Waseda University, Japan
flowchart I[Waseda University, Japan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (121)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (5)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Waseda University, Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering
- Waseda University, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Distribution and concentration of microdiamond in UHP dolomite marble
- In-situ pressure - temperature condition of tectonic melange : constraints from fluid inclusion analysis of syn-melange veins-
- Cathode luminescence of microdiamond in UHP dolomite marble -New evidence for two stage growth of _gstar_h-shaped microdiamond-
- Clay mineral analysis of the Hirabayashi NIED drill core on the Nojima fault that ruptured in the 1995 Kobe Earthquake, southwest Japan
- ESR dating of pseudotachylite
- Kulet Eclogite from the Kokchetav Massive, Kazakhstan: Transition from Low-grade Amphibolite to Eclogite
- Morphology and Distribution of Microdiamonds in Dolomite Marble From Kokchetav UHP Massif
- Petrogenesis of Ti-clinohumite-bearing Garnetiferous Ultramafic Rocks from Kokchetav_@Massif
- Diamond-free UHP garnet-clinopyroxene rock from Kumdy-kol in the Kokchetav Massif
- SIMS carbon isotope study of microdiamond in UHP dolomite marble from the Kokchetav Massif
- Significance of Diamond-free Heterogeneous UHP Dolomitic Marble From the Kokchetav Massif
- Stability relations of Ti-bearing assemblages in UHP marbles from the Kokchetav Massif
- Hydroxyl in diopside in diamond-free UHP dolomitic marble from the Kokchetav Massif
- Laser Raman study on microdiamond in UHP marbles from the Kokchetav Massif
- Occurrence of microdiamond in UHP calcite marble from the Kokchetav Massif
- Occurrence of pseudotachylytes from cataclastic-plastic transition and near-surface crustal levels
- Petrology of UHP calcite marble from the Kokchetav Massif
- Discovery of `K-tourmaline' in Diamond-Bearing Tourmaline-K-Feldspar-Quartz Rock From the Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan
- FTIR Study of Microdiamonds From Garnet-Biotite Gneisses of the Kokchetav Massiv, Kazakhstan
- Microdiamonds Formation During
- Petrology of Archean greenstone in Wyoming Province - Part 1: Thermal effects of Louis Lake batholith on Archean greenstones at South Pass, in southern Wind River Range-
- Petrology of Archean greenstone in Wyoming Province -Part 2: Significance of skarn formation in Archean greenstone in Wind River Canyon-
- Matsushiro Earthquake Swarm (1965-1967) as a Natural Analogue of CO2 Storage and Leakage
- Microdiamond and graphite in the Kokchetav UHPM dolomite marble - Occurrence and Raman study
- Mysteries of the Kokchetav UHPM Microdiamond
- Petrology of UHP Metasomatic Rock from the Kumdy-kol area in the Kokchetav Massif
- Petrology of greenstones in southern Wyoming Province
- Tourmaline Chemistry In Diamond-Bearing UHP Pelitic Gneiss
- Numerical Simulation for Generalized Aurora Computed Tomography
- (U-Th)/He Dating System Newly Setup at JAEA and its Application to the Thermochronologic Analysis of the Median Tectonic Line and Associated Pseudotachylyte.
