University of Alaska, Juneau
flowchart I[University of Alaska, Juneau] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (179)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (23)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Glacial Lake Outburst Flood on Lemon Creek, Southeastern Alaska
- New GPS Constraints on Crustal Deformation Along the Fairweather Fault and Implications for Motion of the Yakutat Block, Southern Alaska.
- Sedimentation and Denudation Rates of a Tidewater Glacier Eroding Batholithic Bedrock: Leconte Glacier, Alaska
- Taku Glacier on the Move Again: Active Deformation of Proglacial Sediments
- Comparison Study of LIS and EDOT Lightning Detection
- Los Alamos Sferic Array 1998-2003: Results, Array Status, Data Processing and Calibration
- Organic Carbon Sources in Coastal Southeast Alaskan Streams
- Possible Interpretations of VLF-LF Radiation Waveshapes Produced at the Initial Stage of Lightning Discharges
- Seasonal and spatial patterns in water quality: the importance of the geomorphic template
- The Meteorological Setting of Narrow Bipolar Events
- The Spectroscopy and Energetics of Red Sprites
- Carbon Storage in Wetland Soils and Export to Streams in Southeastern Alaska
- Characterization of Dissolved Organic Carbon Flushing in Three Small Watersheds, Oregon USA
- Field Instrumentation With Bricks: Wireless Networks Built From Tough, Cheap, Reliable Field Computers
- High-mountain lakes as a hotspot of dissolved organic matter production in a changing climate
- Methods used for Undergraduate Education at the University of Alaska Southeast Environmental Sciences Program
- Radiocarbon Dates Link Marine Incursion and Neoglacial Ice Terminus Advance With Tlingit Ethnohistory and Archeology in Lower Glacier Bay
- SEAMONSTER: Applications and Challenges of Distributed Sensor Array to Southeast Alaska Science
- Terrestrial-aquatic Interactions in SE Alaska: Seasonal Stream Response to DOM and Nutrient Inputs From Wetlands and Salmon
- Milti-scaled studies of watershed characteristics within the Tongass National Forest, Southeast Alaska
- Power Management and Data Recovery: Results and Recipes from Vexcel's Wireless Sensor Network Project
- Salmon contributions to dissolved organic matter and nutrient loads in a coastal stream in Southeastern Alaska
- The Geophysical Institute Magnetometer Array
- Alaska Undergraduates Produce a New Bathymetric Map of Auke Lake near Juneau Using an Acoustic Depth Sounder, Differential GPS, and ArcGIS as part of collaboration between the City and Borough of Juneau and the University of Alaska Southeast
- EDGE (Experiential Discoveries in Geoscience Education) Field Course Provides Alaskan High School and Middle School students with Earth Science and GIS Skills for Science Fair Projects and a College Experience
- Geophysical Institute Magnetometer Array
- ISEA (International geodetic project in SouthEastern Alaska) for rapid uplifting caused by glacial retreat: (4) Gravity tide observation
- Influence of Changing Glacier Coverage on the Physical Hydrology and Hydrochemistry of Coastal Watersheds in Southeastern Alaska
- LF/VLF Intracloud Waveform Classification
- Locating Hydrologically Sensitive Areas in the Northeastern US: Internet Map Services as Tools for Improving Surface-Water Quality
- Recent Changes in the Magnitude and Timing of Discharge in Glacial and Non-Glacial Watersheds in Southeastern Alaska
- Seamonster Education: A Sensor Network Project in Southeast Alaska
- Seamonster: A Smart Sensor Web in Southeast Alaska
- Soil dissolved organic matter export to coastal temperate rainforest streams
- Spectroscopic Properties as Indicators of Changes in the Quality and Lability of Dissolved Organic Matter During Storm Flows in Northern Forested Watersheds
- Alaska's Secondary Science Teachers and Students Receive Earth Systems Science Knowledge, GIS Know How and University Technical Support for Pre- College Research Experiences: The EDGE Project
- Earth tides observed by gravimeter and GPS in Juneau, Southeastern Alaska
- Homogeneous biogeochemical functions in terrestrial ecosystems of the heterogeneous coastal temperate forest ecosystem
- Providing a virtual tour of a glacial watershed
- Regional DOC Fluxes for the Tongass National Forest in Southeast Alaska
- Salmon and Wetland Influences on Streamwater Mercury Fluxes in Southeastern Alaska
- Seasonal changes in the concentration and chemical quality of dissolved organic matter exported from wetland soils to streams in coastal temperate watersheds
- Sensor Webs in Digital Earth
- The SEAMONSTER Sensor Web: Lessons and Opportunities after One Year
