Baylor University, Texas
flowchart I[Baylor University, Texas] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (335)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (69)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Forest Fragmentation Effects on Simulated Biomass Accumulation Using Remotely-sensed Data with Varying Spatial Resolution
- A Rare Early Pliocene Record of Paleoclimate from North-central Indiana, USA
- Fort Cobb Reservoir Watershed, Oklahoma and Thika River Watershed, Kenya Twinning Pilot Project
- In-situ Ground-Based and Airborne Formaldehyde Measurements in the Houston Area During TexAQS-II
- Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Late Mississippian Paleosol Trace Element Chemistry and Application to Interpreting Pedogenic Processes and Climate Through Time
- Preliminary Use of the Seismo-Lineament Analysis Method (SLAM) to Investigate Seismogenic Faulting in the Grand Canyon Area, Northern Arizona
- Vegetation variations and associated environmental changes during the past ~25,000 14C yr BP in the western part of the Chinese Loess Plateau
- Asynchroneity of the Mid-Holocene Climatic Optimum across the Mongolian Plateau
- Deployment of Ocean Bottom Seismometers South of the Puerto Rico Trench Yields new Insights Into the Behavior of Seismic Swarms
- Digital Leaf Physiognomy: Using Leaf Size and Shape to Reconstruct Early and Middle Paleocene Climate Change in the Western Interior of North America
- Receiver function study of the rifted margin of the Gulf Coast Plain: A Pilot Project
- Seismic anisotropy of the Rio Grande Rift and surrounding regions
- The crust and upper mantle beneath the Rio Grande Rift and surrounding regions inferred from ambient noise and earthquake tomography
- Accuracy and sensitivity of earthquake locations offshore Puerto Rico
- Annual trends in source contribution of black carbon at a European regional background site using radiocarbon source apportionment
- Biochemical Disincentives to Fertilizing Cellulosic Ethanol Crops
- Correlation of Earthquakes with Faults along the Southwestern Margin of the Colorado Plateau, Northern Arizona
- Educating the Public about Deep-Earth Science
- Effect of Charcoal Volatile Matter Content and Feedstock on Soil Microbe-Carbon-Nitrogen Dynamics
- Impact of Fire Disturbance on Regional Net Ecosystem Exchange for a Sub-Humid Woodland and Grassland Ecosystem
- Influence of Changing Hydrology on Pedogenic Calcite Precipitation in Vertisols, Dance Bayou, Brazoria County, Tx: Implications for Estimating Paleoatmospheric PCO2
- Production and isotopic composition of black nitrogen following experimental charring of plant materials
- Seismic Investigations of an Accommodation zone in the Northern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, USA
- Seismic Tomographic Imaging of an Upper Mantle Anomaly beneath the Rio Grande Rift
- Seismic velocity estimation by joint inversion of P & S receiver function, waveform fitting, and surface wave dispersion
- Simulation of Climate Change Impacts on Himalayan Headwater Watershed Snowmelt Hydrology: Discharge, Sediment Load, and Nutrient Shifts
- Subduction Zone Characterization of the Northeast Caribbean Using Increased Constraints on Focal Mechanism Solutions from Data Collected with AN Ocean Bottom Seismograph Deployment
- The Response of Soil Carbon Stocks to Changing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations are Soil-Type-Dependent
- What are the Potential CO2 Emission Offsets for Thorn Woodlands? A Promising Remote Sensing Approach for Mapping Carbon Sequestration
- Woodland Composition Inertia Affected by Disturbance and Climate Assessed by Dimensional Analysis of Historical Landcover Change Data
- Woodland Patch Dynamics Affected by Oak Growth: Fire, Climate, and Human Influences
- Citizen Science- Lessons learned from non-science majors involved in Globe at Night and the Great Worldwide Star Count
- MOTION UNDER THE OCEAN: Determining mantle flow of the Northeast Caribbean with seismic anisotropy
- Passive-Seismic and MT Imaging of the Deep Geothermal Resource Beneath Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Preliminary results of receiver function analysis of seismic data recorded from a broadband deployment across the Gulf Coast Plain
- Recent fault movement in Lake McDonald, Montana: Evidence from acoustic sub-bottom profiling
- The use of physical models to demonstrate seismic wave propagation and seismic hazards: application to elementary school students
- Time as An Important Soil-Forming Factor Influencing Modern and Ancient Magnetic Susceptibility Enhancement Along the Delaware River Valley, USA
- Using focal mechanism solutions to correlate earthquakes with faults in the Lake Tahoe-Truckee area, California and Nevada, and to help design LiDAR surveys for active-fault reconnaissance
- A Broadband Investigation of the Texas/Gulf of Mexico Passive Margin
- Characterization of regional carbonaceous particulate matter in Central Texas using combined radiocarbon and organic tracer source apportionment
- Dissolved and particulate organic carbon exports from 4 Venezuelan rivers: effects of developing world urbanization on coastal carbon delivery
