University of Tsukuba, Japan
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The mode and nature of faulting and deformation and the emplacement history of the Mineoka ophiolite, NW Pacific Rim: From mid-ocean ridge spreading to tectonic accretion on land
- Three-dimensional Magnetotail Field Topology in a Global Particle Simulation of Solar Wind-Magentosphere interactions with varing IMF
- Characterization of a Novel Thermococcus sp. from a Hydrothermal Vent of the Suiyo Seamount
- Effects of bedrock geology and landform on Landslide distribution
- Full Particle Simulation of Slow Wavesfull Particle Simulation of Slow Waves
- Measurement of in situ Methane Oxidation Rate in Hydrothermal Vent Area, Suiyo Seamount in the Izu-Bonin Arc
- Anatomy of Eastern Nankai accretionary prism toe at Tenryu deep-sea canyon by submersible surveys and various physical tests
- Fingerprinting the sources of fluvial sediment using fallout and in-situ radionuclides in forested watershed in Japan
- Particle entry through sash in the magnetopause with a dawndard IMF as simulated by a 3-D EM particle code
- Validation of prototype MODIS evapotranspiration (MOD16) in the eastern Asia
- CO2 Exchanges Between The Atmosphere And An Alpine Meadow Ecosystem On The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Changes in Plate Boundary Conditions Along the NW Pacific Rim as Recorded in the Tertiary Mineoka Ophiolite (Central Japan)
- Crystallization and differentiation of Cenozoic Granitic Melts, Taitao Peninsula, Chile
- Detrital Chromian Spinel and Garnet From Bangladesh: Constraints on the Uplift History of the Himalayas
- Direct Measurement of Microbial Methane Oxidation at Hydrothermal Vent Ecosystems.
- Discovery and drilling of on- and off-axis hydrothermal sites in backarc spreading center of southern Mariana Trough, Western Pacific
- Diversity and distribution of microbes in deep-sea sub-vent systems, using newly designed in situ growth chambers
- Downward CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux observed over a bare field by the eddy covariance method using an open-path infrared gas analyzer
- Estimating Coastal Slopes Vulnerability in Dakar Peninsula, West Senegal
- Fingerprinting suspended sediment sources using fallout and in-situ radionuclides in forested watershed in Japan
- Geochemistry of Besshi-type Massive Sulfide Deposit at Makimine in the Shimanto Belt, Southwestern Japan
- Interannual Variability in Growing Season Carbon Budget at a Customarily Cultivated Rice Paddy Field in Central Japan
- Knocker Problem Revisited: Plutonic and Metamorphic Blocks in Mineoka Ophiolite of Oblique Subduction Boundary, Japan
- Methane Distribution In Plumes Of The South Mariana Back-arc Spreading Center
- Microbial Community in the Hydrothermal System at Southern Mariana Trough
- Particle entry through "Sash" groove simulated by Global 3D Electromagnetic Particle code with duskward IMF By
- Seasonal Changes in Remote Vegetation Indices and Net Photosynthesis of Japanese Larch Needles
- Structural Analysis of Serpentinite in the Jikkoku Pass Area, Northwestern Kanto Mountains, Central Japan
- The Effect of Deep Ground Water on the Initiation of Kumanodaira Landslide in Central Japan
- Young lava fields on the Cretaceous Pacific Plate in the Japan Trench: Non-hotspot volcanism?
- A Comparison Between Dc'-values Obtained From a Dynamic Rupture Model and Waveform Inversion
- Acceleration and injection of particles inside the magnetosphere changes during duskward IMF By: statistical approach
- Application of Phase Conjugate Underwater Acoustic Wave to the Measurement of a Fix Point Displacement on Seafloor
- Bifurcation of 3D Vector Field Topology in Magnetospheric Dynamics
- Evaluation of splash erosion at forest floor in mature Japanese cypress plantations
- Imaging the asperities of the 1997 northwestern Kagoshima earthquake (M6.5), southwestern Japan, by seismic waveform inversion and double-difference tomography
- Impact of the IMF rotation on the cusp dynamics on the dayside: Global 3D PIC simulations
- Joint inversion of InSAR and teleseismic broadband waveform data using ABIC: application to the 1997 Manyi, Tibet earthquake
- Paleocurrent analysis and physical properties of deep-sea mud cores collected from NW Pacific and Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Process and Mechanism of Notch Growth-Induced Rock Fall on Vertical Coastal Slopes in Boso Peninsula: Evidence From Field and Numerical Studies
- Role of Groundwater Originated from Volcanic Rock in Rainfall-Runoff Process of Spring in a Forested Headwater Catchment
- Serpentine minerals and their textural changes on solid intrusion tectonics of the Kurosegawa Belt in the northwestern Kanto Mountains, central Japan
- Smash tectonics of the Mineoka ophiolite belt in the Boso TTT-type triple junction margin
- Space-time Evolution of Interplate Slip beneath Hokkaido, Japan before and after the 2003 Tokachi-oki Earthquake (M8.0) Inferred from GPS
- Structural Architecture of the Nankai Accretionary Prism along the Tenryu Submarine Canyon as Revealed in Submersible Studies
- Subsurface flow behavior in thick colluvium and fissured bedrock in Kumano-daira, Central Japan
- The Effect of Bedrock Groundwater on Rainfall-Runoff Process in a Small Headwater Catchment Underlain by Rhyolite
- The Nankai OOST zone exposed along the Shionomisaki Submarine Canyon - Dive results of YK05-08 Leg 2
- The behavior of entrapped air in the bedrock fracture and the implication of storm runoff mechanism
- Tsunami Waveform of the AD1703 Kanto Earthquake Reconstructed from the Deposit
- A multi-tracer and modeling study of groundwater in Kherlen River Basin, eastern Mongolia
- Channel geometry change of a first-order stream after a small debris flow in Ashio Mountains of central Japan
- Channel initiation by groundwater sapping in Kanozan, Boso Peninsula of central Japan
- Comparison of GRACE Data With a Superconducting Gravimeter Data at Syowa Station, Antarctica
- Comparison of source areas of the 2005 (M7.2) and 1978 (M7.4) Miyagi-Oki earthquakes, NE Japan, by seismic waveform inversions.
