University of Cologne, Institute for Geophysics
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Interaction of the Saturnian Magnetospheric Plasma with Titan's Ionosphere: Formation of a Ionopause
- Modeling Io's electrodynamic interaction with its torus: Comparsion with recent observations.
- Motional and Geometrical Properties of Solar Wind Discontinuities Using CLUSTER Magnetic Field Data
- The Aseismic Zone Inside Merapi Volcano: Evidence for a Magma Chamber?
- Initial Results from the Cassini Solar Conjunction Faraday Rotation Experiment
- Timescales of Planetary Accretion and Differentiation from <SUP>182</SUP>Hf-<SUP>182</SUP>W Systematics
- Influence of Magnetospheric Electrons on Titan's Interaction With Saturnian Magnetospheric Plasma
- A new chronology for asteroid formation in the early solar system based on <SUP>182</SUP>W systematics
- Cassini Magnetic Field Observations During the Close Titan Encounter on October 26, 2004 on October 26, 2004
- Cassini Magnetometer Observations of the State of Saturn's Magnetosphere During the Titan Encounter on 26th October 2004
- Deconvolution Of TEM Signals Using A Truncated SVD Approach
- Improvement Of The Determination Of The Seasonal Variations Of Mars Gravity Field Using Both MGS And Mars Express Tracking Data
- Local Gravity Fields From Mars Express Residual Doppler Data
- Mass and internal structure of Phobos from close flybys by Mars-Express
- Modelling Surface Temperatures on Titan by a General Circulation Model: Constraints on the Surface Type
- Nonlinear Interaction of Io's Disturbance System With the Inhomogenous Jovian Magnetosphere
- Titan's Interaction With the Saturnian Magnetospheric Plasma - Results From an Advanced 3D MHD Model and Comparison With Cassini MAG Data.
- A new Solution of Mars' Time Variable Gravity Field From a Joint Inversion of MEX and MGS Radio-tracking Data
- Bistatic Radar Exploration of Mars' South Polar Region
- Cassini Magnetometer Results from recent icy satellite flybys
- Dating the Giant Moon--Forming Impact and the End of Earth's Accretion
- Investigation of the 3D-Magnetic Field Structure of the Titan Interaction with the Kronian Outer Magnetosphere near ~ 10 SLT Using Magnetic Field Data and Modelling: Draping Boundary and Polarity Reversal Layer
- Martian Gravity Field at Short Wavelength: Results From Mars Express Radio Science Experiment MaRS
- Neutral Exosphere Densities and Structures at Titan Inferred from Pickup Ions Observed by CAPS
- New Ephemerides Of The Martian Moons
- The Dynamic Atmosphere of Enceladus Revealed by Magnetometer Observations
- Time varying interaction of Europa's atmosphere-ionosphere and its conducting ocean with the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Time varying south polar atmosphere on Enceladus from magnetic field measurements analyzed by use of 3D two-fluid plasma simulations
- Titan's Interaction With its Plasma Environment
- Wind-induced Seasonal Angular Momentum Exchange at Titan's Surface and its Influence on Titan's Length-of-day
- 3D Global MHD Simulation of Titan's interaction with its surrounding plasma
- Interaction of Enceladus' gas plume with Saturn's magnetosphere
- Interaction of Europa With the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Interaction of the Saturnian Magnetospheric Plasma with Titan: How good are the Lessons from Venus?