- Episodic drought during mid-Holocene warm period revealed by speleothem carbon and oxygen isotopes and UV fluorescence in southern Appalachians, USA
- Evaluation of scalar and momentum roughness lengths in ABL flow over complex terrain
- Investigation into the Presence of Urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> Domes in California and Their Enhancement on Other Air Pollutants
- Large-eddy Simulation of Boundary Layer Flow over Desert Sand Dune Structures
- Late Quaternary Magmatism in the Three Sisters Region, Central Oregon Cascades
- Magnetic Investigation of the Continental-Oceanic Crustal Boundary in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Ocean-Bottom Seismograph Array Results from the Puerto Rico Trench
- Paleoclimatic and paleoecological reconstruction of early Miocene terrestrial equatorial deposits, Rusinga and Mfangano Islands, Lake Victoria, Kenya
- Possible microplate generation at RRR triple junctions due to the non-circular finite motion of plates relative to each other
- Promoting seismology education through collaboration between university research scientists and school teachers
- Receiver function analysis of the Texas Gulf Coast to better understand the Ouachita Orogeny, opening of the Gulf of Mexico, and current state of the southern margin of North America
- Recent advances and on-going challenges of estimating past elevation from climate proxy data
- Space Weather Effects on Aircraft Navigation
- The Paleoclimatic Record of Pedogenic Siderites: Validation by Modern Process Studies and New Applications to the Cretaceous Arctic
- A numerical study of turbulent flow over complex aeolian dune fields: the White Sands National Monument
- Assessing aromaticity and the degree of aromatic condensation of pyrogenic carbon
- Bringing New Tools and Techniques to Bear on Earthquake Hazard Analysis and Mitigation
- Causes of Late Pleistocene water level change in Lake Victoria, Equatorial East Africa, derived from clumped isotopes of land snails and fresh water mollusks. (Invited)
- Characterization of Arctic elemental carbon in Barrow, AK using radiocarbon source apportionment
- Deep Seismic Structure of the Texas-Gulf of Mexico Passive Margin
- Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Harvesting Frequency on Soil Organic Matter Pools Under Switchgrass Agriculture
- Emission sources and atmospheric processing of carbonaceous aerosols in India and China: Insights from dual carbon isotope techniques
- Fundamental Vibration Frequency and Damping Estimation: A Comparison Using the Random Decrement Method, the Empirical Mode Decomposition, and the HV Spectral Ratio Method for Local Site Characterization
- Initial characterization of surface-based carbonaceous aerosol during DISCOVER-AQ in Houston, TX
- Innovations in making EarthScope science and data accessible (Invited)
- Seasonal variations in the carbon isotope composition of soil-respired CO<SUB>2</SUB> and the dominance of root/rhizsophere respiration in desert soils (Invited)
- Seismic Site Characterization through Joint Modeling of Complementary Data Functionals, with Applications to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
- Seismic velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Texas-Gulf of Mexico margin from joint inversion of Ps and Sp receiver functions and surface wave dispersion
- Thermal stability of higher plant biomarkers evaluated through pyrolysis; geologic implications in thermally-mature sediment
- A Collaborative Effort to Build a Modular Course on GeoEthics
- A Teachable Moment in Earth Deformation: An Undergraduate Strain Module Incorporating GPS Measurement of the August 24, 2014 M6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- Atmospheric Surface Layer Flow over Distributions of Cubes and Evaluation of Transient Dynamics
- Broadband Seismic Study of the Dominican Republic
- Changes in Carbon Chemistry and Stability Along Deep Tropical Soil Profiles at the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory
- Changes in Fire-Derived Soil Black Carbon Storage in a Sub-humid Woodland
- Chemical Structure and Molecular Dimension As Controls on the Inherent Stability of Charcoal in Boreal Forest Soil
- Chemical and Isotopic Thresholds in Charring: Implications for the Interpretation of Charcoal Mass and Isotopic Data
- Contributions of Fossil Fuel Combustion to Winter-time Arctic Aerosols
- Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structure of Texas-Gulf of Mexico from Surface Wave Dispersion and Migrated Ps Receiver Functions.
- Disentangling Topographic and Climatic Change during the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic in the Western US Cordillera
- Estimates of Oil and Gas Potential of Source Rock by <SUP>13</SUP>C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
- Fish production and diversity in the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum—Increased production but no novel faunas during a "Future Earth" analog
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- How does Wildfire Severity Influence Soil Black Carbon in a Minnesota Boreal Forest?