- Continuous Monitoring of Permafrost Deformation in a Warm Rock Glacier in the Swiss Alps
- Distribution of Land Use to Purify Contaminated Groundwater by Nitrate
- Drought Experiment of a Mongolian Grassland Ecosystem
- Dynamics of the tail in 3D PIC simulation of the magnetosphere during IMF rotation from north to south
- Effect of Bacillus subtilis on Granite Weathering: A Laboratory Experiment
- Effects of Cyclic Desiccation on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Neogene Sandstones and Siltstones From Boso Peninsula, Japan
- Estimating sediment sources by multiple scale field measurements and fingerprinting using radionuclides
- Geophysical Surveys for Detecting Distribution and Shape of Ice Wedges
- Identification of tectonically controlled serpentinite intrusion: Examples from Franciscan serpentinites, Gorda, California
- Modeling Land Use/Cover Changes in an African Rural Landscape
- Mudflow and Associated Environmental Fluctuation on Deep Seafloor Caused by Swarm Earthquakes Observed by a Cabled Observatory in Sagami Bay, Central Japan
- Phase Change Behavior of High Pressure High Viscous Fluid under Sudden Decompression
- Prediction of Soil Erosion Rate in Japanese Cypress Plantation Catchment Based on Detailed Topographic Model, Multi-scale Field Monitoring and Fallout Radionuclides Measurement
- Scaling Effects of Hortonian Overland Flow Transfer and Modeling in Forested Watershed
- Structure of Hole 1256D: The role of mechanical deformation in superfast-spread crust
- 3D PIC simulation of the magnetosphere during IMF rotation from north to south: signatures of substorm triggering in the magnetotail
- Amorphous Material Formed by the Mechanochemical Effect in Natural Pseudotachylyte of Crushing Origin: A Case Study of the Iida-Matsukawa Fault, Nagano Prefecture, Central Japan
- Analysis of Runoff Generation under Different Canopies in Mountainous Slope
- Bifurcation and hysteresis of the magnetospheric structure with a varying Southward IMF: golbal 3D full particle simulations
- Combination of Geophysical Methods for Measuring the Structure of Rock Glaciers
- Comparison of Topographic Effects between the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)
- Determining soil erosion rate and sediment residence time on hillslopes using radionuclides in semiarid grassland of Mongolia
- Effect of Spatial Variation of Infiltration on Overland Flow Generation and Hydrological Processes in a Small Catchment covered by Japanese cypress plantation
- Estimation of suspended sediment sources using Cs-137 and Pb210ex in unmanaged Japanese cypress plantation watersheds of southern Japan
- Fluxes Of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, And Nitrous Oxide In A Cool-Temperate Brackish Marsh
- General Importance of Covariance Components of Densely Sampled Observed Data in Inversion Analyses: Implications for Seismic Source Inversion
- Geologic evidence for great earthquakes during the last 1500 years along the eastern Nankai Trough, central Japan
- Importance of covariance components of waveform data with high sampling rate in seismic source inversion
- Influence of canopy thickness on throughfall amount and kinetic energy under different canopy saturation conditions: an indoor experiment with a Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) stand
- Isotopic approach to understanding the groundwater flow system within an andesitic stratovolcano in a temperate humid region: case study of Ontake volcano, central Japan
- Modeling short-term silent slip events along the deeper parts of the Nankai subduction zone
- Swell Propagation Along Japan Coast Detected by Associated Microseisms Observed With Seafloor Cabled Observatories
- The effect of slope angle on splash detachment in steep forest plantation
- A large scale sprinkling experiment on the effects of the entrapped air on the land-slide initiation
- Application of Normal Distribution Model to Estimate Root Water Uptake Profile by an Isotopic Approach
- Dependence of bedrock river meandering on typhoon rainfall, flood magnitude and rock strength
- Evaluation of Spatial Patterns of Infiltration Capacity on Storm Runoff in a Forested Watershed: Utilizing of LiDAR Data in a Distributed Runoff Model
- Hysteresis of the terrestrial magnetosphere as the southward IMF varies : a 3D PIC global simulation analysis
- IISEE's CMTs, Aftershock Distributions, Fault planes, and Rupture processes for large earthquakes in the world (1994-2004)
- Inter-core correlation of Okhotsk Sea sediment cores using geomagnetic paleointensity and paleoenvironmental implications
- Linkages between hillslopes and channels: spatial pattern of infiltration and connectivity of overland flow in a headwater catchment draining Japanese cypress forest, central Japan
- Mobility of the trace incompatible elements under the uppermost mantle conditions
- Modeling Activity of Short-term Slow Slip Events in the Deeper Parts of the Nankai Subduction Zone Considering the Segmentation of the Slip Zone
- Particle movement by interrill erosion and 137Cs loss based on the transport distance model
- Radiocarbon Chronology Using Sedimentary Archaeal Tetraether Lipids in the Western Arctic Ocean
- Role of Entrapped Air and Bedrock Groundwater on Groundwater Ridging process in a Small Headwater Catchment Underlain by Volcanic Rock
- Scale-dependency of stream gradients derived from LiDAR DEM and its relationship to watershed morphology in the Southern Japanese Alps
- Temporal Variation in Splash Detachment at the Forest Floor of Japanese Cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) plantations
- The effect of surface cover and soil devastation on infiltration rate in steep forest plantations
- Understanding connectivity of fine sediment from hillslope to channel through multiple scales observation in steep Japanese cypress forest
- A Simple Model for Estimating Evapotranspiration Based Solely on Remote Sensing: Algorithm and Application
- A simple and robust method for remote sensing of phenology using green and red reflectance: GRVI-method
- An improved three-band semi-analytical model based on MERIS channels for estimating chlorophyll-a in highly turbid waters
- Applicability of three-band model for estimating chlorophyll-a concentration in two Asian lakes (Lake Kasumigaura, Japan and Lake Dianchi, China)
- Aseismic and seismic slip around hypocenter of the giant Off-Tokachi earthquakes
- Characteristic distribution and structure of pranktonic archaea in the Arctic Ocean
- Comparison between LAI estimation based vegetation index and MODIS LAI for gross primary productivity estimation, deciduous broadleaf forest in Japan
- Distribution of ice- and soil wedges in Kapp Linné, Svalbard, mapped by two- and three-dimensional ground-penetrating radar
- Field and modeling studies on the effects of forest devastation on flooding and environmental issues
- Field test to the use of vegetation indices for phenology detection
- Impact of Cusp Boundary Formation and Particle Entries during IMF rotation from Northward to Southward in Large-scale global 3D Full particle simulations
- Satellite and ground-based study on the spatial characteristic of grazing step terracettes in semiarid grassland of Mongolia
- A Science Cloud: OneSpaceNet
- Anomalies of rupture velocity in deep earthquakes
- Application of Self-potential Measurements to Investigate Groundwater Flow in Saijo Plain, Western Japan
- Calving Glacier Dynamics Controlled by Small Fluctuations in Subglacial Water Pressure Revealed by Hot Water Drilling in Glaciar Perito Moreno, Patagonia
- Complex Seismic Source Inversion Method with the Data Covariance Matrix: Application to the 2010 Haiti Earthquake
- Delta-foreset bedding reflecting the development of cyclic steps on the alluvial topset surface: Flume experiments
- Demonstration of NICT Space Weather Cloud --Integration of Supercomputer into Analysis and Visualization Environment--
- Dynamics of particle entries within the cusp boundary deformed during the IMF rotation from Northward to Dawn-Dusk : 3-D PIC large scale simulation
- Effect of heterogeneity of hydraulic conductivity on streaming potential
- Estimating the carbon loss under the influence of typhoons at a subtropical mountain forest
- Estimation of Leaf Area Index Using Downward and Upward Looking Digital Cameras in a Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
- Evidence of heterotrophic microbial decomposition of preaged carbon in Arctic soil; Insights from molecular level natural radiocarbon analysis
- Factors affecting infiltration rate in steep hillslope conifer plantation
- Field Study of Rainfall Redistribution in Japanese Cypress Plantations
- High-velocity frictional properties and microstructures of clay-rich fault gouge in megasplay fault zone, Nankai subduction zone
- IODP CRISP Program A: the first step toward drilling the Seismogenic Zone in Central America (Invited)
- Modeling Activity of Very-Low-Frequency Earthquakes in Shallow Subduction Zone Considering Splay Faults and High Pore Pressure Zones
- Projection of Summer Climate on Tokyo Metropolitan Area using Pseudo Global Warming Method
- Radiocarbon-based estimates of residence times for soil organic carbon of Tundra and Boreal forests in Alaska
- Satellite-driven estimation of terrestrial carbon flux over Far East Asia with 30-second grid resolution
- Soil Moisture Measurement by TDR Coil Probe in the Surface Thin Soil Layer in the Cold Steppe of Mongolia
- The relationship between rainfall charactersitics and bedrock groundwater responses in Mt. Wanizuka, Miyazaki, Japan: an inplication of the occurence of deep-seated landslides
