples
- Oxygen Isotopes in Tree Cellulose Reveal Ecohydrological Relationships in the Colorado Rocky Mountains
- Phase transitions in ε-FeOOH at high pressure and ambient temperature
- Reaching Across the Aisle: The Power of Engaging Media and Considerations for Climate Change Media Research and Practice
- Revisiting Hotspots and Continental Breakup - Updating the Classical Three-arm Model
- Snowmelt supports more of transpiration at the bottom than top of an alpine hillslope in the East River Watershed, Colorado
- Soil Fluxes of Carbonyl Sulfide After Fall Senescence in a Mixed Hardwood Forest
- Typologies of Nitrogen Surplus Trajectories using the new TREND-nitrogen dataset: Shifting Hotspots and Dominant Controls
- Using monazite geochronology to constrain timing of deformation within the Hell Roaring Creek Shear Zone, SW Montana
- Using research gaps to shape the Fifth National Climate Assessment process.
- What Is the Fate of Excess Nitrogen in Germany's Largest National River Basin?
- A Synthesis of Tidal Wetland Methane Emissions Across the Contiguous United States
- Atomic-scale mixing between MgO and H2O in the deep interiors of water-rich planets
- Comparing the Biogeophysical and Biogeochemical Trade-Offs of a Pine Plantation vs a Bioenergy Cropland
- Confirming Equatorial-Polar Differences in Crater Densities on the Dwarf Planet Ceres
- Detection of short peptides identified as prospective psychrophilic biosignatures with the CORALS instrument
- Early Earth Influence of Radiogenic Heating on Seafloor Subsidence and Mid Ocean Ridge Depths
- Extended Finite Element Modeling of Phase Transformation-Induced Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes
- FeOOH Polymorphs in the Deep Earth: Combining Theoretical and Experimental Approaches
- Forest transpiration dynamics from high-elevation forests: interannual variations, species differences, and landscape scaling with near-surface remote sensing
- Groundwater Legacies: Quantifying Nitrate Accumulation in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
- Holocene pore-ice water isotope variations from permafrost peat soils in southern Alaska
- Interannual moisture controls on soil CO2 fluxes in adjacent high elevation conifer and deciduous forests
- Laboratory yields of carbonyl sulfide from the low NOx oxidation of marine sulfur species
- Lattice Dynamics of an Iron-bearing Hydrated Sulfate Under Icy Planetary Interior Conditions
- Managing Nitrogen Legacies to Accelerate Water Quality Improvement
- Monthly estimates of global freshwater wetland methane emissions for 2001-2018 from upscaled eddy covariance fluxes
- Multi-model ensemble does not fill the gaps in sparse wetland methane observations
- Opposing trajectories of land-ocean primary productivity across the Arctic coastal margins
- Optimization of Supervised Ensemble Machine Learning Models for Estimating Stormwater Quality
- Putative Lipidomics of Titan's Subsurface Ocean
- Reconciling Evapotranspiration Cross Method Synthesis and Uncertainty Quantification at the East River Watershed
- Remote Sensing based Assessment of sustainability of anthropogenic interventions on mountain slopes for Green Field Airport Development: a case study of the Pakyong Airport, India
- Road Salt Legacies: Understanding Seasonal and Annual Fluxes of Chloride in North American Urban Landscapes
- Root Foraging for Water Influences the Recovery Timescale from Droughts in Forested Ecosystems
- Small Crater Relaxation and Ice Abundance at Northern Mid-Latitudes on Mars
- The Detection of Indigenous Sterane Biomarkers in an Immature Jurassic Sediment using ToF-SIMS Mass Spectrometry Imaging
- The Methane Cycle in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
- Thermal stratification of Earths outer core influenced by light elements
- Wetland Restoration on Intensive Agricultural Lands Changes Nitrogen Cycling Microbial Communities and Reduces N2O Production Potential in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
- A High Pressure Microbial Culturing Chamber for Titan and Ocean World Experimentation
- A New Scenario for Pit and Dome Crater Formation on Jupiter's Moons Ganymede and Callisto
- A Numerical Study on Phase Transformation Induced Material Fracture
- Accurate Equation of State of Fluid H2-He Mixtures up to 5.4 GPa.
- Cellulolytic Bacterial Communities from 'Extreme' Environments: Implications for Surface Interactions with the Deep Subsurface
- Characterization of Anthropogenic Light Pollution via Stratospheric Remote Sensing
- Co-Produced Research to Improve Equity of Water Services in Alaska Native Communities
- Compositional Variation in Melts derived from Metabasalts in Subducted Oceanic Slabs: Constraints from Forward Petrological Modeling
- Development of Avalanche Photodiodes with High Operating Temperatures to Enable Short-Wavelength Infrared Remote Sensing Applications
- Finite Element Model of Fault Zone of Northeast Japan Subduction Zone for Intermediate Depth Earthquake Initiation.