- Human Dispersals Along the African Rift Valley in the Late Quaternary
- Predicting Monsoonal-Driven Stream Discharge and Sediment Yield in Himalaya Mountain Basins with Changing Climate and Deforestation
- Restoration and Carbon Sequestration Potential of Sub-Humid Shrublands in a Changing Climate
- Seismic Velocity Assessment In The Kachchh Region, India, From Multiple Waveform Functionals
- Seismo-Lineament Analysis Method (SLAM) Applied to the South Napa Earthquake
- Source Apportionment of Elemental Carbon Across the San Francisco Bay Area Using Combined Radiocarbon and Chemical Mass Balances
- Spatial trends in surface-based carbonaceous aerosol, including organic, water-soluble and elemental carbon, during DISCOVER-AQ in Houston, TX
- Temporal and Spatial Variations of Black Carbon Concentration during DISCOVER-AQ Houston Texas 2013 Campaign
- The Application of a Novel Pressurized Liquid Extraction Method to Quantify Organic Tracers Combined with Historic and Novel Organic Contaminants for the Discover-AQ Houston Field Experiment
- Using SLAM to Look For the Dog Valley Fault, Truckee Area, California
- <SUB>The importance of hydrologic and lithologic controls on pCO<SUB>2</SUB> and pO<SUB>2</SUB> dynamics in the soil atmosphere in a temperate forest at meters depth </SUB>
- Alterations to Soil and Eroded Sediment Carbon after the Rim Fire, Yosemite National Park
- As Ethics is a Core Attribute of Science, So Geoethics Must Be at the Core of Geoscience
- Biochar-Facilitated Reduction of Crystalline Fe(III) in Hematite
- Comparison of Bulk Carbon Concentrations and Optical Properties of Carbonaceous Aerosols in the North Slope Alaska from Summer 2012 and Summer 2015
- Desertification triggered by hydrological and geomorphological processes and palaeoclimatic changes in the Hunshandake Sandy Lands, Inner Mongolia, northern China
- Effects of Sorption Temperature on Soil Organic Matter and Iron Oxide Interactions
- Evaluation of a chemical proxy for fire intensity: A potential tool for studying fire-climate feedbacks
- Geomagnetic Secular Variation in Texas over the Last 17,000 Years: High-Intensity Geomagnetic Field 'Spike' Observed at ca. 3000 cal BP
- Geophysical investigations of the crust and mantle beneath Texas' Gulf Coastal Plain
- High-resolution Chemostratigraphy Through a Nearshore, Mixed Carbonate-shale Succession of Late Ordovician Age (Sandbian-Katian) in the Laurentian Cratonic Interior
- Lithospheric structure of the eastern flank of the Rio Grande Rift via receiver function velocity analysis
- Miocene-Pleistocene Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironment in the Meade Basin, Kansas
- New insights on water level variability for Lake Turkana for the past 15 ka and at 150 ka from relict beaches
- Ps receiver function imaging of crustal structure and Moho topography beneath the Northeast Caribbean
- Radiocarbon Analysis Source Apportionment of Fossil and Modern Atmospheric Carbon from DISCOVER-AQ Houston
- Scytonemin and Photosynthetic Pigment Proxies for Late Pleistocene/Holocene Environmental Change in the Eastern Great Basin
- Seismic Anisotropy Beneath the Eastern Flank of the Rio Grande Rift
- Size-Resolved Chemical Analysis of Individual Atmospheric Aerosols near Barrow, Alaska
- Soil Organic Matter Characterization by 13C-NMR and Thermal Analysis in Deep Tropical Soil Profiles from the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory
- Source apportionment of organic aerosol across Houston, TX during DISCOVER-AQ
- Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Mosquito Adulticide in Houston during Spraying Season
- The Origin of the Term "Space Weather"
- U-Th Burial Dates on Ostrich Eggshell
- Using Delft3D to Simulate Current Energy Conversion
- Using carbon oxidation state and ecosystem oxidative ratio to understand terrestrial ecosystem response to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Year-round Source Contributions of Fossil Fuel and Biomass Combustion to Elemental Carbon on the North Slope Alaska Utilizing Radiocarbon Analysis
- Assessing the atmospheric oxidation of pesticides used to control mosquito populations in Houston, TX.