- Waveform inversion for seismic source processes with uncertainty of Green's function
- Accelerated subduction erosion opposite the Cocos Ridge: Implications for the initiation of ridge subduction
- Analysis of hydrological and hydrogeological deep-seated landslides generation mechanisms in Mt Wanitsuka, Kyushu Island, Japan
- Behavior of Suspended Sediments with Radionuclide in the Paddy Field, Fukushima Japan
- Dewatering, stick-slip, dilatancy and development of broken formation in the Paleogene Shimanto group - a case study from Yakushima, SW Japan
- Distribution and structure of pranktonic Archaea in the Arctic Ocean using 2008 - 2010 R/V Mirai cruise samples
- Diurnal variation of chemical characteristics in groundwater caused by the ocean tides of coastal aquifer in Saijo plain, Western Japan
- Dynamics of particle entries within the cusp boundary deformed during the IMF rotation from Northward to Southward: 3-D large-scale Particle-In-Cell simulation
- Experimental and microstructural investigations of frictional heating and fluidization in clay-rich fault gouge
- Explosive volcanism from the Galapgos Hotspot: Evidence from Miocene marine tephras on top of the Cocos Ridge (IODP Exp. 334)
- Field Observations of Erosion, Deposition, and Tsunami Flow Characteristics on the Sendai Coastal Plain after the March 2011, Tohoku-oki Tsunami, Japan
- Frictional properties of clay-rich fault materials along a megasplay fault in the Nankai subduction zone for intermediate to high-velocities
- Geological and Geochemical Field Survey on the Sendai Plain following the 11 March 2011 Tohoku-Oki Tsunami
- Hydrologic responses to forest thinning in Japanese headwater catchments
- IODP Exp. 334 CRISP A: Overview of initial results from the Costa Rica Seismogenesis Experiment
- Impact of Impervious Surface on River Discharge in Lake Kasumigaura Basin, Japan
- Microbial contributions to C and N dynamics in decaying litter elucidated by amino acid and amino sugar analyses
- Paleoclimate reconstruction in the western North Pacific region for past 1 ka using peat cellulose δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O from Hokkaido, Japan
- Performance evaluation of the semi-analytical ocean color model GSM01 in Case-1 and Case-2 waters
- Potential radiocarbon chronology tool using archaeal tetraether lipids for the western Arctic Ocean sediment
- Preliminary results of stress and strain analyses, IODP Expedition 334, Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (CRISP)
- Present-day principal horizontal stress orientations in the Costa Rica subduction zone: Preliminary estimates from logging-while-drilling, IODP Expedition 334
- Pressure-induced phase transitions and electron spin state changes in iron-bearing spinels
- Progressive illitization in fault gouge caused by seismic slip propagation along a megasplay fault in the Nankai Trough
- Radionuclides deposition and fine sediment transport in a forested watershed, central Japan
- Rapid beach recovery after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki tsunami at Sendai Plain, Japan
- Recent environmental changes enhance coccolithophorid blooms in the Bering Sea
- Reconstruction of Alaskan Arctic environmental changes for past 1 ka using δ<SUP>13</SUP>C of peat cellulose and their <SUP>14</SUP>C wiggle-match dating
- Response of infiltration capacity to thinning treatment in Japanese cypress plantation
- Simulating sediment transport on a hillslope: a marker-in-cell model
- The Roll of Canopy on Interception and Redistribution of Anthropogenic Radionuclides Derived from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident in Coniferous Forest Plantations
- The co-evolution of Fe-,Ti-oxides and other microbially induced mineral precipitates in sandy sediments: understanding the role of microbes in diagenesis
- The fertilization and development of the sea urchin Stronglyocentrotus nudus under near-future level of pCO2
- Thermal results from IODP Expedition 334: Heat flow and Thermal Models Along the CRISP Transect
- Tracing nuclear elements released by Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident
- Transfer of fallout radionuclides by Fukushima NPP accident from tree crown to forest ecosystem
- Vertical profile and components of marine planktonic archaea in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Oceean
- Vulnerable assessment by sea level rise in San Francisco Bay Area
- A phase transition between hematite and ferrihydrite by particle size change
- Analysis of the spatial variation in the net ecosystem production of rice paddy fields using the diagnostic biosphere model BEAMS
- Back-trajectory Analyses of Water Vapor in Northern Mongolia
- CO2, CH4 fluxes and bacterial diversities at terrestrial ecosystem along the trans-Alaska pipeline in tundra and boreal forest, Alaska
- Do Tsunami Deposits Thin Landward? Observations from the 11 March 2011 Tohoku-oki Tsunami on the Sendai Coastal Plain
- Dynamics of the cusp boundaries and particle entry during a NorthwardIMF period: 3-D PIC large scale simulation
- Effects of strip thinning on evapotranspiration in an abandoned Japanese cypress plantation
- Electron spin transition causing structure transformations of earth's interiors under high pressure
- Examining the effects of forest thinning on runoff responses at different catchments scales in forested headwaters
- Fault-scarp knickpoint recession in 10 years after Chi-Chi Earthquake in central Taiwan
- Frictional properties of silicic to calcareous ooze on the Cocos Plate entering the Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Hg Isotopic Compositions of Chimneys and Pelagic Sediments at Active Submarine Hydrothermal Field in the Okinawa Trough, Japan
- Hydrological simulation by using regional climate model output data
- Importance of precipitation systems to control the climate in Tibetan Plateau
- Large-Scale Features of Pliocene Climate: Results from the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project
- Lattice Boltzmann simulation and direct observation of pore fluid flow around irregularly shaped grains
- Love Wave Triggering of Non-Volcanic Tremor in the Nankai Region, Southwest Japan: Observations and Physical Interpretation
- New insight into composition and source, single or multistage emplacement, and relationship to eruption cycles from first drilling of volcanic island landslides, offshore Montserrat
- Patterns of infiltration at forested hillslope: an in-situ rainfall simulator and numerical estimation
- Pore geometry of Berea sandstone and numerical simulation of fluid flow by LBM under pressurization
- Sediment records of historical and pre-historical tsunamis in the last 4000 years in the Tonankai area, western Japan
- Sedimentary facies and sedimentary processes of the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami deposit with diversified grain size distribution
- Seeding Experiment of Liquid Carbon Dioxide for Enhancing Winter-time Precipitation in Saga Prefecture,Northern Kyushu,Japan
- Seismic energy releases of great earthquakes revealed by a hybrid back-projection method
- Seismic slip propagation to shallow subduction thrust: Insights from the dark gouge and high-velocity frictional properties of the décollement zone in the Nankai subduction zone
- Shape-preferred orientation (SPO) of oceanic gabbros at IODP Hole 1256D: Implications for magmatic processes
- Spatio-temporal variability of the deposited radioactive materials in forest environments after the Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident
- The application of time-dependent ice crystal trajectory and growth model for the evaluation of cloud seeding experiment using liquid carbon dioxide
- Title: Biogenic Magnetite Prevails in Oxic Pelagic Red Clay Core in the South Pacific Gyre
- Upscaling from Particle to Catchment: Marker-in-Cell Approaches to Modelling Soil Erosion
- Using Particle Imaging Velocimetry and Radio Frequency Identification to gain insights into erosion processes
- 3D Global PIC simulation of Alfvenic transition layers at the cusp outer boundary during IMF rotations from north to south
- Analyzing a relationship between permafrost and carbon cycle over Siberia using the diagnostic-type biosphere model
- Assessing the impact of a megathrust event on aseismic slip using repeating earthquakes: a study of the Kanto area, Japan, after the Great Tohoku earthquake
- Characteristics of nitrogen mineralization rates and controlling factors in forest soils in Japanese archipelago
- Detection of High-frequency Seismic Radiation from the Initiation and Termination of Asperity Rupture in the 2010 Chile, Maule Earthquake
- Development of a global LAI/ FAPAR estimation algorithm for JAXA's new earth observation satellite,GCOM-C1
- Diversity of Triggering Mechanisms in the Northern Nagano Region, Central Japan, Following the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- Effect of forest harvesting on microclimate and sediment movement in a periglacial area
- Estimation of Catchment Transit Time in Fuji River Basin by using an improved Tank model
- Evaluations of carbon fluxes estimated by top-down and bottom-up approaches
- Future change in wintertime urban heat island due to global climate change in Tokyo metropolitan area
- Geochemical characteristics preserved in the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami deposits
- Gravity changes observed during the long-term slow slip events at the Ryukyu Trench in May 2012 and December 2012
- How is a stick slip rupture initiated?
