National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A V-Shaped Gutter on the Nose-Cone Surface of the Heliopause Caused by MHD Processes
- Classification and Modeling of Energetic Particle Events Associated with Interplanetary Shock Waves
- Comparison of Atmospheric Parameters from VLBI, GPS and WVR at the KSP Geodetic Network
- Diffusive Electron Acceleration at Interplanetary CME Shocks: Comparison between events on 21 Feb 1994 and 15 July 2000
- Dragged Neutral --Campaign Observations with Fabry-Perot Interferometers and HF-radars in Alaska--
- Driving mechanism of the nightside ionospheric convection
- Dynamic Responses in the Polar Thermosphere to Auroral Heating -- Comparison of FPI Neutral Winds With a High-Resolution Two-Dimensional Model Results --
- EUV measurement of ionospheric oxygen ions
- Effects of Elongation in Cylindrical Flux Rope Expansion
- Long term variation of radiation belt electrons - TIROS/NOAA observations -
- Mesoscale Thermospheric Composition Perturbations due to Vertical Winds: Comparison of the Modeled OI 135.6 nm Auroral Emission to POLAR Ultraviolet Imager (UVI) Observations
- Observation of Atmospheric Trace Species by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer at Poker Flat, Alaska
- Optical Observation of the Ionospheric-Magnetospheric Outflowing Oxygen Ions by XUV Onboard Sounding Rocket SS-520-2
- Response of the magnetospheric convection to a sudden change in the solar wind magnetic field
- The Cause of Geomagnetic Storms
- The State Transion Model of the Substorm
- Time Variation and Spatial Distribution of Chorus Emissions in the Outer Radiation Belt during Magnetic Storm
- Validity of a Torus Model for Interplanetary Magnetic Flux Ropes
- A Numerical Simulation of the Geomagnetic Sudden Impulse
- Akebono satellite observations of Dispersive Alfven waves and the ionospheric Alfven resonator in the cusp region
- Diamagnetic Processes of Substorms: Fundamental Results and a New Perspective
- Dynamics of the Inner Magnetosphere Eestimated From Geosynchronous Observation
- Field-aligned Ion Motions in the Transient Region between Polar Ionospheric E- and F-regions
- Global View of the Nighttime low Latitude Ionosphere by the 135.6 nm OI Observation with IMAGE/FUV
- Ionospheric Electric Field Perturbations at the Nightside Equator Associated With a Geomagnetic Sudden Commencement
- Optical Observation of Oxygen Ion Upflow in the Cusp/Cleft Region
- Search for solar connections in neutral winds at 80-100 km by MF/Meteor radars in April 2002
- Simulation on the solar cycle variation of the radiation belts - Evaluation on time variation of radial diffusion -
- The characteristics of the corotating aurora observed at Poker Flat, Alaska
- Comparison of the Modeled 135.6 nm Auroral Emission to TIMED GUVI Observations: Mapping Thermospheric Composition Variations During Auroral Events Above Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Conductivity Depdendence of Cross-Polar Potential Saturation
- Development of Real-Time Earth's Magnetosphere Simulator with 3-Dimensional MHD Code
- Energy Distribution of Precipitating Electrons Estimated From Optical and Cosmic Noise Absorption Measurements
- Evolution of current systems in the magnetosphere-ionosphere during the transition from northward to southward IMF
- Global Characteristics of the Equatorial Anomaly of the low Latitude Ionosphere Observed by IMAGE/FUV
- Horizontal Distributions of Thermospheric Vertical Winds in the Polar Region
- Lidar and Satellite Observations of Noctilucent Clouds in the Western Arctic
- Mechanisms of the outer radiation belt electron flux variation during magnetic storms
- Modeling of an Energetic Particle Event Focused on Evolutionary Behavior in Low-Energy Range of a Proton Flux
- Monitoring of magnetospheric convection near the plasmapause using corotating aurora
- Numerical Simulation of the chemical effects of sprite phenomena in the mesosphere
- Polar distributions of small-scale magnetic disturbances derived from the Akebono magnetometer data
- Simulation of Heavy Ion Dynamics in a Magnetic Reconnection
- The Magnetospheric Convection System in the Sudden Impulse
- Transmission of the convection electric field to the inner magnetosphere
- Variability in the Mesosphere/Thermosphere/Ionosphere System During the Quiet Time of April 2002
- Akebono satellite observations of Alfvén waves related to dayside small-scale field-aligned currents
- Case Study of the Evolution of Global Ionospheric Convection during Substorms
- Convection electric field in the near-Earth tail during the super magnetic storm on November 20-21, 2003
- Coordinated Observation of Large-scale TIDs by SuperDARN and GEONET
- Earth-ionosphere transmission line model for an impulsive geomagnetic disturbance at the dayside geomagnetic equator
- Effects of GRACE orbit decay on the gravity field recovery
- First Simultaneous MLT and Thermospheric F-region Observations
- Geometry of Interplanetary CME Deduced from Cosmic Rays
- HF Doppler oscillations in the low-latitude ionosphere coherent with equatorial long-period geomagnetic field oscillations
- How VLBI Can Contribute To Ionospheric Research
- Low Energy Charged Particle Measurement by Japanese Lunar Orbiter SELENE
- Magnetic field disturbances in the Jovian magnetosphere due to large dynamic pressure enhancements in the solar wind
- Microstructures of interplanetary coronal mass ejections during solar cycle 23
- Modeling of Radiation Belts Dynamics - Development of time dependent model and comparison with satellite data -
- Near Real-time UT1 Measurement by Using e-VLBI Technique
- Particle Signatures Observed by Geotail at 9-30 Re and Mapping of Auroral Regions to the Magnetosphere Without Field-Line Models
- SmartSat Experiment for the L5 Mission
- Solar cycle variation of long-duration radial IMF at 1 AU
- Statistical distribution of ring current ions observed by NOAA/POES satellites
- The climatology of low-latitude ionospheric densities and zonal drifts from IMAGE-FUV.