- Atmospheric Oxygen Concentrations for the Past 350 Myr Modeled from the δ<SUP>13</SUP>C of C<SUB>3</SUB> Land Plants
- Characterization of organic aerosol for Fall and Spring periods in the Alaskan Arctic using organic tracers, including n-alkanes, PAHs, hopanes, steranes and levoglucosan
- Chemical Characterization of Atmospheric Particulate Matter from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
- Cotransport of human adenovirus, clay colloids and TiO<SUB>2</SUB> nanoparticles in porous media
- Evaluation of the Black Carbon Measurements in the Arctic
- Exploring Nested Reaction Fronts to Understand How Oxygen Cracks Rocks, Carbonic and Sulfuric Acids Dissolve Rocks, and Water Transports Rocks during Weathering
- Impact of iodine chemistry on coastal ozone levels at the Gulf of Mexico
- Influences of kerogen-rich bedrock on the molecular and isotopic composition of modern soils; implications for global C cycling
- Influences on Summertime Arctic Aerosol Chemical Mixing States
- Microbial Response to UV Exposure and Nitrogen Limitation in Desert Soil Crusts
- New Insight into the Lithosphere Structure of the Gulf Coast of Texas and Louisiana
- Numerical study of factors controlling intensity and spatial extent of Langmuir Circulations in coastal zones
- Obsidian Pyroclasts: Where Do They Come From and What Can They Tell Us?
- Polar Ice Sheets Drive Paleohydroclimate Affecting Terrestrial Plant Distribution and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange Potential during the Upper Carboniferous
- Quantifying Volcanic Stresses from Residual Stress Preserved in Magnetite and Zircon
- Quartz phenocrysts preserve volcanic stresses at Long Valley and Yellowstone calderas
- Radiocarbon-based Study of Contemporary and Fossil Sources of Carbonaceous Aerosol Collected during Two Air Quality Regimes in Houston, TX
- Soil Black Carbon Loss and Sediment Black Carbon Accumulation in a Central Texas Woodland
- Source Apportionment of Carbonaceous Aerosols at Two Sites on the North Slope of Alaska
- Tectonic Implications of Intermediate-depth Earthquakes Beneath the Northeast Caribbean
- The Links Between the Formation of the Gulf of Mexico and the Late Proterozoic to Mesozoic Tectonic Evolution of Southern North America
- A Machine LearningFramework to Forecast Wave Conditions
- A Near Real-Time Seismic Exploration and Monitoring (i.e., Ambient Seismic Noise Interferometry) Solution Based Upon a Novel "At the Edge" Approach that Leverages Commercially Available Digitizers, Embedded Systems, and an Open-Source Big Data Architecture
- A geochemical record of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during the late Paleozoic Ice Age: The relationship between atmospheric pCO<SUB>2</SUB>, climate and fire.
- Activities, Animations, and Online Tools to Enable Undergraduate Student Learning of Geohazards, Climate Change, and Water Resources
- Analysis of trends in isoprene and monoterpenes in a remote forest and an anthropogenic influenced forest
- Assessing the impact of atmospheric chemistry on the fate, transport, and transformation of adulticides in an urban atmosphere
- Characteristics of the Kp Index
- Complex Regressive (prograded) Barriers and Their Records of Environmental Changes during Middle and Late Holocene in Southern Brazil
- Crystal textures produced by continuous decompression of Pinatubo magma
- Diverse Early Paleocene Fossil Floras from the San Juan Basin (New Mexico, USA) Linked to Warm and Wet Climate
- Effect of Thermal Maturation on n-alkanes and Kerogen in Preserved Organic Matter: Implications for Paleoenvironment Biomarkers
- Electrical Conductivity Distributions in Discrete Fluid-Filled Fractures
- High crustal density at Mafic Mound in South Pole-Aitken Basin
- Improving wave forecasting by integrating ensemble modelling and machine learning
- Influence of Agricultural Operations on Dust Emission During the 1930a Dust Bowl, Baca County, CO, USA.
- Intra-Urban Variability in Elemental Carbon Deposition to Tree Canopies
- Investigating Summer Thermal Stratification in Lake Ontario
- Investigation of the lithosphere of the Texas Gulf Coast using phase-specific Ps receiver functions produced by wavefield iterative deconvolution
- LaRC Modeling of Ozone Formation in San Antonio, Texas
- Lifetime Stable isotopes profiles in whale earplug: assessment of foraging and migrations in the Northern Hemisphere
- Microbial Biomarkers for Native and Agricultural Soil Inputs to Atmospheric Particulate Matter
- Molecular Analysis of Flood Deposits in the Tennessee River Valley: Implications for Understanding Carbon Cycling in Fluvial Environments and Anthropogenic Impacts
- Proximity of the Seismogenic Dog Valley Fault to Stampede and Prosser Creek Dams Near Truckee, California
- Radiocarbon Analysis to Calculate New End-Member Values for Biomass Burning Source Samples Specific to the Bay Area
- Rayleigh wave group-velocity across the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico from ambient noise tomography
- Seismic Interferometry of Gulf of Mexico Basin Opening (GUMBO) Data: Extraction of Body and Surface Waves with a Mixed-Mode Array
- Sources and Characterization of Submicron Aerosols in a Rural Forest During the PROPHET-AMOS 2016 Campaign
- Spectral Remote Sensing of Dust Sources on the U.S. Great Plains from 1930s Panchromatic Aerial Phtography
- Testing the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis with platinum-group elements (PGE), Re, and Os isotopes in sediments from Hall's Cave and Freidken Archaeological site, Texas
- The Age of Saturn's Rings Constrained by the Meteoroid Flux Into the System
- The Dandridge-Vonore Fault Zone in the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone (and Rejuvenation of the Smokies?)