- Imaging the high-frequency energy radiation process of a mainshock and its early aftershock sequence for a crustal earthquake in Japan
- Influence of particle-size segregation on the fluidity of multi-granular debris flows
- Internal structure of the shallow Japan Trench décollement: insights into the long-term evolution of the margin and coseismic slip processes
- Paleomagnetic records of core samples of the plate-boundary thrust drilled during the IODP Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST)
- Postharvest changes of the variable hydrological processes from a paired watershed experiment in Fukuroyamasawa Experimental Watershed, Japan (Invited)
- Preliminary results on horizontal stress orientation and stress magnitude off Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Reconstruction of paleo coastal environment and tsunami deposits from the Kanto earthquakes in Ena bay, Miura Peninsula, Japan
- Remote Love Wave Triggering of Tremor in the Nankai Subduction Zone: New Observations and Dynamic Stress Modeling
- Rupture propagation speed during earthquake faulting reproduced by large-scale biaxial friction experiments
- Sedimentary characteristics of possible paleo-tsunami deposits in Shimanoura Island, Eastern Kyushu, Japan
- Self consistent particles dynamics in/out of the cusp region by using back tracking technics; a global 3D PIC simulation approach
- Slow slip and aseismic deformation episodes associated with the subducting Pacific plate offshore Japan, revealed by changes in seismicity (Invited)
- Spatio-temporal changes of seismic anisotropy in seismogenic zones
- Stratigraphic records of past tsunamis in the last several thousand years in Tokushima, western Japan
- Sustainable Water Use System of Artesian Water in Alluvial Fan
- The Importance of Simulating Changes in Topography in Process-based Soil Erosion Modelling: Implications for Landscape-Evolution Modelling
- The Jahn-Teller-effect on the cuprospinel (CuFe2O4) at high pressure
- The huge shallow slip during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake as a result of very low coseismic shear strength of the Japan Trench décollement material
- Velocity weakening of friction strength on meter-sized rock samples
- West African Monsoon in the MRI-AGCM3
- Analysis of the Alfven transition layer in the cusp region by the use of 3D global particle-in-cell simulations
- Characteristics of environmental correlations between iron (oxyhydr)oxide nanoparticles and microbial activity
- Dependence of seismic energy on higher wavenumber components
- Detecting robust signals of interannual variability of gross primary productivity in Asia from multiple terrestrial carbon cycle models and long-term satellite-based vegetation data
- Development of a global LAI estimation algorithm for JAXA's new earth observation satellite sensor, GCOM-C/SGLI
- Difference Between Present and Future of Spatial and Seasonal Carbon Budget Control Factor in Eastern Asia
- Evolution of Rupture Style with Accumulation of Fault Displacement during Large-scale Biaxial Friction Experiments
- Examining responses of suspended sediment transports after intense thinning in a forested headwater catchment using nested monitoring
- Future change of wintertime urban heat island intensity over Japan
- Groundwater Recharge Processes Revealed By Multi-Tracers Approach in a Headwater, North China Plain
- High-Velocity Frictional Properties of Basalt-Derived Fault Rocks
- High-pressure Raman spectroscopic studies of hydrogarnet, katoite Ca<SUB>3</SUB>Al<SUB>2</SUB>(O<SUB>4</SUB>H<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>3</SUB>
- Identification of a volcaniclastic tsunami deposit at a volcanically active region in southeastern Kyushu, Japan
- Imaging, Mapping and Monitoring Environmental Radionuclide Transport Using Compton-Geometry Gamma Camera
- Impact of Cumulated CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission on Air Temperature: Millennial-Scale Prediction
- Impact of Interactive Ozone on Climate Reconstruction in an Earth System Model: the Case of Antarctica in mid-Holocene
- Impact of soil parameter and physical process on reproducibility of hydrological processes by land surface model in semiarid grassland
- Improved Blocking at 25km Resolution?
- Interactions between bedrock groundwater and surface-hydrological processes in headwater catchments with different topographies
- Laboratory-observed frictional slip instabilities in samples of the Tohoku plate boundary megathrust
- Late Holocene sea level changes and tectonic movements inferred from fossil diatom assemblages in Tainohama, Tokushima prefecture, Japan
- Microscale Relationships Between Fault Rock Fabric and Structural Style in Megathrusts - Observations from Tohoku-Oki Via J-Fast.
