Shizuoka University, Japan
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- GPS Measurements in Order to Improve the Accuracy of GPS at Mountain Areas
- Salinity Effect on Benthic Foraminiferal Oxygen Isotopic Composition: Evaluation through Culture Experiments in the Laboratory
- Seasonal Changes in the Arabian Sea for Last 19 ka: Evidence From δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Values of Individual Planktonic Foraminifera Shells
- Teleseismic Analysis of the 2001 Kunlun Earthquake and the Comparison with Field Observations
- Eruption Rate Control On Morphology And Structure Of Submarine Monogenetic Volcanoes - Insights From Sumersible Dives Off Maui And Hawaii Islands
- Systematic variation in shear-induced physical properties and fabric in shallow part of accretionary prism
- Constraining Flows of Nitrogen by Assimilating Data into a Multi-Element Marine Ecosystem Model
- Largest Off-axis Lava Flow Field From the Southern East Pacific Rise at 14\deg S - Preliminary Results of NIRAI-KANAI Cruise leg 1, YK04-07 Yokosuka/Shinkai6500 Dives
- Molecular ecological analysis of the distribution and diversity of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes and microbes in deep-sea hydrothermal sites of the Suiyo Seamount, Izu-Bonin Arc, and the Mariana Arc-Backarc, Western Pacific
- Paleomagnetism of the early Archean Marble Bar Chert Member, Pilbara craton, Western Australia: Implication for Archean geomagnetic reversals and Paleogeography
- Sediment Supply and Transport Processes in the Initiation Area of Debris Flows, Ohya Landslide, Japan
- A change in slip mechanism and subsequent weakening along a fault zone in in-situ magmatic oceanic crust, 30° N Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Crustal Accretion in the Parece Vela Backarc Basin: The world's Fastest Ultraslow-Spreading Ridge
- Detachment Faulting at the Godzilla Mullion, Parece Vela Basin, Philippine Sea
- Detection of Reflected Waves from Plate Boundary Using ACROSS Source and Seismic Array
- Discrimination of the Active Scattering Interfaces
- Estimates of differential stress and duration of annealing of crust deduced from progressive shape evolution of a mineral inclusion: Example of garnet inclusions within a granulite-facies quartzite from the Lützow-Holm Complex
- Fabric contribution to sediment physical properties in Gulf of Mexico: Preliminary Results of IODP Expedition 308
- Feasibility experiment for Active Monitoring of Inter-plate Coupling in Tokai region. ---A dense array measurement---
- Forward Analyses of Dehydration Reactions in Mafic Rocks Along the P-T Trajectories of the Subducting Slabs
- Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics in Biological Systems
- Observational Strategy of ACROSS towards the Time-evolving Natures in the Lithosphere
- Paleomagnetism of the Marble Bar Chert Member, Western Australia: implications for an Apparent Polar Wander Path for Pilbara craton during Archean
- Preliminary study for active monitoring of the plate boundary using ACROSS: Synthetic and observed seismic records
- Structural constraints on the evolution of Atlantis Massif based on results from IODP Expedition 304/305
- Towards a complete in situ section of upper oceanic crust formed at a superfast spreading rate: Deep Drilling in Hole 1256D
- A Study of E-field Peaks Associated with Maritime Negative First Return Strokes
- A proposal of the active monitoring for the temporal change and spatial movement of seismic reflectors caused by magma reservoir beneath a volcano
- Active monitoring of Asperities-Reflectors System: Time lapse monitoring of subducting interplate earthquakes and dynamics of magma reservoir
- Application of the Sompi Event Analysis to Frequency-dependent Transfer Functions Acquired by Seismic ACROSS
- Drilling a complete in situ section of upper oceanic crust formed at a superfast spreading rate: Hole 1256D
- Finding of a huge coral reef sliding down to the bottom of the Palau Trench
- Frequency-dependent Nature of a Tensor Transfer Function acquired by Seismic ACROSS
- Interpretation of Tensor Transfer Function Acquired by Seismic ACROSS
- Petrology, geochemistry, and tectonic implications of newly collected samples from Babeldaob Island, Republic of Palau
- Postseismic Moment Release Equivalent to Mw9 Following the Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake Detected by Continuous GPS in SE Asia
- Seismic anisotropy in the uppermost mantle, back-arc region of the northeast Japan arc: petrophysical analyses of Ichinomegata peridotite xenoliths