- Transport Characteristics From Multi-Component Approach in Magnetotail Plasma Measurements
- V-Shaped Heliosphere and Dependence of Solar-Cycle-Variations on Trajectories of Galactic Cosmic Rays
- What are Sawtooth Events?
- A Comprehensive Analysis of Ionospheric Variations Associated With the Sumatra Earthquake on December 26, 2004
- An evaluation of atmospheric path delay correction in differential VLBI experiments for spacecraft tracking
- Climatological Characteristics of the Tropopause Parameters Derived From the GPS/CHAMP and GPS/SAC-C Satellite Measurements
- Comparison of Particle Observations by NOAA and LANL During the Magnetic Storms of November 2004
- Control of the Equatorial Ionospheric Morphology by Atmospheric Tides: TIMED GUVI and IMAGE FUV Observations
- Effect of Ocean Tide Models on the Precise Orbit Determination of Geodetic Satellites
- Entry and loss of energetic electrons in the slot region during magnetic storm
- GPS Radio Occultation with CHAMP and SAC-C: Global and Seasonal Variations of Gravity Wave Activity
- Gravity wave momentum flux estimated from airglow images in the equatorial mesopause region
- Ground-Based FTIR Observations of Ozone, HNO3, HCl, and HF in Poker Flat, Alaska from 1999 to 2004
- Magnetosheath variations during the storm main phase on November 20, 2003: Evidence for solar wind density control of energy transfer to the magnetosphere
- Prompt Derivation of TEC from GEONET Data for Space Weather Monitoring
- Simultaneous MLT and Thermospheric F-region Observations and Modeling
- Spatio-Temporal Development of Fast Plasma Flow in the Plasmasheet
- The Observation Capabilities of JEM/SMILES
- The Role of Boundary-Layer and Cumulus Convection on Dust Emission, Mixing, and Transport Over Desert Regions
- The observation of the stratospheric molecules by using balloon-borne submillimeter emission limb sounder (B-SMILES)
- Transpacific transport induced inter-annual variability of CO, and related biomass burning molecules in the Free Troposphere over Poker Flat, Alaska
- A Real-time 3D Visualization of Global MHD Simulation for Space Weather Forecasting
- Estimation of electron density in ionospheric D and E regions using MF radar: Inspection of DAE algorism
- FM-CW Radar Observation of the Electric Fields Penetrating into the Low Latitude Ionosphere at the Time of SC
- Latitudinal Variations Of The F3 Layer Observed From The SEALION Ionosonde Network
- Reduction of Influences of the Earth's Surface Fluid Loads on GPS Site Coordinate Time Series and Global Satellite Laser Ranging Analysis
- Storm-time tail current in the plasma sheet
- The STP (Solar-Terrestrial Physics) Semantic Web based on the RSS1.0 and the RDF
- The impact of ice clouds on retrieval of ozone and chlorine compounds in the UTLS from SMILES data - an error analysis
- The observation capabilities of JEM/SMILES experiment
- A Numerical Study of the Ionospheric Environment for Different Strengths of the Geomagnetic Main Field
- Alfven Wave Evolution in an Interaction System of the Fast and Slow Solar Wind
- Characteristics of Pi2 Electric Pulsations at the Ionosphere
- Ionospheric signature of flow bursts in the magnetotail: Geotail-SuperDARN conjunction study
- Large-scale Dynamics of Noctilucent Clouds Over Alaska, 2005
- MHD Simulation of the Magnetic Storm on the Solar Flare Event in December 2006
- Magnetotail Dynamics in Rapidly Rotating Planets
- Odin/SMR Satellite Observations of Ozone and its Isotopes in the Middle Atmosphere
- Russian auroral and polar ionospheric disturbance magnetometers (RapidMag)
- Seasonal Variation of MeV Electron Flux at Geosynchronous Orbit
- Terahertz Remote Sensing of Ice Clouds - Sensitivity on Ice Dielectric Properties
- Ultra-rapid UT1 measurement by e-VLBI
- VLBI Measurements for Time Transfer between Time and Frequency Laboratories
- Characteristics of a new type of SFE observed at CPMN dip-equator stations : SFE*
- Convection and overshielding electric fields in the global ionosphere as observed with magnetometers and SuperDARN during the geomagnetic storm on 14-15 December 2006
- Coordinated observations of a nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbance in 630-nm airglow and HF radar echoes
- Coupling between the Arctic Middle and Upper Atmosphere during the IPY 2007-2008 Winter
- Dependency of the polar cap phenomena and magnetospheric dynamics on the intrinsic magnetic field
- Electron Density Structure in the Mid-Latitude Ionosphere observed from the Impedance Probe on-board the Recent Japanese Sounding Rockets
- Japan contribution to studies of low-latitude and equatorial ionosphere over Southeast Asia
- Kinetic Behavior in the Formation Process of Magnetic Decrease Structures Within the Corotating Interaction Regions
- Low-latitude Pi2 Pulsations observed by an FM-CW Radar and CPMN Stations
- Magnetic Latitude and Local Time Dependence of the Amplitude of Geomagnetic Sudden Commencements
- Radio and optical observation of polar cap tongue of ionization during the geomagnetic storm on December 15, 2006
- Rayleigh Lidar Network Observations and Analysis of the Evolution of the Arctic Middle Atmosphere during the IPY Winter 2007-2008
- Simulations and Observations of Vortices Near Saturn's Dawn Magnetopause
- The Dependence of Saturn's Magnetosphere and Polar Ionosphere on Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure and IMF Direction
- Unique properties of solar-wind-Mars interaction in terms of ion escape and mass-loading processes
- A simulation for UV-VIS observations of tropospheric composition from a GEO satellite over Asia
- Anomalous Enhancement of Occurrence of the Preliminary Impulse of Geomagnetic Sudden Commencement (SC) at Low Latitude in the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) region
- Dagik Earth: An affordable three-dimensional presentation of global geoscience data in classrooms and science museums
- Development of Spaceborne Radar Simulator by NICT and JAXA using JMA Cloud-resolving Model
- Displacement of the conjugate point during the course of a substorm reproduced by a global MHD simulation
- Distributions of TEC Fluctuations and Losses of Lock Associated with Equatorial Plasma Bubbles
- Effects of upward propagating tides on longitudinal and day-to-day variations in the thermosphere/ionosphere simulated by an atmosphere-ionosphere coupled model
- Electron Density Gradients associated with Sudden Stratospheric Warmings
- Equatorial late-afternoon periodic TEC fluctuations observed by multiple GPS receivers
- Evaluations of the impedance probe measurements in the ionosphere and its application to plasma diagnostics