- The relationship between organic carbon and methanesulfonic acid at two sites on the North Slope of Alaska over four summers
- A Globally Fragmented and Mobile Lithosphere on Venus
- A multivariate, nonlinear relationship for fracture characteristics and hydraulic conductivity to electrical-conductivity measurements
- Annual cycles in ice nucleating particle concentrations at four Arctic locations
- Assessing spatial and temporal variations in an aquifer system using repeat temperature-depth measurements: an example from the Española Basin, New Mexico
- Assessing the Atmospheric Fate and Transport of Pesticides Used to Control Mosquito Populations Post-Hurricane Harvey
- Compound specific carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis amino acid in whale's earwax
- Crustal thickness and Moho topography across the Texas-Gulf of Mexico margin from seismic interferometry
- Deep Learning Model Integration of Remotely Sensed and SWAT-Simulated Regional Soil Moisture
- Determination of Key Sources of Secondary Organic Aerosols during High Ozone Periods in an Urban Atmosphere
- Disequilibrium Nucleation and Growth of Plagioclase: A numerical model
- Estimating health risks to dust aerosol exposure at the heart of the 1930s Dust Bowl, Southern Great Plains, USA
- Examining leaf-wax signatures from biosynthesis to burial: A systems perspective on interpreting leaf wax records
- Flow dynamics of rhyolite lava inferred from UAV photogrammetry
- Improved Rayleigh wave group velocity estimates across the southeastern United States via double beamforming
- In-field emissions measurements from cookstoves and brick kilns provide insight into the robustness of emission factors used in inventories
- Insights into volcanic crater morphology and proximal deposits from multi-blast large scale experiments at University at Buffalo NSF Collaborative Blast Workshop
- Intra-urban variability in EC deposition via rainfall and throughfall
- Line-of-sight accelerations of the MESSENGER spacecraft
- Paleoclimate reconstructions using paleosols from Rusinga and Mfangano Islands, Lake Victoria, Kenya and the rise of the East African Monsoon
- Reflection imaging with micro-earthquake sources: No-cost sources for probing the subsurface
- Rheology of a subgreenschist-facies quartzite shear zone in the Blue Ridge thrust system near Front Royal, Virginia
- Sources and Ambient Concentration of VOCs in San Antonio, Texas
- Terrestrial biogenic source contribution to aerosol on the North Slope of Alaska
- The Length of Some (Perhaps All) R-R Transform Faults Changes Over Time. Why?
- 25,000 Years Long Earthquake Cycle in Slow Deforming Continental Region: The M7 1967 Mogod (Mongolia) Event
- 3D measurement of three-phase contact angles of melt and vapor with quartz and biotite
- A 1200-year perspective on modern high- and low-frequency variability in California's Sierra Nevada cold-season precipitation using tree rings
- Ambient Noise Seismic Interferometry at the San Emidio Geothermal Field, NV
- An Ensemble of Deep Learning Models for Soil Moisture Prediction Across the Contiguous U.S.
- Assessing Floodplain Integrity in Colorado using Functional Indices
- Assessing urban atmospheric chemistry effects on the environmental fate of current-use pesticides in Harris County, TX
- Characterizing extreme floods on the middle Tennessee River, Alabama (USA) using a paleoflood chronology
- Classifying the Complexity of Coupled Energy-Water-Land Systems in the United States
- Daily Changes in Atmospheric Microbiology Demonstrated in the Variability of Lipids in Particulate Matter
- Designing sustainable future land-energy-water infrastructures for cities
- Developing a Machine Learning Framework to Reduce the Computational Burden of Reactive-Transport Simulations
- Developing a Virtual Subsurface Data Framework: Transforming DOE's EDX data lake using ML/NLP
- Effect of volcanic emissions on clouds during the 2008 and 2018 Kilauea degassing events
- Geophysical Investigation of the Northwestern Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMS) Formation during Summertime in An Arctic Oil Field
- Improved shear wave velocity model of the southeastern United States from ambient noise tomography using cross-coherence interferometry
- Investigating the impacts of power plants, oil and gas operations, and biogenic emissions on ozone production in San Antonio
- Machine learning emulators for reactive mixing
- Measuring and managing energy in soil organic matter
- Mesocosm approaches to study the influence of environmental complexity on nanoparticle fate and transport, transformations, bioavailability, and toxicity
- Moving data "rocks" out of hard places: adapting and innovating data science tools to improve geoscience analytics
- Multi-model, Multi-resolution Hydroclimate Projections and Associated Uncertainties: A Case Study for the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basin in the Southeastern United States
- New Geochronology and Paleoseismic Data for the Cheraw fault at the Old Ranch Site, SE Colorado
- Paleoenvironmental interpretations for the End Devonian faunal crises using carbon and nitrogen isotope distributions from the Western Canada Basin
- Performance of the Kp Index During Magnetic Storms
- Physiological functioning of seasonally dry-adapted floras in response to changes in late Paleozoic atmospheric composition and aridity.
