RIKEN, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Japan
flowchart I[RIKEN, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Japan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (150)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (30)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- RIKEN, Astrophysics Laboratory, Japan
- RIKEN, Cosmic Radiation Laboratory, Japan
- RIKEN, Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science, Japan
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Development of the cosmic-ray muon detection system for probing internal-structure of a volcano
- Optical Observation of the Ionospheric-Magnetospheric Outflowing Oxygen Ions by XUV Onboard Sounding Rocket SS-520-2
- Influence of Water on the Compressional Mechanism of Wadsleyite
- Optical Observation of Oxygen Ion Upflow in the Cusp/Cleft Region
- An Introduction to Japanese Australian Dust Experiment - JADE
- Multi-size saltation for different soil moisture conditions at a gobi site in the Taklimakan Desert, China
- Solar neutron events associated with large solar flares in solar cycle 23
- Improvements in accuracy of ELF lightning geolocation system using ISUAL data
- Seasonal origins of air masses transported to Mount Wrangell, Alaska, and comparison with the past atmospheric dust and tritium variations in its ice core
- Extreme flux enhancement of killer electrons due to the magnetosphere inflation during the recovery phase of geomagnetic storms
- Flux enhancement mechanism of the outer radiation belt electrons associated with coronal hole streams
- Interlocked MHD modeling of the Launching and Propagation of Coronal Mass Ejections
- MHD Simulation of the Magnetic Storm on the Solar Flare Event in December 2006
- SuperDARN Hokkaido HF radar observation of subauroral ionospheric convection during storms
- A 720-kyear record of dust variability from the Dome Fuji ice core, Antarctica
- Asian Dust Processes Experiment for Development of the Next-generation Dust Model.
- Convection and overshielding electric fields in the global ionosphere as observed with magnetometers and SuperDARN during the geomagnetic storm on 14-15 December 2006
- Data-driven Multiscale Simulation Study of Solar Eruption Based on Hinode Vector Magnetogram
- Effective solar wind structures for large flux enhancement of the outer radiation belt
- Numerical space weather forecast of the solar wind and radiation belts
- Three-Dimensional Magnetic Topology in the AR10930 based on the Non-Linear Force- Free Modeling
- A sodium lidar project at Tromsø, Norway: First report on test observations at Wako, Japan and current status
- An MHD Model of the Major Solar Flare on 2006 December 13
- Compressional velocities of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>S at room temperature and high pressures using inelastic X-ray scattering
- Data assimilation of the solar wind in the inner heliosphere
- Global statistics of MJO and its relationship to tropical cyclone in Athena project
- Impact of heterogeneity in aerosol distributions within one GCM-resolved grid on the area-averaged value
- Sound velocity measurements of dhcp-FeHx up to 70 GPa using inelastic X-ray scattering: Implications for the abundance of hydrogen in the Earth's core
- A case study on upward propagating gravity wave in the polar MLT region
- A transition mechanism for the spontaneous axisymmetric intensification of tropical cyclones
- Appearance of Iron-based Microbial Ecosystems on and below the Seafloor: a Case Study of the Southern Mariana Trough
- Chemical characteristics of magma and related seafloor sulfide deposits on back-arc spreading center and off-ridge volcanoes in Southern Mariana Trough
- Construction of Hierarchical Models for Fluid Dynamics in Earth and Planetary Sciences : DCMODEL project
- Evaluation of solar energetic particles exposure on the Venus orbiter Akatsuki
- Phase relations and sound velocity measurements of iron-sulfur systems at high pressure: implications for the Earth's inner core
- Snow algae in an ice core drilled on Grigoriev Ice cap in the Kyrgyz Tien Shen Mountains
- South China Sea summer monsoon onset simulated by the high-resolution MRI-AGCM
- Sub-seafloor bacterial community structures within massive sulfide deposits at the Southern Mariana Trough
- Subseasonal change in interannual variations of the Baiu precipitation
- Surface elevation changes of debris-covered area of Lirung Glacier in Langtang Valley, Nepal Himalayas from 1979 to 2010 revealed by field surveys and remotely sensed digital elevation models
- A study of the earth radiation budget using a 3D Monte-Carlo radiative transer code
- CINDY2011/DYANMO MJO case simulated by a global cloud-system resolving model NICAM
- Decadal-Scale Modulation of Atmospheric Circulation around the Onset of the Western North Pacific Summer Monsoon
- Diagnose oscillation properties observed in an Antarctic ice core oxygen isotope record
- Quality controlled glacier inventory in high Asian mountains
- Soft X-ray study of solar wind charge exchange from the Earth's magnetosphere : Suzaku observations and a future X-ray imaging mission concept
- Sound velocity measurements of liquid Fe-Ni-S alloy at high pressure and temperature via inelastic X-ray scattering
- Variations of atmospheric CH4, N2O and SF6 over Japan and the East China Sea
- Variations of the neutral temperature inside an SSL during a night of high auroral activity above Tromsø
- Volcanic forcing during the Common Era reevaluated based on new ice core evidence
- A 4D-Var CO<SUB>2</SUB> inversion system with NICAM-TM: development and sensitivity analyses
- A comparison of river discharge calculated by using a regional climate model output with different reanalysis datasets in 1980s and 1990s
- Efficient Assimilation of Precipitation: Results with TRMM/TMPA and Plans for GPM
- Future change of wintertime urban heat island intensity over Japan
- GPM/DPR precipitation compared with 3.5-km-resolution NICAM simulations
- Grene-Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project in Arctic (GTMIP)
- NICAM 870m mesh simulations on the K computer and a road toward global LES
- Role of the SST over the East China Sea in the linkage between East Asian winter and summer monsoon variability.