- Feasibility study for Japanese Air Quality Mission from Geostationary Satellite: Infrared Imaging Spectrometer
- First observations of large-scale wave structure and equatorial spread F using CERTO radio beacon on the C/NOFS satellite
- Geomagnetic Activity Forecast based on SW-M-I coupling
- Geostationary Atmospheric Observation Satellite Plan in Japan (Invited)
- Laboratory measurement of H2O2 pressure broadening parameter for JEM/SMILES Observation from International Space Station
- Multi-instrumental comprehensive study of polar cap tongue of ionization during magnetic storm on December 15, 2006
- Nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances propagating northward observed by the SuperDARN Hokkaido HF radar and GEONET
- Observation of Vertical Acoustic Resonance Effect on the Ground and in the Ionosphere During July 22 Total Eclipse
- Observation of atmospheric composition by Superconducting SubMillimeter-wave Limb Emission Sounder (SMILES) onbord International Space Station
- Occurrence statistics and drifts of daytime 150-km echoes studied using observations from the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar in Indonesia and ionosonde network
- Penetration of magnetospheric electric fields to low latitude during geomagnetic storms
- Pi 2 Pulsations observed at the FM-CW Radar and MAGDAS station
- Relationship between the generation of the substorm-FAC and slow mode disturbances
- Solar cycle dependence of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances observed by GPS receivers in Japan
- Space Shuttle Impacts on Mesospheric Clouds and Iron Layers as Observed by Lidars and Satellites in the Antarctic and Arctic
- Storm-time electric fields in the mid-latitude ionosphere derived from the ground and satellite observations
- Study of ionospheric variation during the eclipse of July 22, 2009 using NICT Space Weather Simulator
- Submillimeter Wave Sounder for the Japanese Mars Mission (MELOS)
- SuperDARN Hokkaido Radar Observation of Recurrent Propagating SAID/SAPS Structure
- The development of NICT Real-time Space Weather Integrated Simulator
- Three-Dimensional Sigmoidal Structure on the Flare-Producing Solar Active Region
- Three-dimensional Simulation Study of the Solar Eruption on 2006 December 13
- Transboundary air pollution in East/Southeast Asia and geostationary measurement
- Visual Analysis of Time-dependent change of 3D Magnetic Field Topology in the Earth’s Magnetosphere
- A Science Cloud: OneSpaceNet
- A statistical study of GPS loss of lock caused by ionospheric disturbances
- ACE-FTS Version 3.0 Initial Validation using Correlative Datasets
- An MHD Model of the Major Solar Flare on 2006 December 13
- Concentrated Heavy Rain Detected by InSAR: a Case Study of the August 2008 Episode in Central Japan
- Connection between Tropospheric Activities and Ionospheric behaviors Simulated by a Whole Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupled Model
- Coordinated observations of Pc5 pulsations in a field line; ground, SuperDARN, and a satellite
- Demonstration of NICT Space Weather Cloud --Integration of Supercomputer into Analysis and Visualization Environment--
- Development of a database of quick-look plots for the earth and space science data
- Development of educational programs using Dagik Earth, a four dimensional display of the Earth and planets
- Development of the Estimation Service of the Earth's Surface Fluid Load Effects for Space Geodetic Techniques
- Investigation of Ionospheric Disturbances Using Radio and Optical Observations in South-East Asia -- The Initial Results of the ASI and FPI Observations in Chiang Mai, Thailand
- Kashima RAy-Tracing Service (KARATS) for high accurate GNSS positioning
- Kinetic processes in the CIR evolution with magnetic decreases: Hybrid simulations
- Modeling and forecasting geomagnetically induced currents in Hokkaido, Japan
- Multipoint Observations of the Large Substorm Associated with the Galaxy 15 Anomaly
- Night-side DP-2 type fluctuations observed by the FM-CW Radar and MAGDAS stations
- Numerical simulations of the formation process of acoustic-gravity wave resonance between the ground and the mesosphere
- Penetration of the convection and overshielding electric fields to low latitude ionosphere during the main phase of geomagnetic storms
- Polarization of Pc1/EMIC waves and related proton auroras observed at Athabasca
- Relationships Between Pre-sunset Electrojet Strength, Pre-reversal Enhancement and Equatorial Spread-F Onset
- Statistical analysis of nighttime MSTIDs based on airglow imaging observations in the equatorial thermosphere
- Sub-auroral flow shear observed by King Salmon HF radar and RapidMAG
- Temporal and spatial developments of global ionospheric current associated with storm-time overshielding
- Toward Constructing Operational Geomagnetic Activity Forecast Model
- Towards fully automated processing of VLBI sessions - results from ultra-rapid UT1 experiments
- Twistness and Connectivity of Magnetic Field Line in the Solar Active Region NOAA 10930
- Two-Time GCR-Flux Decrease Associated With March 2006 Interplanetary Shock Event
- A GNSS-R system based on software defined radio and GPUs
- A dynamic and realistic heliospheric modelling using interplanetary scintillation and photospheric magnetic data
- Analysis of Voyager observed high-energy electron fluxes in the heliosheath using MHD simulations
- Analysis of real-time Earth magnetosphere simulation for space weather using space weather cloud computing system
- Beta dependence of electron heating by whistler turbulence
- Development of Large-Scale Data Visualization System for Magnetic Flux Tracing in Global MHD Simulations
- Educational and public outreach programs using four-dimensional presentation of the earth and planetary science data with Dagik Earth
- GPS Observations of Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances over Europe
- Global distribution of ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere based on the GEMSIS-RC model
- Global ionospheric currents driven by storm-time electric fields
- Global ionospheric currents driven by the Region-2 field-aligned currents at the onset of substorms
- Imaging observation of the Earth's upper atmosphere by Ionosphere, Mesosphere, upper Atmosphere, and Plasmasphere mapping observation (ISS-IMAP) mission
- Ionospheric disturbances detected by GPS total electron content observation after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- Modeling of magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail using global MHD simulation with an effective resistivity model