- Mitigation of Bias in Inversion of Complex Earthquake without Prior Information of Detailed Fault Geometry
- Permeability and microstructural changes due to weathering of pyroclastic rocks in Cappadocia, central Turkey
- Possible coseismic laminar and non-laminar flow along subduction megathrusts
- Projected East-West Contrast of Water Budget in Future Climate over the Tibetan Platea
- Retrieval of Understory NDVI in Sparse Boreal Forests By MODIS Brdf Data
- Rupture Process of the 2014 Iquique Chile Earthquake in Relation With the Foreshock Activity
- Spatial Heterogeneity Induces Scale Dependent Rock Friction
- Spatial variation in streamflow generation in a small forested catchment in Japan
- The Jahn-Teller-Effect of Cu<SUP>2+</SUP> on the Spinel Structure at High Pressure
- Unpredictable Main Rupture Initiation after Premonitory Slow Slip
- Use of ABIC and Invention of Inversion Methods
- Visualization of the chains of risks under global climate change
- Water Budget over the Tibetan Plateau and Its Dependency on Horizontal Resolution Simulated By an MRI High-Resolution Global Atmospheric Model
- 3D PIC simulation of the cusp dynamics : The Alfven transition layer
- Accurate detection of spatio-temporal variability of plant phenology by using satellite-observed daily green-red vegetation index (GRVI) in Japan
- Analysis of geodetic interseismic coupling models to estimate tsunami inundation and runup: a study case of Maule seismic gap, Chile
- Analyzing surface water budgets for water-food security in seasonal wetlands of north-central Namibia
- Assessment of rock mechanical behavior considering stress dependent stiffness of the cracked domain within crack tensor-based approach
- Changes in terrestrial CO<SUB>2</SUB> budget in Siberia in the past three decades
- Continuous in-situ methane measurements at paddy fields in a rural area of India with poor electric infrastructure, using a low-cost instrument based on open-path near-IR laser absorption spectroscopy
- Developing of Watershed Radionuclide Transport Model DHSVM-R as Modification and Extension of Distributed Hydrological and Sediment Dynamics Model DHSVM
- Earthquake rupture in shallow portion of subduction zone: An ancient record from the Ishido thrust (out-of-sequence thrust) in Boso Peninsula, central Japa
- Effect of fault surface evolution on slip behaviors in large-scale biaxial experiments
- Effect of framework and extra-framework cations substitutions on the zeolite structure: Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis of analcime and wairakite solid solutions
- Effects of a Reservoir Water on the GW Quality in a Coastal Aquifer of Semi-arid Region, North-east of Tunisia
- Estimation of Global 1km-grid Terrestrial Carbon Exchange Part I: Developing Inputs and Modelling
- Estimation of Global 1km-grid Terrestrial Carbon Exchange Part II: Evaluations and Applications
- Estimation of gross primary production and light use efficiency by the tower-based sun-induced fluorescence measurement in the Japanese evergreen coniferous forest
- Examining Sediment-bound Radiocesium Dynamics in Two Fukushima Coastal Catchments with Sediment Fingerprinting Techniques
- Frictional properties of the biogenic oozes from the CRISP drilling project: possible evidence of past slip-to-the-trench
- Future Changes in Rainfall Extremes Associated with El Nino Projected by a Global 20-km Mesh Atmospheric Model
- Global and Regional Variations in Mean Temperature and Warm Extremes in Large-Member Historical AGCM Simulation
- High-frequency rupture related to the complex fault system and variable slip motions, insights from hybrid backprojection image of the Mw 7.9 2008 Wenchuan, China, earthquake
- High-velocity frictional strength across the Tohoku-Oki megathrust determined from surface drilling torque
- Hydrogeological and Seismic Responses to Incoming Materials at the Non-Accreting Margin, Offshore the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Hydrological responses in water loss due to thinning of forested watersheds in Japan using the short-term water balance method
- Impact of Horizontal Resolution of Topography on Asian Monsoon Water Cycle Simulated by MRI 60-km-mesh Global Atmospheric Model
- Influence of topography on debris flow development in Ichino-sawa subwatershed of Ohya-kuzure landslide, Japan
- Inorganic and organic geochemical signatures of tsunami deposits
- Integrated seismic source models: Spatiotemporal slip-rate and high-frequency radiation distributions of large earthquakes
- Long term observation of soil moisture by the in situ stations and AMSR/AMSR2 a 1.1º by 1.1º study area on the Mongolian Plateau since 2001
- Long-term Trends of Plot-scale Cs-137 Wash-off on Various Land Uses in the Area Affected by the Accident of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant
- Monitoring of Seismic Anisotropy at the Time of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Earthquake.
- Multi-Array Back-Projections of The 2015 Gorkha Earthquake With Physics-Based Aftershock Calibrations
- Multiscale Modeling of Radioisotope Transfers in Watersheds, Rivers, Reservoirs and Ponds of Fukushima Prefecture
- Projected changes in climate extremes over Qatar and the Arabian Gulf region
- Projected changes in precipitation extremes linked to temperature over Japan
- Radioactive Cs-137 discharge from Headwater Forested Catchment in Fukushima after Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
- Radioactive and Stable Cesium Distributions in Fukushima Forests
- Satellite Estimation of Overstory and Understory Leaf Area Index (LAIo & LAIu) in Boreal Forests
- Slow slip events in plate-rate laboratory experiments on samples from shallow regions of subduction megathrusts
- Spatial pattern of the throughfall volume on a steep slope dominated by deciduous broad-leaved trees
- Structural stability of the icosahedral AlCuFe quasicrystal under high-pressure and high-temperature
- Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence reveals strong representation of photosynthesis at ecosystem level in rice paddy field in Japan
- TEM observation of bacteria-induced plagioclase dissolution and secondary mineral formation
- The creation of reasonable projections toward sustainable development considering the climate and socioeconomic changes in the Pacific Islands
- The effect of the carbon dissolution on the crystal structure of a-quartz
- The geological record of prehistorical tsunami at a coastal area of Beppu Bay in eastern Kyushu, Japan
- The influence of fine sediment on the fluidity of debris flows based on the equilibrium concentration and friction coefficient
- Using radiosilver and plutonium isotopes to trace the dispersion of contaminated sediment in Fukushima coastal catchments
- Validating SMAP L2/3 Products
- Visualizing interconnections among climate risks
- etas_solve: A robust program to estimate the ETAS parameters
- A Study of Future Change of Extreme Precipitation Event Accompanying Land Slide Disaster at Hiroshima Using Cloud Resolving Model with 500 m Horizontal Grid
- An Integrative Observing and Modeling Approach for the Physiological Understanding of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Japan
- Assessment of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Products using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- Biophysical relationship between leaf-level optical properties and phenology of canopy spectral reflectance in a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest at Takayama, central Japan
- Can Lower Tropospheric Mixing Constrain Cloud Feedback and Climate Sensitivity?
- Change of Rainfall-runoff event hysteresis in suspended sediments due to surface decontamination in the area affected by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident
- Characteristics of rainfall associated with land surface conditions in north-central Namibia
- Constraining the thickness of tectonic tremor source region on the basis of seismological and geological observations in southwest Japan
- Detection of upward and downward Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence emissions at the forest floor in a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest in Japan
- Ecosystem monitoring of radiocesium redistribution dynamics in a forested catchment in Fukushima after the nuclear power station accident in March 2011
- Effects of decontamination work on riverine radiocaesium activity concentrations in Fukushima affected area
- Effects of the North Pacific subtropical SST front on the Baiu/Meiyu precipitation