- Structure and composition of early arc crust: observations and samples from Shinkai 6500 Dives in the southeastern Mariana Trench
- An Automated Chamber Network for Evaluation the Long-term Response and Feedback of Soil Carbon Dynamics to Global Change
- B-type olivine fabrics developed during progressive retrogression above subducting slab in the mantle wedge
- Determination of Volcanostratigraphy of ODP/IODP Hole 1256D: Qualitative and Quantitative Core-Log Integration
- Interpretation of Frequency Dependence in Transfer Functions Acquired by Seismic ACROSS
- Mineralization of Fe/Mn-precipitates From Hot Springs in the Sanbe Volcanic Area, Japan
- Postseismic Displacement Following the Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake Detected by Continuous GPS Observation and the Effect of Viscoelastic Relaxation Using 3D- FEM
- Recent Progress in Electromagnetic (EM-) ACROSS in Tokai Region
- Shearing within in situ lower crust during progressive retrogression: a structural study of the Godzilla Mullion, Parece Vela Basin spreading ridge (Parece Vela Rift), Philippine Sea
- The Microboudin Method: a New Paleostress Analysis
- Tungsten abundance and isotopic compositions of Ocean Island Basalts, an Oceanic Plateau, MORB samples: in search for a core-mantle interaction
- Characteristics and Temporal Change of Green Function Acquired by Seismic ACROSS Signal from the Morimachi Transmitting Station
- Co-seismic thrusting slip and shortening structures produced by the 2008 M?? 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, China
- Deformations Associated With Large Interplate Earthquakes Along the Sumatra-Andaman Subduction Zone
- Evidence of sequential deformation from peridotite to serpentinite: an implication for seismic properties in the trench side of the mantle wedge along a subduction zone
- Hydration induced strain softening in the fore-arc side of the mantle wedge: an example from Higashi-akaishi peridotites, the southwest Japan
- Improvement on GPS/Acoustic seafloor geodetic observation: constraint on acoustic velocity estimation and evaluation
- Inversion method counting the spatial variation of sound speed structure in the measurement of Ocean Base Crustal Deformation
- Recent Observational Results of Seafloor Crustal Deformation Along the Suruga-Nankai Trough, Japan
- Recent Progress in EM-ACROSS for Monitoring of Deep Crustal Activities in Tokai Region
- Seamount Accretion Inferred From Deformation Structures of Greenstones of the Funabuseyama Unit in the Mino Jurassic Accretionary Complex, Central Japan
- Seismic ACROSS Transmitter Installed at Morimachi above the Subducting Philippine Sea Plate for the Test Monitoring of the Seismogenic Zone of Tokai Earthquake not yet to Occur
- Shearing within lower crust during progressive retrogression: structural analysis of gabbroic rocks from the Godzilla Mullion, an oceanic core complex in the Parece Vela backarc basin
- Simultaneous Near-Field Monitoring During Active Monitoring by seismic ACROSS
- Studies of the Southern Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Forearc using Shinkai 6500: Watery Glimpses of an In Situ Forearc Ophiolite
- Uppermost mantle flow due to a back-arc spreading preserved within peridotite xenoliths of Ichinomegata volcano, the northeast Japan
- Veinlet fault gouge and crushing-origin pseudotachylyte developed along the active Shimotsuburai fault, central Japan and its implication for seismotectoncs
- Application of stable isotope measurements and microbiological analysis for detecting methanogenic activity in a temperate forest wetland
- Comprehensive understanding of a deep transition zone from an unstable- to stable-slip regime of the megathrust interplate earthquake
- Deep Structure of Active Fault Systems Developed along the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line, Central Japan, from Recent Seismic Reflection/Refraction Surveys
- Development of new exploration tools for seabed mineral resources - Result of R/V YOKOSUKA research cruise YK09-09 -
- Development of precise measurement systems for deep-sea electrical and magnetic explorations by ROV and AUV
- Development of seismic anisotropy during serpentinization
- Estimation of spatiotemporal variation of acoustic velocity in ocean and its modeling for GPS/Acoustic seafloor positioning
- Fabric Characterization of Mantle beneath South Central North America: Constraints from Peridotite Xenoliths from Knippa and Kilbourne Hole
- High-temperature gabbro mylonites and ultramylonites from Godzilla Mullion, the Parece Vela Basin