- Spaceborne precipitation radar simulation from a global cloud resolving model
- Stochastic Monte-Carlo Markov Chain Inversions on Models Regionalized Using Receiver Functions
- Can neutron stars have auroras ? : electromagnetic coupling process between neutron star and magnetized accretion disk
- Four Dimensional CO2 Data Assimilation of GOSAT Observation Data Using a Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF)
- Impacts of the autoconversion scheme on the clouds as simulated by a global cloud system-resolving model: regional variability of the impacts
- Io's volcanic influence on the Io plasma torus: HISAKI observation in 2015
- Jovian Auroral X-ray Emission Coinciding with an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection
- Long-term river discharge simulation using dataset derived by WRF model
- New Computationally Cost-Effective Implementation of Online Nesting for a Regional Model
- Resolution Dependencies of Deep Moist Convections in the Sub-kilometer Global Simulation
- Simulation and validation of global aerosol distributions using a nonhydrostatic icosahedral atmospheric model with 14 km grid spacing
- Solar wind influence on the Jovian inner magnetosphere observed by Hisaki/EXCEED
- A volatile-rich Earth's core inferred from melting temperature of core materials
- Advances and issues from the simulation of planetary magnetospheres with recent supercomputer systems
- Assimilating every-30-second 100-m-mesh radar observations for convective weather: implications to non-Gaussian PDF
- Comparative Studies of Prediction Strategies for Solar X-ray Time Series
- Continuous Monitoring of Jupiter's Aurora and Io Plasma Torus with the Hisaki Satellite during Joint Observing Campaign with Juno
- Dynamic Response of Jupiter's Inner Magnetosphere to Io's Volcanic Activity Seen by Hisaki
- Estimating the Energy Dissipation Rate Derived from Discretization of the Advection Term
- Evaluation of summertime surface ozone in Kanto area of Japan using a semi-regional model and observation
- First Hubble Space Telescope Movies of Jupiter's Ultraviolet Aurora During the NASA Juno Prime Mission
- Incorporation of Three-dimensional Radiative Transfer into a Very High Resolution Simulation of Horizontally Inhomogeneous Clouds
- Io's volcanic influence on the Jovian magnetosphere: Observational evidence from the HISAKI observation
- Jupiter's Auroral Energy Input Observed by Hisaki/EXCEED and its Modulations by Io's Volcanic Activity
- Multiple Satellite Data Assimilation in Carbon Cycle Analysis using a Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF)
- Response of Jupiter's Aurora to Plasma Mass Loading Rate Monitored by the Hisaki Satellite During Io's Volcanic Event
- Solar flares in GOES X-ray flux forecast based on SDO/HMI and SDO/AIA images.
- Statistical study of solar wind control on Jovian UV auroral activity obtained from long-term Hisaki EXCEED observations
- Terrestrial magma ocean origin of the Moon: A numerical study of a giant impact incorporating the different equations of state for melts and solids
- The Source of Discrepancies in Cloud and Precipitation Susceptibilities between GCMs and A-Train Retrievals
- Time variation of 130.4nm atomic oxygen emission near Io observed by Hisaki/EXCEED
- Two-Dimensional Modeling of the Response of the Io Plasma Torus to a Volcanic Event
- X-ray Monitoring of the Jovian Polar Aurora during Juno Approach
- Decadal change in the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation
- Energy-based and process-based constraints on aerosol-climate interaction
- Every-10-minute Refresh of Precipitation and Flood Risk Predictions by Assimilating Himawari-8 All-sky Satellite Radiances
- Initial results from a multi-point mapping observation of thundercloud high-energy radiation in coastal area of Japan sea
- Radial and azimuthal distribution of Io's oxygen neutral cloud observed by Hisaki/EXCEED
- Reconstruction of Historical Weather by Assimilating Old Weather Diary Data
- Resolution dependency of stratosphere-to-troposphere transport estimated by the global multi-resolution simulations
- Transient brightening of Jupiter's aurora observed by the Hisaki satellite and Hubble Space Telescope during approach phase of the Juno spacecraft
- An online data assimilation method to assimilate time-averaged observations
- Development of ILS, Integrated Land Simulator
- Global non-hydrostatic atmospheric model experiments for HighResMIP: Resolution dependency of tropical cyclones and impacts of improved physical package
- High-Energy Radiation Phenomena from Winter Thunderstorms and Lightning in Japan
- Lightning-triggered termination of a gamma-ray glow in a Japanese winter thunderstorm
- Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Intensification Rate Using Satellite Measurements and Model Simulations
- Prediction of the July 2018 extreme rainfall event in Japan