- Nonlinear Force-Free Field Modeling of a Three-Dimensional X-ray Sigmoid Observed on the Sun
- Optical design for next-generation single-reflector LLR targets
- Polar-equatorial ionospheric electric field and currents driven by the Region-2 field-aligned currents during storm/substorms
- Post-midnight field-aligned irregularities observed with a VHF radar at Kototabang, Indonesia
- Sensitivity Analysis for Characterizing the Accuracy and Precision of JEM/SMILES Mesospheric O3
- Space currents generated by the earthquakes
- Whole Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupled Model (GAIA) for Space Weather Research
- A three-dimensional MHD simulation analysis of the origin of the slow solar wind
- An intercomparison study of isotopic ozone profiles from the ACE-FTS, JEM-SMILES, and Odin-SMR instruments
- Consistent height transformations between geodetic and meteorologic reference systems
- Earthquake- and tsunami-induced ionospheric disturbances detected by GPS total electron content observation
- Effects of the ring current and plasmasphere on ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere based on the GEMSIS-RC model
- Equatorial counterelectrojets during geomagnetic storms and their possible dynamos in the magnetosphere
- Evolution of negative SI-induced ionospheric flows observed by SuperDARN King Salmon HF radar
- Geomagnetic conjugate observations of plasma bubbles and thermospheric neutral winds at equatorial latitudes
- Gravity Waves in the Thermosphere/Ionosphere simulated by a Whole Atmosphere Model
- Gravity wave activity in the Arctic stratosphere during recent winters
- Imaging observation of the mesoscale structures in the Ionosphere, mesosphere, and plasmasphere from the international space station
- Investigation of the solar UV/EUV heating effect on the Jovian radiation belt by GMRT-IRTF observation
- Middle-atmospheric Ozone and HCl anomalies during the polar stratospheric warming 2010 observed by JEM/SMILES
- Numerical simulations of ionospheric oscillations caused by coseismic atmospheric waves
- Observational Evidence of Gravity Wave Ducting in the Mesosphere from Optical Network Measurements
- On the Transition Between the Inner Plasma Sheet and the Outer Plasma Sheet in the Earth's Magnetotail
- Rayleigh lidar studies of mesospheric inversion layers at Chatanika, Alaska
- Simulation study of ionospheric response to the annular eclipse on May 21, 2012
- Snow measurement using a dual Ka-band radar system for GPM/DPR algorithm development
- The impact of data assimilation of ground-based GPS precipitable water vapor to numerical weather prediction model on estimation of ray-traced atmospheric slant delays
- Three-dimensional presentation of the earth and planets in classrooms and science centers with a spherical screen
- Tidal Variability during Stratospheric Sudden Warmings: Comparison between a Whole Atmosphere Model and Satellite Observations
- Troposphere delay modeling - status quo and future trends
- Troposphere zenith delays and gradients from VLBI, GNSS, DORIS, water vapor radiometer, and numerical weather models during continuous VLBI campaigns
- Auroral fragmentation due to macroscopic pressure-driven instability
- Basic Performance of the Standard Retrieval Algorithm for the Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar
- Chlorine activation in the Arctic winter of 2009/2010 analyzed by combined use of JEM/SMILES and ACE-FTS
- Development and Observation of the Phase Array Radar at X band
- Dual-band beacon experiment over Southeast Asia for ionospheric irregularity analysis
- Effects of Gravity Waves on the Thermosphere/Ionosphere system simulated by an atmosphere-ionosphere coupled Model
- Field-aligned Current Generated by the Acoustic Gravity Waves and Their Structure Inferred from Ground Observations
- Global MHD simulation of the magnetospheric response to large and sudden enhancement of the solar wind dynamic pressure
- Global distributions of storm-time ionospheric currents as seen in geomagnetic field variations
- Interannual and Intraseasonal Variability of the Diurnal Tide
- Interannual and seasonal effects of sudden stratospheric warming events on gravity wave activity
- Magnetism and the atmosphere of Mars --- How polarimetric microwave observations may reveal magnetic properties of the southern crustal field
- Measurement of LF Standard-Frequency Waves JJY along the track of Shirase, the Japanese Antarctic Research Icebreaker, during JARE53-JARE54
- Mid-infrared Observation of C/2012 S1 (ISON) with Subaru+COMCIS
- Occurrence characteristics of Mesosphere Summer Echoes observed by the SuperDARN Hokkaido HF radar
- Penetration of the Electric Field to Low Latitude During Stormtime PC5 Pulsations as Observed by the HF Doppler Measurements and Magnetometer Array
- Preliminary analysis results of the Sea Surface Observation by a High Resolution Along-Track Interferometric SAR
- Preliminary results of the imaging observation of the MTI region by Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Upper Atmosphere, and Plasmasphere Mapping Mission on the International Space Station
- The neutral dynamics during the 2009 sudden stratosphere warming simulated by different whole atmosphere models
- Three dimensional presentation of the Earth and planets using Dagik Earth
- Three-dimensional global MHD modeling of a coronal mass ejection interacting with the solar wind
- Toward multi-scale simulation of reconnection phenomena in space plasma
- Validation of ACE-FTS measurements of CFC-11, CFC-12, and HCFC-22 using ground-based FTIR spectrometers
- A study of the character of mesospheric gravity waves observed with MF radar at Poker Flat, and Tromsø
- Airglow-imaging observation of plasma bubble disappearance at geomagnetically conjugate points
- An Evaluation of a Numerical Prediction Method for Electric Field Strength of Low Frequency Radio Waves based on Wave-Hop Ionospheric Propagation
- An Ionospheric Response to the 2013 Moore EF5 Tornad, Detected By High-Resolution GPS-TEC Observations
- Characteristics of Small-scale Gravity Wave Propagation in the Mesopause Region over Alaska
- Dayside Pi 2 Pulsations Associated with Ionospheric Currents Produced By Oscillating Nightside Field-Aligned Currents
- Effective Resistivity Models Evaluated in Kinetic Studies in the Framework of MHD Approach
- Effects of ENSO on Southern Hemisphere Jet Structures
- Effects of Gravity Waves on the thermosphere during Stratospheric Sudden Warming simulated by an atmosphere-ionosphere coupled Model.