- Interim report on the 2008 Southern and the Central Japan Alps Transect (SCAT)
- Microstructural and fabric development and seismic anisotropy of the low-velocity zone beneath the volcanic front in the mantle wedge: insights from peridotite xenoliths in the Avacha volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula
- Olivine and Antigorite Lattice Preferred Orientation Patterns in Hydrated Peridotite and their Implications for Forearc Seismic Anisotropy
- Strong trench-parallel anisotropy produced by serpentine preferred orientation in the mantle wedge
- The Suruga-Bay earthquake of August 11, 2009, as seen from dense GPS observation network in the Tokai district, Japan
- The role of water in neocrystallization of feldspar during shear deformation: water distributions revealed by FT-IR mapping
- Toward better accuracy for measurement of ocean bottom crustal deformation
- Transition between dislocation creep and diffusion creep in upper greenschist- to lower amphibolite-facies metacherts
- Trench-parallel anisotropy developed in the serpentinized forearc mantle: An example from the Ohmachi Seamount, Izu-Bonin frontal arc
- Accuracy evaluation of Kinematic GPS analysis based on the difference of the IGS products
- Co-seismic strike-slip surface rupture and displacement produced by the 2010 Mw 6.9 Yushu earthquake, China, and implications for Tibetan tectonics
- Dehydration softening of serpentine and its roles in the intermediate-depth earthquakes
- Development of educational programs using Dagik Earth, a four dimensional display of the Earth and planets
- Evolution of anthropogenic emissions at the global and regional scale during the past three decades
- Fabric anisotropies and seismic properties within peridotites in mantle wedge regions along the northwestern pacific margin
- Imaging a Time-variant Earthquake Focal Region along an Interplate Boundary
- Impact of acoustic velocity structure to measurement of ocean bottom crustal deformation
- Monitoring of the Nojima Fault structure using Accurately Controlled Routinely Operated Signal System (ACCROSS)
- Serpentine preferred orientation and variation in subduction zone anisotropy
- System Development for Sea-bottom Crustal Deformation Measurement: Main Observational Results at the Suruga-Nankai Trough, Japan, and Future Problems
- Uppermost mantle anisotropy beneath the Rio Grande rift: Evidence from Kilbourne Hole peridotite xenoliths, New Mexico
- Variations of fluid pressure within the subducting oceanic crust :Fine-scale seismic structures correlating with slow earthquakes
- Active blind-thrust faulting and growth folding in the southern Longmen Shan, eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Crustal deformation at the Nankai subduction zone inferred from onshore GPS velocities and seafloor geodetic observations
- Dehydration softening of serpentine as a trigger of intermediate-depth earthquakes
- Detailed Fault Geometry and Structure along the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line, Central Japan, from Integrated Data Processing for Active-Source Seismic Experiments
- Educational and public outreach programs using four-dimensional presentation of the earth and planetary science data with Dagik Earth
- Effects of herbicides on coral and seasonal distribution in water and sediments collected from rivers and coral reefs of the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan
- Fabric analyses of a lawsonite blueschist from Diablo Range, California: Implications for seismic anisotropy of the subducting oceanic crust
- Fabric and petrological characteristics of peridotite xenoliths from back-arc region of the Japan arc
- Fabric and petrological characteristics of serpentinized peridotites from the southern Mariana Trench
- Generation of vertical and horizontal vibrations by a synthetic method using an ultra-stable and continuous seismic source for the time lapse measurements
- Geochemical characteristics of amphibole in the gabbroic rocks of the medial area of the Godzilla Megamullion, Parece Vela Basin, Philippine Sea
- Geology of a dying backarc spreading segment: results of high-density samplings of Godzilla Megamullion
- Monitoring of Seafloor Crustal Deformation Along the Suruga-Nankai Trough, Japan
- Monitoring of coupling distribution and small Short-term SSEs in southwest Japan based on GEONET data
- Observation of abrupt changes associated with air injection into the ground by the time lapse experiment using an ultra-stable seismic source