- The method to estimate a slip distribution of a large earthquake based on the spatial distribution of its aftershocks and rate- and state friction law: Further development
- A quantitative analysis of daily change of detection capability of earthquakes: investigation of the earthquake catalogue of Japan
- Microstructural observation of naturally deformed antigorite serpentinite
- An application of rate- and state-friction model to observed aftershock sequences with logarithmical stress evolution in time
- Chemistry and metamorphic evolution of Kulet eclogite from the Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan
- Phlogopite-bearing peridotite from the 25°S oceanic core complex, along the Central Indian Ocean Ridge
- Progress Report on Landing Site Evaluation for the Next Japanese Lunar Exploration Project: SELENE-2
- The alkaline magma squeezed upward by the plate flexure prior to subduction off the Chile and Japan Trenches
- "Fullerene-like" Raman bands in UHP metamorphic diamonds: Metastable intermediate phases for diamond formation
- Detection capability of global earthquakes influenced by large intermediate-depth and deep earthquakes
- Distributions of crenarchaeal membrane lipids and TEX86 thermometry in the modern enclosed shallow coastal anoxic ocean
- Dust condensation time and total dust mass in a vortex in protoplanetary disk by analytical approach
- Hydroxyl distributions in a product of UHP metasomatism: Diamond-free garnet-clinopyroxene rock from the Kokchetav Massif
- Possibility of the misidentification of contaminated microdiamonds in UHP metamorphic rocks: An example of diamond grains in Dabie garnet clinopyroxenite
- "Mysterious bands" in Raman spectra of Kokchetav microdiamonds were photoluminescence - Internal structures of the microdiamond grains by laser excited photoluminescence
- Chemical properties of Garnets from Garnet Ridge, Navajo volcanic field in the Colorado Plateau
- Coexistence of "wet-" and "dry-clinopyroxenes" in garnet-clinopyroxene rock from the Kokchetav Massif - Evidence for local heterogeneity of H2O activity at the depth > 200 km
- Coincident observation of lightning using spaceborne spectrophotometer and ground-level electromagnetic sensors
- First-principles study of hydrogen incorporation mechanism in Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>
- Hydroxyl in garnets from Garnet Ridge, northern Arizona
- Monochromatic imaging observation of sprites with the Reimei satellite
- SELENE (Kaguya) high potential data for lunar science
- The significant ionization emission N2+ 1N in pure halo without sprite streamer
- A New Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 record from the Central North Atlantic at South East Newfoundland Ridge, IODP Expedition 342, Newfoundland Drifts
- Characterization of NOx emission in the suburbs of Tokyo based on simultaneous and real-time observations of atmospheric Ox and NOx
- Detection Method of Lightning and TLEs by JEM-GLIMS Nadir Observation
- First report on Cretaceous paleoweathering rates in western Panthalassa: Evidence of global enhancement of continental weathering during OAE 2
- Holocene evolution of a wave-dominated fan-delta: Godavari delta, India
- Inclusion/lamella mineralogy and chemical characteristics of garnets from the Garnet Ridge in the Colorado Plateau, northern Arizona
- OH and H2O of garnets in diamond-bearing and diamond-free garnet-clinopyroxene rocks from the Kumdy-kol area, Kokchetav Massif
- Permeability in sediments and their role in large slip near the surface of the plate boundary fault in the Japan Trench
- Photometric Characteristics of Sprites and Elves Derived from JEM-GLIMS Nadir Observations (Invited)
- Quantitative evaluation of grain shapes by utilizing elliptic Fourier and principal component analyses: Implications for sedimentary environment discrimination
- Radiation damage of the Kokchetav diamonds due to α-particles from zircon - for proper understanding of spectroscopic variations of metamorphic diamonds
- Strange heterogeneous photoluminescence in the Kokchetav metamorphic diamonds
- The anthropogenic change of sedimentary system recored to short core in brackish Lake Ogawara, North Japan
- Water contents of garnets from the Garnet Ridge, northern Arizona: H2O behavior underneath the Colorado Plateau
- Discovery of graphitic carbon inclusions (metastable phase?) in the metamorphic microdiamonds in the Kokchetav UHP dolomite marbles
- Major element chemistry and inclusion/lamella mineralogy of garnets from the Garnet Ridge in the Colorado Plateau, northern Arizona
- OH and H<SUB>2</SUB>O distributions in garnet of diamond-free and diamond-bearing garnet-clinopyroxene rocks from the Kokchetav Massif
- Occurrence of pyrope-rich garnets and large chemical variations of garnet porphyloblasts in the whiteschist from the Kulet area of the Kokchetav Massif
- Raman spectroscopic study of metamorphic diamonds in garnet-clinopyroxene rock from the Kokchetav Massif
- Significance of hydrous silicate lamellae in pyrope-rich garnets from the Garnet Ridge in the Colorado Plateau
- Fluid control of deeply subducted carbonate rocks and diamond formations by <em>Intraslab UHP metasomatism</em> - Modeling by the Kokchetav Massif
- Metamorphic Diamond Formation under H2O-Fluid Conditions in Diamond-bearing Garnet-Clinopyroxene Rock from the Kokchetav Massif
- Presumed Multiple Metasomatism underneath the Colorado Plateau; Decoding from Chemistry and Inclusion/Lamella Mineralogy of Diverse Garnets from the Garnet Ridge, Northern Arizona
- Discovery of composite diopside-magnetite lamellae in discrete olivine crytals from Colorado Plateau diatremes: indication of former hydrous ringwoodite
- Future Projection of Storm Surge at Tokyo Bay under RCP 8.5 Scenario by Meteorological-Ocean-Tide Coupled Model
- Pyrope-grossular garnet in diamond-bearing UHP dolomite marble from the Kokchetav massif, Kazakhstan
- Tectonics of long-offset oceanic transform faults along the Central Indian Ridge
- A linkage of biological covers, surface strength, and exfoliation: A case of the first gallery in Angkor Wat temple, Cambodia.