- The impact of changing glacial coverage on yields of freshwater and nutrients from coastal watersheds with in southeastern Alaska
- A wireless partially glaciated watershed in a virtual globe: Integrating data, models, and visualization to increase climate change understanding
- Biodegradability of terrigenous dissolved organic matter in estuaries draining glacial and wetland-dominated watersheds
- Changing Lake Bathymetry with Deglaciation: The Mendenhall Glacier System
- Exploring the links between transient water inputs and glacier velocity in a small temperate glacier in southeastern Alaska
- Glacier Change and Biologic Succession: a new Alaska Summer Research Academy (ASRA) Science Camp Module for Grades 8-12 in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska
- Glacier runoff as a source of labile dissolved organic matter for near-shore marine ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska
- Pain and Gaps in IT Infusion
- Recruiting first generation college students into the Geosciences: Alaska's EDGE project
- Regional watershed discharge patterns in Southeast Alaska: implications of climate change
- Sensor Webs and Virtual Globes: Enabling Understanding of Changes in a partially Glaciated Watershed
- The Geophysical Institute Magnetometer Array: Making Real-Time Geophysical Measurements Available for Operational Space Weather Needs
- A dynamic physical characterization of the receding Mendenhall Glacier lake front terminus Juneau, Alaska
- AMIDST: Attracting Minorities to Geosciences Through Involved Digital Story Telling
- Dissolved organic matter export in glacial and non-glacial streams along the Gulf of Alaska
- Diurnal pH variations of a Glacial Stream: a starting point for Inquiry-driven student and teacher Investigations of a Glacial Ecosystem
- Effects of the past- and present-day ice melting on observed uplift rates in Southeast Alaska
- Exploring the links between transient water inputs and glacier velocity in a small temperate glacier in southeastern Alaska
- Hydrologic Retention in Supraglacial Streams: Results from an in-stream injection experiment
- SEAMONSTER: A wireless Sensor Web prototype applied to studying glaciated watersheds (Invited)
- Soil respiration flux in northern coastal temperate rainforest ecosystems
- Alaska High School Students Integrate Forest Ecology, Glacial Landscape Dynamics, and Human Maritime History in a Field Mapping Course at Cape Decision Lighthouse, Kuiu Island, Southeast Alaska
- Continuous monitoring of dissolved organic matter fluxes in contrasting glacial and non-glacial watersheds in coastal Southeast Alaska
- Early results from a terrestrial-marine BGC coupling study in Southeast Alaska
- Engaging Citizen Scientists through Partnership with Interpreters
- Field Observations of Supraglacial Streams on the Juneau Icefield
- In-stream net ecosystem metabolism differences across a glacial coverage gradient in southeast Alaska
- Insolation Weathering: An Instrumentation and Field Based Study (Invited)
- Organic matter and nutrient cycling in linked glacier-stream ecosystems along the Gulf of Alaska
- The Extreme Ice Survey: Capturing and Conveying Glacial Processes Through Time-Lapse Imagery and Narration
- Applying Lessons from Multiple Projects to Developing Place Based Citizen Science in Southeast Alaska
- Changes in quantity and quality of leachable organic matter in soils of various ages following retreat of the Mendenhall Glacier, Juneau, AK
- Dissolved organic carbon fluxes from soils in the Alaskan coastal temperate rainforest
- In-Stream Metabolism Differences Between Glacial and Non-Glacial Streams in Southeast Alaska
- Photo-degradation of Dissolved Organic Matter in Southeast Alaska Streams
- Rapidly Deglaciating and Uplifting Landscapes in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve GBNPP Provide Alaskan High School Students with Summer Field Research Experiences in Paleoclimate Disciplines and Exposure to Active Researchers in Synergistic Sciences
- Response of glacier melt and discharge to future climate change, Juneau Icefield, Alaska
- Understanding the Contribution of Glacier Mass Balance to Total Runoff in the Gulf of Alaska Region
- Assessing the sensitivity of Alaska's Coastal Ecosystem to Changes in Glacier Runoff
- Assessing the triggerability of glacier (icequake) seismicity
- Changing glacial coverage influences stream dissolved organic matter signatures in coastal watersheds of southeast Alaska
- Glacier seismology in a coastal temperate rainforest
- How will glaciers affect runoff in Alaska?