- Olivine microstructures and temporal evolution of fabric in a hydrated ductile shear zone at the mantle-crust boundary, Oman
- Surface Reflection Phase in Two Way Acoustic Signal in Oceanic Crustal Deformation Measurement
- Time Lapse experiment using the seismic ACROSS method around the seismogenic fault zone in Awaji Island, Japan
- 300-km-long co-seismic surface rupture produced by the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake along the active Longmen Shan Thrust Belt, China
- Crustal deformation at the Nankai Trough estimated from seafloor geodetic observations
- Denudation history of the Akaishi Range, central Japan, and its tectonic implications: Constraints from low-temperature thermochronology
- End of Life Issues in a Back Arc
- Fabric analyses of experimentally deformed blueschists: Implications for deformational behaviors of sodic amphibole
- Geological characteristics of the Shinkai Seep Field, a serpentinite-hosted ecosystem in the Southern Mariana Forearc
- Interplate locking derived from seafloor crustal deformation using GPS/acoustic technique at the Suruga trough, Japan
- Intracontinental active normal faulting and paleoseismicity in the eastern Weihe Graben, central China
- Layout of buoys and seafloor transponders for next-generation measurement system for ocean floor crustal deformation
- Micro displacements obtained from very dense GPS network in the Tokai District, central Japan
- Oriented growth due to topotactic replacement of antigorite by olivine as a mechanism for the formation of B-type olivine CPO in convergent margins
- Strain Accumulation Estimated from Seafloor Crustal Deformation at the Nankai Trough, Japan
- The uppermost mantle evolution during back-arc spreading: Microstructural and petrological characteristics of Ichinomegata peridotite xenoliths in the back-arc region of Japan Islands
- Tonga Trench gabbros and peridotites: A suit of temporal and spatial forearc materials
- A New Method for Calculating Seismic Velocities in Antigorite-Bearing Serpentinites
- Crop yield network and its response to changes in climate system
- Detection of Postseismic Crustal Movement of an Earthquake with Focal Depth Exceeding 650 km
- Effect of Si-metasomatism on subduction fault-zone rheology (Invited)
- Effect of forest harvesting on microclimate and sediment movement in a periglacial area
- Effect of stress state on slow rupture propagation in subduction fault zones
- Evaluation of the slip-tendency of active faults in the Japanese islands
- Garnet shapes within Kimberlite xenoliths record the tectonic evolution of a cratonic root
- High temperature uniaxial deformation experiment of bubble-free highly crystalline magmas; a case study for the high-Mg andesite from Goshiki-dai lava plateau, southwest Japan (Invited)
- Interplate locking derived from seafloor geodetic measurement at the shallow subduction zone of the northernmost Suruga Trough, Japan
- Olivine fabric evolution in a hydrated ductile shear zone at the Moho Transition Zone, Oman Ophiolite (Invited)
- Prediction of the amplitude of solar cycle 25
- Seismic interferometry imaging of subducting Philippine Sea plate and crustal structure in Tokai region, central Japan using natural earthquakes
- The earliest mantle fabrics formed during subduction zone infancy
- Time-series analysis on bed morphology affected by debris flows along a headwater steep channel in Ohya-kuzure landslide, central Japan
- Cyclostratigraphy of the Middle Triassic bedded chert sequence in the Chichibu Belt, Southwest Japan
- Effect of Metasomatic Alteration on Frictional Behavior of Subduction Megathrusts
- Geodetic Evidence of Post-2011 Acceleration of the Pacific Plate
- Mantle Origin of Olivine-rich Troctolites in a Rift Environment
- Modeling the Climate Change Adaptation of Crop Production using Irrigation over Water-Limited Region
- Monitoring of seafloor crustal deformation using GPS/Acoustic technique along the Nankai Trough, Japan
- Multi buoy system observation for GPS/A seafloor positioning
- Oxidation of shallow conduit magma: Insight from μ-XANES analysis on volcanic ash particle
- Probability Assessment of Mega-thrust Earthquakes in Global Subduction Zones -from the View of Slip Deficit-
- The first Shinkai dive study of the southwestern Mariana arc system
- The past impact of climate change on the yield of major crops
- A subsurface structure change associated with the eruptive activity at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, inferred from an accurately controlled source