- Assessment of future global crop failure for maize and soybeans based on the DSSAT simulation
- Characteristics of Pb-As-Sb sulfide in dead chimney collected from the ANA Site, west offshore of the Kume-jima Island, middle Okinawa Trough, Japan
- Depiction of the sub-seafloor hydrothermal system in the Izena Hole, middle Okinawa Trough based on the whole rock chemical analyses and mineralogical observations of core samples
- Effect of biochar addition on leaf litter decomposition at the soil surface in a warm-temperate oak forest
- Effect of biochar amendment on soil respiration over three years in a secondary warm-temperate deciduous forest, Japan
- Feasibility assessment of SAR-derived snow-depth map for Japanese wet snow conditions
- Frequency and magnitude of flood events during the last 8000 years recorded in the sediment from Lake Suigetsu, central Japan, and the potential linkage to the SST distribution in the equatorial Pacific
- Inter-annual variations in biometric-based net ecosystem production between cool-temperate young and old-growth forests dominated by Pinus densiflora
- Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of hydrothermal clay minerals beneath active hydrothermal fields at the Iheya North Knoll, Middle Okinawa Trough
- Seasonal trends of mosquitoes that mediate vector-born diseases in temperate zone
- Subseafloor mineralization beneath hemipelagic sediments at the Izena Hole, middle Okinawa Trough, observed through the CK16-05 Cruise (Exp. 909)
- Variability of alkenone producers recorded in brackish lacustrine sediments of Lake Nakaumi, western Japan
- Effect of biochar amendment on biometric net ecosystem production during three years in a secondary warm-temperate deciduous forest, Japan
- Effects of biochar amendment on photosynthesis of oaks in a warm-temperate climate, Japan
- Effects of biochar amendment on soil carbon flux for three years in a warm-temperate deciduous forest in Japan
- Holocene evolution and Anthropocene destruction of the Krishna Delta on the east coast of India
- Inter-annual variations in biometric-based net primary production and heterotrophic respiration among three different forest types over 7 years in a cool-temperate zone, Japan.
- Revisit of altitude profile of sprite emission ratios of N<SUB>2</SUB> 2P to N<SUB>2</SUB> 1P in comparison with theoretical results
- Three-year's responses of soil nutrients and microbial community to the biochar amendment in a warm-temperate deciduous forest in Japan
- Validation of simulated SIF and GPP by the 3D radiative transfer model FLiES-SIF: A case study in a cool temperate deciduous forest
- A study on the combined method to grasp volcanic hot spots using Terra/ASTER and Himawari-8/AHI data
- Characteristics of rainfall-induced slope-failure distribution focused on geographical, vegetational and geological features: a preliminary case study for Japanese recent extreme events.
- Flood detection with a Support Vector Machine based applied on PALSAR-2 data: Case studies in recent Japanese flood hazards
- Flow analysis of Icelandic glaciers using synthetic aperture radar focused on climate seasonality and ELA setting.
- Ice flow velocity and elevation change measurement Shirase Glacier and Totten Glacier using remote sensing data
- Observation of cumulonimbus cloud growing process using Himawari-8
- Plasma Waves Causing Relativistic Electron Precipitation Events at International Space Station: Lessons from Conjunction Observations with Arase Satellite
- Remote teaching/learning experience in Japanese Universities.
- SAR-based detection of buried ruins: present possibility and uncertainties
- Sensitivity analysis of backscatter amplitude at snow-buried corner reflectors using C-/L-band SARs
- A case study of earthquake-induced landslide mapping using Normalized Backscatter Amplitude Difference Index for a space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Analysis of virtual water trade in California during recent drought.
- Characteristics of SAR backscatter amplitudes corresponding to the seasonal snow-depth variation at snow-buried cubic corner reflectors installed in Nagaoka, Japan
- Comparison of different atmospheric correction for ASTER data for identifications of pegmatites: a case study in Southern Namibia
- Current Status and Future Prospects of Diversity in Japan: A view as members of the JpGU Committee for diversity management and talent pool.
- Investigation of the relationship between observed SIF and broadband SIF for the reliable GPP calculation in a cool temperate-deciduous broadleaf forest
- Science in Societies: An International Survey of Over 200 Jurisdictions Using Sea Level Rise Projections in Adaptation Planning
- Are California Wildfires Caused by Climate Change?
- Forecasting tectonic tremor activity using a renewal process model
- Sharing Earth and Space Science Knowledge with the Public in Japan through Video-sharing Platforms.