- FTIR measurements of biomass burning species in the Arctic
- GPS Observations of Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances over New Zealand
- Geomagnetically conjugate observations of ionospheric and thermospheric variations accompanied with a midnight brightness wave at low latitudes
- Impacts of Light Precipitation Detection with Dual Frequency Radar on Global Precipitation Measurement Core Observatory (GPM/DPR)
- Initial Evaluation of Dual Frequency Radar (DPR) on Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Observatory and Global Precipitation Map (GSMaP)
- Measurement of DC Electric Field in the Midlatitude Ionosphere by S-520-23 Sounding Rocket Experiments
- Passive and Active Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases in the GOSAT Project
- Recent advancements on the development of web-based applications for the implementation of seismic analysis and surveillance systems
- Recent advancements towards the re-establishment of optical telecommunications sites in response to catastrophic tsunami events
- Relationship between Relativistic Electron Flux in the Inner Magnetosphere and ULF Pulsation on the Ground Associated with Long-term Variations of Solar Wind
- Response of ionospheric electric fields at mid-low latitudes during geomagnetic sudden commencements
- Seasonal and Day-to-day Variations of Thermospheric Tides and Dynamo Fields Studied with a Long-term Whole Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupled Simulation
- Statistical analysis of plasmaspheric EMIC waves
- Substorm electric fields at nightside low latitude
- The Continuous Generation of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles during the Passage of the Solar Terminator, Observed with a Densely-Clustered Network of GPS Receivers in Southeast Asia.
- Transmission of Stormtime Electric Field and Currents to the Mid-Equatorial Latitude Ionosphere in the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Ground Circuit
- A study of the modulation of semidiurnal tide associated with mesospheric gravity waves observed with Poker Flat MF radar
- Comparative Study of Effective Resistivity Models Evaluated in Kinetic Studies Using MHD Simulation
- DC Electric Field measurement in the Mid-latitude Ionosphere during MSTID by S-520-27 Sounding Rocket Experiments
- GNSS Buoy Array in the Ocean for Natural Hazard Mitigation
- Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling in Jupiter's Low Latitudes
- Polar Cap Potential Saturation during the Bastille Day Storm using Next Generation Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Global MHD Simulation
- Seasonal Thickness Changes Revealed by Airborne Radar Interferometry, Pi-SAR2, at Two Glaciers Near Mt. Tsurugi, Japan
- Simulation of Magnetic Reconnection in Magnetotail by Interlocking Particle-in-Cell and Magnetohydrodynamics on Hierarchical Mesh
- Simultaneous Observations of Electric Fields, Current Density, Plasma Density, and Neutral Winds During Two Sounding Rocket Experiments Launched from Wallops Island into Strong Daytime Dynamo Currents
- Small-scale field-aligned currents and ionospheric disturbances induced by vertical acoustic resonance during the 2015 eruption of Chile's Calbuco volcano
- Time scale of FAC variations estimated by SWARM and a comparison with ground based geomagnetic and micro-barometric observations
- a Roadmap to Advance Understanding of the Science of Space Weather
- Advances and issues from the simulation of planetary magnetospheres with recent supercomputer systems
- An investigation of regional tropospheric methane in central interior Alaska using direct-sun FTIR
- Anisotropic spatial distribution of pulsating proton aurora and related Pc1 geomagnetic pulsation
- Continuous Monitoring of Jupiter's Aurora and Io Plasma Torus with the Hisaki Satellite during Joint Observing Campaign with Juno
- Effects of Wind Filtering and Ageostrophic Generation on Middle Atmosphere Gravity Wave Activity at Chatanika Alaska
- GAIA modeling of electrodynamics in the lower ionosphere during a severe solar flare event
- Generalized Description of Three-Dimensional Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling by Shear Alfvén Waves
- Impacts of Gravity Wave on the thermosphere simulated by a whole atmosphere-ionosphere coupled Model
- Investigation of equinoctial asymmetry in the latitudinal variation of zonal scintillation drift
- Jupiter's Auroral Energy Input Observed by Hisaki/EXCEED and its Modulations by Io's Volcanic Activity
- Jupiter's auroras during the Juno approach phase as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope
- Observational evidence of predawn plasma bubble and its irregularity scales in Southeast Asia
- Possibility of Ionospheric Cause of FACs and Convection Field in the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System: The Harang Reversal, Premidnight Upward-FAC, and the Ionospheric Hall Polarization Field
- ROCSAT and HF Doppler sounder observations of the DP2-type electric field during the global Pc5 magnetic pulsation event
- Response of Jupiter's Aurora to Plasma Mass Loading Rate Monitored by the Hisaki Satellite During Io's Volcanic Event
- Semantic Web-based Vocabulary Broker for Open Science
- Simulation study of the driving mechanism of the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling convection
- Statistical study of solar wind control on Jovian UV auroral activity obtained from long-term Hisaki EXCEED observations
- Sub-kilometer Simulation of Equatorial Plasma Bubble and Comparison with Satellite Observations
- Thermospheric wind and temperature fields observed using two ground based all-sky imaging Fabry-Perot spectrometers in Antarctica
- Transmission of the Magnetospheric Electric Fields to the Low Latitude Ionosphere during Storm and Substorms