- Improvement of determinating seafloor benchmark position with large-scale horizontal heterogeneity in the ocean area
- Influence of topography on debris flow development in Ichino-sawa subwatershed of Ohya-kuzure landslide, Japan
- Location Accuracy Improvements in the Japanese Lightning Detection Network by Eliminating the Data Obtained from Distant Sensors from Lightning Stroke Positions
- Simulating soil carbon accumulation in an upland black spruce ecosystem of interior Alaska: implications for permafrost carbon dynamics to climate change
- A spatiotemoporal pattern analysis of earthquake occurences before and after a large earthquake
- Brucite-carbonate chimneys found at the Shinkai Seep Field, a serpentine-hosted vent system in the Southern Mariana Forearc
- Comprehensive Understanding of the Shinkai Seep Field in the Southern Mariana Forearc Based On High-Resolution Bathymetry Data
- Correlation between annual gravity changes monitored by GRACE and background seismicity rates
- Detecting Changes in Functional Traits of Forest after Extreme Climate Episode using Model Data Fusion
- Detection of photosynthetic responses of cool-temperate forests following extreme climate events using Bayesian inversion
- Emergence and evolution of millennial-scale variability in the East Asian summer monsoon over the last 3 Ma recorded in hemipelagic sediments of the Japan Sea recovered by IODP Expedition 346
- Future possible crop yield scenarios under multiple SSP and RCP scenarios.
- GNSS/Acoustic measurement conducted on "Source region" of the 1771 Yaeyama Tsunami, Japan -Is huge inter-plate earthquake being prepared?-
- Global silica cycle paced by astronomical cycles recorded in the Mesozoic bedded chert: Implications for early Mesozoic extinctions
- Huge deep-sea landslide in the Southern Mariana Trench landward slope: a preliminary report of the R/V Yokosuka & Shinkai 6500 YK15-11 Cruise -
- Hydraulic experiment on tsunami sand deposits relating with grain size distribution and magnitude of incident waves
- Peridotites outcropped in the southern Mariana Trench
- Physical properties of fore-arc basalt and boninite in Izu-Bonin-Mariana forearc recovered by IODP Expedition 352
- Rheological Variations in Lahars Expected to Flow Along the Sides of Sakurajima and Ontake Volcanoes, Japan
- Understanding and modelling extreme El Nino events
- A systematic investigation into b values prior to coming large earthquakes
- An IODP proposal to drill the Godzilla Megamullion as a step to Mohole
- Benefits of seasonal forecasts of crop yields
- CPO of Antigorite and Magnetic Susceptibility in Serpentinite Mylonites
- Direct evidence of hydration into mantle during shearing below a trasform fault: Prince Edward transform fault, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Drilling the leading edge of the mantle wedge and the underlying metamorphic sole of the Samail Ophiolite: Hole BT1B, Oman Drilling Project
- Electron microscope observation of fault gauge within Rokko fault in the Arima-Takatsuki Tectonic Line, SW Japan
- Estimation of principal deviatoric stresses imposed on an individual metachert: detailed application of the microboudin palaeopiezometer
- Gabbroic lithologies of the dike-gabbro transition, Hole GT3A, Oman Drilling Project
- Geochemical and Mineralogical Profiles Across the Listvenite- Metamorphic Transition in the Basal Megathrust of the Oman Ophiolite: First Results from Drilling at Oman Drilling Project Hole BT1B
- High Resolution Mineral Mapping of the Oman Drilling Project Cores with Imaging Spectroscopy: Preliminary Results
- Holocene Paleoearthquake History on the Qingchuan Fault in the Northeastern Segment of the Longmenshan Thrust Zone and Its Implications
- Hydraulic experiment on formation mechanism of tsunami deposit and verification of sediment transport model for tsunamis
- Hydraulic experimental investigation on spatial distribution and formation process of tsunami deposit on a slope
- Initial report of the physical property measurement, ChikyuOman core description Phase I: sheeted dike and gabbro boundary from ICDP Holes GT1A, GT2A and GT3A
- Initial results on the physical property measurement of ChikyuOman cores: listvenite, serpentinite and the metamorphic sole from ICDP Hole BT1B
- Intermitted Occurrence of Millennial-scale Variability of East Asian Summer Monsoon before 1.45 Ma based on the High-resolution Br Record of the Japan Sea Sediments
- Listvenite formation from peridotite: Insights from Oman Drilling Project hole BT1B and preliminary reaction path model approach.