- Insights into physical and biological controls on the export of organic matter and nutrients from glacier ecosystems
- Observations of a rapidly flowing and significantly retreated Jakobshavn Isbrae and the proglacial ice mélange from a ground based radar interferometer
- Recurrence of July Joklhlaup Flooding in the Mendenhall Glacier Watershed is Driven by Record Breaking Precipitation, Regional Warming, and the Collapse of a Tributary Glacier near Juneau, AK USA
- Stream temperature response to variable glacier coverage in coastal watersheds of northern southeast Alaska
- Assessing streamflow sensitivity to variations in glacier mass balance
- Assimilation of aged organic carbon in a glacial river food web
- Climate change impacts on stream carbon export from coastal temperate rainforest ecosystems in Alaska (Invited)
- Estimation of Coastal Freshwater Discharge into Prince William Sound using a High-Resolution Hydrological Model
- Mendenhall Glacier (Juneau, Alaska) icequake seismicity and its relationship to the 2012 outburst flood and other environmental forcing
- Probing ice mélange rheology with observations of fast motion during iceberg calving events
- The effects of fire severity on black carbon additions to forest soils - 10 years post fire
- The seismic signature of glacier outburst floods (Invited)
- Using Quasi-Dynamic Land Cover to Investigate Hydrologic Disturbance from Beetle-kill and Dust in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Compounding disturbance interactions in a Southern Rocky Mountain subalpine forest
- High-Resolution Modeling of Freshwater Discharge and Glacier Mass Balance in the Gulf of Alaska Drainage
- Investigating the Cause of the 2012 Acceleration of Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland Using High Resolution Observations of the Glacier Terminus
- MABEL photon-counting laser altimetry data in Alaska for ICESat-2 simulations and development
- Seismic Tremor Reveals Subglacial Discharge at Tidewater Glaciers
- Spatial Drivers in the Origin and Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Snow: Implications for Proglacial Stream Biogeochemistry
- When ice meets water: Sub-aqueous melt and its relevance in various settings
- After the Burn: Forest Carbon Stocks and Fluxes across fire disturbed landscapes in Colorado, U.S.A.
- Hydrologic impacts of land cover disturbances in the Upper Colorado River Basin.
- Hydropedological hotspots for dissolved organic carbon loading to streams along the perhumid temperate rainforest coastal margin of Alaska.
- Implications of Glacier Volume Change for Ice-Ocean Interactions
- MODIS Snowcover in North America: A Comparison of Winter 2013/14 and 2014/15 to Median Condition
- Potential vulnerability of southeast Alaskan wetland soil carbon stocks to climate warming
- Quantifying the Sensitivity of Water Yield to Forest Disturbances Across a Diverse Set of Unmanaged Watersheds throughout the Continential United States
- The Autumn of break-ups: When Jakobshavn Isbrae lost its floating tongue
- Carbon stocks and fluxes in fire disturbed landscapes of Colorado, U.S.A.
- Climate Process Team "Representing calving and iceberg dynamics in global climate models"
- Do Spawning Salmon Contribute Marine-Derived Contaminants to Southeast Alaskan Streams?
- Dynamic Change in Glacial Dammed Lake Behavior of Suicide Basin, Mendenhall Glacier, Juneau Alaska
- Evolution of Ice Mélange Motion During Periods of Terminus Quiescence
- Feedbacks between ice dynamics, subglacial discharge, and submarine melting during tidewater glacier retreat
- Flow behavior of ice mélange modeled at the laboratory-scale
- From Icefield to Ocean: Investigating Biophysical Linkages at Wolverine Glacier Alaska
- Jamming of granular ice mélange in tidewater glacial fjords
- Monitoring glacier change: advances in cross-disciplinary research and data sharing methods
- Sub-seasonal pressure, geometry and sediment transport changes observed in subglacial channels from the analysis of seismic ground motion
- A new drag spool for measuring basal sliding and till deformation
- Accessing the inaccessible: making (successful) field observations at tidewater glacier termini
- Bioavailable dissolved and particulate organic carbon flux from coastal temperate rainforest watersheds
- Communicating Glacier Change and Associated Impacts to Communities and Decision-makers
- Comparison of Glaciological and Gravimetric Glacier Mass Balance Measurements of Taku and Lemon Creek Glaciers, Southeast Alaska
- Directly measuring melt at a vertical face tidewater glacier: is it possible?