- Evaluation of frictional melting on the basis of trace element analyses of fault rocks
- Future changes in extreme precipitation in East Asia and their uncertainty based on large ensemble simulations with a high-resolution AGCM
- Geological perspectives of shallow slow earthquakes: insights from exhumed accretionary complexes in southwest Japan and New Zealand
- High-pressure structural behavior of hydrogarnet, katoite Ca<SUB>3</SUB>Al<SUB>2</SUB>(O<SUB>4</SUB>H<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>3</SUB>
- Impact assessment of climate change on tourism in the Pacific small islands based on the database of long-term high-resolution climate ensemble experiments
- Injection of micro-nano bubble water into unconfined aquifer and monitoring its behavior
- Model calculation of the velocity of debris flows containing finer sediment
- Modeling nearshore dispersal of river-derived multi-class suspended sediments and radionuclides during a flood event around the mouth of Niida River, Fukushima, Japan
- Multidecadal Shoreline Evolution Due to Large-scale Beach Nourishment in Japan
- Neutral pH ocean on Ceres: Implications for formation temperature of Ceres in the protoplanetary disk
- Preferred-rupture propagation to the hangingwall of the shallow part of the out-of-sequence thrust: Ishido Fault in Boso Peninsula, central Japan
- Rainfall extremes associated with tropical cyclones and their future changes
- Response of the Asian summer and winter monsoon to the recent La Niña-like SST with and without Indian Ocean warming
- Rupture process during the 2015 Illapel Chile earthquake: Zigzag-along-dip rupture episodes
- Rupture process of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake in relation with the thermal structure around Aso volcano
- Striking features of the Alfven Transition Layer in the Magnetic Cusp region; 3D Global PIC Simulation
- The current status of GOSAT and GOSAT-2
- Tsunami History Associated with Oceanic Intraplate Earthquakes in Beppu Bay, Eastern Kyushu, Japan
- Urban geometry effects on the microclimate of streets near the river
- Velocity- and slip-dependent weakening on the Tohoku plate boundary fault: shallow coseismic slip facilitated by foreshock afterslip
- Visualizing structural dynamics of aluminum and iron under laser shock compression with time-resolved X-ray diffraction method
- 3D Full particle simulations of the solar wind-terrestrial magnetosphere interaction: impact of the IMF rotation on the dipolarization process of magnetospheric dynamics
- Characterization of frictional melting processes in subduction zone faults by trace element and isotope analyses
- Crystallization of biogenic hydrous amorphous silica
- Demonstration of improved seismic source inversion method of tele-seismic body wave
- Detection of Frictional Heating on Faults Using Raman Spectra of Carbonaceous Material
- Different Response of Sap Flow at Different Measurement Depths after Thinning in a Japanese Cypress Plantation
- Elevational Dependence of Catchment-scale Evapotranspiration Partitioning as Revealed by Water Stable Isotopes
- Estimation of Groundwater Recharge in a Japanese Headwater Area by Intensive Collaboration of Field Survey and Modelling Work
- Extending isotopic fractionation in phytoplankton for Phanerozoic pCO<SUB>2</SUB> reconstruction
- Flexible kinematic earthquake rupture inversion of tele-seismic waveforms: Application to the 2013 Balochistan, Pakistan earthquake
- Fluid-rock interaction in subducted mélange and implications for fluid flow along the subduction plate boundary
- Geologic Evidence of Tsunamigenic Earthquakes from the Southern Part of the Japan Trench
- Geological Evidences for a Large Tsunami Generated by the 7.3 ka Kikai Caldera Eruption, Southern Japan
- Geological perspectives of shallow slow earthquakes deduced from deformation in subduction mélanges
- High-velocity frictional properties of chert in the Jurassic accretionary complex, central Japan
- Land Cover Change Detection using Neural Network and Grid Cells Techniques
- Landuse Controls Fate and Transport of Radionulides in Fukushima Rivers
- Localized Failure Promoted by Heterogeneous Stresses in Tectonic Mélanges
- Mitigation of global cooling by stratospheric chemistry feedbacks in a simulation of the Last Glacial Maximum
- Nano-scale observations of interface between lichen and basaltic rock: Pseudomorphic growth of amorphous silica on augite
- Phase change of hydromagnesite, Mg<SUB>5</SUB>(CO<SUB>3</SUB>)<SUB>4</SUB>(OH)<SUB>2</SUB> 4H<SUB>2</SUB>O by thermal decomposition
- Potency backprojection
- Preceding Winter's ENSO Control on Summertime Atmospheric River Activity over the North Pacific
- Recent scientific achievements by GOSAT and the status of GOSAT-2 preparation
- Stable isotope-based approach to validate effects of understory vegetation on shallow soil water movement in a Japanese cypress plantation
- The limit of irrigation adaption due to the inter-crop conflict of water use under changing climate and landuse
- Timing of Neogene Manganese Deposit Formation in the Paleo-Japan Sea, northeast Japan
- Trapping Efficiency of Fine Sediments in Reservoir Lake in Fukushima Rivers as Revealed by Radiocaesium attached in Suspended Sediment
- Variety of Sedimentary Process and Distribution of Tsunami Deposits in Laboratory Experiments
- A convenient method for a joint use of direct and indirect prior information in inversion analyses
- Absolute Gravity Measurements During 2017-2018 Austral Summer Season in and around Japanese Antarctic Station, Syowa
- Alkenone distribution and producers in Canadian lakes: Implications for palaeotemperature reconstructions
- Bottom-up and top-down approach investigations on solar induced fluorescence for estimating the photosynthesis at ecosystem scale by both ground-based measurement and modeling
- Ceilometer observation of a dust storm in the Gobi Desert on 29-30 April 2015: Trapping of dust into a capping inversion layer
- Change of sediment sources and hysteresis in suspended sediments due to surface decontamination in the Niida river catchment area affected by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident
- Characteristics of Sediment Entrainment and Transport Depending on Initial Water Depth under Tsunami-like Bore in Laboratory Experiments
- Constructing the simulation model to estimate the SIF using remote sensing data
- Deformation of metabasalts in megathrust shear zones exposed on Kyushu Island, Japan.
- Depiction of the sub-seafloor hydrothermal system in the Izena Hole, middle Okinawa Trough based on the whole rock chemical analyses and mineralogical observations of core samples
- Detection of mantle-derived fluid from the Makimine mélange in the Shimanto accretionary complex: Evidence from helium isotope analysis on mineral veins
- Development of an inversion method to extract information on fault geometry from teleseismic data
- Distribution and Displacement History of Coastal Boulders in Beppu Bay, Southwest Japan
- Estimation of Built-up and Green Volume Change Using Multi-spatial Resolution Data: A Case Study of Surabaya, Indonesia
- Estimation of the shoreline in the 13th and 17th century at Kiritappu marsh, eastern Hokkaido, Japan
- Experimental Investigation of Frictional Melting of Chert
- Fate and Transport of Accidentally Released Radionuclides in Soil-Water Environment: Fukushima and Chernobyl
- Fenton process adjusted with different reaction temperature and river Humic Acid in degradation of Phenol
- Fluid-rock interaction in subducted mélanges and its implications for fluid flow along the subduction plate boundary
- Geological Records of Prehistoric Tsunamis and Subsidence at Mugi Town, Tokushima Prefecture, Western Japan
- Health effect of Heatwaves and Hot Nights: Evidence from Japanese Archipelago
- Historical Warming Has About Tripled Global Population Annually Exposed to Extreme Events
- How Does Frequency-band-limited Backprojection Image Relate to Actual Slip Behavior?
- Impact of Ocean Observation Systems on Sub-seasonal Forecasts and Ocean Analyses
- Localized Mountain Green Cover Index: Case study of Sripada Mountain in Sri Lanka
- Low-angle brittle thrusting, localized viscous shear, and metasomatic reactions recorded in subduction mélanges: Implications for slow earthquakes in subduction zones
- Machine learning-based data fusion for monitoring of the Indonesian tropical wetland: integrated use of AMSR2 and PALSAR-2
- Monitoring channel morphology changes in a headwater stream with monocable-system photographing and structure from motion photogrammetry.