- Models of Thermal and Superthermal Electrons in Titan's Ionosphere
- Radio Sounding of the Solar Corona with Rosetta and Mars Express
- Recent Advances in the Understanding of the Structure and Variability of Titan's Magnetic Environment
- Saturn Magnetospheric Interaction with Titan Ionisation Sources and Dynamics as Inferred from Cassini Observations
- The Interaction of Rhea with Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Venus Express Bistatic Radar Over Maxwell Montes
- Effects of a Nonlinear Treatment of Io's Interaction With the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Electromagnetic Induction Sounding of the Interior of Enceladus in Relation to the Observed Southern Plume Using Magnetic Field Measurements on Cassini Flyby Orbits and Future Missions
- Enceladus' Plasma Interaction With Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Heterogeneous Earth Accretion and Incomplete Metal-Silicate Reequilibration at High Pressure During Core Formation
- Icy Galilean Satellite UV Observations by New Horizons and HST
- Improvement Of The Ephemeris And Mass Of The Martian Moons From MEX Precise Orbit Determination
- Numerical Simulations of the Jovian Magnetosphere: Influence of the Solar Wind
- Properties of Enceladus' gas plumes from simulations of the their plasma interaction with Saturn's magnetosphere
- Rhea's interaction with Saturn's magnetosphere
- Severe Extra-tropical Storms Under Climate Change And Related Impacts
- The Neutral Atmosphere of Mars as Observed Through Radio Occultation Measurements With MEX and MGS
- The Plasma Environment Of Venus: Comparison Of Venus Express Aspera-4 Measurements With 3D Hybrid Simulations
- Anisotropy and Dissipation in Space Plasma Turbulence: Cluster Observations in the Solar Wind and Earth's Magnetosheath
- Coordinated measurements of auroral processes at Saturn from the Cassini spacecraft and HST
- Hidden Mine Shaft Detection With Remote Radio Transmitter Electromagnetics and Self- Potential Method
- Hybrid Simulations of the Enceladus Plasma Interaction and Comparison with MAG Data
- Hybrid simulation of moon-magnetosphere interactions at Saturn: Titan and Dione
- Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Solar Wind at 0.3 and 1 AU
- Magnetosheath Turbulence
- A.I.K.E.F. - An adaptive hybrid model for planetary plasma environment studies
- Azimuthal plasma flow in the Kronian magnetosphere
- Comparative efficiency of various electrical and electromagnetic methods in mapping shallow 3-D conductors encountered in urban geophysical problems
- Energetic Neutral Atoms from Titan: Particle-Simulations in Draped Magnetic and Electric Fields
- Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy: a technique for rapid, quantitative analysis of biogeochemical properties from Lake El gygytgyn
- Global MHD simulations of Jupiter's magnetosphere: study of the ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling
- High-resolution inorganic geochemistry of high arctic Lake Elgygytgyn/NE Siberia over the last 340ka
- Holocene environmental and climate history of Rauer Group, East Antarctica
- Impact of ion-neutral chemistry in the Enceladus plume on the global plasma interaction: a hybrid simulation approach
- Modelling Io’s auroral emission and the interaction of the moon’s atmosphere-ionosphere with the Jovian magnetosphere
- Multifrequency Electromagnetic Sounding of the Galilean Satellites' Interiors
- Synoptic analysis of heavy rainfall events over the Mumbai Region
- The BMPix and PEAK Tools: New Methods for Automated Laminae Recognition and Counting - Application to Glacial Varves From Antarctic Marine Sediment
- The Holocene lipid biomarker record of climate and hydrological change at Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia
- The Impact of Mass Movement Events on the Pelagic Sediment Record in Lake Elgygytgyn, NE Russia
- The Spatial Morphology of Equatorial Electron Beams Near Io
- The emerging lipid biomarker record of environmental change at Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Russia
- The sediment record of Lake Ohrid (Albania/Macedonia)
- Titan below Saturn's magnetodisc: Results from 3D hybrid simulations and Cassini MAG observations
- Fossil magnetic fields due to Titan's plasma interaction revisited:The role of the electric conductivities in the ionosphere and in Titan's interior
- Hemisphere coupling currents at Enceladus: Analytical modeling of Cassini magnetometer observations
- Long-term evaluation of COSMO forecast models over Germany using Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) data