- 3D Structures of the Sea-Breeze Front in Dual-Doppler Lidar Analysis and a State-of-the-Art Modeling System
- A New Approach to Modeling Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- An Analysis of Unseasonal Equatorial Plasma Bubbles in July 2014
- Application of a global magnetospheric-ionospheric current model for dayside and terminator Pi2 pulsations
- CDPP supporting tools to Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe data exploitation
- Comparison of Magnetospheric Magnetic Field Variations at Quasi-Zenith Orbit Based on Michibiki Observation and REPPU Global MHD Simulation
- Constraints on particle density evolution within a CME at Mercury
- Cosmic Ray Modulation and Radiation Dose of Aircrews During Possible Grand Minimum
- Dagik Earth: A Digital Globe Project for Classrooms, Science Museums, and Research Institutes
- Effect of intrinsic magnetic field decrease on the low- to middle-latitude upper atmosphere dynamics simulated by GAIA
- Effects of Ionospheric Hall Polarization on Magnetospheric Configurations and Dynamics in Global MHD Simulation
- Energy spectra variations of high energy electrons in magnetic storms observed by ARASE and HIMAWARI
- Evolution of Power Anisotropy in Magnetic Field Fluctuations Throughout the Heliosphere
- HF-START: A Regional Radio Propagation Simulator
- Ion escape from the Martian upper atmosphere with a weak intrinsic magnetic field
- Ionospheric Response to the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm along the Longitude of 100<SUP>o </SUP>E
- Longitudinal Differences in the Low-latitude Ionosphere and in the Ionospheric Variability
- Modeling the Effects of Equatorial Spread F on High Frequency Transmissions Through Ray Tracing.
- Phased Array Radar Network Experiment for Severe Weather
- Propagation Diagnostic Simulations Using High-Resolution Equatorial Plasma Bubble Simulations
- Simultaneous ground-satellite observations of daytime traveling ionospheric disturbances over Japan using the GPS-TEC network and the CHAMP satellite
- Structure of Outflow-Layer Clouds of Typhoon Chaba (2016) Observed by a Ka-Band Cloud Radar
- The magnetic field investigation on the ARASE (ERG) mission: Data characteristics and initial scientific results
- Transient brightening of Jupiter's aurora observed by the Hisaki satellite and Hubble Space Telescope during approach phase of the Juno spacecraft
- Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances generated by upward propagating gravity waves simulated by a whole atmosphere-ionosphere coupled Model
- Vertical Rise Velocity of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Estimated from Equatorial Atmosphere Radar Observations and High-Resolution Bubble Model Simulations
- ALMA observations of the 2018 global dust storm on Mars
- An Origin and Evolution of Solar Eruptive Flux Ropes
- Characteristics of temporal and spatial variations of storm-time midlatitude trough based on Arase satellite and GNSS-TEC observation data analysis
- Contribution of ULF and chorus waves to the radiation belt dynamics based on Arase observations and BATSRUS+CRCM modeling
- Cosmic Ray Modulation During Extremely Weak Solar Cycle
- Critical Parameters of an Active Region to Produce Eruptive Solar Flares and CMEs
- Dawnside Wedge Current System: A distinct storm-time current system that has been widely overlooked
- Development of Active learning and NNN for satellite analysis.
- Dynamics of the polar thermospheric wind and substorm phases
- Effects of a weak intrinsic magnetic field on atmospheric escape from Mars
- Improvement of AHI Yonsei AErosol Retrieval (YAER) Algorithm with Multi-temporal Data
- Interhemispheric asymmetry of polar cap patches: Effect of offset between the geographic and magnetic poles
- Numerical Simulation of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances generated by upward propagating gravity waves
- Open Numerical Simulation Data of Planetary Magnetosphere
- Pulsating aurora associated with temporal structures of chorus elements: Coordinated Arase satellite and PWING observations
- Recent results on the SAR arcs and ULF/ELF/VLF waves in the inner magnetosphere from the ground-based PWING longitudinal network at subauroral latitudes
- Study of Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances During Stratospheric Sudden Warming Using Total Electron Content Data Obtained from World-Wide GPS Receiver Networks
- Study of the characteristics of growth of Nighttime-MSTID in mid-latitude observed by GNSS
- Time domain simulation of geomagnetically induced current (GIC) flowing in 500 kV power grid in Japan including a three-dimensional ground inhomogeneity
- Ultraviolet aurora's response to solar wind measured with Hisaki and Juno
- Wave coupling processes between the lower and upper atmospheres simulated by a whole atmosphere model (GAIA)
- Axisymmetric conductance distribution of Jupiter's middle- and low-latitude ionosphere: Effects of meteoric ions
- Big Data Assimilation Incorporating Deep Learning with Phased Array Radar Data and Numerical Weather Prediction
- Cascade of shear Alfven mode turbulence to electron kinetic scales: Particle-In-Cell simulation
- Case studies of the high aerosol scene for East Asia region using AHI YAER algorithm
- Cirrus and Ozone Variabilities in the UTLS over the maritime continent during YMC-Sumatra 2017 Field Campaign
- Comparative study on chorus waves and energetic electron variations during CIR-driven storms between the Arase observations and RAM-SCB and electron hybrid simulations
- Comparison of daytime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbance between GPS observation and GAIA simulation
- Critical Parameters of Photospheric Magnetic Field to Produce Eruptive Flares in Solar Active Regions
- Do Earth's auroral substorms and Jupiter's dawn storms arise from the same processes?