- Origin of frictional melt in the Jurassic accretionary complex of the Mino-Tamba Belt, central Japan on the basis of trace element and isotope analyses
- Quantifying the contribution of subsurface sediment sources using spectrocolorimetry: A case study in coastal catchments exposed to Fukushima radioactive fallout, Japan
- Relationship between spring water residence time and microbial information in headwater catchments underlain by different lithology, Japan and New Zealand
- Riverine radiocaesium dynamics in two rivers affected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
- Satellite-based Evaluation of Urban Spatiotemporal Changes Based on Impervious Surface Data: An Implementation in Tokyo Metropolitan Area (TMA)
- Stressed Out at the Border: Geological Observations and Models of Elevated Stresses along the Boundaries of Strong Lithologies in Shallow and Deep Mélanges
- Structural evolution from mackinawite to pyrite
- The role of fine roots on flow paths of surface soils on dense bamboo hillslopes
- Triggering and Decay Characteristics of Dynamically Activated Seismicity in Japan
- Using the Pseudo-Global Warming Method for Dynamic Downscaling to Evaluate the Interaction between Heat Waves and Urban Heat Islands in a Future Warmer Climate
- An unconsidered source of Tokyo earthquakes and Pacific Ocean tsunamis
- Comparative study on the effects of surface urban heat island in ten megacities of China
- Detecting surface displacement associated with the 2018 slow slip event off Boso peninsula by use of Sentinel-1 InSAR with atmospheric correction
- Detection of unconventional seismic sources using surface waves recorded by Hi-net stations
- Estimating thermal responses using a heat budget model and detail monitoring of channel morphology in a headwater stream
- Fine structures of the Alfven Transition Layer above/around the cusp region: 3D PIC global simulation of the solar wind-terrestrial magnetosphere interaction.
- Frictional melting and thermal fracturing recorded in the pseudotachylyte derived from pelagic sedimentary rocks
- Geochemical evidence for source materials of frictional melt: an example from thepseudotachylyte in the Jurassic accretionary complex, central Japan
- Impact of the decontamination works on the riverine transport of sediment and radiocaesium in a rive affected by the TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
- In Situ Identification of 3D Vortex-Cores using Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Mesozoic large igneous province activity in the Panthalassa ocean estimated from a Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous accretionary complex, central Japan
- Parallel Shallow Water Modeling of Radionuclide Transport in Solute and Suspended Sediments in Chernobyl and Fukushima Waters
- Proving Fault Geometry with Finite-Fault Inversion of Teleseismic Data
- Pyrite formation from iron sulfide nanoparticle under hydrothermal condition
- Reconstruction of coastal topography around the 13th and 17th centuries and tsunami deposits survey at the Kiritappu marsh, eastern Hokkaido, Japan
- Role of Metasomatic Reactions of Metabasite on Plate-boundary Shear Localization at Slab-mantle Interface
- Rupture Process of The M<SUB>W</SUB>7.9 2018 Alaska Earthquake Revealed by Flexible Finite-Fault Inversion of Teleseismic Data
- Slow slip along subduction megathrust controlled by metasomatism-enhanced viscous shear
- Spatial Patterns of Soil-Bedrock Interface and its Implication for Internal Hydrogeomorphic Processes
- Spatial Patterns of Storm-Induced Landslides and Their Relation to Past Extreme Rainfall
- Stress state at the toe of the Nankai accretionary margin, with implications for characterization of the decollement
- Structural observations across the Nankai accretionary prism, IODP Expedition 358 (NanTroSEIZE)
- The Role of Fluids at the Boundaries of the Subduction Thrust Seismogenic Zone: What do the Rocks Tell Us?
- Transient switching between creep and fracture at and below the base of the megathrust seismogenic zone.
- Validation of simulated SIF and GPP by the 3D radiative transfer model FLiES-SIF: A case study in a cool temperate deciduous forest
- Variability and predictability of North Atlantic cold-season atmospheric river occurrence frequency in a set of high-resolution atmospheric simulations
- Water circulation processes based on spatial variations of environmental tracers in the mildly acidic deep lake, Japan
- A high-resolution emission inventory for air quality modeling studies in Hanoi, Vietnam in 2017
- A role of coastal erosion in a preparation stage of catastrophic landslide events revealed by multi-sensor observations
- Added values of regional multi-ensemble dynamical and statistical downscaling in CORDEX Asia
- Bayesian estimation of fault slip distributions based on ensemble modeling of the underground structure uncertainty
- Bifurcation of Magnetic Field Topology Detected in Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission in 19 September 2015 Event.
- Blueschist facies deformation mechanisms, rheology, and fault slip styles: preliminary observations on an exhumed subduction complex (Ishigaki-jima, SW Japan)
- Complex Source Process of the 2020 Caribbean Earthquake along the Oriente Transform Fault
- Detection of solar-induced fluorescence from lower resolution field-measured spectra over the past decade in deciduous broad-leaf forest in Japan
- Developing methods for estimating regional-scale evapotranspiration using forest inventory data
- Developing prediction model of number of heat stroke patients and future prediction of heat stroke risk in Japan
- Development of soil erosion model for decontaminated sandy soils in Fukushima agricultural land
- Differential rock fragmentation in the Ohya-Kuzure Debris-flows (Japan): Inferences from UAV-based remote-sensing and uniaxial compression strength.
- Dynamic Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling via Forward and Inverse Karman Vortexes
- Estimation of throughfall with changing stand structures for Japanese cypress and cedar plantations
- Evaluation of topographic and water runoff characteristics of mountainous watershed for securing water for domestic use during disasters
- Factors controlling concentration of dissolved <SUP>90</SUP>Sr and <SUP>137</SUP>Cs in river water in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.
- Forecast Skill for Wintertime Atmospheric Variability over the Northern Hemisphere and its Relationship to Mid-Latitude Teleconnections
- High-pressure phase transition in srebrodolskite Ca<SUB>2</SUB>Fe<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB>
- IODP proposal for Bend-Fault Hydrology in the Old Incoming Plate (H-ODIN) using CHIKYU: Scientific objectives and drilling site & strategy
- In situ observation of the phase transition behavior of shocked baddeleyite
- J-DESC strategy for forthcoming drilling projects on the new Scientific Framework 2050
- Linkage between urbanization and the change in extreme precipitation over the Tokyo metropolitan area, Japan
- Linking soil organic matter stabilization with mineral surface binding, aggregation, and microbial metabolism
- Metamorphic Controls on Brittle Fracturing in Ductile Shear Zones along the Subduction Interface - Perspectives from the Rock-Record and Phase Equilibrium Models
- Multi-scale understory biomass estimation based on SfM data derived from a low-flying drone under the canopy
- Numerical evaluation system for improving the environmental value and reducing an environmental load of Transit-Oriented Development
- Phenology of leaf optical properties and their effects on canopy reflectance in cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest
- Regional concentration-response relationships between ambient PM2.5 and cause-specific mortality in Japan
- Seasonal Changes in Canopy Water Balance of Japanese Plantation Forest
- Spatial Comparison of Population Distribution Patterns of the 50 Largest Cities in the World
- Stable isotope-based approach to validate effects of forest thinning on the amount and mechanism of groundwater recharge in Japanese forest plantation
- The Ecological Regulation and Regional Sustainability in Greater Bay Area, China: A Perspective from the Synthetic Evaluation of Regional Carrying Capacity
- The long-term observation of PRI and LUE and phenological changes in a temperate Japanese cypress forest at Kiryu Japan.