- Emerging and Submerging Shorelines: Impacts of Physical Change on Bioband Length
- Investigating plume dynamics at the ocean-glacier interface with turbulence profiling and autonomous vessels
- Mapping Bedrock Topography of Taku Glacier with Low Frequency Ground Penetrating RADAR
- Seismic observations of subglacial water discharge from glacier-dammed lake drainage at Lemon Creek Glacier, Alaska
- Simulating Glacial Outburst Lake Releases for Suicide Basin, Mendenhall Glacier, Juneau, Alaska
- Spatio-temporal evolution of efficient subglacial water discharge at Lemon Creek Glacier, Alaska
- The turbulent life of juvenile icebergs: Observations from an array of high-rate time-lapse cameras in LeConte Bay, Alaska
- Understanding flow and stress in ice mélange: the world's largest granular material
- Elevated ambient melting and large melt intrusions at a tidewater glacier
- Glacier response to calving events determined by competition between dynamic thinning and advective thickening
- High-frequency Forcing of Near-terminus Water Properties at LeConte Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- Hydrologic heterogeneity drives asynchronous food web dynamics in Southeast Alaskan rivers
- Local subglacial hydrologic conditions mapped with glaciohydraulic tremor during an outburst flood at Lemon Creek Glacier, Alaska
- Moving Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: What We Can Learn from Subsurface Imagery
- Seismic recordings reveal the timing and extent of subglacial water pressurization
- Simulating Glacial Outburst Lake releases for Suicide Basin, Mendenhall Glacier, Juneau, Alaska
- The Role of Black Carbon and Dust in Albedo Reduction and Radiative Forcing on the Juneau Icefield, Southeast Alaska
- Active Seismic Studies in Lemon Creek Valley Glacier, Juneau, Alaska: Characterization of Subglacial Sediments to Understand Glacier Dynamics
- Characterization of a Shallow Firn Aquifer at the Matthes-Llewellyn Glacier Divide, Juneau Icefield, Alaska
- Cross-correlation of ambient seismic signal during a glacial lake outburst flood at Lemon Creek Glacier, Alaska
- Direct observations of submarine melt and subsurface geometry at a tidewater glacier
- Formation, flow, and break-up of ephemeral ice mélange at LeConte Glacier and Bay, Alaska
- Molecular and Isotopic Characterization Elucidate Shifts in the Composition and Functional Role of DOM in Watersheds Undergoing Glacier Loss.
- Morainal bank evolution and fjord infilling during a tidewater glacier stillstand, on seasonal to decadal timescales
- Spatial and temporal mapping of local subglacial hydrologic conditions during an outburst flood at Lemon Creek Glacier, Alaska
- Taku Glacier, Alaska: On the verge of a calving retreat?
- Variability in subglacial discharge and submarine melt at LeConte Glacier, Alaska inferred from oceanographic budgets: methods, error analysis & results
- Adjacent glacierized watersheds with contrasting bedrock geology exhibit strong differences in annual export of mercury
- Carbon Export from the Pacific Northwest Coastal Rainforest Margin
- Exploring the relationship between submarine melt and subglacial discharge with observations from LeConte Glacier, Alaska
- Glacier shrinkage impacts dissolved and particulate organic carbon export from coastal temperate forested watersheds
- Granular decoherence precedes failure of ice mélange
- Iceberg Calving Events Driven by Submarine Ice Morphology at LeConte Glacier, Alaska
- Impacts of Watershed Glacier Coverage on Interannual Variability in Watershed Organic Matter and Nutrient Concentrations and Fluxes
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Cryoseismicity Rate Associated with Supraglacial Lake Drainage at Lemon Creek Glacier, Alaska
- Use of unmanned aerial vehicles and stakeholder-driven knowledge co-production enhance forecasting of the Suicide Basin glacier lake outburst flood in Juneau, Alaska
- Evolution of a Subglacial Discharge Plume from Upwelling to Outflowing and its Control on Fjord-Scale Exchange Flow
- How Do Changes in Glacier and Basin Geometry Affect the Evolution of Ice-Dammed Glacier Outburst Floods?
- Microplastic occurrence in rain, snow, streams, beaches, and on glaciers in Juneau, Alaska, USA
- Ocean-Ice or Ice-Ocean? Exploring the Seasonal Interplay Between Iceberg Calving, Submarine Melt, and Terminus Morphology at a Tidewater Glacier
- Plume generated internal gravity waves as a driver of melt at LeConte Glacier, Alaska
- Potential changes in riverine biogeochemistry with land cover shifts at the receding Wolverine Glacier, southcentral Alaska
- Assessing the vulnerability of the Juneau Icefield to atmospheric warming
- Cyanotypes as co-creation: Increasing connection and understanding of ice cores on the Juneau Icefield Research Program
- Experimental Investigations of Ice Mélange and Floating Granular Materials
- Quantifying ice mélange properties in Greenlandic fjords towards a better understanding of the glacier-ocean-mélange system
- Swarm-Like Behavior of Icequakes Associated with Surface Crevassing Activity on a Mountain Glacier
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Bergstrom
- Alexander Robel
- Christian Kienholz
- Dan H. Shugar
- David A. Sutherland
- Emily Eidam
- Eran Hood
- Eric D. Skyllingstad
- Erin C. Pettit
- J. Badgeley
- J. M. Amundson
- Jesse Cusack
- Jonathan D. Nash
- Jonathan Kingslake
- Justin Burton
- Kavinda Nissanka
- P. Elósegui
- R. H. Jackson
- R. J. Motyka
- Robert W. Campbell
- S. O’Neel
- Sonia A. Nagorski
- T. C. Bartholomaus