- Mid-Pliocene to Early Quaternary Evolution of the Beringian Arctic from Deep Drilling at Lake El'gygytgyn, Chukotka: initial results (Invited)
- Monsoon variability for the past 4 ka derived from high-resolution analyses of sediments from lake Nam Co, central Tibetan Plateau
- On the interactions of transverse ion-cyclotron waves with ions in solar wind plasma
- Scanning Microwave Radiometry for Investigating Water Vapor and Cloud Distributions (Invited)
- Simulation of Io's Auroral Emission: Constraints on the Atmosphere in Eclipse
- Solar wind magnetic turbulence at electron scales
- 3D MHD Models for Callisto's Plasma and Magnetic Field Environment
- AIDA - from Airborne Data Inversion to In-Depth Analysis
- Deglaciation, lake ontogeny and organic carbon cycling in SW Greenland lakes
- Evaluation of a fully coupled large-eddy atmosphere and land surface simulation model over heterogeneous surfaces
- Evaluation of optical remote sensing parameters to improve modeling of gross primary productivity in a heterogeneous agricultural area
- HST/STIS Observations of Ganymede's Auroral Ovals at Eastern Elongation
- Hybrid simulations of Enceladus' plasma interaction: a multi-instrument survey
- Implementing Downscaling Algorithm in External Coupler for the Coupled Modeling Platform ParFlow-CLM-COSMO
- Parametrization of Surface Heterogeneities on Large Eddy Scales
- Plasma Interaction and Induced Magnetic Fields at the Galilean Moons
- Plasma interactions of Saturn's icy satellites: Analytical modelling of MAG data from Enceladus, Dione and Rhea
- Retrieval assessment using the microwave simulation tool for the High Altitude and LOng range aircraft HALO: humidity, temperature and hydrometeor profiles
- Temporal variations of UV emissions from Io's atmosphere
- The Impact of Vegetation on the Long-term Landform Evolution of the Chilean Coastal Ranges
- Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 32: Patterns in Soil-Vegetation
- Western Arctic Vulnerability to Warming over the past 3.6 Myr: Lessons from sediments drilled at Lake El'gygytgyn, Western Beringia
- 2.8 Million Years of Arctic Climate Change from Deep Drilling at Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia
- A New Approach To Characterizing The Holocene Slip History Of Active Normal Faults: An Integrated Study Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning, Ground Penetrating Radar, 36Cl Cosmogenic Exposure Dating And Field Analysis
- Active and Passive Microwave Retrieval Algorithm for Hydrometeor Concentration Profiles: Application to the HAMP Instrument
- Analysis of Cassini magnetic field observations over the poles of Rhea
- Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Fluorescence Data into the Land-Surface Model CLM4
- Evolution of the seawater sulfate sulfur composition through the Cambrian Period: Implications from carbonate-associated sulfate
- From Airborne Data Inversion to In-Depth Analysis - Data and Model Evaluation
- From mud and grains to curves and concepts: Late Quaternary climatic history from Chew Bahir, southern Ethiopia
- Ganymede's Magnetic Field Environment from Hubble Space Telescope Observations and Modelling
- How the plasma interaction of Enceladus' plume determines the properties of the dust cloud
- Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Ganymede's Time-Variable Auroral Ovals
- Impact of glacial/interglacial changes in water column geochemistry on the diagenetic cycling of barium in Black Sea sediments
- Influence of induction signals from the interior on the variation of Io's equatorial aurora spots
- Magnetic Field Fluctuations in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Millennial scale Record of Terrestrial Pliocene-Pleistocene warmth from Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia: What does it mean for Greenland's Ice Sheet history?
- Numerical analysis for contribution of the Tibetan Plateau to dust aerosols over the East Asia
- Observational Evidence of Alfvén Wings at the Earth
- Remote sensing of sun-induced fluorescence using long-term monitoring to estimate photosynthetic light-use efficiency and gross primary production
- Structure of Titan's induced magnetosphere under varying background magnetic field conditions: Survey of Cassini magnetometer data from flybys TA-T80
- Synergy benefit in temperature, humiditiy and cloud property profiling by integrating ground based and satellite measurements
- The configuration of the induced Martian magnetosphere and ionosphere during quiet solar wind conditions
- The last ice-sheet advance and retreat across the Antarctic continental shelf: Synchrony or diachrony?