- Effects of the IMF direction on atmospheric escape from a Mars-like planet under a weak intrinsic magnetic field condition
- Effects of the intrinsic magnetic field on the ion loss from ancient Mars based on multi-species MHD simulations
- Energy calibrations between the HEP and the XEP observations onboard Arase using Geant4 and comparing with the SEDA-e onboard the HIMAWARI
- Estimation of temporal evolution of coronal hole by surface flux transport model and potential field source surface extrapolation method
- Ground Validation of GPM DPR Algorithms by Hydrometeor Measurement and Polarimetric Radar Observations of Winter Snow Clouds in the Case of 4 February 2018
- Hybrid Simulation for the Solar Modulation of the Galactic Cosmic Rays During Recent Solar Cycle
- Improvement of GAIA polar input and its application to September 2017 event
- Jupiter's Auroral Variations as Revealed by Hisaki: Internal and External Drivers
- Leveraging Topological Data Analysis and Deep Learning for Solar Flare Prediction
- Neutron monitors and the evaluation of radiation doses for civil aviation
- Polar mesospheric clouds observation from the Himawari geostationary meteorological satellite
- Prediction of the sporadic E layer occurrence using the real-time GAIA
- Real time observations of snowfall and snowflake size distribution with video camera
- Recent updates on the Hisaki observations for Jupiter's magnetosphere and Io's atmosphere
- Reponses of thermosphere and ionosphere to CO2 increase: composition and dynamical processes simulated by the GAIA model
- Seeding, structuring, and decaying of equatorial plasma bubbles simulated by High-Resolution Bubble (HIRB) model
- Significance of Soft Electron Precipitation for the Neutral Upwelling in the Cusp: A High-resolution Numerical Modeling Approach
- Solar wind and Planetary period modulations of reconnection events in Saturn's magnetotail
- Studeis of Noctilucent Clouds in Midlatitude Region by Coordinated Observation with a Geostationary Satellite, Airplanes, Balloons, and Ground-based Imagers
- Temporal and spatial evolutions of electron density distribution in the ionosphere during a geomagnetic storm as seen in the GNSS-TEC and SuperDARN radar observations
- Three-dimensional presentation of the earth and planetary data in digital and analogue form
- Characteristics of storm-enhanced density as seen in GNSS total electron content at midlatitudes during geomagnetic storms
- Circulation and Tides in a Cooler Upper Atmosphere: Dynamical Effects of CO2 Doubling
- Computer simulations of precipitating energetic electrons through chorus-wave particle interactions
- Development and Evaluation of space weather forecast models in NICT
- Development of Shear Alfven Mode Turbulence: Particle-In-Cell Simulations
- Development of novel ground-based microwave radiometer for earth science -field experiments of the wide-band receiver-
- Effects of an intrinsic magnetic field on ion escape under different solar XUV and solar wind conditions
- Effects of the IMF direction on atmospheric escape from Mars under weak intrinsic magnetic field conditions
- Estimation of Low-energy Cutoff of Non-thermal Electrons from a Spectro-polarimetric Observation
- Evaluation of air cleanliness using a novel index, "Clean aIr Index, CII"
- Excitation mechanisms of the storm-time Pc5 ULF waves by the drift-bounce resonance with ring current ions based on the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupled model
- First simulations of day-to-day variability of mid-latitude sporadic E layer structures
- Io plasma torus and Jovian aurora activity during the Juno era: Current status of Hisaki/EXCEED
- Mammatus-Like Structure along the Cloud Base in the Outflow Layer Observed in Several Typhoons
- Molecular Ion Contribution to the Polar Plume from Mars: Effects of Solar Wind Parameters and Crustal Magnetic Fields
- Quasi-Periodic Variation of Jupiter's Aurora Compared with Magnetospheric Dynamics
- Reproduction and validation of flare spectra and their impact on the global environment
- Saturn's nightside ring current during Cassini's Grand Finale
- Temporal and spatial variations of GNSS-TEC from the high-latitude to equatorial regions during a geomagnetic storm on 27 and 28 September 2017
- An assessment of the Doppler measurements with a Ku-band spaceborne precipitation radar
- Comparison of the Global Climatology of Sporadic E and Atmospheric Tides, Using F3/C Radio Occultation Observations and GAIA Model
- Connection between Equatorward Detachment of Auroral Arc from the Oval and the Inner Magnetosphere: Conjugate Observations with an All-Sky Imager and the Arase Satellite
- Detection of polar mesospheric clouds utilizing Himawari-8/AHI full-disk images
- Development of radiation belt forecast model based on the recurrent neural network
- Effects of solar flare X-ray, EUV, and Lyman-alpha emissions on the Dellinger phenomenon
- Excitation of two types of storm-time Pc5 ULF waves based on the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupled model
- Feasibility study of the global MHD simulation code toward reanalysis of the space weather phenomena
- Formation of butterfly distributions of relativistic electrons driven by lower band whistler chorus waves in the heart of outer radiation belt
- GPS Total Electron Content Observation of Plasma Depletions Lasting in the Daytime during the Recovery Phase of a Geomagnetic Storm on May 2017
- HF-START web tool: An online service for HF propagation information
- Impact of the CME-like IMF rotation on ion escape mechanisms from a Mars-like planet under weak intrinsic magnetic field conditions