- Green Infrastructure Design Storms: A Machine Learning Approach to Construct Short Duration Design Storms
- Interactive Visual Analysis of Urban Data: Applications in the Weather and Climate Domains
- Investigating the Impacts of Depopulation and Climate Change on Water Infrastructure: A Study of Northeastern Illinois
- Investigating the Relaxation of Small Craters Emplaced on Solidified Melt Sheets on the Moon
- Measuring Sand Volumes of Chicago Beaches Using Ground Penetrating Radar
- Microbial Meal Microplastics? Microplastics: Quantification and Impact on Microbial Communities in Landfills, Grasslands, and Wetlands.
- Molecular Signatures of Shewanella oneidensis at Titan-like Pressures
- Overdesigned & Underperforming: Assessing the Performance of Green Stormwater Infrastructure Using Soil Moisture Probes
- Pandemic Intelligence: Linking Wastewater Infrastructure, Microbial Ecology, and Hydrological Time-Series Analysis to Provide Population-Level Information for COVID-19 Response
- Partition Coefficients of Heat Producing Elements during Lunar Magma Ocean Crystallization and their Influence on the Present-Day Selenotherm
- Petrological modeling of subducted seafloor faults: insights on intermediate-depth seismicity
- Potential Biomarkers for Titan Exploration: Lipid Analyses of Piezotolerant Microbes
- Radical Chain Propagation Induced by CHF Self-reaction Influences Thermal Initiation in CH2F2
- Relating SARS-CoV-2 RNA Measured in Chicago-area Wastewater Treatment Plants and Cook County COVID-19 Public Health Data
- Resolving Site-Specific Landfill CH4 Emissions
- Root Dynamics in Earth System Models Affect Ecosystem Response to Stress and Ecological Memory
- Seasonal to Daily Soil and Plant Water Isotope Dynamics to Understand the Role of Snowmelt and Monsoon Rain for Evapotranspiration
- Small Glacier Retreat and its Impact on the Cordillera Real, Bolivia
- Structural transition and phonon density of states of FeSi up to 120 GPa
- Sub-bottom Investigation of Chicago, Illinois's Coastal Marine Environment Using Near-Surface Geophysical Imaging Techniques
- Sulfate and carbonyl sulfide production from aqueous processing of dimethyl sulfide oxidation products
- Summertime Variations in Atmospheric Particulate-bound Metals in Chicago Before (2018, 2019), During (2020), and After (2021) COVID-19 Restrictions
- Temporal Diversity within Cretaceous Methane Seeps, Great Valley Group, Central California
- The Spherical Multi-Lacunarity of the Pit and Dome Craters of Jupiter's Moons Ganymede and Callisto
- Using Machine Learning to Aid in the Interpretation of MS Imaging Datasets: Multimodal Analysis of a Geologic Sample Containing Organic Molecular Biosignatures
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Cunje
- A. J. Dombard
- A. Malone
- Aaron I. Packman
- Amy Valach
- Ananya Mallik
- Ariane Arias‐Ortiz
- Baptiste Dafflon
- Barnabé Cherville
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Benjamin Poulter
- Beth Drewniak
- Bhavna Arora
- Boris Faybishenko
- Brian J. Enquist
- Christopher J. Still
- Christopher M. Jernigan
- Cynthia Garcia
- Cynthia Gerlein‐Safdi
- D. Byrnes
- D. Cardace
- Daphne Szutu
- Dennis Baldocchi
- Elizabeth C. Thompson
- Ellen Stuart-Haëntjens
- Eoin L. Brodie
- Etienne Fluet‐Chouinard
- Fabien Kenig
- Gavin McNicol
- H. Fuqua Haviland
- J. L. Eigenbrode
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- James R. Holmquist
- Jennifer M. Jackson
- Jiancong Chen
- Jianwu Tang
- Jun Tsuchiya
- Jung‐Fu Lin
- K. J. Van Meter
- Katelyn Plaisier Leisman
- Ken Walczak
- Kristopher L Kuhlman
- Krzysztof Gaidzik
- Kuang‐Yu Chang
- Kuno Kasak
- Kyle S. Hemes
- Lara M. Kueppers
- Lesleigh Anderson
- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- Mariah S. Carbone
- Marielle Saunois
- Markus Bill
- Mathias Goeckede
- Matthias Sprenger
- Max Berkelhammer
- Michael J. Malaska
- Michael Y. Hu
- Michaela LaPatin
- Miriam C. Jones
- Mohamed Ahmed
- Nandita B. Basu
- Nathan Collier
- P. James Dennedy‐Frank
- P. M. Bremner
- P. R. Mahaffy
- Qing Zhu
- R. E. Cohen
- R. Lopes-Gautier
- R. Quinn Thomas
- R. R. Ghent
- R. Sivaramakrishnan
- Ravhi S. Kumar
- Ricardo Arévalo
- Robert B. Jackson
- Rodrigo Vargas
- S. Vance
- Shuwen Dong
- Siegfried Eggl
- Susan Elliott Sim
- Susan S. Hubbard
- Sybil Derrible
- Taehyun Kim
- Tetsu K. Tokunaga
- Vasilije V. Dobrosavljevic
- Virendra Mishra
- Vitali B. Prakapenka
- Vivek Agarwal
- Whendee L. Silver
- William J. Riley
- Youjun Zhang
- Yuxin Wu
- Zexuan Xu
- Ziqin Ni
- Ülo Mander