- Predictive model for colloid transport through rough fractures under unfavorable attachment conditions
- Rapid experimental determination of magmatic phase equilibria: coordinating a volcanic crisis response protocol
- Rheology of bubbly rhyolites and its effect on the emplacement of Obsidian Dome
- Soil Organic Matter Molecular Composition Reveals Tradeoffs in Mechanisms of C Persistence Among Ecosystems in the NEON Network
- Terrestrial biogenic secondary organic aerosol composition on the North Slope of Alaska
- The Influence of Late Ordovician Volcanism on the GICE
- The Response of Natural and Anthropogenic Emissions in Houston to Hurricane Harvey: Impacts on Air Quality
- The Role of Erosion and Landform Position in Controlling the Fate of Pyrogenic Organic Matter
- The Role of Volatile Elements in Megaspherulite Formation: Essential to the Recipe or Icing on the Cake?
- The end Devonian mass extinction across Alberta: elemental indicators of widespread marine anoxia
- The physiological landscape of the Carboniferous: Freezing, Vegetation, and Earth System Processes
- Understanding the encoder-decoder network for solving an unsupervised seismic inversion problem
- Utilizing Intensive Aerosol Optical Properties for The Detection of Biomass Burning In El Paso, Texas - (BC)<SUP>2</SUP> El Paso Field Campaign
- A Bayesian approach to determining the feasibility of electricity capacity expansion plans
- Achieving Sustainable Development Goals While Restoring Pre-industrial CO2 Levels
- Anthology of quartz-hosted embayment textures
- Comparing laboratory and remotely sensed measurements of rheological properties at Obsidian Dome, Inyo Craters, California.
- Coseismic Slip Distribution and Earthquake Recurrence Along the Bulnay-Tsetserleg Fault Zone (Mongolia) : Insights From UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Paleoseismology
- Early Miocene evolution of C4 vegetation and open ecosystems across equatorial East Africa
- Ecosystem-to-global scale modeling of vegetation-climate feedbacks during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age
- Effects of the drainage system and impervious surfaces on urban flooding in Dhaka City
- Emissions of aerosols and climate-warming gases from coal-fired brick kilns in South Asia and Colombia
- Emplacement dynamics of Banco Bonito lava at Valles Caldera, NM inferred from volatile content and thermal history
- Evaluating the Loading History of Pavonis Mons, Mars using Lithospheric Flexure
- Identifying the Transport and Evolution of Oxidized Organic Aerosol across the Urban Core of San Antonio
- Integration of Data, Numerical Inversion, and Unsupervised Machine Learning to Identify Hidden Geothermal Resources in Southwest New Mexico
- Long-term Trends for Marine Sulfur Aerosol in the Alaskan Arctic and Relationships with Temperature
- Mapping Urban-Rural Land Teleconnections in the United States Using Graphical Networks
- MultiSector Influences on Urban Water Supply Across the United States
- NOM Corona of Silver Nanoparticles: Sulfidation-Induced Changes in Molecular Composition
- Optimizing Buoy Locations to Measure Ocean-waves for Wave-energy Converters
- Paleoenvironmental reconstructions of the early Miocene Kiahera Formation, Rusinga Island, Lake Victoria, western Kenya
- Placing the east-west United States aridity gradient in a millennial context
- Precipitation forecasting using machine-learning-based ensemble aggregation with Wasserstein-guided weighting
- Seismic constraints on crustal thickness and Moho structure of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico margin
- Solid-state <SUP>13</SUP>C NMR and stable isotopic analysis of petrified wood: Insight into organic matter degradation and Late Triassic climate change
- Source Apportionment of Fine Particulate Matter near Houston: Implications for Emission Sources and Back Trajectory Analysis
- Subsurface Gravity Signatures of Subduction on Venus
- Transport and Impacts of the June 2020 Saharan Dust Event on the Continental US
- Using a Machine Learning Method (t-SNE) to Delineate Spatial Zones of Groundwater Geochemistry in Regional Aquifers
- A hybrid data, modeling and deep learning approach for prediction of the small-scale dynamics of the upper troposphere
- Acclimation to variable nitrogen:phosphorus ratios affects the ionome and physiology of a nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria
- Assessing the impact of urban atmospheric chemistry on the environmental fate of pesticides used to control mosquito populations in Houston, TX
- Biogenic Sources Dominate Carbonaceous Aerosol on the North Slope of Alaska
- Contrasting Climate and Weathering Processes During Two Hyperthermal Events Preceding the K/Pg Boundary, Dawson Creek Section, Big Bend National Park, Texas
- Decompression and rehydration of the Mesa Falls Tuff embayments
- Development of a Biodynamic Model for Methylmercury Bioaccumulation Based on Diffusive Gradient in Thin Film (DGT) Passive Samplers
- Early Paleocene Plant Community and Paleoclimate Reconstruction of the Nacimiento Formation from the San Juan Basin, New Mexico
- Effects of Topographic Gradients and Plant Physiological Factors on Leaf Wax n-Alkanes in Quercus buckleyi and Juniperus ashei
- Effects of spatial variations in paleogeography and paleo-depositional settings in nitrogen cycling patterns at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
- Estimating Photochemical Efficiency of Photosystem II (PSII) using Satellite Solar Induced Fluorescence
- Extraction of body wave arrivals using seismic interferometry at the San Emidio geothermal field: A step towards real-time convergence assessment in seismic interferometry
- Freeze tolerance influenced forest cover and hydrology during the Pennsylvanian
- Global Hydropower Expansion Without Building New Dams
- ISOORG21: analysis of findings and trends in the updated database of plant isotopic values across the Phanerozoic
- Improved estimates of preindustrial biomass burning reduce the magnitude of aerosol climate forcing in the Southern Hemisphere
- Influence of water on crystallographic preferred orientation patterns in a naturally-deformed quartzite
- Joint Teleseismic P, Regional Pn, and Local Pg Tomography of Texas, Oklahoma, and Eastern New Mexico
- Modeled Bulk Mineralogy Suggests Limited Alteration in Eridania Basin, Mars
- Modeling Lithospheric Structure in the Permian Basin by Waveform-Matching Receiver Functions with Particle Swarm Optimization
- New Considerations on the Marine 18O Record as an Indicator of Continental Ice Volume
- Northern Front Brings In Wildfire Smoke From The Western US Coast To Texas
- Observations of Southeast Asian Biomass Burning and Urban Trace Gas Enhancement Ratios: Insights into Regional Air Quality and Aerosol Composition
- Open System N2:Ar Ratios Demonstrate that Stoichiometric Imbalances Drive Patterns in Denitrification and N Fixation in Experimental Ponds
- Optimization of a method for the quantification of volatile chemical product emissions in an urban atmosphere using thermal desorption-gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry
- Optimization of an Algorithm Using Aerosol Optical Properties to Investigate the Influence of Biomass Burning on an Urban Atmosphere (BC)2 2021 Field Campaign
- Planktonic nitrogen fixation from an isotopically-labelled long-term nutrient enrichment experiment
- Plant Oxidative Ratio Values are Invariant Under Simulated Climate Change in a Boreal Peatland Ecosystem
- Precipitation, Erosion, and Biogeochemical Nutrient Cycling in Biological Soil Crust in the Great Salt Lake Desert
- Some Tesserae on Venus Display Recent and Perhaps Ongoing Deformation
- Study of Aerosols and Volatile Organic Compounds During a Long-range Transport Biomass Burning Event
- Super-eruptions in Northwestern Arabia Terra Indicate Distinct Mantle Evolution on Early Mars
- The Influence of Physical Processes in the Growth of Speleothems in Volcanic (lava tube) Caves
- Trends and spatial shifts in lightning fires and smoke concentrations in response to 21st century climate over the national forests and parks of the western United States
- Understanding Nutrient Dynamics Through Mesocosm Experiments Could Influence Management Strategies in Hypereutrophic Urban Lakes
- Unsupervised clustering of continuous ambient noise seismic data to extract body wave arrivals using Gaussian Mixture Modeling and K-means
- Urban Rural Building Network and Land Morphology Connection (URBN-LMC)
- Wildfire Extremes in Australia and Their impacts to Local Infrastructure and Economies
- Wind Rider Pathfinder Mission to Trappist-1 Solar Gravitational Lens Focal Region in 8 Years
- A Novel Reduction-Based Scheme for In-Situ Solar Wind Origin Classification using Machine Learning