- Ion escape from ancient Mars during CME-like events: Dependence on the planetary intrinsic magnetic field and the solar conditions
- Japanese Precipitation Observation Mission with Ku-band Scanning Radar for ACCP
- Multi-event analysis of simultaneous observation of isolated proton auroras at subauroral latitudes using highly sensitive all-sky cameras and the Van Allen Probes satellites
- Observing anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants with the GOSAT-GW satellite: Scientific targets and policy contributions
- Physical properties of the solar corona studied by spacecraft radio scintillation and the difference between fast and slow winds
- Precipitating electron energy of pulsating aurora estimated from multi-wavelength optical observations
- Rapid flux enhancement of relativistic electrons associated with dynamic pressure enhancements of the solar wind
- Recent updates and future plan of GOSAT Series (GOSAT, GOSAT-2, and GOSAT-GW) products generated by NIES SOC
- Reproduction of the Earth's ionospheric response to solar flare emission spectra using physical-based models
- Sharing and Reproducibility: Working in Collaborative, Cross-Discipline Teams that Inform the Culture Change of an Ecosystem
- Statistical behavior of large-scale ionospheric disturbances during geomagnetic storms using 20-year GNSS-TEC data
- Statistical study of longitudinal extent of Pc1 pulsations using seven PWING ground stations at subauroral latitudes
- Structure tracking of polar mesospheric clouds by the meteorological satellite, Himawari-8
- The equatorial spread-F occurrence as functions of solar activity, geomagnetic activity, and evening upward plasma drift analyzed by logistic regression
- A Study of Temporal and Spatial Variations of Plasmaspheric Total Electron Content during Geomagnetic Storms by Using the GPS Total Electron Content Data
- Dependence of ionospheric responses on solar wind dynamic pressure during geomagnetic storms using global long-term GNSS-TEC data
- Development of a 3D Precipitation Nowcasting Method Using U-Net with Phased Array Radar Data
- EUV Dynamic Spectra of Large Solar Flares and Their Effects on Total Electron Content
- Generation mechanism of ionospheric disturbances after the 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcanic eruption using GNSS-TEC and SuperDARN Hokkaido pair of radars observation data
- Geoscientific application of IoT-based elderly person care system
- Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollutant Observation by TANSO-3 onboard GOSAT-GW: One year before Launch
- Physical properties of the solar corona derived from radio scintillation observations with the Akatsuki spacecraft
- Progress of Japan's Action against Extreme Space Weather
- Recent Results of the GNSS Total Electron Content Measurements for the Ionospheric Disturbances using Global Receiver Networks
- Reconstruction of in-situ measurements of CMEs using MHD simulation with IPS data observed from multiple ground-based stations
- Relativistic electron precipitations by chorus waves and its impacts on the middle atmosphere: Conjugate observations by the Arase satellite and EISCAT radar
- Study of Atmospheric Ion Escape from Exoplanet TOI-700 d
- Temporal evolution equatorial anomaly in the nightside ionosphere derived from ISS-IMAP/EUVI data
- The evaluation of the response in the Earthʼs lower ionosphere due to the solar flares using the GAIA model
- The ionospheric conductivity distribution of the global MHD simulation code determined by the data assimilation
- Wave Amplitude Dependence of the Pulsating Aurora Emissions
- Wide energy electron precipitation during pulsating aurora: LAMP sounding rocket experiment and computer simulation
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Halford
- A. Matsuoka
- Alan Dyer
- Alison Specht
- Allison Jaynes
- Atsuki Shinbori
- Atsushi Yamazaki
- Aya Nakayama
- Baptiste Cecconi
- C. M. De Nardin
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- Chae‐Woo Jun
- Charles W. Smith
- Chihiro Tao
- Christopher Erdmann
- Daniele Telloni
- Danton Diego Ferreira
- Donald Hampton
- E. Spanswick
- F. Tsuchiya
- G. D. Reeves
- Go Murakami
- H. O. Funsten
- Harlan E. Spence
- Hidekatsu Jin
- Hirofumi Ohyama
- Hiroki Ando
- Hiroshi Tanimoto
- Hiroyuki Shinagawa
- Hyomin Kim
- I. Shinohara
- Isamu Morino
- Ivan di Stefano
- J. D. Huba
- J. Ishitsuka
- J. R. Wygant
- J. W. Bonnell
- Jan Wagner
- Jeaneth Machicao
- Jia Yue
- K. Hosokawa
- K. Keika
- K. L. J. Rygl
- K. Nakamura
- K. Seki
- Kazuhiro Yamamoto
- Kazumasa Iwai
- Kazuo Shiokawa
- Kazuo Yoshioka
- Kazushi Asamura
- Kornyanat Hozumi
- Kyoko Watanabe
- L. Iess
- Laurence Mabile
- Lesley Wyborn
- M. Giuranna
- M. Kitahara
- M. Lessard
- M. Nosé
- M. Pätzold
- Marissa F. Vogt
- Martin Connors
- Masaaki Teramoto
- Mitsunori Ozaki
- Naoki Terada
- Naoko Takahashi
- Nobuhiro Takahashi
- Pekka T. Verronen
- Prabir K. Patra
- Prayitno Abadi
- R. Bruno
- Riley Troyer
- Romain David
- Ryoya Sakata
- Ryuho Kataoka
- S. Nakano
- Satoko Nakamura
- Satoshi Kasahara
- Satoshi Kurita
- Shelley Stall
- Shiang‐Yu Wang
- Shigeru Fujita
- Shinji Saito
- Shin‐ichiro Oyama
- Shoji Motomizu
- Shotaro Sakai
- Shoya Matsuda
- Sneha Yadav
- Sunny Wing-Yee Tam
- Susumu Saito
- T. F. Chang
- Takanobu Amano
- Takashi Sekiya
- Takashi Tanaka
- Takeshi Imamura
- Takeshi Sakanoi
- Taku Namekawa
- Takuji Kubota
- Takuo T. Tsuda
- Takuya Sori
- Tazu Saeki
- Tomoaki Hori
- Tomohiro Sato
- Tsuneo Matsunaga
- V. Ledvina
- W. Rideout
- Y. Ogawa
- Yasuhiro Murayama
- Yasumasa Kasaba
- Yoshiya Kasahara
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Yosuke Yamazaki
- Yudai Inaba
- Yuichi Otsuka
- Yukio Yoshida
- Yusuke Ebihara
- Yuta Hozumi
- Yuuki Wada
- É. Buchlin