- Variability of Western Pacific Warm Pool Rainfall since 50 ka BP: Lithologic and Isotopic Perspectives from Lake Matano, Central Sulawesi
- a Coupled GCM Comparison of Marine Isotope Stages 1, 5e, 11c and 31 IN Relation to Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia
- Approach to failure in a discrete element model of the compressive failure of porous rocks (Invited)
- Assimilation of remotely sensed chlorophyll fluorescence data into the land surface model CLM4
- CarboPerm: An interdisciplinary Russian-German project on the formation, turnover and release of carbon in Siberian permafrost landscapes
- Climatology and dynamics of nocturnal low-level stratus over the southern West African monsoon region
- Energetic aspects of Enceladus' magnetospheric interaction
- Geomorphical and Geochronological Constrains of the Last Glacial Period in Southern Patagonia, Southern South America
- Global Simulations of the Magnetosphere under Sub-Alfvénic Solar Wind Conditions. (Invited)
- HST Observations of Europa's UV Aurora Morphology (Invited)
- Magnetic field fluctuations in Saturn's magnetosphere: A new laboratory of plasma turbulence with important implications for the magnetospheric energy budget
- Modeling turbulent fluxes at a winter wheat stand -possibilities and limitations of ground-based thermography
- On the Influence of the Solar Wind Density on the Jovian Main Auroral Emission
- Quantification of land-surface heterogeneity
- Quaternary Arctic Climate Change of the past 2.8 Ma as reconstructed from sediments of Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia (Invited)
- Seismic Investigations of Lake Ladoga (Russia) -First Results
- Surface Heterogeneities on Large Eddy Scales
- Synergistic observations of cloud properties and their related uncertainties at JOYCE
- Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 32: Patterns in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Systems
- How individual clouds contrbute to the cloud overlap of fields of shallow cumuli
- The Waves to Weather Challenge: Do Large-Scale Equatorial Waves Modulate Regional Rainfall in Southern Vietnam?
- A Comparison of Eemian and Holocene Transgressions of the Baltic Sea based on the Sedimentary Record of Lake Ladoga
- Confronting multi-year idealized LES with measurements at a mid-latitude meteorological site
- Environmental magnetism of Lake Ohrid (Balkans) - Rock magnetic proxies for lacustrine and terrestrial environmental changes over the past 640 ka
- Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> Forsterite Grain Boundary Structures and Self-diffusion from Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Scaling of compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the fast solar wind
- Towards Realistic Cumulus Cloud Resolving Simulations at Supersites
- Added value of convection-permitting reanalyses
- Chew Bahir, southern Ethiopia: an archive of environmental history during the evolution and dispersal of anatomically modern humans
- Constraints on Io's interior from auroral spot oscillations
- Detection of a hydrogen corona in HST Lyman-alpha images of Europa in transit of Jupiter
- Far-UV Spectral and Spatial Analysis from HST Observations of Europa
- Fast and Slow Solar Wind: Energy Transfer Rate in Compressible MHD Turbulence
- First Hubble Space Telescope Movies of Jupiter's Ultraviolet Aurora During the NASA Juno Prime Mission
- How to constrain snow particle scattering models? A novel approach using triple-frequency radar Doppler spectra.
- Lake Yoa (Northern Chad): A Seasonal Footprint of 10,500 Years of Climate Change in the Sahara
- Microwave Radiometer and Lidar Synergy for High Vertical Resolution Thermodynamic Profiling in a Cloudy Scenario
- Model for Reduced Power Spectra of Critically Balanced Solar Wind Turbulence with Damping by Kinetic Alfvén Waves
- Physical Properties of Liquid Fe-S Alloys at High Pressure
- Scales of wave-particle interaction processes in Jupiter's magnetosphere: Implications for JUNO/JEDI measurements
- The complex behavior of the satellite footprints at Jupiter: the result of universal processes?