- Advancing GeoHealth Through Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) Science: Recommendations for Future Work
- Anisotropic Layering Beneath Hispaniola Island from Harmonic Decomposition Modeling of Receiver Functions
- Characterizing the efficiency of mineral amendments in immobilizing PFAS
- Charcoal Bridgehead Carbon Fraction: A Proxy for Fire Temperature in Sediment Records
- Development of volatile organic compound samplers optimized for use on uncrewed aerial systems and marine vessels
- Divers of Lake Victoria Basin Hydroclimate and Water Level Variations
- Effects of B Vitamins on Experimental Pond Phytoplankton Communities Across a Stoichiometric Gradient
- Elastic Thermobarometry on Metapelites Across the Crustal Section of the Famatina Arc, Argentina
- Experiments on Multiblast Craters: Probing Transient Crater Depths in Multi-Explosion Events
- Geochronology of Ardipithecus Ramidus Fossil Sites at Gona, Afar Depression, Ethiopia
- Geophysical Investigations Into the Structure, Activity and Hydrology of the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- High-resolution Rayleigh wave phase velocity inversion for the southeastern United States using the MUSIC algorithm
- Hydrated glass embayments reveal decadal timescales for ignimbrite cooling at Yellowstone caldera
- Irrigation expansion as a climate buffer in the US Corn Belt
- Joint Modeling of Receiver Functions and Teleseismic P Autocorrelations to Model Crustal Structure in the Permian Basin
- Local Magnitude (ML) Calibration for the Puerto Rico Seismic Network
- Piecing Together the Chaos Puzzle: Preliminary Results and Implications of Europan Block Identification Using Machine Learning
- Revealing the unseen diversity of nitrogen fixing bacteria in aquatic ecosystems
- Seismic Site Characterization via Joint Inversion of Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratios and Surface Wave Dispersion: Developing and Validating Geophysical Tools for deciphering Quaternary Sedimentary Architecture for the Monahans Dune Field, West Texas
- Solar Induced Fluorescence (SIF) - Derived Photochemical Efficiency of Photosystem II (ΦPSII) Tracks Controls On Forest Productivity across Different Climates
- Sources, Formation, and Composition of Atmospheric Aerosols within the North Slope of Alaska Oil Fields
- Study of VOCs and Aerosols at Corpus Christi and San Antonio During Spring 2021
- The Black and Brown carbon (BC)2 Network: Characterizing long-range transport of Biomass burning plumes and Saharan dust in Texas using aerosol optical measurements
- Understanding the diurnal and seasonal patterns of regional CO2 drawdown using EM27/SUN XCO2 measurements at Harvard Forest
- Unusual Distributions of Bacterioviridin, Allomerization products, and other Pigments in Corpus Christi Bay and North Padre Island Microbial Mats
- Urban Rural Building Network and Land Morphology Connection (URBN-LMC)
- Xenocrysts in the Prairie Creek Lamproite Sample the Crust and Mantle Beneath the Edge of the North American Craton
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Amanda Barker
- Amy Marcarelli
- Antonia Hadjimichael
- Armin Sorooshian
- Benjamin F. Zaitchik
- C. A. Nixon
- Caroline A. Masiello
- Claire E. Moffett
- Cody S. Sheik
- Colleen M. Iversen
- D. Barahona
- D. R. Hood
- Daniel J. Peppe
- E. Mazarico
- Einat Lev
- G. P. Waite
- G. S. Diskin
- Greg A. Valentine
- Harshad Vijay Kulkarni
- Henry Han
- Ingo Sonder
- Isabel P. Montañez
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. Pulliam
- J. R. McConnell
- Jacopo Taddeucci
- Jeffrey R. Pierce
- Jida Wang
- Jillian M. Deines
- Jon D. Richey
- Juan Manuel Lorenzo
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kenneth S. Befus
- Kerri A. Pratt
- Lauren Haygood
- Luke D. Ziemba
- M. M. Arienzo
- Malcolm A. Barnard
- Miguel Ricardo A. Hilario
- Nadine Igonin
- Naomi E. Levin
- Nathan Chellman
- Nicole D. Wagner
- P. K. Byrne
- Paul A. Bedrosian
- Paul J. Hanson
- Pieter‐Ewald Share
- Qi Zhang
- Qingqing Sun
- R. C. Ghail
- Rebecca J. Sheesley
- Robert D. Hetland
- Robert Mulvaney
- Robin S. Matoza
- Robinson W. Fulweiler
- Ryan A. McManamay
- S. Karunatillake
- S. T. Lepri
- Sander Goossens
- Sifan A. Koriche
- Sophia Macarewich
- Stephen M. Powers
- Steven C. Wofsy
- Subin Yoon
- Sujata R. Emani
- Thomas E. Gill
- William C. Hockaday
- Yang Li
- Yuxuan Wang