- SHOTS: Comparison of numerical approaches for the solar wind interaction with Mercury's magnetosphere within the BepiColombo simulation group
- Terrestrial magma ocean origin of the Moon
- The transport pathway of black carbon emitted from the Siberian forest fire in September 2016 with the NICAM-SPRINTARS and R/V Mirai
- Big Data Assimilation Incorporating Deep Learning with Phased Array Radar Data and Numerical Weather Prediction
- Bounding aerosol radiative forcing of climate change
- Local Particle Filter Implemented with Minor Modifications to the LETKF Code
- Long-term dataset of geostationary meteorological satellites can contribute climate change studies: Archiving status in CEReS, Chiba University, Japan, and its utilizations
- Non-Gaussian statistics in global atmospheric dynamics with a 10240-member ensemble Kalman filter experiment using an intermediate AGCM
- Particle-in-Cell Simulation on the Electron Dynamics at the Dayside Magnetopause in a Small Magnetosphere
- Relationship between lifecycle of tropical cyclone and lightning frequency an insight from a numerical simulation
- Simultaneous detection of gamma-ray glow and downward terrestrial gamma-ray flash
- Topographic and resolution impact on the monsoon rainfall in dynamical downscaling simulation
- Watershed-scale simulation of rainfall-runoff, inundation and sediment transport affected by landslides and its application for prediction
- Challenges of high-resolution large-ensemble data assimilation on supercomputer Fugaku
- Development of novel ground-based microwave radiometer for earth science -field experiments of the wide-band receiver-
- Generation possibility of gamma-ray glows induced by photo-nuclear reactions
- Impact of the ENSO on oceanic heat transport in the South China Sea and the Indonesian Seas
- New Critical Length for the Onset of Self-Aggregation of Moist Convection
- Radar diagnosis of winter thunderclouds in Japan originating gamma-ray glows
- Stellar wind effect on the atmospheric escape of hot Jupiters
- Systematic Aircraft-Based Measurement of Thunderstorm Related Gamma-Ray and X-Ray Emissions
- The ensemble weather forecasting by using the error of floating-point numbers
- Thundercloud Project: Citizen Science Observation Campaign of High-Energy Atmospheric Phenomena from Lightning and Thunderstorms in Japan
- Validation of isotope-incorporated The Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model
- A novel, ultra-high-resolution laser-melting sampler with resolution controllability for discrete analyses of ion concentrations and stable water isotopic compositions in ice cores
- Atmospheric electron range extended by thundercloud electric field below the relativistic runaway electron avalanche threshold.
- Improvement of NICAM toward the achievement of global cloud-resolving climate simulations
- MJO Initiation Triggered by Amplification of Upper-tropospheric Dry Mixed Rossby-Gravity Waves
- Method for Real-Time Prediction of Tsunami Inundation Directly from Offshore Observations Using Machine Learning
- Microphysics dependency in 3.5km NICAM DYAMOND phase 2 experiments
- Non-Gaussian Hybrid Variational Data Assimilation
- Overview of NICAM activity on the supercomputer Fugaku
- Recent observations of stellar flares on G-, K-, and M-dwarf stars and possible mass ejections
- Characteristics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation reproduced in a NICAM-AMIP type simulation
- Collaboration between a High-resolution Modeling and an Existing Climate Modeling Groups for a Global 1-km Scale Earth System Model
- Data assimilation using high-frequency radar for tsunami early warning: A case study of the 2022 Tonga volcanic tsunami
- Early Results from the MJO-SST Sensitivity Model Intercomparison Project (MSMIP)
- From Predictability to Controllability: Control Simulation Experiment
- Fusing AI and data assimilation with HPC in numerical weather prediction
- Generation of Wind and Pressure Fields by Deep Learning for Efficient Storm Surge Modeling
- Global sub-5km mesh Model Intercomparison (DYAMOND2) and Highlighted Experiments on Supercomputer Fugaku
- Is the Process of MJO Propagation into the Western Pacific Deterministic?
- Numerical model to enable ultra-high-resolution simulations of shallow clouds using the super-droplet method
- Tuning Physics Parameters for Tropical Convective Systems Across Scales in Two Global Convection-Permitting Models
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Aditya Riadi Gusman
- Bryce E. Harrop
- Charlotte A. DeMott
- Chihiro Kodama
- Daisuke Takasuka
- Hideaki Motoyama
- Hiroto Abe
- Hisashi Yashiro
- Iyan E. Mulia
- James R. A. Davenport
- Keisuke Ariyoshi
- Kenji Satake
- Kosuke Namekata
- Kôichi Sakaguchi
- Masaki Satoh
- Masuo Nakano
- Ming Zhao
- Richard Neale
- Suzanne L. Hawley
- Takemasa Miyoshi
- Tamaki Suematsu
- Tatsuya Seiki
- Tomoe Nasuno
- Tomoki Miyakawa
- Tsubasa Kohyama
- Wan‐Ling Tseng
- Yuchen Wang
- Yuta Notsu
- Yuuki Wada
- Zhe Feng