- The preglacial sediment record of Lake Ladoga, NW Russia - first results from a multi-proxy study on a 23 m sediment record
- Triple Oxygen and Deuterium Isotopes in Gypsum Hydration Water for Quantitative Paleo-humidity Reconstructions
- Using LES as a testing ground for developing scale-aware cumulus parameterizations
- German-Russian project PLOT: new postglacial-glacial-preglacial pollen records from the Lakes Ladoga and Bol'shoe Shuch'e
- Origin and Formation of Giant Mounds in Lake Ladoga (Russia) from High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Data
- Precipitation history of the central Atacama Desert since the Miocene as reconstructed from clay pan records of the Costal Cordillera/ N Chile
- Recurrence of water bodies in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert - New insights into the Late Pleistocene paleoclimate history of Northern Chile
- Sedimentological, mineralogical, and geochemical results from surface sediments and the sediment record from Site 2 of the ICDP drilling project at Lake Towuti, Indonesia
- Structure, energetics, and elasticity of phase Egg: insights from theory and experiments
- The PLOT (Paleolimnological Transect) Project in the Russian Arctic
- Too Warm, Two Poles: Super Interglacial Teleconnections and Possible Dual Pole Ice Sheet Stability
- Wave Particle Interactions in Jupiter's Magnetosphere and Related Stochastic Auroral Particle Acceleration by Kinetic Alfvén Waves
- Analysis of Sterol Diagenesis Stages in a Peat Core from Kamchatka, Russia
- Does the ultracool dwarf LSR J1835+3259 exhibit auroral emission? Hubble Space Telescope Observations of its UV spectrum
- Investigation of Polar Low Formation and Development over the Nordic Sea: Synergetic approach using the Arctic System Reanalysis, Microwave Satellites and Radiative Transfer Simulations
- Long-term Cloud Condensation nuclei (CCN) Activity, Variability and Closure Analysis at a Meteorological Tower in Western Europe
- Long-term characterization of the boundary-layer for studying land-surface atmosphere interactions
- The hydrology of Lake Peten Itza (Guatemala) during the last deglaciation constrained by triple oxygen and hydrogen isotopes
- Will Wind Energy Production in Europe Become Less Reliable Due to Climate Change?
- Dating serpentinite mud volcanism and seamount subduction in the Mariana convergent margin system (IODP Expedition 366)
- Deformation Styles and Sedimentation Patterns documented in Lake Issyk-Kul, Tienshan Mountain Range, Kyrgyzstan - Evidence from a Recent Seismoacoustic Survey to Support ICDP Drilling
- Improving Active Remote Sensing of Snow Through the Use of Multiple Frequencies, In-Situ Data and Neural Networks
- Methanogenesis dominates organic matter mineralization in ferruginous sediments
- Multi-layer Cloud Conditions in Trade Wind Shallow Cumulus - Confronting Models with Airborne Observations
- TDEM Geophysical characterization of the shallow structures of the El Tatio geothermal field (Central Andes), Chile.
- The DESMEX System: Novel Developments for Semi-Airborne Electromagnetic Exploration
- Vegetation and climate of Kola Region (NW Russia) inferred from complex studies of Late Glacial and Holocene lake sediments.
- A-TRAIN instruments characteristics' influence on derived Cloud Radiative Effect
- Climate feedbacks through chemistry and aerosols in CMIP6 Earth system models
- Elucidating Ice Nucleating Particle Concentrations in the Arctic: Investigating Predictability from Parameterizations and Fresh Snow Samples
- Glacial-to-interglacial fire-vegetation-climate feedbacks during marine isotope stages 11 and 12: a multi-fire proxy study using sediments of Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Siberia
- How do Atmospheric Rivers contribute to Arctic precipitation? - Lessons learned from field campaigns
- Insights in the reasons for the model spread in the radiative forcing of anthropogenic aerosols
- Investigating Micro-Physical Processes In Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds Using Cloud Radar Doppler Spectra
- Linking rain into ice microphysics across the melting layer instratiform rain: a closure study
- On the Impacts and Balancing Effects of Weather Extremes on Renewable Power Production in Europe
- Particle-based simulation of aeolian sand transport: The effect of sand availability on the transport dynamics
- Poleward Transport of African Dust to the Iberian Peninsula Organized by Multi-scale Terrain-Induced Circulations: Observations and High-Resolution WRF-Chem Simulation Analyses
- Process-oriented study on events of unusual winter time CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes at the Bayelva site, Spitsbergen
- Radiative effect of clouds at the Arctic site Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
- Synergy of Microwave Radiometer and Differential Absorption Radar: Simulated Retrieval Performance for Water Vapor Profiling in the Cloudy Boundary-Layer
- The influence of surface processes and orographic effects on mountaintop observations of Arctic mixed-phase clouds
- Understanding Microphysical Processes in Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds from Balloon-Borne Holographic Instrument
- New Constraints on Pressure-Temperature Evolution of Eastern Highland Complex, Sri Lanka