- Listvenite logging on D/V CHIKYU: Hole BT1B, Oman Drilling Project
- Lower crustal section of the Oman Ophiolite drilled in Hole GT1A, ICDP Oman Drilling Project
- Metamorphism Near the Dike-Gabbro Transition in the Ocean Crust Based on Preliminary Results from Oman Drilling Project Hole GT3A
- Overview of Hole GT2A: Drilling middle gabbro in Wadi Tayin massif, Oman ophiolite
- Overview of Hole GT3A: The sheeted dike/gabbro transition
- Peridotite carbonation at the leading edge of the mantle wedge: OmDP Site BT1
- Production dynamics of fine roots in beech forests: possible mechanism of resource allocation between above- and below-ground production
- Solar System Chaos and its climatic and biogeochemical consequences
- Transformation of Serpentinite to Listvenite as Recorded in the Vein History of Rocks From Oman Drilling Project Hole BT1B
- X-ray CT core imaging of Oman Drilling Project on D/V CHIKYU
- X-ray Fluorescence Core Scanning of Oman Drilling Project Holes BT1B and GT3A Cores on D/V CHIKYU
- A new tectonic window into the backarc basin lower oceanic crust and upper mantle: Mado Megamullion in the Shikoku Basin
- Advanced dredge system in Japan for material science on oceanic bedrocks -New dredge system with acoustic transponder and/or deep sea TV camera—
- Chaotic behaviour of the Solar System over the past 250 Ma
- Crystal-plastic fabrics within serpentinized peridotites of Hole BA1B, BA3A and BA4A drilled by the Oman Drilling Project Phase 2 on D/V Chikyu
- Direct evidence of water infiltration from a transform fault: Marion transform fault, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Holocene shell geochemical and paleoecological records of a submarine cave in Okinawa, Japan
- Hydraulic experiment on spatial distribution and formation process of tsunami deposits in a flat ground with a cliff topography
- Millennial-scale Variability of East Asian Winter Monsoon Intensity during the Last 2.8 Ma based on Ventilation Changes of the Japan Sea using a Depth Transect of Marine Organic Carbon Burial Rates
- Quantitative analyses of olivine textures within granular peridotites based on EBSD mapping: an example from the Oman ophiolite
- Relationship between spring water residence time and microbial information in headwater catchments underlain by different lithology, Japan and New Zealand
- Temporal evolution of the slow inflation event and the following transient increase of background seismicity at Mt. Fuji
- Crustal accretion in a backarc spreading ridge: the oceanic core complexes in the Shikoku Basin and their tectonic implications
- Evidence for semi-brittle flow in mantle-wedge serpentinites linked to high pore fluid pressure
- Natural evidence of a hybrid olivine crystal-fabric (H<SUB>BE</SUB> type) within amphibole bearing hydrous peridotites developed below a transform fault: Marion Fracture Zone, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Non-marine paleoclimatic response of Early-Middle Eocene "hothouse" interval evidence from a lacustrine record of the Green River Formation in Utah, USA
- Repeating very low frequency earthquakes in the southwestern Ryukyu subduction zone
- Silicon Isotopes Of The Mesozoic Radiolaria: Implications For Carbon-Silicon Cycle Coupling.
- Three-dimensional presentation of the earth and planetary data in digital and analogue form
- A recurrent neural network approach to characterize the postseismic deformation of the 2011 Tohoku Oki Earthquake
- A statistical analysis of stick-slip experiments for bridging the scale gap between natural and lab earthquakes
- Differential rock fragmentation in the Ohya-Kuzure Debris-flows (Japan): Inferences from UAV-based remote-sensing and uniaxial compression strength.
- Long-term postseismic deformation at the eastern margin of the Japan Sea implied by temporal changes in the strain rates and background seismicity rates
- Slow deformation event following large intraslab earthquake at the Tonga subduction zone
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Melting and evolution of peridotites at the Mado Megamullion, an oceanic core complex in the Shikoku back-arc basin
- Area-dependent Inter-catchment Groundwater Flow in Forested Catchments: A Perspective Based on Multi-catchment Water Balance Observations in Japan