- The transfer of fallout radionuclides by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident revealed by intensive monitoring network
- The tropical oceanic forcing on the occurrence of the heavy rain event of July 2020 in East Asia
- Trapping efficiency of fine sediments in reservoir lakes by using suspended radiocesium using the dataset from 29 monitoring sites in Fukushima rivers
- Using High-resolution Satellite Precipitation Products to Explore the Effect of Urbanization on Heavy Rainfall over Yangtze River Delta of China
- Vertical Variation in Branchflow and Stemflow Cycling of Radiocesium between Coniferous and Deciduous Forests in Japan
- A Machine-learning Algorithm for Remotely Retrieving Phytoplankton Photosynthetic Parameters and Its Applications on the Modeling of Gross Primary Production in Various Aquatic Ecosystems
- A type of Bayesian multi-model inference for fault slip distribution: the effect of prior constraints in the estimation for slow slip events beneath the Bungo Channel, southwest Japan
- Accounting Epistemic Uncertainty in Finite-fault Inversion: Development of a Potency-density Tensor Approach to Investigate Complex Earthquake Rupture Processes
- Added values of regional multi-ensemble dynamical and statistical downscaling in CORDEX Asia
- Added values of regional multi-ensemble statistical downscaling approach in CORDEX Asia
- Analysis of Climate Change, Variability and Climate-Induced Extreme Event: (case study in Syr Darya River Basin, Tajikistan)
- Change in extreme precipitation characteristics in urban areas under global warming
- Decontamination impacts on river suspended sediment delivery and particulate 137Cs discharge in Fukushima
- Determining the primary causes of 137Cs concentration variability in seawater near Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant using the effective rainfall method
- Dynamics and Temperature Dependence of Fukushima-Derived Radiocesium in Abukuma River in 2012-2019
- Estimating catchment scale evapotranspiration accounting for the spatial variability of annual rain-snow fraction and forest conditions.
- Estimating land covers from street-level images
- Evaluating of the effect of forest management on suspended sediment runoff in a cypress and cedar plantation forest using Fukushima-derived Cs-137, Cs-134 and Pb-210ex
- Impact of climate change on hydrological extreme events (flood and drought condition): case study Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
- Infilling rates of hollows in a landslide-prone area of Hiroshima City, western Japan: Estimation from radiocarbon dates and high-resolution DEMs
- Intercomparison of Radiation Models Focusing on Longwave Radiation in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Investigating the Association between Ambient Temperature and Aggression
- Investigation of Added Values in Multi-model Ensemble
- Investigation of Added Values in Regional Climate Information
- Investigation of the relationship between observed SIF and broadband SIF for the reliable GPP calculation in a cool temperate-deciduous broadleaf forest
- Long-term evolution of an earthflow reactivated by gully incision determined from historical aerial photographs, North Island, New Zealand
- Progress of developing InSAR atmospheric delay correction model based on GNSS ZTD and Its gradient
- Retrieving solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from multilayers in a deciduous forest with low resolution field-measured spectra over the past decade
- Role of heterogeneities and fabric development in blueschist deformation: an example from an exhumed subduction complex in the Ryukyu Arc
- Sea breeze change and heat-related risk in urban environment under global warming
- Seasonal variation in Solar Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence from canopy-top, middle and bottom layers as a potential proxy of gross primary productivity in a canopy of a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest in Takayama, Japan
- Study on multiple impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the urban environment in Tokyo metropolitan area
- Visualizing and Analyzing Magnetospheric Reconnection in a Northward IMF 3D Global MHD Simulation
- long term observation of vegetation indices and eddy covariance fluxes during winter leaf reddening in a temperate Japanese cypress forest
- Added value of Hybrid Bias Correction and Statistical Downscaling of CMIP6 models in Simulating Extreme Temperature over Nigeria
- An Approach for Independent Analysis in Building a High-Resolution Climate Dataset for Vietnam by Using Cressman Interpolation Method
- Assessment of Uncertainties and Added Values in downscaling Multi-model Ensemble
- Building a High-Resolution Climate Dataset for Vietnam Based on ERA5-LAND and In-Situ Data
- CORDEX-South Asia GCMs: A statistical evaluation
- Climatic and Socio-economic Impacts on Probabilistic Flood Risk Assessment in Tokyo Metropolitan Area
- Deep Learning Detection of COVID-19, Temporal Variation and it's Link with Temperature in Nigeria
- Development of a Method for Estimating Tree Density in Planted Forests in Japan Using Low Irradiation Density Airborne LiDAR and Satellite Remote Sensing
- Effects of Upstream Decontamination Activities in Agricultural Land on Downstream Transport of Persistent Suspended Solids and Cs-137 in Niida Catchment in Fukushima, Japan
- Estimation of radiation transfer and rainfall interception from drone LiDAR data by modeling 3D canopy structure and ray tracing in plantation forest
- Evaluation of Added Values in Regional Climate Information with multi-variable bias adjustment over Japan
- Factors contributing to the 137Cs variation in the drainage channel K at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant by mixing model using 3H concentration
- Global Climate Simulation under 450-kyr Orbital Forcing: Implications for East Asian Summer Monsoon Variability
- Impact Assessment of Water Spreading Weirs structures Using remote sensing data in Afar Region, Ethiopia
- Impact of Aerosol and greenhouse-gas forcing on late-summer precipitation over the East Asian Transitional climate zone in CMIP6 model
- Impact of Climate Change on Hydrology using a Regional Climate Model
- Impact of the IMF Rotation from North to dawn-dusk and south direction on the cusp features and on the Alfven Transition Layer: Global 3D PIC simulation.
- In the CORDEX-South Asia Ensemble Simulations of Wind Energy Potential Yield, Present Climate, and Future Changes are Predicted
- Incorporating global atmospheric model products into the InSAR atmospheric delay model based on GNSS observations
- Interaction between the null-separator structure of the solar wind-magnetosphere magnetic field system and the plasma dynamics in the constant solar wind condition
- Photoprotection mechanism of temperate Japanese cypress canopy in response to excessive light stress in winter
- Projection of Future Land Use Change under SSP-RCP scenario over Ethiopia
- Recent Educational and Outreach Activities of Japanese Earth Scientists for High School Students
- Risk and Vulnerability Assessment of Heat Stress in Japan using Adaptation Model and Ensemble of Regional Climate Models
- Spatial heterogeneity and the area-specific predictors in the association between particulate matter air pollution and mortality in Japan
- Stoichiometry-discharge relationships reveal the balance of energy and nutrient availability across watersheds
- Sustainability and Unintended Impact Assessment of Water Spreading Weirs in selected woredas of Afar Region, Ethiopia
- Systemic Risk and Vulnerability Assessment of Heat Stress in Japan using CLIMADA and Regional Climate Downscaling
- Title: Mobilization and transportation of radionuclides in surface water are linked sub-catchment geochemistry and river connectivity
- Toward an Accurate Assessment of the Impacts of Crop Residue Burning on Air Quality in Northwestern India
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adam S. Wymore
- Asahi Hashimoto
- Bertrand Lembège
- Bin Feng
- Chris Fook Sheng Ng
- Dongsheng Cai
- Eric M. Parker
- Ermias Sisay Brhane
- Fei Chen
- Francesca Meneghini
- Hao‐Chi Lin
- Hideki Kobayashi
- Jr‐Chuan Huang
- K. Nishikawa
- Keiko Shimizu
- Keisuke Taniguchi
- Kohtaro Ujiie
- Linda E. Sohl
- Linjie Jiao
- Maksym V. Sorokin
- Mizuo Kajino
- Naohisa Nakashima
- Narumasa Tsutsumida
- Ryo Okuwaki
- Ryoichiro Agata
- S. P. Hicks
- Saskia Goes
- Satbyul Estella Kim
- Shigeru Fujita
- Shiro Hirano
- Shoichi Yoshioka
- Siyu Chen
- T. J. Craig
- Takashi Tanaka
- Tatsuya Morozumi
- Tim Wright
- Toshitaka Iinuma
- Wenyuan Fan
- William H. McDowell
- Yasunori Igarashi
- Yohei Kinoshita
- Youichi Kamae
- Yuichi Onda
- Yukio Yoshida
- Yupan Zhang
- Åke Fagereng